UtftfN THE DAILY HERALD. MONDAY, JULY 1, 1902. A BOOT TOWN. Another good rain tell here this morning. Ihree discharged soldiers left on the stage this inorutug. Lieut. Waterman has been on the sick litt for several days at the post. A heavy rain wafe reported at Point Isabel this morning, but none fell at np-river points. The steamship Manten arrived off the bar at Brazos yesterday at 4 p. in. Up to 3:30 this afternoou she had not crossed the bar. Passage on the stage from Alice to Brownsville has been engaged for seventeen recruits to come to Fort Browu within the next few days. Two of the soldiers from Port Browu got into trouble at Santa Cruz last night and received some sevpre treatment. Their assailants were arrested bv the Matamoros authorities. The marriage of Dativo Sobrino and Miss Rosa Guinea, whieh was to have taken place in Matatnnrnn last evening, did not occur, owing to the Midden illness of the bride elect, who was taken ill with fever yesterday. PUEEL PERSONAL Lieut. A. P. Bacon, U. S. dental surgeon, arrived. at Fort Brown by last night's stage. Sheriff Cloaner and son, John, jr., returned to Hidalgo today, after a short stay in town. Miss Lucille Charapion,daughter of Frank Champion, Ms visiting her grandparents at Santa Maria. Miss A. M. Leary is visiting Mrs. George Brnlay at the lattei's home on the Rio Grande sugar plantation, and will upend 'some time there. Judge Wells, accompanied by his secretaries, Frank Kibbe and Harry Sinclair, returned today to Hidalgo, where the judge is hav ing some abstract work dpne. John Scanlan went to Galveston on the bark Specnlant, to visit his wife and children, who have been spending several weeks there, his eldest daughter being in the hos pital under treatment. Mrs. A. Yznaga,- with her daughter, Mrs. Juanita d? la Por tilla of Matamoros, ieft about the middle of the past week en route to Saltillo, Mexico, to spend some time at that delightful mountain j resort. They expect to pay a short visit also to relatives at Laredo. Duval West, Esq., came down Saturday afternoon from Hidalgo, where he is still engaged in some legal work, spent Sunday with bis Brownsville friends, and returned to Hidalgo by this morning's trnin. A. Dillard, the well known Hidalgo county stockman, arrivvd here Saturday night. Mr. DilUid spent yesterday at the Villa Nuevu enjoying the sight of the big en gines at the pump house forcing He was so Death of Don Jose Simo. E J. water into the canal delighted With it, he says, he could hardly tear himself away. - Accident to Laredo Lady. The Laredo Times of last Thurs day reports: "Mrs. A. Gutierrez Pena was so unfortunate as to fall down aflight of stairs night before last aud in consequence is confined to her bed. Fortunately no bones were broken, but she broke several teeth and was badly bruised up." Accidentally Killed By n Full From pRETTY COSTUME FOR GIRLS School r Rigging. FAGOTTI NG THE STYLISH , , TRIMMING. Jose bimo y Bagur, a well known resident of this place, was accident-. , ; e allv killed last nWn, P,i Isa-' h.i h o fdii f..n ...r i.f open work stitching f whatever the schooner Pierce Simpson. The kind, fairly runs riot on the gowns accident occurred about two o'clock for Mimmer wear, and a very dain a. m. Mr. Simo, who has b" tv finish it is. w,en properly ex h HfflintH1 Irtfplv with stliaht I " .. ... wuuuering u me ortuu, whik-j k1 from his home at the Point j A charming frock worn at h rectnt down to the schoouer which was girl school graduation showed this anchored at ihe wharf, mid climbed pretty stitching whercvei mi insert- lii to tile tigging without being ob-( serven. ine men on tue mmi were , awakened by the noise of his fallj on the deck He was dead when I they reached him, haying tstrnck on the htad. His body wa- taken ashore and the family notified of the fatal and shocking accident. The deceased was native of the Spanish island of Minorca, being G94yearsJold.He came to this couu-. try a good many years ago, settling in Brownsville, being engaged in the mercantile business both here j aud at Point Isabel, where he had a branch stor. He leaves a wife aud four.childreu, the. eldest being Vicente Simo, a young man ag-d about twenty, bet-ides other near relatives here, aud several broth-, ers aud sisters in Spain. He wa-l a member in good standing of the' Spanish Society of Bnwnvilp. The bereaved family have ihe deep sympathy of the eutre community! in their sad bereavement. The funeral uill 'ake place this afternoon at' Point IsHbel, at half past sis o'clock, beiuy conducted under the auspices of the Spanish Society. Thi University of Texas. Wm. D. Prather, LL. D. Pres. One hundred aud twelve in structors aud officers, more than 1100 students, not including 191 Summer studeuts. Woraeu admit ted to all departments. TUTION FREE. Total expenses $150 to $250. Students from approved colleges admitted without examination, and givpu credit for work completed. Academic Department Session begins September 29 j entrance examinations, September 25 to 27; matriculation fee $10; lbO courses of study; university Young Men's Christian associa tion. Young Women's Christian Association; gymnasiums, aud gymnasium instructors tor men and womeu ; athletic field. Teaoh ers' courses lead to permauent State teachers' certificate. Engineering Department Session begins September 29. Entrance examinations as above ; matricnlatiou fee $10; uo tutiou; full courses leading to the degrees of civil, electrical and mining engineer. Law Department Session begins September 29; entrance examinations as above; matriculatiou fee, payable once, $30. A two years' course leads to the degree of bachelor of laws, and entitles to all State courts. Law students may pursue academic courses without charges. Medical Department (Located at Galveston) Four vearti' course ; faculty of 22 in structors; school f pharmacy;' sch.iol for nursing (for. women) ; matriculation fee, payable once, $30. Complete equipment in schools. Session 29: entrance preceding week. Address Dr. Al len J. Smith, Dean, Galveston. For catalogue of any department or for information, address John A. Lomax, Registrar, Austin, Tex as. , Run your eye over 1 your reflected face in your truthful mirror. Is It ' such as Nature gave you in color and smoothness u ing was to be let into the crepe de chine of which the frock was com posed. This design is not very ornate, but of an elegant simpli city. The skirt has the prevalent panel effect the latter being entire ly uutrimmed, The fullness is lightly gathered at the belt, and the edge bordered by three rows of Valenciennes inserting, mounted with briar stitching in, pale blue Corticelli embroidery silk. The blouse shows a vest effpct, the con tinuation of the skirt pmel. The sailor collar was composed of Val encienues inserting, aud bias folds of pale blue tiiffeta, joined by fagot- ting iu blue silk. The hat which completed this costume was of pale blue chiffon with ostrich tips of the same shade. - Died, Iu this city, Sunday afternoon, Tomas Leal, aged 37 years?, after a lout; illness. Deceased was a well kuown bar-tender, having been fo many yeais in the employ of flie International saloon, and was fam iliarly knowu to its -patrons as "Tom." fie was a member of the Mexican Knights of Honor lodge, No. 1, of this place, and was buried with houors by the lodge. His funeral took place this morning. Wells Endorsed. The county convention of Nueces county democrats, held at Corpus fChristi June 28, adopted the fol lowing resolution : We record and appreciate the un tiring labors and material services to the national, state and local De mocracy for moiH than twenty I'MHrs lit' .111. lies H. Weils. Hlld We rtiii-;, . . ;. , (Li hth mir HYi-ctiiiir (ritirmimi'H in begins October. , ., . . , 1C , , 1 ins atomy, integrity mm uuseiucm examiiiHtions the. t JJHII iwuriu. A or have freckles, sunburn, tan, saltowness, etc., , 'cioudeg its former flesh-tinted transparency? If so, apply Hagan's Magnolia Balm and redeem Nature's gift. Delightfully refresh ing, and entirely free from all injurious elements. It gives a complexion that makes a lady look- years younger. , It Is a LIQUID, eaHy applied and Hold by drufffbt at FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while toothing, with perfect success. It teethes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pain; cures mud colic and it is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imme- diateto. Sold by Dmggjstsin every part omthe world. Twenty -five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslos soothing Syrup," and take j no other mind. Bit ,f. A. OTTMANN. BRICK MASON gUVALjWEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SauAiitoalo.Tex: as FRENCH BUILDING, MAIN PLAZA. Will pract courts. Land tei idt: in the federal and state ;les examined. Is at present in Brownsville and is leady to fill any order for brick work, plastering, or setting stones. Has lime for sale. Residence Cor. St. Charles and 9 th. Sts. Work Guaranteed. -r. flobb' THE TAILK. ?.( ELIZABETH STREET. )o) '. am prepared to make snits and clean Clothes on short Notice. Work Guaranteed. The Family Grocery, BO INT ISABEL, TEXAS, Mrs Rosa Pellat, Manager Poll and frenh assortment of table and fancy groceries arriving by every boat. Domestic and imported canned goods, cheese, but ; ter, crackers, potatoes, etc. ff it 4. Shop. Opposite Thielen Bakery. lyvle Bepairer AND DEALER5IN BICYCLE SUNDRIES Such as Bells, Bumps, y Never- Leak," Repair Kits, Etc., Etc. Shop at my Residence. Colonel Wrel'ord HOTEL .MILLER. REFITTED AND REFURNISHED Meals the Choicest To Be Obtained On the market. . . . 9 A Thre Story Brick 20 Nicely Furnished Rooma. On Principal JBnsinese Street. .999 Roasduable Rates i to Families. & P. Urior, , ' ' PROP. BrowrtsviUe y. Tex. f 1 m 4 4S t 1! 4 : Sparajms Fills care all kldMT Ills. Svm t li Sterliwc Reaedx Co-CWffo or I GALVESTON AND GULF Steanskip Uk. The Fine and Fast Sailing Steamer Manteo, is appointed to leave Galveston tor BrowHSvilla every Sunday at 6 a. m.f and Brownsville for Galveston every Wednesday at noon, carrying freight and passengers (cabin and deck) The marine insurance rate on cargo from Galveston td Brownsville will be of one per cent. Instrnotions to ininre and valna to be insured, endorsed on bills of lading,.will be all that is necessary to have owners7 goad covered. For passage and reiht apply to RIO GRANDE RAILROAD COMPANY; Agents, Brownsville, Texas. E. 0 FLOOD, Agent, Galveston, Texas.