OCR Interpretation

The Fairmont West Virginian. (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1904-1914, July 10, 1907, Image 3

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86092557/1907-07-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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Among the new playa to be produceJ
In tie fell u one dealing with the!
' -Revolutionary period.
Eugenie BUlr 1* to make her debut I
jw\' In vaadevllle-ln a dnt-ect playlet callB|
-ei "After the Matinee."
fOa the night of September 30 Ramsay
Morris' "tfader Suspicion" will be
.produced la New York tad London.
s'f Jane Kenmark received an ovation
on the occasion of her appearance In
. the stock company playing at Peak's
Island. Maine.
Tkrchle Bell la writing a sketch of
the career of Miss Olga Nethersole,
"which will be published in book form
.by Herbert' Clarke, of Paris, In Aui
Olga Nethersole has leased a theater
Ifer ior ber engagement In Paris next seas''
?on following her American tour. She
' expects to make Paris a part of her
.Annual Itinerary In tbe future.
Wilton Lackay?, who is likely to
V^; .'be seen next season as tbe old miner
g"?\ in Philip Verrill Mlgbel's play .from
the novel of "Bruvver Jim's Baby,"
has written an extravaganza called
& .' "'The Times."
it. - .George Lydecker. who formerly
<' "olaved the Prince In "The Prince of
this country 10 years ago unuer ta$
management of Oscar Hammerstelu.
i' Jules Mnrry's oBermgs nest season
Win Include Paul Ollmore In a new
jplay 'by George V. Hobart, Creston
Clarke In "The Power That Governs,"
W. A. Whltecar In "An Old Sweetheart
-of Mine," Florence Gear In "Cupid at
\Vassar" and "At Yale."
, Mr Mantell will, the coming season,
give 'King Richard II." as Shakespeare
wrote It?that Is, without the Colley
tCiber changes, which Included not on'ly
the substitution of a great deal of
(Giber's own matter for Shakespeare's,
Rlda Johnson Yt>ung, author of
""Brown of Harvard," "Glorious Bet'sy"
and "The Boys of Company B."
has signed a contract with the Shu
berts to supply a musical libretto In
which the plot will be visible and yet
- lend Itself to musical settling and
t splendid costuming.
> ' V
' Suit Instituted.
The First Natlonul Bank of ManKj
ohlngton vs. Ethan J. Thomas et ah.
*-? J AaK? inmict mine U*
' Kjll CUll VWUII, usi/i, nuju.n > UitJ. ?
:M. Hess, "attorney for the plaintiff.
"Sty, Weary, here's a doctor dat
toys de best kind of exerclst Is walkin'
to your work."
"Ia dat so, Limpy? Den I suppose
de doctor gets his exercise by vlsltln'
ide cemetery on foot."?Cleveland Plain
If you know of any one who does
mot eet the West Virginian you will
do ua a favor by calling his attention
to our liberal offer on page 7 of this
fill .
The Story of I
v'V .
. / ' Half a centorr aro, Rev. Ft. John
O'Brien of Lowell. Mass., throufh over.
- work and expoaure. became seriously
run down. A etubborn couth and lunf
i'.-s:"' trouble threatened hie life. An emlnent
specialist tave Father John, aa he
B3kSy. . iwaa fondly called, a prescription to
.cure the couch and remove the lunf
"*** ' - SOLD BY E. A Bll
i- Pllson." has been engaged for "The
'Rogers Brothers In Panama." which
?. TrfU open at the Broadway Theater,
V, New York, on September Z.
U' *
Eugenie Fougere will appear for a
four weeks' engagement at the Paradlse'
Roof Garden, New York, begln{
nlng July 15. She waa last seen In
*20,000 ON RACE*.
NEW YORK. July 10.?Dr. Carlo*
F. Macdonald, whose specialty la discovering
brainstorms and who was a
State Insanity expert In the Thaw murder
' trial, returned to town after a
three weeks Ashing trip and learned
that the Metropolitan Turf 'Association
was sAffeflng a terrible skull cyclone.
Dr. Macdonald was near the city
limits when he opened his morning
paper and read that the bookies were
worrying about a matter of $20,000
m unsausnea OJBrncio iuc; uau vanen
from bis farmer betting commissioner,
Kid Dreyfuss. <
"I've been salmon Ashing on the St.
George River, In Upper Quebec, (or
three weeks," said Or. Macdonald, on
arriving home tOnlay. "On July 3, the
day I'm alleged to hare "placed the
biggest bet 1 wasmiles away from
Gaspe, the nearest postofflce. I have
been to the race track but twlpe within'
the year, and then my bets hare
amounted to less than 3100. There
was nothing about my betting when l
was present to Indicate I would place
any amounts like 120,000."
"Will you pay the mancers?" he was
"No. Why should I be troubleJ
about It? It Is not up to me to'pay
for the fraud a man worked on the
bookmaktrs. They should hare
known better than to hare taken In
my name to that extent."
Eddie Burke, president of the Metropolitan
Turf Association, announced
that a meeting of the association
would be held to discuss the matter.
rccriucria ucuoivii,
Case Concerning Validity of Deeds
. Purchased Under Tax Title
CHARLESTON. July Id?Xn important
decision tyas handed down by
Judge H. C. McWhorter in the Supreme
Court of Appeals, which involves
the validity of deeds purchased
under a tax title. .
In the case of Minnie L. Morgan
and P. A. Mason, her husband, vs.
A. \V. Watrous and wife, the plainliffs.
through their counsel. Mr. J. B.
Ferguson, obtained from Judge McMhorter
a writ of error and supersedeas
to the Circuit Court of Kanawha
"'.untv, rendered at the June term
1307. In the above s'f/ietl causes sustaining
tne defendant's raotton and dismissing
the plaintiff's suit, on the
grounds that the cleric of said Circuit
Court had failed to take up the rules
on the plaintiff's amended declaration,
and on the further grounds that there
had been no new process issued ap
1.. I '- ? jAfandanlu nf llio fimdhil.
{Jliaiilg l lie llCICUimuw wa V
>*d declaration having been filed.
Clerk?I'd like lo ,aell you a baby
Smart Customer?Thank you. We
have a grand baby,at our house who
makes all the music that we need at
Elder Sister?[ hope you will resolve.
as I have?never marry a man
who smokes, drinks, bets, swears, or
tells stories.
Younger Sister?But, Sissy, I don't
want to be an old maid.?Ally Sloper's
Try a Wag* Vlrtfntan w*?t a4.
Rather John's
trouble as well as to build up and
strengthen the body. The clergyman
began to Improve at once, the cough
disappeared and his lungs bealed. It
corrected his digestion, made new tissue
and Father John was soon restored
to his former health and strength.
The Unwelcome Vleltor Called Early
and Wanted to Tell Roosevelt of a
New Kind of Submarine?Said Possibility
of War With Japan Made
Him Feel That It Waa HH Duty to
Tell of Improvement! He Had Perfected?Member
of Wealthy New
Jeraey Family.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y., July 10.?Only
tbe vigilance of tbe Secret Service
guard saved President Roosevelt from
an uninvited guest who made bis appearance
at Sagamore Hill at 4 o'clock
Monday morning. The man arrived
In an automobile. He was stopped by
tbe guard a short distance Inside of
the entrance to tbe President's
grounds and before be was In sight
of the house. He said that he wtabcJ
to call the President's attention to a
new kind of submarine. He'was very
tractable and offered no resistance
when the Secret Services men told him
that be must leave the grounds a:
The stranger drove baok to Oyster
Bay. and had an early breakfast at the
Octagon Hotel, where he refused to
register. J.eavlng the hotel, he went
to the executive offices, where he waited
two hours for Secretary Loeb. He
told the Secretary that he had been
troubled by the reports of a possible
war between the United States and
Japan, and had decided that It was
his duty to tall the President about an
Improvement In, submarine boat ft
which he had perfected.
Secretary Loeb talked for some tlm?
with the man and came to the conclusion
that he was demented. The Sec
retary nnaiiy persuaaea me man m
leave town without making another attempt
to sec the President. Secretary
Loeb refused to tell who tie stranger
was, but salil that he belonged to tf1
prominent New Jersey ramlly and
would 1)8 taken care of when he returned
"The visitor was a tali, bpdid-ahnnidered
man of about 55," said the tloeretary.
'He gave evidence of breeding
and education. It was easy to
see that he was hot quite right and
he was such a powerful fellow that f
took gooj ca.e not to excite him. 1
used all the diplomacy at my Command
and persuaded him to leave
town quietly. Of course, if he had
Insisted upon seeing the President t
should have been obliged to have him
taken In charge."
r? ic cnc>>(wxauta>i that tho ctranepr wast
i t" I a? i
incited to make an attempt to reach
tiie President's house a: the early
morning hour by a story recently
printed to the effect that a man haJ ,
driven unmolested through the ,
grounds after dark.
Grafton High Art
In Portugal
LISBON, Portugal. July 10.?The investigation
of Premier Franco has
shown the prevalence of graft on an
extensive scale. In the army, governmental
service and the diplomatic
corps alike grafting has run riot. The
disclosures have created the greatest
sensation of years, ft is doubtful, however,
If all the grafters can be pun
ished, so widespread has been tne ,
practice. ,
Premier Franco's Investigation was I
started In a campaign to reduc?
state expenditures to meet the financial
crisis Portugal faces as a result'
uf King Carlo's determination to reign I
without Parliament. In investigating1
army expenditures Franco found there |
are numerous army politicians holding
from 2 to 12 positions apiece, whose
whole service performed in any office
has been to draw the salary. They
They never appeared at their posts ex-|
cept on paydays. 1
In one Instance a highly connected!
Portuguese citizen, wiio was appoint!
ed minister to China :n 1902. it was
discovered, had never left Portugal,
although he has been drawing his salary
of {12.500 a year as minister. At
the same time he was holding six other
government positions, whose salaries
aggregated 120,000 a year.
A rich family. It was also brought
out, has been drawing the salary of
- - '-ii'-" whrt died mree years ago.
A large subsidy granted a local nunnery
has been paid regularly, although
(lie Institution was abolished five
years ago. Hundreds of similar cases
of grafting hare also been Jlscorered.
By cutting off the gratltuitles of the
grafters Franco has already reduced
the annual state expenses or 87,500.000
mllrels (about J94.000.000) by 6,500,000
mllrels (about 50,772,000.) He
Is continuing his Investigation, which
brought such fruitful results, and expects
to further reduce expenditures
by uncovering other corruption. By
the saving he has made Franco expects
to secure a small surplus.in the
next budget
Bead the Dally West Virginian.
Disgrace Kills Officer Who" Jilted
Girl at the Altar.
Pathatie Not# Laft by Liautanant Richardson
Causaa Ravultisn In Military
Paaling?Ha Was a Morphlna Fiand
and Didn't Oars Marry. .
Before ending bis life with prusslc
acid In a hotel In Fort Sam Houston.
Tea., Lieutenant Mack Richardson,
whose resignation from the Twentysixth
Infantry was recently accepted by
President Itooscvolt. wrote a brief note
revealing the secret of bis desertion almost
at the altar of the daughter of
Captain Kelley, o banker and one of
the most promlueut citltens of Brownsville,
Tex. Richardson was a "morphine
fiend," and be wrote that bis act
"was Inevitable since last November."
Sbunued by his former fellow officers
and despised by nil bis friends in and
out of the army, Richardson found the
burden of bis disgrace too heavy to
bear, but following tbe revelation In
Ills farewell note tliere was a revulsloif
Of feellug In Ills favor, nod one of (lie
officers wtio bail messed with bin} since
be Jeft West Point said that "Itichard'
son "ciirne very near being a hero."
This man's view was sustained by other
officers In the regimeut, aud one of
them made this statement:
"Klchardson. was the object of onr
Utmost contempt. I cannot tell Just
how heartily we despised bliu, but ,we
will hold bis memory with kindlier
feelings. Perhaps the man was a coward.
but it least be bad tbe courage
not to sacrifice Miss Kelley. We were
never able to understand wbut bad
coine over Mack. He used to be so
bright and light hearted. He was a
whole souled fellow, and I kuow be
Was deeply In love. All wonld have
been well bad he not fallen under tbe
Influence of the drug. I am sure of it.
for I knew Mack Richardson as a
brother, and until this unhappy Incident
I valued him as one of uiy closest
friends. He was III last fall, and I
suppose It was then the morphine mastered
him. Poor fellow! How little we
thought when wo condemned him as
the meanest, most worthless of men he
was battling to save the young woman
be loved and knowing that Ills victory
tnennt humiliation and disgrace for
aim self. His end has been terrible, but
I am sure it Is not without the saving
;ruee of a manly action."
Richardson wooed and woa Mia
Kelley when his regiment was stationed
In Brownsville about a year
ago. After the Twcuty-slxtb was transferred
to Fort Sam Houston Richardton
frequently visited the Kellcys, and
the wedding was set for four weeks
ago. The plans for tho wedding attracted
attention throughout the state
as one ?f the most fashionable of tbe
snrly summer. There were guests from
ill parts of Terns, anil several relatives
of the Kehoy family traveled to
Brownsville from tbe east It had been
arranged that Richardson should come |
to Bmvrnsvllle the night before the
ceremony and stop lu a hotel. He had
named n fellow officer as best man.
but when It came time to no to the
train Richardson was not to lie found.
Two hours later he returned to his
(barters and quietly announced he
would wait until the following mornInn.
the day of the ceremony, and acrompany
nil the officers. lie dressed
himself as If for the wedding and on
the way to the station seemed to l>e
the merriest In the party. Just as the
train was pulling out he announced
that he bad forgotten the wedding
ring and, swinging from the rear platform
of the train, wared his band to
Ills conirmles and told them he would
follow within an hour. Hut he did not
appear, and all that was received from
him was a telegram to the effect he
was III.
Miss Keller lioro up hrnrely and
alone In the large company continued
In faith In her dance. After several
* * *? * ? ?.11^ .1 el>A fa/VkH
uonrs nnu uraggeu " "=
all the guests in her wedding gown,
reminded them that it was the twentyfifth
anniversary of the wedding of her
parents and requested that it be celebrated
by the banquet that was to have
been her own wedding feast The
guests applauded Iter, filed Into the
great dining room of the Kelley mansion.
and throughout the feast the girl
laughed and carried herself as if her
When you feel "*11 run down" and
need making over, go to The Inn at
Ktngwood and atay a few weeks.
"There's the place," said a prominent
physician, recently, "to rest up. feed
up, sleep UP." Call on or write to
647 North Front 8 c, Morgantown.
July til jtSdLa
^oUJ frl
o?c*v hH
*Mt wl
f?no? o f m
***\ ' S
planstla ?1
eonilu ' 1 "
the tr 4,
blame r r
that f . ?
f UlZi
ingtci ; I
four' [II fc,
set I // / CB
^ ^ 8*
mnf * I I P * _?
a if/ (J Q
f .llu
r>r:Iw;i by w'lL-ti >11 inlu - of
the Nw.ua power plant and allot at'
a terrible speed through the twenty
Inch pl|>e for a distance of nearly 2,000
feet, then thrown through the air for
seventy-five feet to the dumping pile, r
peon workman In the employ of the
Mexican Light and Tower company
landed on hU head, then rose to his
feet and scratched his head to remember
what bad happened. Meanwhile
the litter of the Necaxa hospital was on
Its wn.v to nick tip_ the pieces If anjappeared,
The workihan Vas eugaged
with his comrades on a'Job near the
flume of the sluice pipe when he step
ped back, fell Into the dume and was
drawn headlong by suction Into th<;
sluice pipe. . ? ?'* " *T"
The pipe which tlie workman entered
conducts a stream of water with the
earth, clay and rock for about a third
of a mile t?m U|j slnjie illjch to the
damping pile of the darn site. Tlie
force of this stream Ts enough to knock
an olfpliiint down, oud it goes liirouptu
tbejilpe Willi n terrible momentum. It
Is estimnUsT tlint [be woritmtn went
through tbe pi|ie in a minute, or nt the
riiOSt In {wo or three mlnutos. Tinfact
tlrnt he was not stranded by the
water Is sufficient proof that he made
a swift journey, though he was too ex
tud, pnsalns to the lied where J. Krank
Clancy, n Imnrder. won sleeping. knock- '
out bis teetn and lert 111m unconscious,
n* revived anil apart from tbe loas of
tin teeth la all right
Piles get quick and certain relief
from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment
Please note It Is made alone for
PUea, and its action Is positive and
certain. Itching, painful, protruding
or blind pllee disappear like magic
by Its use; Large nickel-capped glass
Jars 50 oenta. Sold by E. A. Blllicgs
cited at tbe time to realize wbnt was
taking place till be was sbot from tbe
end of tbe tube to tbe dumping pile '
Then be did not stop to tbink of bis :
marvelous escape, but started up tbe
mountain to resume work.
Notwithstanding tbe fact tbat tbe
diameter of tbe pipe was only twenty
incites, tbe Impelling force of tbe water
was such tlutt tbe workman was
carried through with only a few
bruises and no serious Injury, though
be was as nude as nature made bim
wben be landed on tbe dumping pile.
It was such a close share that no
llired of clothiiisr was left on his back
by the time lie endeil bin Journey, anil
bis most serious Injury seems to have
been the loss of a new pair of Jenliiueu
Eats Till Stomach Bursts.
Carl Schuster, a young Indianapolis
German, ate heartily anil n few moments
after be bad risen from the table
complained of Intense pain In his
stomach. Ten minutes later he died.
The coroner held an nutopsy under the
supposition that Schuster might bare
eaten pjlsoned food, but Instead he
found that he hnd eaten so much that
Ills stomach had burst. Tlio organ was
not diseased, but appeared In a perfectly
healthy condition. There was
a lone rupture, which, the physician
snld, was the result of the hearty ineaL
Teeth Pulled by Lightning,
A ll?htiling holt struck the house of I
rtnnl.sl W tt'Hov nf fIlnilfH?sfpr MflftS . u
MOOT, . . V. VA.
Thursday, Jul
<u / rr Entire
V at VTVu
? ^ au ra
o tfl ?- ?*H
JJ VP ft s1 s
53 * "- if i"
>> Hji
^ h*I:
? HjSff R**1' TS5T' i~'" ^
Try me new *iuro. ? |
I htve fonnd a triad and tested core for Rheta
matisml Not a remedy that will stralfbtea the
distorted llmba of chraolc cripples, nor turn bony
growths bach to flesh aialn. That Is Impossible.
5t(J J So now ftrJy kili the pains and pangs ol
this deplorable disoase. ? -
in nermanr?with a Chemist in the City of
Darmstadt?I found the last Tnfre3ient with I
which Dr. 3 hoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made I
a perfected, dependable prescription. Without
i*ft I wcceetfullr trjlM jjjaqj,
many cases of Rheumatism :T>utnow. atlsel ItuoU
formly cures all curable cases of this heretofore
tooeh dreaded disease, those sand-like iranujar
Wastes. found fa Rheumatic Blood, seem to dissolve
and peas Away under the action of this remedy as
freely aidoos suffer when added to pure water.
And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes
freely pass from the system, and the cause of
Rheumatism Is gone forever. There is now no
real need?no actual excuso to suffer longer with*
out help. We sell, aad la ooofldenos recommend
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy
The Monon?ahela Bank of
Opened tor business July 15, 1901
R. E. HARR, President
B. L. BUTCHER, Vice President
HUGH F SMITH, Csshler.
V. E. Watson. R. E. Harr, C. D. Ro* |
lnson, C. L. Barnes. P. B. SwearIngen,
B. F. Gastrins, B.
L. Butcher.
A general banking business trans j,
Tour business Is solicited. <
Banking room. Market street, Tlrr ; <
rard. ' 1
f a happy parse and a good, nour^
ithing loaf of Wise's delicious
f bread. Our bread doesn't make
your purse suffer. It is more ecok
nomlcal than baking at home, and
if you get palatable and wholesome
t eating without cooking during the
^ heated term, at less cost than when
N you bake yourself. Try some of
' our bread. It Is a meal for the
^ gods.
* 324 Main
? <
* Tim Hnlhm. Ins
1 liu I IUIU VI V lliw
li respectfully directed to the eld
Insurance Company
of the CITY OF P
And there la NONE BETTER tl
Hundred Years'-Ho
Firmly Established! 8afs! Reliable!
4Va TiatnfYi nf fKa vs.
>k UOlgllU VP* Ml ?.eason,
and will surely be
W who wants a stylish
c V<]k and cotton, every
i | ^rd, as regards fit, ?
11 | the quantities
S ? g is urged.
; 5 s fiH I
I ?111 J
anil sp:ttin*. u.? . J
cancer, and all eTldenoe^rnHpsfii
blood, take Botanic Blood Bala H j
stops all aches and pains, caret rh**matlim
or catarrh, hetla erery ?oy?
and make* the blood pure an^ilflL. ti
bOTANlC BLOOD fiALW, (B, B. B.) *'
Is pleasant and safe to take; compose^,
of pure Botanic Ingredient*, It U ift- ?'
ferent from any other blood purifier, -i
because B. B. B. cure* where all elaa}U
fails. SAMPLE 8ENT FREE by writ- :
log Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. SOLD
BOTTLE. Sold In Fairmont, W. Va_
by Mountain City Drug Co? Main 8t
Call or-write. Remedy *ent by e*press.
" ***
E. InsfiraTB & Sons
206 Monroe Street.
Prompt attention glvtn to call* day .
sr night
ftlt coomriacfcr ao t*L *wToOum WAT* NTV I
THAT PAT, temtusiatwllMrojiAiy.MagM ..A
Send nodaL pbotoor ikateh for mi* neirtK
on pBtniBUllty. -M jmnt praoUo*. SUJt-fl
Book on Profitable Patoeta vrttt to , v 2
BOS-SOS 8?v*nth 1
The clock for the public building i -J
Philadelphia la the aecond 1: rgeat lit
be world. The dials are 25 feet each ^2
n diameter, which gives a distance \
if about a foot to be ravened by the ^
'nd of the minute hand every minute. .
ta place Is 360 feet above the etraet.
TO ( mm:
E & CO J
race flimi
I n*
o! Nortn America - ?
to Inturt In tho 'BEST COM
!*n this VETERAN of ovor ?
norablt 8?rvle?.
I Foundod A. D. 1714
I Fairmont, W.Va.

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