OCR Interpretation

The Southern herald. (Liberty, Miss.) 1866-current, December 30, 1892, Image 3

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87007277/1892-12-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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ill 1 t t 1 i I ,i I I! I It i
Ml ill lli.U 11. i.
'ii i HUM WH VtfFOI III! J U w UUt IU UH piVMI
ril.'tlT.r... fW STTV? ! r..TulCT. ' BY TITS FfJ-H AL C77tTjPO,pXST
era! oaiju fea
tures connect-
ed with the ob-
SIfft on M rr Nut
M r Juesiiav.
11 Tuesday end
If you want fl p'd brick, are
a4rertierner.t in this issue.
Mr. J. G. H' geuiann of Sumn t
Was io Inwn n last S-tfurday.
. 6omcb,dy, l nd bted to this office,
' fcrirg hi a load of wood -quirk!
Tj TLU N. I I. l tw.i I IMC.'
All communications, cr wdrd nut
IsS le.
serration of on '
at Cha mploo
City during the
time that I was
editing th
Carioa there,
and, 1 may add.
cutting hair in
the then pra
vailinir a t y 1 a ,
dealing in hides
and pelts, lead
In the choir.
selling; " land,
That i'.tei f.-. ' : J, !.' W
pirie iRvd ty j t..a jr i S !. g
in malarial d :r ..", cvi -e c i-v
D. B. M'l.KAS,
i polling tecxa witn neatness and ats
tin week, will tppi tr ID olir next pteb, and otherwise making- myself
i useful a well aA ornamcntaL
I Tha OiristmM trM waA ertv-ted In
the Spread Eagle theater, and there the
pride and chivalry of the teU'ement as-
i .i . . . ' i.. .-A ..v., tw.
Calling at the residence of Elder ; lampa shone o'er fair women and brave
He who lost his dinner-basket at
the last I atbetnc ran obtain It bv
K.J. Slewart.
men," as I so appropriately remarked
in the succeeding Issue or toe Hanon.
At the conclusion of the regular pro
rramme. which vras Intcrsnorsed with
Impromptu fits ly Ei.-kety Welkins. the
ore sent were distributed. I do not
i now remember the character of any of
liessr. Alney McLean andLnui
Marsalia left town mii Monday- with
their fuwlinr rtieeea and "many
r - - I now rememwsr toe cnamcicc oi at
hot ai.H shell." hunt came ! tb, irifta n.wit those in which 1
tWrntTir.i1-awr.TheT,l)eet'm.!lwr,na11' lnteited. 1 distinctly re
J rail VinwCTt-r that CVil. Corkn-rht. a
i r.rtl.m-ul ed th old ftehool. who had
. Tki. l.iwra nl Mlnukellient Wrrr
bighly rnteruirted at th ridenc
of Un.JJ. A. 6ppii'gt'n, on last
s Tneaday ening. Tin- ccanion
bfinf a social gatherinR, which wa
linmanM' -r.j''Tl iy all.
guine souls in a neighboring town naa
Mr. P. A. Ci liter. " ( Me- . !n fur th nnrrtnAJI
Ralia'a mni't ubMlDtial and enter-; of conquering the world anew with
liver pilla They pun-hased a double
pnaing citum. g.re u. a friendly of spac. ta the
Call n lart Monday, imparting a i Clarion for si months, paying therefor
tnerrY Chri-tma-.niile toouri-anc-! advance and pills.
iiii. While thuir peculiar talents might
u," -- : have
L'BFRTT, Ml I . DfP 24.
D remtirr h aasin C 'liie to gerl
j wi'i it" fr:-!:r:.i rhuf I'
liring the jnyou anniTeroary nf
ihe tnfl iuiporUnt rvent in the
history of the world. It aniimte
t'ie heart wi h ihr fire of Christian
'Ye and good will, first kind!rl
n-iirly lfHH) yearn iign, wh-n tli
wi;e men of the -aM m.ide a pilgrim
et- to the lillllil.le riiv of Naur' tl
t i cl honor In the new-horn hal"
f tVlhlrhriu a the Meaeiah tbe
i ri-i ihal w- lo nine, ihe mi i r
.' tli.- wrl'l. 'Twasthell that peace
"I eirlh and giMiii aill to men
fi r-t ir-M Uilllnl un ihe plaini
I' .!i-hiih. T'"' j' 1 1 a r--i -
ina'i-in i "-till heard and heeded h
Ihe don of ni'-n In e nimeiinv-
i a lull of thai memorable rVin .
tod in untii'tp! i.i of ill' vi-il
:ln- s. ;i-unV p:ilrii eninl, and t!
i.ii'i. ii him! h'didayo. ihe pu;iiU
ihe Lilx-rtyMale aii'lFeillHleCollepe
juve a ia"ifi'-:tiii 'iil ih-liatitl
eiiu rlniiiiiient in the large, cheerful
ball on Thiirsd.iy evening, coum)
1 1 i S of o.ll-ir. iolriiiienlal ail
vocal; eali-lheni-i, dialosue, reci
Uti'mii, etc , w hich were Yrry innel
I 1
hi malarial d.:ria'. m ctre.i A . i , : , I
T.. . i, Ii w i. o i ...II rl 1. I I It It I U IV I II" i
leui 'ii yrup. To get tLe genuine.
1 i L I : i '
eaiva fienr
won tlim renown in ' the dava of
AlexrinHrr the Great, they were not ap
nfn'iiitMl In tha flefrenerata Dresent.
Tk.nka tu our Iriend. Ml. J. P. and the ni!l svndi.aUj collansed in fire
K.-. i""U-trioa far,.r of j ma ZulP As"
tha Delta aettltmeiil, for a prenent were homeopathic pills and had never
v.rv nina mid larwe KWeel. been medieated, I won the gratitude of
. ,. .if , i ' my subscribrs without taking any
putiiloii, raised hy hln Self. t!i."w
largest of thrra weighei nearly five
gentlemos of the old school, who had
taken exception to one of mv editorial
utturmncea, hung a neatly written Invi
tation on toe wee for me to call at nis
ofSea any time during the week and
hiva my nose polled. 1 forgot to ac
cept, and thr days later the colonel
euueu on me nu omio uis wuiy pwu. . ..... , i , t
Soma eight months before, tnree san- enj -yen mm u.6i.. .rr...uu. - .v
i large ininili i "I n - wti
were i'eenl on the occasion.
On Friday night, at the sum
place, gii'lnred at n ea'lv houi
lie vim"? pe..pl.- of ihe town am
neighhorhood, together wilh a RimhI
ly numher f a larger growth, t
'iiteinpliite the hoiieft glorie-
i ChrUtniaa tn e that had cpriini
up.er.iwn and Imhiu- fruit ! a vri
.rated ki' d. and wil'-'em. wit
bright eyes and bounding hearts
the diftriliulimi of the ninny me
inorialu of hve and friend-hip tha
hung in great profu-ion from li
green and clliale'Mig hrani he-
short, appropriate and beautifully
worded address by u talented an
ri-ing young lawyer, J B. Welih
E-u . wan the initiatory feature o
the occasion. Sanla CI UH was
lavish with hi eifls, and the happy
imrl ici pant f his benefacii'ina went
away fmni the stirring and hrillian'
ecene with happy hearU and joymi
spirits, thrilling w;th tnemorii'
that -hall linger wi ll th.m niun
days tu 'uie
-k f:r Cr era.
Groye'a Cathartic Su.'sr ia a
pleasant t. the taste ti lemon ugr.
Moves the bowets gently, curea con--lipa'.i'iii
and biliousness anil does
not gripe or sil ken. A 2- package
-iitaiii in re d ises than auy 5t t
Caihartic Syrup on ihe market. 25
I ie for 25' i. Try it and you
w ill be delighted. For sale by C.r-
r !! Jt Nunnery.
G rove's Tasteless Chill Tonic i" a
lerfet Malarial Liver Tonic and
Bl eid purifier. Removes bilious.
less without pursing; A uleas.ini
IniiiMi syrun It is as Urge us
my dollar tonic and retail f r 50i
To gel the genuine a-k fr (J rove's.
il l bv Carroll i Nunnery.
You run no risk. All dnugist-
narantee Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic to do all that the imiuut'.ni-
il'ers claim for it. Warranted no
ure, no pay Thera are many tin-
i iliona lo ge lite genuine a.-k
irtJrove'ii. Carroll Jc Nunnery,
9 W l il
in - ill,
Liberty, .Sliss.
d CO.,
Gloster, Mii
crnrai hoi
Hun. n.i'' was
Fi. fa.
On Friday night last, after the
XmaaTree presents were distribuL
td, I large pait'of yung .eople
gathered at tha hospitable
dance of tha generous Mr. N. S
McLean. Tha occasion was exceed,
ingly enjoyable.
Mr. Will. M. Daviiof Summit is
in town again, Tisitng relative and
friend. lie bringasmiles and style,
frush son(;t and "g'BV, and haing
trikingly j icu id and nitiaical, he
. ban ce-niw in the proper season.
Coma again Will, 'next Xmas. if
not later.
Many thank to tha following
..mad narties for cash favors in , Untai by nr. Made, ine Py" l,orib,i Kstrava. f-wit
h- J few days: J P Newman. ' JeoIy o.hi,-..-, at,,! U y,,,rs.,l
... -j - - mmarkiHl. AnprHikea at a w oy n
T If OAillU,, V (1 Fr.l. W of Darlial baugiug at. a rcmcdlaJ agent .' m" K 4 ',...
r f 1 R In the tieatment of locomotor ataxia ' ri,H Hb,,Ve den t ibed entrav whs taken up
v-auv, v u . ,nd paralysis. Ue recognized that tha i,v K C Lea, and sirsvi d by him ber-.r
si-it ... tt rt. t.:il If. . . ...I I .ir.ul in it a-. .1 I'..... ..I... at..! nil. -if
ualieni, irrnnni, j rjrihinjas eve eiou'wtiuuirou vi.oi, fc iimiumn, iho v-'"m..
Williams ralvinl..rter G W Uni- excellent oppirtunity for familiarizing lung r wilhin nd fr Aniite unty snd
William. Unlvitl I ..rter.U w i h blio lwiln thi, Blothod of treat- taU of Mui.-,.ppi. ep ember 10th, WL
uerjer, n iu. wuraiuRiii, icon no-
Nbcrltra Male
N. C. Whitiiiigion & Co.
Stetitien Sa.nuel
lY VlRTl'K of a writ, of deri furim
I 1 tj, nta fnitii tlm Ju.litv Court of tli L
No. t of Amite county, Mimk, I will, on ths
Kirit Monday ill Januirv. ISa
.i tlia emir! bftu. iliMir in tha town of lAb
U.wn ttw hiMirs rtn-si-riSi'd bv law
..ii'. f... uul tittlij. hirh.Mt huitier. for rtth
ilw one-iiintb interest ol Siephen Samuels in
the fiillnwiig ueserilNxi i.inus bi-wii;
Kant tad! of north e-t quirter, s. , I. i
9 V. ntli eit.t mine er mid loutii we-l
qusrU of north tt quarter, md north hsll
.t sulltll wel quarter aim li Her- n iuc
wel side o south wet quarter of m'th we t
r s X'l T. a. I! 1 K. and outh lis t
il')Ulh fist quirter nd n'trth we-t quarter
ot outri wi"l quarter, c. u, i. o, . a m
miln eouniy.
i .... ... iha nhiniSv of IhA derend
... m..nhn MiuileU. ttllii Will b ftllld t
.nti'nlv the judgment aud cot ill tliu above
.bited cam).
D. M. BL'TLEll, Sheriff.
December ulh, 19..
Rane;er,tj Sale.
e.v. T WILL OFrKH FUll SALK, at tM
risks wben l maae eacn vurisu i
glltol a box oi pins.
court lioune door in the town of Liberty
m ths
The eutextdinmejit concluded with piril J,in,lnv n Jannnrv, 1M
the partial 3 f 0 tll(. hiRhpst bid,or frc-Sh, the following
Lanksby Dr. Made. Ihe Pnylan iw.ribed Kstrnvs. t-wit:
A to'ii
. . ,,
men I anu at me naiur umn jj. o w . oi
,,. ...) i . . n,, K.l Tn.iv He fi r Ysr lnir. about 21
thera with a uimong V,p hrH11(l.
..,lir,rlv a lenwmiT callows was .. ..... , . ".i
" ' - , , , k. &)j v y umiuiKnura ann
lly number of the v.ngl-T '"rtvLfhan,
- I .n I IHa niaas uui uuua' Th uri.iia fli-miriruMI MlrMT ll laarii issi
fiilk HWmhltfilHt llirVarinptItw-l I .ghts ulvo Vuriicti tlown to a yellow ,tV )t j oHU.PV untl irnyi:d ly him m-!u
ii Huffiiiuii. i'o'roner and'ex otlicio Ksncer
- tk reaiu-tlo was inis mi oi hhius utmn snu mr ami'i- umnn, , , i
dllinHr, pr-pared for the occasion I lhat fwn U)0 liulc children shouted i.ippi, on the 23th day of .-cntember, 18'ti
on Xma day In partake of a grand bar.
Fi fa.
I) .
luts, Boots, Slioos,
(rockery ,Ulaawar, Saddler j
Books and Stationery,
NherifTa Sxlt.
Ralph Gunst
V A. Samuels
IfX VlltTUE o( a writ or Sort Ucin
I 1 In nm from lh J UftlilW I'olirt of Dl--
tricl No. 8. Amite county, Miss-,1 will, on the
Fir-t Monday in January, ln'is.
it the Court 'iinuse d'.or in town of Lilwi tv.
n-.u.l wit L., tlii. hi'rlictot bidder for tush.
Ui Inlluwiiig describi'd proiiaitv, liewit!
'ialf of north m-t iUrt,-r, S. 4, T. '2, II. 2 K,
.outh east qu irler and soul h Witt qua t r of
ii'irth eut qiiuter, and north half of wsiih
nnt quarter sie) 27 acres on th! went tide ol
.ntuh we.t quarter of south e-t quirter uf
S !), T. , ft. i K., acid joiilh halt of anuth
we-' qii-irter and north west qu irler uf s tilth
wmt quarter, S. 40, T. 8, K. 2 E. in Amite
Levied on as the property of defendant,
V. A. Samuel', and will be lold to snlis
ty tlio Judg. neut and costs in the ubovs stated
aM' P. M. BlTTI.Elt.Sheiift.
Sot. mher the 10th, Wi.
T I 5 W A E V
Cits and Caps,
All of which will be sold at
the very lowest prices.
Sept. 19, 1889
L. B. ROBINFON. President.
E. B. ROBINt-'ON, Canbier.
' r i inat rveu iiii.iv ,in... -
Tn say lhat the dinner was excel- their approbation. The expe-lm
,. wti a i,i foal Miccrsa lu every pwtlcv
lent, and enliven ny an. nanny ex- , , - ls BO
e . ' : " i.uv iv i-v- ......
presses the sentiments of thnfe who nefipiai cSwt whatever upon Mr.
Were present. To the Hostess we LunUn.
, .Lei- t Then wo all went our several ways,
extend our thank fur hem- one of lfclillR. M , ,)so .ppropriately ra
the par iciparits, and our wishesarc marlied in the Clarion, that "it had in
. i . , . tnrWd ben irood to be there.
trial sue may live in prepare many Tw p MoBOJL
mure similar dinner.
Coroner and . anger.
A Million Friends.
A friend in ne-d i a friend in
deed, and nt less than one million
peoplehuye found jus! such friend
in Dr. King' New Discovery for
consumption, coughs, and cold.
If V'ii have ni-vi r used this great
cough medicine, one trial will con
Tinea you Unit it ha wonderful
furallve power in all diseases f
throat, chest and lnng. Each bottle
ie guaranteed to do all that is claim-
I or money will be, refunded
Trial bottles free al Carroll & Nun
nery1! drugstore. Large bottles
50c. and 11 0
W I .1
same,!, and all l-.ll.AI Kt.XivJ
Hied io lot .Vni'h.nA'lt: U K Our office
.,.Mte ihe U a. Patent ouii-o snd e -n in
'in rnienu in less nine timn tl" ;' nne Iroi
T I "III VH70.V. eiel HOI'h.l.. I'l- H IM. i:
mm nl invsntion. Wo advlw s l I"'",
i'jy frcf nf fleece Slid we lenke A" t ..W.O.
i.hn nw.vr 11 i-t: mm
lot nmntnr S'triin, lernw ml reierei-ec, in
'nal eliews In ! nr. n'i siste "Hi.'. ' '; '
iwu. writs to f .-' f7TV J-Stfa
It i claimed that a Printer's
OuVe i haunted by the so-called
"printer'- deril," but this is i n
accusation f uih gr n-e nature-
that The Ilerald object to be
placed in this raKgoiy alti gelher,
for we are pr nd to any that our
office at least metimea ha the
pleasure t njny the preeeucr of
lome very fair spirit. Last week
for instance, we were highly pleas
td to receive a call bywhat
are constrained t call an aog-1,
in the "4rrn of Mic Uertiud
Caston, who came to spend rhri"
tna with" her sister, Miss Emm
Caston, the charming companion
of Mrs. Fannie Brewer. Oolv tw.
or three day slater our sanrtissiiuu n
received another angelic rail by
Misa Bybil Stratton, who had given
the nunils of her school a short
thrietroaa Vaostinn, while herself
fTitiia to enjoy the holidays at home
On iuiuroved farm lands, n
low rale and long lim '
No del-iy inmiey ohtuiued in
ten divs.
W. K. (iILi. l.AWYKK,
LlilKltIT, Ml-.
July IS, 1891.
g Campbt, New Orleans,,
Sod dealer Is
.saw J
silver H ire and Spectacles.
Cvrrr awel Walehes R-enlre.
jvweirt Mis,te tauriler. lMiiud n-sw
m the newest style. All st riis'l
..it-i.. . full, rnsrsioei-d
A full lino nf Wal.tham WaTCBBS
st lowest rules,
'eiiriisry 2ti. I"s9.
fobmo and firt cc rie s.
Qi;u k .Sales u Sma: i. Pr-
ita" is ruy motto.
CALL. , MO a10K
fanuary, 1890
I of Ml
Money loaned at reason
hit- rates.
All kinds of "Warrant
bought and sold.
We soMcit Deposits, frtn
$ 1 00 upward.
December 26, 1890.
: J 1 , -
k ;:
" t , 1. i
iir v. i : - - r ,
ta tn, ----. ; 4 ii t,i
IS ,i'ta r' - :. li' . Ss t.
tV .. W - i i '' J -. ; v
tf. it'll'" J t i ' J ''. - -
nun : J i. wb V I - '.
1 te is-s .t-4 w-9 -i v11 '. .
ly Lev. ti I s.-ua J .
Utvrt Vi t V i'tli. . .
iu sad Ivi- A " t rtv, i ., .
fl, . Fowl E, . a I -t. - ' -
ihrta luet k ts. (. - 1 t-. i .
?r kid, kltl.Jiet tt
Eurae a r-d it ) i r i a . .i ai .
KUI.inn ate t.. ti. vts--
.r 1 li. a li ti.lt tfil r t -1 I '.1: i -
(W b.ol er, J " , a 4 1 t
Ovuaiv, am, C'vV. Srd, 1: -
uld a-sik.4 wiUi etv-p iiiUicritu i -t
ngbl Mir, eeop in Ut kft. ; - J t
6 ffl h lieurt Hc-Ori Sl'i 1 i... , .1
1 1.S six vt wersta eirv s.-..y t
Vv teem jebea, ard ;. tt i - U-
l r W E JuwU, a Jiwnu l t i t
siihia ai:d K Atti" euii't.J- . -
rw. ts.m rw .1. 1 1 vmi t rs
fcfps sad f bdIs, Slid Ui I. e. a,-d
s its upj er ta va-i i er. sna , j
ia Wt). ArtMwitid at &ii is) av C A Arvs
and K C kcHuius.
Ike above aVatrfhaJ astrsv was teles e .
1-y 0 F Jon, id mwyvd ly k, b.
4 II Ji..Il a Juati.w tsf n. . ij
sad fvr itaiu svuntv V v. fii, 1. ,.L
On Srotted a1tin-i.es.ltd Cc, 1
silk swslloW-fork Slid vsder L I n , r
ear, sod ft lit in ll i li ft si ' .
.pprs at JU to v r rt j-iJ.it" si.
0 H t hew.
Tb above aWe. ibd trv l t-.v i
bv D. . Cauiey, and rj ed t l i - .
L ltuhn, Curuper and utiin i : t
aitbia and for A a He eountv, and Ks-.t
Miwiwsj i i, sa ll.b dy f Ut, . ,
Or. Ut R.v Vi.ra Tntt l.'.l'i ft. i
pot aa bulb tidet nl Di ck ! d bv!v. f -
frsittd at U0 by J n ul at.4 i"
k -Vn. JeliMl MftwV feu t , .1, en
by Duncan VIUlaa sua" strst ed It k;a
I store I bus. Booper, Miyr akdaieA. w
Jutticeof lb 1'asee wilhin at, 4 fwriLs ts
cvuiity, ovlBibar ZStK ICsi
fl.. tMl..ra I!.l , . I..U.1 1 t.,n u .l
nrlod nb rrep of rWlt ear, and ivnlbw
foik si d andeibit io left est; alto On liw
nd bull sboat Ireurt old, n arked wits crow
in es a ear. i ae a, n,r api iea st is w,
. i, ,, . m . Lu l ..i .. .. a. A
ii't ran m as w, mj a atcviuiwua a;.
Moses Vsrasdo.
1 1 stv d.ecrlbed arrsvs ware tskta
no by T B 1('DvlL snd strsvtd hv b
- , i. ii i.-i j. .
Detuis vt r it nu n, sjuiuem uwrss
witliiB and fur s ante vuct, nv. s, u.i.
ru dVtiitv TW1 Rteer. twa it 3 a
bslf visrt old, tipper tit ia ch aar. w.t: as
stsai 176 pounds. Appmised st IS 0 ky
M H Usrtla sad J D licl), wvll. Jr.
The sb"Ve den-ribed stirs f was takes B
bv j J CsBiplell and tttsyed bybni bw-
tor Aanite eoaiitr, and btals of Jsiauatieti,
December tb, leva.
Tha nam, af tbe abave daterfiiaiJ Fra
are requested lo euni forward, prvvr rip
Tit, pit climax, a,iM in.,- hit hi a..i, vw
key w ill I dealt will si tvs law dirvrK
Cornnsi a.v hsnir
J"5f Se-iSibiS
ji'c xi "B,w
6 a JE.
Rry fiat
"A bird In tha hand ia worth two
Thos. I). Evans,
Summit, Miss.
IlKOS to Inform tlio people of Amit
I i.niv iht lie will bo in Liberty on th
8 P.gSS,
$12 Per Year
1Glo20 Paget
$2 Per fear.
12 PC8i,
(1 Per Year.
S wonrl Monday in Each Morith,
prepared to do nil work in bis line wit
promptness nd at reae-insble rates.
lie will keep on blind st all times a fa
line of Watches and Jewelry for sale.
All work iriianinteed for one yvsr.
Pal-tiff having Watches or Jewelry to re
pair. . hii leave the same vvilh Thos. W iiring,
l the Waring HoU'e, cr Mr. Mrltnvit
ii. io j wlhout Is. the nosliiflice.aiid their oruers will rec-eitv
ui fimet- Will von come lip to ittention, ... . , ..... ,....:..
' 7 ... . ..-!u. t l'atronaae solioiteo snu sanuat ,
41. i hmimai craxoenuir Hruivuki .
Vll U v. B "
shall be there.
Jacb Redd v With pleasure. Am J
rpected to bring anything? , 5a -.j nvi rStS-CEIOC?JlT
Miss Sweetser-tNo; out you h(u. - " lKM u ;m
I.ile -!H. IHKfl.
A . a! . La z a r ,
Dry Goods,
Tobacco ,Cigari,et
All of which will be sold st the lowcs
prices for the cash.
Give me a call.
Jsnusry 4lh, 18W).
Carroll & ISunnery,
;D R U G G 1 8 T 8 ,
DiALta w
November 28. 1890
60 Camp Street,
H. C. Capcll,
Corblti Banking Company
nsv T.nnn made on imnrnved
plantations in Aniiteand Wilkinson
counties on long lime.
No charge for examination nl
December 6, 1890.
fetch a spray of mistletoe, Pock.
lis Had N'litl.l'H l.lt
First Footpad- Thcr- is no use tack
Un? that fellow
W.nd l.!r.r.-l-' .-'
Firtt l-'ooin I - !. b.-en bnylng
brbuua- pre- .V -Jnilga.
i is reported ihatPies'ilenillarti
o . al liie expiratim- o' hi- tellli
f ffiie, will become n, ember of
t 'a nliy of the LelHiid Haiif of .
Ir TJniyersity of allf it'iiia I
Why IS r"' '""J ,Va
c,iiiat r' n" . is a in to jevpaew ppw
ts. im s' b yv Bew, tf tha world, oovwrlna every topto
to Ma wtt ha has W siH . , t (nt.rast and sparklin" wi
is s-i ' si r :,.
LT, .da Manalaf literacy ifflU.
' ,'1 CtHI, ITHHlt VW pvaiw nn
r, I :;ri":.rt,y: the wuxlt Tss:zs.crj:cciT
SiiJpioKiMwn'M oonUlns U th rood things of tha Daily
wMm al th beatom ol aw d 8un()av editions and an xoaUant
l s tt . SI" " " ...', nrtaut
MwHIMyaa. wl
A3 u AiLaiKia B.u.iva
1 I
P. KaafJl 1 ft W A
a . '-i
. a a A a . KnlsRvlfla Xmsrlnaa
jf Agescyfor
f III n
if r -j55
.1 12. t,rt--r-r'.. 5 f5
IS i?fi"MM r
v V
vyaa)wSwl"illtlwBnw. W
asllnapaNtliasttnat gMH.
.1 la. PSEPLES A CO..
has accepted, il i 1 1 I, a l, ii(lei 221 Fifth Avenue, . - CHIOACO.
the position of nonj-e 'dent pm
fessor of law. This wo il'l necessi
widths Itsm SA tt EE,
paper la I.anlirlana owning both tha Aa
aooiated and United rresa aerrlosa.
rmd for aamplaeopis"oraaTeaui
t f cavtare,
A T0 ,
I.IItERTT, nihtx
1) li (i (I I) !
Millinery Goods,
I., w P in s i I II F i' Di nlii i
- Ill ! t .
'.if,.- n. . - .:: i , I
Jut ti-.rv 14, 1S!12.
GillsturgCdlfglate Inst:s
q'HIe Utr-Tlj l THIS, toeated at tjlll
1 burg, Miss, will re-op.
' Holiday, Rrpt. 7, 1SS1.
It hs Bisie s rreerd, bich Ills th JWef'a
of bouth JlUitii pi. with pride.
For the next a eoirplet scd sff-
rit-nt fncul y f tea hen has been secured.
With our psst reeerd ss a testrmonisl, w
ei'ine I elore Ine public and samestly sol:
tbeir pstrontge.
Tuitioa from $t to f 4 pr month.
Music, it per Ssoata, lnclud:rg w i
Itnsrd, inchial g Wsrhirj: snd fiieT,
For Ainbw iiiferaistii'a spply to W. V,
K,LK1, President of F&mltv er
Da. J. ft. HAfX,
Fres. af Xor4 of Trufteaj
August T, m.
rta COP V RIGHTS, ato.
Wnr Inf'wmat.ioB sea f me HsnJIsto wra V,
MtmN a CO, l llBoAnwAT, Hew yar.
Oldest bureau for ax-annc pattrnU tn AnsrtflS,
Brrf p. tent tak'a out hf a. ti bnmfht befora
U public by aotlc (tven fras ol ebsise la th
tale only otcas onsl viits to the
univereity for the delivery ol
curses of law lectures.
. 'list .:-ii,;cr.i, ol N' I'ltloaiis
the -an"-? na.ii'i- in tue aouih
allyiuid Vm-ly A A
(I, (III.'' i' I son.
firiltliotj invil l.-U tvii.ii nenrmwios r.-iiUnrj
jui.ui',ir.iiiei.uik i. i. i i.no-iil l. tsslnj
j;.-., ir;," If n 11 "a t ..miiae
hjiV-.d'j ns:sadc."d .t4Hbb rnr.
efrenlstlnn of my snienUfto panar In tha
tti.iantiitlr llln.truoil Nl, Kil.llliranA
mii ihoulcl be witbout It. Watkly. S t. 00 a
Jrw, tix mrniUii AsarM, MUNM A 00a
uoLuu&as, a;i araadwar. Kw luik.
f.a. ran the fn.ono,
k. -J Weakaiaa, Malaria, luuigeutoa and
BUiuustiMw. tn lie
It cmw, vilekli. Tar Mie by all Stalest ll
Bsdicln. 5et rb tr-ntrtDU.
AiliiilulNtri -.tr.r'si Tot tie.
U?HK.I!F.A!-, lrttei of sdrnmittnitieti
Ihe 'Stllte of 0. H. Ksrnev, ;
'"used, bavliig licen gninteo lit the iiii'
hrnerl bv the 1'baneeiv fimrt of the Fi ui
'hnneerv 1 btr cl of ti.e Stnleof Mittln t
' ,-tore ti. M. Hnles. (' erk "t "aid Court t
ilie eoiirlv of Anif', i'B the 28(1 c!ik
. pt. A. 1. 1W:
ef, therefore, notice Is I ereb etvu.
'1 persons i'u'ebted to sold i slste to eo),
nrwiird si d mnke pstme' I, ai d all ier, i
nitVIHir eilllinS HpHUI.l OH' WIT me n-ijin-i-i .
fc- sxhiliit them and hsve them rrgirtind
the msnncr snd wilhin the tint rrctcril
by law, or they ill be lorever Virri d.
L. b. KOBlNtO.N,Ii'r.
skspt. js, iep5.
The Delta,
OAtT.T TST,TA-8 n,r- W '
SeS USijts o-'.f S - '
six atoa.as tl 76 tara &--- au
si-ntaoni mom It
tlN iAV DiLii A Si H y?. i t
ti a pti euh isitus
WSSKbt OKI.IA l.s.t a4
weekly la Ihe lUivh i a
S ri rs Iwi.e s week, .v V s....i
ThursUty. Ntxtei a s.s " t f
?'e .; 0 argi, ,y 4 B.'.'i.itts, r. i
or ton atuaUia t a a -.. ..
Thi De!:., aVr: 0

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