OCR Interpretation

South Bend news-times. (South Bend, Ind.) 1913-1938, April 19, 1918, EVENING EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87055779/1918-04-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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I FW.M.N., .TICIIj 19. 1 1H.
Cooney Delivers Drum Fire
While Vurpillat Sits
at Listening Post.
Nr.tr Lame lay profr-sors l.üii
t,I the priests of the u ni is: t y
in the pir.k room of the ! i v e : hotel
List night. The pMk'T' taMe was
decorated with the IIhl'- t the a'
li5. thocn nn ocnipyinc places f
honor being Lev. John f.a.iii.n:!),
Lev. Mathew ?. hiniachei IlfV.
K ;;rnr Burke, liev. Thomas Barke;
Profs. John M. Cocn , Francis J.
Vurpiltat and To.tin.i.-fr William
Is. Farrll.
Music Wan f i j r ii i .-)('' 1 by four
jm mters of the Notre Iame rrh
tn. PilVn Patterson leading. a-
i -r ,y Mes.-rs. Y i -i 1 . tjuinlan ari'l
rrtnn Prof. William A. Herlitz
yas chairman of the committee on
rransfin- nts, ami Prof. Hol.ort L.
(rffn', was the instigator r f the
Call to olhir.."
On thA envrr of the menu i;inl
"A 'all to the i'oll.iis" was print
ed, an! the menu iflf was as fol
low s:
Carte, il's H.itloiis
I ! s I r i t du Corps
Fodder de Trn' h (irap' Shot
Potage au Pigeon voynour
Avlat'-iir le poulet
Pare at Prfsoo fivr-c Creme I : i
rumnif de Somme aec hör
de Combat
Let us camouflage Fritz avee
he. UCOU i
? iure "nuvre 1 top"
("icrnc Bolshevik a la Zerovitch
Tlun-ny Cookie
Liquid Fire dernl-tasso
Smoke SiT'-on par tout ensemble
Attn k at "Zen)."
Shock troops will attark in mi?s
formation at ".f ro" half-past Fix;
ol.jrrtivp. un gründe salient entre
potage rt faff.
Camp Is.
FieM Marshal. William Farrfll.
At th" I'orisiopo
lirv. Micha I Q iinlan ?
At thf iatf-nin I'ost
.Tudffp r. J. Vurillat
Italian rommuni'iuo
Rov. Fupno T'urke
Truni Kirf John M. Ooony
Shrll Shock IIpv. Thomas Thirko
Th- v.'kly ass-mldy at thf tilch
.sliooI wis hfhl Thiirsday morn ins:
Instead of Wednesday as in other
v, er k.
Th N'itif Damp Lard playr-l at
thf hSi h school in tlif workly ns-ft-nihly
and rfndfred several plrn-
Inc s 'frtifn-.
Th To!atinET clut) took a short
iiko irninf diatrly after school
Thursday afternoon.
t'aul Jackson of thf Dfd.atinir hil
Ipft for rdoomincton Thursday
rrornin wliorf t; wt!! fntor in tho
j-tatf' dd.at'nr moot.
.MNt-rt Jndi. Felix Yisk, Fred
Ktfflf. Fdward Morris and Fth"!
"Vdsh will lfa for Lake "Forest
this ntorr.in whore tiw-y v.ill (oni-
ete in tho Iike Forest Fnulili nm
t Ft.
Ttie frohmep. fdnss i holdintr
nil rhfar.-als for t!i fr-.-hinen
as-nihty vhi h U to t tk- plao
TVednday. April 2
T!ir- molt- 1 , i , - r t I . r t ?i;ftins
v'i- end v : v t i 'Hun sii.i r.!-ht :it
! i ff : ii t in th- 'fy. At thf
mt:n at Mt. I'U-i-.tnt school
liuiw W M. ll.itn:ltn was thf
M'r.iker; Kiii!-r I'.-ak w -1 in .-li.li
!" th- :ii'-tin; at ll.t- I.iiuohi f- hoi.
and Siim ivninill .-J k- .it th
lnrtir. 'z .it the V( tinint-r rhurt h.
aturiav aft-rn'Mi a iuin'ss
:r,. t:iij f all of tlu- towp.-ihij, tm
iii!t'es wiil h!.I at th !3!ks'
:-;!1m !tvtMi l"o an! 1v" inern
I'fi's o"' tri- v.ti'U- t i :i i 1 1 o es a i"e
M"M t tl t !.( j i.'i.t aii'! iii.im'
th.ir i-j'rt" en th' in'rs f th-.4
iriv- irj t a h f h-ir jat ti'Ula r tr
i.tiri' FftiTt- a ill ie ma. at this
li:n t n;i 1 1 1 srk and t'
d,:'' '"'ttt:- Jilans ar.d nu'.tl: uf
on 1 . : 1 1 n it.
Th" will f thf lt- llfnt-y
Moeh'.er of Inn tow n-ht . u a s V If d
ootfrd.i for j-ro'ttf. Ail of tho
tat-, t i.th ri'.il ar.d 'frsonal. H
! :u- ,;h'd to t)- widow. Cath-rrir.-
M. Itr.-h! r, .V.riücr In r life,
pnd at her de.ith what reriiain 5
?o li.- divi!.! r.-.u-lly air.oi,- the
.:!dt n. Th- vldov N r.aivrd as
e. utnx if the estate 'Hie in-i-ti-iii-.r
:,t u.,s eee'.:te,1 Jan. l'.'tT.
W'V.'.a-n J. White of .ejth l'.-rd.
jrvtfrd.iy . implied to the St. Joej,h
ti'.rty r -:. t civj't fir a i i S: ri
to the l.tr to r.idio1 law in th:
to inty. Mr. White h.. t e-Mi .. re-i-dor.t
of South Itend si:u-r o.-t. .'.
1?17. n;.-. in- lier.- f; o::i New 'a.t'.e.
Pa. Iii jet.tion w'.!' !r "ard h
JudSc l'üiik at ? a. in.. A-.Til
tin: i'lioPKi: way.
The home vft,M;!(2 ! nar.ice ! hk
nr.y othr !.i?inJ fntrpri.. Tl
T.OUe'w ife should h.i' r a h'i;seh' !'.
baric ateo:r.t. tn.ikhu tcu!ir !e
j esit nnl I'.;. Tn all her t-iUs
check. It !v the proper tv ty to con
duct the financial affair of the
home. We appreciate jm.all as well
a. l.irre ar ount.' Merchant N i
tlcr IJunk. Adv.
Arc You An
Where ur button?
i ur lovalty.
B".;y Third Liberty Loan
Men's Furnishings
Summer Weight Union Suits $1.19
Fine ribbed cotton, long and short sleeves, ecru
and white. See window display on Jetl'erson street.
Men's Fancy Hose, mercerized stripes. Regular
5oc value at 39c.
New Soft Collars for summer wear.
Suits and Coats in Lively
Tomorrow we have planned for the biggest sale of
the season in Coats and Suits.
New York shipments have arrived; to these we have added from
our own stock making an exhibit of over 1,000 garments.
A list of the women who will
e!w a r -e-iMt ars in the w ar .-erv-ue
reiytration of wuiiien which will
tei;in l'riihiy nioniins; was gien
cut Thürs. la . Additional booths in
the lifth ward hae Loon asigncd
as fidlow.x: First prtcim t, Chapin
State la iik; second precinet White's
dru More. Washington av. and
Walnut st.: third precinct, Linden
.-liool and People's drut; store, 1 : 4
Lincoln way V.: fourth precinct,
Kaley -i hKd and Lassa market, j
l.)2 Linden a.; lifth precinct, gro
cery store at corner of Iuvisior. and
F.eilin ts.
The C'oKiinh.a ti on Con-
lumhia st. has lten ailded to the j
places .f registration in the third ;
pi et nu t of the tilth ward. !
'''!,. list of tci:isti.4rs follows: !
Mis Maude Weher. Mrs. James i
Mine-. .Mrs. T.ilhert A. Klliott. Mrs.
L. .1 Lent, Miss 'hur!otto White.
Miss M.ny May White. Miss Alice
e.d. Mis. W. 1. oT.ri'-n, Mrs.
F. I. Speed. Mrs. Arthur P.a ker.
Mi-s Lillian li eiidenstem. Mrs..
Sweet, Mrs. W;ilter lUoomtleld, Mrs.
" i is I'attee, Mrs. Ionald M--.r
- or. Mrs. l. V. t'hapin, Mr. F.
La-ti.uin, Mrs. 1. M. liunnier
sehmidt. Mrs. '.dne F. UufT. Mrs.
W. H. Faker. Mis. C.M.r' W. Phil
lips. Mrs. F. (T. Kcttilnpr. M:-s Addie
Van den Fosch, Misn Koenthal.
.iis. Fail tJiiu, Mrs. H. Kru. Mrs.
Alexis Fo'iuillard. Mrs. (. F. Julian
Mrs. F.eor-e Fi'dd, Mrs. .1. A. Kode,
Mrs. 1 1 . ( Hollow ay, Mrs. N. L.
.I..IU-S. Mrs. F. P. Austin. Mrs
T.-es-r. Mrs. p. F. Travel s. Mrs.
J..hn S hwaitz. Mrs. W. A. Fuel ee.
Mis- Harriet Dunn. Mrs. II. J.-Two-nu.
K. j. Fad. Mrs. J. Moore.
Misj Sue F.irmody. Mrs. J. F. Wtleh.
Mrs. Marc i'rass, Mrs. I'M ward
Huff. Mrs. A. S. Irwin. Mrs. Höl
ingen. Mrs P. K. Cn.'tz Mrs. Miles.
Mis (Laie Wilcox, Miss M;u O'J
Sh .nt. Mrs 11. nier Iiil'inson. Mrs.
F. F. Montgomery. Mrs. F. W. Mil
ler. Mil's Kitheiine Fole. Mrs. W. H.
Fersh;n'. Mrs F. A. Mnrtin, Mrs.
Adele Stüde, iker, Mrs. F. Pauimun.
Mrs. F. W. M 'rse. Or. Alta M. For
ai:i. Mrs Lyrtia Siwjir, .M re. J.
Mrs. T. J. Su.mtz. Mrs. Clif
tt.Mi Mines. Trs. J. W. Toyne
Show us the hule
Bonds and Get One.
Dress Shirts for Men
Fancy Percales an d iinelv woven
Madras, launJereJ and soft cutis.
A new shipment just arrived,
on sale tomorrow. Remarkable
values at $1.25.
Silk Neckwear at 59c
All-Silk Ties, Hg open 4-in-hand,
made of the tinest silk ties that
usually sell at $1.00 to $1.50.
A Word of Quality
Merely cheap goods do
not appeal to you.
But .good goods, conserv
atively priced, will please
you and it .s this class of
goods we have on display
Serge Suits.
Also Poplins and Gabar
dines. Priced (fnr
at SI 9.75 and . . . .)j,sJ
are the best values we have
to otfer this season at the
Spring Coats
at $15.00, $19.75 and $25
No better values have
ever been o tiered in South
The 2ath anniversary of Fidelity
camp. No. 2$. tf the Woodmen of
the World will he celehrated Sunday
rfteinoon at 2F10 o'clock at the hich
Fchool auditoriuni with an appropri
ate and patriotic program. J. Iv
Fitzgerald of Kansas City, Mo., sov
ereign auditor of the Woodmen o'
tlie World, will he the principal
speaker. The order has more than
S.onrv rnemhers in the city, a larpe
percentac-? of whom are expected
to he present S'unday. In addition
to this nuniher delegations from
Foslien. Mishawaka. Log-ansport.
Laporte and Lenton Harhor will he
present for the occasion. The enter
tainment is also open to the public
The program is as follows: "Amer
ica." audit nee and Ragpickers" or
chestra: invocation. Rev. II. L.
is; address of welcome. W. F. Cudy;
response. Mead Fonsul Claud F
Lte; clarinet solo. Carl Unser; "Ri
ccraphy of Camp,' C. Hungerford:
Woodman sonc. audience ard or
chestra: address. O. K. itisrrald;
banjo selection. Leo. p. Ward: yre-
srntation of the veterans'
clostnc ode. "The Star
So that all South
-c hool
'hildren may have
iay have at V1'1"
hig Llheif jCiia
to sop the
le in
pictures which has dv i such big
crowds to the l.iSilT Wednesday
ard Thursday, the ISalle Theater
has arranged to gie a special
showing of this tiln; Saturday morn
ing from ? a. m to 1 p. m. for all
children of school ace, and at the
price of admission nevr hefere of
fered two for rive cents, and dur
ing these hours the price for adul's
will be tive ents all o er the house
in addition to the parade pictures
the regular comedy feature will be
shown, hut not the hlg five iei fea
ture Alice JLady -n "The Knife." as
same is not of particular interest to
children, and by not being shown
will allow the accommodation for
more of the chi'dren th parade pi--
turcs are witl.out : doubt
thin e-r taken of this kind. The
big feature, "The Knife," on after
noon and ni-rht. ."F. 1 -1
Fidelity Cm, p. No.
their 2Tth ar r. c- s.i i
I, will hojl
in the Hiuh
d Audltoi im i Sundav after
noon. April L'lst at p. io. I'u'-
l:c Is cordi.FIy in ited. :t 1 - - 1
"SNIP Robertson Bros. Co.
mir. r . a. m
Quality First Shoes, Pumps and
Slippers for Growing Boys,
Girls and Little Tots
Soft soles for the little tots in all white, tan; patent
leather top and patent black kid top, at 64c and 75c.
Boys' Oxfords, "Holland Brand," in "button, Blucher
Lace and English cut of patent and calfskin; sizes 9 to
6 at $2.95 to $3.50.
Boys' Oiled Flkskin, just
See Our
3 Y
Tailored Hats in great
varietv of straws, black and
white, from
$1.50 to $3.95
'. rt...
Proposed Increase of Federal
Guaranteed Price Turned
Down by House.
WASHINGTON. April 1. Pro
posed increase of the government
guaranteed price of wheat to $2.50
was defeated tonight in the house
which rejected by a ote of 17 to
the senate amendment to the
agricultural appropriation bill mak
ing the change.
This action sends the question
back to conference and the senate
now is expected to recede fco as to
WrAlCrA WOlH.n Vm i
RATtAEQ HAvr fnniF
; P nrtN OR
1 . -1 v ' Vi
Store opens 8:30;closes 5:30 Sat
the thing for boys that are
going out on farms this spring
and summer; sizes 0 to 6. In
lace, black and tan, at $3.95.
Little Girls' and Misses'
Oxfords, ankle ties and
Pumps of Gun Metal and
patents, $1.95 to $3.50 ac
cording to sizes.
Window Display.
Special Showing
of Five Hundred
Trimmed Hats
at $5.00 and
Tomorrow Saturday
A wonderful showing of smart, stylish hats
in black and colored lisere braids with trim
mings of ribbons, flowers and fruits.
Children's Hats
MX '
not hold up the appropriation bill.
Fnder the food control act the
price of lids wheat was Jixed at SJ
a bushel but by proclamation last
February Prts't Wilson fixed .i
minimum guarantee of $2.20 a bush
el at the piincipal interior primary
markets. Under the senate rider to
the appropriation bill tfte price
would be increased to JL'.U a bushel
and the farmers local elevators
made the basic market.
A proposal to concur in the sen
ate amendment and reestablish the
interior markets as tho basis was re
jected ISO to 19 and another to
include the same guarantee lor the
1 9 1 S crop also was rejected.
I'iniT iiAKci:.v ( 'h.w;i:.
Fthel Fiedler, lti22 Prairie av.,
was arrested by the police Thursday
night on a charge of petty larceny.
1 he complaint was made by Pansy
Patronize the advertiser he
is there to serve you.
' i . n m.
.VffiKH il .
to 9:30 p. m.
Washable Suits for Bovs
French Middy Suits, Military Suits, Eton Nor
folk Suits, Tommy Tucker Suits and French
Hundreds of suits in Panama Cloths, Galatea,
Linene, Chambrays, Repp and Madras; wonderfully
tailored in great variety of combinations and trim
minirs. Ages from 3 to 10.
Remarkable Values from $1.00 to $4.50
Boys' Blouses and Shirts
New summer patterns in shirts and blouses.
made of washable light,
uiii.uiLN ouu Lunars ;mu tuns, oizes irom
3 to 15 years, at 35c to $1.15.
New Style Summer Hats and Caps for Boys
A wonderful variety. Caps for playtime, hats for Sunday or dres occasions in mi;ur,
plaids and novelties, for the little tot and the big boy. Prices from 59c to $2.9S.
Coats of silk poplin
elty checks; ages 2 to
Quality Undergarments of Muslin for Summer
No woman visiting our Muslin Underwear Section tomorrow will have to take
second thought of the value of these Exquisite and Popular Envelope Chemise at
$1.00 and $1.50, made of pink batiste with colored embroidery at yoke.
Beautiful Sleeping Gowns of Pink Batiste at $1.98 and $2.50. Thee are hand-
somelv trimmed with dainty l.ices and colored embroideries.
U. S. Casualties
WASHINGTON. April lt. The
casualty list today contained 72
names, divided as follows:
Killed in action, 12: died of
wounds, :!; died of disease, .":
wounded severely, 7; wounded
slightly, 4.".
The list follows:
Capt. James IL Miller; Corps.
Henry L. iHimen, Russell A. Hoyt.
Henry L Maxted; Mechanic Ralph
P. J. Spconer: Privates Joseph F.
Blair, Michael Meresowski, Reynold
Neilson. William J. Noble, Fdwaid
J. ('Prien. Frank J. Szolt, F,asil A.
Privates Roland K. Cole, tscar
Johnson, William Weiss.
Lieut. Arthur 15. Warren, scarlet
fever: Sergt. Ambrose Navier Buyett,
pneumonia: Privates Robert L. Can
drme. pneumonia: Ornie Nichols,
pneumonia: Harry "Smith, measles.
w j i n i ) i : i s i : v i: j 1 1: ly :
Lieut. James F. )'Toole; Privates
I'M ward Britton. William R. Davis.
Cleorge J. Duto. Mi-diael Fangori.
Victor Friese, Yagnns Perednea.
apt. Nathaniel P. Frooks: Sergts.
Martin II. McKenna, John M. Sr
ber: orps. Walter J. lirennan, Al
fred P. Gorman. William J. Mo
Corron. Orson H. Rithmurn; Pri
vates J. B. Barr-. Murray W. Uart
btt. Purley J. Bateman, Josejih
Bazins'd. Jose)h A. Uedard. Wilson
Pdackweil. John D. Cooner. Leo
Creteau. Arlington C. Fullen. Ralpli
F. fMiirn.ds. Uli It Farmer. Jo
seph J. Cannon, Arthur P. dorman.
Li oris.
Crange-, Custav Helpa.
F. Hitchcock. Fdward L.
Howard L. Jardir.e. Bill
Joseph J. Kane. Arthur L.
Chirloi Newton. Clarence F.
Newton. Cornt'ius O'RourKe. .N'ico-
lino Patierno. Arthur C. Peterson,
W. titer I'. Q linn. Charles K. B(d)in
via. Kdgar R. Robinton, Charles C.
S'.-t-bui k Joseph 1 Sheridan. Har
old R. Sleeper. Jep-y ''. Stewart,
ll.iiry R. utton. Linier H. Tarbox.
Jan.'-- P. Tro, Frai.k M. Vonr.es,
Ralph W: ranis.
Don't say you siv It In ths
newspaper. Say News-Times.
Interesting Prices on Towels
Just arrive.!. Was TviereJ ,u;r Ja:L..u
sale. Was dekuwi in transit.
25 Dozen Half Linen Huck Towels, airea !
hemmeJ. Sale puce 45c each, r $5.00 dozen.
Sale of Summer Suits
and dark percales and
Washable Summer
For Little Children and Big Girls
Smocked Dresses for Little Tots 2 to 0 years; also belted
models 20 new styles in colored ginghams, plaids and stripe
some combined with plain colored ehambrav priced tmm
75c to $1.75.
Washable Dresses for Girls 12 to to years, poplins cham
brays, iringhams in plaids, stripes, checks and plain co!.i-
at $1.25, $1.50 and up to $6.95.
Dresses for the Girls at an ace hard t tit. Wa-h dres
of many styles and colors from $3.95 to $8.95.
Coats for Girls and
and taffeta coats of wool serges in plain colors and
6 at$2.95 to $5.00 girls 6 to 14 years from $5 to $10.
The Men's Bible class of the
Westminster Presbyterian church
met in the church hall last niuht.
i Samuel Pettingiii gave an interesting
j talk on the third Liberty loan, after
j which William Happ read a paper
j on the "Coming Democracy." Music
was furnished by members of the
Teofil Kazmierzak, mobUr. South
Rend, and Mary Ciesiolka. domestic.
South Bend.
Theophiel Van Vooren. lab-uer.
Mishawaka, and Jennie Penasb
New Carlisle.
Robertson BupiiteB Company
Special Sale of
5,000 long stem Roses
at 29c doz.
500 Bunches
Sweet Peas
at 12c
On Saturday Morning at 9 o'clock.
Only 2 Juzen Ruses v:ll be sold tu an v une distuner.
; IN FRANCj:, Apr:! Fc Tl..- :. -tiv -I
ities of the Carman n,:iu..t a ;;!.' r
; ities ;n suppressing p: -opa a: :d . ai
honif aie shown in the f. o '.'.. n -,
quotation from a man " I- : r
; Which has beeil reCej; .,; A : i . e r . .
: a n b a d quart e rs :
"Baron on d i '. cener . J
niil)d;ng the s.--. enth ler :.. 1 1. ::;-.y
; i orps in Muej--t r, : . . m
i m irks to the pei -ori who - . -
-eels in in.p;-at:ng a n L -1 : -1 :
: Aiueri'. an ag nt gr.ilty -f I' i":'r
I disturbaiK-es or ie;..I :t;..:, ,,. t!.; -I
disti; t. in si !i a i;iai!'.- r ::.: 1. -
Iii X ' .e CO 1 1 de I j ; I d 1 y a . ' '
?:3d to 5:30
rXSr A Saturday 9:30.

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