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THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIMES. TCKSDAY. Jll.V I. 1913 SOCIAL R.NJ) OJTIER INTERESTS OF WOMEN The I,iuishtrrs of the American Tievolut'on were entertained with the annual picnic supper of the society Monday evening at the homo of Mrs. Stuart MacKIbbin. 623 Portal a v. Covers were. laid for 27 at tables in the back lawn. The monthly meet ings have been postponed until fall. The members of tho Tuesday Bridge club and their husbands will be en tertained Tuesday evening with a porch picnic at the honTe of Mr. and Mr. J. I Cole, 72 S Park av. - SOCIAL CLUBS Rode With Her Husband in Suffrage Parade Tuesday. . " ' ''a ; .' . ...... 'S Menibers of the O. E. S. auxiliary were entertained Monday afternoon in the Masonic club rooms by Mrs. Alice Hughes, Mrs. Ella Metcalf, Mrs. Mary Iirown and Mrs. Cora Iiarton. A mu sical program consisting of piano solos by Miss Kuth Euss and Miss Price and a whistling solo by Miss Mildred Page were given. Miss Ruth Herrick gave several readings. Quantities of were brought to be distributed to the sick members and the hospitals. No further meetings will be held until Sept. 8, A meeting of the Cosmopolitan club to have been held Monday evening, was postponed until next week. The Ladies -of the Turnvereln made up five tables at cards Monday evening In Turner hall. Favors were won by Mrs. Clyde Koche and Mrs. Christian Anwander. Another meeting will bo held In two weeks. ANNOUNCEMENTS ( If V ; y ' : 7. j ., - . .. : : ' :-" V: -4 :.::-:.-v,';;::'-:v':'' :'-vf; C7-. ti'VJ CAKTEK II. IIAIIIIISOX. A reception in honor of Father "Walter S. Howard, former rector of the Episcopal church, will be given "Wednesdav evening from eight to ten at the parish house on W. Colfax a v. Tho Ladies' Aid society of West minster Presbyterian church will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Mentor Stuck, 2D X. Lifayctte st. CHURCH AFFAIRS. Pible Study class No. SG met Mon day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batty. 20L' E. Indiana a v. Mrs. Cecil Franklin lead in a study of the Hook of Acts. Twelve mem bers were present. The class will meet next Monday evening with Mrs. 15iro, 904 E. Calvert ft. GREEKS TAKE SALONIKA FROM THE BULGARIANS SOFIA. July l. Following the sur-f-ender of the Bulgarian garrison at Salonika, the Greek government has ordered a general advance on the en tire Bulgarian line. This places the Bulgarian troops in "Ji dilflcult position with hostile .Scrvia on one side and advancing Greeks on the other. Tho fierce fighting Monday rxtend cd for 140 miles and from all ac counts the Bulgarians got a little the better of It. They captured one large town and lost only at Salonika. Qs. HarriyS with her husband, Carter H. Harrison, mayor of Chl ule neailj head of the monster parade in Chicago Tuesday, which ted the sTanting of the franchise to women in Illinois. The par ade was made up of a host of oiticials and the members of the many equal franchiser organisations in Chicago. Mrs. Harrison besides being a capable assonant to Irrr husband in his arduous career of politics, Is a bril liant socia.Oc-ader and a writer of unusual ability. SoiiiS Bend Women Can Wear Aiklets Now With Slit Skirt U A. It. 1003. Special meeting outh Bend Lodge 1003. Wednesday evening, July 2, 13 IT.. Business of importance. C. E. Huber, Pres. -C. II. Finch, Sec. MAMMOTH ALARM mm sm An Alarm Clock made like a Watch. Height, 7 in.; Dial, 5 in.; Gong, 4 in. $2.50. FRANK HAYR & SONS CO. JEWELERS 121 W. Washington Av. Anklets, a the very newest thing In feminine , adornment, have made their appearance in 'outh Bend. They are to be -worn with the new split skirts that, along with modern art, are giving the police departments of American cities a good many bad ialf hours. The anklets are to follow the fash ions of bracelets, and be worn only one at a time. The pretty bit of fem inine vanity is to be worn on tho ankle adjacent to the slit. The set inclu-irs an anklet and two buckles, the buckles to adorn the pumps mi lady wears. The new fad in jewelry is being shown at the store of George H. Wheelock and Co. The firm put in a stock of jewelry for the first time Saturday and this is the feature of the display. The anklets come in a variety of styles. A particularly fetch ing one shown in the window clasped about the trim ankle of a foot form, is of platinoid set with French bril liants. The sparkling white of the trinket is in vivid relief against a black hose. Otherstyles are links of gold and silver and links of filigree work in gold alternating with semi-precious stones. The links are large and heavy-looking, but give the anklet suificient flex ibility. The new department at the Wheelock store will aim to give fash ionable women of South Bend the very latest novelties that are the fad in Paris and New York. The stock includes many handsome articles In the platinum finish set with French brilliants. The articles have all the appearance of diamonds in platinum setting and the manner of setting is the same. Another novelty is the sautoir, a ribbon with slides of the brilliants, to be worn around the neck. Fash ionable XeV York women are using them for monocles and for vanity bags. The stock is handsomely laid out in a case in the middle of the state, and includes hair ornaments, frill pins, shoe buckles, beads, neck chains, ear-rings, bow slides, bracelets and a hots of trifles that are the fad of the moment. FIFE BROTHEES ON LAST WEEK Campaign Opened to ITecclve SuT MTlptltufor i:y-wlists at Firt Aiirlt IaW:7 1 u rch. 'We expect this last week of our revival will bo busiest and best revival will bo. the busiest and best yet." said Evangelist Clyde Lee Fife, Tuesday. "We have doubled the power of fans and provided drinking water for the comfort of the people and expect a large attendance." The nxt meeting will open 'ith a song service in charce of Karl H. Fife, and will include special solos and a number of tho Fife quartet. At noon the Fife brothers conduct ed services at the South Iend Watch Co. and Wednesday they will conduct a noon meeting at the Wilson Bros, shirt factory. Preparations are be in made by a committee of 12 to raise an offering for the Fife broth ers Sunday. , PIONEERS TO HOLD 18th ANNUAL PICNIC AT LAKE i The IStn annual picnic of the pio neers of Northern Indiana and outh frn MiohUan will be held at South Clear lake. Aiic. 1T. The program for the y w.r.l consist of speaking, music and canes- TRY NEWSTlESWANT ADS SUMMER SCHOOL E0LDS DP WELL Circus Day Cut Higgtt Hole in At tendance During June. Attendance at the summer schools has held up well cfuring the hot spell according to figures for the first month. The second month of school began Monday and the classes will continue until July 25. The sessions will close hereafter at 11:45 Instead of 12 and the primary pupils will be dismissed at 11:15. Circus day cut the biggest figure In reducing the attendance, there being only 1,681 in classes on that day. The daily figures for the closing week of June were: Monday, 1.SS1 : Tuesday, 1,8 S7; Wednesday. 1.S65; Thursday, 1,845; Friday 1,7 60. The attendance during the month is expected to show a slight decrease because of the withdrawal of several who have removed conditions by their one month's work. Those who have ma4le up their work are not required to attend longer. KEPT THEIR WEDDING SECRET TWO MONTHS Claude K. Nicely and 31 Us Esther Murphy of Sacramento, 3Iar ried April 12. LADIES9 Best Sea Island Duck Button Shoes at the extremely low price of WHITE This is a special number vhich elsewhere. UNMPN SHOE COMCPA .'... S y V rr n ,., , . r . v. A secret marriage culminating a ro ir.ance which started as a case of love at first sight surprised South Bend friends ol the couple when it. became known that Claude K. Nicely of this eitv had been married to Miss Esther Murphy of Sacramento. Calif. The ceremony took place April 12 but was kept a secret until Monday. The bride is a daughter of Frank lin Murphy, an official of the Santa Fe railroad In Sacramento. Mr. Nice ly is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Nicely. 1322 S. Main st.. and general manager of the Lsalle Paper mills. Miss Murphy is a graduate of the Orton Fnglish Classical school, Pasa dena, and is well known as a concert singer in the west. The younp couple met when Miss Murphy came to Fouth Itpnd to visit last January. The courtship which ended in marriage followed immediately. A I TO KILLS MILLIONAIRE. CHICAGO. July l. E. K. Schultz. 4 5, millionaire grocer, was killed early Tuesday in an automobile acci dent. One of the front tires rolled oC and turned the car a somersault. TO FREEZE GREAM Mrs. Coe Tells How to Prepare Ice and Salt Some Simple Recipes. Break the ice into very small pieces by using a heavy wooden mallet or potato masher. Put the ice In a large canvas bag. Use coarse rock salt, table salt melts the Ice too rapidly. Pack around the freezer can in the proportion of one-third salt to two thirds ice. Remember when through freezing to turn the water off slofly. Take out the ice and salt and repack, as ice cream that stands an hour or two after freezing is much better than when eaten directly it is made. The freezer should be larger than you ac tually need to hold the 'cream, as freezing expands the liquid in propor tion of about one-quarter. I seldom fill my freezer more than half full. When not In use the can of the freezer shou4d be kept uncovered and you must always scald and thorough ly dry it before putting away. If you will let your cream stand in the freezer packed in ice and salt a little while before you begin to turn it you will save time, ice and labor. Newly frozen cream is mushy, lacks llavor and smoothness, so it is always best to prepare it in time to be packed and 'ripened" three or four hours before serving. In pack ing, turn off the brine, pack freezer with ice and salt, cover with a heavy cloth or carpet that has been wet be fore covering the freezer. Do not let this covering get dry, as it retards the evaporation of water and melting of ice in the freezer. Water lei's and Sherbets. These are usually composed of fruit Juices, simple syrup and water. Simple syrun can be made at home, by using the best lump sugar, two pounds, and one quart of water and allow to dissolve before putting on the lire. Heat slowly until it comes to a boiling point. Take off any scum that may rise, but be very areful not to stir the syrup or it will sugar. Boil slowly until it is as thick as htavy cream. Then put in mason fruit Jars and set away until you wish to use it. In making fruit ices it is almost im possible to tell the proportion of su gar to be used, but the usual method is one-half a cup of syrup to one pint of fruit Juice. Always strain your Juices through a cheese-cloth bag so that there will be no seeds In your ice. Remember it takes longer to freeze ices than cream, but slowly turn the crank until the contents be come stiff. Then the can should be opened, the sides scraped down and the stiffly beaten white of one egg worked into the ice. This amount of egg with one teaspoonful of pulver ized sugar beaten with it is sufficient for two quarts of sherbet. Now pack your ice and cover it with wet car pet and let it stand three hours. Strawberry lee. Strawberry ice may be made In pro portion of two cups of strawberry Juice to one cup of simple syrup and three cups of cold water. One table spoon of gelatine dissolved in two tablespoons of cold water, then add two tablespoons of boiling water. When thoroughly dissolved drain and mix with the strawberry Juice and then freeze. The addition of the beaten white of one egg will improve it, but is not necessary. Any other fruit Juice can be used in making ices in this same proportion and frozen in the same manner. BIBLE CLASSES TO MEET THIS WEEK Will Hold Seslons at Various Homes Throughout the City. Time and place of the next meet ings of the Neighborhood Bible class es as follows: Classes 11 and 12 Mrs. Westervelt, 52 7 N. Lafayette st., Wednesday, July 2 at 9:30. " Classes 15 and 16 Mrs. S. E. Reis ter, Thursday, July 3, at 7:30. Class 2 0 Mrs. Anderson, 813 Sher man, Tuesday, July 1. at 2:30. Classes 4 3 and 44 Rev. J. S. Burns, 71S Colfax av.. Tuesday. July 1. Class 58 Mrs. Roberts, 4 27 Vistu la av., Thursday. July 3. at 7:30. Class 72 Mrs. Kinzie. 1339 Vistula av.. Tuesday, July 1, at 2:30. Class 73 1113 Donald, Tuesday, July 1. at 2:30. Class 7 4 -A Mrs. Wm. Grow, 723 Ohio st., Tuesday, July 1, at 2:30. Class 74-B Mrs. Blakeman, 1012 Marietta St., Tuesday. July 1, at 2. Class 76-A Mrs. W. F. Place. 148 Paris st., Friday. July 4, at 7:30. Class 76-B Mrs. C. W. Hopkins, 1110 Carroll. Thursday, July 3, at 7:30. Class 77-B Mrs. Gerber, 113 E. Ohio. Thursday, July 3. at 7:4 5. Class 77-C Mrs. Hillier. 1104 S. Michigan. Thursday, July 10, at 8. Class SO Mrs. Hay, 402 Penn av., Thursday. July 3. at 3:30. Class 90 S. C. Lehman. 116 W. Garst. Thursday. July 3, at 8. Roselawn Bible class Mrs. Ober, Vernon st., Roselawn. Wednesday, July 2, at 3. Chapin Park Bible class Mrs. Brownlee. 9 30 Riverside drive, Thurs day. July 3, at 10. Immanuel Bible class Mrs. Dun kle. 210 W. Navarre st., Wednesday, July 2. at 3. S. Michigan St. Bible class Mrs. Windbigler. 135 E. Bowman, Tuesday, July 1. at 7:45. The Pilgrim Bible class Mrs. Moss holder, 502 E. rBoadway, Tuesday, July 1. at 2:30. Rush St. Bible class Mrs. Jno. Ba rahann. 621 Rush St.. Thursday, July 3, evening. S. Main Bible class 528 S. Main St., Wednesday, July 2. at 4. Virginia St. Blbte class Mrs. Les ter Spidel, 1425 Miami st., Wednes day. July 2. at 3. The Friendly Bible class Mrs. J. B. Birdsell. 511 W. Colfax av., Thurs day. July 3, at 10. The High School Bible class Y. W. C. A.. Wednesday. July 2, at 3. Maids' Bible class Y. W. C. A., Thursday. July 3, at 3. The Home Girls' Bible class Mrs. Chas. Crockett. Colfax aw, Thursday, July 3. at 3:30. Business Girls Bible class First Presbyterian church, Tuesday, July 1, at 6:45. The Leaders' class will have Its next meeting at the Y. W. C. A. Monday, July 7, at 2:30. The Ellsworth Store WK'Ri: GOING TO PLYMOUTH. The Ellsworth Store Picnic Sale Wednesday Morning Prices Cut to the Quick The Ellsworth-Picnic-Field Day comes Tomorrow ' Afternoon. Were Going to Plymouth and were Going to have a Great Time but First we're Going to put on a Picnic Sale that's sure to be a Hummer. It'll be to Your Advantage to come down Many Money Saving Opportunities. Specials in all the Various Departments. Look! Yokes in assorted Shadow Laces with Collars Stayed both White and Ecru 39c value Wed nesday, 25c. Here How's This? German Silver Vanity Powd er Puff Mirror 5c and 10c Coin Slots Sl.50 Wednesday. One lot of Children's Dresses sizes 2 to 14 years materials gingham and percale Values Sl.25 to $3.00 Wednesday 69c. Swiss Allover Embroidery 45 inches wide and Swiss Flouncing 45 inches wide regular $1.50 and $2.00 Quality Wednesday 55c yard. Porch Rugs and Shades A special 10 discount count on all Porch Rugs and Shades Wednesday morning. White Ripplette at 9c a yard. Two thousand yards ill-White Ripplette on sale Wednesday morning at 9c a yard. 25c Extra Heavy TurkishTowels Wednesday 19c each. $1.50 Hemmed Crochet Bed Spreads Wednesday $1.00. Draperies 30 Inch Net Wednesday Morning Only 7c. Special Corset Covers Lace and Embroidery Trimmed 19c. 10 and 12Vz Cent Soft Finish Cambric 6c a yard. Silk Odds and Ends of Silks 25c a yard. Dress Goods Special 75c Cream Mohairs 33c. Ribbons All Colors 25c. Quality 12 Cents a Yard. Ladjes' Black Silk Boot Hose, 50o value. 37 i Cents. For Men Men's Night Gowns 75c Kind 5Sc. Crepe Chiffon 25 Cent Value Wednesday Morninp: 14c. Mennen's Talcum Powder Regrular Price 25c Sale Price 13c. One hundred $10.00 to to $12.95 Summer Dresses $5.00 Special Wednesday Price $5.00 Wednesday Morning Summer Dresses. Need a Hat? Here's a Chance Untrimmed Hats $2 to $5 Values Choice 50c. STORE CLOSES AT 11:30 WEDNESDAY MORNING. 4 Ttc BiuGffrcor Spot rt Torrrt FIND GIRL'S BODY N GAS OFFICE, ARREST MANAGER SALISBURY, Md., July 1. That Florence Wainwright came to her death by a criminal operation per formed In or about the Home Gas Co.'s office, in which Harold M. Smith was an accessory, both before and after the fact." was the verdict of the coroner's jury here. Smith is general manager of the Home Gas Co., is 40 years old and married. He was arrested. Miss Wainwright, 2 4. was the book keeper of the gas company. Her body was found in the gas efflce. WASHINGTON. A kiss which lie pilfered from one of his employes will cost Frank D. Hester, a pension bu reau clerk $4 50. He was suspended without pay for three months. CinCAGO. Union chauffeurs who have not paid their dues complain to the police that "stink balls" are be ing hurled into their taxis. The pas sengers are complaining too. ana nini ininih a. m En You'll find summer com fort and good appearance in our Oxfords and Ties of dull, bright or soft tan leathers. Cool outing shoes of white canvas or Nu buck. Outing shoes with rubber sole and heels. Men or women's styles. Beitner's Sons 111 So. Miclilgun St. s nn km GREENWOOD WILL PERSONALIA APPEAR AT THE I CAN THEATER WADNESDAY AND THURSDAY This is the first appearance of this popular outh Bend actres? before a home audience since leaving the Indiana Stock company. She will entertain with an interesting talkalogue and tell of her moving picture experience.- Her latest story picture. "The Suwanee River", will be shown as well as a two-heel Vitasraph special fea ture, "The White Slave". Owing to the extreme expense Incurred the admission will be u C sunini nini ninp NON-RESIDENT NOTICE. State of Indiana. M. Joseph County, . In the St. Joseph Superior Court, May Term, 1913. Ueie MUtenberger vs. l-'red Miltenbcrger. Divorce. Cause No. 131. He It known that the above name! plain tiff hns AIM in the office of th olrk of xlfl court her complaint sgainst said de fendant In th above cause together with a proper affidavit that said defendant. Fred Z. Mlltenbfrsrer, is not a rvaldent of th Ktntf ftt Indiana. N Said defendant H hereby notified that paid couse will stand fr trial on the 16th day of September, 1013. I be same being the 2nd day of the next tema of said -oi:rt to commence at the city of South Hend. on the 3rd Monday in SeptemUr next on which day said defendant is re quired to appear to paid action. FRANK P. CHIilSTOPH, Clerk. T;r John r. 'ully. Deputy. JOli.N W. KITCH, Attorney for Plaintiff. June24julyl-S NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Fsttite of Bertha I?. Fiederickson. By direction of IMward F. Dubail. admin . istrator of the estate of Hertha R. Fred- erlckson, late of St. Joseph county. In te state of ndiana. deceits. Noti- is hereby jrlven to the heirs, lepa teK,aud devlee-s of said dceOent. and all other persons Interested In said estate, that K.-Ud administrator has filed In this court final account and vcuchers for the final settlement of said estate, and tby are therefore hereby required to he anil appear In aid court on tie Olh day of September, li.o. when th same will heard, and make pnof of their heirship, or claim to any part of mid estate, and she- cause if any thre he, why said ac roint and vouchers should not be ap proved. Witness the clerk ami sea: of the St. Jo ipa circuit cvurt at South Bend, Indi ana. thl -Jth dar of June. 10T.1. FIIAXK P. CHRISTOPH. Cler. By John P. Cully, leputj. JuuelMJulyl 7E JULY Note the unprecedented values in the list below. Gingham and Tissue Dresses $6.50 for $3.75 Ratine and Line11 Dresses $15.00 for $9.50 Lawn Kimonos $1.50 tor 95c White Waists $1.50 for $1.00 Middy Blouses 75c and $1.00 Balkan Blouses $1.25 and $1.75 Navy Serge Suits $18.50 for $9.25 Eponge Suits $35.00 for $17.50 Bedford Cord Coats $20.00 for $10.00 Moire Silk Coats . $45.00 for $22.50 Crepe Meteor Dresses $25.00 for $17.50 Lingerie Dresses $25.00 for $17.50 Lingerie Dresses, special $10.00 Sweaters - $4.00 for $2.00 Silk Petticoats .$5.00 for $3.50 In every line we have cut the price deeply to effect a rapid reduction in the size of our stock. If you have need, come in. i UN1Y & COR. MICHIGAN AND WAYNE STS. 3 n i fl el r. i i i