Newspaper Page Text
OOSSOJJUEDik JULY 1893. WITH TEE DAILY COSMOPOLITAN WHICH. WAS PUBLISHED HEIIK bORH&Zm YE, BROWNSVILLE, TESAS; MONDAY, JMQASY 1, 1900. . NO J 56, THE SCALING LADDER. mi. viii 5 STATS ORtfTCERS. Joseph D. 8ytr .......... 1. X BHrteidag jTraur - CKtjiAst Grremor... feooiyirsllfcr. ......... SUatL CuaUsluer..., freiesrsr.. -. , $.t(3cuf raawsl.. - . .. George W. Jfinger Jolsc W. Rebblnn Thee, 3. Smitb uyWrsblio lontrmetiou... DISTEIOT COUSZT OJTICHSB.. SsBjwwaausi llti. district..-. . .BudoJph Eleberl ttiLtsoaUUtt; th duaet .... , y, m. j. iiull w,Btyatf-iU.-..'.- r"je? tow jVWSobi-i- B.Htl..Jr. fcoity CUrx .. EnilKoararto J. A. iiieb tr ....fcidd Car Stor :inu-XB Crrr if. Ki.tar YieeaU, Tmmjo COUNTY COUM1SBIO.VEKH. . . . ..Ateaojftu'es Oribo ion 0ely - Ii B- Eaysaoud i". Ccejnnion prwiatKa, 1 rluctXo. 5. Fto1bo'. 'o. i. w Ute Peas- Prc Ko. 2 r 6aut? mt tor ciri, criminal sixl pro- it limiatMi os. Uw 4bt foB4J.r i" March. vjlib, Bipttoiber sad Docsabet CilY OFFICERS. Sayfrr.. gliomas Ctrecra Ruefof-PolU w- Bate Scorer ST.B.KJcgrtury rrbUT--- Oteanle Slartiaei tttOTtejr.4..., &r7cy- 3.A.Bcldeu Jr. ..8. W: Broata- Lwsrani Ctwt3.? J B.Tiddcs U. S. JKSTEZOT OOOBr. uiUtrhoMius court or Wehttm Dietrict ?. a.Dte'jr. seo -T 5- 5lsey iUera.y - TaSTel! Jiliirk ..I. H. Ecrt KexubU Geo. L. Sirfjrecbt rt ctavciiM In Su Antoaio cs. the 2xt ion Ix fay r Koveiaber. ixaiia ec th rsi Jcmler ba Febrtry an Brot'asrlUe ob the faot ilacdtj to JcaiT7 mi (r60ud iToaaiylM June. Pai j 02 tiic S.-st Ifoadays Ix ixrll a24 Oo tVr. JUDICIAL JZS feb-t JC. v . .Pttaley Tfefeb ?lrijtAttor3y ... Jotn I. Klefiw CetritClsil:... Loci Sowikl xTosdjo'B m February and Sopaaba; coclloue, ia Kaiion two waks. Hsrr Hoontf Sixth J.'endbjs ftr tb iLret A'ob- dafiiB i'ubruarj and Btptxtaber; coatiaaea ia ctislo3 three veote. Sueoe Caunty "Slntb. Wocdty i after tb fir4t 3foa- dajc ia ?ebrary "ad Scpteicber; continues In 43iaa tit wsrtx. U. 2. custom Eousr. . E. yarte........ Collector . TucTilik.-a , .Bppcisl Dspatx K. KmI...... Chi ff Clerk fcE. 6SEgrtc& .E3trj-Cerk t &EXICAS 00KSTJLAT2' opus ....Conul SOCIETIES. RIO GRANDE LODGE No. 8 1 A. F. & A, M. L. A. Jagou. W. M,;J. F. Cum mings, V.; J. L,.Putfgiat, T.W.; W. A. Neale Secretary; Wm. itcfftiat. 1. : Mtke werDisivi, J. W. Miller, Tvler. Visiting brethren cerdia'.lv imited. Lodge meets first an-i tkird Tuesday in month. EXCELSIOK LODCK No. io. I; O. O. F OFFicKrs : . 11 . Maris, Nobl" Grand; J. L. pi-cf Vi,v- ... d w- A- iseaie. sec retary; Geo. JMo-e. Treasurer; Victor ET. r. Inside ;uardia;M-J Fletcher, sitting past Grand, Chas. F- Tilghman District Deputy Grind Master- The Loricne-at7:3o p na every Wednes daTHiht. Visiting b ethren and all Odd Felloirs in good standing are cor- diallv invited to attend- Knights of noxor LODGE No 373 OFICERS. J. F. Cunimings. Dicta tor, D. 15- Sharpe. Vice Dictator. Up ton McGary, assist ant Dictator: 1 . Sher w. li. Austin, financial ra od. Reporter dentinal Trustees Frank Ghampion, S- f. Tilghman and J B Sharpe Lodge psew second ind fourth Tuesdays of each aiantb.- 1 t tth li (Snocosaor to Christian Kass., DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE EigbjHfc FricaPaid xor Country Produce rreporter; A- Turk, Treasurer: r, vumm R on, Chaplain; J. M Haynes, Guide; D. BenaTidee. Guardian: . Waitgenba h, J. L Ufluiuiiill.e' (Successor to Bloomberg Raphael.) & OEtl ER II Pi Staple Goods, Li nens, Hosiery s Hats, Shirts, Motions, el c. EUZMtTH STREET, - - BROWSSViLLE- YOUE. PHYSICIAN i to pat all his knowledge, experi ence and akin into the prescription he writes. It is an order for the combination of remedies vour case rlan.n.. ln TT . "l suits nnloss the ingredients are pore and reliable, and oroDerh- com pounded. Be fair io your doctor and to your self b; brininr your prescriptions here . They will be compounded only by Registered Pharmacists, who are aided by the lamest stock of drara in this part of the state. Everything of the finest oualiU'f bnj or experience - J. L. PUTEGNAT Ph. . ilanatier Headauar FOR And Fancy Goods of all Deecrip iionn, snitHhlp for Mling and Birthday Presents! Music, Books, Stationery, toys, Pens a Jewelry, Silverware, i?.-.ncy Goods wf every description Juat received by mi fiEQ. mmi, Bro nsville, Texas. "Agent for Ott's TomU.ones. J.S.McCa3IPBELL W.B.McCampbell R.W.Staytos. fnGCampbsils I Stayton, Successors to McCampbells & Welch and McVampbells &Son, Law and Land Office- Practice in Supreme : Civil Appeal, Fed-j eral and other btate v-Ourts . i Special atten ion given to litigation m the .Counties of Aransas, Cameron, Duval, Hida'go, Nueces. Starr and san Patricio. Abstracts of land titles furnished, and titles examined. Nfain office orpus Christi, Texas. Branch office Rio Grande City, Texas. Summer Excursion OF THE 1 n 15 On and after Jnne 15th. 1S99, regular passenger trains will run as follows. SEGTJIrAE TBAIN. wvps Brownsville (Daily) at 5 p. ro. Arrive Point Isabel at6:r5 p.jn. Leave " ,t at 7, a. m. Arrive Brownsville at 8:15 a.m. JOSE CELAYA, ru nnno igstui uuuuo, J P 300 MIOP that money can select. o Till on irnij Ou Ibn ILL .LLuil 8 B 0" Pr n D liU Old HUrJ 11, . - LINI SBUTHEPH FAOIFiG ATLANTIC SYSTEM. Steamers make trips between Morgan City of New Or leans and Brazos Santiag va alveston about everyo io days. For farther inf ormstioD call on o address M. B. KNGS BURY. AgeT H-THORNj DENTIST. !)ifee, fioiosiie lilkr's Hote BKOWNHVILLE.TEXAS. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. T69 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of R. H- WALLIS. PHOTOGRAPHER; Its introducing nevr and select styles ot work at his parlors. Also new stylet of fancy card mounts. opying ana eniargcmcuts uuaou ! WASHINGTON STRESS Arc "Koa VvKi Weakucss mannests itself in thi? Va cl Aliened i lron""BSttcrs taken is ilme will restore voui s?rcaptfa, sotHhe jcur nerves, raafce toui bl.-wo -?ch and red. Do you morf foot' t'ir.r CONCORDIA. Boating and Lndrjnrr Houst PASCUAL BR1SENO, 13th. Street.. (Late of MillerVs Hotel.) Meals at all hours. Coffee and Chocolate, Fish, served at all hours at day and night. - BrownsTille, -Texas and GENERAL COMMISSION AGENOYy Correspondence solicited. Address: Moore g m rji ' 2TO CeC6nt:on practiced. xKo$l(X Itewr.i-rL ASIC YOUR BRl S7 for a genf-xous .10 OEHT TRIAL SIZE,. MS ALUS contains do oJcsua", FDtresrv nor aay in Jotiors tirar. It opens atd cwn&ea tLe Nasal PMSSjfwfc Allays Fsufl d luiLtiMnauoB. Pexs and Prefects te Meshrnne. Iwrc3 the Feiise? of Taalv and SsiaL Is qtiicJciy ploittdL Gi?ti StJis? at once. 50 . at lr3r. o.r b- rasil. SiT 5riUJ&fri Z -irten Street Sew York " r. . H ?t Revr It In Used at Firp la Vry HIzk SHlldlnsrs. -The most prorafsing ptipils among these adnriltea to the school of instruc- 44:ioa at the Kew Tori lire headqnarters are said to be these who have terved an apprenticeship in professions that have called -:hem aloft. Bailors, paint ers, roofera and steeple climbers have the advantage of their pirelinjiuary training. The first thing that a neo phyte is called npen to learn ia howlo handle the scaling ladder. This bit of apparatus is a long, well eeasoned tongue of timber witn short exosspieces passing through it It ter minates at the top with a long hcok, ' which has three or fonr ratchellike projections on its nndersnrface and weighs from 20 to 45 pcands. There is a special knack in handling it dexter oasly; and many a time a man who is Elighfc and small of stature can manage ladder which e Goliath would fiiid difficulty in handling. "There is no piece of apparatus in the'fire department,' says one who has made a study of its methods "which, skillfully handled, can be made to serve mora purposes than this scaling ladder. The longest extension ladder in the de partment measures 90 feet, but the man with the scaling ladder can go up 14 or 15 stories without becoming exhaust ed. At fixes before an extension ladder can be put in position one fireman can push a scaling ladder into a. second story window scramble up and go from story to story to the very roof. He is . followed by a second fireman, who takes his ladder with him story by story, and this fireman by a third, until by the time the first man has reached the top tnere is n completed ciiam Denma Uim, down which the rescued may bo carried and the fireman himself escape." New York Tribune. SMITHERS RETORT Bis Sarcastic Reply to tlie Private Bonrdlasr House Landlady. Mr. Smitbers is a somewhat fastidious youne, man who is looking for a new Hoarding pjace. oanEtsa ecu aomo the regulation hoarding house, and al- ways tries to live with a private fam - lly. He is now convinced thatan "ad." 1 .a: t nrzii . - - - :3 wnicn soJicits boaraers for a "nice pri- Vate family" is often a snare for a stuiry double fiat, inhabited by one small fam ily and 24 boarders. Smithers called onaday last week at a place with a flowing description just on the flank of Michigan avenue's aris tocracy. "Hum! Suspiciously like a boarding bouse." thought Smithers as he took m the dimensions. A collariess negro serv- aiit who opened the door confirmed his suspicions, but he had gone too far then to back out. A sharp ncsed, snippy landlady came in with a top lofty air. "Er ah, I believe I am mistaken,' he began. "I supposed I should find a private family. By the advertisement hu-m" The laughter and the familiar board ing nonse num oi 14 cieras and ten lady stenographers came up from the dining room in the basement. The mis tress of the conglomerate "private fam ily" drew herself up proudly. "Yon are entirely mistaken, sir," she assert ed in a grasping, 7 a week voice. "This is not a boarding house, although we have a few friends living with us." Smithers sniffed the air. There was a distinct odor of prunes and corned beef. "Well. I must say," he remarked as he turned up his coat collar and fied down the steps, "that it smells like a boarding house, madam." Chicago Inter Gcenn. ' Tempted by FIaIicr. The Eoran gives a story of some very naughty fishes in David's time. Know ing that tho Israelites were forbidden to catch fish on the Sabbath, the wicked creatures came OGt of the Hed sea in nnuaual numbers and kept in sight of the people ail throughout the day in order to tempt them. On the approach of night they returned into the sea again. In a fatal moment some of tho Israel ites yielded to the piscine blandish ments, canght eeveral of them end had them for dinner, whereupon David cursed the Sabbath breakers, and God, to show his displeasure, changed them into apes and pig3. For three days they remained in this unpleasant condition, when a violent storm arose and swept them into the tea. Pittsburg Dispatch. llaciaa faster Than tlie Pea. "You read 1,000 miles," is the calcu lation a clever individual fond of de tails. The eyes of the average busy man, in reading alone, travel 1,000" milefi, which is equivalent to an "ocu lar trip" a third of the distance across our continent. Even the busiest man probably travels with his eyes 19 miles of type yearJyt and there are doubtless many readers who travel six times the distance. If you read a yellow backed novel, your eyes have traversed from a aile to a mile and a half of type. The busiest pen cannot keep up with this pace. With ordinary use, your pen has not traveled as far as -from Kew York to Albany. Philadelphia Inquirer. I Stirrups were unknown to the an- ' cients. They were first used in the fifth centary of our era. but were not in common use even in the twelfth cec- ' tary. w tedkes the food more royal auww THE PEAR OF A MOUSE. 6 utsica Where It M&A m Lraa tlo of a Waisaa. A Mouse has long been known to be the bittrest enemy of womankind. Just why the average run of femininity should fear such a helpless, harmless Httle creature cannot be explained. During the civil war a famous female spy was betTyea, through the instru mentality of a mouse. The woman was masquerading as a boy and succeeded admirably in deceiving the enemy nn til one evening while dining vdth a party of men at a farmhouse a black mouse jumped from a cupboard to the table, almost in the face of the sup posed boy. With a shrill feminine shriek the spy threw up her arms and rushed across the room, and, springing on a couch, went into hysterics from sheer fright. The men. of course, sus pected her and, rather than be searched, she confessed, but by the aid of the loy al old farmer and his wife she made her escape in the night. A well known woman physician o? Chicago aav3 she can do anv kind of surgical wor without a tremor, but , the sight of a mouse turns her strange- ny ji Bna thoroughly "unwomans" her. Another woman has such a terror of mice that she recently went insane through fright at one of the wee crea tures. The woman was sweeping her cellar when a mouse darted out frcra an old barrel and ran abont her feet. She tried to step on it and beat at it with her broom, calling piteously to her little boy to help her. But the boy, thinkincr ahe whs in fnn. frightened i o lfce terrified mouse toward the woman hsnsTor it tried to get away. At 1 knth tbe Doy rtisiied at is ia earnest asd mmsa darted under the wom- gn.s iirta and fell lo tfal9 oor sensible, only tfjioeeer mind when at length consciousness returned to her. Cleveland Plain Dealer. NO CHINESE IN LEADVILLE. Ttto Plcrtnlled CoIesialB Wlio Were Tabooed by tie Town. the Cbinese is represented in Leadvilla jOnly two Ceis6tialc ever entered the I camp, and the story of their short stay is unique and interesting. There wasn't much cf a demonstration on their ar rival, for it was late at night when they climbed down from the roof of one of the coaches into the baey streets and ' hastily surveyed the strange surround- i tegs. Word W33 whispered about in the . dives with which the street was lined, ' and soon the pigtails were encompassed with a quiei aDd gentlemanly mob of perhaps a hundred miners and hoboes. Scarcely a word was spoken, bnt as soon as the luggage of the passengers . and the mails were taken from, the boot of the Concord the China boys were as sisted to the seats they had just vacat ed, tha driver was given a tip and the distinguished arrivals were whirled oat of town in much quicker time than they had entered it. for it was a dowa hill pull to Malta, the nearest settle ment dovn the gulch. There they were j left to shift for themselves as best they 1 might ! What means of communication with each other these strange little people have I know not, but the news of the reception that was tendered to the first representatives of their race to visit Leadville traveled rapidly, and tha fact soon came to be understood by them, In all localities where they congregated in Colorado, that they were not want ed. I later queried a Chinaman in an adjoining town as to whether he had ever been in the great mining camp, and his reply was characteristically la conic: "I no go Lead-v-i-Mee. Lead-v-i-l-l-ee too muchee likee helleel" Santa Barbara. Prosperous Marine Farmer (who has never seen the sea before to fisherman on the Great South bay) Wkc's all this here water belong to? Fisherman (patting his chest) Ds, me man, to us. j Farmer Heow much d'yer charge ' feritV Fisherman Oh, we generally charges 10 cents a gallon. Farmer Cheap enough. I'll take a. gallon of that hum with me for me old woman. But what kin I put it in? Fisherman Go over there to- the tavern, and they'll lend yon a jsr. Farmer gets his jar and has his gal lon of water put in and leaves it at the railroad station whiie ha goes' for a walk. On his retnra he finds the ride at low ebb. "Gosh," he says, "don't they do a big trade!" New York Pr3. The IrcpoRMlble In Society. "They are impossible p rr 23I' "Yes?" "Yea, they have no s ry wh: ever 1" Detroit Jouraa delicious and vhofesosna pavrass co., ht or. 'the Montana Erard of folder. " A Montana man. speaking of hoW poker was played in tfci? ? h ? ?d days, said: "tSenq in a little gatue: in th in Butte. Se&giAK---Marcus DalyHa-r - : one of those biff f- joyed themselves. New York drumui dub wbAi the game card wi,h a" two chit). -c!2. he . ce ; and another. feho" and be sasnav tin. " 'Well, gentlereii. ray taking a hand ?' " "No,' says the playpi. like, and then this drant out a thick roll and pI? - auu uiuua i l uii Lite ta Jr. chips for that, says h around, puffed up like hang3 up his coat, and vt back and sits down tir? " What's the matt he says, huffy like good Y " 'Why. yes. t ens Daly. 'Clari cue w bite chip "Well, that fete east he and he gop mounting a One of seen in th land. It stone, ri breviat was er Csssar quero Leice mil?sw r ago beai narrowly a laws rtli practitai finder Toiim Troof 11 engaged to Mr Wait? Susie Green No. an don't wans to be Toanra-v Brown Did sb? rcv sd Susie GrecKo. bit su.- was cwnia touwht. iin sac c u at supper Cithotfc Sfanuari Time3- ' I No two kinds of 'prda fiy alike. Tha style of fiiyht depends on the structnrt and form of the feataers. the wings and the tail. Poor Papc! The father of a family, becoming an noyed at the fault finding of his chil dren over tle?r fn,-A i JS,i rage one day at dinner: "You chil wk.ta,uicu Li are intoleraoiet Yoa turn up noses at everything. When I wasi I was often glad enough bread to eat " "V3 ' ... ,, to y.nKi; Eaiu K0e. tt iue tamiiy "i am so giti yj mg sucn nice times no mamma and ns." Whuti The Blakely (Ga A there is a man in Earlrf-r i been relieved of road dull a "technicality. " It is summons a man to work I est to where he sleeps ant ing washed. As this been seen with so much J on. tne supposition is t wasnwg none, and Iip road duty.X7e know of1 gon. bav hah News. A Mieicnt nnll.i ineoia.4 Christian str 13 a remarkable buildj , vjr ancient, hut wonder Berveo, at Uingle. ia CouJ popularly known as tl txallerua." Who Gaila uufca not eay, but, as ttaa 1.000 years, he wsl me converts of St pJ A Jointed SI iur. peorga D. Vem)i !fvV;,ia' vSr- port Yime waunnj a corme annnt (11 r . ieei; icng. u oiow on the hi ana, to my surprise in ronr pieces. Nearl into this the head wl x worked for half an j i tailed. I then WhlPn x-or- i , "Maoa jiaia asj ana. ss tar as I cool entirely lifeless. JUI snaiie, I ief h;n oi irtly aft VI a of Irtt'j 1.'' .