THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIMES FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1913 Adventures of Johnny Mouse. i vzr on nv TMiXi YOU PO f r. 1 MLLCD TUO Y5. you oee. I FIRST two Rtces ; BRYAN WAS AT CHICAGO Is llun-yln? Hack to Capital to Talk Alxmt Mexico. CHICAGO. July 25. Secy, of tato William J. Bryan spent 20 minutes in Chicniro Thursday enrouto from Iowa, where ho delivered a lecture last niKht. to Washington, D. C. "I am hurrying -back to Washing ton to confer with Ambassador Wil son in regard to Mexican affairs," -aid Secy. J?ryan. The secretary left for Washington at 12:40 p. m. ARREST TWO SUFFRAGETS Folice Claim They Were- Trying to Start Dlazc. GLASGOW. July 25. Tho police chargtul attempted arson against two militant suffragets who were arrestetl in a suburb here Thursday. One gave her name as Margaret Morrison and the other refused to give her name. They were found in an empty house and the police say the unidentified wo man was in tin? act of setting a match to a pile of combustibles in the house. While the police were questioning her, the Morrison woman came down a i l'ni'htly Iiv Sits Are cured by Dr. Hobson's Ec7ma ointment, which heaLs all skin erup tions. No matter how long you have litoii troubled by itching, burning, or f-valy skin humors, just put a little of that soothing antiseptic. Dr. Hobson's Kczem.i ointment, in the sores and the suffering stops instantly. Healing be gins that very minute. Doctors use it in their practice ami recommend it. Mr. Alleman. of Littb wn. Pa., says: "Had Kczema on for nead; Dr. Hob son's Kczema Ointment cured it In two weeks." Guaranteed to relieve or money refunded. All druggists, or by mail. Price r,Cv Pfeiffer Chemical Co.. Philadelphia and t. IxniK Advt. The DILA SPRAY SYRINGE F08 WOMEN Tbe ne-x com Motion vaginal syrlnare tfiat dilates ami praja at tDt? Mine time. An ao- Tnua, c u re erru com W?t cV inivcr It uiw-r txiH. Can with either bulb or d"uel hue In Test lg-ntf . Send stamp Jot 11 lnKr.ited UL wMea gives fall particulars aoil (Itnxrtis. I)nntr-IITr- on Co.. 1263 lrodwnv7. New York City. Ir al DT LEWIS G. U.NHOV, 311 phi san Si Wayne Pt Bouth Ilnd. EYES EXAMINED -An J lleadaciios IUexrl without tie use of DruK? by H. LtMONTREE South' lnVs Lent1riff 47trmertt and itaauractarln? Opian. 222 So. MlcisraJJ Strwt. Horse P!h:if? rV'.l 1'hone 347. Sundays fj-om 9 to 10 .20 A. M. If AITO AMUL'LAXCE iiiUtVICE. HIRAII C. KRIECHBAOH FUNCRAL DIRECTOR ai .s. M.iln St. J ( well:: 3 ' i I , Her-y DOVE OF PEACE IS BACK ON THE JOB Majority Mrmlors of the A. M. 12, Zions Cliurrh Will Stick With Pastor. Tlie dovo of peae azaln hovers over the A. M. K. Zion church. Tho pastor. Rev. G. W. Henley, will be retained and the work of building the new church will go forward without interruption. Tour of the minority who were members of the board of trustees have reslpned. The resignations ac cepted were those of Oliver Roberts, Garfield Honwell. Edward Higgins and Charles Winlocks. A meeting will be called in a few days by the peace faction at which new trustees will be appointed to the board and plans for the new church considered. The new church will be erected on the present site. The moving of the old building has been delayed by the trouble that arose in the congregation but it will be moved back on the lot Monday and build ing will commence immediately. The pastor will continue at the Fame salary that he has been receiv ing. The trouble arose In a difference of opinion among the members as to what he should receive. An apprais ing board was appointed but some of the members refused to abide by their decision. He; v. Mr. Henley himself denies that he took any part In the discussion over the question of wages. He is giving his time disinterestedly, he says, to the end that a new church shall be built, but, of course, he says, he must live. EVERY WOMAN NEEDS AT LEAST $40 A MONTH Conference Decides She Can't Livo Respectable on Any Jjesj. PORTLAND, Ore., July 23. The first conference called in the United States under a compulsory minimum wage law has decided here that $40 a month or $9.25 a week is "the sum required to maintain in a frugal, but decent condition of living a self-supporting woman employed in a mer cantile establishment in Portland". The conference, in which employ ers, employes and special settlement workers participated, will recommend this as the compulsory minimum wage for women in Portland. IN WATER BUCKET Lucky Knd to Fall Is All That Saves Youn Boy From Cer tain Death. SANTA FEE, Kas.. July 25 Alight ing head first in a water bucket sus pended near the bottom of a well Thursday probably saved the life of Uoyd Church, son of a rancher living in West Haskell county, near the Col orado line. While playing around a 50 foot well the boy. fell into it. Tie was rescued by his 11 -year-old sister, who drew bucket and boy to the sur face. The lad's left arm and shoul der blade were broken. ''. Plain or pleated; soft cool mat erials; French cuffs, and collars to match; detachable; choice of our regular summer slock . . . Cool, comfortable, stylish; extensive variety, $3.00 and $3.50 values ! I U P i hi MAX ABLER & PAWNS IN BIG DIVORCE CASE WILL DIVIDE THEIR TIME BETWEEN FATHER AND MOTHER v:;v.;"..--X f-'.r'S VST ! a -kw i. f ' -a (.;';. i ' . .. ?.v . is" Hid dap, horsey! It's beachtime for boys and girls, and. oh. what a good time it is! This is the way all little folks in South Bend can "grow freckles" and DANIELS WOULD FORCE ALL CITIZENS TO VOTE Says Risht of Ballot Should Not be Denied to Any American Citizen. LOXG BEACH, Cab, Juy 25 State laws compelling the citizens to exer cise the privilege of the ballot were advocated Thursday by Secy. Daniels of the navy department, speaking here at a luncheon in his honor. "We have too large a class of citi zens." he said, "generally well edu cated and well to do, who abdicate the kingly right of suffrage. A way should be founded to make jt easy Begins Saturday Horning $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 Negligee Starts m mm I 1 CO., 119 W. Washington Ave. turn os brown as a berry. These children in the picture are playing horse with big brother. Pretty soon, in they will go, and come out again covered with water. for them to vote, to then require it of them. It is hardly an election any where in the country, outside of presi dential years, where the issue is not carried by a minority of tho elect orate. "There should be a law by which nil otlicers and enlisted men in the army and navy, all other public olli cers who are employed awa.y from their place of residence, all college students who are of age and all drum mers and railroad men can vote by mail." It's like a summer breeze, cools, re freshes and builds up your wasting energies. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the most effective summer tonic. .15 cents. Tea or Tablets. Coon ley Drug Store. Advt. i '' I J I i P 3 Come and n THE PREMIER "Ul rn & (ireat iiiu.vjiiL mil m iu v Great Crowds of Satisfied Shoppers Have Been In Attendance Since the Sale Has Started Saving One-quarter and One-half on Staple Seasonable Merchandise. If You Haven't Been Here as Yet, Come Saturday; You Can't Stay Away if You Want to Do Justice to Your Pocketbook. By the Store That's Noted For Doing Things That Women's $1 Long Silk Gloves . Full 16-button heavy pure silk; double finger tip- ped in black and white, at 58c $3.50 SUMMER DRESSES. "Women's and Mh-ses .Summer Dresses, street or porch service materials, such as linen, percales and piques; beautifully trimmed and this sea son's styles; sizes 14 to 4 6. Fhelf Emptying fale price . . . FINEST 50c ROMPERS Made of finest fast color ging hams, chambray and linens in pretty styles for both boys and girls; famous Little One Brand. Extra soles and 37c BOYS 35c WAISTS Made of striped plain blue chambray with collar attached sizes 6 to 15; sale price. trimmed 19c Men's $1 Dress Shirts. Coat cut and at tached cuffs, made of finest French per cale and pongee Shelf Emptying sale 67c Men's 50c Work Shirts In best grade of black sateens and blue chambrays; cut full and extra well made. Sale price, terials in and not price a c 34c it Men's 50c Un derwear. Porosknit and ttalbriggan Shirts and Drawers; short and long sleeves; all sizes: Shelf Empty values. price ! ing Sale, 29c Men's 20c and 25c Half Hose. In fine silk mer cerized, lisle, me dium or light weight all colors, pair. If i Dresses r 11ic MEN'S 35c BELTS. All leather bolts, madt with strong buckie: the kind you pay 3 5c for. Sale price, 18c MEN'S 25c SILK TIES. Knit Silk Ties four-in-h-and styles in plain colors and combinations; real 25c value; Shelf Emptying Sale price mrnt and waist; all price i e ! J-3 Made 12c 13 Route of the Lakes IS n &9 TIME TABLE til KCTlVK MAY 4. 1913. 9:00 a. ia. 3:00 p. ra. 11:00 p. m. 4:30 p. in. St. Jrpn DVItlon. o:?A a. in. ll:iO a. m. 0:00 p. ra. 6:00 a. la. 12:00 p. m. 7:00 p. ru. 7 :00 a. xa. 1 :00 p. m. & :(.0 p. in. i S:00 a. ra. 2:00 p. rn. 'J:o0 p. ra. 9:0 a. m. 3:00 p. m. 10:00 p. xa. 10:00 a. xa. 4 :C) p. m. 11:00 p. in. i 5:00 p. ra. The 5:50 a. xn. and 11:0) p. ra. cars to NilM onlj. Goshen Dlrlalon. Daily Trains Iave: 5:15 a. in. 11: a. ra. f:00 p. ra. 6:o0 a. m. 12:00 dooq 7 :00 p m. . 7 :0J a. m. 1 p. m. S .C p. rn. 8:f) a. m. 2:0) p. m. 'J.VO p. ra. 9:00 a. ra. 3:00 p. m. 10:f p. m. 10:00 a. m, 4 :0) p. ra. 11:00 p. ra. 5:i) m. Michigan It) lUIlon. 4:50 a. m. 10:C0 a. in. 60 p. m. t:OD a. m. l'J.oo toon 7:3) p. rn. 1 7:00 a. m. 1:00 p. ra. :00 p. m. Dailj except Sunday. r. J. HARDY. Hear the Band Concert Saturday BARGAIN EVENT Mr h TnniTrhTrTTiTraffS 2 as $10. It will S1.37 Shelf Emptying price WOMEN'S PURE SILK HOSE. fine grade pure thread silk, with V . Ci 1111 A C I A Ji I tlltl( Mill! ; and deep no-ravel garter toisf black, tan white, special, pair CHILDREN'S $1.50 SUMMER DRESSES. Children's Wash Dresses, made of fast colored materials such ns Clinghams. Chambray?, Lincno and White IMques. all this season's styles. Dresses that are a bargain at this price. Size 6 to 14. Shelf Emptying price OJC BEAUTIFUL $2.00 MUSLIN GOWNS. In 12 dainty styles of the finest muslin and nainsook, with beautiful embroidery, lace and and ribbon. Low neck, slip-over and high neck styles, $2.00 value, special WOMEN'S $3.50 AND $4.00 SILK WAISTS. In pretty striped Washable silks and all silk Messalinc. I'lack and all colors; handsome low-neck short sleeve models; also high neck and long sleeves. (? 1 70 Shelf-Emptying Sale price tpl FINEST $2.00 SUMMER CORSETS. Famous Wilhelmina brand, made of highest grade ma all the newest models; guaranteed to break. Shelf-Emptying Sale 59c AND 69c CORSET COVERS. In fine nainsook and all-over embroidery tstyles; beau tiful embroidery, ribbon and lace trimmed; Shelf Emptying Sale BEAUTIFUL $2.00 PRINCESS SLIPS. Trimmed with finest embroidery and ribbon; deep em broidery flounce, perfect fitting $2.00 values, all 0- sizes. Shelf Emptying Sale. price DC WOMEN'S $1.50 AND $2.00 HOUSE AND STREET DRESSES. A new assortment of handsome house and street in natural linens; finest amoskeag ginghams and chambray; $1.50 and $2.00 values. shelf Emptying Sale price $5.00 WHITE SERGE DRESS SKIRTS. In two splendid new models; strictly man tailored and made of all wool serge; elegantly tailored 7Q and perfect fitting. Shelf Emptying Sale U4J 50c PERCALE DRESSING SACQUES. For women. Best quality, fast color percales in neat .... ma.. i y . . i oar naiierns: souare neeK anu snirreu ai ine sizes; Shelf Emptying Sale, $1.50 BOYS' WASH SUITS. of heavy quality galatea; good tub material; both striped and plain sailor or Russian styles; Shelf Emptying Sale, price Pabst Beer Always pure, light or dark. Del!r ired to your home, 50c per dozen. J. HOFFFMAX 231 No. Mlcliigau St, Cell 2375 Homo 5594 PATENTS AjvS Trade Marks Obtained Jn all Countries. Advice Free. GEO. J. OLTSCH, Registered Patent Atty.. 711 112 Studebaker Bli South Bead. Ind YOU'LL LIKE THE EUMBALL PIANO Easy Terms or Cash Write for Catalogue. B. M. COX PIANO HOUSE 316 S. Michigan St 3 n OF THE YEAR uma Others Would Like to Do. Men's i!I Perns knii Un'on Suits Genuine J1.00 FVrv5kn;t I. men Suit"; short pleeves; the kind trtit iell.? every where at Jl.uu; a!e Night. C $10 SUMMER DRESSES. Women's and Misses' newest style Street Dresses, made of :inest French Linen, Katine, Lin geries and Voiles; dresses that we sold as high pay you to see these dresses. Sale , S3.99 59c Kimono Sleeve Aprons. In checked and striped percale, pip ed in red. made to cover all over dress es. double lisle 4'k4l - 'l Ml. v 7r J I v Women's 25c Knit Drawers Fine gauze ribbed and trimmed with dcp lace. Shelf Emptying Falo price 13c insertions. 95c Women's 19c Gauze Vests Fine gauze liMe Vests with deep cro cheted lace yoke. Shelf Emptying Salo .price, 9ic BOYS 50c UNION SUITS (ienuine lonvknit I'nlon suits, short sleeve and knee length drawers, sale price. rust-proof 95c $1.50 WASH SKIRTS W o m e h 's and Misses White Pique, repp and lincno skirts; nobby tail ored, 59c to f,;e 37c s II 95c Women's 10c Cotton Hose Full fashioned, hemmed tops; .fasjt black, all sizes. 5ic 89c H Women's 35c Muslin Drawers Of lin quality muslin, full etit trim med with tieep em broidery ruffles Siulf Emptying Sale price, Child's 75c Barefoot Sandals For Hoys and Girls' P.arefor.t San daN; all leather and heavy sobs; sizes 4 to li1; f-ale price, 29c h 87c -fry 2 EYES EXAMINED FREE Glares nttcd at Moderate Price Satisfaction Cuaraaatocxl. DR. J. BURKE SCO Leading Optician of Northrm Iii41 -230 S. Mlcruxun St. SrxuUj 0 to 10 by A ppoln trnrnt. NOTICE: We 2uplict any lecc the e&me day. No matter who ttt4 them. lirlni i&e plecea. X 1 W ! i 4 I 4 '1 i 4 Try NEWS-TIMES WANT ADS Bitot. TrmauxrtAtloau