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The Fairmont West Virginian. (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1904-1914, November 25, 1908, Image 7

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

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18. W. Press Association.)
NEW YORK, Nov. 24.?Day after
tomorrow will be "Ragamum^qaj." In
Hffihf^netropolls. Uropty thousand little
Kg.in preparing to band tbeinI
Into a fantastically arrayed
I of beggars and celebrate
Ra&tfng by aakmg alma from
Hneilealrla&l, The man whn falU
to provide hituself. with a plentiful
p.ifnp'ply of pennies and sickles with
H which to placate the beggars, beiorc
I venturing on the street's Is likely to
^pSre tll' at the bands of the little anv
Zowl A stocking full of flour
Ipwhacks you ove.- the head.
Zoom! A fish horn disrupts your
L But what's the use of getting nm.l?
Kilt's only,a .buiich of Thanksgiving
I .jjhy "Ragamuffins" out for their car-1
gpiiwai. Give htvm a nlckle and they'll!
K . let you alone. j
Ki-,.There are tnousanls of them al.
| oyer New York on Thankksglvlng Day.
| Kids of all shapes, sorts and sizes.
Ied in the funniest, weirdest moton
can Imagine. They make the
lideous and raise the deuce gent
where on earth did the custom
late? People from out of town
visit New York on Thanksgiving
look In astonishment at the ragaas
parading the streets and say,
it a strange custom. We don't
this at home." No more do tiiey.
Thanksgiving Ragamuffin is New
all through.
lere did the custom originate?
le who like to dig these things
ave tried to trace the matter back
( origin but In vam. Some declare
the carnival is a survival of the
English "Harvest Home." But
> are no-proofs of this, ami besides
>.ux ilyuiv nucou (. wine tvl una
fei ttrne of year; furthermore, the English
don't celebrate tt with nuimilin cos^^ihies.
Nor Is the custom a survival
?0# the Christmas "Walts." We have
ii ., those at their real time. , No, nobody
: seems able to tvace the Thanksgiving
r. Ragamuffin backlc. So we'll imagine
''. that they are real New Yu.T. Instttutlohs
and treat 'Jiem acconlingly.
(By S. W. Press Association.)
| BOSTON, Nov. 2-sr.?With former
"Nigtot Editor Doods. of the Pittsburg
. Gazette-Times as managing editor, the
jaotajtoir, the new dally publication ot
H?' s^E *
tian Science headquarter! every day,
sod all, or nearly ell, wlib to have ft
understood that they are Christian
Scientists, and from thete the employes
are chosen. The editorial staff
has been picked from dallies in all
parts of the country.
The Monitor will have four editions.
The first will be the International
edition and Intended for worldwide
circulation. Other editions will
serve the national board and Mew En|
gland field and the final edition will
aim to secure a greater Boston clrcfilation
and will give the stock market
' quotations.
Less thAn sixty days ago apartment
I dwelling houBea stood upon the site
ot the building In whlcti the paper will |
be edited and prlnte, and now the new
(structure Is ready for oocupaucy. with
two (loss presses, linotyping machines
end modern stereotyping and mailing
room facilities.
(By S. W. Press Association.)
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Nov. 24.?
Hon. F. W. Lehmann, of St. Louis,
president of the American Bar Association,
will deliver his principal ad
dress at the meeting of the Oklahoma
lawyers In this city early In January.|
A Simple
Cardui is a purely ve
ffl non-intoxicating remedy, ]
9 women, of all ages, for wo
falling feelings, nervousi
I other form of sickness, pe
it wm i
Mrs. A. C. Beaver, of
bleton, Tenn., writes: "
down pains, feet swelled, p
pains in shoulders, nervo
troubles I cannot mention,
and have found it the bs
for female trnnhles." Ti
Fhe Man Who
proposition for you to suffer the In
to your children a monument to your
the conveniences of a magnificent hoi
Four existence.
>t determine how'you can pay for a in
hie to buy.
I 44A TL* If? I
UG 1 lie iUdll 1
To See
f 1
Gov. F<>lk. a Democrat, lias decided
that under the Missouri statute the en'
tire electoral rote of (lie State should
go to William H Tan.
The decision was made because
Brannock, a Brran elector for the Sixteenth
congressional district, received
more votes than Kiel, a Republican
elector-at-large. Brannock. however,
received- fewer votes man the Republican
elector for the Sixteenth district
The Missouri statute requires that an
elector shall reside In the district for
which be Is elected. The official plurallt.v
fOP Tuft in VlRsauri \a 1
The official vole in the primary for
United States Senator follows: Republican?Black
12.563; Filley 11,732;
Kennish 25,603; Kerens <9,741; McKlnley
108,280. Democratic?Gerhardi
3,437; P?lk 143,736; Stone 159,512.
(By 8. W. Press Association.!
WAiCO, Tex., Nov. si.?lne committee
on Work of the Grand Royal Arch
Chapter of Texas Mjasons lb assembles
In this city today, and will hold a
school of Instruction preliminary to
the opening next -week of the Grand
Lodge meeting of the Masonic bodies
of the Lone Star state.
j Remedy!
getable extract, a simple,?
recommended to girls and ?
manly pains, irregularity,
less, weakness, and anyH
iculiar to females. |g
n 9 1
hip You I
Unicoi, Route Kf>. 1, Mar-H
I suffered with bearing-H
a in in I'ierht side, headache. la
us palpitation, and other H
lnit I took Wine of Cardui j|!
2st medicine I ever used,?
ffltt STORES ]p
Pays ?
conveniences of n A
life's work, than '1
ne and leave not!)' A
>me or tne kind of
Want |
:R |
> Building v
Tacitus, the Korean hi
Batavians, said: "Othi
people go to war."
With this persistent pi
ly a part of the war, of
whether it were won or
' v In modern business ti
With the merchant who
tising is a CAMPAIGN?
big ad. is merely a PARI
a thing upon which succi
In a war, a great manj
fought?some of them (
n.,? ..ii ? - -
In advertising a good
used. Some of them may
some almost a loss of mc
But all are a part of an
business?all are ineiden
campaign. And when a
1 ceeds?as every persistea
COST will seem very sm
I * Ryanize Interior
is a very pale, easy-working, i
i finish. It will not turn white o
It is suitable for the best inti
either full gloss, eggshell or rub
It's made to finish the Interli
| houses and to hold up the re]
the makers,
^ Guaranteed to wear and not
y?n aroon*"?'
I*t, and yon will feel b
m ? # They will mako yon feel
VI# REMEDY" strengthen* llio
'warn and purifes tho Blood, doo
W pleasantly, yet It never fir
V Invariably making tbo uier t
n Better Than Pill
B' I Tftko RR Tablet* (or Indlgcitl
B Appetite, Sallow Complexion, l.lv
B Piniplcfc and Eruptions, Cbllla,
B tlim, Torpid Mver 01 Inactive K;
B ^ from the digestive organs.
/ ?254. IbWZi
For Sale by M. D. CHRI
I Special price 23c on Sheet Iro
lar price 40c.
The famous Savoy Roasterj, 9
Janet Granite Roasters, large
Round Granite Chicken Roast
Keen Kutter A Robeson Carvi
per set. You take no chances wh
we guarantee every set or pair of
storian, writing of the
are go to battle; these
1 " ' I
sople, a battle was meretlie
campaign, no matter
fe the same idea prevails,
is destined to win, adver-not
a mere "splurge." A
' OF that campaign?not
)ss or failure wholly rest.
' big battles are apt to be
iostly, some disastrous ?
lart of a winning cammany
big ads. must be
1 seem too expensive ?
y winning campaign in
tal to the success of tlie
business campaign suct
and wise one will?the
nil, indeed!
'-aorta, tako an Nil TU?* VSW/BVVr-y
cttrr in tbo morninij.
1 Jubfe rlclit. "NATURE'S VTf
Stomach, Liver, Klducyt mil,I
# it* work thoroughly and iHV
Ipea, weukena or slckcna- W
eel *trouter and better. W
Is For Liver Ills, 1
Ion, Sick Headache, Lota of m
or complaint, akin Diseases?
Malaria, Biliousness, Rheum a- M
Ldneyt and all troubles arising
ovnuun. \
C TIP B.umnn, % ?
w < mi sin iiivai'f ww m v at
can only be effected when the fair
cook Is supplied with the best flour.
It is impossible to succeed without It.
Rood fhilar |s half the battle in all
baking, but particularly when it
conies to cakes and pastry. TVe offer
for this purpose a high-grade flour
tnat Is perfectly pure and full of the
best of the grain. Try ft once and
you will never be without It.
n Double Roaster, 10x15. Regu8c
ilze, $1.50 each.
:era, 75c each.
tra from ' $1.25 per pair to $8.50
len you buy these goods of ut as
these goods we sell.
". " .(?-*" ?.!Vi'.r.*- \ -:i
President McOorkme, ot Jhe -Stat
Board of Trade, has made the ai
nouticemeot of delegates ? the ai
coal convention of thi National Kir
ere and Harbors Congress, whit
meets next month In Washington. I
r 1*kA t-1'??
first DHatrlct?Col. W. W. Bail!
Wellsbw*; Hon. N. a. Whltakej
Wheeling; Hon. A, K. Thorn. Clarke
Second District?Dr. I. C. White
Morgan town; Hon. Howard Suther
land, Elklnn; Hon. Jos. H. McDennott
Morgan town.
Third District?Hon. Fred pau
Orosacun, Charleston; Hon. J. A. Hoi
ley. Charleston; Chaa. Canito. Cha/tes
Fourth District?\V. W. Jackson
Parkersburg; A. C. Jiurdock, Parkers
Iburf; C. D. Dotson, Parkersburg.
Fifth District?A. W. Weinlnger
HHuntington: Hon. '.Villlam 8elber
Central City; Hon. Rankin Wiley
Point Pleasant.
Delegates-at-large?lion. George C
Stunriss. Hon. Henry G. Davis. Hon
A. B. Fleming. Secretary N. B. Naylor
(By S. W. Press Association.)
DENVER, Col.. Nov. 25.?Waat
promises to be the best motoring meet
ever helil in the Rocky Mountain district
-will be >pulled cff to-morrow a'
Overland Park, under the auspices ol
the Colorado Industrial Exposition
Tho longest race will be twenty-live
mllPB. In addition to the automobile
races, there will be events for motor
"A Child of the Pit."
In the character of Laurite In "A
Child of the Pit." the autaor has conceived
and drawn tin entirely new
character not liereto'ore subjected to
stage portrayal. lymrlte, who Is lit
a gentle child of nature, a veritable
mountain wild flower displays a mow
varied temperament than the average
her-.lne of the present day drama. She
When on your shipping tour
: (smi
Get a cud of delicious Hot Choer
^ It will relieve you from your tli
A Ice Cream and Ices for your Tha
The Perfect Corset for La
It places over-developed women on the
(lender sisters. It taperi off the bust* flattens the
luteiv reduces the nips from I to 5 inches. 1
cutnoersome affair, no torturing straps, but the in
of corsetry, boned in such a manner as to give
freedom of movement.
? New W. B. Reduso No. 770 for Urve tall i
touiil. Hose luppoitan front and sides, also made in 1
Price $3.00.
Now W. B. Reduio No. 772 for lane short w
770, except that the butt is somewhat lower all around
Hose supporters front and (idea. Also made in b
Prion $3.00. ,
, Ask any dealer anywhere to show you dm Now Yf.
models from $1.00 to $3.00 per pair.
WBNGtfTEN MOL Nfw m.rm mi
i'1 - 1 ' ) " 1 1 -'
In houses where none but the best
would bo tolerated. Houses whers
>\pense Is no object, but the best anil
most sanitary plumbing is. But while
we do high-class work we do not
:harge high-class prices. Have us estimate
on your work anil you will bo
mrprlsed at the. very unplumberllke
moderation of onr figures.
i : ' .
j^ftonut Ave. Cons. 'Phone 594.
hselag' tafcenan oath ot veace<ac-?
' 'the to to true to her conrlcUotoe
' ?h? h -witting to aacrltlce her ilte's
' happiness that htr oath he not brokgl
' en. The pray r? one of the most-'tttoMl
.-.--- hi
xjik ibirrem and Ooee vlio (W 't jj
find It.aimcutt to decide on the too'
ment whether they. really llhe Ijaurlt* |8
' or not, bat in time they come to tie
h conclusion that alter all the Is a real 3]
1cruble women, and true to iter W&Jg
!'est convictions. The -play will be seen J|
" it tie Grand Thursday. "
j 8 EM 1-MONTH L.Y PAY* tK*i- If
ai?baWy ^ tiiapf
portent hearing wIJl come before
Naw Y/\rlf fitafo C*tr?e?a??? H2a?Ar,rAiS<ME9BM*
ratter {tart ot tliis week, involving the
constitutionality of thn sentf-moott^" rv5|
pay law. Seven railways have appeal'
c(i to the court, ask!ok for a
Dent Injunction restraining "Attorney
General Jackson from enforcing tie .-J
' statute on the groun.l that It constt'
ttites a violation ot tho constitution. . ^
! ' JURPerW.
' I . 0u?. 4fod*ni Improved' Whttkejr k
' f?r bt!lt?r *iki more mellow tUrofid 'x$;!?1s3hkb
tlian any at double Its feO A|% v' >'< ' :
price per gallon of ffiaUQ '-.vr^
m2s nwgjear as;;. I?H|
1 Haves?highly recommeoded tor every '
25?iafissiBP* i a
Leading Wholesalers.
, 616-618 F Straat N. W.
drop In at ^
late ?erved with Whipped Cream. 'f-tijl
red feeling. Alio don't forget our ^
inktglving dinner.
Will be a whole lot better one if ire
provide tbe lumber for It. Being all SR.".
thorough! yseasoned there will be lee* |
settling anil no cracking or warping a
whatever. Our lumber means no man |
expense now and less expense for repairs
later on. We shall be glad to I
take your order for anything' (root ... g
sill beams to shlnglel. or

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