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THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIMES. TO3DAV, JCLY I, 1913 O O Q 0 tLBIEH 0R01 1 115 BRIDGE GIVES WAY Stamping of Lads Who Were Eager to go Bathing Ctuse of Accident May be More in the Stream. LAWREN'CK, Mass.. July 1. A narrow -wooden "walk over 15 feet of water to the municipal bath house !n the Merrimac river Monday cave way undr the stamping feet of a crowd of Impatient boys ai;u at least 11 of the little fellows were drowned. There may be more bodies in the ft ream. The boys, ranging from 9 to 13 years, were waiting for William B. lilyth:, the bath house keeper, to open. No one knew Monday night how many there were In the party, but It 13 thought 50 is a conservative estimate. The boys were Jumping up and down as they shouted to Blythe to open up when the supports sank and the walk extension dropped like & trap door, rolling the lads into the rlvor. There Is a swift current at this point drawn by the falls a quarter of a mile below, and the youngsters were caught in this. Many of them could not swim. Witnesses on the river bank say that all disappeared In a flash, but a moment later there was a struggling mass on the sur face. The stronger ones, who could Fwim, struck out bravely for tho boat house and a score saved themselves. Their cries brought aid and several others were pulled ashore. Five un conscious forms were brought from the water, and two of these were final ly resuscitated. Efforts to restore the others were futile. TO MEET NEW MEMBERS Mlzp-uh Evangelical Church to En S tcrtaln on July 10. Arrangements were made by the Delta Bible class of the Mizpah Evan gelical church at a meeting held Monday night at the home of M. Dulse, 1312 rf. Franklin sL, to enter tain for the new members of the church on the night of July 10. The reception will be held on the church lawn. A special program will be ar ranged and refreshments will be served. Bremen i m. WASHINGTON, July 1. The name of William C. Foltz to be post master of Bremen, Tnd., was recom mended to Pres. Wilson by Cong. Barnhart. SEVEN PEOPLE DIE IN FIRE IN HOTEL Blaze. Saiil to he of Incendiary Origin and New York Police Are In. vetlgatin. NEW YORK, July 1. The bodies of seven persons, lodgers in a small hotel known as "Till's hotel," at ! Greenwich st., were taken, from the top floor following a lire in" the build ing Monday night. One of the bodies is that of a woman and another of a three-year-old child. None have been identified. A dozen injured were ta ken to hospitals. The lire started on the third floor of the building, a three-story brick structure. The two upper floor?, used as headquarters for an employment agency, was also a combination hotel for laborers, and about -5 persons were sleeping there when the alarm was' given. According to the firemen the fire was of incendiary origin and an in vestigation has been instituted. f y'j . i 1 cvvi 1 'HI ARRANGE FOR BIG PICNIC Ball Came to Feature Outing of the Jroccrymon. Kouth Bend grocerymen met in the grocery store of F. Noland, SO 3 Prai rie av., Monday evening and agreed to close their shops on the Fourth of July. Arrangements were made for the events that will take place at the picnic? to be held at Hudson lake July 23. The sports at tho picnic will be managed by Henry Striebel and A. L. McCullough. A ball game will fea ture the occasion. GIRL SAYS FATHER HAS MADE THREATS ON LIFE ELKHART, Ind., June 30. Assert ing that her father beats her and threatens to kill her, lS-year-old Tresa Albert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Albert, 817 Indiana av., refuses to re turn to her home which she left last Saturday. Learning that the police had been called in to solve the "mys tery" of her disappearance, the young woman came to the police station Monday afternoon, meeting her lather and mother there. An expert of tho department of agricul ture lias teeii sent to the extreme north western corner of r. '.na never lefore vis ited by scientists, t snk new plruits that might be valuable In the United States. Suits for Men and Women $15, $18 and $20. Easy Payments. GATELY'S 115 K. Jefferson Blvd. AS TOLD BY AUNT GERTIE. Chapter IIL Finally the great day arrived! The merchan't son, who was mak ing believe to be a Turkish prophet, dressed up in a new dressing gown and started out again for the castle. This time, as before, he rode through the air in his trusty Flying Trunk. When he reached the palace, the king and queen and tho princess, with all the court attendants, were sitting awaiting him. The urst thing the queen did. after introductions were over, was to ak the merchant's son to tell a story. "Yes, dn," added the king, "and be sure to make It funny." v "Certainly I will," replied the merchant's Fon. And he commenced: "This is the story of a bundle of matches who thought themselves ex tremely fine. Because they descended from a tree trunk in a hit? forest, they had this high and mighty no- fe tag TV mk L Ji tion of themselves. But now, at the time of this story, they were reclin ing in a safe place on the shell in a kitchen. Near them was an iron saucepan. 'My history,' said the saucepan, 'is very different from yours, Mr. Match family. I have al ways held a lowly position. I have always been scrubbed hard and boil ed and burned. But I think I am a very Important person in this house, because all the real good things that need lots of cooking are boiled in me. Of course, my life is very quiet. Put then so is the life of all us folks who live on the kitchen shelves. " 'To be sure, the water pail gets to go outdoors and see strange faces Eat Heartily hut don't allow your food to cauc such distress as Heart burn, Gas on Stomach, Xauca, Indigestion, Cramps or Costlvo jhs". It in't JKxvxiry. Just take HOS TETTER'S Stomach Bitters for a few days and overcome any such tendency. IT HI. and things once in a while. And the turf-basket oh, weli h is a regular news gatherer. He says such queer things it really shocks one. . Why, one day he said such an awful thing that the poor old jar that has stood high up in the pantry for so long fell to the floor in a thousand pieces. She was shocked to death.' " 'Oh, you talk too much,' piped up the tinder-box. 'Let's have a nice, pleasant evening and not have one person do all the talking.' " 'Oh, surely,' said the matches, 'but let's lirst decide who is of the highest rank. " 'Oh, no,' said the earthen pitcher. I don't care to talk about myself. Lot's have an entertainment instead. Let's tell a story. I will begin it.' " (To be Continued.) APPROVE PLAN TO END MERGER Union Pacific to Trade Southern Pa cific Stock for That of 15. & O, and Put Rest on Market. laki: villi:. Nine of Billy Sunday's converts from the Y. M. C. A. at South Bend, held services in the M. F. church here Sunday .night. George Cole of Lapaz was here on business Monday. Seventeen converts of the M. E. church were baptized Sunday after noon at Riddle's lake. They will also baptize next Sunday afternoon, July 6 th. Mrs. Maud McCombs was quite se riously hurt in a runaway Sunday morning which occuired a few miles west of town. Miss Dora Irvin was badly poisoned last week picking strawbeiries. TRY NEWS-TIMES WANT ADS EYES EXAMINED FREE Glasses Fitted at Moderate Piic:s Satisfaction Guaranteed. CAT. 1900 ST. PAUL, Minn.. July 1. Federal Judges Walter 11. Sanborn, William C. Hook and Walter I. Smith, sitting at the district court of the United States for the district of Utah, approved late Monday the plans agreed upon by the Atty. Gen. McReynoMs and attorneys for the Union Pacific railroad and the famous Union Pacific-Southern Pa cific merger, known as the great Ilar riman combine, practically came to an end. In brief, the plan, which had the approval of Pres. Wilson, presented by the attorney general and counsel for the road and approved by. the court, provides that the Union Pacific shall exchange $3S, 000,000 of its $126,000,000 holdings in the South ern Pacific for the Pennsylvania rail road's entire holdings in the Baltimore and Ohio virtually an equal amount; that the remaining J SS, 000, 000 shall be sold to the general public through the Central Trust Co. of New York; that no present stockholders in the Union Pacific, continuing as such, may buy any of the Southern Pacific stock so sold; that the transaction should begin Nov. 1, 1913, and if not com plete by Jan. 1, 1916, the court should direct the disposition of any Southern Pacific stock remaining unsold. I! r&W "CIRCLE" STOP-OFF TOURS XCrJ a ill " " V$' cosTOi I VI tWECNCt HI onc wa'. return another) YA) I R1VIR I 111 Vacation trips from bnvrr Ontario to To- V" ' l ' ronto or Kingston; by steamer through tho y ft 2 II Thousands Island? and Rapids of tho St.- 11 1 j Lawrenco to Montreal (sid trip to quaint lj ' 1 ; ( II Quebec) thence through tho White Mour- j . 1 ' r i m I ! I ia"w l" A''s."!!. wttuiiiiu ia steamer i i fi I ::yAK;ir?l"j I ,..-) 11 Now York and home over the Grand Trunk- ' J r rO Lehigh Valley double track route via Nl- ltT- ' I W JV- A m c-T-i T.'nlto oti.l r.tVinr r i . . J 5 ' i t ZZ Tp Orrr I'lfty Diffrrrnt "( irrlr" lop-Cff Tour. fi ! h, , ?. A mnging in pri.' frm to ,C-no l 8 x. Ail routeil. prirvl aal l-.-r: ! in cur . VVrvP bSNVVWA ! 4,Cn:'Li: T(UK IUiKKLT". W I't fAS twVv V,V ny t'lr- 'H at Grin.l Trunk VA imW'W ticket offli-e or ph. J K MSm UNDERTAEES DR. J. BURKE 8c CO Leading Opticians of Northern Indi ana 230 S. Michigan St. Sunday 0 to 10 by Appointment. NOTICE: We duplicate any lenc the same day. No matter who fitted them. B-ing the plccea. f AUTO A3IBI j HIRAM C. AMBCUCi: SEBVICB KR1EGHBAUH FUXERAZ DniEOTOR 008 S. MjJm ft. rben4 IIm 433, BeO. S9 11 Dailj Trains to CrUcxsrat Irrry Iattcnt a I booster for SWEM, The Chiropractor. Rheumatism. S02-300 Dean Rulldlng. Homo Phono 25G5. Our Success Depends Upon Our Satisfied Patients. SMITH & SMITH CHIROPRACTORS. Rooms 501-502 Dean RXdg. II. Phono 249C. South Rend, Ind. VOICE Elton B. Crepeau will accept pupils in the art of voice place ment. Italian method. SOS N. Michigan st. Home phone 101S. TRY NEWS-TIMES WANT ADS S23 X. Michigan St- j Horn Phono 5211; l)eH Pbone 9J i. r. nonravn CHIROPODIST Hard and Co ft Orn ll moved. ITbx lon. Enlarge! Joint and In-gTO-n Nail Treated. OfC and Residence. S. Txylaa' Ctrgot. Horn Thonc 3451. Bell Pbon ft Will call at your residence or offlo by appointment. ETES EXAMINED Drue by S- LEMONTREE fcotrth Bcal Lending Optometrist nJ Mnncfacturlaj: Ojtlcln. 222 So.-MJchiffan 8trt Ma Plion ZA. Ell Vbmm Ml Kunauo rwm Ia 10:23 JL M- 2Z i ii A i Vim UH.'..'iiA, 3 1 Tn3 iPPMP thz&? tLia jij eLj eJLn rr."lsf,l cifa (Ljs d.ZTHJ 1 1 "i Mi' 11 &L Jink w .m hjj The Specialist Who evtes Mis Entire I Know How to Cure Nervous and Chronic Diseases of Men Science Is on the wing". Treatments used one year ago are back numbers now. To be a TOPXOTCII Specialist requires not only skill and energry, but capital. The public Is not sat isfied with a doctor who sticks In the OLD liVT. Neither is It satisfied with the electric belt faker or the pretend'::jfr specialist. Nowadays men demand up-to-date treatment, not smooth talk and empty promises. To be a leader now It Is absolutely necessary that you possess an KXPEXSIVE IjAHOIIATORY where sclent'lnc Investigations can be continually carried on. This I have, and I am prepared to give my patients the benefit of all the GRUAT DISCO V KILII3S as soon as they are perfected. Others watch my announcements and at once they claim to do the same thln.?i. Men come to me because they read my sniAIfillT-FOR WARD OFFERS, or because I have CURED some of THEIR FRIENDS. I AM PROUD OF 3FT IlECOItD. "914" CURES BLOOD POISON O B 00 1 nur n " n pa t O o e o Pi 1 No Pain, Return Home Same Day Giving a patient Nw-Salvnrsan, "9 14," Prof. Flirlloh's New German Remedy for Blood Pol This Ls the lntniveuous method, directly Into the blood, the only way It should be Extract from letter of Prof. Ehrllch: Judging from all the reports received by me. It appears that the intravenous Injec tion Is to be preferred to all other methods of administration, as far as permanency of effect !s concerned. Although I have to admit that this method of administration will prove an obstacle to the Introduction of the remedy in general practice, on account of certain technical difficulties. I believe that the interests of the patient demand that ojily the most efficient form of treatment should bo decided upon. I ohould feel much obliged to you If you will as heretofore assist me in this di rection, and in tho future employ as much as possible the Intravenous mode for the admln- t lstratlon of tho remedy. j (Slsned). P. EHRLICH. j Thoma A. Edison, tho great "electrical wizard," says: "The Ccrman dlscoTery for the 1 cure of Dlood PoUm Is the most important achievement of thy year 1911 and that most of in have the dlreiM; ami do not know It." I guarantee a painless and safe treatment, giving the Genuine German Kennedy accord ing to the great German professor's latest in structions. MY METHODS appeal to those who THINK and who want the benefit of the TiATEST SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS that drives DISEASED GERMS out of your body. My advice is FREE and valuable, whether you are treate d or not. If you need help, make your wants known to an HONORAELE SPECIALIST. No matter about money. COME if possible. ITS I1EST. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Nervous Debility, Blood Poisons, Kidney Diseases, Bladder Troubles and other diseases of mankind. Time to hroeiic Diseases Men and DR. I LLENEP, YOU DO'T PAY EF I DQMT CURS Mom The FE-R OF FAILURE to obtain a cure in your caso may have de terred you from taking treatment, or you may have been one of the unfor tunates who have been treated in vain by inexperienced physicians. FREE TItEATMENTS, FREE TRIAL SAMPLES, PATENT MEDICINES, or by false testimonials you may have bten lured to a combination of travels Cien representing themselves as great specialists, but having no knowledge of medicine. When you come to my office you see a regular licensed phy sician. I am in no way connected with any doctor, company or combina tion of men who copy my advertisements. My ccr.eclence, my profession, my reputation and teaching condemn all such quackers. No books, alma nacs, nor symptora blank schemes. No reputable doctor will resort to such methods. I Charge Kothing to Prove My Methods Will Cure BliOOD POISON, SKIN DISEASES, URINARY OBSTRUCTIONS, STIUCTURE, VARICO CFXE, HYDROCELE, NERVOUS DECLINE, MALE WEAKNESS. PIW3S, FISTULA, KID XI2Y, BLADDER AND PROSTATIC AFFECTIONS, DRAINS AND ALL NERVOUS, CHRONIC AND SPECLVL DISEASES OF MEN DUE TO EVIL 1LI JITS, .EXCESSES, OR THE RESULT OF THE SPECIFIC DISEASES. 0 n W 2 Lost Pover tho Cause of Mental and Physical Suffering Perfect health is possible only when every function of the human body is property per formed. Man is tho paragon of anlmal3, the perfection of all created belnga, but how eel dom do we see the true, the perfect man, walking among his fellows a solitary gem? How m2.ny who fall to reach the dimensions of thei r splendid model! And.yet the young man, the middle-aged man, the man of mature age who wnJks the streets with head banging, afraid to meet the eye of his fellow beings, dreading lest they read his Inmost secret, still follows the paths of ignorance for while his youth may bo wrecked, whiie his vitality may be lowered, while his body may be tho prey of his mind, yet there is hope, that his living death may turn and givo him years cf happiness, lifting him to that plane .of manhood which all men should tread. I want to help men who are weak in vitality, who are nervous, despondent and laclting self- confidence; who feel as if cl ag-j was coming on too soon, because of the dulling of their youthful Hro and ambition. Li L sot Lrst To be strong is the aim of evejy man. and yet how many we find who are waiting the vitality and strength which Nature gave them. Instead of developing Into the strong, vig orous man that Nature intended them to be, they find themselves stunted and despondent no "ambition to do anything. They struggle aimlessly along, sooner or jater to become vic tims of that dread disease, nervous debility, their finer Pni-ibillties blunted and their nerves shattered. It is hard for a weak man to have noble sentiments; such things are born of warm blood, healthy nerves and a strong heart. Every weak man is more or less despondent, lacks the magnetic enthusiasm of youthful energy, and should not hesitate to almost any sacrifice to again be liappv, light-hearted and full of Joyous imputes, to be free from brain wandering and dull, stupid feeling, to have confidence and sclf-e-4vm. and command the admiration of men and women. It is the law of Nature that all of the powers of the body and brain should be retained unimpaired until the last. The vitality of youth can be conserved by right living, and it is only because men Ignorant! y and i-ex-fc-lesJy waste their store of nerve force that they become feeble wrecks and find life not worth living. Scores upon Bcores of men cf all ages and in nearly c-vcry walk of l!fe have been rescued by Dr. Fleener. "With him the treatment of these dlsaaes is net an experi ment. If he feels that he can't cure you, he soys so and you part friends. You cannot afford to neglect thl3 condition; neglect has strewn the see3s of discord and imhapplness In hundreds of home, which otherwise would have been the abod of praco and happinc. Th greatest gift to man Is a healthy. Manly System; if your vitality Is net what Nature intended, you are the cause, and Inasmuch as it lies within your reach to have this gift restored, what man. who Is truly a man. will not reek the opportunity? with scur rtomach. bleating r.ter eating, head- I3E ifh f ache, backache, dizziness, specks before your UJ UWU eyes, hot and cold flashes, lam isii' w uwii vu u u u hot and coM fla5heSt Jarne bacyc Fcarity hlfih-colored urine, burning, stinging or drlficult urination, splotches under skin, los of energy, ambition, vim, vigor, vitality, bashful, timid, nervous weakness, !os3 cf confidence, brooding, blues, lack of abllltj to concentrate mind, thoughts wander, cold feet, itching of skin, vital loss, excessive thirst, pain around the heart, at base of brain or down limbs? Do you have difficulty In fixing your thoughts? Is your memory poor? Do you gt-t weak 5Ud derly? Are you nervous and irritable? Are you the man fb.ys'.cally and mentally that you formerly were? Can you accomplish what your healty friends and acquaintances can? If not, you ore laboring under a great handicap. Come and let me make you strong and well again at a very small cost. WARNING lriectrlcal Treatment, Electric Heltn, Su.penory, Dan tLie, Medicines, lutxUly or internally, will never cure nny man of Varicocele, HydroceJe, Piles, Rupture, Stricture, Fistula, ami when a doctor telLi you lo can cure you by uch method, lie Is only after your money. VP U u u Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 5; Evenings, 7 to 8; Sunday. 9 to 12 Only. t r H i I nIo cure Rupture, Rheumatlrm. IMIes, FNtulo, Kidney and Bladder and lYostato DImxwn, Illoxl Iol-vn and all otlicr Men Dis eases quickly, permanently and wlthoui p.dn or !s of time. Exam ination free. Begin treatment now totlay. AH letters promptly answered. 4 li Entire Second Floor Over Peck's Shoe Store. Entrance 109V2 W. Washington Av. ( -.-V,,