Newspaper Page Text
£be -ftewport Winer I PAPER OF STEVENS COUNTY i-!v journal devoted to tbe interests oi A ' ve r-lndtne Oalispel valley in particular .New port ana rq{ t^e earth in general. A iI, iI sive paper for progressive people in a progressive country- KHKI> I- WOLF, Editor and Publisher tiered in the postoflice at Newport, Wash. ug w,n as second class mail matter. . INSCRIPTION PRICE >1.50 BACH YEAR JUST AMONG OURSELVES S, & W. N. Railroad Time Table. Passenger Train No. 2 leaves O. R. & v depot at Spokane, via Spokane Inter zonal Railway, daily at 7:00 a. in. Ar rive- at Newport at 9:20 a. m. Passenger Train No. 3 leaves Newport daily at 5:15 p. ra. Arrives at Spokane it 7 45 p. m. ' Dailv freight from Spokane arrives at Newport at 8:45 a. in. Leaves Newport at 11 a. in. 0 B. McCready and wife, of Blue «li»le, were Newport visitors Tuesday. ,|oa. Barry ha 9 been on tae sick list tiie past week and confined to his home pin t of the time. K>R SALE—Good milch cows and a litter of well bred pigs. Prices right. A. W. Westfall, Newport. John Harper has removed to Sand point, where he will start a livery stable. lit- shipped his household goods on Monday. L K. Minct, of Saco, Mont., a former Newport resident is here for a visit while on his way to the coast to spend the winter. The Foresters of America at their last regular meeting decided to give another of their popular dances on Feb. 14th, Valentine Day. FOR SALE—High grade piano; terms, part cash down, balance ninety days; can he seen at Miller's furniture store. George H. Bobier. 29-5 Messrs. Furness, Kellogg and Emory, old town, will open a saloon at Bonners Ferry in the near future. Furness and Kmory weie in Spokane Monday buying fixtures and stock for the new place of business. They will continue to operate tiie Conquest as before. i. J. Covell, of Cusick, received to day a twenty-five horse power traction engine for use down the river. He has a mill on Small Creek in the Calispel Valley. The engine will be barged down to Cusick as the roads from here down are too narrow to permit of its passage. The Modern Woodmen of America elected the following officers for the en suing year: Consul. E, G. Grover; ad visor, E. L. Kirkpatrick; banker, F. H. Kmuter; clerk, Fred Phillips; escort, J. if. Flvnn; watchman, J. C. Grover; sentry, Ed Schneider; manager three vears, D. Caldwell; chief forester, S. G. Higginson. DON'T 20 per cent. DISCOUNT SALE ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT We will save you 20 per jcent. on things you need now, and will need every day for the next three or four months. Such as WOOL underwear, wool S\UKTS, wool SOCKS AND WOOL PANTS, SHofcS, MITTEN-S, 6LOVE.S, DRY 600D*S SLTRKET-S AND CoMFoRT-S. Here is a Chance to Make 20 Per Cent. Look after your own interests; if you don t FRIDAY and' SATURDAY WBLE SSL HWR2> ANKERSON'S ADDITION Sales in these favored additions have bean very satis factory. A large number of lots have been sold to Newport people and outsiders for building purposes and investment. I will continue to sell lots at the same low prices until 1 dispose of half my holdings, when prices will be raised to something nearer their present value. Buy now in the . most sightly place in Newport. City water in front of every lot. Soil free from rocks and level. Terms to suit. A CORNER —Four lots 011 Newport Ave. and G. N. Tight of way for business purposes. Three lots on State Ave., a snap. Several small houses on the installment plan. A few good ranches at bargains. List your bargains 'with me. T. ANKE&SON, Owner. Henry A. Miller was a Rathdrum visitor over Sunday. _ Inspector Weller, of Spokane, checked over the Newport poatoffice Monday. Miss Margaret Brown, of Locke, was the guest of Miss Edna Seeley last week. Miss Freda Vawter, daughter of F. A. Vawter, is quite seriously ill with pneu monia. Two, three or four rooms to let, lo cated near Idaho school on east side. Mrs. Crain. 29-2 W. M. ("Tamarack") Booth, of Priest River, has been in town several days this week. Gus Elstrom has come up from Dal kena, and will make his home in New port for a time. FOR RENT—Good 4-room house close in; city water; electric lights; $10 per month. A. M. Harris. A "Clearing House" dance is the lat est. It will be given at Kelly's Hall Friday evening of this week. Would't a year's subscription to The Miner be a nice Christmas remembrance to send to your folks at the old home. Six street crossings have been put in on Washington avenue by order of the city council. Fred Kimmel has the con tract. Dr. Heldring, the veterinarian, now has his office at his residence on the south side, earner of Fourth street and State avenue. Colored concert company at the Opera House Saturday evening. Genuine southern plantation songs and dances, Tickets 25 and 50 cents. A meeting of the Newport-Metaline Steamboat Company was held at port Tuesday, several of the Spokane stockholders being in attendance. J. H. Long, of this city, has filed a suit in the superior court at Colville asking possession of the Emma L lode mining claim down the river. He al leges that the defendant, the Sterling Silver Lead Co., is trying to secure a patent on the property that belongs to him. The mine is alleged to belong to him. The W. A. Club of the High school presented |the comedy "All a Mistake" in a creditable manner at the Opera House last Thursday evening. Some of the young people showed particular adaptability for the parts they assumed, and all aaquitted themselves with credit. The net proceeds, about $30, will be applied to the piano fund of the High school. The bad weather undoubtedly kept many from attending. J. F. Rogers, representing the North west Mining News, of Spokane, was a New|«rt visitor last week, interesting our people in the forthcoming issue of that paper, which will contain write-ups of the raining districts of the northwest, and in which the Newport district will be represented, Mr. Rogers having gath ered data for the write-up. The North west Mining News is devoted exclusively to raining news and interests of th« Northwest, and is an attractive, reliable paper with a large circulation through out the country. OVERLOOK OUR on Your Money nobody else will. "Nuf Sed." NORTON'S ADDITION Opp. Postoffice. Two |.ood houses for rent. See Verne Branigin. Miss Edna Seeley was a Spokane visitor Monday. Good house and lot for sale. Inquire of W. F, Millard. Jerry Desart, the jeweler, was a Spo kane visitor Thursday. Sandpoint authorities are having* a hard time fighting smallpox. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Miltner, east of town, Sunday. Chas. Luce and James Fleming went down river Wednesday noon on a deer hunt. i Northport elected a Socialist mayor by a majority of 11 votes after a hot contest. Look at the big clearing out announce ment of the Usk Trading Company in this issue. There will be a dance at the Ooera House Christmas Eve. Music by Barry's orchestra. Henry A. Miller recently received a fine new hearse, which he has added to his undertaking equipment. FOR SALI£ —21-room hotel and fix tures ; will be sold cheap. Address J. W. Cusick, Cusick, Wash. 22-tf Chas. Luce, J. E. Williams and Jack Crickmore were among the Nimrods who have bagged deer during the past week. The Fidelity mill is closed down this week while an inventory is being taken, but will resume work again on Monday next. The Spokane International is moving its shops and round houses to Spokane, abandoning the temporary structures at Sandpoint. Saturday evening there will be a col ored concert company at the Opera House. Prices for this engagement have been reduced to 25 and 50 cents. George Neff, who has been down the river on a ranch the past summer is again holding down the first chair in his barber shop on Fourth street. Special bargains during the holiday seasop in lots and acre tracts in Quale's addition to Newport. Pays better than bank interest and is a safer investment. W. S. Straight has been appointed night marshal, vice Henry Allen, re signed. Mr. Straight is a young man and was well recommended to the coun cil. Locating Engineer Russell, of the Blackwell . road, with an assistant, started Wednesday for the lower river to do some work in the neighborhood of Tiger. The new bank at Spirit Lake opened for business Monday morning, and it is reported that a good line of accounts were opened that day and considerable money deposited. Dr. Pfister, the noted eye specialist from St. Paul, who has been visiting Newport regularly for the past six years, will again be at Hotel Antler Dec. 19-20. Examination free. Gerald Eaman, a young man from near Albeni Falls, was brought to town on the "dinkey" Thursday morning so as to receive better medical attendance. He is quite seriously sick. WANTED—To sell or trade for city property, a nice little ranch; good house, abundance of water, rich alder bottom soil, some land cleared, plenty of tim ber. Inquire of Bennet, the blacksmith. When winds shriek high in fiendish glee, And enters winter with his key; Protect yourself, from disease be free; Take*Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. At Adam's Pharmacy . The Northern Mercantile Company will keep "open house" next Tuesday evening, Dec. 17, the date of the open ing of their "Week Before Christmas Sale." Barry's orchestra will furnish | music for the occasion. "Are You Crazy" was received with varying degrees of approval. Some were highly pleased, while others were as disappointed. The songs and dances seemed to please most of the audience, while as to the plot, one should not expect much from a musical farce. H. M. Yocum, better known as ''Shorty," engineer on the Spokarfe, started Wednesday noon for a'trip to his old home in Ohio. It will be hTs first visit at the old home in 23 years, and his friends expect that he will thor oughly enjoy it. The Usk Trading Company has an advertisement in this issue announcing a big clearing out sale, which starts Dec. 12 and ends Dec. 24, to which they in vite the attention of down river people. They will give a free dance at Usk on Christmas Eve to their friends and in vite all to come. The Farmer's Co-Operative Store is now getting everything settled in good shape in their new location in the Vaw ter building on North Washington ave nue and have a neatly arranged store room. The latest improvement to be added is a cash carrier system, which was put in place this week. The following officers were elected for the ensuing term at the last meeting of the Foresters of America: C. R /F. M. Buck; S. C. R., James Falls; treasurer, ,W. C. Adam; F. 8., W. J. G^ary; E. S., Dr. Boudwin; 8. W., C. Zeigler; J. W., Chas. E. Smith; S. B. Chas. O'Harra; J. 8., Frank Sherman; trustees, John Koch, D. E. Heianer, Chas. Schneider; lecturer, Azel McCurdy; visiting com mittee, F. M. Buck, C. B. Boudwin, James Falls, C. Zeigler, W. C. Adam, W. J. Geary. J. W. Black and wife, of Lenora, were in the city Tuesday. Mrs. John Hiett, of Cement, was a guest at the Antler Tuesday night. Now is a good time to send in your subscription to the Newport Miner. Louis Wike, of the firm of Wike Bros., Cusick, Was a visitor in the city Tues day. G. H. Kimmel, of Harrison, Idaho, was the guest of Newport relative* over Sunday. Miss Margaret Brown, of Locke, was the guest last week of her friend Miss Edna Seeley. FOUND—A gold locket with mono gram engraved on it. Owner can get it at this office. Kelly's Hall has been engaged for a dance Christmas Eve, with music by Kirkpatrick's orchestra. Judge D. R. Lusher is again able to be out, after having been confined to the house by siekness for a week A sidewalk has been built this week on Third street, from the Noble & Hurd corner to the Miller furniture store. "As Told in the Hills," a western melo-drama, is booked for the Opera House Tuesday evening, Jan. 31st. Mr. Wagner, of Spokane, is assisting at the postoffice and will be there during the holday rush which Uncle Sam's em ployes go up against at this time of the year. Agent J. T. Gibbs, of the Idaho & Washington Northern Railroad, now has an assistant in the person of J. E. Dicks, of Troy, formerly an employee of the Northern Pacific. Be present at the opening of the Northern Mercantile Company's "Week Before Christmas Sale" on Tuesday evening, December 17. Barry's orches tra will furnish music for the occasion. Dr. Murphy, of Spokane, has been a guest of J. P. Berneck and went hunt ing with Joe, but they are not telling their friends to come around and par take of any choice venison*. Caldwell & Co. have met with great success in their stock reducing sale and announce that the same list of bargains as advertised last week are still being continued. D. B. Birks, president of the Spokane Lead Mines Company, who has been supervising the building of the rafts for floating the concentrator boilers and ma chinery down river to Metaline, has the rafts about completed and will start the j6urney down stream in a day or so. Two rafts have been built, one 16x40 and one 14x40. The machinery weighs about 25 tons. Thev also expect to use. the rafts for floating docks at Metaline. Two Lots For Sale On the South Side, $50.00 each. Chas. F. Craig. T. J. KELLY, President We solicit vour business. Interest paid on savings and time deposits. Loans on farm prop= / erty at reasonable rates T.J.KELLY, H. M. LUND, JOHN McINNIS, SB. R.P.SCOTT, G.S.THOMAS, W. I. FOUNTAIN, J. W. BLACK, THOMAS METCALF, J. J. COVELL. JOHN TT ROGERS, O. F. MELDER. Lund Hardware <£k The pioneer hardware house of Newport is still at its old stand corner of Fourth street and Railroad avenue. We have just received a carload of common and good sense bobs; also the Marienette and McClaren sleighs, which we sell at Spokane prices and save you the cost of freight. . . . V Double Bitted Axes at 75c, $1.00 and $1.25- 1-4-in tested Steel Chain at 150 per lb. All sues of B. B. and B. B. B. Cham, also Lund's Special. Atkins and Simond Saws on hand. We still have a good assortment of all kinds of Heating Stoves which we are selling at way down prices. . yours for business Lund Hardware Co. Constable Nuzum, who shot up old town Monday night, was arrested upon complaint of an old town citizen on Thursday. He was taken before Judge M'cCurdy and plead guilty to disorderly conduct. His fine was assessed at $2$ and costs. The trimmings only amount ed to $8 in this case. The justice told the constable that ii he ever came be fore him again thas he would give him the limit. He also requested the offi cer's resignation. It is understood that the resignation has been forwarded to the sheriff at Sandpoint. If it has not the officer will soon be a statesman with out a job, as one of his bondsmen went to the county seat Thursday afternoon to withdraw from the bond. In the Halford addition. This is a bargain. Apply at the First National Bank. JOHN McINNIS, Vice-President FIRST STATE BANK Constable Fined. An Acre For Sale given away free to the person buying the largest amount of goods from me by February 20, 1908. Coupons given with every purchase. For a Christmas Present Nothing is better appreciated than a handsome piece of jewelry. It is oherished for a long time and the giver is always held in grateful remembrance. I have just reeeived a choice new line of Watches, Chains, Charms, Pins and Novelties which are just what you are looking for. Come in and look them over. JERRY DESART In Rogers & Talmadge's Office CAPITAL, $25,000.00 directors Home Cooking and Baking at the Home Restaurant Next Door to New Miner Office STEVE HARRIS Blacksmith. Horse Shoeing Wagon Making OPPOSITE MINER OFFICE WANTED—Relinquishment. Add ret a John Garling, R. R. 1, Hillyard, Wash. BOARD AND ROOM $5.50 PER WEEK THE BANQUET RESTAURANT Chicken Dinner Every Sunday Given Away Free This handsome 20 year, gold case ELGIN WATCH G. S. THOMAS, Cashier Newport, Washington