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Y BR0WNSV1LU ALU jL- VOL. XIV, NO 242 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1906 SINGLE COPIES. 5 CENT daily W SgJE nfcK Or r Wagon Headquarters E. H. CALDWELL'S ' Corpus Christi, Texas Lowest Prices. Best Quality. Delivered Birdsell Steel Skein Wagons The Best Wagon in Texas, None Excepted j Texas Farm Wagons Prices Can't j Keller Farm Wagons Be Beat Corydon Farm Wagons Quality Old Hickory Farm Wagons I Considered Get Catalog No. 10 and Supplement All About Farm and Ranch Hardware, Price Si IGet Married 1 You, can do if vou 8 1 First Get a p. I Get Happy 2 rpsGrsEncssaK' S52S2aE32E 1 COMPETENT A ESTABLISHED 1865 S Botic ....You Want the Best Your Physician aims to put all his. Knowledge, excell ence and skill into they prescription he writes. It is an order for a combination of remedies which your case require. He cannot rely on the result unless the ingredients are properly compoi:nded. , Be fair to your doctor and to ourceh uy bringing or prescriptions here. They'll be compounded only by registered pharmacists, who are aided by the largest stock of drugs in this part of the state. Everything of the finest quality that money can buy or experience can select. J. L. Fute&nat & Bro. Hy B.Verhelle SADDLE & HAR NESS MAKER . . . Repairing a Specially. BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS. At SI a That seems to be the prevailing idea with the Brownsville boys. Too so in all style and comfort wish Girl Then I come to us and we will clothe you in full regalia. All kinds of suits for all kinds of boys. We fit out old boys as well as young ones. in one of our new Panama Hats, Summer Suits, beautiful ties, fancy hose, summer shoes, and all the good things we offer you for Spring and Summer wear. Elizabeth Street X3 f PHARMACY 1 Leon m i I C. F. Elkins. I.L. B A. B. cole. IX. B ELK1NS & COLE ! ATTORXEYS-AT-LaAV Will practice in all courts. State and Federal. I Special attention siren to land and ab stract business. Will do collecUne Office Ovt Botica del Asruila. Combes Dmc Store E. H. GOODRICH (Sh SON .... jIAN AvjL.H.C3,., . Cameron County Abstract Company Choice Lands and City Property. D. B. CHAPiN ATTORNEY-AT LAW HIDALGO, TEXAS SODA FOUNTAINS Show Case. Bank and Drug Fixtures, Carbonators, Charg ing Outfits etc. Lowest prices. Write for Catalogue. Mfg. by C. Mailander (Sb Son Waco, Tex. H. THORN MIS 5r""Ofrice opposite The Herald. TELEPHONE 51 Brownsville, texas. F. W. Seabury ATTORNEV-AT-LAW Rio G-ande Citf, Texas Will practice in the District Courts of Starr, Huialgo, Zapata and Webb Counties. Special Notice! N- Landram Co, Architects and Builders Plans and Specifications Furnished FREE It" Work is Awarded to Us CALL AT THE HERALD OFFICE Union Bakery John Thielen, Manager Bread, Biscuit, Cakes, Etc., Made From Choicest Brands of Flour Elizabeth Street, Brownsville, Tex JAMES B.WELLS cAttorney at Law Successor to Powers & Maxan, Powers & Wells, Wells & Rentfro Wells, Rentfro & Hicks, Wells & Hicks. Wells, Stayton & Kleberg I buy and sell Reai Estate and investigate land titles. A complete abstract c. all 'itles of record in Cameron County, Texas-. Practice in all state and federal courts, when especially employed. Land Litigation and corporation practice. Laulom&Simo. DEALERS IN Fine Wines, Liquors 'and Cigars. The Best in the Land. Always Ready to Accomodate Visitors. Information as to Boots, Etc. Cheerfullv Furnished. Point Isabel. Texas. Constantine Hotel W. A. FITCH, Proprietor Traveling men's trade solicited. Free sample rooms are provided Nothing too good for oar guests if to be found in the market, t i ' Corpus Ch'l. i Tun It's Coming, Friends! Xo, it's here. What do J " DR. C ; mean? Why. I mean the time toivUa.ion to jnspect my b.lkerv ami screen your doors and windows, . thus kfpnin"- flips, mnsniiitops mill , , .. j other germ spreaders out ot your ' houses and the onlv place to get these screens is from . The Frontier Lumber Company GOVERNOR WOULDNT SEE IT. In Spite of Petitions and Representations, as to the Necessity and Demand For Drainage, Lanham Would Do Nothing. V Hon. James B. Wells, of Browns ville, spent several days in the city recently. Mr. Wells' visit to Austin had nothing of politics in it, but was in the interest of the drainage law for which there is a crying need all over the State. There are some serious defects iu the law, and it was with the hope of getting these defects cured by the special session that he came to Austin at this particular time. He laid the matter before Governor, showed him how there was a strong demand all over the State for a good drainage law, and asked him to submit the matter to the Leg islators, now that they were here. Even in Mr. Wells' own section there are thousands upon thousands upon thousands "of acres of rich lands that are only awaiting the correction of tho drainage law to be put in cultivation, and a similar condition exists in various other portions of the State and which means millions to the people. These matters were all laid before the Governor, but he refused to submit the question to the special session on the ground that he would be breaking a promise should he ask the Legislators, with whom he had made contract, to consider anything but bleeding section 120 of the election law. Petitions were then circulated in the Senate jand House asking the Governor to submit the draiuage law for correction, as the Legis lature was now in session and the correction could be easily made, while the people, from one end of the State to the other, were de manding it. The petitions were signed by a majority of the mem bers of both Houses and the peti- tioners absolved the Governor from any promise he may have made or any contract into which he may have entered. But the Governor could not realize the importance to the people of the matter, and the petitions were turned down, perhaps because there was naught of politics in the movement'to do something of real benefit to the people and to the State. The Leg- islature was in session, called in a way that was in violation of the spirit of the Constitution, to be true, and to-consider a matter of but little import to any one save a few politicians; still it was in ses sion and could easily have made the correction that would have given the State a drainage law of incalculable benefit, had the Gov ernor possessed the ability to realize the great importance of such a law and submitted it for the consideration of the Legislators, not one of whom would have voted against the corrections. It is un necessarv to state that Mr. Wells, as well as other prominent gentle men who came here to urge the Governor to submit the drainage law for correction, went away sadly disappointed and thoroughly convinced that State Topics was not far wroncr in its estimate of the present State Administration State Topies- !f You Arc a Lover Of good bread, pies, cakes and rolls call at Clay's bakery. Sixth and Levee streets. I also sell Fleischmann's compressed yeast, the best in the world ' for bakers' or famile use. I endeavor to sell nothing but the bet that money and skilled labor can procuce. and j extend to the publican cordial in- j mttbo6s of bread making at am ' r i - 1 j ume. i am acre 10 serve yor time. 1 am here to serve yoi aud must have your tradt. Call or phone No. 97. Mail receive my personal attention . T. J. Clay. HISTORY. REPEATED. j Hot Flaming' Death Sweeps Down From Vesuvius, Almost Equaling Destruc tion of Pompeii. 1 Naples, April 11. The mighty volume of smoke, flame and lava which last night was beiug vomit ted from the throat of Vesuvius, continues in slightly diminished iiiry this morning. The old story of the destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum is being repeated, and the town of San Guiseppe is being destroyed. The people are fleeing from the fiery deluge, only to be overwhelm ed bv the devouring element. The bodies of two hundred and fifty refugees have been taken from a church. and hundreds are lying in the streets where they, fell when the torrent of molten lava overtook them. The dead are mostly old people and young children left to pit their feeble strength against the 'torrent of death poured out by the quak ing mountain. In the town of Xola ashes He fourteen feet deep. There are a hundred and thirty injured persons from Nola alone in the hospitals here. Great numbers are missing and are probably dead. Practical chaos reigns, and it is impossible to ac curately" estimate the number, of the dead or the extent of the ruin wrought by the mightiest destroyer with which man ever contended. The roof of the general market in this city, eight miles from the crater, collapsed this morning from the weight of ashes. Two hundred people were caught in the collapse. Sixty-five injured and twelve dead have been taken from the ruins. Vesuvius is probably the most noted volcano in the world. All through known history it has at frequent intervals burst forth with fury on the surrounding country. The storv of the total obliteration j 0f tie cities of Pompeii and Her j culaneum, A. D. 6.2, is a close par aIlel to the destruction of Sodom f ami Gomorroh, aud is familiar to !au Science and observation show i sort of sympathy or connection be tween volcanoes the world over Disturbances in one are quickly followed by eruptions in other parts or the worm. Inis being so, ana this being the most violent out- break of Vesuvius: for centuries we may expect volcanic phenomena from craters long passive, in Mex ico and other sections of thp world V Letter to Rodolfo Herrera. Brownsville, Texas. Dear bir: But tew ot tlie men who sell the hundred different paints in the market know much about them. All Devoe agents have a state chemist's certificate telling just what it's made of; they know a good deal, not only about Devoe but the rest; we see that they do. We buy every paint that has any sale, and analyze it Our agent finds out all about it. Wnen we know wnat a .paint is made-of, we know how it will act we know how far it goes, and how long it wears. Devoe is the standard; call it 100. The best of the rest in abou 75; the worst about 25; tfae rest are between. But the men, who sell them don't know any better. Thev know, what the maker tells fliem. i AttenL'on, Telephone Subscribers. That is: they know that he tells j The Brownsville Telephone com them. They don't know whether he tells them the truth or not. -The businesses nor conducted on knowledge: the less thev ; v" 'fiCJigG iCitpiiVUW UUCLlVt J U know, the more comfortable they i wlJJ c0tain every' selephone .sub- are- Yours tru.y, v 61 F W Devoe" & Cn P. S. Frontier Lumber Co sell our paint. Among the natives of Italy and S.cily there are about 100,000 who .-peak French; German is spoken J oy 12.000: Slavic by 30,000: Al- banese bv 110.000: Gieek hv 88.- j 000; Catalanian by 10,000. ELECTION LAW NOT AN ISSUE. Although Some of the Blanket Primary Advocates Are Trying to Force Issue in Governors Iace. As Austin dispatch says: The decision of the Supreme Court of Illinois a few days ago declaring the primary law of that State uticortitdtional on account of its inequalities and for various other reasons, may have an im portant bearing upon future legis lation of that character in Texas. At the recent special session of the Texas Legislature the blanket primary men gave their support to an amendment which provided that in the smaller counties the holding of primaries for county officers should be left optional with the respective executive committees of such counties. This amend ment was defeated along with the majority-blanket primary amend ment. The Illinois primary law contained a provision of the same import and it is held to be uncon stitutional by the Supreme Court of that State. On this point the court says: This act provides that the county central committee of each political party shall determine whether the county officers shall be nominated at the primary elec tion, and also whether the can didates shall be nominated by a majority or plurality vote. If the committee decides that a majority shall be necessary that is to be the law, but if it decides that a plurality shall.elect the candidate is to be chosen by a plurality vote. The provision amounts to a delegation of legislative authority to county central committees to determine what the substantial features of the law shall be, and it i. therefore void." 'It is the opinion of good law- vers tnat there are a number of features of the existing general election law which would not stand the test of the courts, and an elec tion or two more under it likely to develop an opposition to its op eration that will lead to its repeal. It provides for cumbersome aud expensive machinery in elections and is too difficult for the average voter to understand. A few of the blanket primary leaders are trying to force that question as an issue in the present State campaign for Governor. The anti-blanket primary people would probably welcome the fight. All that is needed to defeat the propo sition is a free discussion and care ful thought on the subject. It is likely that the legislative candidates will be confronted with the issue, but it will hardly bp brought into the campaign for Governor The delegates to the State Convention from the various counties may be instructed for or against the prop osition and the question will doubtless come before the platform committee of the convention. Ac cording to advices received here the demand for a blanket primary comes from a coterie of politicians. Almost every blanket primary agitator is a candidate for office. The- Democracy ' of Texas will not give their support to a prop osition that means the destruction of the unity of counties. That is what the adoption of a blanket pri mary would meai.. 'cago a complete list of its subscrib ers. This list will be printed in a ij-jbcrin tlie United States aud , r-.. ,i. a; u . ' - pear in this directory will please notify me at once. Brownsville Telephone Co. B. G. Stegjiax. Manager. The Japanese are raoidlv becom- jug we.irers of knitted good.-. 1