Newspaper Page Text
r Uapjil Development of the Dead wood Country. The Jilauk Hills Pioneer of Jane 2" says: "We do not believe this or any other country affords such another ex- synplc of rapid derelopinent as what is tiow known as the " Deadwood Coiin tff." Three montlis ago it was occu pied by only a few hardy miners- scarce Ukin number who had placed ineir iivct hi puni, doui irom Indians ami starvation, living on "meat straight," without even salt, for months and undergoing nearly every privation known to man in search of the preeiuu metal. Xow Deadwood, Whitewood, and their tribtitaries, are peopled by more than 7,000 of as hardy, energetic and intelligent men. as there arc in 'the country; men who liave left home, wife and children, and endured hardships and incurred dangers that those in the States little dream of, in search of a better country more money. They have found it, and to-day, go where you will, the sound of the pick, shovel, rocker and sledge greets yours ear?, and sluice-boxes, ditches and dams are on ever', hand. Six weeks ago the site of Deadwood oCity was a heavy forest of. pine timber; now it extends nearly a mile along Deadwood and Whitewood, and con tains nearly i',000 of the most energetic, driving people on the continent. Every branch of business is represented, and most of them are overdone. Houses arc going up on every hand immense trains are constantly arriving loaded with goods of all kinds, business is rushing, and bargains arc driving here that would put Wall Street to the blush. In addition ' to Deadwood, Montana City, Crook City, Centennial and Spcarfisb have sprung into existence, and each and all are growing rapidly. Let the Government but protect this people and give them mail facilities, and within two years the 1 thick Hills will contain more than 200,000 of pros perous and happy souls. Wc know that the country is wonderfully rich in its mines of gold, silver, and other min erals, in its vast forests of pine, and in its grazing and agricultural resources. The Black Hills an; a success com plete, entire in spite of rival mining interest "croakers," "tender-feet" and batbarous Indians. Let those who have fought the fight and won the 1 battle work together patiently, earnest ly, unitedly. We have full faith that the Government will soon come to our assistance extend a helping hand and throw around us its strong arm of pro tection, and welcome us as no longer outlaws. There is a glorious future in store for the Black Hills. It is rich, almost without a parallel, in every thing that goes to make a great country gold, timber, soil and rlimate. In the near future r-iilroads will intersect it, and thousands oi happy and prosper ous homes be scattered through the vallevs and parks of these beautiful hills." A kink-lookinh young stranger ar rived in Heading, Pa., and said that he was Doin Pedro's clerk. He showed a roll of greenbacks, and he had a high old time. He got nearly all his refresh mcnts on credit, however. He hired a livery team, and sent a boy home with the team and did not pay for it. In many places he cut a wide swath, and after he had given a dozen or more peo ple a fine game he lit out. Appetite a NccmsIIJ". Appetite is a necessity. AVithout it, suffi cient foot! is not received into the stomach cither to nourish the system or to srlvc the stimulus to tin: bowels which they require. Both the?e organs and the liver become tor pid in cimcfjiieticc, anil the Mood grows poor in quality and quantity. Improve the appe tite, therefore, and avoid such results. Thjs is ino-t t Ucctuaily done with Hosteller's Stomach l'.itters, a tonic appetizer and al terative without a peer. It gives not only an unwonted zest for food, lint enables the stomach to digest and the system to as:-im-ilate it. Flatulence, heartburn, nauca, and every other concomitant of indigestion, are removed by it, as are also biliousness and constipation. Kach nerve and tibcr of the body is made to tingle with health by its wc," and it is the leading remedy for dc spoiilcncy. WHY 10 PHYSICIANS DIFFER? When a person lia a dull pain and dizzi nessin the head, a bad t:ite in the mouth, frequent hick headaches, spittiniMipof food, with saur stomach, pain in back and sides, with scanty hiirli colored urine, afaiut. dis tressed feeling at the pit of the stomacb that food will not satisfv, a general weakness, a tired feeling, which sleep does not remove, skin cold and clammy at times, mid at others hot and burning, bavin? a dark, dirty ap- carancc, eyes sunken and tinned witliyel ow, appetite variable, breath foul, follow ed after a time with a dry hacking cough he consults one doctor, who tells him he ha liver complaint, another tells him his kid neys are diseased, anotherthat hi disease is dvpei5a, and still another says he is in the nrst Mares oi consumption, um none oi them afford him any relief. Some of these physicians iuut be mistaken. The fact is thev arc all right and all wrong; for the pa tients sufferins in thl manner have a com bination of all these diseases, and the only wav to treat such cases successfully, is to give a remedy that will act upon all of these organs at once. The best article for this is the Extkact op Koots. Hun dreds of cases that resisted the skill of the best medical men have found relief after using it. The country is full of just such cases in some of its forms. The article re ferred to is sold by A. J. White, 310 Pearl Street, X. Y. Agents wanted. If you earnestly desire to be cured of Aguc,take Shalleabergcr's Pills and be well. Modern Voaita. I It is a sad commentary upon our boasted t civilization that the women of ourtlmts have ' degenerated in health and physique until they, are literally a race ofinvahds pale, nervous, feeble "ami hack-achy, with only here and. there a few noble exceptions in this persona of the r.tbust. buxom Utile charac teristic of thi; sex in days gnat: by. I5y a very large experiiuce, co"erii'g a period of years, and embracitigthe treatiaeiit of many thousands of cases of those ailments to Women, lr. fierce, of the World's Dis pensary, liufialo, X. Y., lias perfected, by the combination of certain vegetable extract', a natural sp. i ilic, which he does not extol as a eiirc;:ill. I.ut one which admirably fullills a sinb in- - i f purpose, beiug a most positive nm! ii .j!ilc remedy for those weaknesses and compl ,.nu that'alllict the wniiinn of the prcseii '1:.y. This natural specisic cora- .i:nl c ;1Lm1 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. 1 lie following are among tlio-c di-eiises in which this wonderful medicine ha- uorkrda ores as if by magic and with a ret taint? w-ter before attained by any rm-di-c-ine.-: Weak back, nervous and general de bility, fjlliiig and other displacement of in ternal organs, re-lilting from debility and lack of strength in natural supports, interna! fever, congestion, intht'iimation and ulcera tion anil very many other chronic disea-i-s iMeiikiittowom. il", not proper to mention here, in which, as well as in the case. that have been c numerated, the Favorite 1're tcrintion effects cures the marvel of the world. It will not do harm in any state or condition of tlie system, and by adopting iU uc tuc invaim laur may uvoia inai severest of ordeals the consnltinsol a lamily ptiysi cian. Favorite Prescription is sold by dealers in medicines generally. Seheack Sea Weed Tonic. In the atmosphere experienced here Jsila- t':i: rnmmer moaths the lethugyprodnced I? ti'e take? away the dttire for wholesome fooil, and fre quent perspirations redoes bodily eo'T;-jvinrticn-larly those saSeringfrom theeffecUof ilobiliutin; dif ease. In order to keep a natnral activ ity of the rystem we roa.t resort to aniikial mean?. For thta parpo ScWnclc-i. Sen Weed Tonic is very crTectual. A few dose will create anaiijiclileimdglve fre-hvliortothe enervated body. For dvFpejta it Is Invaluable. Many emi nent physicians have doubted whether dys;ep?i.-i can be jierinanently cured by the drna which an generally employed for that purpose. The Sea Weed Toulc, in its nature, t totally different from inch drugs. It contains no corrosi re mineral, or aeldis; In fact. It tiwbts the -regular operations of and supplies her deficiencies. The Tonic In its nature so much resembles the gastric Juice that It is almoxt Identical wfth that fluid. jThe eaetric juice is the Bataialsplfient whic," ia.a healthy condition of theo4y " caasei Ike be di gested;asd, when this Juice ta not eicrcfcd In ur licient qnantitiet. Indigestion, with all IU distres. Ing symptoms, follows. The Sea Weed Tonic per rornie the duty of the gastric Julee when the latter is deficient. Schencb. Sea WcedTtmic sold by all Urussista. ' Wimioit"- Fcvnrt ash .ot:c ToKir. Tlii medicine is u-cd by eonstruclion ram panics for tliu leiie!it of their cejployc. when engaged in malarial district.-!. The highest testimonials haw becngiceti by coll tractors and by the Presidents of some of the leading railroad- in the South and West. When men are congregated in large number-in the neighborhood of swamps, and rivers WilhoN'sToniettill prove a valuable addition to the stock of medicines, and will amply reward the eoiiipanv i:i the saving of time." labor and money. We recommend it to all. (J. K. -A: Co., i'mprictors, Xew Orleans. Foi: sale nr AM. iJttTjiniSTA. We wilt KnInrs All Von Sny. If all the ClIAKTKR Oaks now in e arc as good as the one wc have used for nearly twenty vears, you can rccominencl them with entire confidence, ami we will enclorsc all you say. h iving thoroughly tested their manv excellent nualitics.anilwc arepleaed to say that it is absolutely without a fault or imperfection, and a marvel of economy and neatness. SO StTGAK OP I.KAD OR SCTLPHUR. TtnT'sllalr lire outaliis neitlier, or any tiling else injurious. Xoliiit)lir: haniiless as nieuiitaln Hiring water: easily ai'.lleil ami acts liflautlr. Mon'oflt uu-)l tliau all others couiMuoL l Mur ray SItit t. New Vurl. SAFES S. II. II cuius. M'rri'l Impmreil F) M)-ain i;rjiera:iu4 rii4 an.! r.tirir'ar l'riif Si'v. 21 fa K. st, tlilcjs. To Holders of Missouri County, City and Township Bonds. UAVIMS !llTi:X i:ii:VfxiHr!rtrrf!ti liti-it il'tlrlaMlUricC'iii.tii au.L - Imh!. Miiv nxrt't ST.'ni'f U.r I nit'-! Male i:iir.:i Ii ! tiriii!tr.t ii .Vfitilt rn-l rci-ijil'ili 11 thout ra vrium i:nli ill r. !: rnril i J'!ii fit I.nnjr pn!i h: wliuir M.i. vV liuc tnja-i! n ili.-t I fill. rik-,.i3tv-..:i. Ait i..rjr.!,-t;M ,13 ai.l !'. fcf "h k at i I rI.T It rm n i n.r IS. l.r-r t im cf it:rf. i. rt?r-t:;a.y ur.i!i!r.' !i ALDS.N .v:i:Al.!r..lUiAC.uiai'ruVfrj,M.l. .i t The falAm of tie LoMSra I.-n f:"!inntar trtiJ n itu lWinitlv. u- nr-n In tlic fnn f pV-Ii n-ainlanvrj. Tits l (- Uln4il9 11 enmvlnTS K. m',!- (iicini.ilif Itirrt'ntstilroi 1 -iiintIrc'. invi'tlioi 'I -r r-r.!t, : i I i t.. -r t!n a!'" ! rlr r.,i,iiinstjts,'trh;' rj I crrt i r-4i t t'l'traMv rn I t T r t.Mtk t w rittfn . .tlttftit Hi" i:-i,,p t- r!m i. w-m fhtiri t! ta!rti!j!'! i- iuu'ju-I !.r a!l r'a- i .UiJre Till: RMUtOAH i:.ZKTTa u-t- n Street. (ii." ml 20 prreent.i rain to nr one. Sample for 1 0c rt- palit. Jeasee lockw.y, Xnia, i:cnn.CoN.. $12 yet Home. Acenlswuttd. Outfit .al ma. Aadrtai itBUK C0U Aesosea. Ma. GTFRT alra!!:e tw AKTICLKS for Airenta, Mtfil bj O. J. Caras ili. it o cnwalre. conx fi.aDT. JlUU'TOJfAKj:ir. Scmttlinj far fiFXTS anisl.)iu salary orciniaiHslnn. Aewi.u I luesf." Ai'l.lress.1. t!. Macy A Co, St. Louts -Mo. in- .fitin a Jav at lionie. SanipU worth $ 1 f cr.t snso!f co- ronup.i. at, Seifllitz Pow3ersr Til'.nan's are KelliMe. snrf-irtiired cm Im DM. Kold .t Ures'tana. lOeA A Month. Am'nts wanlet!. 3C lt adOU s-Illnartl-Ies In ll.e riirl.l. One sample fr-. A.t.lres JAY HIWXSUX. Dctrult. -Vtlcli. ta, A MOJfTH and trarelina expenicj P!4 JhlUff fr,r SlI.lSJIKN. So peddler, wamrd. Ad ines. IOXlTc7i: MAN t lV-G (iK Cloetnaui. oalo V3t ab mm rmmrat ar-d H!sT..rjr. ciisl-isst' . ... M.Mv)nilirr rih t. ! .--.sTiKi: Kmpirc IHli. Hi.ii-e. Ciuf . r , for Criicimtal.H'1 iWtKuiii New -bVock. fur Crate CjihhU. FIFTY CENTS .OTS.S ccrat-ents'cintnt fi.rtae Rest Itnhbrr ;Mane ttir World. VV. fcULAM lltAli IMKinixrc mu. fliA WATCHES. Chwpwt in the known worM. StT.p vjtch and e-jtHtfmtoAjtiCt. fJjFortermsadiliMCOCLTB: CO..CLiceO $250 A MONTH. Acent. wanted evcrr- wure. lionorabie ana am clsii. rartleular. sent free. Address J. WOKTH 3l CO- St- Loots. Mo. A DAT ma.l' with The SPEES Sliding Karth Auger. ..Jen.1 ror cautogue. JOHN T. MIKKFKA. An S. Koartli ;trirt.St. Louis. Mo. TntSl W cautomie. JOHN T. MIKKFRV, ST. LOUIS MIDLAND FARMER FREE The ST.Lons MtDLSJCD rasxaB will be tent three montlis free to thofe ho will send .three-cent stamp t.i iav iilai:e. Address O. W. MATIICWS A lo ruKlshers, So.iU North Sixth Street, St. Loul.s Mo. THE "FARM" COLUMN. It coat bnt one cent to .end your ad drcMtby iwMul card to either adrer liner I u lbl column, wills requeat for further Information cunrrrnlns the property advertNcd. FARMS FOR SALE. or.n in" I'KKsrKiMirs xntrnt tkxa. th. rut ft I stort ami Wheat rez...n. Information mil .!e. tcriptlon of EsclrahiIcWeKjF- IrwitMOi -o .vi:ks rot: s uj. : lkaes on Hi- truii l It. It., at Murine station, "Smiles !rm sr. Ijiits. Mo 1 r a -re in eultitatlon. lnlanro -WI '"ji.i red. Tiro px,'l hn. . orchard and tin ltrrM:!r.'!i t act. 1 term and parlicuWr a ! Irv.i Me-. II. M. H-siM- ;t.wC1-M. 111. Of II i F.i:v" rii:f:I.K!n IU-tern Maryland. i:y WW V. u ll . I i ri cah..rocgh. Mil. A viMiii:i: OK M.t.i:i TKI FAIIM In tli-cenler cf K r.-ar rai;rul scU')'I-. mills and tL i- Ii.; ri .. s.!l U-t. Inre ci;-i. plenty ua:cr. .''.-)stf il tn -)..-V raS!:..r. -;iil7 to a.o Wa-hltitun hi- i:)M.:ii 1, llosTuc. Ma-?; T A l'.A!M.A!N"-; iTiIrii" Farm, in arn. " .VuUiirn. UVll irl.rM. .V mi ..1 h n. Minn. V MTlNtli L, M'trf uNMl". .M.llll. WT lir'WT U tUtl"U. I i tty KJ!W. A.. I. ItitU.LAM. a tr !'. A. Ayi'gKt.v. crwr, Minn. 1 , . i:fs !-i;aii:ik iasu ir m v. h 1 ' Mllv, Irxa. at ia nrrrLrir ft: in nrM ia gM throi v-a( U K I. i i . A('i:!. Ictw'A n oM( if" rM- iii.i'.. :!! Icirn. V-niir.riri:it trfi-. AmU.y. i::. - - - - ifni fM:r5 f'h.!ee Farmlnc I.-in'l. 'tOt i.n ari.llcatloa. J. W. Alluiei:, Kreracnt Cektrr. Mirti. HALF l-'OKSKCTIOV H. TOWV OK liVKOX .1. S. ;rn. Wa'cca. Minn. C - fill: ACI.T f.-r 'J acre- 3 m!le X. W. of Mt. J.jr. I'l'i.i; LKotly nn'tertraprmcincEt: l.i.t;..-. :t stuclc i-ll. orrlnr.1 (l- arlni, Lil,?., ru:ce-. T:i-. Sncr. Ml. A)r. luwa. .-tji: !.i:.IX Oi: li tl:Y jnarre mar Syeamire. j rile--.-an'l l.ulli-r racturr t miles illsunt. Atl Urt ! o. f-iv i Scai.irr. III. r aii:i i near!f roll. lml f rm l"lr.e Lafce. . nff'" ' " ' LANDS FOR SALE. 1 IV I (II II A'I!KS In X'-iti. Vattey. S))UiLern , LU n ' Kan-cc, cunlli.i'is t seli.s.l and rtiurrlDs. f.!b 1 ikt acre. AilJress lcb lrjer J 7tH Ai:i:ir jrinlrj ami Crazln; 1-iniN In Japer IiiJ. Feaxk v.". UmxcK, ttcnfc!- ii ii rtiutc. lacr, Iml. LAND FOR EXCHANGE. - i.o ACKITIMIIKII LANI in the finnil Tmr J.OO rr-e n-sion. Suet ror particulars loci. J. fcrcccT.!:. CI irn-itsrl'.le. olil.i Kt AXSASFAItM f..r ilvcl' ir.o! f.ira X - irnclaml inn. .vitiri-- i;.iuin -.-a ii.-in. FARMS WANTED. 17AKM U AXTKO. ic ttiU oiuntr. lVrs.u lialns : sale Mres. Jmiv W. Jnr., K'smi JU, Lai.i'sMe liulMiiir. c:htci:. 111. ASMAI.I. I'AKM. near a ilirtcl'i; town. -iiar In lliln .1-. Mt-Miari or love. CiLncCT M.n.r.AX, lnr.lsilll. Kv. jAmtr.-ii.wivi! k.i:m liiinniiitl or I'liiin- X ' nriitcsl. tone:! f.irC'asl). )irKi!iawfin'liicJ2i, nr.ipenr.ail.ln-s Lcm.t A Co, 1J1 K. M4rtli St.. ..tu K. . .D.ral. .JCco'C i Orlsncin Yoon-'ai SLIZA I.lirishdung.n, Mut t. CuKtln. - m i . The cholct In tne worM-Ineortrrt' . nrlees LarzeitO'inpaur In Aiaetlca .tapleartlcle-r'.easc. evinndy Trade contlnuallr ( Incrriulne AKriits ante. errrrwtiere best Indnre- msntc )!i.nt n'A.te lime secu ivr circular iv k V. i:LLS. 43 Veaar SU X. 1". V. O Uot IiMT. ADVERTISERS WhiCU'arlc to reach cotir.trr leaders can nc.son the h.-tand eiieaiiwct manier hv usinfc ne or nn.H ect!).ns Of TlUC lHEAT NEWt-rAJ-IK Alil'JiH LlK. AiplvtnK.K. PRA-i"f.70Jct-'oiMr'e-Oilrsrn. CIIDCPDinC for ttie St. Louis Cammtrcial Gtt OUDOUnlDC idle. Tlie tiest an-lccly it.-c;ly comn.ercat liaiT pull lsl In St. Ixiuls. Kvry tnKlj- stionlit kep it on tile for future n fv e-ice. 'ne sauinte ei-pv tree. Onecopvone year, tii Mci.p!s one-year. ItlCKEIt A THOMAS. :xe ii ainui cueei. .t. .iis, ..) AGUE. nOFSHTS HOP FILLS tuc TUIIED Chills anil Ferer i,.r -in vtart. l'ecrr and Arae. lmi:ili Acur. Ainie c-ate Mi!:-ltl Kerers TIIRY ri'UK AT O.NCU. A.Vi M-.VKR t'A,t- I'ci-.iO rrnls u lu.r : .i .loxi. lor s.j. Vor sste Iiy .U drag ziitf and dealt.;. No House Cam plete With out It. le PEERLESS: WRINGER. LOSS GKEUEl Vokc. osr iv Kr.tiiri7-WA HiSTortvnr ina IIUIT&n ftTlTCQ bwlM)ftlun-. T?. 1 r . ........ ,. .,rMi .r:.' t. rr ta L rt,!. Kitii.lnbulh t:ncll.lianiiermnii. Clreltrfssax auBuiuxxM.faSCAMrwLL&COSt.Uoui9vMe CSNTSf'JIAL BOGS OF BIOGRAPHY , ill the crejt men "t tt.e Flirt 100 Years of Our trrirpenoonce. n: fzlnrc of Anerii-c s rr preat tnn. LerjlKHij sfarl to rra-1 il.eir Ur .1 lit!) cVuter.rilal ?ea....n. , ACi-:N':i WAVTKiJ. As.-c, .ellias htiUirles !.uuMie:t IMii-I: sine CctiWr lnj it. Tli .reit-fi Micri of tlieje.r. Seaa f'TCircilar. P. y zir.u u:t: & cn- 201 . c;.rk tu ch;c-jo. in. PW'b aV ssss mW . lAa. sss-7 Siiiiimer Heat lic,-et undue lanjonr. .i- f ai- ' txtlti. lIII'inne. focri!m?s. hcad-aclie. and uttier Mwptom. which my jiee.!ilr decilcp !nti chronic iliea-x. Cli-CK them at the nutMt nllh thatFUini.ic!ycKioacluu- falim-. i Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, SOLU KV ALL KKUCHilSTS. SPECIAL AOVANTACES! The Vst aad cm-t t Irctnt In tne West. Clter ftn.tnd-nt the t-i-t tear. piclil I!-nliT:s Arrar.sen.ents. at low rates. Iio.iWri-p'oz.c'onin.erriilLair.Actuallla-lncssaml Conn-.e' Ut Ar.ll.mi t.c ta-x:Lt hr cailnr ct fniffsors. Trh-esapliy nd l'hccocraphy unjht thuroaihly. Three nrt-cl Jnii.en replant emrl jjed. JCo Vaction. StaCrnt. rereiie-t at any time. A Iwantltul specimen of jnm-llocr.-liinj i-cnt forth esrne. anil. O. adJres of len youa- men. fend for circulars, iztx'li Kteie hih -tf tietwn, WOXTAUUEt LILUIUIIDGE, barcsport, Lm. UNEftUAIED 0FFEE. A MOXTUS .tJz.Wt'.TITO.T HU. ? (h WCT 5 S E E i Cut Out Certificate Below j and Return with 83.00. u 0 :t Hi Js5-- frll K ri :;ril mm W?llTtS &AW E : s CO r-. oo fcO THE FUTURE rAMILY TABLE! - t FrSatplyAllPr!ncliialKurnitiircHealc-ri. JlaricCKtunillivVOKMiKiK. iv v i i....x.-... ..MnanilMiX.MxthSl-M. L"' I'. statk ami rcsrsrv Kn;nTsroi:s.LK. jllto null arn rece pt of I cts. ar.,l . 3 e. ,:an-.p. wo 5TVi. . . .Mr. bis a ll.crio kinds c cards ard iiTnpIe'of "." r.tle of pnntlrc cent with Shnew order. I rr.e'i - till a. t wtih totstmlcce toy cards Into arerr family. A.t want Bore when thry eel one tot. Alt -.y: ",'V '?ia lsssed- Write r.n. tovn and Mite 1'I.AIJLT. Ad.-tu W.C CANN'OX. i) KaeeUsl-st. Doio&AIm AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT Centennial history It fell- fiter thja ny i.iVr h-.S -- puh-.-hM 0:e Aral roM cup'.es In .-r- dir. r--rd fr onr etrate-ri to A .-tun. N TiiNAL Tl i'LIrllINC) CO, T. Iri lo. Uid Vor-Vce IlaMtabsoJcSelr ts ! tSltr.'s-cnlftaainfor particnlsrj. it 1 i!iC--lion. If. Wa.!.Iapos-.Cilca- - 1 tjL s g ii m w i uv aw a v a o t. in D 44? i UJ F55 i Steffi rCvea i. .fci,-',w o. aWSP: HE T UP WHllkilsfassssssssssslH (Cr if placsi is a lis:, ersr) 16 MILES OF OAK SOLD jJUBINu TH2 1S75. EVERY ".TOVE IS As Absolutely Without a Fautt. Oar ttsw Slies Xos. r-, :js. 5a. i:, 4S ana 4a JLEE A EAETlXS I'Sr ji1.S CF Neafussss And a'.l the essential poiuls that go to mate np t'.:o MOST 2T 10333! SMI Ever offered to the public. HADE ONLY BY EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO. Vos. 619, 611, 616 618 Vt. Kail St., ST. LOUIS, 3IO. ALL LIVESTOVE DEALERS. 1CC0 M)LI) LAST SEASON WIIUOuT OS- VAILL'Jtt" 0IS SEJEC7I0S thU U l'a f-iaoui Tlin-h!.-.s nuwhlne that hw . . ., , 1 m I , .,1 .f. n..iliill..n In tli r ., ii),1 .. ' ' ' - - t.le,l,) in Miicaitts OEAis-t'aiSJ a;.u Tisl-Ha- ixq j'tlncipiea. r THE EKOBMOCS WASTACE c.f pmJn.Kl urriUt ri.r Mr of Thrr-'hfni.can le SAKH ty Ibla InproTeJ Narliin-, Ir ni. vu errrj jtAi, to nun rtasj fay all cj-jx"ki cf ihreahinf;. FLAX, TISHtTIIT. MILI.TT. HrXOinTAU aatl Ilk. e.l" .re thimhcl, irratrJ. cleaned and mtsw a. eaMly and perfectly as Wheat, Oil". Ke or Kuiey. AX KXTItA PniCi: 1 twnally al I f-r (train aod ccds chunnl by this marlilnr, for ritra cirantineMi IX THE WET CKAIX of lfT5,the rrr re snhrtsn tlally the ONLY IIACIUNIS tint cunM tin with fioBt cr eccnomy, dolcc fat, thjrongh and frifect work, tram ctlun Mttiityc'JU ALL GUAIX. TIME and U0:nV w.utina cotnr'lea l!,in. sach aa -En.llri Ar-roc-V "I'M!-.- "Ceatera," I'iikeni,'" etc-ar tLn! iJh). -t wL'; lw than one-half the G.-ar-. r li. aod Jonnwl.; eaiercnnacM: inorodaratte; liht running : no cost ly repel n; no.luft: co"Iilteiinis" toch-an n; not troubled ty adrenie nial. nin or s:orci. FAKMEBS an. GRAIN" RAI.iIXS vim are jxiet In the Urge saTin? ria l- 1 y it trill nat eaploy inf lior and traiteful machine., lmt trill url on this InntoTtU Thrch.T iL-in? th?ir tittk. TOUIt SIZES toad- for . S 10 and 12 Horse Ponen. Al n ficwltj f SirAtaiOKj, doilgned and male cxnttvu n'a frrAH rctcst. TWO STYLE3 r Iir.ESn POWr.nS. xlZi cur tta rruTei; "Trii'le Gar."un-i"t'Cr S-eI- QXoiry tnry Style), luth " Mount'I "on-ur hi 'Is. IF IN"TEIlESTri In Thmliliis or CnJa Kaiilis?, at ptr to onr neare-t Deai-r. c r write ta o for Iltsra tit c'rirrnlar (wnt free), cirias lull lrticulus cf SiWS, Styles, Prices, Ttrnj, etc. Nic'iols. Shejiavd C Co., liATILE CUEEK. 3I1CU. Hn Enemy of Disease, the Foe ol Pain to Han and Beast, I. Ut Crass Old MUSTANG LINIMENT, wmcn itaw nTooiTm:TF.sT or THAItN. TIIEKKIOVIMIHEITHII.L TC ritll.woACIIK. .SliPJIIVTUAt'TM TIIK III JIA nolT. UM ?IIK. Itlllir UP A IIOKHU OK tTIIKK IMtMr.STK AXIMAI.. TIIATIPOKSAUV riKf.lsTOlTKM'AtitC TOI CII. A hnltl. ir.e the ll.Vorhwmti re.foreil t Ufa an d cfislacaa PUtcy ysUmIU. tiara. Madana FOTS Corset Skirt Snpportar Inmates In Popularity liaij year, and r i:wiTH.coatror.T 4 errttu- rtsWfS TI1S KbT AKTICUal '.'.' ty X: lwr.r jv nmw itfm. a.ww,)i. ma lltxrricriraaD nuu rr I'OY & liACnOH. 2ew II.Tec Ooaa- Ullire llflHCV 17 "inn; fe-rrn-) IUcfn'cl IflwrC MUHCI Ucpublicaas-Hjesoer.ilcCm-rsra L-tter Envelope.; ah- HuTU'.rou. Envelopes, s-cd tea cests for len or:.-d lam?:--. Dd prices for larse IjU, to Alfrril 1 he eX PuhUsSer. Chlcajij. It!. ' mummmaaaauaamW JtiaasssssaLW-