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South Bend news-times. (South Bend, Ind.) 1913-1938, May 04, 1915, AFTERNOON EDITION, Image 11

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tii:siay, MAY I. 131.
1 0 Word News-1 imes Want Ad-
roil sali; r.ioioncYci.rs
Try a
if B 1
FK KALI - Ee-il auto In fir-t l.i; e:i
ditlon. i n j fir -i-h. iw.-, ir Lioj.rn.tn
fok sai.i:- s n. ; th:d i:n Hariey.
I .i T i l n nifiturryi le with An Join !!
Me ear. fully i u I ; i .! . Slil.tlv u"!.
Cost f10. Purkey Garag. ?,n.
roit sale fsf.d mtoi vcli:s.
ion sir.:- sirino'
Magnlto sinjrle Clut'h 7".
Magneto MkIo 4"..oo
Belt Drive Single
Twin Cylinder 1"M")
Twin Cylinder 7-'. )
Twin Cylinder 1M.OO
Twin Cvlinrter l.elf ,trU-i. .. so.oO !
single Cylinder . -1W
CilHll l;T I'M VI!lMlt.
llAf;i-:ioj:N u -ep.ktei:.
im; e. .i-r- n r.ivi.
South l:;d. In 1.
(U SAM; -d'ruiklin Ilirlit delivery.
Franklin o passenp-r tourii:;: -.r. V. G.
Mies Auto Station, 17 N. St. J.s.-ph t.
l'OH SALE Mio Palo Mitchell Spe.ial Six
s'Vn-pfiTiKr. Full equipment. I's'd
Tery- little. Liii'oln Highway Garage.
Iiin phone St'.
FClIi SALE -Franklin l!'ht delivery ear.
JlTo. W. G. Niles Auto Station, 107 N.
Ft. .Joseph St.
J. C KING i invited to the Urpheuni
Theater thU week. except Sunday, as
the gu-st of The New.s-Tiiuos.
FOII SALE I.oeonio!iIe speedster, first
i lass eondltiun. Geo. M..yr, t are Mayr's
Jewelry Store.
V$ ton truck hi A-l shape.
Hear of 117 Jefferson Ulvd.
FOIt SALE One nU-pylltiuVr Mitt-holl;
oup five p i sson kt Ford; one Krit Koad
HT. Cadillac Motor Sales Co.
FOU HALE $E.O Fprlght piano, cheap:
good a new. French walnut ease.
Cash or easy terms. Call Ueli l'jul; Home
Sunshine nnd Cream Furniture Polish,
the bet for pianos and furniture. A
.fe polish to use.
S. Mh higan St.
rim m:vr i'ailm.
FOIl KENT 12 acres of Ko farm land
close to city cu S. Michigan road; no
bulldiuga. J. r. Crecd-
rou salk on i on ki;nt.
FOR SALE .i: KENT A line manufa
turiiiff !aat. i:od btivk buildings. :u;.(M)
iiure leet floor spate, steam heatel,
well-lighted. MTraret hy never failing
water power, loeatnl on New York Cen
irnl Lines and Giai d l"i uu... .loiin J.
S. hiudler. Agent. Mishawaka. Ind.
rou feALi: iu:al itaii:.
l'OU SALi. -Cheapest property on '..
i;rtalw .ty. Terms In suit. lov !-,
New s- I iuie'.
Folt SALE- O'OtMe hoi-e at 11-0 S.
Fajior st. Iii'iulre on premises.
SI.-Kt)O.M Joiu.-te, N. Iluey ft., near ear
line. Yueant lot or small payuieut dowu,
baianve eauie :i rent.
Ills N. Michigan St.
Home Gilo- Phones Pell 211.
foi: SAi.r..
A 5-roin ttdtage, partly modern, close
In, for $-V"M.
A 7-roui house u Cu.-ihing st., partly
uiodoru. for J J.IRJ.().
ln tlfa av. an s-room house, large
lot, furuaee in hou.s. for $j.stHt.(H).
tn Vistula av.. double house, nearly
modern, tor ..ot "J 00.
lx)t on Duoail av. for ('mo.oo.
These properties have to be sola and are
nway beiow their value.
11 S. Main.
Home phono 57;;, 1'eii iH.'.).
Foil SALE.
4 acre tract at Hertruud stop tn inter
urhHii. 1U acres, - miles nest tf city limits.
Gary property to exchange lor city prop
erty or farms.
JcfTersou Hldg. P.oth Phone 1307.
rou sAia: i ak.ms.
1TUI SALE -Z acre i.irm, .1 nn!.s from
South l'o ntl on intei uri-an ear in .'. .New
inotlera hoti0, oak linish, wintimill, good
outbuildings. All kinds of fruit. Dome
pboie 47S.
l'OU SALE-Two 1U n-re tra- ts ef land
i.ear tine Mimmer rsit and railroad
i-tatlon, about 7 acres on e.o h plan is
Idaek mu k. balance is loam soil; som,.
jrooj timber and tine trout .-.tu.iiu on l(:Mi.
iTice of eaea. S-JCt(M0 Sl.lJ ilvvu, .tJ o, r
iiioilth without interot. Dicmbr Pros..
Newaygo, .Mich.
FLORENCE .JENNINGS is invited to the!
Orpheum Tluater this etk. e. -pt sun- j
lay, as Ihv ruet of The New s-'l'imes. I
- I
FOE SALE From 4j to lk acres of hii;h ;
class, farms.
;v J. E. Dose, alkerten.
roll SALE -Michigan farm and fruit
lauds in M.oon. Manistee. Lake and '
Wexford counties; C.it acres to select I
from; prices $0 to JJ per a. re an
years' time. Write for 7-' p.it
t rated booklet free. GEOKGL N
re and .ey"M I
illus- ;
i;i;ougl w. swi-
tiART, Owti. r. l'. l-lT First National Hank
lildg-., Chicago.
FOR SALE 0 acres. 7 room house, r.ood
barn, other buildings. 2V-j uwles (: of
Filacers, near school and church. $-',UX,
iuuall Laytae:it dowu, $10 per UiuQth. E.
j. Fogatty .v co. 4ud j. 3L s. HUg
Home 1'ioae fxju.
FOR SALE UK E-MTlANtii:-Moving pic
cure how. Mowev juiker. drtirr li.t
ther buiue"s G. E. ll.i-sie. 1W.J S. Mai.i J
at., Elkhart, hid.
FOR SALE ui; TRADE Indian ns.-t -r-cycle
G7 view camera. Pell "l M;h-
tract ef land with hew ten ruo:u h(.use
and baru, two miles northeast ef Mia
awaka. Will accept vacant lot or im
proved . property as part payment.
Hasting', PuiMiug. -1" N. Mich. St.
lLn.e ;t;a-Plj -nes -Pell 'Jll.
I am loaaing money f j- '.eopie uutMde
this state o ti farm uru city properties
5H !r 'nt- I Lave for you.
t'tiT'.t m .... . -
iitltis Home CHI
Awnings, Tents c Wagon Covers
II lull. A. II. f reutiburg, 71 Leland
AWMNGS, Tents. Porch Curtains, "Wag-on
Covers. Indiana Canvas Goods Co., 10$
W. Division st. Bell phone 2307.
Auto Tires and Vulcanizing
Thomas Lubber Vulc Co, 131 Vistula.
Auto and Carriage Painting
i. I. AMUCK & SON General Kepalring
fliiflH. 666 Laporte av.
Sonth IInrl Spring .'agon & Carriage
214 S St Joe. H 5280. B 1838.
Auto Livery
Lincoln Garage, Kepulr & Machine Shop.
220 s. I.ttfayette.
Steplienon's, 120 Lincoln Way E.
Hlnkle ;.Iotor Car Co, 315 K Jeff.
Hons Martin's Gar. & Itep. Shop, 200 E Jeff
Auto Truck Manufacturing Co.
South Hend Motor Car Works. Hell 2011.
Auto Trimmings
Loomls & Stephens, 22B S Lafayette.
2001. Auto Toi ard Seat Covers.
Attorneys at Law
Wright & Hay let. 7U2 J M S. II 53: 1. II 4373.
T C I'rricuH, 235-6 Jeff Hldff. II 56S0.
1 J Houlihan. 122 N' .Ala I a. Title IHdjr.
Loans, Insurance, Heal Lutate H C133.
lieroth & Moon, 130-138 ' Main St.
Crank illmer, 220 .leff Ilblg.
Hell 2121.
Home 5281,
W. N. Herman, 323 JefT Hldjr. II 5033, H 523
Graham & Crane Oddfellows' Hldg.
' Harry Scanion, 201-5-6-7 Jefferson Hldg.
Onre & CJeyer 301-2 J. M. S. II 029 H C29
Artistic Decorating
Loehr A Kansberger, 214 N Mich. H 5772.
' Artistic Photography
Harry Hugby, 113 E JefTeron Hlvd.
Abstracts of Title
St Joseph Abstract Co. Citizens' Hk Hldg.
Automobile Bodies
S. W. Nicholson Mfg. Co., II 1354.
Orpheum Studio. Orpheum Hldg. H 3526
Auditing and Accounting
American EHlciency Co. H 61; H 6026.
Brewers and Bottlers
Jacob Hoffmann, 231 N. Mich. 'I 5594, U
Bottling Works
Coca Cola Co., 431 S. 1 cllows H C010
Brewers and Bottling Assn.
South Hend Hrewlng Ass'n. 11 7780. II 70.
Battery Testing and Repairing
Electro Garage. 521 W. Wash.
Books, Stationery, Etc.
Miller's Hook Store, 124. S Mich.
1 irst National, Oliver Hotel Hldg.
Business Colleges
lielley Business School, 120 E Wayne.
Bell 913. Home 211.
Bakery and Restaurant.
Seymour's, 319 S Mich. H 5991, B D991.
Fniiiu Bake Shop
403 S. Michigan (Bran Bread.)
August Jahnke, 801 S 3lich
Weis Bakery, 123 N Michigan St.
N Kot.fc!Ur 403 W Marion. H 5520. B 520.
' .
iUss. Co. IH)G Portage. 111667. 11 4081.
Building and Loan Associations
St Joseph County Loan x savings Associa
tion. 214 W Jeff.
obleki Uldg JC Loau Asn. 801 S Cnlon.
Builders' Supplies
! taoJes-Hlldebrantl. Ill E. Colfax. II 1114.
Corset Shop
Eoduka Corset shop. loO Main.
v?..t t r i i
I Coftee 6c Tea Wholesale, Retail
Graud Inion -ea Co, 101Va S 31ich St.
llaswell loffce lUtuh, 133 M 3Iich.
Colfee and Tea
M J Hrciinau. i03 s 3Ilch.
Cash Register
119 W. Collax National Cah KeUter Co.
Coal .nd Ti ansfer
li V Hartiiun, 405 E Msdlson. II 6331. B 70.
Mnogor Lbr Co. 407 Laurel. 113122. B 122.
Cleaners and Dyers
' lnrr Dry Cleaners. II S90S. H &3L
I'ari Dry Cleaning Co, 532 N Cruer'ck.
Walters. 121 W. Wajne. 11 C58 li 1121
Cigar Mfgrs.
M Ilaxinskl. 3J S Chapin. II 5397. U 833.
Creamery and Wholesale Produce
South Iirntl Creamery Co. 403 K Madlscn.
Cleaning and Pressing
work just a little better, just a little
cheaper. Ciet our prices. Home phone
6471, Hell phone 1971. Ii7 X. Lafayette t..
next to Y. W. C. A.
LI). 1IOMK I'llONK HULL 7&3. A.
YOC CAN get the best by gUir- us a test.
and Washington avs. Houie phone K960.
(Juy . Wood, Proprietor.
lU.rry H Smith, 218 W Wayne.
C It Khinebart, 603 Cltliens' Hank Hldg.
( IIIKOI'KACTIC Is the Science or lteraov
Ing nerve tmpignment by tpinal adjust
incut, thereby removing the cause of dis
ease. A. 1". JSnyder, Chiropractor, 110
Wayne st. Hell 3601.
Mary E. liower, V. C. 225 S. Main,
DIt. C HA YENS See bln at bis own home
In Osceola, Ind.. where he will gle read
ing. daily and cure the sick without medi
cine. At borne at all hours. Celebrated $5
readings, Si. All Interurban cars stop in
front of his door. You will not always
have Dr. Cravens with you. Hours 10 a.
m. to 3 p. m. Other hours by appoint
ment. Hell phone 1. Heals sick without
Cigars Billiards
Sidney Luger, 11C-118 E. Jeff.
Coal and Feed
W 1 Shimp, 1613 W Wash av.
Confectionery, Ice Cream
and Cigars
l'ulschen'f, 1809 S. MUh. H 1215 II 7503
Cedar Chests
Acme Mfg Co, S.'O Sycamore.
Coal and Junk
Schulman & Crank, 311 Scott. II 5637.
Coal and Wood
Maples & Hardman, 642 Diamond. II 7711.
Confections, Ice Cream, etc.
Phone Emerick's H 2154 We Deliver
Coal and Transfer
Hick Jounsn. Coal. II 5890 B 3170
Confectionery and Ice Cream
W. S. Stoops, 413 Penn At. II 8158
Coal, Feed and Cement
7Mon & Locker, 2202 Mish. B 10SM II 3333
Coal and Ice
Elver Park Fuel & Teed Co., 82 17th
Cigars and Billiards
TIion Mom, 805 Michigan Avenue.
Coal, Coke and Wood
Arthur Milltr, 820 E Sample.
Lough man & Loughman, 801 S. Main
3X0, Dr. J. A. Stoeckley, 511 J M S
H 2357 Dr. S. S. Clark, 110 W. Wash.
Carson Hosier, 302 S 31ich over Sax store
Dr. D. E. Cummins. 129 W. Colfax II 5052
B 343
Crank I). Bager. 102 Dean Hldg. II 6560
B 3199; 8:30 to 5:30 daily, Thurs. Sat eve.
Advance Dental Co., 102 S. 3Iich. II 200fl
E. E. Paxson DO S 120 S. Mich. II 2438
Drugs Wholesale
Coonley Drug Co.; 101 S 3Ilch. II 26 II 5026
Drugs and Religious Supplies
Nicholas Schilling. 303 S 3tlch.
Drug and Photo Supplies
Ii II Knss. 907 S Mich.
The Cut Kate Drug Store. 121 N 311ch.
Otto Uistian. 209 S 3Ilch.
C. A Senrlch Co. 216 W Wash II 3141
A W IIutT, KOI 3Iich Av.
II I. iobn. 1S23 S Mich.
L A Ko'.upa & Co, 407 8 Chapin.
Modern l'liarmacy, 805 S Chapin. II 2102
American Drug Co, 133 N 31aln St.
II E Freehafer Co, 12 IS W Wash.
White's Pharmacy, 1301 W Wash. H 3307.
Kreidler's l'harmacy, 801 S .Mich.
31 Tomatiewsfal. 1136 W DItislon. H 5881.
G E cimmerinan, 902 l'ortage. II 2411.
B 1271.
J J KUer. 30 E Lasalle. II 1658.
U J. Meinkobl. C01 South Bend Ave.
Detective Agency
Weaver Det. Agey 201-2 Jeff Bldg II 5912
Dairy Lunch
Hcrgus Lunch, 135 N". 3Iich. B 3111.
Boston Dairy Lunch. 125 IV. JeT B 1938
Dry Cleaning
A L Gejer, 124 L Jeff. H 5518. B 793.
Delivery Wagons
Wlnkler-Gremm Corp. Wash. At, II 7779
Dray Lines
John VeI. City Dray Line, II lftHO
Slick's Card Co. 126 S 3IaJn.
Electric Machines and Repairs
Kline's Lire trie Co. Home 63d3.
Electric Wiring and Supplies
A I ::orn, 21 8 Mich. II 107. II 6217.
Electrical Contracting & Supplies
W JS Williams, 121 E Jefferson Hlvd.
Foundry Castings
feihley Machine Tool Co. 200 E Tutt.
Fruits and Confectionary
Chas Gioml's Famous Olive Oil.
Furniture, Rugs and Stoves
L 31 Schwartz, 421 S Chapin. Home 8217.
A II Heller, 116 S Mich.
Fireproof Furniture Storage.
Hoar of Kobertsou llotvl. K. Wayn . St.
Call and see our wareuouso before stor
ing your furniture.
Williams & Co. 138 S Mich. II 2227. H 769
South Hend Floral Co. 210 S. Michigan.
Flour and Feed
Wetdey Sillier 1 lour ic Feed Co, 420 8
Mich, 11 t06, ii 853; 21tt E Tutt, H 5102,
H 885.
Starr .Milling Co. Home 5097, Bell 97.
South Bend Grain Co, 615 Prairie av.
11 53G9. B 309.
rurniture and House Furnishings
l eUtkorn Eur Co, 130 M 31ain. Jl 1121, B
Smith & Wherrett, 326-328 S Mich.
BrigUt's uruv 613 Eaporte.. Jl 7717, B 3407
O Iv Casti Grocery. Bell 3953. New 20urf.
10 lb dugar lor 51c wih 1 order.
Martin Bros., 412 A Lafayette. 11 e04.
a alio
J. N. Ilea ss, 325 U Marlon. 11 5543.
1. W. Mueller, 217 E Jeflerson HHd.
lieo ouiuierer, 534 E Coliax. 11 53. B 1737.
A J liorpal, 25 Walnut. B 1192. 11 2495.
L H jcuusicr, lbJ2 Leer. 11 ",2l. U 3374.
J 1 JL Ziuuuer, 943 Blaine, li dU. Ji 2922.
1 rauk Gooley, 1023 31icu Av. 11 5044.
1 red ltoBitier, ;jl Mich Av. 11 5344.
C Jl Baird, 901 l'ortage. Jl 5841. B 559.
n 4394 Mrs. j. T. Murphy, 002 Frances
i red Hathaway, 70tf Sorin. B 1564
D 1' Bailey X Co, 819 a 3lich.
Bell lio; iloiuo olu.
11. SLcguiaai, 502 Weuger. 11. 5303.
Groceries vvnoiesaie
Whlteiuan Bros. Co., U2-14 S. MicU.
laroceri&s and Contectioueries
V 31 atelier, 1524 .Miami. 11 1559.
Groceries and Meats
Notre Dame Ate. .Market. II 8ut3.
ivuio &, Iceicc, i. x.. .Wuuiuc. ii uootf. li 09.
A iTagle, xsli a Muu. li llO'J. 11 7ao.
J i) Fox, 2i 1. Jca. l ure dprtui; WUeafc
lout i.uv per sack.
Al liaiUi, a cuapiu. it 053.
tan tiiluer, 002 . Div.sion. ll b36l B 4317
Ike lotui orocery and lacKcl, 31 AiicU
Dixou k Eoca.cr, iivi Misii. 11 109, 11 3333
iteliauie oroct-ry w Mat. 111400. B 9o3.
3L. DuMoul, Hit . Hill. li. jj.i1.
11. liorKu, 1922 3licu. .iv. 11 blo5 B 25ol
L. lluuiixier 05 Vistula 11 0570 B 56s
General Repairing.
1. V. ALLL.N, 431 E. Lasune. Goods
called lor and dciiiered. Bell J529.
W. G. Nile Auto Mutioii, lo;-lu9 M. fet.
Jus St., near amugioii, II. i. 8829.
AC103I0111LE KEl'AlKiAci 11V L.M'LUT
MtlU.i.Mts. o jou too large, no Job
too small. Autos storage and washing.
Both piiouef. Eincoln tarage, ltepair
Mocliine Miop, 20-228 S. ltiaytte st.
MAIN T It LET GAltAGE Automobile re-
pairing uj trcu uinunuut. auiui
....-....! .. ml .torrd Villus til hire !...
peteut driver.. Home ptioue 2440. Bell
570. De?onia anu xaoaote, sj s. .uaiu.
Groceries and Gen. Mdse.
Kreighbaum store, 1214 Van Buren. H 7753.
Gross Broa. 435 S Clutpin St. II 617
Albert ledx!ko ski, 1143 W Division.
General Mill Work and Turning
Novelty 1'laning Mill Co. 318 2V Luiffick.
General Merchandise
31 Gilbert Jt son 807 S Chapin 118700 B1065
House Moving antJ Wrecking
City 31ovlng JC Wrecking Co. 407 v LaureL
Hardware Lumber
1 ullerton-Powell Hardwood Lumber Co.
Laf ayette Hotel, 3iu S Mich. II 5329.
Hotel Sheridan, 233 X Michigan St.
Oar rick Hotel and Bar, 212 N Mich.
Nevv Nickel Hotel, 11D N'. .Mala II 5740
Avt-nutf Hotel
112-114 YiMuL
II lit
Hotel Windsor, Lafayette & South II 103
J E McEudarfer, 828 ft MUh.
Harness, Saddles, Etc
2luswurm Bros, 113 L Wahh At.
Hardware and Furniture
Martin Kaniewski, 2101-1203 W. Division
Hardware Stoves
Urugger Hdw. Co., 1230 W. Wash. Jl 6339
Hardware and Tin Shop
JohD Hauiugartner 727 .Mich .4v 11 1092
Hair Dressing
Electrolysis, Chiropody, Manicuring and
Shampooing. H. G37. 503 J. 31. S. Hldg.,
II. 6191.
Ice Cream Manufacturers
Hollingsworth-Turner Co., 831 8. Main
Infants' Fumtsliings
The Baby Shop, 808 Cottage Grove.
Yat uura Ice Co. 11 6123. H 2221.
Beck & Kay, 1121 S. Main. 11 5663.
M G Harley, 211 N Main. H 2913, 11 1161.
Frank C Toepp, 210 W Jeff .Hlvd. II 5472.
Calvin K Clauer, 105 8 Mich. 11 5748. B 621.
Job Printin,
Council The l'rinter, 122 N Michigan.
Jerome l'rintery, 211 E Jefferson. U 1216.
Mot. re, the l'rinter, 110 E Wash.
Bailey Elliott, 218 S .MicLigau, lUar.
Home Mountain J'tg Co, 752 Cottage Grove
Jewelers and Opticians
thus 31 dcuuell, 218 S 31icu- H 6245.
Kodaks Finishing and Supplies
oeuth Bend Cuuiera Co, with J Burke. &
to. Opticians, 230 3 .Midi, il 2091.
Ladies' Tailors
L. Goldberg, 21 W. Jeff.
Lumber and Building Material
Mnogor Lbr Co, 407 Laurel. 11 5U2. B 122.
McErlain & Jackson Co, cor Tutt & Curroll.
Zicgler-sondcrs, 318 N. Emerick. 11 5569,
B 449.
Greif's Livery, 210 3Hch. B 207. II 5207.
St Joe Lherv, lu25 W Div. 115378. B 121.
1. G laser, 11 0027 B 2681, 202 S. Chapin.
Lauiiory Dry Cleaning
Davies JLauuUry. l'uones 8i9, 5859.
Ideal Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co, 426 S
Mich. 11 52U9. B 265.
Slick's Lauuur. Co, 126 S 3Iatn.
Lawnmowers Sharpened.
Moielty ltepair shop, 609 E. Jefferson.
Called lor and delivered, ll. 8503.
D. Armstrong, 122 E. Coliaiu
Life Insurance
The 31oore iwuor Co, 418 S Chapin.
Cooseratle Eile of America, B. 2917 11 6042
Western & soutucrn, 410 Jeff Bldg B 2300
l'ubiic Savings Ins. Co., 303 lean Bldg.
The People's Lite of Illinois. 725 J. M. S.
Standard .national Life lneurant Co.
bU4 Citizen' Uank llldg. Home lSltf
31rs 31 A 1 linn, 234 S. 31ich. II C03. B 1813.
V aii Ciorder' ew Location 223 Mich.
Masons Supplies
Builders Supply & Spec Co, 243 E Tutt.
C H Defrees, 315 Taylor
II 527t B 279.
A Smogor & Sons. 151J vV Division, II 5872.
811 Division, 11 2154.
" 'il Crftun 1oJr' fP-
H 1073
31 k' Shirk. IIIV2 W Collax.
bouth Bend Sanitary 3Iilk Co. 1223 t Main
Borne 5693 Bell 2399.
Merchant Tailors
A C .Murdock, 218 S 3Iirb.
Suman & Gerber. 133 S Mich St.
Musical Conservatory
S B Conservatory both phs 107-211 S 3Ialn
Motorcycles and Supplies
31otorrycio 311ke's Garage, 211 N 3Hrh.
G. If. Synder, 226 VV. Wash., Indian mo
ttrcycle. pedalcycles afld supplies.
C N Edwards. 411 S Mich.
Music Teachers
Mellenry (voice) Ingcraoll (violin). It 7
Manufacturers of Toilet
The Laltelcn Co. 501 S. Mich. II liS
Mrs. Wolcot. Baths, 1. Calls An, n 229.
FTtANK AND HEWS & SON. agents for
Excelsior Motorcycles. New and second
hand motorcycles always In stock. 105
W. Sample st.
Meat Markets
Jlmmle's .Market, 128 E. Jeff. II 5012. H 612.
New Center Packing House Market, 110
W Division. II C613. II 3022.
Jno Melbrr, 311 ' Emerick. Jl K968. B 352.
M II Ewald, 504 Wenger. H 125.J. H 2995.
O V Darling, 503 Ohio. II 8673.
McCarty's Cash Market, 729 Mich At. P 5631.
S. CrbanskI, 1031 Fisher, II 6153
II. B. Shanafelt. 902 Sorln. II 32D1
Gallys Market, 106 X. Walnut II 1930
B 1594. Weslowskl. 301 S Walnut. II 81H8
Frank Lassti. 2020 Linden II 8952
Best Home Made Lard, 50 lbs. $0.25.
Mattress Manufacturers
Columbia Mattress Cm. 415 N Emerick niC
Machine Shop 'r
J B Haberle, 311 Hydraille. II 5321. B 321.
Oliver Johnson. 1913 W. Wash. B 3410.
I . Schafer & Sons. 1005 S. Lafayette II 8140
Motor Repairs
Union Elec 3Jff Co, 115 XV Colfax Phones
Nickel Plating
Swanson's Plating Wks Oak I'k Ct II 7550
Notions Wholesale
E. B. Kupel, 821 5. 3Iich. II 5770
Mrs F Whiteman. 1004 i: Mutlison.
1396, H 2511.
Delia 31 Swart. 611 E Bronson. B 3517.
Office Equipment & Typewriters
Typewriter Shop 119 W Wash 11 919 II 6170
Oil Companies
South Bend Oil Co. II 2373 B 1241
Overall Manufacture
The L. C. Gross Co. M wizard Brand" llf.OIl
C. K. Clauer Co., 105 S. 31leh. II 574H B 621
Dr. J. If. Ellis, 512 J. 31. s. Hldg. H 2299
Osteopathic Physicians
Dr Geo V N'ienstedt, Osteopathic Physi
cian. Both i'hones.
Painters, Decorators and Paper
1 W Lower Dec Co, 120 S 31ich. II 5159.
L. Cheliuiniak, 1109 W. Division St.
Piano Moving
S A Beach, 105 Vistula. II 5751. B 604.
Plumbing and Gas Fitting
W J Braunsdorl, 221 ft M l'eter.
JTainung, raper Hanging, Olazing
11 fojiii, Daviu .vlimau, o. tuuyiu.
11 8o24 Oeo. . lleriick, IZA . laiaett
riano Tuning
irank li. llager, i'iano luutr, ll 82&S
Pianos and rViusicai Instruments
C topp, 22S 31icii. 11 6j5'i.
riumD&ng and ireaung
W 11 Burke, Zl L. JetT.
John li Kesilcx, 430 -N Allen. 11 1&53.
lhos Williams, 122 L Jclf Blvd.
National ileatiug Company.
Bell 307 Home bill.
J 11 llawblitAtl. 1012 Miami. 11720. liluS.
W. W. Sibley Co.. 125-17 S. St. Joe.
LET US ITGLlil. Willi IOL-Let us give
you an ?bIiilu1 ou )ur plumoiu and
heating Job, sewering and gas lilting in
connection. Both phone ll. bllb, B. J790.
Now is ttie time to install them. Buy
the furuaee witb a reputation. 5oo aatia
Ued customers in ouin l'.c"il. Expert In
stallation guaranteed.
J. 31. McKaj, iteaiuent Mauager.
501 31ichigan av. Home puoue 8379
Heating and 1'lumhing ( ontrm tor.
716 Blaine av. Home ptioue bt.u, Bell 1319
Dr. It. II. Calvert, 111 . Mich. 11 5GJ2
U 2689. Hours 8 to 10, 1 to 3, I to 8
Dr. A. 11. ttoneipher, 5 .vjrirr. Trust Dldg.
H 2309. Hours 9 to 12, I to 5 and 7 to 8
Picture Frairiing and Wall Paper
Freyermuth Art Store, 114 N. 31ichlgan
31aklelki Art Shop, 118 N. 3Iain Both 2409
W. J. N'eidhart, 114 E. Jefferson Blvd.
Rubber Stamps and Stencils
D. Armstrong, 122 E. Co'Ioju
FUl.Kl.ELAS, Iok. baby cabs. I. .na
Mrong, J.'J Kat Coifai.
sCKEENx made and repaired Bauer
Hro. 1 nioii Cabinet Miop. i;. J-f-
fer-on. lit. me IH52, Hell 571. (. ncral car
penter ntl furniture repairing. Prfecs
reasonable. Work called for and deli
ernl. Restaurants and Lunch Rooms
Brule' Hotauraut. 7G3 s Mich.
Kable Lunch. 101 M Mich, .u; s Mien.
Inion Cafe aud Bar, 333-333 J. Mich.
Real Estate and Insurance
W H .alcrt, 115 Dean Hldg. II 3732.
W K Mellenry, 118 S Main. 1! 5733. H 293.
James A JuUie. 112 Main.
S. 31. Kotduson X vn, 122 N Main 11 6111
J. A. Mclollough 233 S 31i.h. 11 6W B 5J
H. A. Tohulka, 0 Auicr. Hldg. 11 1313 H 31
Aiiitr. Trust Co.. In. Dtt., II 01 II ,bZ9
. P -urv). 1.2 S. .Main. Home 3b&
Patent Attorney
Geo J Ultv-i, 111-12 M a BUig. 11 0110.
Sewing Machines
ltaerstock, the i.ite Man. eving .M
t hints ana Dress Form. JeJ.
Sheet Metal and Furnaces
Jno N 1 rauk, 01 N Stott. UoC.
Shoe Repairing
NUon A Marks, 1 .. JUcruu.
tiualltj Mioe Kepalr Co, 1J0 Miih.
South Demi Juick ltepair, L. Jeff
Sporting Goods
Gus Haslaugcr, all s. 3Hch.. II 5591
Second Hand Stores
S. Xusing, l;;l N. Main
11 539.t
Sign Painting
Kale Sign Co. 225 s. St. Joe 11 soot B U24
Sand and Gravel.
Ofo J lluMiituu Co. Dotli ptioue 15J4.
Second Hand Stores
A. Fouieranr, . W ash. B 3161
Sheet Metal and 1 uining
31 Klnsclieru, 31ich, ktur. Jl ttiJV.
B 2i5. A.v ifUturj l urnaces.
oda and IViineral Waters
iu Cricociiiier, 4to A fcoil.
ol'l.l l.ii. Ucaliiicut ol tlie e e, uwse,
llirout aud cur. ow is tne lime; to
inoirow may be loo laic. Dr. . .v. ic
Uaiu, sune oo J. M. s. iiuuuing.
lransltr and Delivery
ii. J. i'ei'Wlu, iiuUie i'iiouo tiyj,.
i anKs-
B. Welding in,, a Miih. rear, HUH
iruiiiiwi xiiU OlOlcie
i"" aim lur, oiitciut i.iitiilu
AlcULolCF cute! lCliVtiy
ll 4 -o iiciiiu li.utirr Co., ii
i 11 4i;
Hi 1 MOVING aoid VVlittUiNG CO. do
m, uuii r, V e i,u ouy old ttwuac.
1U.i3 3iLK1U.NU ol all ainds. Sale, pi
mjus u ii li uvutcuuiu uuui moveu v itu
the Dee V VI imc JlUiiic lUVUf ixiii
wU, liwiwyi itiiu iuuiuuui ttrrtnc u.r
lnui b. Awtuilg tik trUMu, AO A.. OmAtkf
laxi Jerviwc
VVili hkU sutu you can ride u) Hliri
Hi toe t it) , kay tunc, u. or uiUi, twr
a quarter, tali the ivvo-ii.t iaii service,
lUs VV . .loiifr. lluiue too, IXii
.ttiiluu O. oiiiilAi, 1 ruprirlur.
NeJsou L. Juiiti, Wmjuo sud M JoaepU,
L, VV MiCiAun & Co.
Luiwu 31a Uo Eius Ej
.v M iwuoeii. ul Mlcb.
liurfj . icrriilM 219 3 M Joe.
Varnuh Manuacturers
O'Brien aruisa Co. 1U1 Johnoa H 5o3
Violin Maker and Repairer
Iredtrick C. alllaiu, 5 Toepp Bluj.
Jtoy 11 Wolfe, J16 W JrJ. 115442. B 412.
Window Cleaning
Am Window Cleaning Co, 111 E Wa)ne.
Edward 3!uesel, nj Vistula Ave.
Home Uuuor ( iS s. .Mlrli)ja.
Wholesale Fruit and Produce
Sthuler. KUnel A Co. Geo Butxbath. 3Igr.
2:. L, Uaslcr Co icwtt, Ii iC'j; li UI

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