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MARDI GRAS COFFEE KLATCH AND EUCHRE at SCHOOL HALL TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23. Euchre In afternoon and evening, followed by a DANCE. COFFEE SERVED FREE. ADMISSION 25C. . . . LADIES OF ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Mayor. Wo nre authorised to nnnounco JOSEPH WEILEK as a candidate for re-election to the olllco of Mayor nf the City of Bte. QoneTlovo at the election on April 6th. For Marshal. Wo are authorized to nnnnuneo Joseph omusiiAnEn , hs a candidate ror Marshal or the Jity 01 me. ("1 .w. .. t .... ft. It.. Dtunltnn .... it.l Pfh We arc authorized to anuounco JAMBS MOOItB as a candidate for re-election to the otllce ot Marshal of the City of Htu. Genevieve at the election on April 6tb. We nro authorized to announce HENRY V. THOMUKB as a candidate tor Marshal of tbo City ot Bte. Oenovleve at the ejection on April 6th. We aro authorized to announce WILLIAM EICIIENLAUB as a candidate for Marshal of the City ot Ste. Genevieve at the election on April Oth. We are authorized to nnnounco CHARLES ItBUM as a candidate tor Marshal of the City of Ste. Oenoviove at the election on April 6th. For Street Commissioner. We are authorized to announce KILLIAN QKIESHABER as a candidate for ro-electlon to tho ofllco ot Htreet Commissioner of tho City ot Sto. Gen evleve at the eloctlon on April 6th. For Alderman 2nd Ward. We are authorized to announce ANTON SAMSON as a candidate for Alderman of the Second Ward of the City of Ste. Oenoviove ut the election on April 6th. Wheat $1.05 per bushel. For u fresh loaf of bread go to Huck's Bakery. Jules Petrcquin visited St. Louis Tuesday. IIO Valentines of all descriptions at E. J. Baumann's. All tho new Victor Graphophono Records for January and February on sale at Fitzkum's. Miss Elizabeth Huck spent sev eral days of this week with friends in St. Louis. General lino of now Valentino Cards and Postal Cards at E. J. Baujiann's. Euchro and dance at Woodman Hall Monday night by Mutual Pro tective League. i Mi Wo are showing all tho now pat terns iu fancy dress goods for spring. Fitzkam's. 1 J. C. Zieglor of St. Louis visited his sisters iu Sto. Gene viovo Thursday. Wanted Anyone having a flint m.i. .....,,i.t ..i i ounicate with Uarmkli) Thojiuhe. Miss Miriam Rozior of St, Louis was the guest of Mrs. Theo Douglas this week. Just received a complete lino of all the latest designs and colors iu niching at Fitzkam's. Miss Barbara Rinehiut ar rived hero from St. Louis Thurs day to visit relatives. Joseph Fitzkum has only a few more Catholic almanacs for sale. Cornc soon if you want one. The scarf raffled by Miss Edith Jenny was won by Luw. Ilorzog with number 128. - ...Mil ! II . . Wo can furnish your home throughout with our line of trading Miss Lmma behoettlor of St. T..!, ..! I :.. tJ... AJUUIM "11 J It'll lll'l IJIllClllia 111 OIU. Genevieve this week. LOOK OUT Mior uio ni. y . a. master luuuuay. ISomethiug great. Henry Okonl'itss attonded tho twelfth annual convention of tfic Missouri Retail Hardware Asao liation in St. Louis this week. 'A ii. mr ir t ..t t 'air- i , . , uiiuve uocn uwnemicauy m- I'll Dl.lf ,.,lwllC ... will bo an after Easter in Sto, (lejieviovo, Date and will be made known later. DEN EFIT SIDEWALKS Bread fresh every day, at IlUCK'S 13.VKKRY. lions', on Tuesday, .January 19, to tho wife of Joseph Gmsb of Sto. Genevieve, n girl. mTwTa. Jollification Easter Monday. Watch for further announcement. m mt The Modern Woodman Lodge is preparing for u grand turn-out on Easter Monday. Particulars later. . j Ask to seo our beautiful lino of trading stamp premiums which we are giving nway. Fitzkam's. Mrs. William Buumstark was the guest of her son, Dr. A. G. Meyer and family, in St. Louis this week. Remember thatRo ziers sell it for less. Miss Ida Noonan who has bcon visiting Mrs. C. .1. Stanton, re turned to her home in St. Louis I last Sunday. Rev. L. V. Cobb will preach at tho Presbyterian Church on Sun day, tho 7th of February, 1909, at llhiit) a. in. and 7:30 p. ni. Mississippi county wont; "dry by sueli a majority as to prove it a worthy naniesako of the "fa ther of waters." NEW POST CARDS at i. LANNING'S DRUG STORE. Poplar Bluff is to try tho com bination of sand and sawdust for a street in that town. It is said to make a flue road. Stops itching instantly. Cures piles, eczema salt rheum, tetter, itch, hives.hornes.seabiu Doan's ; Ointment. At any drug store. Tho eccentric "Mr. Snobson" has condescended to nllow women to participate in the dance after tho "party." Don't fail to attend. You get more for your $ $ $ at Rozier's A surprise party was tendered Mrs. Charles Godat at her homo last Monday evening by a num ber of her lady friends. ami Ask to seo our new spring lino of whito shirtwaists. Wo aro show ing them at all prices from DHcts. to $2.98. Fitzkam's. m According to reports issued from Jcfforson City, tho state of Missouri is caring for 8,7713 chargos in her ponal elleoiuosy nary institutions. MSSm Dii. Pove will visit nxr St. Mary's every Thursday of each week. Olllco' nt Southern Hotel. Will close office hero every Thursday. . A Pierce City man has a theory that though men were made of dust originally, women were not. He argues that if they wore they would dry up occasionally. . Rozier's 9c. coun ter is better than ever. Win, W. Wildor and family ar rived from Jefferson City Friday and will again make this city their homo. Wo join their many friends in extending them u hearty wel come. Just, received a full lino of ladies' whito lawn' shirtwaists iu tho very latest and neatest designs at Fitzkam's, A umrriiigo licous'j was issued in St. Louis Tuoodiiy Feb. 2, to Charles Becher and Miss Miniijo, Yaggi of Tell "City, Indiana. J Mis Yaggi is well known iu Ste. Getiovieye, PARISH Kcrytliing in ntnn'u and bojs' clothing soiling at cosl at. Filzkam's. I. '- - The Ste. Genevieve Dance Club will give another dance at the Ar mory on Wednesday, February 10. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Admission TiOc. Ladies free. t The Farmington News ..ys it is reported t hut the Illinois South- ci n is planning to survey and .se cure a right-of-way from Kiirin- ington Junction into iMiriiungton. - ...... . If you need a pill take DoWitts Little Early Risers. Insist on them ; gentle, easy, pleasant little liver pills, bold by all druggist. Mrs. Joseph Woiler entertained a large number of her friends at her residence on Main street last Friday evening. Progressive euchre consumed tho time previ ous to the serving of a delicious repast. Roziers want all of your Produce and will pay Cash for same. m m The wateli lost by Mrs. Renfroo last week was found by her Wed nesday in the lining of her cloak where it had fallen and disappeared so mysteriously and was thought to bo lost. mtm Ste. Genevieve Produce Co. pays cash for Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Calves, Hides, Furs, Feath ers, Wool, Ganio, etc. Chas. Bur- gort's old stand, Washington St. Garhkld Thomuue, Manager. m "Snobson" is a woman hater. Tho women of Sto. Genevieve should try to dissuade his opinion of the gentle sex. They will have sufllcient opportunity after the "Stag Party" during the dance which follows. For a mild, easy action of tho bowels, a singlo doso of Doan's Reuulets is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 25c. a box. Ask vour druggist for them. Died, in St. Louis, on Friday, January 29th, after a lingering ill ness, Edwin W. Bisch, beloved husband of Ella Biseh (nee Calla hun), and dear father of Edwin, Evermonde and Gortrudo Bisch, in his fifty-second year. - mtmmt Cards of thanks and memorial verses in memory of departed rela tives will hereafter have to be paid for at the rate of 5 cents a lino ot f) words, and orders for such unac companied by the cash will not be considered. A customer at a storo in tho Ozarks recently traded a 25-;ent ax handle which he had whittled out, for a 15-cent plug of "ehawin' terbacker." The mer chant handed tho customer a hammer handle in change. isroTicic. Hunters aro hereby warned not to trespass upon tho property of the Sto. Genoviove Limo & Quarry Co. Anyone violating this notico will bo prosecuted. W.m. Bkkiinkk. Two prisoners iu the Spring field iail rubbed croton oil on themselves hoping the blisters would produce a smallpox scare and they could escape from the pest house. It thdn t work aud botli are now in tho penitentiary. Rozier's Special Fri day Sale is' worth com ing miles to see. Anthony Sauisoa announces in this issue as a candidute for aldor man of tho second ward. ' Mr, Samson is familiar with tho duties of an alderman-, having been a city councilman in former y ws, and his past record is worthy of cousid oration by tho voters ou election day. Do Not Walt Until Your Teeth Ache Before Having Them Examined. It your tooth need uontul cure don't fail to call on Dr. Poop who kindly solicits your patronage and guarantees courteous treatment. tfeinomber that tune means money when your teeth neeu attention. There aro now six living ex governors of .Missouri, all of whom livo iu tho state. Ex-Gov. William .1, Stone is the only one of tho six who is holding official position. Tho six arc : Thomas T. Crittenden, Kansas City ; I). U. Francis, St. Louis ; Lou V., Stephens, St. Louis ; A, ,M. Dockeiy, Gallatin ; Joseph W. Folk, St. Louis and StM.Uol' William .1. St'iije, 'who lives at iJeffcison City, rvaummtmiim.mii n mm I iswiiifixgWOTTtWTr, i Ml ID, I i cm i in ii mi hi i ki lliMilflllbO, HUCK BUILDING, Ste. Genevieve - Mo. Harvey Berry, aged 7.'5 years, died at his home iu Avon on ,lan. 'Hit. Ho was born near Staub- towu and for the past few years was engaged in tho mercantile bushiest at Avon. You will find the price right when you rtt it. nt Ro'.inr c . Following the recent snow which was heavier in the Ozark region than hereabouts, over a quarter of a million rabbit carcas ses wcro shipped to Springfield and the market was so glutted tho price fell to a cent apiece. Most, of tho rabbits wcro shipped to Now Orleans, Memphis and St. Louis markets. Attention, Co. "C." The regular weekly drill meeting will bo held tonight (Saturday) in stead of Friday. All members must be present. Further action on Washington trip. Jamks M. Mahonkv, Captain. Thomas J. Clifford, aged 48 years, died at his homo in St.Louis on Saturday, January .'10th. Tho funeral took place at Bismarck Monday morning. Besides his wife in St. Louis ho leaves a mother, Mrs. Lydia Clifford, one sister, Mrs. Wm. AcufT, and one brothor, W. C. Clifford, nil of this city. Do not fail to see Rozier's 9c. countei Regular 15 aud 25c. values. As will bo seen by his announce ment in this paper, Killian Gries haber is a candidate for re-election to tho office of street commissioner. Mr. Grieshaber has held this post tion tor several .years una .it- again elected his past record indicates that ho will mako a very gooc commissioner. UKER AND DANCE The Mutual Protective League of Ste. Genevieve will give a each er and dance at Woodman Hall on Monday, February 8th. Every- body cordially invited to attend. Admission 25 cents. COM-MITTEK. The deed of what is probably the largest transfer of land ever recorded in Southeast Missouri was filed in the county recorder's ollico at Greenville a few weeks ao. Tim .Iced was nmdn hv tint IIolliiday-Klotz land and lumber company to the Wayne iron and lumber company, aud calls for 100,000 acres of land iu Wayne county at u consideration of $100,000. Frank LaHose, of Sto. Geue viovo,Mo., spent several day of this week at the homo of his son-in-law, Frank P. Maurice. Ho had not been to Bonno Tcno for thirty-eight years and, as there wero but throe houses hero then, tho wonderful growth of our town and tho many splendid buildings it now contains wcro a revelation to him. Mr. LaKose is 7li years of ago but is yet hale and hearty and well represent the pioneer French settlers of Missouri's oldest city. Bonno Torre Register. Roziers will save vou monev. Thov nn,v r l i' n ' l " i ability they suv that the birds Cash lor your Prod uce;,l!lV(1 lmil(lill,, thfiit. J, and soil tor (Jaslionlv. The euchro Riven at School Hall Wednesday nifjht by tho Indies of tho parish was u success financially and otherwise and the innniitfoineiit returns thanks to Hie public for liberal rmtrtiiuiL'o extended. Tim Indies will give a Murdi (lrasColVeo!tl",irU'm','i"'(1,,til,s with tho "'''l K'lnlol. m,l Kl,r Kolmnl ' tl,u K'linrill at tho Loietto' Tue,dy, February 2Urd. afternoon . , ,, 1( , and oveu.nfT followed by a dance, i and cordially invito everybody to ' aueuu. Admission Will l0 HDCtS. (y'ofTeo served free, Positively no huntinir allowed on my property at Little ltouic. Anhkv WlLOUtt, T)i lollowing i''n,irkable con tribution (o thocuiioMties of figure colitis of two series of numbers, of which no deceriplion is ncccs sar,. as they speak lor themselves. Perhaps there is no special prollt in them, but they are worth pre serving nevertheless : 1 tllllCK D I'lllS '1 IMIIIflW 11 M tlniOH V liltlft a I'li'l.'lln 111 123 times 9 iilui 4 riUiiU till 1231 tlimix V plus fi 'U.lln lllll mv, timiM 9 iiIuh r iuuIh nun ISIIVI time 9 plu 7 lllllll UJ1M7 tliiion 9 Plus 8 ihjii.'iIh UHHI1 12.1I6C78 tlmos V plus 9 i-qtinlfl 111111111 1 tliniiH H pint 1 viiuiil 9 12 tlmm 8 pint 2 t'qmtlM 98 12.1 Union 8 plttH 3 pqunlit 97 mi times H plus 4 tiinls (M76 12315 Union 8 plus J ,'itinl WM 123IJ0 times H plun 6 iunW K7iVi( VUVM tlmi's 8 pliin 7 citi.iln 9S70AI1 12:il.Vi78 times 8 plus H t'gunln 917CMJ2 VailAW) times 8 plus 9 eiiluls 9S7M1.TJ1 Dint), in St. Louis, on Thursday, January 21st, at the family resi dence, 2724 Prairie ave., at 10:40 a. m., Harry Marion Babb, son of Chas. F. Babb, formerly of Ste. Genevieve, at tho tender age of one year and 1!) days, of spinal meningitis. Tho remains Avero in terred iu Calvary cemetery, St. Louis. May wo some day bo as happy as little Harry. Hn is rimmliiL' now with anpels bright Who tread the golden shorn. Tlioy took him from our home and sight With us to dwell no more. Flowers fade and friends deceive us, Kirtliii: follow sad fnrwells. Up lu heaven nu shadows Rather, Heaven Is homo whero Harry dwells. A I'm und. The following bidders wnro suc cessful Wednesday at the annual letting of contracts by the county court. County farm physician : Chas. C. 11 ertich, $250 per year. Meat supplies for county farm : Eichonlaub & Naumann ; beef 7 cts., pork 10 cts.. sausage 12 cts. and bacon 12 cts. per pound. Millstuffs for county farm : Welrner & Bolle. Superintendent of county farm : James Pinkley, $4)0 per year ; county to furnish team. Supplies for county farm, court house and jail : Rozier's Cash Storo at U cts. above wholesale. County printing : Fair Play and Herald. Tho Lutheran Congregotion will give a euchro and dance at tho Armory on , niUT 22. A good time assured all attending. Admission 25 cents. Circuit court convened here in special term on last Monday for tho purpose of trying two law suits affecting about six thousand acres ()f hind in Stoddard conntv. These cases came to this county on change of venue from Stoddard county. Mr. J. It. Kelso of Cape Girardeau represented tho plaintiff, W. W. Normon, and Messrs. Ralph Wom-mack- and Harry S. Shaw repre sented the defendants who are the I lnt ownorw of tho land. There wero numerous defendants hut most of them had parted with their interests years ago, so that the suit was really against about six per sons. After a hotly contested siege of three days, and tho production of an immense mass of testimony, the plaintiff dismissed his ease. . Tuesday was groundhog day, thoie was a good deal of discus sion as to the reliability of this method of forecasting tho wea ther among rivennon. The ad herents of tho groundhog stoutly maintain that Tuesday's sunny wont her means six weeks more of whiter, and cited many previous years when his retreat at tho sight of his shadow had been fol lowed by such. The skeptical, however, aro just as ready in cit ing years when tho groundhog's judgment was proven faulty, and declare that tho late cold snap win winter's departing fling. In proof of tho groundhog's uureli- and decliiro this to I hi the only in fallible sign of tho advent of sprini. Globe-Democrnt. Por tho first timo .siiico thoy wero founded, niuety-soven years ago, the NUters of l.orotto Ijavo undo a change I in tho habit in which tlmy appear at ''T T',- KV thu' change has lietn madu eflnctive at ouco T))() ,,., (.art u.hii.h was . MliMy mi, on the bla'ckl rolio in now scon minion Tho most1 buneflcial cliaiige is in the foriiini" all-' black hood. Soft whito linen is now1 arranged in folds under this hood. ' Tho sisters iu the academy at I-'lorit-rant ami iu all the schools of tho or der have adopted the change. There will be a GRAND OLD FASHIONED si? aw) jiajjdmi aflnuw, AT THE 4 EASTER IIH. Feb. 12. Particulars later. A A The Mary Ann from Amsterdam Co. did not open at the Armory Sunday night for the reason that Manager Mahoney, having heard from Festus, where they showed Saturday night, would not permit them to show. The policy of the management is to give our people nothing but absolutely good shows, and where a poor one tries to creep in it will be ousted even if the cur tain is ready to go up. "The Devil," which shows tonight, Fri day, is a line show and last night played a return engagement at Fes tus and Manager Schaefer of tho latter town assures Manager Ma honey that tho show is first class. It should have a big house. Mr. Mahoney has quite a number of fine attractions booked for the near future, among which nro "Lena Rivers," "Tho Hoyal Slave," and "The Holy City." From the St. Louis Times of February 2nd wo tako tho follow ing : "Tho Jonca Granite Com pany, with a capitalization of $200,000, has been incorporated to do a general mining business and to manufacture granite blocks, pav ing and crushed material for roads and to bo used in making cement. Articles of incorporation wero tiled Monday with tho recorder of deeds. D. H. Bartlett is named as tho largest stockholder with 949G shares preferred stock and 10,4'JG shares of common. Tho first meet ing will bo held Thursday morning in room 1004 Pierce Building. Tho other incorporators aro W. F. Wickham, B. J. Fine, John F. Hobehuan, Jr., and J. Henry Cordes with one share each of pre ferred and common. The company has a granite deposit at Sto. Gene vieve, Mo., and its plant will bo located at Miller's Switch, 14 miles west of there." Attention is called to tho law re garding the disposition of dead animals, which reads in part as fol lows : "If any person shall re move, or cuuso to be removed and placed in or near any public road or highway, or upon premises not his own, or in any of the streams or watercourses any dead animal, carcass or part thereof, or other nuisance, to the annoyance of 'Zrt ffll slmll, upon conviction, ho fined for every such offense not less than ten or more than fifty dollars." The law also nrovidos flint if tbn enmn i . , he not removed within threo days it shall ho deemed a second ofTonso. . . . , Loinjihunt has neon ropeatedly inado that this law is constantly liii 4 i ,. violated by parties who dispose of dead animals in the vicinity im- mediately south of town in tho hn Held and not nccordiiiL to law. to:'1"""1'!" uiu gicai, itiiiiiiauce wi uvuryiMiu Hi tho neighborhood. Tho authorities iu their efforts to stop this miser able practice aro keeping a sharp lookout and tho noxt offender will find his action the subject of a prosecution in which ho will bo the loser. m 9 m Freak Mills, In the House of Koprosonlntivcs, Jefferson City, Wednesday, Koproson tativo Lloyd of St. Louis moved that a piano bo rented for uso in holding religious services on Sunday. The resolution was opposed by the Democrats and, amid laughter, was referred to thu Committee o.i Appro priations. 'I'lin ll.iml nf liroliiliition anil Incnl option petitions which swamped the.; Heuato Tucbday invaded tho House ' U'ediiosday. I " " bill providing for a lime-feet bed sheet, OriK-noof Kansas City wants a law providing for thu physical examina tion of applicants for imii-riago licen ses and also fm Hie pnhliuation of the homes ol the nviilictii'ls. ltaviii''i 1 f :;.hi1I .u'y offdicl u bill ' . iroii'Oitt.n. )'l'j a on aumlu, ,t baseball 6 ARMORY A A I? (iOOD COMPANY FOR 1001). Vdti are careful wlint iioi;i o friends the peopln of your lionsclioH make. You do not open wido tho door to thosn whose speech and !,. luivior betray ill-bru,vdiiig and lux diatoIm, Are you hr careful to flint It1 ng.'iiiist books and poriodk'nls that pre sent vulgar and demoralizing pictures of life and its purposu 7 lirh;ip you nro ninoiig those who have found tlmt The Youth's Companion occupies the same place hi tho family reading that tho liit,'li-miudi:d young man or woman holds among your associates. The Companion is good without lieiiit; "goody-goody." It is entertaining, it is informing. In its stories it depict. lite truly, but it chooses those phases of life in which duty, honor, liya iy aro tho guiding motives. A full description of tho current volume will be sent with sample eopiwa of tho paper to any address on request. The new subscriber who at onco sends $1.70 for a year's subscription wirt receive free The Companion's new Calendar for TJ0!), "In Grandmother's Garden," lithographed in tliirteon colors. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. Probate Court Pocket. Doekot of cases In which ecttlcincntH nro ilue Irora executor, mlnilnlstrnturH mid Ktmrtllan.s ami curator nt tho ensuing Feb ruary terra of tho Trohato Court of Ste. ae tivlove county, Mlsjourl, to lie hold nt the Court IIouoo In nald county, oorninunrlHj: en tho third .Monday of February, A. n. 1908. Names of Deceased Pervons. .Monday, Kehrunry 15. Naumann Ixiulii, Naumann ChrlH. I,. Kr. lllffiiey Wm. A., Curron 1, 1 Adm. llrlckley Krank, Jonnerst Wm. IS. Seufert Itern'd., Seufert Karl Adm. Doorue Chas., Doorste nudolph Atlm. Tuovlay, February IB. Counts Henry .1., Boyd Clarence A. Adm! Hoyd John M., Hoyd Clarence A. Adin. alobert Mich., Sletmrt Jo. Adm. Estates of Minors and othors. Monday, February 1R. Huenulper Uvdla, Whltledco T. 13. Curator. Spraul Frauds et. al., Sprout Frank Ord. lloth Emma et. al., Wolk John Ord. nrown Auk., Drown n. V. Ord. Smith Mary I... Dalton Wm. St. Curator. Walker Chester J., Dalton Wm. Jt. Curator. Tuesday, February 18. Oovro Henry, Cecilia and Alfred, Ourro Ralph Onl. Meyer Jos, H., Doll Josoph Ord. Schneider Olca, Rotler B. A. Curator. Brown John T.and Jos.,Nelson N-J.Curator. Wednesday, Fobri'iiry 17th. Counts Chas. A., lloyd Clarence A. Curator. Hchwiiut Cora et. al., Schtvoat John W. Gr.1. Slmlnous Wm Walter and John.Pratto P. II. Oi'd. Miller Bertha and Emma, Morjfansteen H. J. Curator, Miller Dora and Wm., Morcnnsteen H, J. Curator. Manjfln Constance, tnxano, Bollott Ed. Ord. Laclede Pierre, Riitledse O, M. Curator. . PAUL I.. I.EMPKE, Jan. 20, im Jurtco of Probate. K MARKET REPORT com .''.''.'..'.'.!;.'.'."!!'.'.'".". ' !l0 I lay Oiovi'r Si-cd I sl"ckl"'aH H an w $1 .VJO 10 Hi Jl so I I'limr (rtlall) Urn tula ' Navy hi 1 H"lmk i"-'r lmi"icl Onion Scti j iruh p.aiuoo, 1 s,vu:t rOieri Apdrs per hii.hcl j nra-i .N.j,ihs. iii j I'cims. buhci.. vim ..7.??."'.!'.'. ' it l.5 V w 0 ..II u M an t ' nu'ifi',. ii Ohlukeim Koosteis 'I'mkryt Uucka ( ! fine I "WW Ilnlter Daron ,,,, Ilium iit.iiii.l"rs Lard .' SorKhnrn Talloiv... tirceii llliks Dry Flint Hides.., IIco'n Won Salt per lurul ... 'I lib Wnflieil Wool. Iliiny ' , UiiwrhIiimI " , 1-eiilheis IVemii, t t in 10 i 20 t o . 7 - a .. 4(1' ,. ' - IS 8 .. ' , 10 .. '.'(1 71 '.'. ..:o ' vj 1H u M 'ii Farm for Sale. OHO acre Inrm In ivny ( , Mo , S nilli-s io n ivrryt'lllc k "il kcivii) irom I'eiry. ill.iiiiiol...iie rBthollrOliuirii. tir,...l,.n "r l'"". "itr mill, w.iir.imjuk.r A- i. ZTJtX 0 w-n inu nml iwo mh.mi icnmu iunir j a i,Ra "I'tl'"-'""' isWi,- iirt nWt, ui,n. , ' 1 iohsoi ii ,y, ni'ies i-mii. Is Iwail klnm ef I.III1IIH,; iunri,liiiy ,. t A III Mllilicuh . lortMKH) paitcsth bii.I p.u ioi time. IVeloi, tit out c, , ' "'IN IIKIITKIl, Henl, Sto Uciifilevc, Wo. STi; Vd Ai',H,"!,KI,V HOIliiMh.N OK HK.K . 11 k . ,,. . . fdri tioK wwKiMwB VUn"" 'WMl"" ,k,",l,,n' "sS ' A. Itlt'K Mill, " K,K-!N.l, Clerk. '