- . - -V - BEND N" THE WEATHER j India in Par" P. . . t rieht ' AFTERNOON ri EDITION r S -: n d i . ve i r i. . r . l ower j Mi ln:in - I'.!-::. . ! ; .1 r. I S,;t d .y ; ; r- ' ' r . . i - : t 'J ! i rticn tni,,:!,:. YV. :.: .: i.-r;'l i port; or., i Ntv Slogan for South Bend "SOUTH BEND, IND., AND PROUD OF 1TM Reply Made by South Bend Boy arrcxa iL jlddbxbm to Krwapxpr men in rax tkzschcs xjtxk nxisa ttle fivst Ajaiicia boot at tus aszamca, VOL. XXXV, NO. 39. A NEWSPAPER TOI: THE IIOWIJ WITH ALL TUC LOCAL NEW. SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1918 PAY AND NIGHT KÜLL IXASHD WIKE TELEUKAmiC SERVICE. PRICE TWO CENTS SOUTH ETVV S-TIMES M ICE HEB, 12 II Ilk JAPAN NOTTO INTERVENE IN SIBERIA NOW Tokio Accepts United View That Situation Does Not Justify Invasion in Rus sia at Present. Iifernution.il Nous Set-Tie: WASH I NOT N. Marc h :.r. American diplomacy apparently has scored another victory. Advieos reaching diplomatic quarters today indicate that Japan has leti nitely accepted the ievv of this country and will not intervene in Siheria. According to the.-e dispatches as a c.-ull of the conicrencf'S which hav ? 'men in progress in Tokii fo: the. la.-t 10 divs. It lias heen agreed that there is r.o .serious menace for Japan in the Sihrrian dev lo. 'mer.? i and the premier and foreign minis ter have let it known that all ag gressive plans have lwi dropped. No IllMIiotl OM. Japan maintains lier rUht to take any and all steps which may bo nec essary to prutect her interests in the 'ar ea.x iT)d in tl;i t or.nctio,i con dder thi interests of china inter twined with h rs. II at while the .-ita-rian -ltwation remain as it now is there will he no invasion of Si i'i ria. lna-:nuh a" this is the posi tion which the I'nited States has held all alone the two government would seem to he in romplete ac cord on the suhjt t. In this connection, e'licials made ,t plain U dav that the position of the United States ha all along hem that Japan had ewry riirht to in tervene in Siheria if her interest;; unn menaced. Put the informatio'i which came to tl'.e president was fli iet! i'I'JmisoI to that which had i e' n cited as inakim; action hv Japan imperative. 'laIiook Safe. Whilo reports were urrent i: Tokio, Paris and London that th vlerinan war jr i-oucr. p.ad hen or ani.el and anted to moe auFaic.-t Vladivostok and ealdure all of th Mipplie Ftored tln-rc th.e advices ent to the president Py Amhasa-d':- l'ranei whos trusted agents are all through Sit'Cri i was to the et'?' ret that there was no such dan ger. And, the P'nited States e.nten d itself with eolleetin all of this information and presenting it cor iidentially to the Japanese govern ment in a mot Informal manrer. That it was convineine j-et-ms to t.e l-ornr out l-y the reports received here todav that Japan has deflnite lv ahandonrd lor the pr sent her plans of complete mohilization ai d the landinz of a hu army in Sil-eria. WHY SPARE THE TAR? li-trnutien;il News Servh: lilt'KNia.l-. Jnd . M.ti li ... -This place is neutral: m on the h .,- t.ilk. If you can't .-ay -oiM et In n -C 1:1 faor of ricrmar.y sli ;t up'" A card hearing th se word.- him,' o er the ar in Henr t e 1-. Ii 1 ".s saloon cstcrda. Its r.ot there to- i.i . A "isilance on iti 1 1 1 e tailed upon Hoel.-rher. placed him in the oack seat of all aUtoiuol-ile with pail- of tar, feath a - and a tope tor .ompany and took him riding. 'ool hiMil? prevented hanumu and the tar and feather.s treatno n! wa- withtu id I M !m h'M '- promise lo-c !;h Ol. c of lui.-ine and !"t h.ie the . ,tj until the h re of the war with out rermi.-.-ion . to t i L;:erty oond-. rer-o! t .li-i-eal p. r-oc- and aMst sn Ked work. Mtml'U.- nf the crowd tef,..-.cd to p-rm:t dcrcration of the l"!a with k:-so-trom pro-German lip--." Today is the Last Day to file our income tax return. s.-t.-r p ( .tie v i I i le pil te 1 u j- r.n ttv.e wit" fill -.tj-iv r':- ;.i If Ton a rr -o-. .r'e. ie! king fl " ;rr . ir. von Ml I' ti e n r- turn if ..! .if 'j;.i rr i-!. , i ! TV'f l i" Uli " 'f'' lll.lklli ... - u,r I U- x ,u ; r t ; r I ' r t . ;. f.... . :..! f r .f t ! ..!- n .-i 1 1 i I v 1 Kb li III TONIGHT Turn Your Clock FORWARD One hour 'Ihr national davlight Knln law ni ui n 71 Im k to Ik turned ahead on. hour ;it -' I(K k ;i. in., Man h lief ore retiring t- ilght. llKMvrrc turn our i'Iik k. ahead onr I mn r and aoii will not i'xpfiioiMv i;m slight est eonfuion tonior it . ALL CLOCKS OP No Confusion Will Follow if Everyone Observes Sim ple Instructions. Without any anticipated eonfu vion. time in South 15end. as well as throughout the rest of the na tion, will be advanced one hoar at o'clock tomorrow morntne. laster Sunday. March :'.l. Thi- is in accordance with the 'Iiaylidht Saving law." enacted hy the ont;res- of the I'nited States, and approved by Pres't Wilson. Tie? new time, which will immediately hecome the only time, and the only one which will be observed in the t'nited States, oes into effect at -o'clock I'a-ter Sundav mornintr at exactly J o'clock and will continuo until iht. 1. when all (locks throughout the nation will he sei l'.i k one hour awain. To Advance (1h1. Plans for the ob-erame of the new time have already heen mado. I'.efore th.e stores and busines.? hou.-es of the citv close tonight, the clocks will he advanced one hoar so as to repi-ter the correct time w lien the new schedule becomes ef fective at J o'clock tomorrow morn ing. I'.efore the factories and industrial plants of the city close for the Sun day holiday, their ( locks will be ad vanced one hour so as to register the correct time. Housewives before retiring to night will wind their clocks as usual, and at the -ame time will advair e them one hour. There is to be ,n confusion. Persons who usually pet up at S o'clock on Sunday morning will ari-e at that same hour tomor row morning. The clocks will indi cate the correct time, for there is ro be only one time. o Changes Apparent. The city, as well as- the nation, will ;o ahead just as if nothing had happened. Th.e advance In the time i made effective at 2 o'clock Kaster Sunday mornin'e; so that there nee 1 be n confusion. The advance in the mtixu:i n pa;i; i:k;ht. MILITIA QUELLS EBEC RIOTING Mob Wrecks Office of Paper Which Supports Con scription Act. P. i- rri.i t i- :. i ? s.rvite: j;i:iu;'. .Mauh :'.". A second o..:.!ir.t of a 1 1 1 1 - fo nx - r I pt ion rioting vvlii-li 1'iokc during the night and re 1 1 : 1 in the w t.m kin; of a news paper i'ilio . wa. c !id d early today .ml the -t:e-ts cif-irctl ' militia men t al'ed out by Major itf-ur. Th.e iiii'.'s swept through the streets, wrecking the ottues of the c'hroni le. supporter of thi conscription act. a paper owned by Maj. Gen. Sir lav;d Watson, a division commander of the O.iiiadian expeditionary for.es. Tire was started in the orV.ce of the cit registrar, but .i ) uckly extinguished. The outbreak started when crowds interfered with an of. l;uT who w a - round up I.k'a'ts and it sp:ad .:nt;l Mav.i Inigeur a.!e,i upon '.h'-iii ; tlii" i - . When their o!il ltpoie w .1 s j-t:jr.g aiai iuither thuats he called the militia.. NATION FORWARD 1 fmlmW ii'J HOUR TONIGHT r M ü ir 1 m mi nn n uu u uuuuuu Ln u vi vj Li xij u u n s l vw yj : nkK' - 1 ; wmmm I German Attempt to Gas Village Behind American Line Fails; U. S. Four Bavarians Without u v iii-:kv a. vau;s. tntei national News Service: WITH Tin: AMERICAN AHM V I N FliAN'OF (ij p. in.). March 9. The Germans tried to "gas" a cer tain village behind the American front today and also to destroy ft with incendiary shells, but a hign wind sprang up which blew away the poisonous fumes and a rain storm put out the few tire? that had been started: The Germans opened tire against the village at F o'clock last night ami kept it up until o'clock this morning. throwing about 1.000 shells. These included high explo sies. gas. shrapnel and incendiary shells. The last in bursting gave off lumes which irritated the eyes an! caused sneezing. Captim Four Bavarian. The live intrepid Americans who penetrated the German trenches this morning, capturing four Favarians. killing one and wounding another, were : Lieut. George lledwood of FaP.i more. Mil. Opl. Henry Morucau of Cherry Valley. Mass. Private Fdvvard Armstrong of Miiriani'.i. Pa. Private ('arson Hi u mate of Ada. . Va. Private Femard Bolt of South I'ethlehem. Pa. The operation was carried out at ti o'clock and the Germans were taken w Icily by surprise. The Amer icans returned safely to their own Ina with their prisoners. The Americans had blackened PACK WANTS BALL GAMES TO BEGIN AS USUAL Ii.teMratioC.ll News Srrvi- i : WASHINGTON. March "0. ".Slackers of the worst brand" w;u the statu- ' laced today" by 'harles Igitluvp Pack, president of the na tional var garden commission, upon organized basehall men w ho are said to have decided to start their games an hour later under the daylight savin c plan. "A mow like this will take thou sands of hours of time from gar dens." said Pack. "It will doubtless i mean extra dollars in the bo- orhYe ! but it i, certainly a violation of the spirit of ihe law." Pack expressed the belief that if the housewife wil! "come to bat" -. lh s proposition as he ha on th. ' ir wor.v. i.at tail managers h1!! i-e foiled to :.,:t then games at ths tkuitcpurv huur. FiivmiD to hi: killi:i HFFoni; HKllAKFAM'. International News Service: WITH Tili; AMFRICAN ARMY IN I'RANCF. March CO. "When are you going to hoot us?" was the first question anx iously asked by four German personers who were brought into the American lines this morning following a surprise attack upon a German dugout. The prisoners seemed fearful of being killed until given a good breakfast of fried eggs, hot cakes and coffee at the same time as their captors. Then they brightened consider ably and talked freely. their faces with burnt cork so that they could not be distinguished easily and tarried only hand gren ades, automatic pistols and cluhs. The men set out silently and the op eration wa? completed with the ut most caution. One Iriu ?avcil. As the Americans left. German reinforcements came up, firing- wild ly into "No Man's land." "It's lucky I speak (lerman or ono of these prisoners would have be?n killed." said Folt. "One German ran away and another started to follo'v him. hut I yelled after him: 'Dutch, if you don't stop I wiil shoot.' Tie stopped: otherwise I sure would have winged him." The prisoners are from the same 'INSURANCE FRAUDS SAID j TO INVOLVE $500,000 1 Ii.trnational News Servbe: I CHICAGO. March CO. -Alleged ! insurance fraud. said f involve through the Western Adjustment Co. every fire insurance company in Illinois, will be investigated today by States Atty. Maclay Hoynel. Confes sions are said to ha e been made involving probably 100 persons and t Jül'O.Ooo. According to confessions made v four men it is said the salvage at one tire was alued at Mö.OOo but was sold to a salvage company for ! f2C'.:.0O. Robert H. Keith, one ad ; juster. confessed that he kept the ' K-.'OO p ro:it. State Fire Marshal .lohn J. lam '. er declared .he expose will l.e one i of the must itartlins oer made. Raiders Take Losing a Man division as those that raided Amer ican positions last week, leaving a score of dead in our trenches and in the barbed wire. This proves that the enemy lias not drawn on this sector for reserves for his offensive. Before the raiders started out they cut off their shoulder straps and other insignia and left behind their papers ami identity discs so that neither they nor the units to which they belonged would be re vealed in case they were killed or captured. Get Information. Redwood had such a bad cold he was barely able to whisper and was tlated at the conduct of his men. The Americans questioned their prisoners in German, obtaining much valuable information. al though the captives were not of a high order of intelligence. There was no artillery prepara tion for the raid for It was Intended as a silent surprise operation. When he got back Armstrong cut two notches on the handle of h!s automatic, indicating two victims. Shumate, who is a sniper, lias two notches on the butt of his rifi?. meaning two more German victims:. The prisoners were young and seemed well fed. Outwardly they were well clad, but underneath thev wore the thinnest and dirtiest un derwear their captors had ever ffn. They wore trong leath?r boot?. The five Americans have already hen cited for the French war cro-s and probably will get the distin- Cuished service cross as well. NELSON MORRIS IS IN CLASS ONE OF DRAFT liiternatitna! News Servke: CHICAGO. March .".O. Nelson Morris, chairman of the beard of the Morris Packing Co.. is- in class l of the draft today, according to announcement by draft officials. In his industrial claim Morris had written "I vish to be used where I enn ilo the government the most good." Fdvvard Morris, jr.. president of the company, has been placed in class 4 -I) :s the "neco-csary operat ing head of an industry." CONNFLFSVILLi:. Pa.. March "C. More than 20.00) coke work ers will benetit by the wage incrfasj of F ncrcent annoumed by the H C. Prick' oke Co. late yesterdav. Th raise; will nj into effect April i rfi in) i ni ' i rn zS' fy u U Livii LI u U Li Li Li Um U U u flPTlllE PlfllFK 1 Bitter Fighting in the Demium Sector Where ! i Germans Are Beaten International News Servi. e: LONDON. March 30. Mezieres has been captured by the Germans. "South of the Somme river the enemy's attacks yesterday at Demium and Mezieres resulted in the capture or the latter, " the war office stated toda. The British immediately launched strong counter attacks and captured a number of German The Germans were fought to a standstill north of the Somme and were able to make only a few weak efforts. There was sharp fighting in the Demium sector (on the Amiens- Noyon road) but all the erlorts of the German in that district failed with heavv losses. Field Marshal Hai?, in his report to the war oftice, praised the p:al lantry with which the mounted and unmounted Rritish cavalrymen fought in repulsintr the German at tacks. "Only local action? occurred north of the Scmme river," the war orliee stated. "South of the Somme the enemy's attacks on Friday afternoon at Demium and Mezieres resulted in the capture of the latter place. Capture 1rloiMrs. "The llritish made counter as saults which secured for them a i number of German prisoners. "All attempts by the Germans to take Demium failed after sharp fighting. "rmrinr the weeW Hritish f.iln, . .. j j ,, 1 , : ioniii wiiii Kieai j;aiianiry in i e- pulsing enemy attacks. "In the numerous engagements heavy looses were inflicted upon the Germans." Mezieres lies about 12 miles southeast of Amiens, which is now generally regarded as the Germans' objective. It is near the point of the salient which the 10 days' fighting in the Ger man offensive lias pressed into the ail ed front in Picardy. ci:n, ITCH NOW IN SFPKKMi: COMMAND. lnternatiua.il News Servue: LONDON, March :i0. The tenth day of the world important battle of Picardy found the allied armies linked solidly under one supreme commander-in-chief, Gen. Foeh, one of the master strategists of Furope. Gen. Foeh takes over the high I command at an hour when the mighty battle was looking extremely favorable- for the allies. The Ger mans had been beaten at ArraF, where they tried to smash the Prit ish front and win back the famous Vimy ridge. South of that sector the Fritish. by means of swift and powerful counter attacks had driven the Ger mans back, recapturing important ground and prisoners. Germans Held in Cheek. of tremendnim nronnrtions ha eon - tinued to rage, but the Germans were held in check, gering lesses. On the narrow Doiry land Serre massed at lvist troops, according to sustaining estag - front between j the Germans j F):,(-00 picked 1 -riday night's olficial statement of the British war office. .savage assaults were di rected airainst the Uritish front. tut all the attacks were hcatm off and the Gerrr.an ranks flowed back across a tiein mat was mer.uiy carpetea with dead and wounded. So severe had been the Herman losses along; the French front, in the Oi-se secto:-, that the Clerman attacks were notably weakened a,.d the Frerch war office in its reports Ohio Crowd on Homes of iitern-itienal Ne Servitr: COSHCKTTON. 0.. March :.0. -wept by a wave of a nti-Gerrr.a n sentimert a crowd of r.OC. a third of whorl were women, isited the homes of 20 men Miepected of pro German activities and r.iade botn men and women kneel, kiss the Flag and exclaim: "To hsll with the kaiser." At the apartment of Mr. and Mrs Frank Gregor, on the third Moor of the Realty building unexpected re sistance was met as one party of -0 men asc?ndcd the rear stairway and another party of -0 went up tie? front way. Mrs. Gregor appeared a' the front window with a revolver in lier hand and waved it menatinglv at th" crowd below Ilefote the could Crt the door to i south ot the Somins river. prisoners. last night spoke of the fighting on Friday afternoon as local. French Tlmi-t Gr. The Trench thrusts against the I lower (lank of the German salient continue to giovv in strength and it was reported from Paris tha French troops had fought their way Pad; into Noyon. No claims of further advances (were made by the Germans in the ! Friday night report of the rwlin 'war o.1i e. All that the thcial state ment said was that "there had hen successful engagements, between the i Somme and A vre rivers." ! The allied line south of tin- Somtuo 'river w a.s re-formed ami strength ened and now tur.s west of H.ime, i Morcf f.ivp and Demum This h .i s ''increased the .litli aities besetting ; the Germans. (The Hamel-Mar eleave stor of j the German battle line, w !u h is the japex of tiie Arras-Albert-Montdidi'-r-j Novon salient, now lies about t miles from the Pritish base of i Amiens. This ha piaed Amiens within ranne of the long distance Germans guns and it is possible that the city- is now being bombarded.) liH'ren-M .eiinan Ims. The righting of the past :M hours, it w;is estimated today has increased the German losses to upwards of ,"00,o on men. There is talk of a nvv German effort n some other part of the western front. A Rotterdam dis patch to the Daily i'hronicle said: "Fresh attacks may b- -xpeited at other points on the front and the most determined may be looked for at Verdun or nea1- that sector. The German plan, evidenth. is to try i to drive a spearhead through the i j French linens. i "Apparently the general plan of I the German ampaign i-- directed against Parisand Calais. "Dutch military critics believe 1 1 1. t the present offensive canned die down into the former trench warfare, but that it must bad to conditions that will decide the war. In thi- belief all Holland is watching' with deep interest the course of events."' The action of in. Pershing in placing the American army and the resources of the I'nited j ! In 111 1 - I at th disposition of the 1 - 1 - 11 P,II,:"MU -1"'":1 n elation in Fonnon and Pans today. Now that Gen. Foeh is in supreme command the Ameriea ist . a well as the P.ritish, French. F.d g-ians and Portuguese, will be directed by him. The German elaim th- -aiture of Tö.r.f'O prisoners and 1.1 r,0 guns in the '. rst nine da-s of the 1 attle. j but'0U: f , exageratlOo-. are regard' d a s AFLlANCi:. n. Mai-i'h A Mather. '.." year- dd. a,;tomob:Te salesman. die today of :n.'ar:e-s s;--tained wb.en .;s automobi!- i struck Fy a Pennsv lv ania train -1 S-hring. The niarliin w a s ur-m. cd. Sweeps Down Disloyalists her room was broker, ii and -he w . overpowered. Her h'-.-bar.d. hJf drs.-ed, v.as !r;ir.l fr"!:-i th" j apartment down two fights ,,; ! sUiir.-. arid lata r Mrs. Gregor ...!, taken u thar?e and both carri'-d t i the cojrthou.-e stepj. w her"- the-, jwere force, to i.;s f c Flag- an ! i consign th kaiser to the "r.eh:r ' regions." j At the home of Hemhopj i.ml,s, i ! former minister, his daughter. Mis j Gertrud- Feu--, fainted and t-arlv j fell frf.rn a i-op.d .!ry wind." . while pl.-;.ding with the . r-.w I t disperse' -nd not do her r 1 1 Ft-- a:, rjCdiF hrrri. It-- ;- is , -. . j t a rt. -tri a e a id f -oO! t ' e -.- . ' - . i ..ir; t h.- w .. I 1 i - ica .li I ail'-ti. i , j 1 : l . s a : i . JQ Sflf 1 II WILL CO WE U. S. Puts Shipping Question Up to Britain and France. Divisions Arc Ready to Fight. WASHING'!' .V M..;. a T..e I entire arm;.' :n tr.iiMi':- oi i'o- Fp.il ! ; StatCS Wbl pe t!.l!.p" : I'imp'' ' i i W 'l (Without ei !.i . Tii - : '. '.V hi' h t tl--e i n : ' - ! i ! I ' - r. .1... - ' a 1 i;-.-d g i :.t i I - in n i ! 1 1 t i : ! ' 1 1 1 '' division- at ' -b.pp ! o r- seas lasts With t la J Iii' - Fi!.- atld Indoii. witii ;ii ;; of nee tied -! i ; ; i u i : ; - of : ; . ; . . t ; i . . food al!l th-- l.ke- . ...-p-.-'l', I w i 1 1 dec : I e what . ; - i ; t ; ' ' i i t iii1 ' IOfts all be- diverted to !!; ! e- !1 i e tl t S. Tb II til'' Ii; e . : I ' - tica llv ,i : ! t : a . -if d - . ", ,!'' ' ' ' -tic ipat in op p tight a ! 1 i i ' v f ('um w it h . o ' F : : i i . : . - v -peri in . will -bo.d f" v i'd -i- fas! a- the t..il. -! t ' " ; ' - ' i w ill p-rniit . i ltd to Plovd l.e-otjc Tbet 1- tl -pP of : 1 ., ; d , State's 1o the- loj.ii i ' !t .- '1 j r-r 1 1 : : . I a v ;! .'.'.. , G. . . . e d i t h r o i ; -: h A : . i - 1 . Fa r 1 F ..!:!. g - in New Yof I. e i ; v f v o f , ..!.- ..:. Tb.e F ! i' 1 sti!'- hi ;,!. o - I ept 1 t h- '. I! ' th" m -a! I i r b ' r.i ' -': 1 , ' lie tie J'a 1 i ' I o ! ' i I i . . : . d .f f ' I i i - ate d n.iid.i i .i F..!:- .:; ' ! : v -1 .front A 1 ! i ' v ' : ii I'. :!.!. 1. acie-jd'd a - 'i -"I'd i.aff i ti ! him. The Alio i ;. . ti r:-.v in i 'i a to '. all .ÜV i-i-r.- eoe.,:, ,, . , , , - . o e, . I tr'letiv e. .,- .- a 1, - di-po-.i! t j Atl'l Piiüta' v o'b , i . - o i w l.o P t , o w j w hat 1 1, a il no-. i t.- -a Fiat ! he- t - -.'' I of t h i - Iii'!'. -' ",i ! .. IV !i ii '.i '. ' Fi or ii now .n ri. Fo h w ', ; i re- por,si i f..t ail op'l.F.oi.- ,;i the 1 V. e -1 . lie- VV . 1 1 1 . a ' e 1 i o . i - - . - ' a ! o . of the I'n-ni li and !'.: .t.-!i ..ii.::. nd ! eis a - v. '! -i of 'I'll. .:-!!.:'- A ' li'- Will ! " :i '(',( to ! i a r ; , v . , v I . r - 'm an move- vvd!i a n.o ,'o- . o tfOO;.- V U ' t M . ' . 1 .' ' 'i A );.:.. e i r.eede-l t - 1 ! ' i 1 ' - '; ' 1 . i'i!. . na t ioti.tbF. o : t lie f ' n t b r ' . t. the i a r :,: . ! ' '- ' '1 P'T i o pe a t : " 1 1 . ( ', r r r :l a U s' I a ' 1 - f o in t h i - w a '. - o i . : . . ' - ' . . -, : e V : ; i I a 1 . --1 1 -trategv . 1 :; - o! ', t 1 : il..iri2 ., ... ; I - tlo-v ha I-. ! i nil :e !'.. . .- o - i t!o- w ' v . , '. 1 1 ' 1 1 1 i : .: t d a - U ' ' i ' ' ' e .rv es Vi!'.! ( a - . ; 'i i ' i : ' v h as tl.ev have i, e M i'i 1 io- - : - ' able To the ; r m a 'i b . .; 'i And oih' !. lo r- vvb I i . i ill i js involved de la!.- tli .' F - .: ' ib.ne . dl"l' II.' 1 t!ie VS i- i' a ve-ir. The n v- . t i a pi"..:'- -.. Fo h today o.e. -!: , p..- . 1 -i' ! e e-ll the -r' lt .'.;,' (in t if. Lr - s. I ". ! that it tiaub' I ! x et before t b- i .-' : i ' e d i -. s V i e - ' i j !:! lit Will l I ' j .e-ts f; oo-, e pf. ; . (,- . I I'-iirrii 1 1 v ; " : ' -J todav th.it !!: v. :' ! i fa e t o r 'id .'!!.. of the SonTi.e -' ; while at ail ' h' I ' ' c ; t ! i p r l.e n !-.; The ' ' ) ri ' ' : ': 1 1 ; VTord h i;er Ft.-. '. ; r ' a ? -' are :;."'. a ' s . . 1 i v . -, i . - of r ' ' . . . . .;h . - I ". ... 1 j rx . , . . r , f i . : T j - SUGGESTED BASIS FOR CONTRIBUTIONS in South Bend F'atriotic and Civic Relief Fund "THE WAR CHEST" Monthly Inen- MonthU up to I "iib-ttnotit S .M. fM S I mi ,.r nmn. T.'i.OO l.-.o " " loO.OO 2 "O I -ä.OO J ". " läo.oo ::.:.'i " " i'ki.oo i. r.o JäO.OO (dl'l - " r.oo.oo oo " ;:."o oo i , ' IfO.oft K, im " " l.'rO.IH 'HI ,V0.0( 21. H) For inUTTiM tli.it iri'm - e-n-li-tnicnt should f in jr - mri i n to aUnr. For irioonv- .du vr,.o.o (w r annum, tin- ciili-inii m- -IlmiK) fr ineTca-! in rort i"n to the abiliu lo :ic. raiiutj !i rn