Newspaper Page Text
Monday i:vi:.vixfi. Ai'iui. ni 1 their positions an 1 holding D OBÜY A BOND AND SWAT THE KAISER T I The ' !' riii in-i h ue ben able to gain ' a l'-t.t! a! ir.f in Flanders, jet sur- ! "J ir.U' ! t i-itv.ation as a ,'Ah-- it f.,n bo a Üinn itivejy vtute! I that their mrmous st ri;ies and f-i I-'ii u; ra- Jalti- h.ivo hitherto f f " n barren f primarv results. April Showers i i TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY OUR GREAT ANTICIPATES Tne d!il section of frv F h as o r i i i j . .'i 1 1 . T r -i n - h i f "f the a 1 ! :'-t a rrn ie. ni-,ir,s that ho now hstf ';traf-ic rontrol of the belligerent s:r-nKth of all of the allies, in the west, an! be able to dispose of all th'ir fore4? so as to secure a maxl tn im economy and efficiency in their WILL MAKE OÜR MjjSgg MORE THRUSTS MUHlTlOrt MP 1 1 p ' a. SHIP-BUILDING c I PLANTS War Department's Weekly Re view Looks for More Pow erful Drives From Enemy Than Have Been Made. SAYS HE'S PATRIOTIC; IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT HE'D ENLISTED LONG AGO EVERY DOLLAR PERFORMS DOUBLE DUTY, THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIMES WASH NGTON i- i ". fLi t 'y'lu " A i tail! i f wvirt.?w. J 1 il mm ml MY vM WMm B Mi ! 'VASIIINfiTo:;, April JJ.-A Ger- ri.i i ?hru-t at the allied !:n.'S mre 'vs rful than Ih'i'-" That hav- gone before i- 1'ir.krii for I y th war de-j.-irtrs;-nt -trat'-g.-tj. if the .re-ent tlr..e at the t hannel port- faji.-i. The department's w er-kly i f-vjf-w mvs to-il-rht the ri' ii.V nonr.fius sacri-haw- b n I .irren of primary : lit-., a n u a "i "1 -: "I,'.i"kf d at fr.-rn a h'cad stuml f ':.r,t of tli'- general military situa tion in the we-r. it .nnot. howov r, 1 held that t!:- battle now;' ;t: his '-tliTU is the final nor -en rf,.- r:;o-t determined onslaught of the nen:y. "Thf rf at e indication-" that .should The offr-ni-ie here al-. f.iil to le;id ?o s-onie def.nite result, the enemy r.i.iy undertake a farther and more powerful thrust." Unipbair Harmony. The rfi"w emphasizes the har ni'iiiy of action, obtained through the a ppoi n t men t of f len. I 'och as f omm in 1er-in-ehief of the allies armies :n th.e west. It tells of in reasrd activity along the seetors held by American troop-, and lis r lo-r-s that recently a number of Americans, who had beep -aptured and were bejn rond irted through No M.niV lam! to the liTinan lines, turned noon their raptors, escaped and made their v. ay bark to their own hues and to the trenches. No derails of the incident are given. "In what has hitherto been held the principal scene of operations, the -salient stretching from north of Attas to south of the canal iMi its a pe in fr ont of Amiens." says the review, ' then- has been no important hinges during the week in the positions of the contending "All a pa rent slackening of hostile pressure north and south of the Somme i- recorded, though it would premature to assert that the Amien?,.tie lias been abandoned. Net I. oral a nta gcs. "Along the front from the A, re 'o Noyon, Fterich onintrr thrusts netted local a d ant a ges. "North t of Moreui! the I'reneh !iur.r!e-d a strong assault w hielt r --ulted in the capture of lion prj.s o 1 1 r s. "A se.'ond i'ttaek in tins b inlty iined f-oiii- t'tO prioi:ers and en abled i'reroh to adxanre their line in the uv in ii bor ho d of 'a- "In thrt v'mii1.i ry thMte r of th.e o:!"n;e th new sil..nt furmed (lie ptes'slr..; ba- k of the llritish between Mrke and tlu (i p, i('i tana!, despei'.ite fiirhtiu- ontinued rhrot:hout the Week. He;-e the eil- iiiy was able to win trrrain of dis iiiat tartiea altie, and iy m-upyin?: part of the M s.-i! s ri.';. r i teti - a-h a threat upon the Hritih for. es in the ,, Vp ro; salient, Oost- 1 beyond I'asrhendae!e atul the Y prt s"-Menin road, as to forre their withdrawal :i!n," a line running ea-"t of Ypre-. thus st ra i h ten i n the irreu'Ulai ity of al!b-d Repo sition in this area. With the com bat t-ituati'n still in'! ;v. it ai: sere no jiurp(se to dise-iss in detail the Tirtiral pha-e- ,,f he pe.-ations ; tkim: place. Var' Iihh!!ov Ilattlr. " Wul ernhem. Neuv- f:n!is. i-n and the aro.t st reti-hir.r to the ! - s. w ,i Uii' scene of some ,tf th luoodiest rncounter of the war. Here the Itriti-h have b ep juessed back only lo.aoy and th.e various T.Ktival ob;e, :is hie r planned h.itid- rapidly. " The t.uhtii'ir in the a : e.t renter :n around Kemme i on t i ued with inn r,i,n; inten.-ity. Tins key pos.tiop re-;;. tin- in 1 ri t- -ii ll.inds tho ,i;h the t'll'lnv srain.ed fiotl;old iili'll. It- soUt hern slope--. The Hritish. with Freimh support which has arri"eil. are con-olidatinrr ST. P.ri. Minn.. April 22 The prize pai kane patriot has been dis covered here. Sert. Carl IIa;ge of the t'nited States marine recruitinff fort m ein ountererj him. "I)n't ou want ti enlist?'' th ser.-'eant ased him. "No. I r.irss not." "Why?" "Well, it certainly isn't because I'm not patriotic. Why, if it wasn't for the. war I"d hae Vepn in the t-er ice Ion a no." The serpen, t was carried hack to the recruiting station in a coma. He will recover. Release Much Shipping Tonnage For War Use WASHINGTON, April 22. Addi tions to the list of restricted im ports announced today by the war trade hoard are expected to release l.'7.00ü 'lead weight tons of ship ping for war uses, making a total of 1 .JÖT.OoO tons which will be available annually until the war is won. through lessening demands for foreign gids which the country can do without. The largest single item on the list of -.a.vinf?3 is quebracho wood, vised in tanning, the restriction on this heing estimated to save I'S.OOO tons. The wood still can be brought in if carried, as deck load or in vessels, unfit for essential imports, this ex ception being made so as to upset domestic industry as little as pos sible. Hearings were held on suggestions to restrict many of the commodities so that business men might say ex actly what effect the restrictions would have on industry. Inclusion of many commodities in the restrict ed list does not mean that any ap preciable shortage will result, as the effort has been to include those of which there is an ample supply on hand, which can he produced at home, or obtained overland from adjacent countries. Tile new re strictions, effective May 1". do not permit the Importation of goods originating in other ajuntries, hut coming through designated coun tries where the restrictions are not a pplieable. TO BAR ALIENS FROM GETTING LICENSES IN INDIANAPOLIS Mother's Frisnd in Every Horns Cmfort ftB3 Safety Aur! Before the ArnT&l of the Stork. I NIM ANA 11 LIS, April 2.'. No rity licen.-cs of any kind will be is sue. 1 in Indianapolis to enemy aliens rfter .July 1. An ordinance forbid ding the city controller from giving out licen-es to such persons has been passed by the city council, and nw is heing published, preliminary to taking effect. It applies to all city licenses, and provides no city permit f any kind shall be issued to anv person who is not a citizen of th- I'nited States, or who has not de lured his intention of becoming a citizen. While it applies to all aliens, it is said to have been written with a iew of preventing enemy aliens from obtaining licenses. BAD CHECK GETS SALESPJIAN IN TROUBLE -TJy Ktttncr. Western Newsnaner I r.l i SHIPSTO U. S. G 1 T BEHIND THE SCENES With Rulers and Leaders of Wartime Europe By the Princess RadziwnU Sixty-six Steamers From Nip pon to Come to America as Result of Negotiations of Two Governments. TOKIO, Monday, April 10. Ne gotiations which hae been in prog ress for some time between Koland Morris, the American ambassador to Japan, and the Japanese govern ment and ship builders, have been concluiled. Sixty-six steamers, ag gregating 51 4,000 tons dead weight, will be turned over to the United States for use in the war. lioth the government otlicials and the fship builders manifested a spirit of cooperation throughout the pour purlers. Deliveries of the vessels will begin in April of this year and w-ill con tinue until June, It 11. The ships have been placed in three cate gories, as follows: iHdhcrios in May. First. 11 shijs, 150, OUO tons, will be chartered through the govern ment to the United States shipping board for a period of six months. Deliveries will be made in April and may. The difference between the inter-allied charter rates and the rates paid by America, about 1. CjO.OOD yen. will be paid by th? Japanese government. Second. lö ships, aggregating lro.itOu tons, new or partly built, for which the United States will re lease one ton of steel for one ton ( f shipping. The United States will buy the- ships at a price which wil' vary according to deilvery, which has been fixed at May to December. Third. 21 ships, of 234.000 tons. -;o be built in Japan between January and June of next year. The T'nited State is to buy these ships, paying ?1T." a ton, and releasing one ton for two tons of shipping. The new essels will apiece. Till: CIIOWN Ol' POIlTl tiAL. I do not believe at all the rumor that has found an echo in the Amer ican papers that ex-King Manuel of Portugal has chosen infant son of Dom ganza, the husband 0 for his heir the Miguel of Hra of Miss Anita Stewart. For one thing. King Manuel is .mite a young man, anl though he has been mar ried for three i and a half years to the Princess Au gusta Victoria o f Hohenzol- lern. and that; so far there, I has been no is sue to this un ion, yet it is i hardly likely! that ne snouia nae given up all hope of having any children of his ' own in the future. Besides, the; enmity which has alwajs existed be-J tween the two branches of the Bra ganza dynasty is still far too strong i for any one to admit the possibility of their becoming reconciled, espe cially in view of the different opin- j w l i -T 111 l K. i I 1 VI 111V I 1 V-fl IU sovereign, and the pretender to his throne. The young Manuel is the son of a French mother. Queen Amedia, be ing the eldest daughter of the late duke of Orleans, who considers him self as king of France by right, if not de facto. All his sympathies are! for the allies, especially for Ungland j where he has founi a most gener ous hospitality, and where he has i succeeded in making himself at j home. The other branch of the Bra ganza family, on the contrary, are entirely German, or rather Aus trian, and have become naturalized father, who caused great trouble to his parents in his youth, when he was considered one of the gayest young men in Vienna. An Inv)rtsible Incr. Humor says that after he had lot the wife to whom he had been mar ried in the hopes that her intluence would keep him within the bounds which he was always transgressing, the Princess Llizabeth of Thurn and T.txis, a very beautiful and accom plished woman, he fell in love with l that same Baroness Mary Vetsera, i vho was to die together with the i unfortunate Archduke Budolph of Austria, and that he had seriously j contemplated marrying her. Noth i ing, how ever, came out of this in fatuation, which was followed by many others, until, at last, bored by the constant reproaches of his moth er and sifters, who wished to see him settled in life, the pretender to the Portuguese crown married for the second time, his choice falling on his first cousin, the Princess Therese of Lowenstein. She became the mother of a large family. He has lived with her as happily as a brainless man can when he is bless ed with plenty of money. By his tirst wife, the princess of Thurn and Taxis. Don Miguel had two sons and one daughter. Of the sons, the eldest, who one day will inherit his problematic right to the crown of Portugal, was brought up entirely according t German ideas and placed as an otticer in a Prus sian regiment of dragoons. He was ALL NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE ON SALE 3 Pairs Wom's 50c Silk Hose Vinns extni fine ii a 1 i t y ttaof siik la .. lihn k r while --all i7.e . . . . 2 85c Feather Pillows Large size f.nther h e d pillaws, faney cavered. sani tary feathers. $1.75 Dresi APRONS Women's J1.7Ö fast fl'ir per en!e; lis-ht er d.irk dr"ss np rntiü, at IS . 3 Four Ruben's VESTS Km et S 1 t'nbie : u rt : - 1 r b 1'- Girls' $2.50 Rain CAPES For ag s ft t r II ye:ir. in lir.e rubberiz ed pepün tn; -t e r i a l. with hood nttaehed. Men's $1.50 Night QUIDTQ fcjl 111V M J J if . ....... , en III ii night shirts in V n-ek styl : .'ill sieJ la p. Dollar 1 av et -ly nt CP a 8,0 0 0 tons LONG RANGE GUN KILLS 118 AND WOUNDS 230 V- -Tina-. s;eria! Seric: ;IIANI KAPIDS. Mich.. April 22. Deputy Sherliff A. Uckstrom returne! t Grand Bapids from Niagara Falls. X. X , with C. Simj.soii. a traveling salestiian. wanted here for passing a bogus :,o check on the Mehrtens hotel bar last August. Situpon is allegcfi to have pre sented a worthb-s piece of paper I'o tlie bartender. Police and sher iffs hae traced him over the coun-tr- until he was arrested in the PABIS, April 22. Analysis of the German long ranze gun bombard ment of Parish shows that shells have fallen on 17 dayf since March 2 anl that, w ith the figures of two days missing, 11s. persons were killed and 2?,o injured. 7aris was shelled by nine Ger man batteries from Jan. .". to Jan 27. 171. during which period Parisians were killed and Juied. 1' " in- eastern t ltv a few i s ago. 11. is I j being detained in the county jail pending trial. ) Tt3 tljrraasii of Ans?rlran fcomr th?r Ii a bitt: cf the .p'er.JiJ ar.J t!rr.r-l.onored rrtndr. Mother's Fr!cr.d. that haj ildfJ rzizj a wccia through the crra!, d ter from n:er!rc and T'-. ?7l brr tn fcah cf n;:nl and Kdf in of Kby"t, aad a nut won derful Info-' df ;or:-.' a hfaltby, iortlT fdjjition ia tLe child. Mother Frlfnd reiTr the pa!n ani d:s cotxfort caufd by th? strain oa hf Pci m"tiU, makar pliaM th"f fSr rd rnutlri vhtch C'.r i ripandUir. and oethts tt: Infirnmattca of trast glands and ctb- MrtD4M. Tlx trndfrx-y tn nroi!nr ar 1 to momT?x ickD3 or naii? ii evuetfr- turtcd. Br rrimar ree dcrrlr.r the rrtoi th rr.azvle ftpnd wth fie bity i torn, tmaion I rrJu-d and te raia aaJ darjer t ta crli i catur.ilij- lea. VftrtbTf Frfmd ! an eitfrna! rrmeij. it absolutely fa and wonderfully eiTrvtie. It rot cvnlf ah-tr dlrtreir in a.innrf but .ure a ?df mxrvrry .c mother. Th' fpVid trrp ration hit V-e hid at every ilruc Ure. ant i oi of tho ttratrtt Hr?lV ever divcrered for ex Ktact mother. Write to te DradflelJ krtulttur Ca Umr BM. Atlinü. T.a- for tbHr -MotLrrho.1 IVek. Ta. uNe n n.cther. and in tr-e rrrt.rTe d" not fs'i to frt a bntl of rlntber a Friend at th- dm? tore and t.u Kiitdj jHiTif araiuet p-in ai c.-oajrort. I rrs !ovi(; day. j nvery day Is moving day with ue. i We are ready to move your freight, j household goods- pianos, safe. ma chinery, and let u" remind you that we do our work in the most satis factory manner with dispatch and at mo?t reasonable prices 100 miles per day made in out-of-town mov in. Izzoughman S: Loughman, SOI S. Main st. Advt. nr.MiTAiniTi:. All w.rk guaranteed on a money-tack-if- we -don't-make-good basis. Siherten Cord Tires are given ex pert attention here. Ask for our special price list. We maintain a perviee car for you. Don't hesitate to call on it We can sell you any make of tire manufactured. Taylor Tre Shop. i:.2 K. Jeff erf on blvd. Dell phor.e C10. Advt. a ni:v oitir.iv ATIG.V known as the Vanity Fair Petti bocker is featured this year as a mot admirable substitute for the petticoat. These garments are de- eloped in jersey of all colors and while ideal for street wear they are most charming for dancing. Do not be one of the last to adopt the new style hut come in to the Mabel Hawkins Style Shop at '05 J. M. S. Bldg. and leave your order for the color you desire. Advt. Austrian subjects, have intermar riel with Austrian ladies, and are as much anti-ally as is possible. Fn der these circumstances, it is not to be expected that the dethroned king would eer have thought of choosing as his heir a member f that race, against which, besides, he has many other graudL'es. o Hrnganu CTiaractcritio. If the truth be told, they are not at all nice people, those P.raganzas who have settled in Austria, at least ' the masculine ones, because the six laughters of the late pretender are jail beautiful, good and clever worn ; en. Uut he was himself a ruthless j and unpr-.-vipied man. and his whole j conduct in regard tj his niece, the ' ; young Queei. Donna Maria, as well as the cruelties which he exercised1 in Lisbon during the -hört time that i , he vas its master, are rememhered to this day with hormr in Portugal. This Don Miguel had been especial- ! ly inturiateu py me iact tnat ne nau not been able to secure for himself I the hand of that same Donna Maria, in favor of whom her father. Don Pedro, had resigned the rrown of Portugal. Giil war wagel in the country, thanks to this fact. 'but at last Don Miguel was compelled to surrender to the troops of the puren in 1S.4. and he was banished for- ery wild young man and got in- many scrapes that it at last became a question as to how his j father would be able to provide the necessary money t clear him jut of them. He had to leave the anuv and was sent to Fngland for a change. There he met the lovely American girl. Miss Anita Sbnvart, whose charming personality, to jgether with her many millmns. won j his heart, and his forthwith asked j her to marry him. trange to say, I his father made no objection, and j went even so far as t confer on his j son one of his own titles, that of tduke of Yizeu. ami tj grace the marriage ceremony with his pres ! ence. The latter was performed at j the castle of Tulloch in Scotland, t which the mother of the bride had j rented for the summer, and it mad ja nine days' wonder at the time, all i the newspapers being full with de- scriptions of the sumptuous wedding jgift" received ly the new duchess, l who had previously been received into the Roman C athdic faith. Martial Dillicultic. The couple tirst lived in London, then in Germany, and soon their friends heard that things were not Women's $2.00 Mus' wear insisting of envelope chem ises, g o v II i, lilHl pettieo.-lti. beautiful trim- liH'd. tile b-st grade; spfi i rx zzft ' k --v K'ä ) VA I I ' ' W-1. :i 1 i - ; j i i ' I ' I s pr 'its. : i S10.00 n i w WOMEN'S $20 SPRING COATS ne racK 01 w omen s ana misses- m -v neu- wool poplins, in all new spring shades and styles. 1'or T-i s.ia and Wednesdav TO $25 NEW SPRING SUITS womens ana .Misses' be.iutiini spring : ut-, i spring models, silk lined jackets and A T nrettv skirt models in all colors- Vx 9 v aluea to 5 2.": si.ecial for Dollar lav TO $10.00 SILK DRESSES lino rack of women's and misses' silk dr. -.-. spring styles, in silk taffeta.-, satin- and poplins; while they last. hoice CHILD'S $6 SPRING COATS $3 WOMEN'S $4 DRESS SKIRTS .$2 WOMEN'S $8 RAINCOATS .$4 I Oil n e..'. Si.00 J 3 50c Turk. Bath TOWELS Three la r g e size Turkish bath tow els absorbent kind pe ial ..... 2 Wom's Dressing Sacques Made of fast color percales, hi light or lark eolftrs. all Hiz's, 'J for . . . . Two Wom's 75c Corsets New spring style, made of w hite util : 4 hose 8iipp.rt ers attach!. . 5 ..$1 ..$1 ..SI SI Standard Carpet Sverier; durable, efticient ami exeeetlingl.v well made. Dollar Day Uab's Xh' White Drescs, loiv or short r4lo 2 IX) It Women's r0e (Ingham Kitchen Apron, well made Z 1X)K 4ioys H7h' Overalls, with bibs: all sizes '2 FOR .Men's and Women's $2.00 Umbrella's Q strong frame J) J Men's SI. 75 Spring Union Suits: all - si-es: .iKxial Men's 20c Dress IIoe; black and n colors S 1XU JJ)1 Child's l.r and $2.00 Ginsham Ql Drtsses; all sles vA Women's S2.50 White Voiie WaNt: Q extra sivcial J)X Hoys and Girls' SI Play Ilompers: Q ntnv styles 2 JX)U öl Wom's $2 Sateen Petticoats f sati-n -r rri HinsÜ!" : der- embr'd ;'.ani ' 2 Wom's 75c Un. SUITS Fine w ti i t e IUI t; n i s Ii. i;r:n weight v.iifs. , .r t i'lit kT:-e .... 4 pairs Wom's 35c Lisle Hose Wrnuf- extra fin. q u a 1 I t y y I l .. i;i Ii .sc ; .'Vh p :i I - ifv. for J V 1 ft 4 I i 1 rami: i j miw tom WOMEN'S $3 TRIMMED HATS A group of women's pretty street straw, also combination crepe and satin: real $.1.00 values; choice of the group hats, in black $1 "Mr $5 TRIMMED HATS The greatest millinery sensation in all South F.end. One lot of wom en's trimmed hats, in sailors and dress hats; e.xtra special, your choice CHILD'S $2.50 HATS $2 ne lot of child's trimmed hats and hat shapes: to jiL'.r.d; special for Dollar Day $1 m 3 ml $3.00 Reducing Corsets, Sale $2 3 Boys' 75c Spring Union Suiti $1 2 Boys 7c Shirts, Blouses, at $1 2 Pairs Wom's 75c Silk Gloves $1 Genuine Amer. Alarm Clocks $1 Boys' $7.00 Suits at $4 Men's $1.50 Black Shirts. ... .$1 $5 Silk Taffeta Petticoats $3 2 Women's 85c Silk Hose $1 Women's $8.00 New Sweaters $4 8 Huck Towels for 2 Men's 75c Underwear . . . Boys' $7.00 Spring Coats. . Men's $2.00 Dress Shirts. . . 4 Pairs Men's Silk Hose .$1 .$1 .$3 $1 .$1 Men's $1.50 Best Overalls Mule of str.'i J blue stripd d.-nini; in nil tdz I spe, i: 1. $2.00 Front Lace Corsets Neu- spring model-.. f out or bak ta'-e models : -.!! mad-. ;it . . . . 2 Wom's 75c Env. em - ') a 1 n t lroLlere1 ).' rrirnnieri m v. chemise - i; f..r ,r i 1 IUI Wom's $2.50 Kid GLOVES 1 r r. ti ;i '-. ' r !i!:c k ; c:.7e. ; a! r Sale Starts 8:30 A. M. Sharp. Quantities Limited. Shop Early. WW. YOU LOOKING. For picture framing work that requires special treatment? Take it to PKigby Co.. i::S . Michigan :t. Their speciality is this c'ass of work. They carry a full lir.e of hand carved frames and moulding? The k.rd that please? particular people. Alco Fastman's f.ln:. Kcso camera and film?. Spring time is camera tiro. -Advt UNTSUAL- We have an unusual wall paper display fixture where every design of paper we carry Is shown first as It appears cn the wall. Also we use the "Edison daylight" which enables cne to distinguish colors as irell as in sun light. Patrons will enjoy the comforts of our large roomy couches and chairs. H. L. Loehr Decorating Co. 214 N. Michigan at, Advt. ; -roini,' n well verv ruel and I young w ife. Ihappene! was betw en them, and was showinir himself j hard in regard to his ! Th.e net thing that that ihev were liing ever from Portugal by signed the at text Of Hvora ipart. the duchess not having been j able to stand the numerous slights 1 1) w hich she had been subjected by the whole Dra ganza family, who J looked upon her as upon an in truder. ar.l made her fee! that such' t v as the ca.-e. The duke once more ; 1 . . . . . . i entered trie ranks of tne i;-rman army, while his brother served in; utmm isßjmu w FT" WATCH US GROW IN 1918 Tl'IiX AND LOOK The Duick Valve-in-Head five pas senger touring car F-Six-45 is a motor car attracts attention ecn where. There is an indescrib able something so clearly reflecting the true character and aristocratic individuality of the Duick design that everyone turns and looks. It a i.r nith rerned body letalis. On exhibition at the Twentieth Century Garage. A.dv. the convention Monte. It is related that after he had put his name to the document which made him an outcast from his na tive land he threw down the pen and trampled it under his feet in a fit of uncontrollable rage. He with drew first to France, where, how ever, he was told that he could not remain, and then went to Austria, where he bought the castle of See Pen?tein. and where, he married an Austrian princess belonging to one of the mediatized families of Ger many, the Princess Adelaide of lowenstein. They had the six dauchurs to whom I hae already; referred, one of whom is the mother of the present Fmpress Zita of Aus- isjtria, while the other has for daugh ter the consort f King Albert of P.elgium. the brave Queen the Austrian, arid the matter -tunds for the present in abeyance as to whether or not the American girl who gae herself, together with her millions, to the royal prince, who treated her so shamefully, will eer obtain the freedom which it seems she tried to claim, but which the Roman church refused to grant to her. l'nd?r those circumstances, and especially in view of the fact that the duke of Vizeu is not a Prussian otticer, it is hardly likely that King Manuel will have even a thought of making the former's son an heir to his eventual rights to the crewn of Portugal, so I may be forgiven for not heliewrig in this rumor, though it has been widely circulated in the press of this country. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. Safety Deposit Boxes $1.50 per year. Bat ma BstrrwLkifcU Ulla It Frank Mayr & Sons IIS SLICK'S LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. Ptxmes: Kons MIT; TVrll The Slick Wr lit (Ute Jlranx5 jlljop EYES EXAMINED BY UTftMlkl Correct Artard fcvWom H toeth 11. .... 11 t iu the brave Queen Flizabeth uvzi l 3aj yuu saw u in uic and one son. called Miguel, after his CWSpaDtT. Say NcU'S-Tlmt The Latest in LADIES' WEAR. T. S. GARLAND & CO. 139 S. Michigan St. . LEMONTREE, IVnd'a LxdiD( Optometrist an! ZZlVx SOCTH UICUXGAIT ST. Hum nM UM. BU FWm 1 Art StatcrUlA. cture Uramlng. THE I. W. LOWER DEOOR-VTINO COMPAVl' Foutb Henri, Indiana Wall Pape-r Draprrlf Ialm Rrrp plies "When you Lblnk of Homefum lhlng-i think of SÄilora." WARNER BROS. Seed c3 Farm Machinery 114 E. Wayne SL S-.1 V ii i. . . 1 t.4 if t 1