OCR Interpretation

South Bend news-times. (South Bend, Ind.) 1913-1938, December 14, 1914, AFTERNOON Edition, Image 3

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87055779/1914-12-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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Monday. di:ci:mi;i:k i i.
lii- answer. Hi uM h thf
i ' . t if'.. .-- . . 1 . ..i rt Jiti u i 1 t i
(the other and by so doinc he was al
ways iii h, nt m earthly possessions.
J ! (all-. Not l or 0n--rii t lint W-x
dimt--n. Say Kev. H. It.
i f r i T:
Tn-rt Trvrrwln Root nnctrmmrc I ltl!(,,,-h ' ''' v'"' t'"1--' ' x"
i ii tr nn iiial the love f a father
and mother.
Mr. I'(1T vud the home s-ignal
is the daiitrr signal to temptation. As
an illustration, a beer drinking lather
ut in love, honor ...nd pantv. cann t a h the canu me proper m-
"ilci! and women art- i to that temperam -. The mother that plav ?
t i n i in their I i --s cvtTy day. We j cards cannot tach her daughter the
must choose in ,,ur school courses, injthin-s that she should.
our business and in our marriage. X !
one is to choose jor us. IllDHCQ I CMIPMP.Y FOR
'V kno.v (urs' ls onlv as far as
we have hern tempted, and if not ;
ar,i(s of , tri il we an- not full', acquainted with
Will Not Be Sent to Panama , :!t ; ""r;..,, ., v., , w,,k
llnlPQS TllPir NOPM P PnrlV'1 statement jn.nlc bv i:v. II. It. Hos-itor wealth by scheming and planning
U,IIUa . 11 ULLU !i u,CdMJ , tetter, j-istor of W.-tministf r lTcs-y-;to heat oth-r people, are tlis. who
9hOVVn ' t-rjan church, in his sermon list! have felt the giip of Cod's hand
. Me said that the law has hern ele-
v.itf.l and spiritualized. We are ri.m
V;..in.N'(i'n .. I '. lb Whther . man.b d to deb-L-ate our a hoi.- being
,hc navy h.,.riitinet will send tor- !W'V' 'U 'V -V"" T , 'V !l' 1nu'in,T?
, , , . . ; to OhI. The lit,, to which rhnst rails
i .:o noats to uii canal .one to as -i-l ,1s th(. w.r, ,1j(J ,,f th;1
G'v. (Jorthals in mair.?ainntf the nii-j wa ors of If ishn. ss. It is tli.- e,,m-
trality of the Tinted States there will ; niuni-atioii of the self for a life of
deiM-nd. a. annoura rd Sunday ni'ht hy l'1','" in r'";l :tn1 "Pf"I
. srvier. for our fellowmen.
See'y cf the Navy Daniels, on infornia-, r,ril, u,Uit t, it is t,.4 IMS1,n
Tfierr will r meeting's everv nilit
net u-rr; at the minion. Kev. Henry
.. Davis, pastor of the 1'lrst .M. i:.
ehureh. will speak tonight.
tion to be received hy Xer'y of War
Uarri.'on as to the rtam fT Iov.
J.et tial.- rcMLicst.
e- i.arrison is sm a .wumu
ahh- fhinr Jo ticcmv t all th ;
ri-h nierrif s (Jod ha he -tow ed tin u5.
1 "specially docs tl'ie sa. l ili. e of Christ i
on tlie -ros all us to a lif- of j.- ,
est love and de otion
IJe. .. Dt-kei- Say- llnnic is Mor
J'lTrrtDr 'I'liaii Clliin h
or S liool.
I'aietits' da was ol. served hy tlu
Ihi-r a.iviees fri.-m r.ov. ;octha 1. ; These conditions mu-! l.- l,s,nfd ! ''irst l-M-Hst ehur.h when Kev. C. A.
The attitude of official: of the. ad-,,,- th,. l( rpjr lr w,.lr js lu (. . D- r. t h e p a: ' ..r. spoke on "Til"
ministration n i-arna uom m ; , ,-ptahh- unto Cod. It inns heolun
tiand iy nitjlit is Outt this kov ern nn-ni j
hould ' slow and a t in this particu
lar c;i-e with much ir um.-pc-tion.
It ib not stated that ttiis attitude is
due to the fact that charges are unof
ficially madV against a Dritish ship.
I ut it was the alleged violation hy a
Dritish hip. the Lena, which is under
stood to have raus'-d Cov. Coethal.s to
: end his urge nt message Saturday
ni'ht to Hec'v of War Carrison.
The sui:estion v.a.- madu .Sunday
ni-ht by ore of the offi ials to whom
th- rnattci had been referred for an
rxpert opiiiio.i. that perhaps the re
quest of (Jov. Gocthals was very hasty,
it was stated by this official that the
essol which has been charged with
violation of neutrality may not have
been actually within the jurisdiction
of Cov. Cioethals. i'ossibly then, it
may be tdiown that he was within her j Mistakes in (invrriiniont Arc Trace-
liome Simial." Me said home train
;.. .1,.. i .... i i. ...i.i...
inn- t.irv.... r.-l fr,-...lv .....I .a ....r- ...... ' : ll" 'i an nnM aiuaniv
m " " -' " " " I . i . .
accord tr Mini. C.o.j does not cniimd . 1 . " " 1 ' , i aM
us to h- christians. Me calh- not for
conscripts, hut for volunteers. Tv'e
must live our lives for Mini, day by
day. and every day.
lake the .Macedonion s. the christ
ians, first Kivo themselves, then they
know that all lessor ifts wil! follow
quickly and naturally.
Dr. MvCuai' spoke in th" morning
on the subject, "Tim Carment of
Praise for the Spirit of Heaven."
The resuiut ion endorsing national
prohibition and petitioning Conur-ss-man
Darnhart to support the same
was adopted unanimously.
possiiuv L;et. lie ;ae tliree rr;.s(n
whv the home is 1. tier than the
sch,ool or church.
The tia'mir '-r the son i;ets at heme
is constant and not onl for his bet
terment intcllt a t .la llv i-ut also moral
ly, 'i'iie church onfj. dals with the
moral side of the child while the
school only de.ds with the intellectual
side. The hme ives steady train
ing to the child w'hil" the school and
Statement. Sound Like Tlnxe Said
Alnnit Jew- Ve;iN Am, Sa
llahhi Cronbadi.
Drawing an analofry between tlie
treatment of the Japanese by the peo
ple of California at the present time
and the treatment of the Jews by the.
people of Kurope in' the past. Kabbi
Cronbadi pleaded for more leniency
with the Asiatics on our western coast,
in his Sunday morning s-ernmn at Tem
ple JWth-i:i. He spoke on the subject.
;ius 1'rum the liubtiish Heajv' 'the
discourse beinp one of his series of
sermons on "Curiosities of Ilecer.t
Jev.-ish M'storv."
"M:iny of th' thinps said hy the
"alifornians about the Japanese sound
almost word for word like the thinps
that used to be said against the Jews,"
said the speaker. "Various of the
laws proposed against the Japam'Fe
arc almost identical with the laws
(.nee upon .'i time proposed and en
acted against the Jews of the sev
eral 1'uropean countries, and the rea
sons offered for the laws against the
Japanese are practically identical
with the reasons that used to be
heard in the debates on the Jew
question in the lands across the At
lantic." iin Sunday. Dec. 2u. there will be
hell an observance of Manukka.
Th' !Yast of LidU" or "The Feast
Communion ser ices at St. Patrick's
church Sunday nio-nins-'. were attend
ed by !'. members of the St. Vincent
do Paul o iety. the Holy Xanie so
ciety and the Catholic )mW of For
esters. Father John F. D Crete ad
ministered holy oinmunion and
preached the sermon t'olbcvin in
which he praised the three societies
for the uood work dnn in ihe past,
and counselled them as to tie ir duties
in the future.
Breakfast was served to inc num
bers of the Holy Name society, after
which The annual election of orih-efs
was he'd, the follov ins; la-mi; e! - ted '
for the coming cat : A. W l
president; Sylvester F. Laii . a
president: Fram-is X. .M-li'iu-r;. i
cording se-retary; II. !:. Fi- :
For Colds and r
Throat and
Contains No
Alcohol or Dan-
rli, r. gerous Drugs.
Bui!. You Up
t -. ....
Special Hulitm i Made o- !;
Indiaiiapoli-. Coe- :;.
Federal authorities h : .a
C' " '
c a a ! -
.! d: -i
1 1
I -I .
h : . - ,
.. !
mp. i
o' i ii -
a doca
i i . e i ;
I !
Ju.-tUs :
1 s h e a
; : t : , v. ; . r ;
' a ; lo. ri
a 'T '..V ;
!i . a - M i s.
.1! 1 i I" chll-
.! her b-tu-r
1 : o a v :
( r ii -l
- ? t
zation of the int rnal li ve
at Washington iiae c . t . t :
live hundred dollat iav-:c
w hich the Dyon-Atlas ' '"
dianai)clis, required to ;,
merit connected v. ith the exomsion oi i aooui ;i is
the company's business. The local i a urn I was take:! h
chief dejiuty informed the camp iav a v :w srvere n.d ii-il
that the largest revenue stump th -yand wa.s just about triein up hope of
had wits $2. At thks rate it would i ever recovering h, .. f, w,r..i .... ,
),.,,-. f. L-., '.. . ... i -.. " 'oci lull
li.rv. ij .jr 1 111 IOC UOv a
ment which would have necessitated
greatly enlar'in:,- the paper.
To meet the exi-em v the local chief
deputy, William M. s.mith took the
of Dedication." Ttahbi Cronliacli will matter up with V.'t5hinuton with the
ehur b i- not. T h h o m e
knives mote personal aid to the child speak on tin subject, "laht to the result that Monday it will be deliver
than the school and church, as r.oth- World." ed.
my husband about Father John's
Medicine. I tried it and I felt better
at once. My husband has bad colds
oik his chest, am! whenever mi- !"
these comes on he alwas takes Fath
er John's Medicine. We always
recommend it to everybody." (Sinn-
d tam
ed i Mr. and Mr. Ji:stus
i!y of sev en . hiblren.
pememocr th.at Fa: bi r
Medi' i He i ' .'-t f r : . !d-
throat and h;r. u troubl s. e-ause it
UiVi- ti." Weakened sVsl'tU !U'th
To '-aid ',' i:;--'.--e. It i- a pere food
mt .Ii; ii . flee fr-o., ..b'dird a:ai vlan-
LleroMS i!ri'- Cet .t tod.CV.
and ail
.iiaa T iciftnrc It was suwuesieu
this government mitfht well ko slow
fA'lefore action which niiht be con
st rued a-t one of offense to belliger
ents. Sec'y of War Carrison faid Sunday
evenine; he lias no information that
there was a iolation of neutrality by
the British ship Dena in the improper
use of her wireless:.
All I know officially," the secre
tary said, "is that L received a mes
sage from Cov. Coethals to send two
iropedo boats to hirr. to detailed to
watch cases involving neutrality. He
did not Rive any of the facts. I only
know of the j articular allegation of
violation of neutrality from pn-ss dis
patches which were shown to no-. I
have made the request to the navy de
partment for the detail of two tor
pedo boats if they should be neces
sary." Sec'y Garrison explained that he did
not immediately comply with the re
quest of Gov. Goethals; because he had
not the f.icts and did not regard the
request of such urgency as to demand
immediate action.
Sec'y Daniels said:
"I assume if torpedo destroyers are
to be sent, orders will go to the de
stroyers at Charleston. S. C. The de
partment will do nothing until it hears
from fc'oc'y of War Garrison."
At the navy department up to a late
hour the officials had received no in
structions to order the torpedo de
Mroycrs from Charleston to Colon.
The destroyers are the type of ves
sels now doing duty, maintaining neu
trality at New York, F.oston and most
of the big ports. They are equipped
with powerful wireless outfits and can
make from L'." to :1 knots in pursuit,
it is expected that if Gov. Goethals
.ts the two destroyers requested he
will station one in the Pacific and one
in the, Atlantic.
People Can .Wither lie Called ClirU
tions Nor Xon-C'liristiaii.
Says Pastor.
able to It ('iticie
....I. . . i .
j ne i;oerunient is run oy tne P''-I yv
pie. the kind of government i the)V
kind the people want, and for these ! 4j
reasons the mistakes made and tlie j
mismanagement of it are the fault uf'X
the people," w as a statement made j f
by Atty. A. K. .Martin iti an address
to the members of the Twilight club'
held at the V. M. A. Sunday after- jV
noon when he spoke ..n the subject,
"Political Responsibility." y
He showed the different results of I
a well managed government and oi.e s
loosely managed. There were 10 men
present at the meeting.
m mm w Th il 1 1
t mm i m 1 1 -
Toes day Coupon Sales That arc' AgSow With Practical CiirisSmas gplrl
'.Mistake of tlie Man of the Moun
tains and the Man of the Plain"
PaMorV ' hject.
C h i 1 ds !..
M..-, 14.50
w f,j v t J
A Women's $10
trr v.
i- v. at
l II -mV I
50c Gowns, "2 A
"T,uke Warmnes-" was the topic
that Kev. John S. P.urns. pastor of the
Trinity Presbyterian (hurch spoke on
last niht. He said s -me people are
expressionless and are unaffeeUd by
other sorrows or joys. They do not
use their powers of "warmins;- up to
Oin occasion." they do not give people,
i warm reception when they are
worthy of olio, they do not always give
one a cold reception when they should.
They have feelingless,. benumbed dis
positions. In regard to Christianity, some pco-
ide arc neither warm or ndd to.vards
it. For that reason the ehr.ivh can
not count on thse people in helping
m the church work. They do not
like to be called non-christiaus. but
they annot be albd i-hri-tia us.
Kev. P.urns said there is nerd of a
1 true amount of luke warmness in
tin- hurch. in order that it may do
the best work that it possibly can.
A large percent of the people are
not opposed to Christianity, bat they
arc not enthusiastic about it and in
e.uryim: out the hurt h duties that
ale given to do. they ithel' do ouly
half of them or nor at all.
He said the app' ,,1 ." the , hur. h is
for an enthusi.i.-tic reception, and a
air;, in out the truih : ehristianitv,
tor a pers !".al ity . i.l-'i's to all the
higher an-1 better things "t life, for a
disposition that warn; ;;p all the
iovs ;. nd duties thai are hi-hest in
In disroving the fallacy that hav
ing a good time with the Lord con
stitutes religion. Dr. James L. Gard
iner in his Sunday morning sermon
at St. Paul's M. F. church held no
Peter, "the man of the mountains."
as an example of a man who was
useless because while praying, he for
got to work. He also cited the ex
ample of Andrew, who accomplished
little because lu, iort to pray. lie Sleepers
snoke on the subiect. "The Mistake i r v--h'v-
of the Man of the Mountain and the;nf heavy tlannelette:
Man of the Plain." J for boys and girls.
i ne misiaKc'oi I'tjier is me mis- ; v y tip
take of the mount.fln mjii everywh re ! lLA O
w OtniKrlit tti -it r..liirinn ,..... i . .
simply in prayer or in a religious ex
perience," said Mr. Gardiner. "The
mistake lay in the fact that lie want
id to stay on the mountain continuously-,
forgetful of the fact the: 'vas
work for him to do at the fc.i of
the mountain. His mistake v -.s that
lie mistook a good time . id the
Lord for tlie sum and subiam'e f
I religion.
" tiil now Ihe mistake of .'.rwlrevv'
the man of the plain, was a1 the 1 VV Handkerchief (Tm
other extreme. lie forgot . prt.y. A J JT Q V
man Imd cmne tr him and the ttheriV., . " ' . ,
;o..;,.i,.o n,.. r..-. ..f k.. .,. ,(in I A tiemsiucoeo si o .
ill .r ij'n .- i ii. i.'.'i ..i i in- lll.'liillcllll l
,1-111 .1 a
wnu a cuiiu possesseu oi an evil
spirit. The father of the child ap
pealed to tlie disciples for help. Put
they failed to help him. W'lvy? Jesus
tells us in the words of the text.
'This kind can come forth only by
"There are two large words in the
Christian vocabulary. First there is
the word, prayer. 'Prayer is the
Christian's vital breath.' The Chris
tian man who fails to pray must die
spiritually. The disciples at the foot
of the mountain forgot to pray. The
Christian must never forget to go to
God for help. He must go to the top
of the mountain to pray that there
he might receive inspiration for his
w (irk.
"The second word is the word, serv
ice. The Christian is one who serves.
Mir religion must not be in the pas
sive but in the active. The ureatest
r -i - - J
man in the kingdom of God is the O boxes.
man w ho prays best ami serves most." i i umj - i . . , .
Dr. Gardiner spoke last ni'.ht on j X L00 " M Is! I
the subject of --The I.st Won?" or I Y rWl ' Crlt St
O Infants' 75c
Dresses at . . 0 S C
( f tine lawns- elabor-
j ate c-mbroidery trim-
w rued.
."he C'haiai ter l'n
brcakable DolU .
Tchiy liirs
."0- Holiday
y to hi . . . . .
Will IK
m iioiiuav
23 c
liday boxes ..Jys
r0o Hair I So cicr O
and Ji'wel Foo. . j C
Men's 10e aua
(.Ioe at
2.e I'ari. (Jarters
l.v -n- Ii. !
iered orj Jt jj
:'. and 4 to a
box; beau
in a holidav
.Men's .Viv Holiday
Garter Sets
Men's ."IK Combination
Sets, consisting of Suspen
ders. Garters and
Arm Hands,
Men's 7."c cc-kear: in
handsome holiday boxes;
silk four-in-hands,
.Men's .i()i; Neckwear: four-
in-hands in retty
holiday boxes, at.
.Men's $1.5 Holiday liox
'lie and Hose Com- QQ
binatioa Set OsC
Men's :i."c All-wool Socks,
grey mixture, f 7
at 1C
.Men's J1I All-wool Pants:
grey mixture and
blue serge
IM'.WTs, s::.r,n swiLT-
i:it Siri'S; sweater. -gin.c,
cap ami mittens; red.
white or t f
i's ?;.'.
Infants' ? 1 .",n
Svvea ters at . . .
Boys' and Girls1 j f
.w h.i 1 er a l VIC
Men's and Wuuen's .."."
Men's and Women's .;. a
S w eaters
ThtJ 1 d e a 1
Christmas ;:ilt
made of cenu- fr
ine !! e a o n $ H$ x
b 1 ii n k e t : in t.!
Navajo a n d VivW
I'Lor.il i.ali i :4s. i..' .v'y
I 'ior.il patterns.
lor na ii or v.
I'our Vc k- Campaign lo Indue'
Theni lo Attend Meeting
Now I'ndcr a .
Sanday maflied the opening !" th.'
c.t'.-,-vide ca!nia'.cn " .he puri'e of
r. rolling more men in the S iriday
si hi'ol y das- of the vari uis churclie
of South Fend. The matter i- to he'
mpha-i.'ed in the b-oal pulpits for
tour week-, and extra "'- t - will be
made ta i!'.crt:'Se tlie sia- of all of
the men'. c!ass.
The ib a origiuat. d in the e!as of
the First M. F. Sunday s ho.d tamrht
'y J. . Ames. Assisting Mr. Ana s
in eondm ting the camp'iin are Al
f r. . Foe. Infant and J. C. F.ovv-her.
ofhi :. ;s of tlie s. liool.
Q A v-sfm of ha 'idica ps h::s i--ll ;.f-1a!:L-ed
!;. which e:ici school w il
have a chalice to win it: the fa, for
increased ni.-m' " rship. At the nd of
the four v. eiks. the winning s- ho,d
1 to be b Mai'i-'ti .1 at the Y. M . '. A..
:! uhah time a Younr M n's Saadav
School a.-o-: iatiott will b. f-'rniej
..ba:- the lira s of the brotherhood?!
Women's 65c Flan-
nelette Qf
Gowns . . . . vJ j
Q Plain white or pink
and blue stripes; heavy.
Women's 5c Gift
las.... 65c
V An ideal Xmas iritt;
Z tinest quality.
10 bars of Battle Ax Soap 24c
9 cans of Kitchen Kleanser 26c
5c Roll of Toilet Paper 2y2c
75c Imported Serges, in all colors, 36 in. wide 35c
9 bars of Buttermilk Soap 26c
7c Apron Gingham
8c Dress Gingham
7c Standard Percale
In I InMparhrl Muslin l V.
7c Outincr Flannel
15c Turkish Towels 9
20c Kimono Flannel in floral designs. . 9V2C
$1.50 Full Bed Size Comfort. 89c
Heavy wool nap blankets, in beautiful plaids and
plain color: special at
$1.00 Large Size Blankets at 69c
$1.50 Double Bed Blankets at 89c
pink and blue; pretty nurs
ery designs: large
size, at
p?2c i: ati's xrnsK
full pieces ; yard
toe cAsimnm: twii.i,
rieVNXKLS; in all desirable
colors; yard
. 82C
Hk YOltlv OlTIMi PI.AN
XKLS; light and dari; T
patterns; yard C
ioc ii;pi'i:itiLii rxiucii
MI) .Ml'SL
!." VAKliS
large size, Ti'xloi.
tine iiality;
m j m . w w m m mm
s ro: . $1.00
at. .59c
: extra
50c - X
ilk. X
$1 Alarm rt X
Clocks . . . . n s'lj x
nii.n s si ..-, 1
IlVni UOKILs tii, t
- !iea'. . 1 :ali- :v '
t : p : . t . . .
riose at . . .
01 '!!. ; ni iiae
' h.-e. . ob a s. je,;j
Made 1 c m a !: 1 t v; 1 1 T r ;
1 '.en ; laf-e , - ri ! 1. - v
Women's 50f
O Gloves . . . .sJsJKj
Chamoisette: silk lineal,
black or white.
X 50c Phoenix Qfy
MufHers ... J j
Ir men or women; in
v whit and irrav: in irilt
W'nmPn'e Si 1
Corsets at . . 1
Xumodels; some lace in
front; best made.
Finest $2
Corsets at . . J &j
Newest models; tinest
made: supporters attached.
Serge Coat
Infants' $3
Long or short: for boy;
or girls; emhroidereJ.
50c Tea Oflf
Aprons . . ..OC
Peautiful deep em
broidery and lace trim.
$1 Leather O O
Hand Bas . ? 0 C
' f solid b . t a. : . a it h
i J . " ; i-a a ! X i, . i - i ft .
25c Wool
Hose at
For men. women and
children: superior quality.
Committing the I npardonable in."
being the second in a scries of even
ing services on the general subject.
"Modern Stories That Pr u h."
- 1 W I'VI l i m j ii i ! i t
ins' Selwtion U Thomo lNr Ad- A urson 1 1 f
ilrc- by K. I., n.rd at Womch's; fast black:
f slight imperfeetimis.
cv Mission.
Moses. b- taking Christ when he;
-vas uiven his c-hoice of Christ or the j
v r?r"e ti"N .Vn;rV3
.( Women s $1
devil, shaped his life for the I ulure O Shawls at . . J S
; Allvv wool knit: white
as miiny men do, said It. A. F.ird.
supc riniemn-ni oi ine new mission, in -r w colored inserts.
. . ...... 3 ... ..:..t-.
nis sei mon uuoa num. "V m mm m .ivj i
I ll IIOM i wnu Ol III, III, Ol ,'-. J-jW Vfe!" K.
rry man. ue s.iiu. io n ne musi maKC
a c hoice and this time came to Moses ; 25c Baby
wlo ti he w as standing at a place ! A .
count overiooK i.gvt. its y
w here h
!.;.)- ovr .mids and its Xile it- t.al. t Kleinrrt's make; water
ac. s and ihe r st of its beauty. The . proofd : all sizes
lord and the devil vv tie w aitiil:
? ,ijf, . - . i'.r
O 75c Union OQr
Suits at . . . .J kj
I'or wom n ; ''m-c lin
ed, silk ttitr.med: warm
r r . M - f . . . '
t hat exi-t in a
: t the pi cm r.t time.
Take LAXATIVi: F.IK Mo )F1NTXF: y)
Tald-ts. I r i -' i t s refund ir.one if iti I
iOl Union
lObuiU at . . . .03C
Q For women: heav knit
10 Plusb Coat
Made of long pile silk )lus':i and
matelam; deep shawl collar; large
button trimmed: lined throughout;
all sizes for women
$20 Salt's Fur Fabrics at $13.50
Misses' $15 Cape Coats, priced at. .$9.95
Children's $5 Winter Coats at $2.99
All-wool cheviots; tive new styles; aes i; to 14.
Children's $3 Winter Coats, now. .$1.59
Pearskins and zihellne; ages 2 to ",.
Child's $5 Heavy Winter Coats $2.40
Policies, zihclines, chinchillas; ages P to 14.
819 Dresses at
All silks, all wools and combina
tions of silk and serge ami velvet
and serge; wanted colors; all sizes
for women and misses
New Si CoaS
College Coats, Russian Hares, plaids A j
checks, mixtures; largest assort-LSr,'jJ
ment in city; some with deep belts; U .
fcizes for women and misses
1 ri
W'm's $5 Russian Tunic Dresses. .$2.79
Wool serges, l orduroys and shadow 0 hecks.
W'm's Finest $20 Winter Dresses. $11. 89
Silks and combinations: new stvb-s.
Women's $5 Dress Skirts, priced . . . $2.78
Five new styles; nil-wool materials.
Women's $3.50 Dress Skirts at. . . .$1.94
$3.50 Extra Sized Serge Skirts at. .$1.79
50c Silk SnO
Isque Belts L J
! 'l.l ' k :i I c i i b I : . .-Ilk y
a:- : a 1 ; --h ir red.
$1.50 Table OO.?
Covers at . -GOC V
hen. -tit !o d : 'J d. hei-r O
S15.00 Suits at -1
All-wool serge? and crepes; Hilin
gote models in navy. ("open, brown
and black; a good range of size?
for women; trimmed eollars
3 vu X
Men's 25c Pure Silk Half Hose 11c
Men's 10c Black, Colors, Hose at. . .5c
Men's $1 Flannelette Night Shirts. 65c
Men's 75c Plush or Mixture Caps. .37c
35c Police or Firemen's Suspenders 16c
Men's 50c Fleeced Underwear. . . .36c
Mens $1 All-Wool Undervear. . .78c
Men's 75c Gray, Stripe Fl'nel Shirt 39c
Boys' 35c Brownie Strip'd Overalls 19c
Boys' 50c Shirts or Blouses at. . . .33c
Beys' 20c Seamless Hose at 11c
75c Blue Serge or Mix. Knickers. .47c
Boys' or Girls' 50c Wool Gloves. .29c
In all-wool blue series and fancy mix- pA
knickers; with coupon . . .
' 1 i
Women's 35 y
Underwear . J o O
Fie. . d line.' . nd
;.,ir,'.-; w n.t r w e. ;!.:.
50c Hockey
Caps at . . . sjf
K I"! It or V o , r 1 ; J
j ! 1 i . oi o r:-'.
$1.50 Scrim
n.a-s: - 1 yds. l-.n;-. 'V
Scrim Qr
:- T
r; irider of th'- church s THE UIAMOM) IIUAMk w
i!e ( ed; silk braid trim.
Child's 50c
v t ?5 ia""'.n" "rm"af"t v,nua s sue jt
-Tv. itn b;u Rrca.V Union Su.ts vJ
t 'w . m -mm
tcSU: ilk yr Urnrrttfrr
rbtL-tr's Diamond iirm
is ilea i uia mt&..ic
l'ak LA..11 1. r.IMMo l 1MM.: .-I Om?r... A,nf UI.4 f.i.Tnn6 i X Meavv knit; tb i , .
Pretty galateas; aues
to It V ears.
Thif store will
be open nights
until Christmas.
flR Leadersln Quality
LJrslr low Prices
Infants' 39c
Njmoncs at a w j
Ilea . v. bile :!.'n::i 1- V
i tt-: ob-r.-d b-.r tb-r. S
Women's 75c10
Aprons at . J L
r.t like a dr
Best 50c O A
Rompers . . .v?
.-trip .1 .! xl- ..- O
:!.:: ri-! tt---. !' f ' .
' ! . ! ' " - T
50c Kimono
Aprons at . .
Women's $1
Umbrellas .
strongly made; plaia a
!.ni handles.
v a! N ' .- '! .: -
n ' ' l

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