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12 THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIMES. MiSHAWAKA Bell ft Phone 10 123 Telephone SHOWS LEAVE CITY OVER SATURDAY HIGH Carnival Company Opens at Hillsdale Today Homecom ing is Thought to Be Success Financially. TSy 6 o'clock Sunday momlnsr prac tically ever vestige of the carnival, rave the motordrome was down nnd packed. The motordrome took about three hours longer to tear down and crate. Early risers saw the work of destruction go on and then accomp anied the big wagons to the Lake Fhoro tracks where the craUs were packed on the Hatch ppeeial rara and labeled. Hillsdale, Mich. The carnival will enow at this place during the coming week and win return to War taw, Ini., for a week. The taking down of the tent fhows and concession booths rx-gan about midnight Saturday and continued throughout the night. Many people stood around and watched the Inter esting" work until the wee hours of the morning. And it was Interesting at that. Tho taking down of the rplral tower used by Phil Greene quite an interesting and it about 3 o'clock when tho work was Mas was completed. The larger number of onlookers watched thU work. Ujsiness men Sunday morning pro nounced tho carnival a complete suc cess and they are already talking a fdmllar celebration for next year, in fact the event Is supposed to be an annual one. Pres. C. L. Ostmndcr of the lous iness Men's association Sunday char acterized tho carnival and homecom ing week a "howling success from start to finish." Other representa tive business men were enthusiastic over the week. Asked the comment on the north Fide feeling several of the men stated thai thoy believed the business mn had treated these people fairlv in mov ing the carnival away from their up town stores and locating it at the foot of the bridge, a location easily accessible to both sides of the river. They said that they believe 1 and hoped the north sidors wou'd ' soon see tho Justice of their position and forget their indignation. The financial part of th weeK could not be estimated Sunday but will soon bt; made public. It is be lieved the association will clear enough to complete the payments on the lighting system and to leave a neat sum in the treasury. The homecoming part of the week was indeed a complete success. Hun dreds of old faces were seen In the city, some of them not having been here for a score of years. Stories of the city's growth could bo heard on every hand during the week. Everyone seems to be pleased with the conduct of the carnivai and ale glad of the s. cess that attended the business men's efforts. YOUNG LADIES WILL GIVE RECITAL HERE What promises to be a pleasing venet will be the recital t'" bo given Monday evening by the Misses Marie Roles, Aline McQulllen and Alice Culp at tho First Presbyterian church Mon day evening. It will be a combined musical and literary recital. Miss McQulllen. a student at North western university. Is a pianist and soloist of abilitv and will render a program of songs. Miss Culp is one of the city's best soprano singers. Miss Roles is a graduate of tho Cum nox School of Oratory of Northwest ern university and is well known for her reading ability. She will render; a program of readings and interpre tations. Indications point tea large audience at the Interesting recital. RTBIn CTi ASS TO MEET. The Girls' Riblo clas will hold a meeting Monday evening at 7 o'clock at tho First Christian church. IIKCVIjA HSIIUVICES HELD. Regular services were hold by the Salvation Army at their post ia the "basement of the old Methodic church Sunday. Capt, Hart was in charge. MjSEAWAKA Classified Advertisements. Where to Buy The News-Times. Chicago Newspaper Agency. C. L. Ostrandt r. West Second street. Red Cross Pharmacy, W. Second st. Mishawaka H-.'ttd, S. Main st. William A. Rcrdy. N. Main st. lrvir.o Pharir-.'.y. Cu3 N. Main st. FO RKENT heat, ra Four room flat. Steam and eh ctricity. Apply Cb-ar.s. ts, E. First st. a: the Paris FOR RENT'.aker st HASTINGS. N. Michigan He me 0140; 6 rooms, N. :i Fhoncs SS.00 St. Roll :n. FOR SALE Two new 7-roopj houses on 14th st., ne.-.r Sfrii'.-r. Mishawa ka. Cistern nnd well. ("mod rellars. Pine, for -is. wir-d for el. ctric llehts. Cash or payments, (i. o. D. Reroth. i;X-i; N. Main st.. South Rend. Telephone GHS. run veniem s blocks out part j ; L NT -i'urr.NNM roo:,i t- ej.t el .:!:. v ; 41 .'0 a k to N. Luf.iyetfe st. nil FOR SALE Two new 7-roorn houses on Mih aw cellars, electric 14th uroet. near Spring, ! ar.a. Cistern and well. Good Plptd for ga wired for lights. Cash or payments. Geo. D. R St.. South troth. R-r.d. -ICS North Main T dephone 0 " n WANTED TO buggy. Ho:: i 4 . .i a i ii RU - e pho -A so cord hard :e 1 1 ir call at WANTED TO new feath-r Home rhuH" l FOR SALE -Hiius-all kindd at L'14 V. hold lUttell o; BUY Your dd and b.- Is and pillow s. Call SOUTH MAIN STREET Your Items to The News PLE AI iiEl Contract Will Be Ccmplteed Within Time Extension Arches Span River From Shore to Shore. Many people Journeyed to the site of the new Logan st. bridge Sunday to inspect the structure. The con crete spans now completely bridge the river and both atuimenV re in. All that remains to be done Is the filling In of the arches and the con struction of the road and railings. The contractor, S. W. Copp, expects to have the work dono in the speci fied time. Through an extension of "time granted the workers some time ago by the county commissioners, they have until Oct. 1 to finish the bridge. With no setbacks and if the work continues to progress as rapidly as it has dur ing the past several weeks there seems to be nothing In the way of finishing the structure on time. The bridge alrcadya presents an at tractive appearance and the great size makes it noticeable from up and down Second st. for a considerable distance. When completed the structure will be one of the most beautiful bridges in the county. Its cost will be In the neighborhood of $C5,000. It will be on the order of the Main st. structure, being of concrete reinforced through out. The railings v. ill also bo of ornanrental concrete, Tho span will fill a much needed want and a necessity long waited for. Residents of River Park and of the west end of the north side can save considerable distance, nnd time in coming to the south side business district through the means of the bridge and likewise residents going from the south side to River Park and the east side of South Rend will be materially benefitted. There is now no bridge between Main st. and Springbrook park, a distance of oer two miles and the Logan. eL structure will fill this gap in an excellent man ner. The many who visited the bridge Sunday were impressed with tho big ness of the undertaking and expressed entire approval of tho work as far as it has progressed. Many people utilized tho bridge Sunday In crossing tho river, notwith standing tho fact that they were com polled to walk up and down the big concrete arches. Needless to say no invitation to the general public will be necessary when the bridge Is finally completed. LOCAL STUDENTS ENTER SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Mishawaka's Fohools open this morning. The high school and all public schools, St. Joseph's, St. Peter's nnd St. Ravo's p-jrochlal schools all will begin theit session today. Indi cations point to an Increase In at tendance at practically all of tho schools. The high school especially will be added to by a great number coming up from the eighth grade. The schools have nearly all been redecorated and cleaned during the summer to make ready for this year. They were fumigated last wtk and are now in readiness for the opening. Many Mishawaka students have either left cr are preparing to leave for college. Among these Ivan Ror ley. 0 Gartner, Earl Huston. Har old St ce and Lynn McKnight have pone to Lafayette, Ind., to enter Pur duo university. The delegation from here to Wabash college at Crawfords- J villo includes tho following: Clar ence Neubaum, Clarence Culp, William S. Kiskaddeu, Oswald Reuse. George Ooethals and Warren Edwards. These will leave this week to enter their school. Amonfc the others who go are George Service, to Wisconsin univer sity at Madison, Wl. ; Glen Rabcock goes to Northwestern university at Evanston, 111.; Harlev Neusbaum to the University of Chicago; Onner Da vis to Northwestern; Earl Reeder will return to Indiana university at Rloom ington; Edward OIMett goes to Wi nona academy; William Kraiiss to Notre Dame; and Armand Schoilinger. Rernard Smith and Fred Reinwand tu St. Joseph's college at Rennsalaer. Among the young ladles going away there are tho Misses Helen Mc- OiHllen nnd "T.ov Cctpt tn W;tern ro.lW nt OvforVi n- aiim VoOnii-1 lm to Northwestern university at Evanston. 111.; IUatrice Woodward to IVPauw college at Greencastle, Ind.; Angela O'Neill to St. Joseph's acad emy. South Rend; Geraldlne O'Neill to St. Mary's college; Luclle Gernhart to Illinois Women's college and tho Miss Frances Ilorzog and Marcella Schelllnger to the Josephlnum col K L'o at Chicago. LEAVES FOR ST. LOUTS. Charles Rramwell. secretary of the Four-in-one ladder Co., left Sunday evening for St. Iouis, Mo., where he will remain for a week's trip. ENGLISH TEACHER HERE. Miss Edna Hocket, Instructor In English at the Mishawaka high school arrived Saturdav from her home In Wabnsh. ties here. Ind.. to enter upon her du- VISITING FRIENDS HERE. Mrs. E. Price and daughter. Manila f Elkhart are spending a few days o at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles m :ts of W. Seoond st. visits in crrv. W ola isited with relatives and friends In this city Sunday. He will leave thi- week for Crawfordsville, Ind.. to enter Wabash college. LEAVES ON TRIP. T. L. Leslie of S 42 E .Fourth St., has gone to Put-ln-Ray, Detroit, Cleveland and Canton, O. He will at tend the Centennial celebration of Ferry's victory on Lake Erie. m peo BRIDGE OVER SUNDAY Home Phone 113 TRIAL IH URSDAY OR HOP-0-STEP COURT "Who Stole Casbon's Car" Will Be Grist of Cross Examina tion Boom Cars Advertise Trial Saturday. "Who stole Casbon's car?- "What wa the deep and dark motive for the : perpetration of the offense?" These i and other serious questions, the after growth of the historical home man's contest will be decided at a "kanga roo court," to be held Thursday ev ening in the Textile building. Experienced and expensive legal talent has been engaged by both sides in the controversy and tho trial will be heated and long. At all cost the guilty party who appropriated' the Dark Horse's automobile must be found and just sentence meted out to him. The kangaroo court was fittingly advertised about the streets of the city Saturday evening in a parade in which three automobiles took part. The first machine was decked in white, typical of "Innocence." The seat, top, body and everything was covered wit hwhite. Judge Metzger drove with J. . Swanger as a body guard. These two were attired in spotless white. Following them was a car in biack, containing three passengers, unrecogonizable behind the black paint. Mr. Swanger in the front car carried a megaphone and talked with a passejiger in the rear car, also in possession of a megepnone. The con versation ran something like this: "Who stole Casbon's car?" "I know not." "How will we find dut?" "Kangaroo court, Textile building, Thursday evening." Trailing behind the procession was Dark Horse Casbon in the ill fated Michell. In bold letters on the side of the car was the inscription, "You Can't Lost tho Dark Horse." The story of it all begins about a week ago when the Mitchell automo bile belonging to L. J. Casbon was stolen from tho sldo of the Engeldrum building. Casbon at first thought it to be a real theft and made applica tion to the insurance company for an adjustment. Later he fell however and learning It was all a. joke and a come-back for some of the trlcka ho played during the cours eof the Homely Man's contest, the genial Dark Horse patiently waited for the return of his car. The latter was returned in Ihe wee small hours of the morning toward the last of the week and was found by Casbon in front of his cigar store when he opened the doors In the morning. Several well grounded sus picions as to the guilty party wero nursed in Dark Horse's mind during the concealment of the car and ho will probaly enfold and attempt to prove these suspicions in the great trial set for Thursday evening. Have your furnace repaired and cleaned, spouting and roofing. All work guaranteed. Call J. W. La Dow, tho North Side tinner. Home Phone 612 R. ATTENTION REPUBLICANS There will be a meeting of the re publican party in the store next to the Ostrander Studio, 118 West 2nd street Tuesday, September 9th at S o'clock p. m. to hear and act on the report of the committee of 10, appointed at the last meeting, and transact any other business proper to come before such meeting. J. Alvin Scott, chairman. HI! ITT I RECORD A girl was bom Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rlrs.s of W. Lawrence st. TAKJSN TO HOSPITAL 'Miss Jane Harker of W. Joseph St., was removed Saturday evening to St, Joseph hospital whero she will receive treatment. LOCATES OX FARM. John D. Hostetter has resigned his position at the Perkins Windmill Co. and will soon locate on a ISO acre farm south of New Carlisle. TO PAINT SCENERY. Carl Wilke, sign and scenery painter of this city, Saturday secured a con tract to paint several stage sets for the Century theatre. He will re-decorate the stags will paint interior sets, foliage borders, wood wings, set houses and rocks, wod flats and several other pieces. The work was started Monday morning at the tex- tile building. SPENT $1000 IN VAIN, THEN RES CURED HIS ECZEMA NEW York: "I became afflicted with eczema twenty-five years ago. I did everything for it, but the itching and burning was so intense and con tinual that In 1S93 I put myself In the care of a specialist. The result was of little or not any benefit. Specialist Said to Uso Reslnol "About 1S9S I called on the doctor to ask him if he yet knew of anything to cure me. He taid. 'Get a box of Resinol Ointment. I got it. The itching stopped as if by magic. By the time the jar of Resinol was all used the cure was perfected. I ex ponded perhaps a thousand dollars, and endured real suffering for many years, and at last was relieved and cured in a month for the sum of flftv cents, the price of one jar of Reislnol." (Signed) Franklin Burt, late Capt. U. S. Army. SI Fulton St. Better proof, even than such a letter, is to try Resinol yourself and see how quickly the itching stops and stubborn skin or scalp eruptions dis appear. Every druggist sells Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap. For free trial, write to Dept. 13-R. Resinol, Baltimore, Md. AdvL DNAL BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS BBS. At the regular meeting of the board of. public works held Monday morning they clerk was instructed to re-advertise for bids on the K. 12th st. sewer, as only one bid was filed and that be ing over the engineer's estimate. A communication from the L'lkhart Western asking that electric and tel ephone wires be raised on John st.t as they ar low for trainmen travel ing over the cars. Resolution confirming final esti mate on the E. 3d st. lateral sewer was adopted, as also preliminary resolu tion for improving Forest av. from Joseph st. by constructing cement sidewalk and curb. Board adjourned at 10:23. OLD REsTdInTnOW OF LONDON, VISITS CITY Mrs.- Mary Tharratt of London, England, who has been visiting for the past several- weeks in Chicago with relatives hearing that Mishawa ka was holding a homecoming in this cIt' paid Mishawaka a visit last Sat urday. She made very flattering com- !sInrft Kh iPft tho citv about is vears ago. She was at one time a resident here and said that she recognized many old faces. She visited her old home on the north side of the river and noted the great changes wroukht their by time. She spoke of the many Improvements su:h as bridges, pave ments, new business houses, street car service, water works, the growth of !the factories and also of the many fine residents owned by the working peo ple of the city. Mrs. J. R. Rarnes of Chicago accompanied her on her in teresting visit. MISHAWAKA PERSONALS. Leo Hoerstman has returned from a visit with relatives and friends at Elkhart. Logan Woodward has returned to his home here after spending the summer at Constantine, Mich. City Atty. and Mrs. Isaac Kane Parks have returned from a visit in Kendallville, Ind. Henry Maurer of Elkhart has re turned home after a visit in this city. Mrs. Frank Davis has returned to the city after a visit at Columbia City. Ind. Mrs. H. L. Kochler of Chicago, is visiting relatives and friends here. Pearl Mandabach has returned to Chicago after a visit in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rupo have returned from a two weeks' visit in Rochester, Ind. ' Mrs. Carl Kastner has returned to her home in Bremen, Ind., after con cluding a visit with relatives in this city. JUr. and Mrs. Frank Cart motored to Kendallville, Ind., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lutz have returned to their home in Elkhart af ter spending Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Swayne, E. Fourth st. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ipe have re turned from a visit in Walkerton, Ind. Miss Clara Schendell has returned to her home in Michigan City, Ind., after concluding a several days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wachs, N. Main st. Mrs. Elsie From, who has been visiting with Mr3. Dan Neikard, E. Seventh st., for the past several days, has returned to her homo in Chicago. William Stoeckinger has returned to Dayton, O., where he is employed, after concluding a visit with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stoeckinger, W. Fourth st. Miss Flora Ottersteln, E. Fourth st., has returned from a two weeks' visit In St. Joseph, Mich. George Senger, of the Century the ater, has gone to Chicago on business. J. W. Johnson, Rockford, 111., transacted business In this city Mon da' Clinton Hite. Atwood. Ind., is visit ing with Clinton Polan, E. Second st. Harvey Shank, Leesburg, Ind., who has been visiting with his brother, Jacob Shank, E. Eighth st., left Mon day for Gladwin. Mich., wher? he will visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McCarty have returned to their home in To ledo. ().. after a visit with relatives in this city. Harley Moore, Chicago, was In tho city on business Monday. County Clerk F. P. ennstopn ana wife have returned from several weeks' outing at Diamond lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rankert attend ed the Rar.kert reunion at Plymouth Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Augi!t Mahank will leave Tuesday for Eagle lake for a weeks' outing. Clvde Robinson and Mr. Johnson, who "have been visiting with the for mer's brothers. Lester and Eugene, have returned to their home. LICENSED TO W1TD. A marriage license, has been Issued at the county clerk's office to Clyde H. Uhl of South Rend and Miss Grace Pechcr of this city. RIRTII OF SON! Word has been received in this city by Mrs. S. Danniel. announcing the arrival of n son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cook, Eugene, Ore., September 1st. Mrs. Cook Is the daughter of Mrs. Danneil. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Cook are well known In this city, having been former residents of this city leaving here five years ago for Eugene, Ore. TSTTING BROTHER. Leroy Maurer. Chicago, is In the citv visiting with his brother. G. A. Maurer. Mr. Maurer is a former resi dent of this city. RETURN TO CHICAGO. Mr. f.nd Mrs. James Clements and son have' returned to their home In East Chicago, after a visit in this city. fRIMCESS b THEATER TO-NIGHT SLVfiucn oosTnr.r.'J ioxtgiit. A SPIRIT OF THE ORIENT What is born In the marrow comes out in the flash. An oriental girl turns from her husband to a man of her own race, but both meet an un timely death. "THE GOVERNOR" An interesting Lubin drama, show ing how a rich girl tests the love of a poor governor, rvho refuses graft. 'The Widow From Winnipeg' 'The Comedy Terns Strategy' Two excellent comedies. Be Sc CUSHING SAVES ROEDER FROM WATERY GRAVE Oscar Roeder was saved from a wa tery ?rave Sunday afternoon by the timely assistance of Richard Cushing. Mr. Rooder attempted to swim tho river and in attempting to return be-I came exnausten wnen ne reached the middle of the river neai the Cedar st. bridge, and called for help, which was responded to by Mr. Cushing, who was in a rowboat nearby. Mr. Roeder was removed to his room on Edsrewater drive by Mr. Cushing. PICNIC AT LANG'S GROVE. A number of young people enjoyed a picnic Sunday afternoon and even- ing at Lang's grove, east of the city. J In a fishing contest, the favors were 1 w on by Reon Tollers Several excel- J lent folos were re- d by Aloys Kesinger. At six . . k a dinner was served. The out-ot-town guest was Miss Anna Marie Kreutzer, of Peru, Ind. FIRE LADDIES WIN. in a close game Sunday the Cen tral Fire Station ball team defeated the Ullmann Regulars baseball team, to 5. DeOroote and Groh formed the battery for the Centrals. The for mer team has joined the Factory league and will play the first game Saturday on the diamond adjoining the fire station. RETFRNS FROM EAST. Harry Rund, of this city, who has been in the east visiting relatives for the past several months, returned to his home here Sundav. CONCLUDES VACATION". Miss Lillian Wybrant. teacher In the kindergarten of the Ringham school has returned from a vacation vltlt in White Mountain, Vermont. LEAVE FOR N13W YORK. Tattimer Shively and family have returned to their home in Fulton, N. Y., after concluding a visit in this city. They were accompanied by Mrs. J. K. Shively, who will visit in her old homo in Pennsylvania. MUSIC RECITAL TONIGHT. At the musical recital to be given this evening at the Presbyterian church the following program will be carried out: Pianist Miss Aline McQulllen. Mezzo soprano Miss Alice Culp. Reader Miss Marie Roles. Part One. 1 Bouree, G -major Bach Pastorale, K minor Scarlatti Gigue, G major iMozart Miss Aline McQuillen. 2 L'Anneau d'Argent . . . .Chaminade Gut Nacht Bischoff Miss Alice Culp. 2 The Conqueror ...Cook Dooley on the LaGrippe Dunn Little Brown Baby Dunbar Miss Marie Boles. 4 Die Lorelie Liszt Miss Culp. 5 Hark! Hark! the Lark Schubert-Liszt Miss McQuillen. Part Two. 1 One Fine Day (From Madame Butterfly) Puccini Miss Culp. 2 Berceuse, D ilat major Chopin Etude, C sharp minor Chopin Valse, E major Chopin Miss McQuillen. 3 Tho Littlest Rebel Miss Boles. 4 Gather Y'e Rosebuds Rogers Dear Love When in Thy Arms. . Chadwich Spring's Awakening Hawley tMiss Culp. 5 Arabes4ue Oldberg Miss McQuillen. ATTENDING JOSEPILIUM COLLEGE Mrs. J. A. Herzog and daughter. Miss Frances, left Saturday for Chi cago, where the latter entered the Josephium College. Mr. and Mrs N. Schelllnger have returned from Chicago, where they placed their daughter, Miss Marcella, in the Josephlum College. RIVER PARK. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Straub, the aged parents of Mrs. Mary Schock, of S. Sixth st., who have been ill the past week, 'are Improving. Ruth Harrison has returned from an outing at Kiser lake. Mrs, Mary Hoke and grandson have returned from a visit with Mrs. Hoke's daughter at Columbus, O. Mrs. Frances Evans of Mishawaka, who has been very ill wkh rheuma tism for the past month, was able to be brought to River Park Sunday in an invalid chair, and spent the day with Mr. Evans parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Evans, of S. Sixth st. Mhs Ruth Whltcomb h;is returned from Rerrien Springs, iMich., where she spent the summer with her grand narents. Mr. and Mrs. George Whlt- I man. Ms. -d Mrs. Ford Miller entertain ed at dinner Sunday at their home on N. Eighth st. Covers were laid for 10. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Voieu of South Bend were the out-of-town guests. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Rex strew spent the week end wdth friends at North Liberty, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Joseph of Cul ver, Ind.. are guests of Mrs. Loisa Zink. of S. Eighth st. Charles Zeeter of Marion. Ind., spent Sundav with River Park friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Whltcomb of S. Nineteenth St., entertained at dinner Sunday. Covers were laid for seven. The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mr?. George Whiteman of Rerrien Springs, Mich. Russell 'Motfitt of Smith st.. has re turned fro ma short visjt at Cassopolls Mh;h. Harry Hammond, who has been in Oregon and Washington for the past two years and a half, has returned rnd Is visiting relatives and friends in River Park and South Bend. Mr. Hammond expects to locate in Chi cago. Mr. and Mrs. William Schock of S. Sixth st., entertained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Hover of .Mishawaka and Mr. and Mrs. John Straub. Word has been received from Mrs. R. A. Cormlcan. wJ;o is visiting at Bourbon, Ind., that Mr. Cormican is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith delight fully entertained at Sunday, complimenting the Misses Helen and Mildred Smith of Edwardshurg, Mich. Covers were laid for 12. Fred Kopenhaver has returned to Edwardsburg, Mich, .after a visit with friends. Rev. John Kalne of Goshen, Ind., filled the pulpit at the Church of God Sunday evening. The River Park school opened Mon day morning with a large attendance; S51 scholars were enrolled. The new teachers at the building are Miss Ellai Rieman, principal, who succeeded Otto Schoeppei, Miss Lottie Logan, first grad, and Miss Grace Wdfe, seventh srrade. MI?s Rieman stated this morn ing that the building was crowded but they hoped to be able to take care of all those who come in later. HAVRE DE GRACE. Md.. Spt. 8. Geo. E. Raker, 6?. a telegrapher who started as chief operator for Gen. IT. S. Grant, although a boy. Is dead here. When Grant became pres ident Raker accompanied him as an CDerator la the White House. 1 LOCAL EVIDENCE FOR DOUBTERS A Few of the Many Expressions ' - , , i.i 01 inanKS, fcXpreSSeU DYI .. . . . . NDUm ti'lHl rtP.SlnnntSi rfir- United Treatment- as Admin-' istered by Local Specialist. , .u I want to thard; you for the groat. benefit I have received from the United Treatment used by you. I have been ailing for more than, a year and was only able to drag around. j. j I began treatment with you soon after ??HVoUr f Z fi Sr,? Clty and today I am feeling line. iy sme troubles me no more ana gone and I am a most grateful man. j CHARLES HORTON. ! 1101 Lawrence St.. City. i Dear Doctors: I I want to write a letter in order that' the people of South Bend and Mishawaka may know and in the hone that it mav be the means of . saving lives of women who are in the j same condition as I was before treat- j intr at vour office. I was so weak ; and pale I could not do my work. wus!sict:ed will npply to the iard of .tu- not able to sleeu and was so ner vous I did not know what to do. I feel like a new woman and am able j to do my own work. HoDinar this letter will guide . . sufferer to relief and health. I am. Yours very truly, MRS. S. QUEER, c a q v itVi t rMtv t hnii stomaen trouble ror tnree years and could hardly do my work. After treating with the United Doc-'not trxra frr ci-v U'd"lie T WHS lired HUil have not had any of the symptoms re- tUrn- BEX POJKOWSKI. 1213 Grace St., City. Dear Doctors: " T fal Jt rr,r flutvtrt lot Vdl! .1 T1 fl H ISO the people of South Rend know, that atter treating van ferai nyau.M receien no iifip. aih-j ukuiuj, iiii. . you for six weeks, I feel like a now man. Before taking your treatment I had to give up my old position and could not keep food down. Now I can eat anything. It would be a veritable God-send to the unfortunate who suf fer from stomach trouble if all would go and take your treatment. They would certainly never regret it. Whenever the opportunity presents itself I will say a good word for you. I also wish to acknowledge the hon orable way In which you deal with your patients. It is a pleasure to recommend your great cure. Respectfully yours, EUGENE HANSLER. 1319 South Kendall St.. City. Dr. Bartlett. the specialist in charge of the South Bend institute, which is located on the second floor of the Toepp building opposite the post of fice, may be consulted between the hours of 9 and 12 a. m., 2 and 5 p. m., 7 md 8 p. m. Sundays from 10 to 12 a. m. Consultation and examination free. c 5C 1 MARKETS. H :k I.IYB STOCK. (Corrected Daily by Major Brc., Mlah iwtka, Ind.) HeaTJ fat Btoers, 11t crrt., 3.C0 to 7.a; dre?d, $11 W to J12.75. !5toc er, $4.75 to $5.G0. Feederr. $4.00 to t?5.. Good butchefl, irtock, 4.50 to $5.50. ZrcHl, 8.10 to $11.00 Glutton. It-v, IS.00 to $4.25; (lrFed $00 to $1C.W. Bprlng lambs on foot. $6.00 to $6..V); dred, 15c; llos, 175 to 2.V pouiidi, $7.00 to $7.75; dred. llcHVie- TL.OUR AND FKED. (Corrected Daily by Knoblock & Glnz, IJv4raullc Ave Cercmla d Flour liuytnr; irtieat a.t .4c mts at 40- retailing nt 40c to 45c; rje, S'ic: Family flour, fZ; cora, buying at 70 felling at 75c: flour, f&tf; mixed. $; rouiba. 7.L0?.i5; cutga, $a.&0i.. TALLOW AN1 HIDES. (Orrected Daily by b. V. Wppmxu. J10 N. Main Ct.) - TXlow Routrh. 2c to 1: reaflerad. Ko. 1. 4H to 6Vc; No. J. 3 i-ic to 4 1- f Hide No. 1 freen iides. 11c to 12c to 13Hc: "ltd calf atlna, lfiHc to 17H wool, 17c to 20c rOCXTIlT, MEATS AND STOCK. (Corrected Dally by the Fenxlell Market, 123 N. Main St.) Pool trr Spring cTHncena; paylug 20c, elling.SGc. I&a,t0 Ketail: Vl. 20c 3!)c; roao4 ttk, 20c to 26c; glrlcin teak. 30c; irtr bouae. S5c to 40c; beef rot, 20c to 2ic; boiling bef. 10c to 15c; lartl lnc; smoked ham, 20c to 40c; old chickens, paying 12 V to lie, selling at 20c. PROVISION. (Cormcted Daily by F. W. Mueller. 213 East Jefferson Boulevard.) Fruit Oranges, per cae, ??t.CO. eellng at f0c to 75c per aoten. Demons, per cas, $0X0, selling at -Oc pr dozen. Uxnanis, paying 75c to $1.75 per bunch; selling at 15c to 25c rr dozen. Vegetable N'ew cabbage, paying 25c to Oc per aor., selling at to nv per head. New potutoes, paying $1 pr bushel, polling at S5c per peck. Rdishes, paving 25- p-r dozen bunches, selling 3 for 10c. BuCtr ajud, &kk Country butter, paying 22c to .10:; selling 27c to Creamery, paying 2c. tr-illng at Sic L'ggs, ptrlctly fresh, paying 21c; selling at IF COHHTIPATED OR B1LI0USJASCARETS For Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels. Get a 10-cent box. Take a Cascaret to-night to cleanso your Ldver, Stomach and Bowels, and J Itula Avenue to L. s J M s.J.r. un you will surely feel great by morning. rrlT O'nn You men and women who have head- frorn jiVmig-m Avenue to North 11 n t ache, coated tongue, can't sleep, are ! -Mri-r'a Mi-h. Ave:.- addition, under im- bilious, nervous, upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have backache and feel all worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean with cascarets or merely iorcmg a wun ascareia or merei) a. Dassagewav every few days with salts. cnthartir rdlla or r.TjRtnr nil? Cascarets immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and 7 . . vn IOU1 gases; lane xne exca uur umr the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from theld lotn r tracts ,f land hav bt-.-n or .... . - m AI X V intestines and ooweis. itememDer a uiscarei iu-iugai win . . r- - - - . 1 - til? Rtrairhteri you out by morning. A 10-cent box from your druggist means healthy bowel action: a clear head and cheerfulness for months. Don't forget the children. Advt. BREWERS WIN 2 FROM HENS Horlik Hold TnleJo to Two Hits in Hrst. MILWAUKEE. Sept. S. Mllwauk. won two games from Toledo Sunday by bunching hits at the right time. The scores were 5 to 1 and 5 to 4. Tho second came was called at th ma or me sum inning on account m darkness. HovUk-s pitching featured ithe opening contest, tho nig left- bander holdlnc his onr.onents to twl SuAy. Sfi one man reached tniru m came. Lewis stole homo in j the fifth inning In tho second con i test and put Milwaukee In tho lead. First game Milwaukee ....000 3 no o: r l-'0 l Dashner ' 1 ! 1 and Toledo 000 Ooo Hovlik and Hughes: I Youn?. Second game Milwaukee 400 Toledo 004 01 5 0CO 4 3 : 5 2 Bonn. Rraun. Young and Marshall: lnv Te Y . arM 1Vvogt. Umpire Murray and Connolly, s , lvyYS ,,rUT or -0 YEARS. SOUTH NorwaLK, Sept. s. m- uel Hitchcock, of California, who hid amassed a fortune In the west, visited I G rand Jooks --n. now nearly ninety. to pay back which he corrowo-i 50 years ago from Alfred Jackson, brother of RoGrand, who is doaj. wtw is rer)v elven to the oirirVn -,f s nth Hend ' Prtare t'wr.h!i. St. .Tordi r.intr. Indiana, rhit t! under- ber tT::i. V.d.1. for a renewal f U,,n to sell intoxlmtlnr. vtnou. nlt. and j spirituous Hosiers in 1om antiti than :ut nvc gauons at a tiiti. :i . i'ihik I .t oii.-,-fnc t.-u o t drank en tn t nro!ii!?t. :ilso for tic sale of totmor. ari l .eicars and svrvlng linen to nian, ly place of Lusine-. liquors ar t- be s -Id and drank. 1 lo- of a t'aree strv lrlk building krn'w-u v. Tl:e d'.nien 70 f.-er ent and NTid -Utli. wiT'a Mret. nnd fr'tu I sions of s dd ro-m are by -J fe.t r.rta : CiltrSTH-O from ViidM lin j a fourt In north hide. j STAXlSf;AS XIKPltATKT. Noti--e Is hereby given t tNo .itiz.v i of s.nitl-. IUn i. Portage pw-na!p I l.y.!)ll t V. IlldbiDa. th.'lt t tlO UIM.tT- j signed, will apply t- t!u- b.jar . of rnm- p - ",- rt r,;n,.w;il of lh-en". ' to sell Intoxicating, vinous, malt .ana spiritu-Mis liquors In le quantities tnait rive gallon at a time, wita the privilege of Allowing tie same , be dr;ink n t!.e prends.-s. nls" for t2ie j ale of tb ieco and elgar Mi'id serving of luarh to oiMomers, Mv pi. ire .f bushier wlMro'n t-aid liquors are to ! s-dd and drank, is lo cated in a front ro.:a n the ground flo..r cf .- two slorv hri- k building known a No. SOI S. I'nion st. Tin- dimensions ef sail room are 'Jt f. t north and utli br ."1 feet east and Most, wita entr.ii.--e frr.i tho front on South Tnien nnd fri:u eloset mid Ktoren;n la rear. Sept. S, riu. ritANK a. YvrrrrKT. Notice 1 hereby given to the citiei. of South Hend. Portago township, l-t. eouiitv. Indiana, that the under slcned will apply to th bvird f -oni-missionem of said n.ur.ty ;it tlilr n.q... ler ternu 1M.1. for a renewal of lioe'io to s-U lutoxicnting. vinous, malt, and spirituous liquors in less quantities t five gallons at a time, with the privilege of nliowlug the sanio to bo drank en '." premises. nl for the Fale of toba-o :u I cigars and serving of lmuh to euMorr.'T-. Mv place of bu.'.nes-. wherein p.ild liq'uorw .ire to be s ld r.nd drank. 1 lo cated in a fmnt romn on the ground llo-r of a two Htorv Jrriek building, known :; No. 7(C W. Idmlou ist. 'Ihe qinnnioriH of room fire 22 fi east and w evt ny .. The pn f fen north and south Vwivo dscribsl pre:ides I fro: Division st. and on the side of said build ing from eott -ept. S ltl- F IIANK LAUT'ZIIINSKI. notice or Department COMPLETION Ol' ASSESS MENT HOI.L. of Public Work. Office of iho Hoard South l'.end. Ind.. Sept. 101.T, To Whom It May Concern : Notice Is hereby given by the r.o.ird t Public Works of the city of South Hon I. Indiana that on the "rd day of S-pt. I'd 1 they approved ui asestni'nt roll show -ing" the priniJi-facie nv-isnient for th'i following !,erlbed publb- improvement, as autho-iz-d ley the Imprr.vement m-o1ti-tlons named: m o . Improvement llcsolufion N. 2". 1!. for the oonstnutiou of a swt-r in Plpi sewer on Fnion strer from Sampb stn.t to ivdnt f)d ft Huth. Persons ml.-rtd in (r affected !y said deribed puld'.-J Improvement are hereby rotifl-M that th-i P.oard of Publi" KVork .f f.iM ity b fixed September 20th, lCdT.. at 7.45 p. ui.. which remonstrances will be niched. ..r lieard. ag.?liiNt the amount :'sVJ,d agtiint each jdee f r,r"l erty d-s-riie- l in sabl roll and will b-t'rmln the .jm-. tion as to whether Fin h l"ts -r tracts i land have been or will be benefited in th-i nmotints named on f-.dd rll. r In a greater or less hw than that naml o- f.aid roll. bald assessment roll showing dd trl ma facie nsevments. with t!ie name ,f ow-ners and de-rlption of property ;;'. jtrt to bo a,-s-s.-fl is on file nnd a. ay bfl pn at the office of tho Ibard of Public Wcrks of sal 1 City t. TO r. P.ASTIAX ('HAS. F. NIITI'F. IKI. FK A.NI S II. I.AMT'.Il KT. r.oAitD ik v wokks. APniUR P. PIIKLKV, Clerk - f H -ard. Sept. S. 15. NOTICE OP FINAL ESTIMATE Department of IubU- Work. Citv of South D-nd. Ind. Noti'-o 1. 'hereby given tint th" Hurl of public Work ha .apprvr-d and nc cepted the entire v.rk :trd his allowed a final eMimute under t!.e e..ritran iot the following improvement: Water c.,nne. t;-: h on St.T.ou! street from Jefferson pdrd. to South I'-nd Aw, under lmpr vmnt re"Mlutbn No. 2S-".. Prick pavement on nttowa Conrt frm Vistula Avenue t L. S. A: M S. It v. tin der imprvciuont n-S'dntion N. 22. rrnde. cTirb and w-.iUc on (flrf-n street from Mlehlgan Aveniue to N;rth line of MavrT IU'U. AT.ue addition, urder l:n roverrient r-s.d'iti..n Nv W. All la ths citv of South I'.end Indiana. The IV ard of Public Works at Its' off!s in th Mtv Hall, on the 2):h day of Sept 101.T. t.t 7.-". p. m.. will tnr ob Je;lns from eny person fading hlmlf aggrievM or injured by tl aco-ptin- of uch worl., or by ieh estimate. (tVTO C. P.ASTIAN FRANCIS F. 1AMPF.KT. ('HAS. F. NIFIU'.ALSKI TUAUI F PTT'.LIC WniiKS. ARTinrit P. PFULKV, Ork of lb.arl. NOTITE OF Hi:KINO AS TO SPECIAL HEN CUTS City of Sooth Hnd, Indiana. I)rartmnt of Public Work. Nrtlee 1 hr-by glvn that tl follow ing Teet improvement tas b--n c.m pted : Waiter crtfinectlons on Sr. L--u! tret fnoni Jeffers n Plvd. t S--uth I;"-'l T nrider trmrovement reoluti',n No. INT.. I ltHrV nirnmeit . r., I kttowa CoUTt tnT3 . V!tiT Iwiru t.- T. S A- M S. II V. Tir.irement rfOiuTbn No. 1 '... .Lii ill ..TJ citv of S-uth I'.end. Indiana Tro 1a .-.i rn in t.V office thl l-;ard. and jubjet to puMb' insrw-tin, an assv!sment roll, wh.-'h contali..s th-j ..n nrorHrtv property owners wno 41 ' s.,v.-!l a dt-v rlrdlon ef Iv,-v - t- t., the property to r' n-i. n::d tr.j nm-unt of "ech prlmi ?'.- asosssr.t. This Pard at Its offi in the City Hall a-tll ori the 20:h div of September 1V1-1. st 74o p. rn . receive n'..d :..-ir re.on- - ' o nrniurt of 1 m .., ... n .wth re p--i.iiir ny im prve meux the amounts r.amel oa said rod. OTTO C. BASTTAN niAS. F. NIirjiRALSKI. FKANIS F EAMilFHT. IUAKI !' PFF.LIC WOllKS, AUTIIUn P. PF.KLFY. Clerk of loard. 5ert. S-a-lO-ll-LM."..