MONDAY KVKXING, APKIL 22. 191. ll CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS If your name appeart in the telephone directory yoa can telephone your want "ads" to The News-Times office and a bill will be mailed after its insertion. Home Phone 1151; Bell phone 2100. THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIMES Gets a Position Gets Help Barter and Exchange WANT ADS LOT AM lOl.MI. LST V- rd 1 i - lit an! It. n N. 11H1 . 161. Rilv Home pho:.e 4tsl 12. A 1. Heim. 3711 23 LT r Ii STKAVII -W'lii?" j.o ! dog, ag- lb years. Anw-rs t r..i "T'iuV."." I iij.T.-r J V.i-- nl Horm l,ji,w !"'!'. Reward. MTIATIO.N WA.VT1I IKMAI-K. WANTED To '! ti: J...-.- .i:rtaiU". R-H Pi'.v II. 71H. MLE HELP WANTEI. 'A "A N I i -"I - I '. I.i k rn i f h s ar.d .iill.1'7-p 'per it-.r. a;.., i,. f.. prep. .re w h-e!s l..r t:r- -1 r -r . A j ; : pur- ;..i-iig 1"- i urtr.j. iif. Eirde!l Mfg Co :ytV.-,7 WANTED At on..-, an -l drivr f r perm t n.-D t r 1 1 j ' n . Salary an I corn-i.;- .n Tail 227 N. Emeri'-k. .'i'lpi H'.Nn."! .ii;mo of hü rit .t m-n. ag : to ;" M-irs. n.c bam illy ln dined ' r f :i- h and simpV :n.i hin work. M'-;.'lv .rk i n. f.-r i.l- n arn. ii'-nt f..r n.iMi hu ar' ullllti .p "Ut!i r.'ci!i- Work-.. ::'.-tf. W f ha; !'!;. ii t ofTr a mail .f stMI- ir-, t' t.ik (.( our S!iipjiii I P rtri .,lf V.. u .i.t a iii.ui of . ..n:. l.-r- i xl-.-ri. n. . whu know .ow to I. i n- ! .;.- S.-!p. tin- who Is i kln- f,r a p-r- ....i..-nt portion. If v..a "an nuallfH po?i t ion. it y .mj an q ' r i r - iintocI!.itHy. .i!:ir no oiij.-. t. Shipper, arn .N -w . -Thn, South r.. ii-', Judian: " 2,0-23 W !i:n. position to .fJVr ftrt Ins Pill ! rk mf familiar witli t vp-w rithm. I'..'Okk -ptii prin' re-1 u-std but tot enti il Apply In person to The II. 1. I Mr.-ant: Company.,n;i:.T m.i:i:ij:i man wp tea:h "! th buninevs and pay yon a TuaranN-ed silary of .vt tuonthiy while i'arulii, .)1 Conr aflv' I , i f lWdy. ' S - - - WANTIII- Tl..- S ith r..'nd P.uiiiH Ci.lle will I'lllii: a onip!te. !;ol i ruhtp to oiii worthy boy who ll wllilnj; to pic liht sTvi- in i-arinn Tor a ruuni. Call iiiornin or aftTii..on. WANT1.T -At one, barber at. Pj." W. Coif. ix A.e. :ki-2ö MALI; HCLP WANTIID. 'o.( work ma' hin hands. a! J wood work !mi 1 hands, day or night shift. Steady '! ;p!o ni nt. Liberal rates. Ap ply employment dep.irtiiH-tit, Stmk b.ikf-r's ?') 1 -'S WANTLI --p -riein rM v. ashmtu Ap ply Hi person.. lo not tei.ptloie. Ideal Laundry Co. ,rW;-2:; WA.MLIi M.rn and wife; man for Liiü Fenian ; woman for plain o.oliing. Ili.n.f phone .".:!. Reil 771. .r.0-tf ' VNTEI MEN Til .o T THE PEI MAl'IlS. M A 7. AN I ) MHK 1 AI,- i:i:i:r teei-smn, iemk'ratic can OIOATE FOR ful.MV ('LEEK. MV NFMI'-ER IS y-R. WANTEI Firt-djss m.M'ilnluts and men with shop experience; also labor ers for general fa tory labor; help keep the ineu at the frout supplied. Call, telephone r write to our employ meet of fice and let us tell you what we hive pen; bent of wagen being paid. Iodg Ltg Co., MiAhawaka. Ind. 2!-3d WANTEO-- Men fr farm work; able to milk; wage $;u per month, hoard and room. Address Neu s-Timtg. Rox 1I-12U. 24-tf WANTEP Factory laborers. Apply 1702 S. Franklin t Mcllenry-Millhouse Mfg- Co 2317-tf o know the best pl.e in South Bend to buy werk shoes. 122 N. Slfhigan St tii it i in v uinir i;ti . i' 324 tf l n A IlliN H.VXTID 1 KM AI.K. WANICI lioifiewoik by young girl. 2Pl. ,V,1 1 -. 1;!AI.K IIFLI VNTi;i. WANTED -Ep rieii. ed maid. Mu-t be go.d plain ook No wanhiug. Houne i if.iiiui; iboie I .w ri if airs work only. A vi .'.; Ria !i av. ;",i7;ii z WNTEI -An In.ii.T f. pr.- shirts at Limli Sliirt Co. .'.'.:-2i j WANTED A night ik at Oliver D tlry I. 'inch. I-dy pr-ferr-l. .".:'.l 21 WANTED A l.i ur. dry woman Epworth h Spital. .1 nx -J WANTED- Shirt finisher, hand ironers. j.iir dirning ui.o-hine operntor-i. Id--:.; Laundry. lv, s. Michigan. 3."S-tf. lr i T I I i ! - . I .,,. ..i ti rrr- eT cr i 'nu!11 Co I'armers Trust Rldg. KuThElkhanJ. ' Ä s; Ilome S317; 1M1 733. residence 4".v 3- - tr WANTED-Woman for plain cooki ' 1 " ! ttwj; F..m! .1 OH U K HELP. mi: li i ;n ;eadi: iiiomas school U ' Tiv VOll l t!lf.'M'!l c. II- :l t bu slid ! h !'.; g a its 1 1 c i : I :npi.'v:;!,.;;t a.-i'iny ;-!a -Mi iu the beif p--iti-n. OCR COURSE INCLUDES : Steno t:r:!p!iv. t pew rlting. tm Nu'.atiiig. t pe- rtt.::g di' titi'-n. 1 U ta p 1 . :". il l- .i. atn:g. coin ;i r. :a i orr -p..n .-vi-. of-jlv training. efTtcien.-j. . i l vnl.r. ! tl' enn nf,r any iiv. s. h d is in i -."-.ion the tnti:e eir. Amen an Tn.-t I'.jiC, ".'.l1'-'. OVER HERE 'hOH" UJAS CHAS'kiO A SV0 HIM, AssO CAILCT UJ MAT tHE 3".WTE0. BMIMl) HIM AND TtiiUki St SEAT 5AViE Cac: ri.KMJNALS. ICC. We are manufacturers and distributor of (.a rt- artificial 1' e for both family und V t.olo.-.ale im. ARTIFICIAL ICI: CO, -N -Inierlck at Home ci2.;. Bei: 2221. 320S-tf E-ll Plön. 437 Farmers Tru-t Bldg. DM IN W. TMYXr, engineer. Designing. I r;i iiiTlitifiC- Rlue Prutting, industrial Surveys. 3370-tf. WANTED Wail papr to '.'lean. Horn Ii-IT. Iloodrnli of floe otlce poaltlon r oi-en. Take jour buiiness or stenographic course um. A fe- tnuntbs preparation BB'J joti will i,e readj- for the flaest of pcrtumt erer t ffere! joung people to trt int !iuiiirnn on a plng btnls. Th Souta larl llusines College. OiS-tf Pl.RSONAL-To Rocze Luntors only. At 1 r n ut you ar? In tLe t ime position -ur wife would be In If she want id point' supplies fur s .me cheap or out of ijjtc in:i-nine. Play safe for tie whoie farLilj buy a 'White." 3Li7-U u ANTKI O.d tjothlng. sices. etc.: ,, PJ' tb Ji$h(: ca,a Xrice' Joe J-nbuiirn. Ki-k, Lirco.n Wij WmL Hrne pbont" ni4' 09C5'tl CASH paid fr Liberty bonds. Call ev.-nings 7 to S. Uovmh -IJo J. M. S. bIJff. 327-24. GKT A ;uoi POSITION QUICKLY Yoa ran do it if you are a graduate of our acb'-ol, because the thoroughness of our Institution is well known and our students are nsually preferred when available. Regio a con rue any day or evening. Kelly Ruslness School. 120 K. Wayne St. Call or phone Reil SH.t Home 24h4. 1344-tf WANTKI) Ladles', children's and gen tlemeu'n second laud clothing mid shoes. Pajce. 12.1 W. Colfai. 3137-tf WANTLI To clean wall paper, kalso nine painted walN and steel ceilings; painting, varnishing and ktlsomining done; all wort, giiarauted. Fahnestok, Home ;W7, Reil Ö1W. 2l32-tf WE Inj HU(I cleaning, sizing, repair leg. wiMvvlDg a d feather stesiming at South Rnd Carpet Cleaning and Wear ing Co.. lit t. Colfax Ave.. Home 5s 4 4. Reil i44. 1525-tf FIREPROOF FURNP1CRK I-TO RAO E Woodworth's storage and Transfer Line. Office rear of Robertsou Hotel. S. Wayn st tf lOR RENT OFFICE ROOM. Ft Ii RENT Office rooms, furnished or unfurnished Cue of reception rfnm and 'phone. H. A. Wood Realty Co.. 412 Union Trust Rldg Roth phones 11V3. 3233-tf KODAK SLTI'JLIES. THE AMERICAN HRUÜ CO- 133 N. Main nt. Is now handling a complete supply cf Kodaks and A-odak Supplies of every description. We will se.l you anything iu the plrtur? Ukinr Hoe aod alto de velop your films quick. tf DO YOU KNOW THAT. D. Armstrong. 122 . Coi'ax. Horns Clone LZX). Call Lira for all kinds of locksriith work, rubber stamps and tenclla, umbrellas, baby cabs, etc. 8fl7-tf Young ladles from the botter families re urgently needed now for office of rtTll serrice work. The South Rend Ruslness College is equipped to prepare them In tho shortest ioslble time .Spe cial holiday offer up to Feb. 12, 1DIS. Wet Information now. W rite, call or telephone bell 301 or Home 3331. OtZ)-tf STORM sash and Mtorm doors made and put up by us. Save coal. Miller Sasti sod Screen l'atiry. bl6 Portaf ar. ilome Phone 2J22. tf tUIRUl'ODlbT. L L. ROBERTS. CHIROPODIST. 1 give persona; atteatlon to all foot trouuies. Calls made by appointment nly. Anyone claiming to be my repre sentative is a fraud, office and residence 221' H. faylo- it. Telephouti: Ilome J551. Reil Ml. 243-tf MO RE ROOMS OH KENT. FOR RENT Double store room 21D-221 West Sample street. Ilst location for restaurant or other business. Near Stude bakers. Rent very reasonable. For infor iuatlon call Home phone MKI M sliaw ika. l'Jt:,. FOR RENT A good corner storeroom M.itaMe for almost any line. Steam furnished. Art quickly. tiarn I'liU t t " V T O .. 1 i '. a riuiowdi I'll iuuiiu uwi, ! . . i . i . - 1 1 i. . I MJiiaoit- i'.t ii.'i.n,f, or i.'nni iiiBiiuiac- turiLg. inquire 42b s 1-rankllu st. 2tC'J-tf l OR RENT Desirable storeroom on main floor. Conservative Life In ni ranee Co. 2tXV-tl I I ItNI.IKI ROOMS I OK KENT. For RENT --Two room-t single or In s'.'.itcs; aUo sleeping porch In strict- m ! r u home, l i..-k Irom city in .lcsiribl" Uxnti.-n. Call Reil 3'77. 3;i4-23 1'oR RENT -I.arce front !eopinir room, Modern cn nuifs. J- S. Iifayette. 3i'.l3-23 A HUKl. HUN! 0$ y) I L'RNTSHLT) ROOMS FOB KENT. for rent Two fnmihii licht housekeeping. Iu'iulre :ar.t v. ( .Mf.nrtH st. 3 40-2 1 j rll ItKNT-A modern 3 room fiätöä first floor. Furnished complete f..r ' housekeeping, p.ell Inquire 411 IT. South st 33S3-20. i l Oi; ll E N" T Furnish ed or unfurnished ' large front room; ground f!or; entrance In modern home fiur blo.-ks ' frfn f Ich I " r mfi Wo m I ri f n Cu In.) quire 113 S. William Xt, 2791-tf FOR RKNT Large room with or with. oat; l'o single room; modem. Call H1 W. Washington Are., or Bell 2JöO-tX FOR UK. N'T 1 furnished slofnlne roon use of Ilohme phone. 213 Otio st. ! FOR RENT Furnished rooms f-.r light houne!r-vliiff. Modern. Private en tran. Oround floor. 4ls S. Lafayette t. 11. P. 2K;. .Vs0-22 FOR RENT Mo.ern sloping rooms. 317 S. Main .Nt. 379-22. FOR RENT Modern sleeping noms; board if desired. 306 Lincoln wav E. ai2t-tf lIOCbKKECriNG IIOOMH. FR RENT Fine furnished housekeep inr rooms. (iroiiml floor. Rent rea sonable. Call Mr. Eradler. V. M. C. A. Home .v".k P.ell 1X1. ;'G3S-2:; FOR RENT Three nb-ely furnlslied light liouseki'plng rooms. .Modra. (lose in. No children. P.ell lU'. :m;2,J- FOR RENT Modern light housekeeping rooms In suites. Also sleeping rooms, 313 W. La-jallc. Reil phone 30. I. VAj-tf. FOR RENT T.o unfurnished light houoe keeping rooms. Modern. No chil dren. 1020 W. Washington Ave. 3Um-23. FOR RENT Suite of light housekeeping rooms; all modern. 309 S. Carroll. Reil 4S03. 31G3-tf FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping; centrally locat ed Inquire 423 8. William, Bell 3336. 2738 -tf FOR BE?tT -HOUSES. FOR RENT Two modern JS room houses in 21 block. South .Miami st. John M. Cauliield. Home phone C234 or at of fice. 41 Iirmers Trust Rldg. Possession given at once. 3'J.;-2.'' FOR RENT Six room modern tl t : six room cottage. Home phone 37GS "Jort-2:; FOE KENT Modern 7-mom house Just redevorated. Call Reil IStW. Home 2324. 3024-23 FOR RENT Four acres, fine seven room houfe. large garage, goo-d clibkeu houses on Niles -irline. Will rent for $13 mouth. Call Homy phone H7.2. 3CEI-23 FOR RENT All modern S-room house! furniflied complete; south p:rt of city. Call Reil 1911 or Home XA1. 3312-23 FOR RENT. " Nine-room strictly modern house, lose In; five bedrooms. Interior mut be seen to appreciate. (la rage space Ü wanted. H. A. WOOI HEARTY CO.. 412 Union Trust Rldg. Roth Phones llSS. 3100-22 lOIt JtK'T FLATS. FOR RENT New 3-rooin, modern bun galow, to be completed in about a week, near Miami st. car line, with gar den space enough to raise all your vege table, for .523 a month. Whitcomb v Keller, Farmers Trust Rldg. .'--tf. UL'SINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED I hve a party with $1300 cash looking for a g-d land cantract with about JRx to YA paid ami 5 pe. cent discount and can furnish abstra.-t showing a good merchantable title. If you have anything along this line rill ai tX Farmers Trust Rldg. Ask for F. J. Anderson, Realtor. H. 1". 0Uy7, Res. l.Vrfk ' iMRi-tf. FOR SALE Restturant on W. Washing ton. Reason for selling, leaving city. 122 W. Waiiliington. Doing gool busi ness. 3l-23. FOR SALL-RIUL ESTATE. !. . i Wirt c : .... i . , . ' "i. .-.r. .-i. room, an iimiii'i li m.iit, has furnace, bath and electric light. Large lot, alley siO; paved street; lo cated on the east side within seven blocks of (enter of citv. A bargain at K3.M. Inquire of II. Ä. Tvhulka. loom 413 Union lrut Ring. ;u-tf ROT! IN E- DUNBAR. Moving west In June; if lie sells enough property to start there right. 1-4 to off all pWes. including THE LorsH on beautiful Hillcrot. 3JE-22 For SALE Sven-room modern home. on l.lui-oln way W., ?2.'.s0; possession at one Seven-room partly noxlern. S. Rush . $2,&M. Slx-roim home. S. Frank lin. Ifl.MO. Six-room home, S Carroll et. -1 ..".. W. K. 'McIIenrT, 22 Farmers Trust Rldg. Home phone 37.'i3. Reil 2VJ. 3321-tf WHO'5 iri)S-l.4Q HIM. ME ? AT HiM 43 'S CMnxA' I I . v i 1 ir K1 I I A N N 0 1" N CEM EN T. 1 &M NEWSTIiES For the convenience of, the public we have arranged with the merchants whose names and addresses ap pear below., to receive Want Ads for this newspaper at their store. The price will be the (same as-at this office. M. C. Hoban Drug Store 6337. 444 K. La Balle Louis C Kreidler C245. SOX B. Mlchlgaow R. H. Kbss W7 8. Mlcblgac. H. E. Freehafer 1248 W. WMhlngton. Bell 2tÄ Home 5283. L. A. Kolupa & Co. 4TT 8. Cnapia. CSSt. Bell 4473. Modern Pharmacy Ho cm 2102. 05 S. Chapta. People's Drug Store Home 7T& 1342 Lincoln Waj W. E. G. Coates C01 8. MlchUaa. Bell rr Ilome 2404, Tiitif'tV ,,,i..,.VO' 1 1 -1 ' ' i iVi i REAL. ESTATE FOR h.VLK. OWN" YOUR HOME. Declare Your Independence. We are offering jou a most exception al opportunity to become independent and at the same acquire a home, which Is the inborn desire of ever am bitious inau. This Is the biggest bar gain we have ever offered and you mast act iul k as it will soon be sold. Prop erty consists of good seven room house and 1 1-2 acres of fertile soil, half of which is planted In profitable fruit and berries, remainder of plat ex client for market gardening; also Includes chick en house and wire fenced chicken yard; also well located and paying grocery with f3. stock of goodB, this alone will provide a good living and make you independent. besides the Income from chickens and gardening. This bargain is well located in suburb at edge of city with two interurbnn car lines. For immediate sale $123) cash and balance $13 per month. Will accept vanint lot as part down pyamcnt. Call write or phone, SOUTH RKN1 REALTY COMPANY. 223 S.'Main St Home OClMj, Reil 1771. 3331 -t f. NEW AND MODERN RUN OA LOW. SIX ROOMS AND RATH. This is located iu a desirable residence district, southeast part of the city. Liv ing room across the front, open stair, solid oak Moor, and oak trim, sand coat wails, built in book cases and wilting desk, large living room, complete kitch en, full basement, with good furnace, floor drain. The partitions in the base-. rnent are all plastered, lhree nne. large, light bedrooms with plenty of closet space. Complete bath with Lot and cold water. This is a real beautiful home. Act quick if you want this. H. P. 5111. A. O. Voigt, Mgr. B. P. 432. CENTRAL REALTY CO., 303 Citizen Rank Rldg. W. A. Morris. 27G3-tf F(Ht SALE OR EXCHANGE For South ltend or Mishawaka property, a mod ern hotel in good condition ; the only hotel in town; d"ing a good vu.lness. Write to Roy Kanouse. Argos. Ind 3'3-2ö FOR SALft New house: Seven room, furnace, gis. electricity, bath, hot and cold and cis tern water, floor drain and ftool in base ment, clothes chutes, oa.fiuish. Why pay rent' Live in your own house. At your own terms. Come in and talk it over. INDIANA TITLE Office II. P. 63.SS. Office Bell P. 4332. Residence Roll 3741. Residence Home 1244. For evening calls. EOAN CO.. N. Main SL 1371-tf FOR SALE Seven-room bouse, S12 Dia mond av. Cheap If taken at one Reil phone 3343. 3422-22 FOR SALE Ten room modern house and garage. Plensaat view addition. Have cut price to a bargain figure. Home pbou 23 or svsf 3203-24. Don't go in country nn7 buy a war gar den when you can buy a lot 42x14 'n Leer's new modern home addition for S3 23 with walks, water, gas and sewer. ?li) down and $3 per month. This addi tion Is 1 blk. from Lincoln s hool and is near b-.-th south side and Miami Six new modern homes lor sale or build to suit. At office cor. Leer car. will and Reil Dayton st , Sunday afternoon or Fhone for appointment. Del Reer dricoln way, fc Home phone 132 3030. 33ö71tf. (Copyright, 1917. by Newspaper Is tart öerrlce. Inc.) ll If- rut 7 I IDOM'T WWOu) WHAT STDT TH'S 15 ALL AßoT 6UT I'M DViKI TO K'WOlO VHX) I'LL GET HITJ ) CALrrV love: TmT? 15 kaklDA CAC?. He Too mvjV This mioM CCME N S4 i 1 . km "If. V -Hki-JScT7 i MM A N XOIXCL M KX T. I WORD A. W. Huff Ose. Ll&cotn Way W. a! CtaddaLf Home 343Ö; Bell 2V4L Spohn's Pharmacy 1223 S, Uichlan. Ilome lOOa Ml C37. Chapin Park Pharmacy 702 Portage Aw. Bell 227. Miami Pharmacy Home 731Ä. 124 White's Pharmacy Home 3307. 1301 W. Washington G. E. Cimmennan IW2 PortSsge. Cor. W. K.W. Home 2414. L. H. Lang 601 Booth Bend Are. Home 127k Bell 877. - - ",''"" ''.' ' - . REAL ESTATE 1 OR SALE MARQUETTE PARK a better place to live. YOU WILE OWN YOUR HOME some day why not now ? Let us show voti a R EST R I ( T EI SUBI I VISION FOR HOME OWNERS. Y'ou need not wait to build the bouse of your dreams we have it ready to move into G to S rooms and sleeping porches modern in every detail large lots Ideal location. Several other desirable houses in other par's of the cltv for sate. IE A. WOOD REALTY CO 412 Union Trust Rldg. Both Phones llsS. 3430-22 FOR SALE Two lots on K. Broadway; 2 !ots on S. Marietta, size 40xso ft ; a bargain; fine location. C. W. Rain, 31S S. Michigan St. FOR SALE Ölt EXCHANGE Up-to-date moat market and grocery In out tide town. Write Boi .1-132. Care News-Times. 3213-22 FOR SALE Modern eight-room house at 1012 S. St. Joseph st. Rig bargain if taken quick. Call Reil phone 33R. tf FA KM LANDS. FOR SALE. EXCHANGE oil RENT P acres near city. No buildings. Tract frm :, to 10 a. res with building, also 44 acres, eight acres of timber. All stock and farm machinery, all kinds of fruit, fair buildings. See mo for bar gains in all TvTnds of real estate. .Tames 1 rail, 114 E. Jeff. Blvd. Opeu evenings. Home phone C'23. 33-tf. FOR SALfc OR TRADE Dandy 10 acre farm. Phones: Bell 8724-7V. Home 421W-6370. iM-e M. C. Gray. 330 Farmers' Trust Rldg. :0tf-tf FOR RENT An fO acre farm, 5 miles north of South Rend on Portage Prairie road, either cash or crops, rent. F. N. Jackson. 122 N. Main. Home phone C33, Reil ihone 4,'kj2. Evenings, Herne phone 8244. 2Sl--tf FOR SALE-Sixty acres of good land: . good buildings; windmill; silo; 7 miles northwest of South Rend; will sell for cash or will consider South Rend or Mishawaka Improved property. Box A 132. News-Times- 307S-tX OWN YOUR HOME. J13.X,). Buys a 2 acre truck farm located near city oarline. Soil suitable for all kinds of trucking. Six room Lousp, electric lights. Possession given at once. Might consider an exchange. The price offered is a bargain and offers a rare opportun ity to secure a home at a low figure and easy terms. WHITCOMB AND KELLER. Farmers Trust Rldg. 3307-tf. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS: Now is the time to have your repair ing done before the Spring rush la on. We have only skilled mechanics, and repair all makes of cars. Ford work a specialty, and we carry a complete line of Ford Parta. Alo a complete line of tires, tubes and cCessorle. V. C. C OARAGE CO.. 517 Lincoln Way West. (Old Lincoln Highway Garage locat'on.) Both Phone liL 2234 -tf 0-CAM ISVAdlKiT UHAT'J ALU HÖUJ EDITING THIS 1 AM AlC D.rvMiit eVjcjj l pfCHT Oß. Fl tA-'O KA HO UJlTMOÜT f i notsl'T TOPHKC, TCrviNiG TO ) uP TO THAT 50 I CANAjK Hicj . ;0. FARM LANDS. FOR SALE s acreg farm with gHd Improvements near Niles. Mb'h., -lty of Just across road from fin" lake resort. w rods to M. c. station (n trunk line improved highway. Mall and telephone service. Plenty of plant, shrub and tree fruit. A n-al" bargain. Terms. Herman Roebeck. Niles Mich. AUTOS. MOTORCYCLES, RICA ( LE S. FOR SALE Late 1017 model Ford tout ing car, with white wheels, demounta ble risiis. and all new non-skid tires, also two ERG models, with wire wheels, bock absorbers, and other extras. These 1 have taken In on deals and must sell thern. also a touring car In good shape for $23.) cash. See them today by -alüng at room odd Fellows Rldg., corner of Washing ton and Main sts. or II. P. 5773. 3411-14. 3413-23. Do you want to buy a Ford at the right price? I have several Ford automo biles, roadster and toi;ricg cars, taken in on real estate deals. 191' and l'.17 models. all in first class . condition. Prices from S23 to $330. Every machine sells for S30 less than what it is renlly worth. Come early becaise they go fast. All day Sunday up to 4 :3 p. m. or anv week day. 422 S. Chapin st. II. P. S3L Remember this number. I always have barg-alns in Ford cars. FOR SALE Twin cylinder Hurley-Davidson motorcycle. In fine running order. Also reed Im by cab. Cioll Home phone 7732 or 1472 Lincoln way W. 3-HH-22 EXCHANGED CAR BARGAINS: Haynes 5 passenger G cyl $700 Auburu 3 passenger 4 cyl 300 Auburn 7 passenger C cyl Cole 7 passenger 6 cyl 330 Franklin Motor Car Co., Farmers' Trust Rldg.. 213 W. Jefferson. 21'04-tf WAR TIME SALE OF USED CARS. Cars Must Re Sold. Highest Rldder Takes Them. 1Ö17 Sttuiebaker Touring, worth .. l'.'lTt (Hdsnioidle Touring, worth .. 1H17 Overland Touring, worth 101t; Maxwell Touring, worth R'17 Maxwell Touring, worth All electrically equipped. These cars are all in tirst-class dition, guaranteed. Crank starters, 1M7 Koni Tonrinf nnrti 3.S3 ,Vii Ü23 cou- .$423 EM 2 Cadillac Furniture Truck, worth 330 1J13 Mitchell Six Touring, worth 430 l'J14 Maxwell Light Delivery, worth .'i"0 Maxwell 2-cylJnder Roadster, worth 123 Remember Must be sold to highest bidder. All In running order, guaranteed. Come in, get our prkes and be con-vin-d. SM ITH-RAUSCH MOTOR SALIX CO. ln-llo Lincoln way East. Bell 22S2, Home 2113. South Rend, Ind. ;k;-tf. WANTED TO BUY It? second band automobiles. Bell phone G07. Auto Inn Supply Store. 4W S. Mich. St lud7-tf IIEAIQEARTERS FOR USED CARS. REBUILT. 1130 to m REPAINTED. Liberal Term. Open Evenings. Ued Car Dept Cor. 8. & Lafayette S T U D E RAKER CORP. OF AMERICA. 1131-tf PJ17 Reo touring car, C cylinder. 7 pas senger in perfect condition. This is a bargain and must be sold at once. Owner entering military service. Reo Motor Sales Co.. 4J7 S. Michigan et. 3343-tf Have your radiator repaired by experts Satisfaction Guaranteed. j THE AUTO RADIATOR 401 Lincoln way E. Home Phone 2017. at the Grand Trunk crossing. tf (ÜIEI 6 Bargains In used cars, some almost new; in first class condition. See these st the Ford Salesroom. 22ti S. Michigan fit 414-tf HENKLE MOTOR COMPANY. FARMS FOR SALE. 3Vi acre. F3 acres, 26Vi acres. 10 acres. 14 acres. 15 acres. 10 acre. 214 acres. 116 acres loO acres, 83 acres, 2ti3 acres, and Just 37 more. We can furnish you with a printed list, giving a omplete descrip tion with price and termH. Buy now If Iou want a farm this spring. I. P. 5111. A. G. Voigt, Mgr. B. P. 432. CENTRAL REALTY CO.. Cltlzecs Bank fcldg. 10OO-tf FOR SALE 13 percent discount on all second hand cars for next 2 weeks. Hmith-Raus' h Motor Salts. Homo phone 2113. Reil 222. 2007 -tf FOR SALE Baby gran tmevroleL Flae condition; Qve-passenger Crow-Elk-hart and two iJlu Maxwells All fully equipped. Cheap. 407 S. Michigan st Home 2123. Bell 2254. 7Cl-tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine for $15; the bead and attach ments of this machine are in good con dition but the drop head case Is not; It's a bargain; a cabinet Wilcox & Glbbs automatic machine at 31S.30. this ma chine is in perfect condition. Haverstock the "White'' man. 219 S. Main St. 3150-tf WALL PAPER AT FACTORY PRICE?. Latest designs at half price. Buy now for spring. Oar $3 00 paint at $223 per gallon. Beautiful calendars free with ev ery purchase. Chicago Wall Paper Co.. 104 W. Division SL Open evenings. Home 5JS. ifUSS-tf FOR SALE Good Timothv hay. $1.30 per 100 lb. Mixed l.av Jl.Ko. pea green rr lover $1.70. Bell .'wr.l. H ime 1530 11 W. Thomas st .V.a-.-2-T lOH SALE Two gas plates. ."O W. Monroe 8t. ;VS-24 What's JHt: f IF MOM" k4Ew3 HE" WAS eir4Ci TÄKEM POß. A "HUM" HE'D ßAD Rh f ) LEAvE that CAP. HES uoIlJ i-KI CHA5iKii WAV BEH'rM CATCH CCP "COMEDlAkd- LAiVCH MY 0) WJL x V FOR SALE MICKLMMlOts 4.'- Ks U w m w w u st ü r r :T .10 pi rzr jt r ft?i T3 T r- "J1 v, - i'l : !' m'i ii ! I i- ,; ..... e . : '3 l5 K f: . S ;f v : piriir,ß r. ii r--i ll:Ls L:JiV-j-sb. ' ,n c) i e vi ! .V) . : FOR SALE llj chiik brH..ers. u-.i one season A birgiin. ('all at Idea! Laundry, 42J S. Mich. St. :,.".'.f7-27 FOR SALE S mail gas stove. High oven-Utw-d 2 months. $10, 111 Rex st. 3330-22 FOR SALE Young Guernsey cow. l'j tons hay. 43 Rarron Ltghrn pullets. C12 California av. 3315-23 For SALE-I nave the nursery stock ever received in South Rend Cor ner Monroe and Carroll gt. J. H. Glea son. 3372 20 WAN T El M 1 C K LL.YN EO U S. WANTED -Ahes to haul; bds to plow. drag. Fine manure for sale. Gal morn ing or eveuing. Home PC ,r MJ W. Col fax a v. ;;rk;7-20 WANTED A sulky. Must be in good condition. P.ell P. 4303. ;75-22 WANTL'D-AII kinds of general job work. Call 2b5 S. Main. ,"-Vr.-2d WANTLT-3 bushe's of potaties. Easv place to unload. Inwood gro.erv. P'7 E Monroe. Home M20. Bell P'.IO, r.'.jr.-l WANTED To do washing and ironing. Home 4722. :;472-2.. WANTED A good upright boiler and an airpump. Must be in good condi tion and cheap. Apply C. L. Smith c... 52! N. Emcri'-k St. Hoin. phoue 12'-"J. Reil K?77. wi-2:j WANTED Ash hauling, plowing lds. Woids Marrel black dirt and manure for sale. R. II. Ray. lb 11 phone 2N5. ."V4 E. Donald pt :i')2i-'Sj WANTED Allies to haul; lots to plow, drag. Fine manure for saie. Call morn ing or evening. Home prjo or W. Colfax Ave. 31.:2-22. HOLSEHOLO GOODS 1UK SALE. COMPLETE OUTFITS. We can furnish your home complete from the cheapest to the be"t ind save you monev. Let us figure tour ojitfits. AVERY AND HULL. 120 N MAIN .ST. LIVL STOCK. FOR SALE Cheap if taken at otm a brindle Rosp.n bull p ti pj. si months old. Call at 10- W. Colfax av. ;7-22 llOKi;s. WAGONS, CARKIACiKS. FOR SALE Road mare. 10 years old; color, roan: weigM, about 1.1." r what have you in exchange that I can work in single plw and cultivator? Homo phono 11 11 E. R Row. :ir.l-23 FOR SALE Eight head of horses md mares; good team of work rn;i!:-s. take $20 f ir mules; and three (sets cf farm bariifs. two pet of wagon 'larness. Will be sold p.t a bargain, rrverything guar anteed as represented. 5o K. Liil!e. Feed Store. 31-50-26 rot'LThi. FOR SALE Ruff Orplngt n. one year old. IL-ns and cockerel hair.pion. Winter layers. 410 S. Main t. .".V 30 HOT AIR AND ELECTRIC INCUBA TORS. 0 Egg size Reliable, price 5.00 HO Egg size Reliable, price 7.i0 50 to 420 Egg size Electric Incuba tors at lowest prices. Avery A. Hulk 120 N. Main St. 1731-tf MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. mm p r1 1 r rv fi .- r n '.i rz- n rz .. i f.- r n. k i : , ol -J .;'! utiv; (: p,!; 'i a . . ? 's, J fs M r.7 ffi 7 IS; 1 M II ft V f r; r -.7 r-; r?" v p & "v ? fr- Q e tn f3 Q rf mm m m s. 'v i ' 5 ( ' rr3 " i r r r i &UWW Vi i, . u ii li W i LKGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF AIMINITK TION. N'oti.e is hereby given, that the i;:;.er flgned has been a :.. i nted by t.'.' ''i.-rk of the "i r. - u i t 'o'iit .-f St. -p.'i Coun ty. State of Indian i. a l;'.r of C o estat' of Alphons 'olh-m in. late of St. JoS-ph Coll It.V, ii.' -;i sei . Said 'Htat is iipj.o-d to be s -vr:.t. ACHJLLE . ' LPAER'P. Aiu Aplil 0. 1!1" S-15-J2 Try NEWS-TIMES WANT AD in a Name? OOM'T FAIL TO Biry YOUR- llBEßK BCMD5. AU0 KEEP The Husi oo THB" i - rOJ or OL T! JOHN DON'T I n A . Ml rex LOAN AM) PL1N NOTK.. 1 tx t 4 C." TS 5 $4 $ l tl If 34 S i 5 4 J $ $. $$ OAN n pre portion yo'ir ku" with and S Jvuri' e 1 Si I i : J$ ! s w :$$ !f$ $-S lb W.J Tl." Independent Co, 2t0 .1. M S. Rldg.. Sr vn, Floor 1 ü ke Elevator. IVil lüs; L.CVU5... Ho: d P.onded by th of Ind is:, a. : e Lr e State '$$ I $ S $ J $ 5 1 $ J J i S J 5 1 $ J j j j j j s j j j j s t , , tt tt n 1 it tt LOAN COMPANIES Listed undT this beading are icem bers of Ind. ana Association of Loan Brokers loaings watu any of tLee are gvartitexsl by the .ssOclat'oo. ti st JJ a tt si LOA.NS. ON ITKNIIUUE AND LIVE STOCK No lU&vreiue WHERE Lad a loau. ur you MONEY Xur, you have waut the CALL AND SEE US. Our ui.kUK.fc is touducUd is tiie theory taat ngiit ticita.cni keeps I UlN.i 1 1.UM $0 lO $300 Cau Vc puid bick iU iiiouliy iu stailuicnl. f.oui 1 to 23 uioutLs. plus 3v4 p.ui'ul luttreat on ua puid b-lü.ts. RLMEMEER Tiitrre i No CHARGE for our service not cwn interest in ud ViUue. Get iu touvü wii us by TELU'UONL OR LLillU. livu.ii Piioae G0. Reil l'Loiie ltl SECLR1TY EUAN CO. Roviu 1Z, 1. O. O. 1. iiidj. Uppotoito At-w fctuUtbkcr i.idg. Cur. Washniglon uud Muiu. JJ ttiiiiiiiiiiiiliimiiililliiiiii $$ $ CLEANS UP ALL IHOöE WINTER RILLS. i$ li If yoa Lted $3o.U0 or auy H aUioiiil up to $30000. we ale wi.i $$iug to kuJ it uüd ;ivs you 20 it Uuulu lo pay it L.k, iu mail pa lui.aiA. We uii m ail loans on Furni ture, p'utioa, iioiac. Wuoliä. de-, wiUjout icu-ovsi. Legal iuttiLst pcrceul per UioiiLii. No ci-.aic ior uiukii. mail. Ciifü iu iuii. (.ail auo ici us explain our ixiodcin puiU. EiCfUActi ttli'i boiidcd to Uie 1 tf. PROVIDENT LOAN CO. lAuU-oriea Capital $3o,uuo 3ol . JuUOi. tor. V kj l-c. Uer 'Jj'J CiutLiers, 6outii lie lid. lue'. Uouie l'iiouc OOto. Bell Phone L3ÖH E SLLE iHRin MIAMI'S . $$ $1 ii:jiiil $$$$$$)$$$ JiiJiiij s$ tt ii PAY U3 IS THE Sl'RING Secure what money you we wiii iwke our need first May wiu- pa iucut fail due in ArR or alter tLe bvavy tlpvUStS ot let me oter. if oa owe u tiuuiber of iOill Lui i-crc is our t bauet to square li.cui up ui.u pay us liotniug lor tu uiwbilia ol UiOTtf. Louus ou HuLLiiULI) GOODS, 1'iA.NO, LIVE siOtK, FARM IM l'LLMfc.Mö, etc. lou a I ti liioiiey today. No tndoiser ie u.r.i. Li.. 1 17 1',; liuiac oil 7. islAiL LUA.N LUMl'AM. Capital J30.OOÜ.OXJ. SuUe 3, jaerchanU' R-u Rldg Jul .. Jj.i-Mjgaa öoülb ÜKud, Indiana. WE .".ELL THRIFT STAPd ii i It $ iiiJiiij;iitijin it tt l REMEMBER $$ $$ Dealings witn any oi aoove jj tire guaritU by the 1$ ludlai: AHjfiaUOB. St jt jui::t;sii:nuuntt:tittttit At.other !;.. rrae of has !. t; gr;. :;! ::.ploJCS. EX PER I EN' 'ED PEEAT RS w a:. ted f- op. rat- -n latc-t high sp sit.g'e ti Le and I i,i..a Spe. :ai 1 .. 111.. i A'..-., a f-w p ; :-r ' girl- to t r;i:i-i;:;.g. iiliJHI.ST PAH' WA'H ii;aio 'a'oi:k No SLA'K SlLoNS R-- gt.i.'-'l the m -t sanitary. i i-.i-:.?!! !.ct lignt'-I wo-k r-iou;s in to- ' W'e ope-at o;r . n Caf. teria. I Hi - !, is .cr- to i.-'.r c':.p' y.-s :;t ' C.i i i for M rs II. i im: ii d Li.E Mi.K' AMir.i: Ml'A.N Y. Sir.g-- IVat.f. lit dra'Cie At. Ib.t.'i 1.:.." P.V, Afp-r p. ni. Horn 1 13." , . 1 u 1 i nt ;t t. re st, I.I A. . .noik i:. non-riiih:n r mum i . siA'li: oU INDIANA. ST. .loM.PH i 'iI'M'V. S In t!..- Sf. Ji ,- r. v ' irt ! - T r: l' !w NA'C-II I HAM - V MARRY M I'hN.NV .,7 ; 1 i r v Re St i,loll that t . .!.. e-1.. .i.f J pi.,.::';rr . 1 .: " f th- 'i-rk . .-I.! (' :.-' ' -r eKap'.aiL! g ii:,-f .s .id :-fe:..!.::,t .a th- f.-geth.-r v it;j a tropr nfTidiv:; that - a: 1 feir' . :.t. Il.rry M IV, siy. i, to.t a : :!! t f ..'. stale of Indian i. s.i.d .: f. :. l.i:.' : r-n-Vv r, o?;fd that .i.d -. i.i - tid f r 1 1 i j : on th- 7ta v i f Jiiüc. 11n t:, sn;r. b-;i,g ti.- 17th :. ::- n-it r;r. ..f mil '.:: t f.. onir:un- r.t tr.- :t of S.o:ta ..ii ti..- 1 M. :iöa ia May it. 01 wi.h-h diy aid '.. rTi 1 iht re ;,;:.! , app.-ar to a:d ,f ti.-n ;i.'R,i; RAA 1'. :-rk lANI.KV 1 1 1 ;.. .KI.. Dv.rr J. W. s 'II I ND LE R. Attv. f r Pt'itirT 13-22 ."J Trading wth advertisers means more for less cash. f,WfTlr'n IT v. 7 TT D 01 V li , .ill V"v i. I I ' ( v on i,n' .. " ! Go,. p; ;no. -r ,inv tl.'.hg .iiue. a:.d th n.tert at legal rcte is all tio.t ue 'e p. ire j J to py ba'k eio h month on A $.V) I otL.: at:.oijj;t5 We will pay .fT any . t... r co::;pan V...1 l,..r.. T" r o. -i ' i J ll ' . 0 LriJa TV