Newspaper Page Text
i 8 MOM.V irV lIM.NC;. APKIL '21, VJl. THE SOUTH BEND NEWSTIMES LINCOLN LIFERS FAIL IN ATTACKS POLLY AND HER PALS Well, It's a Toss-Up Which is Worse Copyright, ir-17. Internatloual ISewi terlc. 1 . .. Ml UP ujiTh AiaHe is js Dora lnfcM They Came Touted to Take All Honors, But Flunked. Ol IT'. HOME. r 1 i j 1 -cm -1 n u in lit I I , 4 V.Y Will I hi l. rn i i i i u u r k. v I rr . i w "7 caw a F .fchovphat Sparc. M'n and f .tms with rtfords ar.'l r.iiili romc and K" in tho l.owlin atn- hut thy (J. i not always mak' coli c ion . The famous Lincoln tt.ii.i o Fort Wayne cam ; jtr-'H-ly touted to tak" all the hon ors in th- ninth annual tournament of Ih Iv.iana Fowling association i.ijA in pni?r--i in this city. P'.t Cay laiP-d in ev ry attack, th-jr 1 est f florts be in.; third place in the Jce-roeri t-erit. a.'.d the same posi tion in the event. IMdb- Kraft. anchor for th" .n! :iiy Aiiey Fic-. jumped into th" 1 : i I of tbe im! : il ua 1 ever.t . t r I i y nrornirik'. warn three very ' on;:.,lcnt i;ar:i . with a :ir.e f-core i' i - -1 th- mark s t hy Jess I'ritch-tt of Indianapolis, the pre :"! iay 'y pit: v. Fill i'ein- . art anl Ik k Mnru'Wi.-fi each had a ffiari'- to jays the mark of Kraft 1. tr in the day l.ut th.y were not ; 'i a 1 to t h' o ( a si on . ;. dv. i-i and Kirkh.oM' u i e never :. -lander in the two-men event dur ir.j.' the d i and n team came with .n In pins of the leaders. However. thfr- wer- four t'iniH t hrea k J tlie i-rt Ft teams, the Zurrher ". n-m ci rn ! -i na t in making the i.est ;Tort jvitii which rietted a tie for- third place with Pritchett and '.....lvvia of Indianapolis. The Hi Las ,f i-'ort Wayne rcdled int.) ixth plac on tli- late shift of the . , r i . r i j-'piad Sitijrday evening. Focal h'iiucs hi;. I.'ial hauaes ar- fa-t loakiii exit for the season ami this for .w-k will .- a nurnher of others. . .I o .t or" coriimi.ssian for the year. Ilmo-a r. there are . lot of oii 's and i nds to i lean ii p 1-efore the curtain fall-. rie of the hit: thin' is tlie triple tie in the West Side leamj pere thre ( lull--, tlie . ' h o k a Stars. I: i!l,,;s F.ros. and Solomon Stars .p. it the regular s-'Tiedule in a tie. ''I, ...... nill ttt'f thi..:ii r:ime ontest durin-T the week. Ato-thef organization where a lot of !('tiu-,;ii:n;r i t he done is the All floh league. The officers of that orL'a ri ia t ion init Hiat all of th I-adinL' lu!'S in that league must oil off all of their j. .s( jMin.-d L'.tmes, i whi'h there are many, l.efore as-v of the prices will le awarded. There ,ir.' ;!. a numl-r of post-P'-ne.J gain's to he rolled ill the l'nifed le.iur:ie. which are expected to he rolle! otT this Week. ' M intere.-t i manifest the I'e.;-ral and Tmple lenu'les. which aio j-till opr'ratin at tlie Flks' :mple. A -n.-ideralde fiht !s on m each l'MKie. In the Federal ;.:;iir three id il's have a chanco rin tifst place while in the Teni p;e le iue fd ir cluhs still have a h.ince to hrimr home the hacon. f!owe-r. th- stdiedules will lose tin, 'a eck and the winners will he iie. l.ired at the vfi 1 a-ion of each hade's regular schedule. Final 'imU of Statt Mvt. AiH'thor week of howling remain5 of the state howlinir tournament s.. h'd'ile :tnl t.aere are a Pt f u'ooj team- -IUI o r"!l. many of whom ae riot a ' .-hihi as some that have 1 1 r -1 1 (pete.i and w hich may s';tpt'i.-e the jail hiriN. Although thrte teures hie aTrcadv rcdled inoa I ndianapohs. there are still 1:1 ti ore el:;!-- from the rnpTTa! to shoot, the-e !'ni-himr their sanies next nrdav and Sunday. Th re i a cood crop of local ti .mi- to ; o!l thi we.-K. amone- theo '. e;ne; the eiah.s frcj.i t h City leapue, v h;- !i imd-ide the K.-.hh r - Scha-!-. Shafei F-imher '.. South !n Waith 'o. and T.oehr Ieco tatir u ". team-. Tln n there arc the Stia.el akers. 'omtry ("luh ;i r -1 Ci-oka Star.-, w i . i 1 ear w itching. These h:bs w iM !!', h v ill ! i"ll Monday een e Known as South Ih nd niuht. Wed n d l y f en in il i a d to i - ) 1 1 n will also be ;e.i ni play. h. n the KU.s will take the dries. Am.' T-i; tlie tan:s that must he con--i b re.! a i e are the famous F': kta;! v rfut'v a:: l Staus, and the v., N,' Ta T.ii'eU mut als be ; t1. a . I. I I I - M I N I I N T. N I. M l-H'Il i ; c . ! nd t i "i i ; ' Is . f.- I r t a lie K-... P.: I :,. lb-: r..r, IP- T-:. I '.: !'r : .7. . , .- '.i - 11. V. I 2-' 'I P.r. i .. I. i ' S f 1 W :i. Hi !.. , V.s M ! 2NV. j 7'i 1 I - - -1 Joss I Mi- ::iu . K.i I'o . r -f r, rt . !,. . . . . . 1 ; i r ; i : a w a k 2'1 1-11 two-mis i:Fr. : a A i ; k 1 r m rp. ! A In.1 1 1..'. :. tt i s r a ;-i 1 ' tt W i I,.. . TT A M- i I:i ip- A J-' s. , r.-r-e II : It.-. . . . A 1 1 : ! . I t:i! I'iti iii.v: r A W r..rf Wax i i , , - - i 1 1 ' ' i :s IPV,! 11 .i ; I nr. -' i . lid . nr. is II--' . 1P27 t'V.S A I i. --.n h. I 'erf XV:' ti' A W . hirk'.-.TT. lu ll m.i'.,.; I. -;;:, r.- A '.'va'-.-r. Ft W IMUMIU l. I A INT. Wr ,f. y,.rt 1 1 . T ' TT. I ri'! i i i s K. art -i'rt W .. i e t. ; r .--a :'' I' .rt -. i.e. . 1! ':::..,.! . . i: F TT ''.i ! Su '..;:.: I i i ? y i : t.-T . i ry r .! l: v r, V V. 17 ( ni7 ! .1 J.-rrv. . arv P S-..:t!i. i..ry 3d SPI-CTAI. SAF1 V rla.- :r ..p rT.a h' rt . tiny to e Mire a high hoiiocra ph ' cash or on : i n i w V .1 1 a fv p'' yn S. I: . fc ' 4 . V ode's tit iselec't e rf"in "' fror;, r mtrg ;r to Slrft.f..' T.;p. k e n in o Shop, A,ht. p .ynient. Fr.ic-n Pich-Tone Trvt FMp. M ' ai:i: vor fi f the r::am ho !"v h e .ji.--.ou - e . :t rvver gt it" We can ti'.l -: felt wart. C"o 1 teas and :re our long suit, and we your 1' coff VV will ui e oa rafter "."-' it at l.e j rices than you will !'. n 1 v'sewhere. T1.:j proposition i- at lest worth a test. The Coffee Parch. 132 North MFhin ft. Aviv. Copyright. 1918, by New.paper GIANTS AND RED SOX HAVE CLEAN RECORDS Xi:V VoliK. April 22. New j York, 1M7 c hampion of the Nation- j al league, and Foston. runner-up j !ast year in the Ameri-an league, I v-ent to the fore with a clean record j in their rt-j-pect ive leagues in the j r p'-nim; week of the major j league havehall -eaon. which was ; "ia rre.i i .y unfavorable weather. Twenty-seen sanies were played; and 1 postponed. The (liants took J three straight from Frokln and one trorn laston and tlie Ked Sox scored three ictories erich over Fhiladelfdiia and .New York. The week's record in each leacue of sanies played, won and lost, with runs, hits, errors, men left on hases, end runs scored hy' opponents, in cluding the jrames: of April '2. is as follows: National Ia-ukm Saturday, p u i. u it i: i.r. op i Xeu nrk ...t 1 o L'i .".7 I '''. Phtl:nle!;.!.i:i .". 1 '( .-.7 p ) -Jl , M if i ii ii.: t i 1 n s : i n ; S? I.nuis L' 1 1 sis 1 2 S hi. a 4a j l I s ir, i:: s rif t jti.nrii 1 i i 1 k p , H'rni i i p ;-, ; -r p; j P.r.'. Uyri U 11 -1 ! Anir rinn I:iitiir. p u p i: ii i: I.T. OP postui, i; f. o -js 4- ä II ! 'level;il,, '' O '.) J 1 pj .", vn iisiiintn . . i "j 2 1 c, i;o ri.i. M" - i i ; l". i n : St. Penis :; I 7 in 1 J7 ! '. New York ....; ' A S. .".: P 4.". r,' I et r tit l o l ; i r, i; - I'liilad. iphia .4 o I ä p L'l 1 Aj M'ABEE. OF CUBS RAPS TRIPLE WITH THREE ON!!!;'!1' CINCINNATI. ., April L'l'. Cin cinnati hunched errors while Chi capo'was hunchinp liits in two inn- irm-. of to.fa's e;ame, and Alexander was returned a winner over Feu ther, hy a store of 9 to 1. McAbee's triple with the ha ses full hi the fifth was the n.;ist spec tacular play of the contest. The Pa me was played on a soppy dia mond and the weather was rainy and cold, time heinp called in the second inninp on account of the downpour, but play was resumed af ter 1 ä minutes had elapsed. Score: chicapo l oo o:o :U'0 9 lu 1' Cincinnati . . . . 000 00 001 1 X 4 Alexander and Killifer; Keuther and Wino. iocki:t fifi i ki Tr.Anri: )Pi:S MONDAY NKiHT The recently organized pocket bil liard leairue will open its season Mondav nipht when the Jimmie Ä t IPap,1(S- ,s U) re,iexp -M"rraj Coat's team will journey to Misha- I should the necessity demand it. waka to meet the Kllsasser team.! number of years the rnd Nabicht's team will cross cues j Pa dir rs furnished the baseball at with the Mclnerny Ä Warner team j traction in the early season, cominp at the latter store. Two pames will I to Notre Dame after playing a few W plaved bv each representative I saines south. This year, however. team o.Th week throughout the schedule which is to last for three months. The leairue is a new fea ture of local sports, as nothinp ex actly like it has ever been promoted 1 efore in the citv, and it is expected t attract cons'derable attention fiom followers of the rue game. "MY xrrrr XCSSSsa.. ii-", a'AMS3ST5 1 " I.?-, te,JJ- jl Tfxi-: yt&b&r. mmm? i k V ; - y-i ' " :m ' :; r,- c Feature Service, inc. Great Britain.3Riht Re.erved. Rerutered in U. MEET BAGGERS Wisconsin University to Fur nish Attraction Today on Cartier Field. IJV IJHi:i) ALKXANHIIK. Weather permitting, th': Notre Dame hasehall team will make its initial intercollegiate debut hefore the home fans Monday afternoon. j when the Flue and Gold clashes with the frtron;; Wisconsin univer sity nine on Cartier held. Little is consin is not as danperous as in former years. From past experience the Notre Dame players are not! ; placing much faith in th( and will enter the content the reports to show their superiority over the Fadpers. Strengthened hy the first two sanies of the year in which Notre Dame scored victories over "Coat'' Anderson's All-Stars and the Rose Polytechnic team, the locnsl follow ers will he "iven an opportunity to Ijud.H" for themselves how their team ! will tare in the comincr intc-rcol- panics, especially In the names wun nie western conierente teams. The team returned home early Sunday morninff from lilooniins- T 1 ton where Saturday rain interfered p,;,i,n rrei '. . . 'S with the scheduled trame with In- I I um hells V 1 .IO. n.,n-r,roti- l.'vorv nl ivnr IclActiveS JO I iiMiui uitn i i .-4i. . 44. v fit., ti in eood shape and the lonp ride j fa iloil t(, jf.sson the team's ambition to score a victory over Wisconsin. Murray May Pitch. Just what men will constitute the battery for the Notre Dame team is not known. Posibilitie-s are. how ever, that the reliahle slah artist. "Fat" Murray, may he called upon to serve the benders. Murray was slated to work apainst Indiana,. hut as rain did not permit Harper to see his star twirler apainst a con ference team, chances are that he may depend upon Murray. Livery, the recruit who hurled a pood, steady iranie against Hose Poly and won with the assistance of his col- Notre Dame will have a slight edpe over their opponents, havinp par ticipated in a number of prelimin ary pames when the weather per mitted. i.ast season Notre Dame defeated Wisconsin, which was the only defeat the Madisonites suffered last year, having cancelled the re- CVown rriitv: If You Itn't Start War T Will.' IVjVII YKAILS IN UlMANT' AT Till-: ULI VI II I TODAY, MATINKi: AND MC:iIT. mainins pames of the roster on ac count of the war. New .Mom in Lineup. IJoth teams will present a prac tically new lineup. Notre Dame is minus the services of Capt. Jake Kline. "Chief" Myers. Allison, Kd pren, Iuhois, Keenan, while Wis consin also have a number of new men in their lineup. Monday's pame will he called promptly at V:?,Q o'clock. Schaefer. who officiated in the Notre Dame vs. All-Stars panic, will umpire the contest. Notre Dame's prohahle lineup: Uonchetti. center field; Fahan. riht field; Sjohertr. second hase; Capt. Wolf, shortstop; Fhilhin, first hase; Barry, left field; Fitz-.'erald or Manpin. third hase; Andres, catch er; Murray, Lavery. Smith,, pitchers. BOWLING STANDINGS AND SCHEDULES riTV Li:.;ri:. Knehler .V Sliafer ..X heehr I t-oratiiip Co L'i! S. 15. Wiitcli Co S Sluifer hu ru her Jet "J4 Hullie 4v Mike p.i uriiheutii Attn hoys 11 11 r. jo 11 '; :;i i; 17 jo r. 'i 17 IS If. -'I .07 ..Vi' ,00.) Mil ..-.70 ..".7'J ..vj .407 J KIlKltAI, LKAUl'K. I.Iks . hills . I leers rf uns Stay Faw ns - It"; Pi 1 .4.VJ i .VV TKMI'I.t I. i:Ot K. ' .,val Tu-ks Hairs Antlers Herns Fucks jo i;: ii ! T I' UN K KS I.K.tilK. t: tv -. ii 1C. r.i I l,;i'reri 1". Father Jahn l:: IMThll LKAtilK. Hans Priips i Koehler V. Schäfers 'S Pa rde'ii J.'. Silver Fdge I'.i I.e ;.ins 14 Steftee Star-; ." vi;st mih: I.KAGl K Clmka Stars S P.urkMs P.ros. L'ä Solomon St.irs "J. Nvals S2 Alma? L'l M. II jo Hapy I'ive 17 Kniepers p; i:: u f: 'jo "l 17 17 17 JO Jl .;7 .-r. 47 r;i." ."24 ."iO 17'. 40Ö ;;io GAMI THIS WKKK. Tuelay. fi:pi:uaf i.fa;fi: Staps vs Peers. Fa wiib vs. Orfun. IUlls s. F.Iks. Friday. tkmi'ij: hi:.r;i i: Antlers " vs. I. oval. Hairs vs. Tusks. Ihn ks vi. Horns. ti UN i it i.i:a;i i: - Monday-- Father Jahn vs. P.. ihn Frei Wednesday S. P.. T. V. vs. Paeren Thursday -Puniliells vs. Actives AKTIIl'K T4. MILFi:n. TKANSFI3H Ionp distance moving, and heavy transferrin?. Pell phone 1711. Home 5670. Advt. 3145-tf. Dont say you saw It In the newspaper. Say News-Times. S. Patent Offic GKNE K WITH RELAYERS Coach is Well Satisfied With the Showing of His Men. Coach Knute K. Fockno and the Notre Dame four-mile relay team which hnished second at the Drake relay carnival in Des Moines Sat urday, returned home Sunday nipht. Hockiie stated that his men Mur- tphy, Van Wonterphen, Sweeney and I Call ran one of the pamest races he ever saw. Fifteen minutes hefore th? races were scheduled to start at Des Moines Saturday, snow commenced to fall steadily, and in no time the Drake stadium was coveted. So hash was the wind and so fast was the snow falling that all the uni versities at the meet with the excep tion of Chicago and Wisconsin, withdrew their entries in the two mile university relay. They hoped that the t-now would slacken before the other races were called. It lidn't. Instead it increased a the ?;4 afternoon wore on and the temper-'':-; Uture continued to drop. Py the time the four-mile relay 4is:the only event in which Notre Dame '"""' j was entered was called, the ooach .otl ps had come to the conclusion that j;M!the weather conditions were not '-yl Koinff to change immediately. Con 'zx i sequently there were four entries for the distance affair Chicago. Ames. Nebrask and Notre Dame. Missouri and Wisconsin withdrew at the last j niinute took the lv?ad in the first . me: nr j relay ami was never headed. The .(only race was between Chicago and SOi Notre Dame. Murphy, the first gold and blue runner, nmsnea aooui ou yards behind Chicapo, hut Van Won terphen not only made up the lost ground hut gained about as much more when he had run. his mile. Sweeney had increased the Notre Dame lead to 00 yards when he turned the Notre Dame baton over to Call, who was jutted apainst MoCosh of Chicago, the fastest miler at the meet. McCosh g lined slightly on Call hut he could not em ploy his preat speed to advantage and he could not overcome the wide pap his teammates had allowed Notre Dame to pain. The programs of the meet were unique. n the cover was a serv ice Map of all the competitors at the Drake races in former years, and on the border were the- names of the men in the service and their re spective schools. The names of Miller, Kasper, Meehan, Me Don -ouph. Noonan, Sfarrett, and King El-Ill of Notre Dame occupied conspicuous places. All the coaches and contestants were puests at a mamoth banuuvt the meet. The meet was a brilliant success though the weather was abornin- 1 able. Coach Fockne had no advance 1 advice from the weather man, for j he failed to carry an overcoat. Wal- j ter Sweeney, who ran in the third relay for Notre Dame, won the j booby prize for tlie trip he had to : stand the January-like blasts with- ! out an overcoat or a pair of shoes, j He had on a brand new pair of ox fords. j EVERYBODY WALKS IN THIS WEIRD GAME CFi:VFIND. ().. April 2' t. Fouis defeated Cleveland 22 to 7 Sunday. None of the six pitchers, with the exception of Davenport, was i effecth e while all were wild, issuinp 17 passes. The fieldinp : was sharp r. there be - despite the cold weathe inp six double plays. Demmitt had ; a peculiar hatting record, drawing! four passes and having a sacritiee j My. Score: St. Fouis . . . . O.'O 040 020 11 1 1 1l Cleveland ...111010 210 7 11 C.allia. Sotheron, Davenport and Nunamaker; Croom. lambeth. Fag by and O'Neil. AT THE TODAY ONLY OMPANY" With FRANKLYN FARNUM A story of snobbery and the affect it has on one man's life. Also another episode of "THE EAGLE'S EYE" Messick'si Orchestra NOW PLAYING Univrsr! r!tp-ont F.vrsts PRINCESS KALAMA Assisted ly William Kan. prtei.tin "A Hawaiian Night's Entertainment." WILLY ZIMMERMAN Tlio Master Mimic. I'KICE : lc. Mr. ob. mMd Holiday S:f. KarBing ::, t:00. Matlat t:M. THE DOHERTYS A Pair of XoiN'n' lKaler. BRIERRE & KING Clecr Comedy Couple. HAYATAKE BROS. Ja pa nox Mancl. TIU'KSDA Y JEAN ADAIR & CO. And Four Other Acts. PAyT! P "FAST I , L I tscßsörai 1 1 First Run Pictures Only TODAY Presenting: the talented star of "The Birth of a Nation" in "HUMDRUM BROWN A drama of smalltown life. Also LaSalle Screen Tele gram. TUESDAY The Man Who Made Broad way Famous, nrnrr ft M pntHM 'K IV1. LUnrtl, ! Bin the liediest story of mirth and mystery cor written. "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE" By Earl Derr Biggars. llringinir .to the mtcmi Iho prcatrst "swicli play ever dc TisiMl and much more reali-tic-ally than was possible on the stage. Also another chapter of "The Daughter of Uncle Sam." WEDNESDAY ROY STEWART in "FAITH ENDURIN' " Uniformly Mild and Fragrant The Cigar You Want ID-IS HNKHOHST&COt U. S. Government, Municipal, Public Utility and high frtdt Industrial Bonds proven and bankable securities only. Many years of successful experience in investments make ear senice valuable to you. W. E. WHITEMAN, Manager 70S J. M. 8. BUILDING PHONE 2341 S- AJTH BEND. IND. MAX ADLER COMPANY World's Best Clothes Comer Mich, and Wadi. Sts. ADLER BROS tub BToitE von UETT A;x corn WATCHES ON CREDIT Olsen SEE US 21C So. Mirhican M VC KMicfeicmn St. "501 E SAVERS" EVERY SHOE a Bargain Shoe at GUARANTEE SHOE COMPANY QualiiySrx(?rlp l l i: I lie Aftrr.mnn l.htim f Tfi Tiiiif arrirt a r4 iul r of ' I'i' turr. Henry P. allhalF imH-rvma-tion of the br.uo I'nion xddicr In tlie Kivat war play of the ate. "Tin Firth of a Nation. stami-d him as a real actor. lit was a stock otu panv actor on the vtai;. Has !ii in studio work ln,n i!oii. IUrn in 1S7.S in Shdb -oiinl. Ala. Height . f"t. ti IfH-he-: weight F'.r. pnimU: dark irnpleioii. ilark brown hair, brow 11 ee: riIe-, swini. il.inns motors. A lhoa.iiul sons; wiilcr. ha Ih-cii trinp to write (In preat war soii;r. Fp to date none liai cpiale Cie,rpe Cohan's . soup, 'cr 1 here." wIiis.mI. plaed and aiii: all oer the world. You're mi ii a pl.i wiihin a play. I. ni in -een Kc) to Paldpale" (ui trot a hook within a Kr. within a play, within a pie; ure. ami h Mitne one h;in'( lold jim. c ih f y,, i pues ihe real linidi. No loial eeiu pu-iiii-tl ,.,. ru., atliaeled the attention that the Liberty loan paia.loilnl l,,.,, aim at the Fäkalie lat week. Sold in South Bend and Everywhere You Go THOMSON AND McKINNON 201-202 J. M. S. Bldg. Mrnlir tiorU ffwlv faOnni. Nfrt ork ( uiUin l.nliint-f, Of-lfn ottn t'.-tiant. hirgo t k l.o hmc, liiaco IturfJ .f T rrnlc an'J lnll:riü I.inUr -(lation. itiml I'ritslr ir to All PIIOM Pall :.00-:Pl. Home Union Trust Comppny Saf Deposit Poxes with pUJ facilities for the privacy of cua tor.r I 3 A MI. i UNION SHOE CO. n 233 S. Michigan 5t 00McOPGOODCLDTT.ia