Newspaper Page Text
Ü ä BEND NEW THE WEATHER Indiana Fa r i : d T T r T 'S T T 7r y i V r, V V Ii ü EDITION ('.! ; i )'. r T hi' hiwcr Mih- lg;ui l'.i.r To .gh' ..r. 1 T .! ; i slight'.v r to: i-1.:. 1 New Slogan for South Bend "SOUTH BEND, IND., AND PROUD OF IT" Reply Made by South Berd Boy enrcxa van address to Kswspifsit mils in tux Ttsaxmcs ttbs fixing tixs pivot aiczxxcjln ehot at tus imrm VOL. XXXV, NO. 112. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOMK WITH ALL THE LOCAL NEW. SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1918. DAY AND MUHT l-TLL LEASED WIKK TELEGRAPHIC SEItVICE. PRICE TWO CENT5 fib n crrrrj ffl Ira ü Fin otal is $1,456,585,150; Third Week to he äSOUT S-TIMESä PPfl mm I Q) IS J3 ÜUÜU uti I I I M l Mi iOini JUii' L Banner 1 1 CITIES STILL LUG BEHIND Pile ST T Treasury Department Restate M'Adoo's Appeal For Many More Millions of Subscribers. ' 1. 1 mi :-. t : i ii .: 1 . u s.-r i e : WA.-HINGT N. April i i : a i ,n -i to the third Li Sub !Ttv 1 oan , ,,f i ao ! V totaled i i n LT to tb' 1J fd-lal .d b. the ? l . 1 " . . "i s r . l .", i , ei o:n ial !;(,'urcs from , r cm-r ba ii k s I - ti('.ts,ir dpirtinent ! o 1 I . Tfi'-s- aie only actual subi-rip-:iii;'. lip-. ii whicli tp, initial pay ii, iits of five percent been i;:aie. In addition arc thousati'ls of !.;r-es which th'- total .tJMiiinl up to well pay! the half-way pitik of the minimum quota. Th" third v'ek of the diiw is !" l.i.otcd by tlic erit huiatic suj- port of th- railui of th con r.t rv. i u'ional Ixrci tor "h i'-a o. reports t ll. 1 1. Aihton of at the total sub-'a : ij'tiniis frm railroads in w tem t' i ritory i:p to 1 iidi uetf more than ? ".c:'iö.0ot.. a late di-patch turn th San i'ran !-; fe.i-ral re .;c bank said that th- -täte of V,',i !uiili'li had pas.--U i - fU(t;i. .-'tattle h.m I'.ona v .j b-cribers, ;s! (oi.paied with I'l.t'fui in the -e-oid' ;an. TacMiia iep-uts hi)m(i -ut-- libers .M'.d is o.Jt f-i beat the rec- ', .'.'I made Iiy Toledo. . I Picnew i:fToii Tili. Weck. The tic.isuiv department has re-: -:.i'e,i the appeal of St-, v MeAdoo! lua ny mo: e millions of Libert :1 su b -ci i i . rs and today called in all i i inciii mi m it 1 1 e tile 'J federal serve distlicts to at,- an intensive campaign to ! , e t he third w ;.. of the dri e I i-e-; sellirm wee!x. . itie- are latrtrim: be-' Th b'?.d the inial "min ii.itiev. The iei;..ri:y of state- h..vini; obtain d i M''"ta are aiiK'iiu the middle' e;, ,,,,,, r,f a iri'i: p u ra I state-.' 'I i " li.-t ir:!ude- Iowa. i.-eoü. Ar a"d North It'ot,. Montana. I'tah ami e,-;!,iy !iiiTie-..ta. The '-' o.rit of tic n . reporting t er- ' - ib- T-;pti.n ait al.-.i in the rural ..-tM'-t-. The Mmiie-ota federal fe- - c dit i-i- t ha- r ep,, i t.-.i to "l'l !p -ad'i i.'a ?t -V tilt ev : s the täte the has t IP .1 P t t p t ha :op. f ho;-), . ia! e "!,e , ('I' :i ; ; r ma t ioi SI. Pmti. Carrie l'ad. Sf Lo ii- is carrying it- lead over CI ditriet. being rapjv within i.ob of jt- maximum -pp.ta ":ee ''nd i leading in the purple-- f,f ' on-mun.tie-:. ha in- ::rifu?l-d tli" 'oc.,r ; i g. with .. !,-: of -, r j . v ai d-, .-tee; worker- iri tlie 1 ij ge ' -n:- of t'lip. have rallod to the v pPort tip- 'can mlvr ale bo..-- :rg th. ir f. the 1 pe-, '! i ' -. Toei),i , , l"o.;;pb'd up a I Cm! lot., : P'er- a i O i i Ml."" ;p1i i 'el IP. ' ". "I du tl i !v in. Hp pe a e W'h ,-tri' i -..:;! n 1 1' i ampaign )pi'prs are e h ica gi d i-t r! t n - ited. tl'.e To win t ho- for P" !a: ; i A ft er boi week - i 1 1 u- fo: the lo o'er- v. :i'a .1 the '.Mtt tl'.ar the e. T'i'ig for 1 d-.-trict lepart -i- .;'.i-t i n . i -'Tl! M ; r- . I o . i ! , a- r.-p;:. red , ! Ii en a .". loo. in ... p-1 u . i . a n ha- pi;- M i- ret : r r 1 1 !;i.,b. Is oP -it'. Hawaii in Campaign. ' g a . i ill a ' . i - v. r-portir.g sab Hp w a ha- ;! rapipuigU ' f ' " '" e JMrvt. Th! St . I .o . :pd: id ial Yv Cl'glap. th I i a : i-e.l an 1 t t.!l to 1 1 ' IT'' 1. t , , -j r i . . e r red drive the re'-irc, - of - hich are .a; to 1 r,r;g the d;s- : far in tVp i .td at i w r e ': . 'he th: Wee .V Of t r:v. r r.i:;p oW.-.-t period r. r. a een t! a : i. ri rtum' the y ration of Praia'. . - I. r! wiTP. I .uri"':,- ,.. ...':. "raiiOTi p r -nc ""--: "i ijraiieti rip v. a ip i . paign f" it" t t lie - tb -s r. - 1- ex p t - of th- we.',. P.ob' . V-u; m f th.e current .) to t oO the re N e 4 , n l . s : o . n . a -. in CO ; i - . . i : Ige ' boat i -Ii. . 1 J ' I . I r t : V. Bolshevikism at Home is Problem, Says Poindexter Iiit.Ti...ti..i,.iI N.w .-;": ,;ton, April -:.-Amer- WASHIN ira's great task is to wipe out bol- sh '. i k i-m within hfr own gates. .Sen. Mibs Poindexter of Washington, de . claied in tli senate: this afternoon. i i --niic int ease oi loin -Mooney i : ! Oa lifor nia. as an example, Sen. J just her- South Pend and MUha poindexter delivered a powerful in- i waka labor stands with reference to veotive against the forces which he , the Libertv loan, will wind its wav d- Ian d aie "fniil in a deliber ate effort to hlacxmail the ovtrn inent." "The greatest i-sue that confronts" ruif onlv thf A 11 1 eri f -a n tiftiiilo !nif I . . ' V ' . I nit- wt'Mci n woi mj is me suppression this arrogant and tyrannical , movcrncnt. Sc n . Poindexter said. "Its leailej need to be subjected to th power of the ko ernment. "It is my purpose today in this place where one spc-aks with a sense of responsibility, to proclaim my be lief that the greatest responsibility whi h rests upon th Kovernments tod.iy, is to put down with the strong hand of authoritv the doc- ' Lri'ie of unlnidled force and luwless ' riess at home." i Sen. Poindexter's outburst came ! ftr h- had presented to the senate re-ulutions from a hod-carriers" un- ! ion which declared that the convic tion of Tom Mooney of planting a I bomb in California during a pre , I'ar( dness parade was the result rf conspiracy on the part of "biq business. He also presented a let ter from James Duncan froi.i Seat tle. notitving him that labor organ- i . .. 1 iz ation- are planning a strike on day 1, if .Mooney is not pardoned or I yi en a new trial. CITY DRAFT MEN LEAVE SATURDAYS Those of County Division Go Friday Morning and Col ored Men Monday. mi" and ' morning . I r ft men of div ision :wo will ion have l"rida wnn inose or division three as rrc- . io,;-lv announced, but will depart lor 'amp Tabr Saturday morning Horn the Vandalia station at 1 ) o'i loi k. The o men of the county, or third divi-iou. have for Camp Tavler at ".::;o o' lock 1'riday morn ing. Saturdav afternoon at 4:-') t-Vlm k tlv IT m mi who were spec ially induct-"1!! will leave for Purdue er.-it , where they will receive i two months' i our.-e in mechanics before being sent to an aviation training station for ground work. All of tlie men leaving this weec and tho-e to go between May 1 and 1" will be iiaippieted TuesdaV nicht the bu.-iness men of the city at Kal le's hall on 11. Washington av. The men of divi-iorps one and two . re instructed to meet at the head quarters of th' board- on the second of the Farmers Trust building t i : : o!o(.k Tuesday evening and o...r h in a body to the banquet hall. Tip -e of tlu- third division may pp t wnh tho-e of the other two lri-;ori- or go directly to the ban- iPet hall. The 17 c. doted men of the two itv iii.-ion- are -. beduled to leave Jor i 'amp Ta'.or Monday morninj t f o'i lock. Men of citv di;-pn two wh.o have ' - n at the V. M . i A. are in-tru te, to meet f r drill to- igk! at u ildin g. he chamber of t'onituoric GERMANS ADMIT FAILURE OF U-BOATS AGAINST AMERICAN TRANSPORTS ! a . r ! -1 1 i ii .i ; N v A MsTi; IlI'A.M, April The T .1 ;rc o; tip Ameri Ger:.;an 'ibmarir.e an trar.-po-ts i- row pu.dic'.v aduutted in Capt. Kih.l w ettf r. wilting in the'.in I ...kal Anzeiger, explair. it by .-. ;ng tl'.at the Pnited States troop -b:p- are ffectivelv guarl-d by at'd powerful warships pro- te. led Willi device:. WAR CHEST "DIRECTORS WILL MEET TONIGHT Th . e . e e ! e. in g the newly s who will d:-tr:.'Utirg f :nd. w -i: v of Com. -7 : c -' u e . , ; s -1 l-o. full Per ' , t o e l ar Oi i W..r -he Oh I i m . Mo.da e P. i r; ; I p '." . n ' e d ' f i ." men. p.-.-d AT PARADE OP b n i o l titUt rayearu jcaI oaiuruay mym to Show How Workingman Backs the Liberty Loan. a giant parade, demon trating i through the principle streets of South Pend next Saturday even ing. I'lans now in th making con- U tnplate the bif,'get turn-out of laboring men ever held in this city. It is aimed to have every establish ment in South fiend and Mishawaka represented in this paceant, which will start promptly at 7 o'clock. In order that those taking part may view the parade itself a plan lias bfen arranged for a counter-march. Dunners. bands' and. marchin? men will form the procession. General plans for the affair were an nounced Monday by Gus HaslanRer. chairman of the committee on ar rangements. These plans will he perfected at a meeting of the "com- I mittee on organization'' this even- in? at Liberty loan headquarters j and at a peneral meeting of all com- ' mittees Wednesday evening at the j fame place. ' Speakers will r.e obtained mruie celebration, one address being given ., , ... . . siblv at the court hoiisf suiiare. The speakers have not yet teen selected i but they v ill probably be among the J ' Ifaders of labor. The following" committees have j been named to prepare the parade: i Committee on organization ; George Knowbloek. chairman: 1 I.ucien H. Miller. George Goetz. A. I T 11.- T t'rsiti-n W II Tllti. Ii, I Irl i . tJ . ' . 1 l'.;v Ii, II II. er. Committee on iublicity YZ. J. Iloche. chairman: P. M. Poock. Otto; Nimtz. V. K. Lamport. j Comriitiee on music Robert IM- j bei. chairman: l-'dgar N.vens. ; Charles Miller. Committee on parade (Jus Has- J laneer. Fred Wagner. I). .1. j Mathews. I Committee on arrangements (Jus j Has'.anuer. chairman; A. G. Matties, j G. W. ;ia.-s. Robert Hood. PITY PlAMMlMH IQ i I I I k ri i . i I w ix DISCUSSED BEFORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE) Fca.ling with th" industrial and ' transportation phases of city plan ning. YZ. NV. Young, member of the city planning commission, addressed the members of the Chamber of Commerce at their noonday lunch eon Monday, and for half an hour went into two of the phases of the subject In relation to ine inuusiriai pnase ... I - i. ..f citv idanning. the speaker aker said that it is essential that industrial plants be located where adequate transportation facilities are avail able. And. too, they must be lo cated where they are able to benefit by the c.t's lire protection. Ample ground for expansion, he said, is al.-o neee.-sury to obtain the most ef tieieney. In dealing with the transporta tion phase of city planning, Mr. Young said that experts decry the belt railroad plan. He tsaid that they recommended instead the branch system branches running wherev er they are nee. led. Hetaid that the; bel: line svstem tends to concen - träte all the efficiency inte tontines that are diffa ult to break. Mi. Young wa- preceded by Nel son II. Jones who" :ye on Liberty bonds. He urged that the members of the Chumh r of c'ommerce get out and work for the -ale of the j bonds. He declared that it would1 be a shame and a disgrace it' South j P.end and St. Joseph county fail to ; teach their quota of ? TJ.öoO.C'VO inj the sale of Liberty bonds. He de- j . lared that if a man has enough to j tat. ctiouii to wear, a place to live; and c .! to keep h m warm, that is all he needs, and more than he de- serves when the condition of 4. ioui St. Joseph county boys hae gone to war is considered. the who YEGGS BLOW SAFE International News Service: INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. April :. Twenty-live cent cigars are no ob ject to the burglars, who last night broke into a restaurant at No. :VÖ WV-t Maryland st. and obtained; Ji-o" : ripping e.pen tne sae. Scattered cigar stub- in the rear of the restaurant rndpated that the vegg had made :n"rrv l e-fore they -frted their work. I'nlrtnve was oMa.n.d -v a rear jwindow which had been torn open. 1 Plan Fight to Raise Draft to Men of Forty International .NVws Servhe: WASHINGTON, April :'. Hold ing up England's action in raising the draft ac to 50 years as an ex- , ample, members of the house mili-, i,nj anairs committee were plan- r-'ni? today to make a vigorous light to raise the draft age in the United States to 4 0, when the legislation for registering thoe who hae be come -1 since June Cuines up for consideration. This legislation has already been control committee of the shipping j I'assed by the senate. It will come ( hoar d today arranged lo place from j up in the house within the next few!""'.""" to H , t j tons of shipping at I days. "The congress itself is ju-t be- ' pinninu to realize tho seriousness of the war situation." liep. Kahn, ranking republican of the committee, said todav. 'It is far het- I ter that we should take this step now than to wait. Our alüe? waited. They had to come to it in the end. however, and so shall r. "The only way to brim; an end; to this war within a reasonnMe time ; io to strike in force." : Takinsr men from I to 4 w ould i permit these to till non-combatant j positions, thus releasing younger ! I men for the active work on the bat- tie front, advocates of the plan point c-ut- With RfP- Kahn in the fight will j Tl,P- Shallenber-er, who led the! opposition to the last draft legisla- 1 I, Annrn tion. r.oth desire the enactment of the law Jiv both hoti?s very short- : ly, so that the registration of the men may he made on June .", the j anniversary of the first registration for the draft. i GIANT BDI Combustible Containing Five Pounds of Dynamite on Doorstep. ' ,n Service: I ! NHW YtHlK. April The ! NNEWY I most powerful bomb found in NewiV;i' -', and U'O.ono to erect a ! York in vears. encased in a wooden !' ri,1 r C.augo creek on high- i . X;;'" tive pounds oi ... ......i ... I i. HillllRt', was in.-curi'ii ioni. in the doorwav of the Iafe Publishing I Co., on Y. "1st st. Rut a short dis- tance away the lines running from i i a ... ;. . .1,1... . miiUi" t Tin.!- I I l Ulis , n ,ima luo -, uuu; i u,'. jtuvi- son come into the open in a deep cut and run into the Pennsylvania station. Owen Hägen of the bureau of combustibles, pronounced the con trivance one of the most dangerous , h h d ver Ffen Thp fuse was un lighted, indicating that it had been It ft hidden in the doorway by some tne intending to throw it upon the tracks or into the end of the tubes. The box weighed more than t0 pounds and was wrapped In a Phila- j c??lphia paper of yesterday s date, j A heavy iron cylinder, surrounded j by thick steel rods, contained the 1 explosive. In construction it bore tlie unmistakable marks of a train- ; ed mechanic. Heavy bolts and screws carefully tightened offered j Micr, diMioalties that it took half an hour to take the machine apart and t earn what was inside. Patrolman Timothy H. Shea no , ticed the package set acain-t the j ron grating which guards the door i way of the publication He tore i iiwsv the fuse which was carefully j protected by paratün and soaked the ! ccntrh ance in water. 1 WILSON IS OPPOSED TO MILITARY ZONE BILL New Service: , WASHINGTON. April .'J Pro.-'t , Wilson is "unalterably oppo-ed" to; the bill now before congress which ! would make the entire t'nited i States part of the military zone and! provide court martia.s. rathe- than! trial in civil courts, for tho e ae- f been taken over by the I'riti-h mili-cu-e of tlisloyalty. i tary authorities, -ays a Cork d;s- The presble r.t's opposition became patch printed in the Chronicle to known teday with the announce- t day. ment that he had written to Fen.! disjatch added that the po-t t'ham'oerlaip. its nsor. outlining i his reasons for opposing the me. is- ure. iv ix h: ni:ci:ivi:i:. I:;tern.iti n tl New Sott! e : Apr:; PITTSPFPOI I. Pa., .A j petition n-kin- for a receierhip 1 f he Pittsburgh Pailwav-Co. wa- tiled in Cnited States . . i :riet court ; tod.-ty '. y : P. rake sh and th.e j Louis. f o l IP i "e tor American p g ' i ' p . D. 1 . of Wilm t. Lo .;- C . r f s- TO SEND WHEAT TO BELGIUM TO I AVERT A FAMINE J. S. Shipping Board tO Seild 90,000 Tons of Shipping on Errand of Mercy. 1 I lib rn.i t i"iu I Neu Servi-e: ' WASHINGTON. April I'-'. To ; Invi-rt f I initio in üpliinrn t lip slii:: jthe immediate disposal of that ( country These ships will rush :i.-j Sunday night stated that the i;er bushels of wheat to the J man assault against the American i odiiOiui ! stricken peigians. j The action followed an appeal to j ; the food administration that hip- I infills be rushed. It was said that unless wheat now on the way i rec ihed there in time, and unless i ili vl-iirtnint e re. continiifil the v .. v , entire nation would face starvation, I NEW HOSPITAL 1 LWUIIiy OUUHOll marxu mjjjji vj priation For Addition at.Healthwin. j ; , Tile St. Joseph counts council a. a special meeting held Monday vfs no o um IL UIUU morning appropriated $ 100.000 for J foUt,ht with h1 p:st'ol ..p.ngsi.le of!but lhev '"' ;a new tuberculosis hospital to be;,ljs H.n Another after emptying: M-rected i.t Healthwin. the site of i :ne present nospixai. i ne neeu ior;; rms oo.-pnai oeen :eu ror some time due to the crowded conditions at Healthwin. The matter lias been' brought up before the council up in tormer meetings but the tmal action ; ,i hoi i.inen mini iooa. i oe n l o- ...... . . . ......... ....:, ... i.... '1 -1 . . ..... i uon ior appropriation was made by ; ounrilinun Fggleston ami seconded j by Councilman Mayr. j The council also made appropria j lions of dfifi to build the new j .Vain Market Highway, No. 1, be tween South Fend and Niles; $10.- 000 to build the Main Market high- i ..... c on ci men .v nv. vt i :r;in. ; . . ' inrn. Kochel. I.ggleston. ..layr - - 1 11 A A .1 ! ' vvarner were present at. ine i BARON RICHTH0FEN, BEST KNOWN GERMAN AIRMAN, IS KILLED OVER S0MME ; HONlxiN. April Baron von ! Itiehthofen. the best known airman 1 in the German army, was killed on Sunday during a fight above the Summe river, said a dispatch from the front this afternoon. Military honors, such as wou'd be hen to an allied aviator, will mark the funeral ceremonies. Itichthofen's squadron was krown as the "Tango Circus:" becauso of the bizarre camouflage on their ma- chines and their skill in doing all sorts of air tricks. According to the German officers. Kichthofen had shot down 7 allied machine. 1 M i a -I Ai GlinS and AmmUnitlOn AISO Removed From All Dub lin Gunshops. LONImN. April principal raihsas j:. Ail of the In Ireland have ! otfice ar.d telephone lines al.-o have j -'n taken over and that all the th.e guns and ammunition from Dublin have been removed gun shops. It is supposed that similar action will tie takri in other Irisn citie--. Tlie action of the Priti.-h military authorities in Ireland i- evidently a pre a'.t iona r measure before th ? enforcement of ruip, ription. Strong r osti'e feehn- ag.ii-T tip- Iri-ii i : r. e. l..i - t-'.e-pe ; n n 1 1 1 . e r j u a iniTRIII TÄITP i I h I I II I II fthh ww m h mm n lu ininn nnii nnn nn llilbll HHILriUHUb i I 4 localities. Americans Laurels in 1,200 Shock Iroops International News Seri.: WITH thi: AMI-: HIi "AX IN FliANCK. April L'l. (7 aii.m in.) I ! The all dav li'ht on Saturday be- i ' . . . ... ; tuppr. Tii e r i i n .1 111 IT-enen sn 1 icr i ntid 1 -Mii"i P.iirniMi toriiiiiii truiirN ! ! on nie se. Lor noririwesi oi ioui win , ... .. . ..r e;o uovvii in nis;urv as me oanie oi Seichepi ey. I sVichprnpv i; the iviiiip if the village into which th Germans forcel their way only to be driven out by strong counter attacks. The French war otlice in its report on j (and French positions had failed and that the allied lines had been com- plete!" reestablished. Th bombardment which ireceded jthe German attack was said to be! las heavy as any that the Genua ns . laid down in th-;r offensive at Ver- - - - dun. A terrific barrage of gas shells swept the American lines before the Germans drove forward in three columns. The main attack was aimed at ! Seichenrev village. American in- I - ! fantrymen suj)pirtel by machine ! guns, met the foe in the streets and 'narrow byways and pursued them into the wrecked Civilians Gone loiig: Am. The village had long ago been evacuated by the civil population invini to reneatil lioiobardment ... . . The buildings resembling a shat-1 tered sepulchre furnished a dram a ti l.ii'l.'erAlln.l fiw t rt a nn to it r - l I ment. : I There were numerous instances of' j i extraordinary gallantrv on the part! f the Americans. An infuntrv of-1 i,!.,,,,,! ,Ill..inn j his :lUtomotic tabbed a rifle fmn,! wounded private nn.l stood in the j ((I,on tvinz at tlp cjernim. Then , ,0 n xhvowm.r -enades: at them. i m rifr otlicc-s sliowed equal I hf. t nrt- i u ii i Three Americans in charge of a ; Jn ( (. j n 0 jun at another point in j tu battle kept their post, although i they had been ordered to retire, lowing to their hazardous position., . They attacked two German air-lTdl Killed 111 ActlOn, FlVC Die planes and kept Jiriu until both i were downed. 1 he air planes were 'living low in an lttempt to destroy battery positions. A (crni. in Trick. When the Americans ictook the! ! villa ! ...o ..ftn- h,.in-w -,f h-,.-,l fP-htir,.' l t I I ' r I l I Ila'1'4 11,1,1,1., thev found the German had ar ranged mine traps, stringing wires! acro-s t lie stre ts. Anvonc who i i stumbled over the wires set off large j boxes of explosives. A wounded j i German was foind in an alley groaning and calling "kamerad." When the Americans approached lie pulled a wire which exploded a number of grenades. The wounded German was taken to a hosnital whro he later died 1 Tuo or three mortallv wounded Hermans were captured. Couriers were compelled to make i their way through a triple barrage. One reached headquarters in hys terical condition and gasped: "I'm not yellow, am I? Von don't think I'nl a quitter because I act this way? P. is my first fight I "f,;i know. Lud I deliver mv ms- taco all right? That's good." ! Then he swooned. I ITai Mcii'h Itracrv. The bravery of the men manning the- machine guns and artillery was praised by their superior ofücers. Although the siells were raining lall about them, the- men remained I cool and methodically loaded and i fired their pieces. They were with out food nor rest, but that mattered not to them. The fearlesi-ne-- of the American ambulance driver was one of the ! high lights of :he battle. One voung American driver who had ; serv ed a.- a v olunteer in the French aimy sa;ü: i ne t.oniiarcment in atürday s ngnt w as as bad as any thing I ever heard at Verdun. The thmg that thrilled nie was the wav the Americans drove their am bulances right amidst the lighting to get tho wounded back. They took awful ehanc.-s. The' fortitude and stoicism of the American wounded was wone'erful. They may have moaned slightly, but .he-re was not -ne word of complaint as we hustler , them to the hcspital. The only j thing one noticed was the w ay they gripped the sales of their litter now and then. Kept Wire-. Itepalrctl. 'l mad0 a dozer trirs oer a road th tt the enemy s'-ielled .steadily all dav a 1 I th.OUglT e my Jjst. that every trip -hells bur.-t jus: wo i b l ahead of my car several times. I earned -ay too n uch for tho-e- in i harge of the v gm I men. oin muni' ation a T time and again. i b-t the men alwuys hxed i;i the Win New Repulsing wires. 1 1 w, a thrüliim :ht t. see them calmly putünjr ciuart-ts as1 ,thpy patched up the breaks, at.d German shells falling all , around them. I saw chaps Mirtins death on nil side, vvitli utter indifference. They worked if a s d j n - : , there wasn t an suc h thinu ger. "I saw one fellow badly wounded in the leg. 'Hon't bother too much about me. feliuws.' he exclaimed. ' 'Just hustle nv t,, t)10 hospital so ,; I can get fixed up to get .it those j Huns again.' ! W:ilc I.oi of Ga. Shell. "I saw lot of such ease- as I '. ' nil 1 he .iinlilil.irci. KmU it-.l f.,rtVi I - .... . mihi 1 v r t . 1 . ; ' The Lothes sure wasted a bunch i of gas shells. They kept piling them our wav for hours. The German j fuUpht i rn with tury at hist, but our soon wore them down. It i C! MW. l was a stiff old tussle while it lasted. ; If the folks at home could only see ; the grit of our men they certainly j would be proud. The German shelled a large area prior to and during the battle " Salvation army girls, after braving dangers lor dav.-. were compelled to 'establish their canteen in safer ter I ritory. Today they escaped un scathed although they had a liar-j asking experience. Six shells broke , within ."(' yards of the canteen and 'two within a dozen vard ... . The girls would have remained if the military j authorities h id not insisted upon i , their departure. , The men in charge of the lied I Cross station remained serving hot coffee and doughnuts. A shell struck within 1 feet of their shack 72 U. 5, MEN Oil CASUALTY ROLL of Wounds and 42 Are Slightly Wounded. i . . . . l ' HIP" II lllo.;ii -ITVI WASHINGTON. April The names of American soldiers ap peared on the casualty l'st issued hy the war department today. Of these men, 10 were killed ! in action. The other elassiip ations wer : Hied from wound: c: died from coident. one; died from disease, four; died from other causes, twe.. nded severely. even; wounded slightly, 4 I Maior Pavnal Cawthrone Ibliing. jirevieiusly rei'ortfd mi.-.-ing, is in this list repeated killed. Killed in action: Privates Herbei t A Akroyd, Himer G. Hawley, Kay I). Kreager, John J. Larkin. Manuel Martin, George H. Norsigian. Her nian Seiner. John Y". Siation, Charle Waldron. IJugler Grover K. Tanner Died r, woivnds: 'pl. F'rank P.. Amarale, Prisate Henry J. I5er-fr. on. Walter Hammett. 'har!e a. Henry. Ivioey -. Wells. I ie d of aee ident: Lieut. Stanley Huueni. Died of disease-: Sergt. Frank C. Cataldo. pneumonia; Cpl. Theodore Peck, Privates Joseph L. Mattingly. pneuinonla; Jatn'-s T. Welch, empyema. ! Died of other; I'rivat.'-s Frank J. Watson, Arthur WiTinm-'. Wounded severely: Sergt. LMwarJ j (i Smith, Cpl. Joseph Thifault. i Private-, John L. Prock. William 'Dillon. Abraham A Fle-che-r. ! rTivtrK-s H Harrington. George Kert scher. TO DEDICATE ARMORY AT PURDUE UNIVERSITY Int'-ri iti" ''' Neva Serve e: LA I "A VLTTl". Ind.. April redie.itioTi of Purdue university's rew $::c". c0 arm(ry will take place next Friday with appropriate er- ;ee in which well kno'.'n men from f hron'-hn.-r the state will take part. Gov. James P. Ooodrh h ami hi-! he . -staff. Adjt. Gem Harry P.. Smith, ! Amiens. commandants from the Ohio S'tat and Indiana universities and the Culver Military academy board of tr'JFte.-s ar.d commanding cdf.cers i f the central '1 e part men. C. S A.. fr'm Chicago will be in attend ance a review will be held and fol lowing addres-e- :.v i:tir g n.ilitary bPtders. a darpe will be Vo-M in re new armori". I S MAKE l3L ATM IN THE Force Way Into Advanced British Post English in Raids North of Lens Capturing Guns. ;, P i a 1 1 1 'i; i ! Vew ;. ,. I.' XIm X. A pi :: . ! tions on both the , ., pi der s ba tt !e front - w p- !'.d F'.all- 1 I t : p t O e t ic'lit'ih the Jul-111. The w i o'ta e i . p..; p d oca y t b r. the llr:':-:; had -1 : n.: t ' , , i and CV il.le lit I t e p i d I tli i 1' ! : '! I - - l'l the -e. t .- of lib r .--l'l f ;.n u (e'.lS of .vllip Ii-. AI' e!t Kob'C'J. lat'.- :n th night th-' Germar; deliv ered a n att.o K iu I be of Mesnil and after .!;.,r;. Jorced th ir : it'To n Fr:ti vance.l iast. Suei e-.-fi;', I r : T ; - v. . Tor hr : ii .-. !'. .oi- ii r.i..'- vv ere ;i rr i 1 out at poi m arpi s-outu of Ln-, apt iriii ers and ma hir.e g'.r. Gel man artilb-r w n a--M . the rn me r i r . "Karlv -unda night IP u t u pr ;-o: - ! I 'o.'al att i k. a ec. 1 1 1 p; . i. ! 1 . !,.i shelling, na- p. ob- ag iii.-t .-cr j s.tions in the neigh'-. .rii 1 of ril." says tlie official sat n. r.t A 1 rT liarp I.ghtifg. ;n the co-;.. vvnioh the ( i I' i n ,i r: -!..- -,. o cipturin; f f,f cii .oUaip- ! p--tre atta k w a- rep d-e.p " "- 1 1 :1 ''Iii .1 ,,!!' po - . ; fkghtlv dvrifg the t,;.-!.f in . tors e f the 'i I ;.( -- Fi t Pert and I ' P. , i . VV. i : , ful raids at a! ;ou- po'-p Al- -b tii - oi th an I P .-o'i, I S : eiuth of L'll-. cap! .l.'i- I end machine gur.s. "The ; e was c-1 p ; ;, en bot Ii si ! - .it h -1 ; . ! p the ftoj.t. "Tile ' ;P'T:i.i Ii- i p i ' . ; d hot -. d i I ' t i r g the;:- : .- against m.r po-;t ion - ..t of tip- S"! a I : : e a p , ! A p ' ; :n the '-'"hi. i .f T. i . i :. nd the Niepp f ' ! ' ' ." iimnii impi:o i TIH.IK povo. IiiP-rii iti,-!i.,i .n, - s., r, , ,. LoM'oN. A ; ; .! ... W h 1 C I bl "ke , ,t op I i , I ' , ! tie front i i ' S ; p bi ; : ; i ' ppr. ed t h' . r ; - o- p .: ' -l.b i :t- Pi etepi . triei. th. day. Yilie a . x and war o -Pr. ipip- and !" i' A Albert l of Amp I.O a 1 Ger::. a .1 po:.t en-. I atT.ii ' s tp.rTl il-.d o ( I er i all re; The fresh att..' ar.d Picard Men hr have ) -e. n tion e,f the sitioTis along the fort!:'-, with the Aetioii Ti.e pa P th- b.ittP-: the -rat: lill'ij to o In the or..--h i !f Priti-h ra t:.;:n iV' i i e ! ; e r i . i tip- adv ati' .-.j P.. i - I .- n -1 Pnti-h n- shelled. unda w h; ti re I. . ah r. oji I Ma' b-r , ; 1 1 I, . ' i r p '1 k ii It .:S .P. i . P.Ola , a TP it I he G. -se-rue-s of ' . ?! ' P ( . Ifor t to bre:: ; b - 1 : hi P..--. ... .r r into l'e'h :r e. The e e-nt. red ; n t :. ,: ', 1 i ,:.! I "' n a r: b . in gi e .. f ' ' , vt ' e P il-.-d. IIa helling N( The r.- h :!::. :'ry a '. -r - r, ).- -. : i I a IT l!HO!. - r IP at lat.-T ep..r-. ! w h. h of atfl' The Ger::.,; por t - e.p. . ... , . - r.o It h; Annen e- 'fe a. ir Th- H MESBL SECTOR 4