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Monday nvrxivfi. a run. 2.'. ioi. MA (;' r 1:1 "Let's Keep the Glow in Old Glory" Buy Liberty Bonds Today! N BUYING COAL lie Partial Payment Plan Advanc ed as .Solution of Fuel Problem. f r . iHE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIMES 3 5 r.VDIAN'APOLIS. April 22 Tn as-i.-.t pen-ona financially unable to !. cash for their nxt winter's coal un'J fu'l. and alo to hlp the local tlalTs in petting ready for the de riand next winter, plan are belntf cor.sidere-I for a partial payment rystem. which, if thy vrnrk out aa !! as those advancing them think, will a lon ways toward solving tome of the ex7ctd fuel problems h-re. The tentative plans call for the formation of a. corporation to operate soTiethinp on the order of a I uiiding and loan association. All reputable coal diier3 In the city nay have an intervs-t. if they desire, and mn of unquestioned standing v. wall be. rIacci in charge of the operation. The fucrestion has ben rnrde that th propose! corporation open a central office. A person desiring to buy coal on a weekly payments basis may go to th company, state the amount of coal desired, name th dealer from whom he wishes to purchase, and then l'frln paying a specified sum weekly to the cor poration. The amount of the pay ments would be fixed according to the amount of o.iI ordered. When sufficient had been paid in to cover the cost of two tons of coal that amount of fuel would he delivered by the dealer named, and when pay ments were sufficient for another two tons delivery wcrvltl be made. In that way, promoters of the plan my, the cost would be distributed fiVf r a lon period, the consumer would get his coal, or the greater part of it before cold weather, and the viraler would know about when to count on making deliveries. Pre cautions would be taken to see that dealers did not acce-pt mor orders ( r contracts from the company than could be delivered under the plan. STATE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU AIDS 8,366 MEN AND 306 WOMEN INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. :. Kight thousand thre hundred sixty-seven men received jobs through the ef forts of the five branches of the state free employment bureau (lur ing the quarter ende! April 1. a report just compiled shows. The number of applications for men was Women asking places num i ered 4 01, and "(K were given work. Employers asked for 8.T6S men and ."lt women. The majority of the men who got work throuKh the state aprency were unskilled laborers. 5,46- of thos3 Placed teing of that class. Ship builders came next, numbering or all that applied. Parm labor applications number 4 40, and nun placed 267. The number of farmers asking help was 2?1. Of th "54 masons who asked for help To sret work, jobs were found for ::r.T. Seventy-seven boys got work through the state, out of 174 asking jol-S. While the number of men asking work exceeded the demand, the re erse was true in the case of wom en. Applications for women num bered "16. 'while only -f 0 1 women asked for work. The chief demand for women was for day work and general housework. The five state agency offices are at Indianapolis. Kvansville. Fort Wayne, Terre Haute and South P.end. Henry A. Roberts. former state statistician, is the supervisor of the employment bureau. GRANGERS WILL BACK PRESIDENT IN CRISIS Nown-Tines Spo-tal ScrrW : ki:ki city. Mich. April Osceola county Pomona Grangers nsmbled at Tustin for their quar terly meeting went squarely on rec ord for standing lack of America and the president in this groat crisis nnd will do their l it in producing bumper crops the coming season, r.nd to d l more intensive farming. Tliev also voted to help in the food onservation and will use plenty of -substitutes, even though manv of thm have rlnt' of wheat, for their own flour. They will aim for a 10 per tent membership increase :;mong the subordinate Granges of the county this year. Mil. W SI. MUSS MAN. Are you obliged to deliver your coods? l-et us get together. We want to show you how you can Rive a few dollars even. month by using a Maxwell one-ton truck for deliv ering the irood3. lt' the modern way. The quickest way. Maxwell trucks are right in every Phone Smith-Itauch Motor Sales Co. for particulars. Advt. MIL FARMER I We have everything In the farm implement lire. Before you buy come In and look over our stock. You'll not only save time but money. for our rrlcs are right down where ou like to free them. No trouble to .-how or demonstrate our gooit. Come and talk It over. Llndahl rros., 5 1 5-5 J 7 S. Michigan it. Advt. factory kx rains. Have your tires repaired by fac tory experts. We absolutely guar antee our repair work to laut the life of ycur tire. Our service car la at our disposal. Kreo air, free .er- ire. Come ind let us show you what free eerice really Is Skiff's Tire Ferviee Co. 4 26 S Michigan at Phones. Home IZZS; Dell 1619. Advt. Try NEWS-TIMES WANT AD) ;t! I y. J i -I 7?. - im. i lit- f-X mm 'J . t f I ! a '5: r j32 Ä - Ii v..' (1 '!' y- 1 3 a o i OD AY the Third JLiberty JLoan is launched. I oday Amencanism once more answers the crucial test A of war. Today the patriotic hearts of American men and women beat quicker at the sight of the .flag; they throb in unison with the great heart of our great president. Every Liberty Bond you buy lightens the burdens of our great leader makes his task easier brings us nearer the end of this world conflict for the principles of freedom to which our country is dedicated. Do Not Wait do not delay your purchase of bonds. You have an influence you set an example among your friends and in your neighborhood. Be one of the first purchasers of the Third Liberty Loan. Buy today. Be one of the thousands yes, millions I who will say to President Wilson today: "J am helping you to keep the glow in Old Glory!" Do this for your country; do this for your state; do this for your city; do it for your home, your family and yourself. Buy Liberty Bonds Today! send the word "over there" to the boys on the firing line that you are backing them to the uttermost limit, not only of your resources, but of your credit Put yourself alongside President Wilson; encourage him; show him that this united country has but one object and one thought to help him establish freedom once and for all time. Do this for your children and your chil dren's children. Buy Liberty Bonds today get your friends to buy them. Send your own message to all the world that "the truth is marching on." IM Lo" I - J Ulk 4 i II ' - '''"t. r HF r " . ir: zr. ContrihuteJ by South Bend Newa-Ti ; i 1)1 i,S' i! I !, . I" t !;;; ! I'd i, 1 1 Vi Mi Mil J- 1 m VI