Newspaper Page Text
xTnAr rrrnxTxn, xornMnnn :t. mir. ' 15 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Get a Position Get Help Barter and Exchange BUY SELL RENT If your name appeara in either telephone directory you may telephone your want ads to The N'ewn-Tlmes and t bill will be mailed after its Insertion. WANT ADS Home phone 1 131 ; Bell phone 2100. A5lc for (he "Want Ad" man. int. auuiri öluyli ncvvo-iiMta LOr ,Mi I OLM. I. "ST A ;.. k. t!.fH,k in t Audi-t'-ri'i:;. Monday aft. m-.-.n. 1 J' -' ' T- A pur- i.i.t;- ! f ll a nd 1 ! . t:.- !..!.!.. uii ..Ltibt. lii.-l-.-.- .ii,.; r.-t ! r u;ir.l. 1 ' i 1 -1 l.t'l . to :f.-r. rci. ad two i . ..1. ;g t..--l rf:jii"J i k. lr .N i:tv. .-.( ii.'- l K;;t .u :t.. I'"'-' W. 1 iiHiii.m. J m i i . i - .M N nt i'l.-'ii-- l .10 II-. (,-.. i . .-j I.' ,v I Late .M- iil.iv v.-n i i-.m. r iii'i'f. iC.uai.i if r T - i : i. 1 t . i.M-.ji.iry 'w. l'i J I. ST I..i.! s i.!.,. k leather band pur. ;t.'i i . . : i v .ni Iam r;. k-t ! :- an cu-t- Mainm-nf ":jf e !i;-!i !.-.., I f.,r 1 ' r 1 -Im. I '. liti :.r- :i,..i).-v by turning p... :v. t k. i.tU u s. j Ik'.ni Ik' :, ) 1.ost--wü; ;.., -I. '17 !.m..,1. r,.-,t at I.ikl.iJt i.sf Sunday i'.:!.t li' us uk"l Imi.c K,in.- Far. Us. Mii- tv aku. In 1. JjJ LST A i .ti t -!j ..nt-iiiiiii UÖ pounds Kikhg I'-.u.;r I t w i j N u W K. K .i!i i 1 ' r 1 1 i Indian i aii'i lu;l-r st. Name on t.-.. A. 1'oA.Il. 1 i.ii'-r i. ill 11. P.,o. or E. lib Reward. I'H.jj 1:7 1 l Nl An a lit one ! tire als- rim iU'1 tu'-c A-i. t- I. .1. :tr;l..-iis it . .Irt!t-i N.n. fiw n-r :.n --t tin; ;!!... .y j.ri.v:ii lii-i iTip'.rty an-l piy iii' f-T tins ii'!. l'.:;70-k"i Mil AT ION w an r i;i mam:. Mil'ATHlN WAN ! Iii - i:.v Ain-ricun i.iiu iiii-1 ml.-, u.intt-l -in jtl i y lueut ut '-1ji- t-lai v. ".!!1 at 4-' 'I.ivli.r St. Jl ALK 111:1.1' HAMM. W A N T I : I tmrrrn -! p.-r hour. Ap ply ilat. h ...;it i'ii,' l o . or National Stan. lal.,1 Co.. Nil.-.. .Mi. li. 1".",'M 'A.Ti;i i(Ti..' Loy. C,n. ii, rtuuity ''r hri'lit. inttll-t nt u !m. is wiilln' t.. work, i niK.rtou r.-:t Har.l l.ui.i'." r o. 1 "! 1 -J7 WANTIJi ai j. rit-T work to Io; j:omI wrk; r' i-n i Ll.- j.ric. A. S. 11.. I'.ox i:-l-0 t.r l;. ll j.-,7i,. JiM"7-J ANI!;I Mirri-.l man to nork n a ft'" k farm; must !. ;i ....1 tnilk.-r. Al-Ii- i'.o i'-Ut), N.-u - 1 um--,. lUJt-i VA.Ti:i V 1 rhiij.p.-rs. Maj r l'.ro.s.' l'a' kiiii; t'o , aka. -Z-l'.l U ANTi:ii- (in,, all aroiunl m.t liinht ; -tiMil Uiakrrs aiitl 1 inak-r; 1 mill wiilit j. a-toiu.-.l to i li t -i I i i ii 1 1 1 ;i -thuit-ry. Nt'iif Imt lii;'.i jjrail ; mni in .1 a; ply. r..-t .iB'ci laiJ. Miles InvisiLile l'i-'ir t'Li' k o. 1 ( i 4 : ; -1 f AN INTl-M.I.HJh.NT l'i;i:()N uiaj earn ilVJ ui nttily corrt'.sji.iri'! in; for n-w --!.. .-rrj; to i" lLont ily la ar i!n"; c x iH'i-'.t-ucp unn c t s y ; zio tau niji''. ts su 'rsttd ; fceml for titiu:n. National iTo Lureau. i; im r.urr.iio, n. y. tf U AN'l I.l Mi n an I youij jni-ii to ap jo i ate a l.ij; i' in overc oats. v; n.plf i:io.l.-lk n aly-to-ar j$ir.r, oi i!i t $S. at laiiur K tab's hturi-. l.'l .. Mi- big in St. -k'7 AOllMTS VANTM. Ai;i:.lS VANTi:i to s.-ll!u-rn .towh nuixry to.k. tloo.I ;., ti!v u.-.-k witli palt j'iss.'. i :!' t'trit'-ry. .uj.p'i.-s fn... Tli Slawk.- Nnr.-iy Co., W anw at Wm. In l'.l- JS .i!':TS -i!n l'irp in stoves front ..ll oil: c-l:tsi'.T tl.all; .i;;nits' l.o- n.ii-..i Lil'iTty Uuriit-r ('-., ' 1 u 1 i 1 1 t : . '!m .. ii'iio-n 1 KM A L. ULLI- UANTK1. N'. AN l'i:! i:.i-ri..-n --'l 1 o;.i iator !or I ii! i"t t -1 i-a.-r billing in. i. hin', .'iiist ii ii'brst.' ii. I o;.t.i t ion of mithin t .:;; ! 1 1 . I'-ri:iaio-nf I'-.iti "ii. ;rnl s.. la i.v. at.ti o;'i 'rt'init y for a'l aii't-i.n-nt.'.itf '.oh n Mili.'oit'. 1 II If V- AN TIM 1 1 -1 x f-'T wrapping ir 1" :i li 1 ii l: i ln' U-i .Mu-t ! pin k . I,! . ; - m i : i T . .!-"'H In i;i'- .i, t.-r J ! ll.ui.m at tl,.- I '.i to 11 a. in .no! t Ö p. Ill t'lins. I- Sa .V '. IN'-".) W A I 1 : ! .i. - ti.-r.. j.ou.-r tii.i - i l.ii inn -r. 1 I..- l.aiu'i sliii t C".. I. ;s ,,!, Mi. I H .i'-.i:;!:-- As. I'.i-.'io A1. A N I I'A Compoi at ciit f.r -work : no iiii'.n,'. lol i : I I A- 11.-lt'J. loHO -1 an lNi i:i.lh;i:nt rKKMir nnj f ii o'lthlr a rr'spniii.rig for nvr' r v j o i ; i-io to ÖD monthly in spare tlnip; -piperiencp Luneirssary; do can ti.s;.nwr: utj -t.i s u u s t ; sonJ for ps-ft: ii' fo NntU.iirti l'Tvs lSurt-au. ii. riiTd. n. y. tf l'i'KONALS. ri:i:soN'AL Nn't it about 1 1 nit to r. p.jti-M that l . I Mi. bin.- vif!i i I..-W Whit.1'.' I no' in an I b-t m. sa w Mi tl.f ;nlv:iiit.u-i-i. ';in"t aH. i.l it'.' ;.i'. j..t v"-k i:it ::!J.-lt nti-l s1 ' 1. it you voll hi Klin- to .")"-tf 1 Alfi:S- lp.iI.'ptMitb rit. l.t-.irn hair tl ri-i;ir. l-tMiity 'i!tur. K I r ; . 1 v . 1'. sition f aitiJiiC. tb '..i 'rit M- b-r Cr.'i.r. I"." S 1 -.Uli .. '!.:.a'o. liO-.-l 1 DISliNAL flow msnj mm who b.ive itoi.l n::i hin11 In S"'it!i Ibm! !.;ie t.Votl tiU tliti Jol to keep tliClU ill it- i .ir .' I li i ve I n hr 17 yerirs tt:ii a::i -n the J j' evt-ry Tay. Ask yuur l.iT.ila abtut llaTirntot, k. tlv 'White' l::in. -f BARON BEAN I I . . I 1 I'KIl-ONAL-i. r.i? hui l.tln' aii'l pnV cast-off dctMi'.ff. li W. Culfax. Hell phone tf IlarA jou nny cI1 rmpotii? Will mak yon Rooii r;)g!t or n. n f-nn furnlnh. firm rT.fa per pounil. A. Vojfhy liuff Co.. I piion'? HI. 110 i;. Colfax At. Home phjr.e :M I. tf t. siii:arki!. f i i:kiial i;i'1iolsti:i:ino Iupalrin'. 1 riiii.shictf an-1 Caninr. a." "o ni-iiolstf r iriK-. f-abint-t work rf all k.'n'H. iliboert Ct. I'ulk St. Home IT 13. tf WAMElt TO It KMT. W ANTKI I'.v two business jzirls, two ht-ati 1 rooii s, furnisht-'l or unfurnish f5 '.ill Iloiu.' phone 477!. IT'M'S U AN Ikl 1 arm to rrnt; W) or 1W acre.s. Andrew Madoskl. 420 iSo. Carll.l ' St ÜI1RL IHULI". tih: Thomas srimoL lici:msi:i I.MI'hOV;.T A;i;.CV. Amorbau Trust 1. I 1 . Is in its -i-hth su i essful yi-ir. We tan i.lait you in a ii rst-la.s position, ami will .nly rliiirp- you a sm, ill,-. n f t e one mi in tli after you a -ept portion. i'h.ri; .m i; AITLICATIUM" It b us. ;it orn-e. Strnorajiliers. typists. di -taphontsts. l'ookWeepT. -rlit. cost elerks, atltiiu ma iiine Operator, general offi'.-e people. ..!, I'm i lerks. etc. ALL l;rs!Ni:s.S I IU.MS are Invitei to avail tlienisel ves of our fret servite. when In need of of! iff assistants. Our l'ublie Work I'ept. makes best rates for eneb pt sidtlreo-inu". tilling in. multl-i-'r.ipli letters. We sell tyj.ewriter rib boi's and i;ii'briii japer. F.ell ".;, Home jjin. 10I3G-3 MA.MKS OL' Ol (HIT TO KNOW. HI! I NO Yorii AUTtl.MATIC SOFT WA TLK LIFTS tt me to be repaired if you want them put in A-l fadory condition. Work Kuaranteetl ; also plumbing of all Harvey L. Hager. N. Scott sL Home phone lOtki, Hell I7ü.'. uT Why leave your -ar on the street when we can part It for l. cents. A plate for your tar In our building; get your tar and return It any time, l'er month, X Fl! AM K I. LEHMAN V)c FEED BAUN llti Mill St. Hell CGU7. Home 1T13 tf DO VOL KNOW THAT I. Armstron-. 122 K. CoUax. Home phone Call him for all kinds of locksmith work, ruliber stauipi and fcteneüs. umbrellas, baby tabs, etc. tf ISTOKM satjh and storm doors made and Iut up ly is. Save coal. Millei Sash and Screen Factory, bit! I'ortage av. Home ph'ine I'tCJ. tf KODAK felTl'MES. THE AMERICAN DRUG CO.. 13.1 N. Main st.. is now handling a complete supply of Kodaks and Kod.k Supplies of every !ei ription. We will sell you anything ia the picture taking line and also de velop your IK ins quick. tf FIREFROOF FURNITURE STORAGE Woodwurth's Storage and Transfer Line. Olfice rear of Robertson Hotel. S. Wayne st tf not sEKi:i:ri sc kooms. For RENT Ligh t useleeping r)ins n first floor; do entrance; also sleeping room on . ..nd floor; modern conveniences. LT. - Uifavctte. G-iii 1 OR RENT At 00; I.-n..ln way E.. modern housekeeping rooms. lülMJ-tf FoR RENT Front room, also front unite, neatly furnisheti. not for light In us. -keeping. Comfortable, all modern et.n .-nieiic --s. l'riv.ite home. No chil ilnn. i:i-e!i-nt location. N. Michigan st. Home phone bp.i, F.eii lu.!7'.i-tf 11 KNISIIKI ROOMS FOK KENT. I'U R E NT --IMoa san t roont in modern home with all coin enicin c, at 222 S. W illi. mi st. l'7-29 FOR RENT Furnishct' rooms; team Leite 1 sloping room. L. W. E. tf 1 on Ki:XT Mcoly furnish, ,1 front Uy. i:i modern home. ö'i N. St. .!-.-p!i si. lobi.s-si For RENT-Ni,ely iiirnishetl frout room in privat family; strictly mod ern; te of both phones. II. H.V. V.. 4K't. llsö-2S For REN : To gentleman, beautiful, warm room in private, modern homo; in. Imjuire Reil lOHo-U Toll KENT -Modern f uritls!u 1 rooms. Ö1L' W. C...lfa Are. ltell :vi:f.. l(U-.1i-:7 l-TKMSHEh FOR RENT At 42d North Stu-lebakcr st. Latiics preferred. 10o 10-27 FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire at 42." So :,:i.ini St. F.ell .'-il loi.'VJ-l FOR RENT Furnished sYeplng room. Gentleman preferred- ÖOÖ So. Carroll. F.ell j. hon. ö.'7y louöd-tf FOR RENT Desirable rooms at 122 So. Main St.; suitable far office or store room; ground ilor. Apply Conservative Life Irs Co. 10155-tf FOR RENT Desirable steeping room In strict! modern privat- home. .-ue block south of high school. Fell ;rJ71. V91S-tf Read NEWS-TIMES Want Ads Am. GriueX Cheap 'Ptus-HArv 1 1 I LiCNIslIKO KOOMS FOR KEN'T. For. i:p.MT Ore pleeplnsr rwm la fctrlr-tlj modern lori:e. B'uitt part of city. l:efcren.e". Home phone S."V47. lCtll-tf llOl'SKS KOIt ItK'T. IOi: i:i:.'T Mno room bfiVk houw and barn; lare varl. lZnr, Franklin und 'ulvert. Iit'iuire Dudley Shively or ;-ori:' r.eltner. b-tf FOK IJKM'T Mint room honsp; nil mod ::fn exvept furrnire. 7oO Dlaln Ave.. Maine phone lök'l. toi: KKNT Modern 8even-room steam heated Hat. hot water, electricity and p.'s. White lirug .Store. Home phone 'iT. ltXlO-o FOR ItHXT. T li a Kr.iua nl '"It V ll,.KUn t Tkl. t,,.,, i... n . t t fo'r ',äVr ,0011 It Js' vl.. JUi ,'t lim I c .-1-7 Mill lillt smlI pfr niunth. I also have space for thre rars in the barn that I can rent for $.1 per month each. Call. 11. 1. S7, Kes. Dell .1st. 10172-tf j frurllnn. nl t- ..-Ill . Fill: TM'N'T i:iiht HUI! S. Main St. Call Homo Dhone Toll, or 2101 S. Michigan St. loli'M Foil II E N" T Modern house at 74S North CUhhlnr st. 10H&30 FOI: IJHM'T Klght-room modern house. 1013 W. Washington ut. 10187-tf FGit KENT A molern R-room house. newly papered, with gtol furnace, also rarage. Inrjulre McLrlaln v .Tack eon Lumber Co. 10409-tf FOR RENT Small houst. pleasant lo cation, one bloc from street car lino. In.iuire 1115 N. St. I'eter st. 11M11-30 FOR RENT Modern 7 room house; modern G room Hat Home 57tis. l00.S5-tf FOR RENT Ten room, modern house. 1211 So. Mich. Call 1303 So. Mich. St !5oth phones. bO-tt FLATS FOK KENT. I OR RENT I ee. 1st, modem apart ment furnished and heated; liest resi dente district; walking distance; $27.50. Reil lb-U Ü-tf FOR RENT To adults only, flat of four rooms und bath; modern except heat. Call Home phone l'JOJ. 1U4Ü0-1 FOR RENT Six room, modern, unfur nished apartment; hot and o!d water, steam beat; janitor service furnished; very central location. Home phot W'2, during business hours. 1015o-tf FOR RENT Six room flat; steam beat; fine place; close in; possession not la ter than 'JOth of this mo.; $.".0 until Jan. 1st. 7-00 per mo. lull W. Wash, lulbo-tf FO K K EM M I SCKLLAN KO L3. FOR RENT Half store room; best lo cation in town. Inquire at 111 S. Mich. St. Also large rear storage room. 10FJl-tf FOR RENT Desk room. Including desk, light, heat, janitor service and use of both phones. II ASTI GS Reil 211 Cdlce open Evgs. Home 6140 tf REAL. ESTATE FOK SALE. For SALE- Three room house and large barn on full sized lot In R'.ver Fark; $10 down anil $1( per month. HASTINGS. F.ell JH. Home 041t. Office open evenings. l0lS3-tf FOR ENCHANGE Ten acre tract of laud, seven room house and barn; one mile southwest of city; will exchange for Improved city property. HASTINGS. F.ell 211. Home Gild. Office open evenings. llHFtf FOR SALE New, modern Rungalov; five rooms; disappearing stairs to at tic; built in i-e box ; nifty fixtures; Van Dyke shades. MÖT Huey St., Ho-ne plume 7731. . Ittj72-i;s WUITCOMn KELLER. FOR SAKE. 1 5 modern noose. E. F.roadtvay. 1 o modern house, E. Duball ar. 1 ö modern house. E. Bowman st. 1 6 moierr house. S. Carroll st. 1 G modern house, 11. Haney a. 1 ii modern house. High st. Terms l'ayinent down, balance like rent. FARMERS' TRUST BLDG. tf WHY FAY .RKNT? We have a fully modern house and jnrage for sale on pa incuts, price $4.fn).00; $38 per month. House in gooI location, paved street S. M Kobltison V Son, F24 N. Main St. tf FOR SALE Small house near Watch Factory; vacant lot or small payment down, balance on monthly payment. HASTINGS Bell 211. Office open Evgs. Home G440. 40tf FOR SALE Cor. Main St. and Haney Ave., a new, strictly mode"n, G room bungalow; ." bedrooms, fireplace; oak fin ish, laundry. -el!ar mil attic; finest lo cation in southeast part of the city: price !$.4t); easy payments. Del Leer. Home phone 132G. F.ell 5i50. 102oG-tf HilliNilllllllllll' FARM LANDS. FOR SALE 115 acres nose to town; good soil; Id acres of nice timber; good buildings; price per acre; this is a bargain; might consoler some city prop erty. W. A. Morris. ;;uö Farmers Trust F.ldg. Reil fe73. Hoiue ÖS19; Kei. : H. 757S. tf tCopy-igbt, 1017. by Newspaper Featurs Service Inc.) 1, v - : - 1TTT P" - r I r ! :ti ,Tt ..'Pri-.TTu'-' ' i I ' ' HlTl' f77 7' T. -' ' -;7, 1 AN N O IXCEMEXT. ........ i . i i i 1 GEW For the convenience of the public we have arranged with the merchants whose names and addresses ap pear below to receive Want Ads for this newspaper at their store. The price will be the same as at this office. il. C. Hoban I'rug Store Home 411 K. LaSalle. Louis C. Kreidler Home 024S. Ml S. Mb-Ligan. R. H. Kuss .i07 S. Michigan. Home :A'Jl Ib ll 540i H. E. Freehafer 121S W. Washington. F.ell 2(). Home 7.201). L. A. Kolupa Sc Co. 407 S. Chapin. Home MTtO. F.ell 447Ö. Modern Pharmacy Home 2102. 80Ö S. Chapin. People's Drug Store Home 77 is. 1012 Lincoln Way W. E. G. Coates 501 S. Michigan. F.ell 1222. Homo 2101, t-M'. f ttft'tttt 'V . w "i ..). o i')i.viiyv' HIIllllll,IIIIIIIIIIMI FA KM LANDS. FOR EXCHANGE 120 acre farm; n'.n? room house, large basement barn, two miles from market, for -South F-nd resi dente property. lolili'-k'S FOR SALE 115 acre farm with good 7 rooiu house; barn. 35x50 ft.; good wire fences; level land; one mile front market. Fred Davis. Edwardsburg. Michigan. 1040l-2. FOR SALE-A fine 41-acre farm, good level land. G miles out. one mile from ear line. Eicht ares fine timber, all kinds ut fruit, horses, cows, calves and chickens, and all farming machinery. Everything goes on account of sickness. Will take city property in exchange as part payment. See me at once for this bargain. Open evenings. .lames Trail. 114 E. Jefferson Rlvd. Home phone G225. 10113-tf 123 1-3 .cres of real land, CVj miles from the cuter of South Bend, north west, and l?ys just half mile off the Lin coln highway, a paved roan to town. Good six-room brlc.c house, a large barn, fair fences. god wind pum. large or chard, a fine farm house, good heavy clay ami gravel soil, as productive a farm as there is In the countv FE ICE $75 FER ACRE. Land In this vicinity is selling for $120 to 1150. This in n real BARGAIN. II F. Mil. A. (J. Voigt. Mgr. It. P. 432. Central Realty Co., iVaj s. .Michigan St. 1032-tf FOR RENT Thirty acre chicken and hog farm; also railroad hotel. J. A. Molter. I'lymouth, Ind. tf City property to trade for farm land. Ohas. e. sing lei:. Home ."027 tf Bell 4223 40 acres of drained black ish and elm swamp laud, some tlnilirr, poor I u ill in c. lays just seven miles from the renter. Improved land is selling for $150 right beside it. OUR FRICE 100. II. T. 5111. A. (I. Vofgt. .Mgr. II. I. t::j. Central Realty Co.. S M ich i ran St. 10:2-tf FOR SALE. Three five-acre tracts located 3',i miles northeast of the court house; the price is s75oo for each tract, one-half c;ish and the balance first mortgage, six per -ent interest. Also have live acres with four room house and fine large bar.i. room for four horses and four tows and a large hay loft. The price of the live a res with the buildings is $ 2.5U0 Ou. Might consider a small clear property as part payment. Lf interested call Oi3 Farmers Tnut Rldg. Ask for Frank J. Anderson, Realtor. Home phone CGy7. residente 15Ty5; Bell 3M. lU327-tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 2oo at r,-s lay loam land. A-l improve merits, o acres good buildings, ami good black soil. Well locati tl. Frit e right. E. C. G;:rroire. Home phone 175 Mishawaka. FOR SAKE OR EXCIIANG E 110 acre stock farm. t0 acres bl.u k land, balance s;-ndy loam, good buiblings. on tine gravel reads one mile from good town, with two good railroads. Will exchange for South Bend property. W. K. Mc Henrv, HS So. Main St Home phone 5733. Bell phone IVA tf I Kill ajcXO Daj 0U )V MOkJL) I A I P r Airttt I AHO oAUAJTEß ry I FV - VIVVJL VI V DcUJOTstl .vnnounci:ment. h WMi A. W. Huff Cor. Lin'-fdu Wav W. and Cushing. Home 51.V,; IU 11 ilUl. Spohn's Pharmacy 1323 S. Michigan. Home l(;o. Beii ;7 Chapin fark Pharmacy 702 Fortage Ave. F.ell 227. Home 151?. Miami Pharmacy Home 701s. Miami. White's Pharmacy Home 5307. 1301 W. Washington. G. E. Cimmerman .02 Fort ige. Cor. . Ilex. Home 2111. L. H. Lang 1 South Beu l Ave. Home R.'7s. Bell S77. - '',''''vv; ' .," y, . tiirrrrrw 'I'lll UllllllllllUd ALTOS. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES. HEADQUARTERS FOR USED CARS. Rig bargains this week only. Liberal terms. Open ev nings. Used Car Dept. Stmlchaker Corp. Cor. South and Lafayette Sts. 1-tf FOR SALE Cheap for orbt car; used by 74G F. 4. cash, little 1017 Chev Call Reil 8-3t) FOR SALE Cash or time. Overland roadster; good condition; owner has er.teretl government service; car must be seid. Bell IM.-.U 7-27 FOR SALE Mitchell automobile; 7 pas senger, U cylinder, enclose'. c;ir. This ntr may be teen at Service Garage and must be sold; takes thla exceptional bargain. Samuel B. Ftttlngill, MO .1. M. S. BIdg. Home phone ÖGk's, Bell 77. 10170-2S FOR SALE Ford truck; a bargain. Home 2440. Bell 570. 10173-2S CAR STORAGE For reasonable ear , storage in steam-neatea garage, sec. smith-Kausen Motor sales Co., 100-llU Lincoln Way East, South Bend. Ind. Bell 1.2S2; Home L'113. 1042ü-tf For reasonable storac on your ear see the Smith-R.t usch Motor Sales Co.. loo-llO Lincoln Way E. Reil 22s2. Home 2113. 103S7-tf FOR SALE A twin Ilarley-Davidson motorcycle, fullv equipped, at $.'15. Call F.ell 5J10 after G p. m. 104GG FOR SALE Ford truck : n bargain. Main Garage, Home 2110, F.ell 570. 1047G-2S FOR SALE StuCeli.iker 'jo. lbTJ touring tar. $100. In fine condition l'air. Ft.r.l Tru.-k. $2.".o. K'U Maxwell Touring. N2u0. l'.15 Haynes Rf.;nlster. $2ti5. 1I'17 Krl Roadster, .S.'sO; ail ele.-ti i. al ly equipped. Is series Studebaker 4-touring. $700; extrji casing jind tire cover. SMITH-RAI .CII MOTOR SALES CO. loo to 110 Lincoln Way Käst. Fell U'2V2 Home 2113 lO.U5-tf FOR SA LE $1 ..".1 mi. (m N. w Enger Twelve. 5-passenger Touring Car. Will trade for property or good equity. Smith Rijiisch M.dor S;iles Co.. liKt-'nn Lincoln Way East. South Bend.. Ind. Bell 2-'s2 : Home 211.:. 1012o-tf AUTO FARTS OF ALL KINDS. 1 4x4 Air Completer water tooled. li Good Storage Batteries. 10-:;6x4!i Fireston- Detachable rims. 1234x4 Firestone Detachable rims. 1034x4 Q. D. tires and tubes. 1 ".7x3 Q. D. tires and tobe. 135x4 v. Q. D. Cord tire. 1 35x4M; S. S. tire. Auto Inn Supply. 101 So. Mich. St. tf n i. Kir your ratitiator );iairel by npertt. Satisfaction Gusrantoed. IHK AUTO RADIATOR 401 Lincoln way E. Home Thon? 291". at the Grand Trunk crossing. tf 'Trv NEWS-TIMES Want Ads 1 , 'Vtlt-: :rii! 7; , 1 t . - ll' A irn n a "TT ffTl r ifium u wsm IIB? ii vimm rBm b TIHZB. WE SELL all standard makes at suto tires, such as Goodrich. Goodyear. Dia mond and Firestone, at lowest prices. COLML'R BROS,. 107 Vistula, At. tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALB A pis range. Price $.".00. Reil phone 30S, Home phons .V.0S. 32 N. Michigan st 104N.-2y FOR fcALB Cheap, nlee Story nnd Clark organ: high walnut cni: for church r home. Cell 437, River Fark. 10H4-2S FOR f;.LF. White Sewinjr Machines for X m a presents. Will give a dress form free with every machine thought for cash !efore Jan. 1st A beantlful stvle at $37. HaveTitock the "White" Man, 21 S. Main St." lOlüG-tf FOR SALI Ohio. Indiana and Illinois soft coal from $G.50 to $S. North Side Ccal h Teaming Co., 52G N. Sctt St Bell 477, Home 510L HH07-21 FOR SALE Candy and cigar showcases; also soda fountain- Inquire 7 a". Lin coln Way East 10C9J-27 FOR SALE The eeieDrated Moore Gas and Coal Combination Ranges from $M 00 up. Also Moore's hot blast heateri with evprlasticg fire not. They save one third of your coal bill. AVERA" iV HULL, 120 N. Main St tf WALL PATER AT FACTORY PRICES. Latent designs at half price. Ruy now for spring. Our $3.00 paint at $2.25 per gallon. Beautiful calendar free with every purchase. CHICAGO WALL PAPER CO.. 104 W. Division St. Hon-e Phone 5803. Open Evenings. WivVtf FOK SALE Large coffee grinder for store use. also paper baler. Will sell cheap. Home phone 532b. Residence 222 S. Lawrence st. tf FOR SALE An organ in god condi tion. Five dollars. Mrs. Critten, 517 Fellow st. 10307-2S FOR SALE llano. Call Bell phone 2433, 1030i-2.S FOR SALE Office furniture. Inquire J. M. S. BIdg.. Mr. Gilvert Elliot 10305-23 FOR SALE En.lre ftock of groceries and fixtures. Come in and see me. Thompson. 412 N. Iifayette. 102501tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A laundry stove, two or four hole lze. Call Home 5.S53, Bell 133. 13-28 WANTED Old clothing. Fhoes. etc.; paying the highest cash price. Joe Rosentaum. 1033 Lincoln Way Waat Home phone 8314. 9025-tf WANTED Old false teeth. Don't matter Lf broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. L. Mazer. 2007 S. Fifth St, l'tiladelphia. l'a. 10230-Jan 2 WANTED To bny high or vr pressure boiler for garage besting plant What have you? Call Bell 007. tf HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE. FOR SALE Household goods. Stoves and rugs; cash or credit; cash paid for furnltnre. stoves and rugs: contenta of homes purchased. II. K. Rupe. 504 W. D;visioa St Bell phone 849. 1023.s-aiay 13 'IS JIOKSES. WAGON AND CAKRLGES. W.MTEÜ3 TU 1HV S0 and mules ages 5 jears and up. I have an order for ÖOO head army horses to be shipped witliln three- weeks. Call and let mo know what you have to sell or brintr tl.em to Louis Cohen, Mö S. Chapin St. Home phone 2K7. Hell .'.W7. lOlOS-Dec 23 FOR SALE One draft horse with or without harness and wagon. The Schmidt Art Store Co. 10416-2 HOSES. vi'ACONS AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALE One team horse, one four. a'ntl one six years old. and one Ford rordster. can be bought reasonable if ti-ken at once, one Ford Smith farm truck. Service Oarage, Bell 278. tf FOR SALE OR TRADE -Good team of mules. M. C. Gray. R. It. No. 2. Box No. 1. Phones: Bell 1)721-7; Home 420S- 6370. 1Q255-15 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. N'otle is hereby given, that the under signed has been upH.inted bv the Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Joseph Coun tv. State of Indiana. Administrator, of the Estate of Mary A. Dictz. late of S. Joseph County, deceased. Said Estate is supposed to be solvent. UNION TRUST CO. A. Im. Nor 10. R.17. G. A. FAR AB AUGH, Attorney for Es tate. 20-27-1 Advertisers can sell for lesj profit from volume. Tne lidless lid or the LOANS .VN D riAIN NOTL. ttntHniuuinnunnnunn l LOAN COiirANIES J J Si Listet! under this blading rt ir.oa- JJ her of In.llaoa A.ioriation of I010 fx J Broker. Heatings w ith any of thete $j H are guaranteed by tie Asiodatiou. $J i j;jjJ5JU5JJ Ji win j JJiiiuiuS j H 11 !$i MONEY TO LOAM. $J 11 on J x J J Furniture. Fianos and Live Stock, ii It ll H COAL MAY GO VV AND Till: $$ Ii SUPPLY MAY RE SHORT. WHY $$ $$ TAKE A CHANCE WHEN $25 OR $ U $0 WILL FILL YOLK BIM? SS ll LISTEN! t IS w ll $ X25 for one month will cost you $ it SS cents If you wish to pay it tl XX back in 6 instalments, it will t-ont $$ li you $3. Can you afford to be J J $$ without a full coal-Lin, or any- J li thing else you need H THINK IT OVER. $ J ii It SECURITY LOAN COMPANY. Room 12. I. O. O. P. BIdg. The Blue Signs. $$ Cor. Washington Av. and Main St $$ I Home i'hone OMKJ lieu l'bone 1013 i It ll tiuiiMuiHiiiiHuiiMtnnm mi jHHijjj $u Jim urn a tt tl riFTY DOLLARS $J x In an emergency gooi a lontr way. $S IS or if you are in need of a greater $$ ,J amount up to $300. we can arrange $$ l same within, a few hours' notice, $$ $J at the legal 'rate prescribed by the J J ll State of Indiana. IS ll JUST THINK OF IT. $$ l $2.50 per Month SS $$ Pays a Loan of $00 00 SS SS plus 3 Va l'er ceut interest on cn- $$ SS paid monthly balances. SS SS Why not call and let us explain $$ ll our modern, up-to-date plans. it ll No endorser required by us. S J ll You are your own boss and inde- J $ j j pendent SS It REMEMBER SS S$ we are licensed and bonded to the SS S$ State of Indiana to loan money on S S ll Furniture. Pianos. Live Stock, etc., it xj without removal, at legal rates. $ S SS PROVIDENT LOAN CO., SS ll (Authorlied Capital. $5atHU). SS SS SOI S. Michigan St. Cor. Wayne. SS ll Over ÖVy Clothiers. SS $$ Home Phone Bell Phone SS $j Ü075 135i SS shsjsmHHunjt-inmHmu lssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssj H PLACE H tt YOUR BUSINESS S$ WITH SJ $4 an old and reliable company like f$ It the "SUte." A company that will 54 $t grant you the same rate, the same iS $4" time, and the same terms of pay- $$ $$ ment that you tan set elsewhere. $$ M with the addition of absolute as- $4 $ surance that in case of sickness or $ $5 misfortune you -ill be granted the $ $ proper leniency. it 5$ On every loan we make, the terras ft $4 are adjusted to suit each individual it $i case. This insures satisfactory 54 ll dealings all around. It lf 1oaus up to $300 00 on Chattels 1$ f$ at the Indiana legal rate. No en- $1 $$ dorsers required. Bell 1740. Home 54 $ 6117. See the "Old Reliable State." U fj STATE LOAN COMPANY, $$ $4 Capital $50,000.00. l It Suite 3. Merchants Bank BIdg.. ?$ $ 231 S. Michigan St.. South Bend. 14 $$sssss$mmmmmms$m$ ss 1 1 tl REMEMBER tl ll Dealings with any of above $$ J J companies are guaranteed by the $$ $$ Indiana Association. SS It tl mmmmmujmsmmm $?$$ st$s$?ss$$ssssss$ssss$sss$s rr V tt SS $300 OR LESS J at $S REDUCED LEGAL RATES j $ on $$ HOUSEHOLD GOODS $$ We also advance money on it PLAIN NOTE ll WITHOUT ENDORSER SS Easy payments to suit your SS wages and conditions. JS If you need mouey for any pur- rose call, write or phone. NDIANA FINANCE CO. 1 Tfce Kemedi.11 Ixmn Co. $S No. 200. J. M. S. Bids. $$ Main ltfti Home CJOJ j j Licensed and bonded by the J I State or Indiana. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss THE MORRIS rt.AS Cr?. OF SOUTH BEND. "CHARACTER IS THE BASIS OF CREDIT." SMALL LOANS AT REASON AB LH RATES. BCÖEDULE: f 23 for C months costs SLro $ 30 for 8 months costs SL50 t 40 for 10 months coats $3 00 $ CO for 12 months costs $4.00 t bO for 8 months cost 53.00 $ 75 for 9 months costs $4.50 $10) for 12 months coita 100 Largs amounts on same Ltsls. Compare charges abov? with the cf petty money lenders and do business wlta vs. We invite your Investigation sad solicit your patronage. THE MORRIS FLAN OF SOCTII BEND 120 S- Main St. Opp. Court House, NOTICE OF AD.MlNISTRTION. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed has been a ppointe.I by the lerk of the Circuit Court of St. Joseph. Coun ty. State of Indiana, administrator of the estate of Charles Giel, Late of St. Joseph County, deceased. Salt! estate is supposed to be solvent. AFHILLi: C. t 'i LPAERT. Adm. Nov. 12. 1'.'17 13 2J 27 roofless barn. m mm 3i 1 Jw j KKGAI. NOTICE. 1 NOTICE TO I I KMMI CITLIK lOK l NTV 1KM. St.if. of Indian. t Jonepli Cflnnt, N di " Is l.errviy ghrn thit the Hoard of Coiiiniissiooeri of SI. Jofpb Ooootr. InMjit.i. will on Monday. I - r m re r, 3rw R17. i:p eleven oi'.o-k. A. M. of aiij lay reiTe separate al- pror-' tr furnit!ilnsr applie, f.r thr vunty Ia- ßinury for t.v.e quart- r endirp IVoroary. t!i. The rtN.uiif ion hau bn adopted an-l approved by the B"?.rd ef Commlslt-ners and i n"w ,.n r:!e In the office ff t h "'".'lr.ty Auditor The Board r.vr t riirht to rJect any and all bids submit ted. All bidders ttn'.-.mlttlnc Mds must als- n.bnVt a t.ond t-qoal to the amonnt of tl.e bid, with sureties to b approved by the Board t ARTHUR F. W'lU.K, Auditor St. Jo- sep'a Countv, Indiana 20 27 N(TI(F. OF ADMINISTRATION. Notice is hereby given, that tli uMer sicne.I 1.:ls been jrointed br the 'lrk ef the irvnjlt C.mrt of St Joeph Onn ty. State of Indiana, executrix of the estvte of John Smucinkl. late cf St Jo seph County, deceased. Said estate is a'-iTM'' to be solvent AGNIiyZKA SMUCINKI, ExecTJtrix. Nov. 12, 1'Jll. GEORGE SANDS. Atty. fnr Estate. 20 :: NON-RESIDENT NOTICI STATE OF INDIANA. ST. JOTTTII ( IH'NTY. SS In the Sf Je-ii Sop rior (."orirt. September Term, 1D17. TAM124 A. SCHÜLER ITT AL v WILLIAM VAN IUVKIRK ET AL Cuiet Title Cacse No. r.b45 l'.e it kuown. that the abOTe-nsmed plaintiffs have rt'ed in the off! f the Clerk of K.sid Court their complaint against said defendants in the böte cause together with a protwrr affliavlt that Katd defendant. V IllUm Vb Rusklrk, unknof.11 ife cf William VaB Rusklrk. Jane Whltten, tinknown has bund of Jane Whitten. Fred Borough. Jennie Borough, hi: wife. Gertrud S. Kraft, unknown husbnnd of Gertrude S. Kraft. Mary S1mbeiser. unkotrsn hus band of Mary ami separately anl svcraliy the unknown husMnd. wife, widower, widow, heirs. deTise. representatives. executors. adminis trators, assigns, legatees, guardians and trustees of eat h and all of the above named defendants are not residents of the state of Indiana. That s:iid suit is prosecuted to qnlM the title to the lands described In said complaint as against all demands, rlaimf and claimants wbatver. whirh said lands are deried jis follows: Lot Number Ten Cli in Kea.ey's Ad dition to the City cf South Bend. That plaintiffs "claim title to said Real Estate as :inv and every pr.-n and as against the World. Sabl defendants are hereby notified that said cause will stiitd for trial on the 11th lay of January. 10is. the same being the 47th Iny of the next term cf stiid 0urt t commence at the City of South Bend, on the :-.rd Monday In No vember ncit, n which day said defend ants are required to appear to said at tlon GEORGE M RAAB. Clerk. I'.v CHARLES I-'. RA AB. Deputy. V J. LEWIS MEYER. Attv for Plaintiff. 13-20-27 PLYMOUTH. Melvin Thomas, teacher at the I. rick school house, northwest of I'lymouth on the Iviporte nl., hn enlistotl in the hospital corps and will leave for Indianapolis Monday. Mrs. I J. Dunning and Mrs. Ait o'Kecfe went to South IJend Thurs day morning to attend a district war work conference and luncheon, to discuss the relationship of the community to the wfrmcn'i war work. Miss Heulah tump: vlio lias been employed in the millinery de partment of Hall & Co.'s tdore, left for her hume at Newton ille, lnd. Miss Fannie Ott returned to Fort Wayne Tuday. She expects to re turn to the- city Saturday to con tluct her class in the library- in the ; "eninjj. Mr. fijid Mrs. Clarence Allnxan cf Argos j.ased through the city on their way home from a visit in Ohio. They were fonntr Plymouth re.i- Mrs. tipayde of Argos returned to her home Tiie-sday after visitin.C with her friend. Mrs. C. A. of tsis city. Perry' TYoyer. Abraham Harrv Kilino and Drwfcy Hecve. Milltr. Miller startcil for Stutgart, Ark., or Tue- d:iy morning. Tlitiy expect to . Kont? about 10 tixys. Kev. Karl Fife of the Fife broth ers, evangelists, is spending- this week with hLs family in this city. I lev. YV. C. Ijan lias rtumd from Lucerne, Ind., where he has beon xLstin in a very Fuoccssful .stjrie.-,' of meetings. ?ilr. and iMrs. Matt HottcriT left Monday morning for Iiloomingvlale, Mich., to attentl th funeral of Mrs. Hottorffs' aunt, Mrs. Maria Rowan. Mrs. Ida Macklan, who has Len visiting in Hochester and Tio-a. r turned home today. Mrs. V. II. Thomson has return el to her home in "Warsaw after visiting Mrs. Cliff Ituggls th:8 city. Mr". J. J. Han!y, wife of Dr. Hardy, is siting with friends is) the city. Jul-e S'tevens .ir.d Prose utin Atty. Shakis are in Hot hester thi-wt-k where they enteral upon tl.a las-t week of court fr this term. Mrs, Kyle of Pearl ft. did -rj suddenly Wednesday n:?ht of her: trouble. WALNUT GE0VE, IND. Miss Florence Wiggins is spend ing the week with Miss Sadie Hough. Mrs Kalph Lydick pent Iat YVednesday with her ti?tr. Mrfe. Iru Brown cf fc'outh Fend. The contest at Mt. Pleasant t hurch will close next Sunday and the 1 '.-sing; KiJe will entertain tht winning side next week. Mrs. Van Putty and daughters, Anna and Martha, visited Miss Sadla Hough Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lydick wer the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Fink, last Sunday. Mr. ard Mrs. II. W. Lydic. .-er the iruests cf the former's j-ints r. and Mrs. I. W. La dick, Sunday. r.c rirjAKS. r.cst in th? city,-at-CU'J.N'LFY'.S. Adv