Newspaper Page Text
J. THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIMES momiay i;v!:in. nontmiu k 2. i it. MIS HA WAKA NEWS News-Times Office: 120 Lincoln Way West. Home Phone 118; Bell 10 a EJICHES SERMON G Should be Thankful for Mani festations of Heroism of Our Boys. Thanksgiving s'-rvirs wr ob 5 rvl at the first Christian church Sunday morning when the pastor, Kpv. G. W. Titus, jirearherl an f-xcel-Jnt sermon on thf text. "Rejoice ami He (JIad." Th rc was a large attendance. In the course of hi.s remarks Mr. Titus j-aid: ".Many j.eople worider how we can enter into a real spirit r.f thanksgiving in the days of strenuous onilid amon the nations of the world, when we remember that ao, 000, 000 men arc today hear ing arms; 3.000.000 wounded a.s the result of t.uttlc; another 1,000,000 have Leen seit into eternity hy the bloody strife. Can we really he thankful? It is clear to my mind that if ever thre was a day when we had reason to lift our hearts to !d it is this day in which we now li e. "We should he thankful for theso splendid manifestations of heroism eidenf-el in our hoys who have lft all for their country's sake; for the mothers who have heroically kissed their sonn goodbye and sent them under to the battlefield; for the mighty spirit of sacrifice that has found such a larse place in the heart of every true American citizen. IVac-f HaM'tl on lllslitiouness. "U should thank Cod for the srowin realization that peace will (e based upon righteousness, dem ocruty and freedom rather than upon armament, autocracy and mil itarism. We should thank God for the ever Increasing religious spirit in the nations now at war. We are Undine that success must come through our dependence upon God a.-id trust in the almighty arm of Jehova. "We j-hould thank God that Ilia word is today more widely read than at any time in the history of the world. The UritLsh axid Fore it; h UiMe society, as well as the Ameri can I'.ible society, are unable to sup ply the demands made upon them for copie of the inspired word, livery soldier that Roes to the front gladly rerfiv? and reads the old book of life. "We should thank God for the ever increasing interest in the evan gelization of the world. While it is true that we have been p ripped by the greatest war of all times, and while eountle.-s demands have been made upon us. yet the money given ! missionary enterprises by all peo lin:. ..UiON AMI CAKUI A(,K. I OU SALK One team horse, one four. I cue six years old, and one l'ord rvdster. ran be bought reaionahle if t; ken at enre. one l'ord Smith farm t:uck. Kerviie (larage, lell 27. tf 1 OK SALK OK TKADi; r.ood team of mules. .M. Cray. K. K. No. 2, Rox No. l. rnoiifs: l'.eil ü72-7Vi; Home 425"- TdlLTKV, U A.N T HKI.l' MAKK YO U Hi:NS LAY NO.YV. Y.iZK iff hrlninu htir t l'i'e - this is voiir money funking time. I !.! veiir l.eii to lay at their I fst by i :iinir t'I an.l ni.tktn the lutr-lh a tlvp with Ir. Poultry 1'nn- . The jd result will jtirprUe .-u-iio risk t run. If l'aii :i"t'-;i il"e I indifiu ntil ut your hens In nne ! ilnkr trim. Miel greatly inereu-e the i.rmher of e?'9 they Uy. return the ii:fv (lackacs to the de.iler and he will i'fun! our niMiiev. I.omv hens ou lütt lVvine. in; iii:ss instant l.n si: kll.LKU ki!N lh-e. Ii:t it Into t'. reatJier. tl;en add it to the dust J'attij iisl-uall v. :iul jour jM-ultry Mil boi. Ii. fr. m l'j. e. ttu.'iranfevl. Toll Kid 1' Ir Hess Kuj Kemetlv. I lie Ir. ; e Mne is fer !y Wesley Miller,! .lo W. Tutt St. und 42 S. M i iiig:iii St. ; i Ii K. i ieeh.ifrr. 12l W. WihLiirt.n Ave.. J iV.r Walnut; V. '. Han-. I-'.'". We-t .lef-j r-'Mi i ; i i . : ue .Mianu i.-i.irm i , ll;:mi St.: W. i:. KMi h. MUh oMika: V.. II i .iia-tre.'t. MUhawakii : Nrth S'nte i'ruj .Misli.iwaka 1015-2' I.I.üAI. MUT ICH. MITIIi: OK nMIM-TKTION. ..ti. e i herehy giteu. the under-j i-rul has Iren appointed by the Clerk) f th- Cireuit Court of St J.'ih Cun-; t. St.-i'e of Indiana, ndmlnlsf rat-r of t;.e e-t.ite of Catherine Kedui"iid. late of .hiv:.i County. decr.ied. Sal 1 e-t:ite is h:jiIh-i1 to be -Ivent. JAMi:s l;i:iiMONI. Adm. Not 1 l'.'lT. is. a r.i:ArAic,n. .uty. f..r ix.tte. iy-iv.-r. OTM'K OF AIMIN!TK T10N. Ntiee Is hereby given, that the under ined ha ln "appointed ty the Cl?rk of the Circuit Court of St. .K.-eph Coun i. state of Indian'. ee ut r of the fte f Mary Ann Itanktns. late of M. .lod'pti County. de-esei Said l"fate"i Hlpposed to be ,-Uent. WII.I.IA.M i:. JoOoN, i:eiutor Nov. 0. 10 17 A. T. C. C Attj. for i:e.tifo- 12-r.-2'i NOT K OF AOMIMTlt.TUN. N.-tt..- in h.-rt-hy gt.-n. the ui.-br--.isrri.-d l.-n "appoi-tt.-l !' the Clerk f the Clf-uit Court ..f St. .Ioep!l Cuii i viniu ..f !ri.!!:in.-i eieeiitrlv of the -tat of n lr. K1, late of M. Joseph' nut . di -en !!. Said e-liife i H'lppo-otl to be s !ent. i. i;i'.A!iA Ki:r.. i:e-utrix. N.v ly IT. lUUV SCANI.oN. Alt, for IMnte. 1 I WANT I ADS I ples hav far exceeded the very best record of the pabt. "Asrain we should thank God that while kingdoms are being, shaken and while fluctuation is evident on every hand, yet the kingdom estab lished by Christ remains unshaken. "We s.hould thank God that the war has raised far greater standards of devotion and loyalty both to the nation and the kingdom of God. We needed Just such a lesson as this in these days of indecision. Again we need to thank God that one of the greatest stumbling blocks in the on ward march of Christianity is fast being removed, for as I !peak to you the guns of the British army arc beating upon the walls of ancient Jerusalem. It means much to us to know that once again the clear ring ing challenge of the kingdom of God and the call to Christian service will ring out from the streets that pierced the feet of the Galilean car penter more than 1300 years ago." BOWLING SCORES Following' are the standings of th bowling leagues at the EUsasser alleys for th past week: City w. L. ret. Emmies '22 S .VA KnMer-ne 11 0 .700 Wu!thr is 12 .3rt) "ty 1 1 11 II 1; AM Regulars 13 17 .4m Ala skim 1.1 17 .4tt iTemonas 12 IS .400 Hosiers 7 23 .2X1 MinhawiiL Leaf u. Federals 20 10 .OTT Amateurs 17 1.1 .".17 lliukle Motor Co 1? 1 -VLl liorseshoem 1.1 17 A?A Wl.lte Piilare 12 IS .400 Mishko 12 IS .430 Scratch Lacue. Ilileys 21 1 .700 Some Peps 20 10 K'llsursi 15 13 .."iOO lit Poket3 14 Hi Mu T.raves 12 IS .4') J. LYs 8 22 .207 Trio Lru Inrineildes 4 2 aV.7 Kxrelnlors 4 2 .V.7 .U r yn 2 4 .."-la Sampler 2 4 Can Co. Fixture R 4 ,v;7 A res 7 ..VC1 Kj.n?es 7 .r .."X.1 .Mantles 7 .."M Lamps '. .,"() Heaters 1 11 .(CL1 Following Is the schedule for this week; Momlay Walther xn. Itegulars, rnonas vk. Sammle, Kubber-Ke vs. I're-Alas- kans. City Hall v. Huoslers. The Scrateh league will bowl Friday onlujj tw Thursday being Thanksgiving. Lott's SpccinKt. Lott 201 Hramwell ... K0 C. W. Lott. . . 203 McDaniels ... 1 öl Wachs U9 211 12S 202 157 178 17C-163-177-144-154- 813 585 443 5S3 452 531 !594 Totals 904 877 Mac's Stars. Stearns 142 166 . 209 McHenry . .. l'ooher , Voder Van DeWulle, I loerstman . , Total 160 115 18:; ..JO ISO 14S 214 147- 212-197-1 Sl-156- 487 473 571 623 15t 79.1 940 S9T, 2626 WOMAN'S CLUB TO HAVE INTERESTING PROGRAM Two interesting meetings are scheduled for the day In woman's club circles, the first of which will be that of the art department which will hold an exhIMtlon of the palnt inp of local artists, chief anions which will be the pictures of the lato L. Clarence Ball. Mr. Hall's pictures will be presented by hi.s wife, who will yive an informal talk on her late husband's work. Many of these canvasses are prize are acknowledged to painting, and be of superior quality. Hesidos Mr. Hall's pictures there will be a great many more by paint ers of the vicinity. This exhibition will continue for several days and wil; be open to the public. No ad mission fee will be charged. This evening the program com mittee of tlie home economics de partment will have charge of a meeting of that department, at which inexpensive Christmas gifts will be discus.sed and many prac tical example displayed. A round table talk will complete the pro gram. VESPER SERVICES AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Thankkgiving was observed Sun day at the First I'resbyterian church with a vesper service at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Miss Nina ("label, or ganist, furnished pipe organ num bers and several selectu ns w ere ren dered by the chorus choir. The program was as follows: Prelude. "Impromptu in I' min or." Ashfcrd "Nocturne" (Transcribed by E. M. Itt Chopin "Andante Ileligiosu" Davis Ar.them. 'Sing Alleluia Forth"... Huck Scripture lesson. Anthem. "He Sendeth the Springs Into the Valleys" Wareintr Prayer. Anthem. "Prai-e the Iord, O Je rusalem" Maunder Offertory. 'Nocturne". . . Wieniawskl Prof. Frederick H. Ingcrsoll. Adilres-s. "Tlie True Thanksgiv ing" Kev. Dr. J. A. Hurnett Chorus. "Count Vour Hlessings" Kxcell I'.enediction. Postlude. "Toccata" ("Suite tlo-thi-iue") Hoelhnann ntandahi iuiui:kn to mihtt. The Standard Hearers class of the Methodist Memorial church will meet this evening with Miss Uuth Stark. 07 W. Pattell st. All mem bers have been requested to bring gifts for the wonder basket. WAR WORKER FROM FRANCE PAYS VISI1 Lieut. William V. lllburn, who for the past year has been a mem ber of the French ambulance corps at the front, has returned to this country and will join an American lie Is a nephew of Otto K. 1-ang of this city and came from Chicago Sunday to spend the day with his uncle and family. The corps to which he belonged was composed almost entirely of Ameri can millionaires and multi-millior.-aires and the pay they received from the FYench government was four cents per day. A member of the Dupont family was chef of the corps and Lieut. Milburn says he was something of a cook at that. It was quite a common stunt for mem bers of the unit to buy out restuar ants during their visits to French towns, and sell them again before they left. YOUNG GIRL SUCCUMBS AFTER SHORT ILLNESS Ethel Judy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooney, Barron lake, Mich., died at 12:15 o'clock Sunday after a ihort Illness with diphtheria at the home of Mr. an1 Mrs. W. T. Bolam, 412 W. Third t where 8he has been rooming. She leaves one brother, Arley Judy of Mishawaka, and on half-brother, James Coon ey, Barron, lake, besides her par ents. The deceased was born in Marshall county, Jan. 16. 1901, and was 16 years or age. Funeral ser vices will be held privately this af ternoon. Rev. G. W. Titus officiat ing. Burial will be in Falrview cemetery. The girl was employed at the Mishawaka Woolen Manufac turing company. LINCOLN OFFimiNG TODAY. In "The Badge of Shame," which comes to the Lincoln today with Clara Kimball Young in the lead ing role, Sonla Sokoloff, a pure, aris tocratic young Russian girl is forc ed to secure such a passport to es cape from the persecution heaped upon her and her family by the Russian authorities. When she es capes to America her chief perse cutor finds her, and when he learns that fehe is engaged to a handsome young American, he reveals the fact that she has len traveling un der the dread badge of shame. The denouement of the story is of ex traordinary interest and holds the attention of the audience to an un usual degree. YTSirS FK7J3NDS IlKRE. C. C. Hurst of Lansing, Mich., formerly manager of Trick's five and 1 cent store here, visited friends in the city yesterday. MISSION" SOCIITTY TO M.I-JCT. The Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist Memorial church will meet Wednesday after noon at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. A. L. Shank, 701 S. Main st. Miss Beth Hingham will give the first chapter of the Study book, "The Land of the Kraals." Mrs. Willis Klzer "will read from "The African Trail." WILIi SPAY FOK ltKD CHOSS. The Iadjes' Aid and Dorca3 so cieticc of the Methodist Memorial church will hold an all day meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. M. V. Heiger, Lincoln way E., to sew for the Ked Cross. The women will take their luncheons and remain until 5 o'clock. Members of the Shimron P.lble class will hold a meeting Friday at the sam place. CIIICIJ: AITMIIS FOlt CIIARTEIt The Good Will circle of the First Christian church has applied for a charter as an auxiliary to the Red Cross society. Miss Mina Sill has been elected president. Muss Tlcm Hawkins, secretary, and Miss Marl Hryan. treasurer. The circle will" meet every Friday evening: to sew for the f iety at the home of Mrs. Titus, 8 . Lincoln way E. msTPoxn MKrmxf;. The regular business meeting of the Tri Kappa sorority, which was scheduled to be held Tuesday even ing, has been postponed until Dec. 4 at which time it will he held at the home of Miss Nina Moon, 122 E. Eighth st. LOYAL WOMITN-S CLASS MEITT. A meeting of the Loyal "Womens class of the First Christian church will bo held at the home of Mrs. Comer, Marion and Main sts., Tues day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. State! meeting Mishawaka chap ter. No. 267, O. E. S., Tuesday even ing. Advt MISHAWAKA WAOT ADS- WANTED Young man. IS to 20 years old, for store and stock room work. Apply manager Trick's lCc store. tf WANTED Wood choppers. Major Eros. Packing. Co. 25t3 FOR SALE Good restaurant for cash. This is no fake. Apply at North Side restaurant. 23tf FOR SALE Hard coal burner. kitchen range, kitchen cabinet, in Tirst-ciass condition. New Vernis Martin bed. 523 W. Battell. WANTED Messenger boy. Inquire Rapid Tarcel Delivery. Both phones. tf. FOR SALE 40 bushels dry onions. Call Home phone 3t2. YOUNG MISHAWAKA GIRL WRITES POEM The following poem was written by Mis.s Dorothy Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Young of Park av. Miss Young is only 14 years old and the verses are crditable for cne of her age. TIm Mournful Ditty of John All rxKly. One chilly morning in his bed, John Anybody tossed. For he was nearly freezing while All outside was frost. "My dear," he said unto hi.s wife. "I think 111 h x the tire." "Oh, no, you won't, we're savin? coal!" She did respond with ire. And so in rooms as chill as ice, To rise he was compelled. Hut hurried down to breakfast fast. For beefsteak he had smelled. Put, Oh, alas! when he got down, He found 'twas meatless day. The smell he'd smelled came from next door. Oh, my! what he did say! And on the way to business. A cigar he thought he'd get. But what! A new tax on cigars? Tlie man said, "Why, you bet'." "Oh, please, sir, won't you buy a tag?" Again that same refrain. Of course he bought one but, dear me. It made him lose his train. And when at ist he got to town. He to his office went. And there amongst his papers He a busy morning .pent. At noon he found to his dismay. That he could not go home. For he was far too busy, so He thought he'd telephone. When he'd hung the receiver up. And given the man his pay, "That's five cents extra." he was told. "The war tax starts today." After a long and busy day. Unto his club he went. Even here he must pay extra dues. His money was 'most spent. A letter now he hal to post, His stamp was for two cents. And when they said he must ray three. He muttered, "What expense.' In deep disgust he caught a train. For home he started out, "These taxes are the limit," lie felt like shouting out. What was the matter with his house. For not a single light Showed in the windows and I'm sure He was not late that night. "Whateyer's happened?" he did call. The wife had gone to bed. And all was quiet "Why, don't you know, We're saving light." she said. And so hungry and sad, upstairs Tie wandered, then perforce,' Vor he'd no supper had, but then Tt was the easiest course. xoTiei:: All Interested will take notice that the sale of the personal prop erty belonging to the late Minnie Miller that was to take place Thurs day, Nov. 22nd at 9 o'clock a. m.. will take place Tuesday, Nov. 27th at 9 o'clock a. n. at 213 S. Main st., Mishawaka. Ind. George Vinson, executor. 117 N. Main st.. Misha waka. Adv. no.MiD or works mi;i:t. At the regular meeting of the board of public works held Monday morning a resolution was passed ac cepting the final estimate on the State st. sewer improvement, the to tal cost of which will be $2.030.88. Dec. 17 was set for the hearing of special benefits on street improve ments. Hearing was granted on condemnation resolution No. 20 for the opening of Short st., over the ; New York Central x ight-of-way. i FINED FOH VAGRANCY. Peter Urbank, W. Iawrenee st.. was arrested for vagrancy and was fined $50 and costs and sentenced to 30 days at the penal farm in the city court Monday morning. He pleaded not guilty to the charge. MIAMI CLVIl DANCE. The first of a series of three danc ing parties will be given by tho Miami Country club Tuesday evening from 8:30 until 11: CO. Messicks or chestra will furnish the music. LEAGUE TO MEET. Members of the Christian Stew ardship league of the First Metho dist church will meet this evening at the home of Dr. W. R. Christoph el, W. Third st. Banish Gray Hair! Don't look old and pray don't fall behind in Life's procession. Brin back a natural, even color to your hair in a perfectly healthful, simple way by using guaranteed Q ban Hair Color Restorer. ! You ought to have beautiful hair; j dark, lustrous and silky. Q-ban is I all ready to use money back if not satisfied. Sold by Wettick s Origi nal Cut Rate Drug Co. and all good I drug stores. 75c per Urge bottle. Try Q-ban Hair Tonic; Liquid Shampoo; Soap. Also Q-ban De pilatory. Adv. Hair Color Restorer Reserve 1 if--- r :"' ; - ' ; & . . ' : i -' --' F: v. " ' ; ' w-1 '.". irw.xy... ; " '. . . i i . z - 4 Some of the boys In training at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind., "going over the top," a part of the train ing to which they are subjected before being sent to France. SOLDIERS PRAISE "THE HOGANS" WORK Innoc McKinley of the quarter masters' corps, now stationed at Madison barracks, Watertown, N. Y., who is here on a furlough visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. McKinley, 122 W. Broadway, speaks in high terms of "The Hogans' " club of this city. lie states that he has been in the service now for the past five weeks and as the boys will not receive any pay until Dec. 13, they greatly appreciate the cigars, cigarets, tobacco, magazines, candy, stamps and other articles which the local members of the club are send ing to their members in the service. Godfred Klaer, now stationed at Fort Thomas, Ky., has also written The News-Times and pays a high j tribute to "The Hopans" for their i kindness in supplying their soldier! meinherf. with various comforts. He ! says that by their kind remember ances "they make us feel good, even if payday Is a long ways off." "The Hogans" were organized in August, and the aim of the club is to bring cheer to the boys in khaki. Since that date. 2 3 of their members have joined the various branches of the service and are now stationed in the different cantonments in the United States. CIVIL WAR VETERAN SUCCUMBS TO ILLNESS William Ixvell, Ciil war veteran, died early Monday morning at the home of his daughter on the S. Union st. road, after an illness of three months of complications. He leaves besides his daughter, Mr:j. Fred H. Hawkins, three sons, Ar lington V., of Mishawaka, Arthur C, of South Pend, and Chester A., of Newark, N. J. The deceased was born in Ohio, Dec. 4, 1S4C, and was nearly 74 years old. He has lived in this vicinity for over 4 0 years, coming here from Cleveland. On Nov. 4, 1866. he was united in marriage to ltebecca" Watkins, who died in 1SSH. He was a member of the 14th Ohio battery, light artillery, and was wounded in the battle of Shiloh. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. ST. BAVO'S FAIR TO OPEN THIS EVENING The annual fair In c onnection with St. Bavo's Catholic church open to niyht and will continue throughout the week until Saturday night, inclu sive. All arrangements have been completed in connection with the event, which promise to be one of the most successful ever held in the parish. Nearly 2,000 fowls, including tur keys, geese, ducks and chickens, will THEATER U VI Announcement. Bii: Productions Everv Day Thanksgiving Week. TODAY CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG Screen Star Supreme, in "THE BADGE OF SHAME" TUESDAY Triangle Drama BESSIE LOVE in "WEE LADY BETTY" WEDNESDAY "THE MARRIAGE MARKET" With Carlvle Blackwell and June Elvklge. Thursday Thanksgiving Day Continuous from 1 to 11 p. m. WILLIAM S. HART The Screens Mos,t Popular Star, "THE ARYAN" r TT TT 1 1 N C OLM Officers Learning Art ... be disposed of during the fair, while I the l.iriles of thp rnni'rocjtlnn -!lf? the ladies of the congregation will J be in charge of several stalls devoted to the f;ale of fancy work of all kinds as well as practical every day gar ments. Refreshments will be served every night. WOMAN'S CLASS TO MLT7T. The Woman's class of the First Christian church will meet Thurs day afternoon at tho home of Mrs. W. Comer, N. Main st. All members are urged to be present. iL. IE. The wonderful actress, in the ft M W. The scene of this absorbing photo-drama is placed on the Island of Corsica. Southern loe and southern hate. Also MR. AND Mltf. SIDNEY DREY in Till; PATItlOT,'' comedy. Here Tomorrow Big Production Day. Plea.1;', bo seated when the show starts. 1'nder the head ing of "Big Production Day" at The Temple we are presenting the greatest and the pick of all big feature productions features of proven success and merit. Wm. Fox presents that sterling actor, Dustin Farnum in 'The Spy" in 7 acts. A sensation. A timely American drama, exposing the operation of foreign enemy e ret police. How the Kaiser operates and secures information. Attend tho matinee. TIMF 2:15, 1:00, 7:00, 8:15. MATINEE 1 -o. NIGHT 20v. CHILDREN Uh 7 li . : : J Good Will Day ' FEDERATION OCIAL A TUESP Show Your Thankfulness by Making This Gift to South Bend's Twelve Charitable Organizations Epworth Hospital, St. Joseph Hospital, Associated Charities, Visiting Nurse Asso., Children's Dispensary, Florence Crittcnton Circle, Or phans' Home, Humane Society, Anti-Tuberculosis League, V. W. C. A., Salvation Army, Circle of Mercy Day Nursery. Make a Thankful Gift. Do Your Super-Bit to Raise This 44,000 Dollar Good Will Day L --ir - .j.r of War r i . . v Ii! ClXLHUATi: SlLVHIt WLDDINC . . . ur. anu -Mrs. jienry iang, comer of laurel and Fourth sts., entertained- in honor of their silver wed ding anniversarj Sunday. Luncheon was served at noon and dinner at six o'clock. Cards were the feature, "5 participating in the games. The decorations were chrysanthemums roses. Mr. and Mrs. Lang received many silver gifts. North Side club masquerade dance. Winey's hall. Thanksgiving eve. Advt. TEMPLE TODAY F ET RO V A Metro wonderplay of love and vengeance, Do Your Duty Make Your Contribution to Generous One jxl Lü1i You Will Be Seen Don't Forget Tuesday, Nov. 27 at Tin: Tim.ii The versatility of Mrrje. Fetrnva. :evcre'v taxed in th f.e-art Metro wonderidav "To th Iath." dir ed by Purton L. King, to he nn at the Tiiiirl thejjr today. To morrow Inj-t;n Farnum In "Th Spy" will be shown. This rirfiT shows how the Vl?r ore-raten and secures information inflde e-rrt. There are 10,000 foreign enemv secrrt police lurking" and srheming in the Cnited states. ixii ii i.nwi: iiosprTxu Mrs. F.. i:rar.t. South Ind, Mr. Shreiner. lllkhart and Miss Wrs Wambach and Mr.-. Charles Kontx f 'Ti-ii.1. ,iki. have bf-eti dirhnrret from ht. Joseph's hospital. ro in xi vi :n AiMUir-ss. Pov. P. Karle Parker left ihn morning for Cherubusco, Ind.. where he will deliver the dedica tory address at th opening r,f tb- new Methodirt chureh there. MI SUA WAKA PULS) N A I Ä Mrs. W. Holtzman, Ietroit. Mirh is a guet of her sister, Mrv V. O. Kipley. Ed gc watrr dr. Im. M. William of the . k S. North Dakota, has arrive! here to spend a 10 days furlough as the guest of his Mcte.. Mrs George Horn ung. W. Fourth William en listed in the nan- in lecem!r, 191. Mr. and Mrs Walter Klein, er tertaJned Miw Genevieve Gleion and Philip Pehler at ;t seven o'cloO; dinner Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Würz and daughter h.v changed their resi dence from Towle av.. to SPS Uncolr Way W. George Hurnett of the Iurdue uni versity i? .Hubrtitutlng at ths lllh school, in the place vacated by th resignation of Ira Turley Instraetor of mathematics. Miss Catherine Wet-man PnC Sunday with relatives in TAporte. Mrs. Edward O. powmaler of nea Gonstantine, Mich., spent Sunder with friends here. Everett Mason ha gon to Gary, where he has taken a porltion. Don't say you saw It In the newspaper. Say News-Time n i, the Good WW Day FOR. MVIC MY 27 udset Good Will Day N