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South Bend news-times. (South Bend, Ind.) 1913-1938, August 13, 1915, AFTERNOON EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87055779/1915-08-13/ed-1/seq-5/

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min.W. AUGUST 13. mis.
a r. f
Shurman Kirkly Throws Self
Under Train and Niedzgod-
ski is Injured.
Kirkly. 21 yrar
from I.ak villc-,
ah .mi! Ivis:ty
,.f this -ily
old, nn
nif t a.
uffrf(l a
inan' man
horrihlo 1
miraculous aj fnm death, at
. t, , , -. ' :it noon when
anypoii a itiii. ..-
mani.u- lc-ar'l neath the wheels
i,f a movim? Vandalia train in front
,.f t n i l t f insane iisyhun.
Kirkly wrtMnl hims.lf from
rir. r.f the drnutv and
lrioniacal mT'M!!I
iler the trucks of
Nirl.-;o'!.-);i in an
man's Ylf' Iiai'C
clutched him
with a d-
hurlr.l hhu.-Ht un-
(Uic of th' coaches.
effort to s;ic th
.1 aftr hmi. and
ahout the ankles, oni
to he dr.t-u'cU airair.M im; nuua
the ( oacji himself.
Kirl h's hea.l was torn from
ho.ly. Nielzk'ol.-ki was hurk-d asido
by tin- moving truck, and suffered
only painful hrui.cs about his shoul
ders and his left knee.
According to tin- deputy, the man
had Kimc the entire distance from his
home, in Lakeville without causing
rMt.i,. f..r his LMiardian. With the
.,tt,-..r' ti-ht urin upon his arm
alighted from the train and
few steps alont,' the platform
the institution in which h
eonlined. With a sudden
ftil jerk he released hiim
deputy's clutch and ran
train of cars, which wa
i:itrifk J Houlihan, a member
the party, witnessed the episode.
"Niedzod.-du's escape was nothing
less than miraculous." he declared.
"When I saw the t men. both were
under the coach, which had already
started to move. I hit Nicd.odski was
fortunate in that the trucks
iif ti'isvjiiiir over his body
t-'lanciuK bhw and threw him away
from the tracks. n her wise he would
hav.i met the same fate as did Kirk
ly." The man's body was removed to tho
mortuary chambers of the Louclitf
asvlum. and the Cass county coroner
was summoned. He absolved the lo
cal men from all blame and declared
that the 'man's death was self in
llicud. His friends and relatives in
l.akeville were notihed and the body
w-".s to be shipped to the latter city
vome time Friday.
Nieilz'odski de lared that tlie man
seemed possess! of a su perhuman
strength. In tlie brief tussle with
the deputy, who is a strong man. it
seemed that it was child's play for
him to extricate himself from the hit
ter's hold. Mr. Houlihan said that
the entire incident took such a short
time that the man was killed and
,'iedz-;odski rendered unconscious be
fore lie realized what had occurred.
The deputy was removed to the op
erating room of the insane hospital,
where his wounds were dressed by a
phvsician. He and Houlihan arrived
in South Bend late Thursday even
ing, and reported tlie matter at the
bheriiT's oltice.
t ink a
was to oe
and force
It' from tlie.
toward the
already in
struck him a
La 1
Enters Kitchen of Mrs. Dan
Short and Makes Himself
al Home.
Night Cook at Oliver Dairy
Lunch Room Almost Loses
If a man should
self to you and s-on
ymi to stake him a
for a half hour, for
irivo vim a lew 1 1 a
introduce, him-
after should ask
few greenbacks
which lie would
; i i - i,
YOU .'l lew Ml. i i'iiir mi ui; utr
of . the- money, wnat wouia vou do;
This was the proposition that con
fronted Kichard Smith, nUht cook at
the Oliver dairy lunch last nitfht. A
man ueil dressed and appearing to
be a husir.rs-s man calling himself Mr.
Shepard eiiten d the dairy lunch room
and after hawni: himself pnm d while
there, n.akinp himself appear to the
employes Jis a man witii consider
able "business, asked Smith for $S
from o'clock until 10:30, for
which he would return him $10 for
the favor and his request was Krant
fd. The time for payment drew near
and the swindler failed to make his
The police department was noti
fy d and an ollker sent to the Lake
Shore depot with Richards, who found
Shepard waiting for the 11 o'clock
train. Upon seeing the otllcer with
Kicliards. Shepard approached them
and quickly returned the ten spot
and the charges against him were
therefore discharged. He said he was
waiting for the train which had some
lady passengers on it whom he was
to meet, but he gladly entered the
coach and disappeared in a back
When Mrs. ban Short. 21 1 S Lin
den av.. entered her kitchen after
leaving her bed Thursday evening lr
tlie tirst tini' in werTts. she facet!
a burly ne-ro. She screamed and
fainted and her 10-year-old daughter
ran into the yard crying for h lp.
Neighbors iitfirkly assembled and Mr.
Short was railed from his work at
one of the west-end factories.
The negro was Loomis Ihirton. Na
pier and I'hapin sts.. said to possess
a lengthy police record and to be a
trouldr maker of no mean ability. He
was locked up in the city jail charged
with intoxication, with the probabil
ity that Short would tile other
chargf s.
Ihirton claimed that he had en
tered tho Short home by mistake.
IIoweer, when ordered to leave by
the woman and the little girl, he Is
said to have refused. He was forc
ibly ejected by Short, who called the
police patrol. Hictrs Kenierly, Cut
ting and Wcsolek made the arrest.
Ihirton is said to have been the
cause of a report earlier in the day
from the vicinity of Linden av. that a
negro was seen prowling about cer
tain premises.
I-aac lark of (tavelton Celebrates
81t Hi rt Inlay.
)lie P.ailcy .'ics Keport
Work Done by Children's
Court is Akrl to Appoint Someone
to Act for Absentee.
A petition for the appointment of
an administrator of the estate, of
Jonas K. Myers of Perm township was
tiled in the circuit court Thursday
afternoon by laniel K. Myers. The
letitione-r says that Jonas Myers dis
appeared in 1 '.('. and later inherited
J 7 acres of l.tud from the estate e.f
P.arbara 1 1 u nsherger. Nothing ha.s
been heard from Jonas .Myers since
1'jO!. s.ivs the petitioner, and care
of the estate demands an administra
tor. The. petitioner is administrator
of the Ilunsberger (state.
Jhipont Company to Supply the Kn-
sian Arniie,.
WTLMINCTON. Irl. Ai;g. in.
Announcement has been made that
the Dupont Powder Co., has just re
efived an order f r betwen t'.'.otdi.uuO
and T0.000.0e0 pounds of powder for
the allies. The order has an esti
mated value1 of J7e.0eH.etb. Most of
it is :ild Ls for the use of t he Russians.
A fourth addition to tlie company's
plant at Carney Point has been start
ed. With it completed the plant's
capacity will be l.ono.eoo pounds a.
da, twice the present output.
According to a report made re
cently by Miss Oliver Bailey, who is in
e harge of the Children's dispensary,
there were 114 cases taken care of
during the month of August. Among
them were 10 new eases. Miss Pailey
returnetl recently from a two months' i
vacation. The report also showed
that 12 clinics were taken care of by
Drs. Cooper, Travers and Hansel.
Home visits were made to the num
ber of TG and 7 i 5 pounds eT ice were
consumed. The elispensary purchased
3.3S4 quarts of milk of which 1.020
quarts were dispenseel gratis.
The report for July shows that
there was an enrollment ef l:i:j cases
with 11 new ones. Twelve clinics
were held by Drs. Hansel. Hillrnan
and Owens. There was SoO pounds
ef ice and 1.U01 quarts of milk useel,
Ni'.'J quarts of which were disposed of
A comparative report for the years
1013, 1014 and 1915 for July shows
that the first year 70 cases were
taken care of; the second, 102 were
handled, and this year 1.13 were
looked after. In l'Ji::, 24 :J quarts of
milk were used; in 1114, 711 quarts
were disposed of, and the present
year l.:rl juarts were handled.
The dispensary acknowledges the
following donations in their repot t:
C.lrancrH' circle, sr.; St. Iauls Sunday
school. $5; Mrs. Oeorge O'Brien,
paint and enamel; Mrs. Van Prent.
barley Hour; Kawil Missionary circle
of the First M. , church, ?i".; .Mrs.
lioss. four pounds of Dextro Maltose;
Mrs. F. A. Stevenson, bottle rack;
Miss Humphrey's class of the First
I'rcsbyterian church, baby clothes.
ami Davies laundry, $2.40 for work
done. Another donation of baby's
clothes was nuule but the donor's
name was not i;iven.
In the library department 201
books were loaned with eight new
borrowers in June and $4.0; was de
posited in the provident fund. In
July 2 hooks wore borrowed with
11 new borrowers. The provident
fun-d was increased $;.0.1 also during
that month.
Isaac Clark Tuesday celebrated his
Mst birthday anniversary and in hon
or of the occasion a family reunion
was held at (Iravelton at which nearly
."0 members of the family were pres
ent, representing four generations. A
dinner was served en the lawn of Mr.
Clark's country home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark arc old settlers,
having lived at their present home
for 21 years. They have lu children
living and all of them were present,
having made the trip by automobiles
from .outh Pend and Gary.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Tn-esh and family of (Iravel
ton, J. Sf. eTark and family of Gary.
Mrs. Charles Ditman and family, J.
H. Avery and family, M. 1. Punyan
and family. A. M. ('lark and family,
G. W. Clark and family of .South Bend
and William Clark, Albert Clark and
H. P. Clark and their families of Nap
panee. (in the return journey, Mr. Clark,
who is !1 years old, drove his own
car home. This is considered re
.markable as until three months ago
he had never driven a car nor driven
at night.
More? TJian S.000 Children of
Have Been Ciucsts at Xcws
Tlmcs Parties.
Birthday parties held by The News
Times and with the co-operation of
the various theater owners and the
American drug store since Mar. 1
this year will end with the final party
on Saturday, when all whose names
are in The News-Times will be guests.
During the time that these parties
have been in operation 3,140 chil
dren have been the guests. They have
attendeel shows tit the various thea
ters and wound up with a dish rf ice
. ream. These parties were a treat to
the youngsters who were loud in
praise of The News-Times and the
men who made them possible.
and HeadiBv!c relieved without the
of uTig's, by
18 ' Kg) '
Booth Drnd'ft Leading OptomiCrlat and
Manufacturing Optician.
t22Va 8. Mich. St. Oycn till 6 p. m.
Home phone eYiOL Bell 347
)Xr Crom i to ltr.uo a. m. oj
Sundays from 9
Crowds; Crowds are Flocking to the Sraod! Leader
Eager to Share in Ttiese Wonderful Barams
313 C
3 c:
W e urge all our former patrons to visit this sale often for new merchandise is
being brought from our crovded stock rooms d lily and marked at prices almost beyond belief
?3 Silk Crepe de
Chme Vaists
Women's ht autifiil r.U Silk Crepe
de rhino and .Mrssaline Shirt
Waists; whih- they last Satur
Vomen's 75c
Stylish Corsets . . . w
Women's stylish Corsots, made
of white coutil. well boned,
trimmeel top; made with 4 hose
supporters; all sizes.
Women's $2.00
Tub Skirts . . . ,
Women's and missi s" Tul Si.irts
made of fine White da b.rd ine:
trimmed with i poekits and out
tons; all sizes.
Boys' $1.25
Wash Suits
49 c
Made of l.f-st rado (Galatea, in
plain and .ini' i:: ttion colors in
ldierTvis" and i:usi:m stales.
s Apparel at Less Tlian
UptolpS.OOBresses 51.00
A rack of Women's Wash Dresses, choice of
Linens, Lawns, Voiles, etc., in pretty styles.
Up to $10 WhiteDresses2.99
l'.eautiful styles in Voiles. Orpandies. Iint?erie and
Xt ts. newest summer models, sizes for Women and
y Tt5 in,
0 Presses 1.55
White Voiles, Lawns, Striped French Ging
hams, Crashes, etc.; all colors; newest sum
mer styles.
ccia.,isr,jT ir 1
Cost! Eeadif
Up to $10.00 Coats 2.99
Women's and Misses' Spring Coats, in all wool
material in black and white checks, Serges and
Poplin; newest styles.
Up to $6.00 Skirts $1.93
All Wool Serges, Poplins and some Gabardine
black and navys; a few last season's models;
sizes for women and misses. Selling out sale
Up to $15.00 Dresses $5.75
In' Silk Poplin Serges; also beautiful Party
Dresses in this lot, in white and colors; all
50c Kimono Aprons
we. mens Kimono Aprons, made
n last cd"r peivah-s. in burnt
and d:irk colors; OAn
cut full sizes "iC
75c Cedar Oil Mops
The famous Marzie
Mops; triancle shape,
with a lomr wooden
(V.lar Oil
Balance of Our Entire Stock at Cost the Same Way
5c Toilet Paper
Just r.OO rolls of sanitary tissue
Toilet Paper, perforated sheets.
First come, first 1 -1 n
served ov
Extra! Extra!
Women's 50c Silk Hose 29c
Vomen's 25c Burson Hose 12 Vic
Women's 50c Union Suits. .29c
Women's 20c Gauze Vests. . .9c
Child's 35c Union Suits 17c
Child's 10c School Stockings 5 V2c
Boys' 35c School Waists 18c
Boys' 25c Union Suits . . .12V2c
Women's 50c Gingham Pett. 29c
Pst 50c New Corsets 32c
$1 American Alarm Clocks. .49c
Women!s 50c Bathing Caps. .19c
Boys' 35c Overalls 19c
Everything Must Co! Read!
Up to $3.00 Untrimmed Hats 9c
Women's $1.00 Shirt Waists 38c
Women's $1.00 House Dresses 47c
Women's $3.00 Dress Skirts $1.00
Boys' $5.00 School Suits $2.74
Women's 75c House Aprons 39c
$2.00 Pretty Scrim Curtains, Pair 94c
$3.00 Wool Nap Bed Blankets $1.69
Girls' $2.00 School Dresses 88c
Women's $1 and $1.50 Shirt Waists 59c
Extra! Extra!
Wom's 35c Ging. Petticoats 18c
Wom's $1 Long Silk Gloves 49c
Wom's $2 Long Kimonos. . .88c
Wcm's 50c Dressing Sacques 29c
Infants' $2 Pretty Dresses. . .94c
Infants' 50c Ruben's Vests. .33c
Infants' 50c Lawn Bonnets. .29c
Women's 75c Auto Hoods. .39c
50c Silk Mull Scarfs 37c
Child's 29c Kimono Aprcns 19c
Boys' 50c Night Shirts 29c
Wom's 35c Lisle Glover. . . .18c
Wom's $2 Middy Blouses. . .88c
Men Buy Your Needs Now
Men's $1.00 Dress Shirts 58c
Men's $1.50 Dress Shirts 79c
Men's 75c Athletic Union Suits. .39c
Men's 20c Lisle Dress Hose 11c
Men's 50c Underwear 29c
Men's $1.00 Union Suits . . .57c
Men's 10c Work Kerchiefs 6c
Men's 50c Work Shirts 32c
Men's $1.50 Work Pants 89c
Men's $3.00 Dress Pants $1.77
Men's 35c Police Suspenders. . . .18c
Men's 85c Blue Overalls 47c
MEN'S 10c
Dress hose, in
blaek or white:
all sizes: pair
25c HOSE .
Standard brand;
sold the world
over 3.Z 2oc. Sale
uslin Underwear
Women's $2 Princess Slips 88c
Women's $2.00 Petticoats 95c
75c Envelope Chemise 39c
Women's 50c Brassieres 37c
Women's 35c Corset Covers . . . .37c
Women's $2.00 New Corsets .... 94c
Women's 59c Muslin Drawers . . . 37c
Women's 85c Combination 44c
Women's $1.00 Princess Slips. . .59c
Women's $1 Envelope Chemise. .67c
Women's 35c Sanitary Belts. . . .18c
Women's 35c Corset Covers .... 18c
WOM'S 75c
e grado Mus
lin: beautiful em
broidery trimmed
For women ; ido
embroid. flmiticr;
ribbon trimmed.
BOYS' S5c BOYS' 50c $ WIDE 30c Boys' $3.50 I
In wool material; Made of host Per- f A pJi .1 f ff lfl fAll P" 'SiIk T;,ff,'t;' a!'d In l.kio Sf-r-c and
kMcker styles; all cafes. Madras and J . : f A I J J I vJf ( (1 I Ul Satin; all - Mors; M i t ur ; n,.-.v
sizes. Ginghams, Sl . 1. ' VvV Mk van1, -tlcy.
m vs hi:siii:nci:.
P.ohrrt Hlbel. 4'-s X. Michigan st..
has purchased the Milton II. (Iriffith I
residence, lees . Colfax av. Work
of remodeling the house will be start
eil soon and -Mr. Klbel and his familv
will orcupy it. Mrs. Grittith and fam
ily will leave next week for Hinsdale,
111., where they will make their
NH-7 ifisva mm wmmmm
llfel taa bra f cr 13 year tie 0!i TcSi. lir?etcTTT25 bose and cce e-U
Iti9U2htenonghtorilawatch:bcavTnoc?htoo:la Iswtj mower. Oa soft c!ct!i It
rrccrr.es an I cal uraitun taltiktr Hilcj a Tzl ot clccsa &iZx the test tai cicaSt
VtxztUss Dsihg CNk,
Ad J-in-Oso aLsc!dy prrrcstsrsst cr timiib oa a!l vzcUi izrfaces. laioora and est.
la nnr cl rsatf.
Free 3 J. One. txlai f?rffpr!pronrMwimrIff ta3 iht Dictionary of i lr i Am to
???L.iTl:0nr.i U"CT7wbere in J-it bottles: Kc (I ox.).I5c U oxj.50c W i Vizt lor
, - - 4 2.DAJ3ROAowAy
Nkw York City
Indianapolis and
Return Via i
; ' Every Sunday During August
City Ticket Office Oliver Hotel
FpMlal train will leave South Pend at 7:00 a. m.
nrturnln? leave Indianapolbs at 3: IS p. in.
.t. mm rm Li mm
There's a misspelled word of at least
three syllables in one of the want
ads in this issue of The News-Times.
Each of the first five women and
the first five men who present a
clipping of the want ad containing
the misspelled word at our office
will receive two seats for tonight's
performance at the new
m:J vc Vv
t :tf - , ' 'rllw'.
m m u ,
m Mm
seats every
given to the
We shall ive
day, but only two seats will be
same person within a week. m
that if vou don7t win
first time probably you will the second.
So see that vou get your paper regularly.
If you're not already a News-Times reader call
up" Bell 2100 or Home 1151.
m imM.
i I V i
1: J V.V-fi.
i - urn
3 ft . m
odd Piece r turiuture
about the house
you might jut
turn into monev.
They will suggest what
kind of an ad to write,
will write it for you if you
hi b ;-i
- v 31 r --a
- mi-ax
h,T-Tt.!-; Cxi f -
:. m:i . 2iiJLL .
To The
Advertising Dept.
whenever you Have a va
cant room to rent, ar.
apartment or house that
vou want to lease, r anv
I . i
Dr. H.K. Smith
South Bend's
Merelv ?phrme:
Bell 2100; Home 1151
Ask for an ad taker.
Till i in pi tiir-. N linr of
fa frvun lirm- l Hum in m aii
nnin( nnt iit. .nif loitur. y mi know
lu i ri'kiinnkililc t"T nr t urc. 'I l.
onl Kxrlu-i- !; ;ilUt in outh
Itrml i Im . i x.':iiin ;''! Irrat imi
lTnall uml ifnnan-nl I lo;tt-I
o Hin d l)o tr (, lAanilnc or
Trrat Vmi.
it a MtMliral MUai.
m KNiri:. no is.
No lan;rnnh 1!Uh trie Sli ks
m !-:in-;! ir :! 1 M..jj.
. i: f'in.i..!--!- N i-w !: ir; .
c.iii ; t r .1 : t:.' t 'i j-.iy .i oi
im : .
lr- i:aiiiioatHm xuul Con
sultation. Il' r.iy n : '. i.t ir: ). : . i or
In.'..! ijs, Ti.i.r : i-v .u J S'ljj.i.tv i.
rriatil Iatnl tliri. 211 S.
Main St., uipit m t oiiuf, our
Mrluiall" iilMtora;)li alhTy.
Hour-; V a. in. to 12, 1 lo 1 p. m.f
r,::io to s p. m.
vni'Tir i:i:m. indiwa.
!l;ic an unLrr-nkaM" Mair. S;irir..
ji'.it in Your Watch.
It costs n mor.
Frank Mayr & Sons
South I i liican Mnt.
: I

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