OCR Interpretation

South Bend news-times. (South Bend, Ind.) 1913-1938, January 14, 1917, Section 3, Image 15

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87055779/1917-01-14/ed-1/seq-15/

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Printers' Ink Reincarnates Lost Youth
Joha Hmj-riozf-r ud Krfw&rd Ikara,
(Continual from patre 1. this Section)
h.ii: om: am two.
Our sut. pretty memory gm
this week i-:
"Lf-nr little n! h'.w sweet thou
Thine ejes how bright they shin?
So bright they almost srn to speak
When Mary's look meets Thin."
We wrGte a little story on how we
rnt Christ mas and what Santa
Clans brought r.s. George Collins
had the best story.
We rceehe-d f-e-. era! rretty new
calenders for our room this week.
We learned a new -ong, "Dear
Little One."
During drawing limp Friday we
drrw the Wise Men and the Star of
At our morning- roTMs we had lots
of fun flidinc: on the Ice while it
O'jr rea-dlmr lRon were "The
rho," "Mary's Birthday Party" and
"The Swing"
We h:.d a perfect attendance at
mn. nnd at school nil week.
"The Srow Man" and "Mary's let
ter" were the reading1 lessons for the
fir, srrade. ,
We hAd a written test In spelling
Inuring the week we had the in
teresting ?tory of the Wise Men who
wer led by the wonderous star on
their Journey to Iiethlehem. where
they found the Infant Jesus with his.
Our catechism lessons this week
were on the "Seven Sacrament!'."
FMward Crockett went to Chicago
last week Thursday and returned
nm:i r;rtAin.
Lucius Miller was the only boy
ahc nt from our class last week.
Leo Hotter and Alwyn Portier tell
11s they are just doing ne in their
The boys who pot the highest av
erage for good lessons last week
v r' Ahvjn Fortler. Frank Goetz,
Francis Smley and Earl Rlvard.
I'nml; Goetz felt very lonely last
Thursday, for his pet bird that died' culture drills.
,M,i,ipnh- Those in time
K r't. Camp be II told us last Wed
nesday we ws re learning our physi
cal culture exercises Just line.
t'Ol ilTH c.kadi:.
iirville Musty returned to school
aft f several weeks absence.
We are very sorry our classmate.
Hilton I.aubcr is very sick and we
bop- he will .soon be well and back
? school because we miss him very
mr brst physical culture lesson
"f 1 ; 1 7 was last Wednesday at 10
,t. in. ami we s'arted some new ex
. reiste and we hope to be. ready in
:-;ring for a big held day.
.Mai tin Maher, Iz-o Iloffer and I'll
'' ii Kronewitter were the prize
winiiMiN in the i-H arithmetic test
Iff Thursday.
Wilbur Thorton won the prize in
All tb.c lioys in t-A bail perfect
b Mitis all last week.
W- ba-1 our usual note singing last
i ii' v,! iy morning and we are now
b-.i rniiiu' some new soncs.
Will anl Fortier was on the sick
list with a !atl obi two (lays last
. k.
All the boys in 4-A are working
hard iu arithmetic and expect to
4-otnpb-te the Wenworth-Smith book
by the end of January and be ready
:. a irood examination in February.
We have learned So lessons in our
i e.ub r. and we have 11 more to lln-
l-h ill book.
niTii gkapi:.
Mir memory nom for the week is:
"cs-els lanre may venture more.
!'. it little boats should keep near
Those who received 100 percent
in w ritten spelHn.: on Thursday
w Clarence biser, James Dor-
..n. Faul Kelly. IMward Chirhart. j
"barb's Hoover. Charles Loomis. j
Mithael lionar, Sylvester Garrity !
and I lobert WtKiilu ard.
The boys that were in time for
:i a-s this week were: Max F.ble.
Itavmoinl Payne-, Svl est e r (larritv.
I': ederi -k I 'rain. r.uiton Toepp, !
Homer peiter. Clarence Meiser and
.Mi.ha'l üosüir.
The hoys in the fifth grade who
bid perfect conduct this week had
their tars left undamaged. They
were as f allows: Paymon.l P.rothers.
ieortre KmprT. Slve-ter Garrity.
Henry Ghrobot and Frederick
I rain.
0.:r rending lesson this u et k was
about i:ii 'Vhlcney."
The memory gem for this week is:
"Some temptations come to the
Industrie us. but all temptations at
tack the idle."
Tue boys that hail perfect written
spelling Thursday were: William
lamrcnbahn, Marvin Hid. Adrian
l.oomis, Frederick läutert. Shirle
Jidinston. Morris oberly, Fratu is J Jiven special attention to pood com
itself with the af-
I sinuated itself, and was engaging
fectior.s and iasions of man.
It is directly an expression of iiun's thoughts and of
those tender fei lintrs and imaginations w hich also g-ive
rise to poetry, its sister art. Music is sister or parent
of poetry and both are invariably linked together. Al
though musio may owe much of its attraction to the
senses, yet it essentially originates in the mind. The
former may b entirely wanting in an appreciation of
its boundless effect, whilf-t the latter may breathe all
that can be said to apply to the most beautiful strains.
Alexander Pope who had such trreat power.-, of versifi
cation. ould not appreciate music, and Carr'ck, the
actor, and th friend of Joldsrnith was quite ndiffer
er.t to the moat simple melodies or most enchantir.s
strains, not even in the jolly choruses which nis friends
indulged in. did he dliht. Thus should the effects
of muse., its source and expression, be judged, not by
the prn-Jticed ear. bo by the rode and untutored mind.
It is by examining and referring to all lasse i of men
that we conclude it to be appreciated by the all, if not
by senses only, at least by the affection.
The backwoodsman or farmer, who. from day to day
toils in the sweat of his brow but who in his rural
home, breathing the pure, unadulterated air, and ad
miring the works of an omnipotert flod. would not ex
change his lot for that o" a king gives expression alike
to his joy and his sorrows by means of music. The
hirpint; of the cri?ket. the endless ariations of the
mocking bird or the sweet melodies of the nightingale,
are appreciated bes by him. He sings while he works:
he drives away v.-e'ess care with song. Tt is the songs
of the rural horr.s tat our poets have so delighted
to imitate songs in which all the expressions of the
human heart are expressed in the most humble, tender
and attractive form.
Music is not ashamed to enter the lowliest hovel
where a fond mother sings her lullaby to her darling
with as much love and affection as the queen in her
palace. What, indeed, would this world b if music
were absent, if man could not breathe in more delicate
expressions, his ir.most feelings than in the cold words
of language? W--ii nothing can please, or bring con
solation to th" mil that is overburdened with sorrow,
when even tears an brine; no relief, sorg can still
comfort it. Music, in truth, ac ompanles man through
life, from his very birth even unto death. Children
scarcely able to listen, already delight to imitate pome
pleasant strain heard before. What pleasure is there
not in the chorus of the schoolroom? the sweet melo
dies that ever remind us when we too were among
those happy, careless children, unacquainted with the
realities of iifp. What sweet recollections of home and j
friends and boon companions an we bring back to our 1
memories without music end song being associate'! j
with them? Truly, what is home without a mother?
but likewise, what Is home without music a home J
where never the Joyful, ringing laughter of the chil
dren is heard, where never a musical strain seeks
abode? Truly fueh a home is lacking the attractions of
ope winch we picture to ourselves. Finally, when that
wonted vigor of manhood's years has left us, when on
the verge of the grave, music regrets not our acquaint
ance. And then, after the soul has departed for other
than earthly realms, the sad, solerrn and slow strains
f the dirge, together with the intermingling beats of
the muffled drum, do homage to the cold, lifeless re
mains of man and bespeak the anguish and the sorrow
which the departure of a friend or relative has caused
in the hearts of those left behind. Thus the effect on
man individually, and when considering mankind In
general, it makes itself equally prominent. How could
we celebrate national festivals in a manner befitting
the occasion without it? Would not a spirit of Joy,
emotion and rapture be wanting which lmd such a
magic effect to public entertainment? How the audi
ence in the opera listen with breathless awe to the end
less and varied melodies of the orchestra? What en
chantment is there not in all national music? what a
feeling of love and patriotism?
oh, what pleasure would man be refused to enjoy
were music absent! The delight of childhood years, a
source of pleasure in youth and manhood, a solace in
old ace. and then yes. even beyond the grave, shall
ti e music of the Celestial spheres and spirits greet our
Music, oh. how faint, how weak
Languages fades before thy spell!
Wliy should feeling ever speak.
When thou canst breathe her soul so well?
I'riendship's balmy words may feign.
love's are e'en more false than they.
h. 'tis only music's strain
Can sweetly soothe and not betray.
Feb. 7. 1SS0. .7. P. P.
Paul Benz. leo Anderson. Raymond
Sousley, Joseph Kausen. John Stoeck
ley, Richard Keogan, William Hum
phrey, John Harringer und William
Wednesday we had our physical
for niasv. all weeu
were. Richard Keogan. John Stoeck
ley, Faward Reach. IMward Upet
ska and Joseph Bognar.
The appointed servers for the
week were James Kivlain and Fred
erick Gantert.
The absentees this week were
Paul Benz. Michael Mais, James
Kivlain, Ieo Anderson and Stanley
During our reading period this
week we had "The. Mission of St.
In arithmetic this week we had
problems in brick and stone work.
In United States history we are
reviewing the Revolutionary war.
iiigiitii ;raii:.
Friday morning we had a written
spelling test.
During manual training period
Monday morning wo worked on our
Francis Roos celebrated his 14th
birthday Wednesday.
Gerald Donahue wrote a very
good composition last week. The
subject was "How I Spent My
Christmas Vacation."
We worked in percentage and
gain and loss during arithmetic
Our reading lesson was "The Des
erted Village."
Junior Moore. Kerett Kohli.
Francis Smith were (in the absent
list last week.
Those who were in tittle for mass
all week were. Francis Roos, Walter
McCay, Gerald Donahue, Bernard
Donahue and Harold Grummell.
Hubert Rohr celebrated his K.th
birthday Jan. 11.
Wc Pilgrimages o
( -"' ; ' : ., ;U '. RJ':--'V.--,. -
L .iJ. i I...H hi i mm ii.fi m in m.iitutH m iy, , K lim .mn T'Uti 1 3.i .... i i - "iu. ! j-j
Van Rensselaer M anion. Albany.
Dfnnl 'Xelll, K.lHer.
Informal reception at the new St.
Monica school that took place Jan.
It is pronounced a most beau
tiful and sanitary structure, finished
in solid oak and maple flooring.
Jan. :. was a memorable day for
the pupils, marking their entrance
into the new school. All appreci
ate the extensive conveniences in no
small legree.
This week has been one of in
tensive study for the majority of the
pupils of the three higher grades.
We have reviewed Furope very
carefully and taken n test today,
Friday in all the studies.
Sister says the marks are cuite
promising, averaging from " up
ward. riiTii gkadi:.
The pupils of our grade have
Anderson. Serge Rivard, Harold Mil
b r and Paul Butler.
The los i Ti time for holy mass
ibis week were: Serge Riard.
Francis Anderson. Frederick Gan
te rt and Morris Oberly.
In reading we are haing 'The
Way to Wealth" by Benjamin
The bo s who lad perfect str. rs
for conduct on the roll of honor this
week were: Frederick iar.teit and
John F.oc-hrnski.
In geography e ate studying
a! out Lonn:ark. Norway a:.d Swt-
In histon w- arc s r : . . l . ; i . u the
lb olutlonary wav.
We weie all glad
"a:iiplell 1 ;;civ on W't
T V.
to see Setgt.
sdav morn-
He com j hi:,. t. I the I ovs m
spbnd.d -,'.ik in th- :r lii iils mi
i hi :-t !.:. !.! rt.ii!i:ii !;t. !
m: iatii (.kadi:.
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i :
a vd
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Wt Lac
- : . i o
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'A e k
i" a;
.1 -
t.-ld to
The upper grade teacher has been
lilisrently watching our cla.-s in
muscular movement practice. Wc
always delight in her visits, because
i: incites us to become perfect in
our work.
Our latest report was ery good.
The boys have shown a deiided
improvement in writing.
A few of our little fourth grade
girls merited compliments from the
teacher of vocal music. They hae
been quite etücient in reading music
sometimes tryimr to outdo the teach
er in rapid interpretation: little
Miss BuriTiiraf an! toi utn tor?
ir. sMr.ce.
The little folks also enjoy the
l.autiful new school immensely.
Tbey worked hartl last wo?k for a
prize awarded for excellence in
study and deportment.
Tb. week the se-.-ond an.i third
ir.ole reviewed spelling, and are
I reparing fr a (rand prize contest
! t week.
Those w lio feCeUed pt ..es this
w ee were: Jo-eph Ar.iKt. F1warl
. ... . w t. . i
I .u.ii.t. t.uwaiu i-urgriai. i'oiuniy
On y about a dozen miles south
of Albany, the capital city of
New York, upon either bank of the
stately Hudson river, divided as by
a ribbon of clean silver, and stretch
ing away across the gray-blue hills
to eastward and westward, lay the
preat I Hitch Patroonship of Uensw-
laerswyck. For four and 20 miles
along the river sides, and crosswise
a di' -uirney. in all over 700,000
acres of virgin earth, both meadow
and upland, ineluliiiff the present
counties of Rensselaer, Albany and
a goodly portion of Columbia, swept
the splendid baronial domain of
Jonkiver Kiliaen Van Rensselaer,
the pearl merchant of Amsteidam
and the founder of the celebrated
family in America.
Before coming to America, the
Van Rensselaers were people of im
portance in Holland, respected and
honored by their countrymen, held
many positions of trust, and their
name tigures constantly as Burg
masters, councillors, treasurers, etc.,
in many of the important towns of
their native country.
The patroonship of Rensselaers
wytk passed from one to other of
the members of this family up to
the mid. lie of the 18th century, when
Stephen Van Rensselaer, in 176",
began the erection of what he con
sidered would be the finest manor
house in America. The year can be
continued by conspicuous letters
forged out of wrought-iron and fas
tened on one of the outer walls.
This manor house stands today
rather iles3late in appearance, on a
plain near the Hudson river, not
fir distant from the site of the old
lb lava n house, in Albany.
It is said that thLs historic man
sion was built upon the foundations
of an ancient brick manorial resi
dence erected by ti e first patroons
of Rensselaerswyck. The present
dwelling was commenced and tir.ish
ed. except the modern wings, by
Stephen Van Rensselaer, whose wife
was the daughter of Phillip Iivlngs
,'oii. a signer of the declaration of
i 'idependcnce.
The architecture is simple and
colonial, but elegant in appearance,
especially amid its surrounding
groe of grand old forest trees. It
is a very charming place now. and
in its day must have been magnifi
cent. Although still in possession of
the descender.!. of its early owners,
it has r.ot been inhabited for a nvm
ber if years.
The house is approached from the
lodge gate through an avenue shad
ed by rows of ancient trees. The en
trance hall is :13 feet wide and is
decorated with the identical paper
brought from Holland at the time
the house was buil. having the
appearance of old fresco painting.
Mi either side of the hall are apart
ments some : " fe t w ile. There are
the great drawing rotuns. the state
bedroom ami the spacious library,
which was formerly lined with rare
volumes, and in which the book
oa"s f highly 'li-bd wood, or
eupy at b-a-t 7 feet of wall spa.e.
All of the ceiling of the raansioaj urer and recorder.
are very lofty, and fine old wood
carvings abound upon every side. On
the left of the main hall, near the
entrance, is a large ballroom and
back of this was the living room of
the family, whence a charming view
of the garden and lawn could be
leading- up from "bere Is the grreat
staircase, said to have been manu
factured in Amsterdam. Beyond is
the dining room, running from front
to back, and as vide as the main
hall. Here formerly hung those in
teresting portraits of the earlier
members of the Van Rensselaer
family, now so widely scattered
amongst their various desoendents.
In this old dining hall was held
many a rare feast that had almost
regal splendor.
The mansion has a large base
ment, with kitchen, cellars, wine !
vaults, and, in fact, an arrangement
similar to that of any English coun-
try house. The upper stories are !
divided into some source of bed - i
chambers, whilst the second floor ;
corresponds in rooms and hall, but.
of course, for different uses, to the :
first floor. -
Seldom has a house a more splen- '
did historj- or romantic origin than
this relic of feudal .splendor and j
colonial hospitality. Frected upon i
or nearby the site of the first '
manor-house, it recalls the stirring i
scenes enacted in old Peter Stuy-
vesant's time. Here in the earlier j
days of the manor, when its pa- j
troons were really veritable feudal :
lords, and possessed nearly as much '
power, both judicial and military, as
any old Norman baron, within his j
own fort, with his own cannon :
frowning through the stockade. !
manned by his own armed vassals, ;
under his absolute command, and j
with the pennant of the Rensse
laers lluttering in the breeze, the
patroon. or his director, accepted
the allegiance of hi subjects, ad
ministered Justice in civil suits and
criminal cases, and on of .-.üions de
fied to the last breath the authorities
of the province.
After the erection of the present
manor-house, in 1 7 6 ä . the tenants
ilocke.l hither to tender anew their
oath of fealty to the patroon. The
fame of this great barony and the
reputed wealth of its lords, to
gether with the great popularity
which they continued to enjoy, ex
tended even to New York, which in
tlse days wa- a far-off journey,
and it Is said thnt whn the people
of that place learned that the pa
troon was in town, they lined Broad
way to view him as he passed in hi?
coach with fvir liveried footman in
great powdered wigs, and the Van
Rensselaer arms glittering r-n the
panels of his gilded coach, as if he
were some foreign nobleman.
Modern Horn
Ries Values
Real Values
RIES' January
a m I
weep aie
s oecooo
Rics "Policy of Protection" for our customers is making hundreds of
this big store during the present Clean-Sweep Sale.
Ries' three warehouses, in anticipation of the present advances, were filled several
months ago with Modern Home Furnishing bought through our 65-Store Syndic
ate at the lowest existing prices.
Cj They are now performing their duty of beautifying the homes of South Bend
and sorrounding cities, and saving from fifteen to fifty per cent for home furnishers.
Bed Davenport $62.50
$5.00 Cash; $5.00 Monthly.
t i j m .1
I Vi 1
Oak Dresser $25
$2.00 Cash; $1.00 Weekly.
While Colonial in design,
and sturdily built of solid
golden oak, this dresser is not
too massive to be graceful. It
will improve your bedroom's
Built tor us in our own tactorv. burnished in
golden or fumed oak, upholstered in genuine Span
ish leather and equipped with Simmon's guaran
teed springs.
All Odd Dining Tables Reduced
if Cnl?
' li I; j
. rTi I I IUI t 7 '3
. - ...
Chiffonier $22.50
$2.00 Cash; $1.00 Weekly.
This ChilTonier is a perfect
match for the Colonial dresser.
Together they make a very
handsome suite singly eithe'r
makes a valuable addition to
anv bedroom.
your dining room
be the better for a
new table, this sale is an
opportune one for you.
No matter what the style
of your dining room, we
have a table to match it.
All the most popular per
iod designs are especially
well represented. Prices
are at their lowest level,
and credit terms are most
Mahogany American
Colonial Dresser $60
$6.00 Cash; $6.00 Monthly
This American Colonial
Dresser of solid Cuban Mahog
any, top 4.8 inches long, 2 4 in.
deep, with glass of extremely
generous size, is exactly like
picture. It will be a most de
sirable addition to your bedroom.
I- h - r
f r t
t"- t mm?
Genuine Leather Davenport $87.50
$8.00 Cash; $6.00 Monthly.
A great, comfortable and comforting davenport,
softly upholstered and covered with genuine Span
ish leather. A thoroughly high class and handsome
Lowan Mahogany
Poster Bed $42.50
$5.00 Cash; $5.00 Monthly
Cowan furniture means qual
ity furniture and. is known 2$
such wherever exquisite design
and master craftmanship is
appreciated. This bed of solid
Cuban mahogany, with hand
carved pineapple tops, is a ster
ling example of Cowan charm
at its best.
Q"ndy CO1
ervice .HvavrtsT
south orxo
'Mit in T'niatilla. "re.. tlicro wan
an -ap-to-datp flortion. Mrs. K. K.
Starchrr rlpfpate'l h-r husban! In
thf mayoralty rare pdiI wnmcn wor
'r--t-l in all ther muni ip il fftu
rrludinc those- of aldenaan, treas- J t).- bull
To cf t the measure of Mr. Lloyd
Oorpe's accessicm to the premier
ship it must be thought of as ome
thinsr mof1 than a change of min
ister?, a mere huftling of the po
litical cards. Mr. Lloyd-George is
not now installed in No. 10 Downline
st. simply because he is a more tak
ing orator, or a more vivid person
ality, or radiaf-s a more compelling
force than hi. i)relect-s.or. He is
there, above and beyond everything
else, because be incarnates the spirit
of democracy. lie is there because
the masses of the British nation,
feelim? thai he r pn sents them
better than any other man. that he
i' one with them, and that he em
bodies in his- life, and m his outlook
, on life, all that they art t'.ghtir.sr for.
' have put him there. It Is as though
the British people not the classes,
not the men who used to look upon
hieh olfice a.-- a birthr.sht, but the
I lain. e? rvla- folk who make ;p
of any Kiulish-speaking
ccnimuuiti- bad deliterateLv said to
themsehex: "We want at the head
of affairs a man who is one of our
selves, who talks our language, and
knows our minds and conditions.
It is a sound instinct, a sort of
anticipatory fellow-feeling, which
makes all Americans who come to
London anxious to meet Mr. Lloyd
George. I have piloted many of them
to his breakfast table, and not one
but has fallen under his pell.
Frankness and a captivating cam
araderie llame from him. He is one
of the cheeriest and most approach
able of men. Merely to catch a
glimpse of him as he enters a room
or walks rapidly through the lobbies,
with life and vivacity speaking- in
every- movement a small, well-knit
man. with gray-white hair brushed
back in waves from a broad and
powerful forehead: features in which
strength nd sensitiveness, good hu
mor and resolution are blended in an
almost petic pallor; large, flashing
eyes that, talk even when tho lip
move no, and an ever-ready smile
of extraordinary sweetness i to
know him for the hearty, human
fellow he is. People take to him at
nce. There are no preliminaries to
l.e observed, no fencing or fi.icse to
indul?el in, before you are meas
uring your mind with h!s and feel
yourself really in to'jeh with him.
He is the same in aM rompanks hi
own natural, sparkling, unafTe-ted
self with women as wilh men. I
hae always had an ide. that th
society of Americans wa.s particular
ly congenial to him, more fo, indeed,
than the society of Kmriishmen.
lily are
in-'i hi-.
a:rd ;,f-
an.cnt would r.ot hav xaad'i him
foremost leader. Sydney l'.rooks ! i
Ti e North American J:evi".
lneir directness ar.
ol" a kintl with hi own:
knowledge of American lite
fairs though he has neer been in
the Lrlted Suites Is intuitu e. Tr.er.?
are not many men of prominence in
British public lif whom one can
ac l.i-i'.
well ;
iuo .S
iiiti: or
- aT r a- t
l.fe :iiUJ-t
-..;. .r.t.
i.s .-ttl:.
is a c.iti).
. . to a on.u iL
impart a if-.i' of
!a.-ig u soc :,. a-
it :., :: 1
n5 caJIinn !
r.'.e A:n ri
t er.icrpii
an sviotv
a n
' .
imag"me as
American p'
e.cia.I v
bl.C life.
rominent in
Hu Ioyd-
George is decidedly f.ne them. H-
happens to be the prime minister tf
Great Britain. If 1. had been lorn
in the 1'nited States, he -.o;;l l a1--i-.uredly
have ris -n to the presider.cv ;
an Mr. Kooseve't '-vould have four: I
in him hLs only coiüitetitor for tb
affertlons of the Americin per.p..
There ix. ir.de. -d. no M':g!ih-spe. ik
ing ifiinmuriity .a .:. part f tb
world in which his ifts nd tem;tr-
inswer:s th re r-r-irr ::.ei.t.
art of cor-splr-iot;.-, . .u"ttr:S' It :-'.:-upon
Is in lti- If t-xu-cr.t. t!i r '.--c-il
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