Newspaper Page Text
IHt, SUU1H BLIND NEWS-TIMES Tuesday lrvirvrsG, novkmriik um. ! V i I 1 ' South Bend Men Awarded Commissions Tuesday 1 - s ... 'r-.V,. - C ' l : 1 x i ( A jiANnii, s. 1 ekrias. 1st Lieut., I ei r. X. A. .. j iti:i)i;i:i( K clyde iiaeski:. W Lieut. Inf. o. II. c. r v r " i ) v k 'il , T. '. - ft i:m ii: l. potter. it Lieut., I nr., o. it. 1:. rii hm:s x. stedmax. Ut Lieut., Inf., ). It. C. i ' Y t ........ .... j . i X ' . V . . . , 'V ,t. .yzr j . . - - : . "!. r r .. . , v - V:- I - - : -:.- .;-:;:.-'-;--:v-:-::.: i ., ' i:nm i;r pai l .ai ikai.i. -ml Mout., 1'. A., o. 1;. r. nr;ii v. ma icki:ii. I'lid Unit., S., Ü. 11. C. j r r i 11 :'5 1 j 1 1v 4 oris s. 1:0 mini:. C;ip;iin. Inf., . K. k .11 :vi:i.i. a. i,on(;li;v, -ml Moni.. Inf. O. II. Partial List of Successful Candidates For Commissions rin i Al-!M-tt. Ut l.i-ut.. W. Kriu-t II. Il.u'.n. I.icut.. In- J,.if:tUr, Ii: !. i:.üta ti!is. Frank l Al'v'!. ('apt.. CJ.-i-.o::. Kv!i:it.tli l. l.,izvv. L.ifut., Jiai. l!!'ii:uiai'(.li--. Uort l-a l I. At lv I.ituit.. Haraill V. Ha.c. r. I'u.l IJeut.. '. rt l'.ul. Tvrrv Haut.-. IVrdir.aiui A'!.Ua. l?t l.i.-';t.. v.M- John II. r.aker. i'nvl Lieut.. Indi- ;i:;;ito!is, Ind. anipo'.is. Io.i V. .i!.ir.i":i. '-t Avvi., Ka!; h V. liah s. 1st Limt.. Win- .!fonh fh-t' r. man C. A'Jau.s, Cart.. Mn'ords- Walter 1. Uuton. L'nd Lieut., Aiilf. Kvaü!-'. Ja:n i. Ahern. 1st Lit ;:t.. Iiali- linn y L. i:a!:. 1st Lkut.. Hun- :i!.a;ol;s. ln. tiiuton. John II. Air. L-t I. -:t .. Mund". Ihs t ii '.. 15a h. , :t., patrick- t 'arl C A ml one Jnl I.jut . lnli- l:aytn'!i.l A. Ha!!t 2nd Lieut., a:'.:ii".!is Lit!. h.!'.:i. Ha-.s.-n H. Arid t It Liout.. Jo ;h K. harolay. Ca;t.. FUooni- ..l5,!. ir.?rt..u. Maik !: M h v -.Tal Li -;t.. Iilü- Arthur i r.arr.fs. a; t.. l,i,1o-:i. aiaij.f.hs. Wil'-u- . n-ihtuM. 1st Lieut., Arthur P. Avn.-M. .'lal Lioat., L.u k U:. T m- Haatf. I'la al A. V hi r. :r,J Lioat.. Walter P. Ar' '.:.!, jri-l Lieut.. Du- Anderson. P.' :s. iluy J. la hows. :-:.d Li- at.. Llk- Liia- '. Atki:-s. 1st Li .' , p.a.liaii- hart. 1.5.0;;. Alfltd 1!. P.u;::nan. l.-t IJout.. Harold K. 1 ia . id ; lsr Liv.;!., Pt-r'J. ..'.;.-. I r. d PilderL'Ot. k. :n.l Lieut.. W. John J. Pacinian. 'apt , Aurora. Lafnyctt. Luuis A. P.a."n. l.-t Lit. at.. Indi- Li inster Linham.' 1st Lieut., I n - unajvoliiJ. diananulis. .7. II. JOXI1S, JR. Jnd Lieut., Inf. O. K. C. j - x v . " .? V i 41 ,v i.:" ,.: .L " ; 1 . ;-. - i - - A 1 f;'.-- .?rv .... ?. j - x jinnee. Herbert M. Cotton. 2nd Lieut., Kichmon J. Ilus.sell C. Creviston, 1st Lii.t., Marion. J Harry E. Crojs. lt Lieut., .ndi- c n a i ,. Lawrence K. Cullen, lt Lieut., Hartford City. Edpar Curry, lt Lieut.. Bloom ington. Joseph J. Daniels. 1st Lieut.. In dianapolis. Iiuel E. Davenport. 1st Lieut., Anderson. Paul H. Davies, Capt., Munrie. Alfred B. Davis. 2nd IJeut., Evansville. James E. Davis, l.-t Lieut.. Vin cennes. Jes.e V. Davis-. 2nd Lieut., Dale ville. Miller Davis. 1st Lieut., Terre Haute. Roves X. Davis, 2nd Lieut., Deck er. Altie J. Darfus. 2nd Lieut.. Indi anapolis. Elmer H. Decker, 2nd Lieut., In dianapolis. George II. Demority. 2nd Lieut., El wood. Allen Iterrickson, 1st Iieut.. Mun cie. Guyworth Dickey, 2nd Lieut., Shelhy. John H. Disss, 'Jnd IJeut.. Mar ion. ?Iarry A. Diaper, 1st Lieut., Micli igan City. Arthur M. Dinsmor. 2nd Lieut., Culver. Joseph O. Donahoe, 1st y?ut.. Moreland. Joseph W. Drj bread. 2nd Lieut., Edinburr. John M. C. Duncan, 2nd Lieut., Greencastle. Frank H. Dunn, 2nd Lieut., No blesville. Ealph M. Dunn. 2nd Lieut., Me daryville. John T., jr.. Dye, 2nd Lieut. No blesville. f)scar Dye, 1st Lieut., Indianap olis. iSherman W. leaser. 2nd Ueut., Linton. Murray H. Eckman. 2nd Ueut., Indianapolis. Chester II. Edwards, 1st Lieut., Modoc. Claude J. Edwards, 1st Lieut., Jeffersonville. Joseph C. Edwards, Capt., Indi anapolis. Arthur Tt. Eldridqe, 2nd Lieut., Indianapolis. Dale E. Aller, 2nd Lieut.. Indi anapolis. Joseph I. Eller, 2nd Ueut., Fish er. Robert O. Feaean?. 2nd Lieut., Washington. Arthur S. Ferguson. 2nd Lieut., William. Walter J. Fishrring. 1st Lieut., Fort Wayne. Thomas A. Fisherty. 1st Lieut., Indianapolis. Jesse I Fausset. 2nd Lieut., Sher idan. Ernest W. Foree. 2nd Lieut.. Loo-irootee. Frti Robert E. Francis, 2nd Lieut.. nkfort. Samuel Freeman, 2nd Lieut., In dianapolis. Charles R. Frye, 2nd lieut-, Mar ion. Claude D. Funk, 2nd Ueut , Trlnceton. Harold Fuseleman. 1st Lieut., Martinsville. Homer A. Ganonpr. 2nd Ueut., Brazil. Everett U Gardner, Capt., Monti cello. Robert J. Gaskill, 2nd Ueut., Fort Wayne. Henry C. Gemmill. 2nd Capt., Greenfield. Russell W. Geyer, 2nd Lieut., North Liberty. Carl B. Gibson, 2nd Lieut, Lo gansport. Roy M. Gideon, 1st Lieut.. Michi gan City. Donald F. Gilbert. 2nd Ueut.. Pleasant Lake. Udysis G. Gish, 2nd Ueut., W. La- fayctte. David A. Glascock. Cravvfordsville. Don M. Gleason. 1st Lieut.. I.o- gansport. Daniel C. Goble, 2nd Lieut.. Can nelton. Jhn C Good. 2nd Lieut.. Indi anapolis. Georpe P. Carlen. 2nd Ueut., Madison. Lloyd W. Garden. 1st Lieut., Sheridan. Uiwis E. Grammer. 2nd Lieut., Terre Haute. Shfd- 1st Lieut., George R Danville. Chcslelsh Gray. 1st Lieu burn. Giles W. Gray, 2nd Lieut.. Greens bure George ?. Green, Capt., Indianap olis. John C. Green. It Liut.. Fort Wayne. Roy L. Gren. 2nd Lieut., Indi anapolis. Neal Grider. 2nd Lieut., Indianap olis. Calvin C. Grime. 2nd Lieut. Ethel. Alfred W. Gross. 1st Lieut.. Fort Wayne. John M. Gnyer. Capt.. Port Wayne. C. J. Ha nicy. 1st Ueut.. Rensse laer. Humphrey Harrington. 2nd Lieut., Inc! ianapolis. James A. Harris. 1st Lieut., Indi anapolis. Samuel M. Harris. 2nd Ueut.. El lettsville. Christian H. Harthe. 1st Lieut., Iluntincrton. Harvey. 2nd Lieut., Harry C. Harvey. 2n-J Li-ut .. Mar ion. Robert B. Harvey. 2ml Lieut., Hartford City. John M. Hackler. 1st Li-ut.. Cul ver. Walter C. Eadley. Is' Lieut.. Dan ville. Raymond R. Haffnr. 1st Lieut., Portland. Chester D. Haisley. 2nd Lieut., Richmond. rid- N. Hale. 1st Lut.. Indiana polis. Alvin Hall. 1st Lieut.. Danil. C,.-orp m Hamilton. 2nd Uvjt, Franklin. F'aul J. Hawkir.. in U"it.. In dianapolis. Georrro W. Hay. 1st Unt , Con vers. John ". Hayei. 2nd Ut:V, Mount Summit. Parke G. Hayn"?. 2nd Ueut.. In dl.mapclis. Charles HcdpewaM. 2nd Ueut., New Albany. Gortre Heidenreich. 2nd Lieut., Indianapolis. Bruce C. Heir.m. 2nd Lieut.. Evansville. Max W. Kinney. 2nd Ueut.. Go shen. Austin E. Herren, 2nd Lieut-, Crawfordville. Esmond Hersberper. 2nd Ueut , Anderson. Paxton Hibben, 1st Uvjt.. Indi anapolis. Harry M. Hire. 2nd Ueut.; Indianapolis. Charles Hill. 2nd Ueut., W- E bash. I.iae X. Hill. 2nd Lieut., Cra fordsville. Ward C. Hoover. 1st Uiut Go shrn. Frederick f. Htsier, 1st Ueut.. Cambridge City. Eiden W. Houck. 2nd LieuL, In dianapolis. (CONTINVr.n OX PAGE 14.) AKTHl'K It. MacDOXAXD. 1st Lieut., Inf. O. IL C. , 4; - :: ( lr " ' 1 IIENUY 3L THOMAS. 2nd Lieut., Ass., O. IL C. Richard E. Bishop, 1st Lieut. Wal ton. Glenn Blackburn, 1st Ueut., W. Uifayette. Howard B. Book, 2nd Lieut., Co lumbus. Guy W. Bottorif, 1st Lieut., New Alban'. Charles K. Bowser, 1st Lieut., Go shen. Roy X. Brackney, 2nd Lieut., Greencastle. Harlo M. Brammer, 1st Lieut., Mt. Summit. Ralph H. Dray, 2nd Lieut., Mon rovia. Albert 1. Brcnnan. 1st Lieut.. In dia napolis. Fred R. Brooks, 2nd Lieut., Lee- irootoe. Erwin B. Brown, 1st Lieut., Me daryville. Frank J. Brown, 2nd Lieut., Fort Wayne. Ora L. Brown, 1st Lieut., Thorn town. Robert A. Brown. 1st Ueut., West point. Roy I. Buckley, 1st Lieut., Bloomincton. John M. rJuntinc. 2nd Lieut., Wheatlano. ("laud C. Birch, 2nd Ueut., Peter-buiK- Vietor E. Burkle. 2nd Lieut., Ia fayette. Eros D. Burton. 2nd Lieut.. Mit chell. Fred E. Bury, Maj.. Marion. Lee S. Busch. 1st Lieut., Indianap olis. Jesse W. Callhoon, 2nd Lieut., Wabash. Glenn W. Cablin. 2nd Ucut.. Van Buren. Henry R. Campbell. 2nd Lieut., Indianapolis. Xoah Campbell. 2nd Lieut., Boon ville. James F. Cantwell. 2nd Ueut., Indianapolis. Robert B. Carr, 2nd Lieut., Bush ville. Goi.rce C. Carroll, 1st Ueut., Gar rett. Ray D. Casey. 2nd Lieut., Terre Haute. Oscar C. Catterlin. 1st Lieut.. Frankfort. Henry U Chesiok. 1st Lieut.. New castle. I indley H. Clark. 2nd Lieut.. Car thage. Pierce T. Coapstiek. 2nd Lieut.. Frankfort. Chester F. Coloman. 1st Lieut., Lynn. Thomas C. Conlaton, 1st Lieut.. Frankfort. Berry W. Ccotgt. Capt.. Green field. Claude II. Coppes, 1st Lieut., Xap- our "U" Ififfl e Ellsworth's Can Help Yon On The Morris i II am of You can buy Ellsworth's high class goods, such as furniture, rugs, carpets, bedding, Columbia Grafonolas and Spinet Musicians on the easy payment plan. The Morris Bank Plan of Pay ments can easily be arranged. Come in and let us explain it. The Cost Musician The Spinet Mil- sician plays Colum bia, "V ictor, Edison or any other record and plays them perfectly. This in strument is built like a violin the older it 'ets the sweeter the tone. And just like a violin the tone is soft and de lightful. You can buy this machine on the Morris Plan of Easy Payments. Only $125 M WtW -p J ; ' W ' m 'i it j ' Built Like a Violin 1 at Ellsworth's on TP y r aymemfts Can be Used as a Library Table or Writing Desk or Phonograph The Colombia Graf onolas 'frffff I At Ellsworth's on Payments We have the famous Columbia Graf onolas in all styles, from $18 to SI 25. We can arrange for you a plan of easy pay ments. With a cash payment from SI to S4 will place one of these Columbia Graf onolas in your home. Columbia Double-Disc Records We have a very complete stock of Co lumbia double disc-Records. Any music you may care to hear can be had In these records. Come hear them in our sound proof music room. 3rpl I ?ynri AHffM it I I 1 k. 1 F V r 1 We have the reputation of selling high class furniture at dry goods store prices. And now you have the oppor tunity to buy this high class furniture on easy payments the Morris Bank Plan of Payments. We can furnish the home compleie with furniture. Buy high class goods at low prices on easy payments at Ellsworth's. ii o tithe Jra rns Joan Plan of Payments You can now buy the tinest rugs and carpets made on easy payments. We sell the famous Whittall Rugs 's poud u dn o; sSnu vnm ?m 'at:a ?q; Aq put; Wre can arrange easy payments for you through the Morris Bank Plan of Payments. This also includes linoleum, window shades and lamps of all kinds. m7t1B BtUGMTCCT SPOT tH s