Indiana T'-,.' iV -"...A .
r.cht a: i W- !rv .. bwi-r Mb h- jj
isr.ui i.r tn:g. .:-! V. v M
rv'pt sh'-w r 1 .! '1
rt;- n. '
New Slogan for South Bend "SOUTH BEND. IND.. AND PROUD OF IT" Reply Mode by South Bend Boy
VOL. XXXV, NO. 113.
mencai aoMier
ir od s
vJI a . 11 . Ii. tri
tu UJ
.1 a!
y ft
Girl Disappears;
Pontiac Farnilv is
Held on Suspicion jlQ
Rlil BILL!
Sec'y Baker Tells
House Committee
Allies Will Win
Ml 1
Increases Believed to Have
Been Recommended Will
3ring Fortune in
Back Pay.
.Military Zone Measure
Kills Proposal.
rr.t- rnati'n.i J New s Serviie:
ty-five million Well. its, it
mated in railway administration cir- 1
b-s todav, will be turned over, to i
was csti-
i Interi.;iti.njl New Serr'.. :
i PONTIAC. Mich.. April lib
Workmen todav are digging over '
every inch of the yard about the1 .
horn.- of Helmut tfchmi.lt, in Ituyal PfGS't WHSOn'S OppOSltiOn tO
MK, .wicn., in an attempt, to near
the mystery of the disappearance of
Miss Augusta .Steinbach, who has
been missing from her New York
home for more than a year. i
Schmidt, his wife and lS-vear-old! n t . r n. t . n a J News Servi.e:
daughter are undr arrest, following ! WASHINGTON. April 2::.-The
a report that Miss Steinbach was Chamberlain bill to make the United
last seen at their home. ! States a part of the military zone
I'nlii'f announce they hae es- nnd empowering the military powers
tablished that Miss Steinbach was i to punish spies and disloyalists is
lured to Detroit by a matrimonial
idvertisment and was met there bv
lotertKitinrird N-wg Servbe:
WASH l.GT(., April IV.
"Tlie American soldier i the
equal ol any lighting man in
laine." Tlii statement, made
to Id. n by It'll. I'tK'li. generali.,
-inio of the allied fonvs. aa-,
given by sec'y of War liakci
l the I to um.' military aftalts
committee tili. afternoon, as
Miiiiiuing bis impressions of
ubat lie saw of the American
I i 1 1 1 i i vir mau on (be us(eHi
Attacks on Ostend E LULL TO
ST. LOlilS IN RAGE and Zeebrugge Meet
Reasonable Success r
; V i .
Inttrn.itii'tKiI Se
LONDON. Arril 2y. The (ierman submarine b;ie:
o 0teiiJ
trict Was First.
a ii n ou n e-
! dead.
Following estrda'
! a man representing his name to be ' ment f T'res't Wi'.on's opposition
; Neu.nebaur and home to be in t the measure it became evident to- ;
the' Ii'-yal Oak. Later hr friends in I day that congress, despite its impati-i
This tig- I New York heard that die was to be j t nee over the government's failura
and i
the railway men of tlfe country
i i k pay, when Director (len.
Ad :j'iroves the findings of
railway wage cummis.-'ion
lire was based on a generally eon- i married and after that nothing fur- I to ertectuallv check espionage
i.eded lelief that tiie ommission ther was hoard from her. ! treason, vvowld not pass the hill.
v. i 1 1 grant general increases of 'JO She is understood to have had ; Sen. Fhamberlain let it be known
percent. It already lias been made 'considerable money and jewels that lie would not attempt to push
!.nown that any increase allowed i u ,10n -vllp lt ft New York
will be retroactive to Jan. 1. j
"There is complete military accord
between the armies offne l'nited
Mates arnl tho tf mir allies. The
forces on the west front have been
welded into a single military unit,
tiuhting t't y a common cause."
This assertion was made todav bv
J- c y
Treasury Department Not Yet
Able tO Tell Which DlS- and Zeebruejre, on the Bekian cuat. were raided bv British naval i nrni pinhtinn FnHc With AH-
itorce this mnrnin, the admiralty announced. n ... . - ,
j The L3 ritish forces consisted of auxiliary ve-sels and mx obsolete
: cruisers.
! Five ot the obsolete vessels, were tilled with concrete and were
ctuai ; run aground and blown up to block the harbors.
; The raid met with a "reasonable measure ot success, tne otnciaij
j statement said. i iuu-vu, v- :
I lit CUIIU'ltH. UtUUk' ii tit IH'I iiiumii it utii um. vi.wj u.vn lI.MMI.N ,ini
... ..-.I I til
Int-! national NVwh Sorttoe:
subscriptions to the third Libertv
loan wem well over the half-way
mark when it was announced at th
treasury dp;1rtment today that Si
vantage to British Take
60 Prisoners in Sec
tor of Albert.
In an appeal to the railroad em
ployes of the country to support the
Liberty loan. Director Con. McAdoo
announced that the report of the.
railroad wage ommi-;ion would lie
made public on. hi.-, return from his
tour through the states.
Appeals to Men.
"I announced, shortly after pos- j
session and control of the railroads j
was assumed by the government!
that if, as a result of that investiga
tion an increase would become effee- ;
t.c. it would be as of Jan. 1. 1918," j
be 'aid. "t shall promptly review the j
report of the committee arJ render j -. .
deciM...) upon its undine and rec-iTcutons Try Every Means to
nun ndation!. Mranwh r no epi- 1
prejudiced, i
Embroil Holland on One
Side Or Other.
doe is beinj; huit or
Hauv1 whatever inereass may be
pranted will have accumulated in
the form of savings and will not
have hrn spent in the meantime
i - miplit otherwise have been the
"T hope that eery railroad em
pto e in the l'nited States will lend
.ill the rnony lie can. consistent
v ith hi.s imliidual ircumstances. to
i-.i-i uovernrnent by buying Liberty ! t an nrtide in the Daily News
Int! n.itioiial News Sen ice: I
LONDON. Aj.ril Cermany!
has followed up her war threats!
acainst Holland by forwarding an
j he bill in tho face of the president's
'opposition. Consideration of the lull
' by the military affairs committee
1 was sidetracked and the hearing was
indefinitely postpone,
j ('lianilK'rIainV 'iev.
"I certninly have no desire to
j push th bill if the administration
does not want it." said Sen. Cham
berlain. !'My object in offering it !
was solely to provide a more effec- j
tive means of stamping out espion- j
ape and treason, ami if the admin
istration does not regard it favor
ably. 1 do not care to try to force
it to a vote." j
Sen. Krandegee of Connecticut, j
v.-as prepare to ask action today on j
his resolution directing the Judiciary
i committer to render an opinion as;
j to the constitutionality of the bill, j
! He believes that the committee !
would undoubtedly hold that th. i
! measure idates the fundamental ;
i principles of the eonstltution. guar- I
; anteeing the right t trial Vy jury, j
Pronii-o More r.nicione.v. '
In response to the insistent d?- i
of War Laker, just before he
took the !-land before the house
military a hairs committee.
"There is no loubt of the outcome
ir. the mind of any of the high otli
' ials of our allies." the secretary
continued. 'The principal question
now is 'What can America do to
shorten the war?' "
Sec'y Laker said that his state
ments before the committee would
be of an informal nature, designed
to acquaint the members with ac
tual conditions on the fighting front,
lie announced that he would make
! no recommendations at this time,
j intimating that thse would come
i later.
the tigures available today it
impossible to say which had
honor of being the first oer.
Ilia: Demon-tratinn.
J ' ' ' . . ... .... . i iii
.-;;. 7t'&.!4u had been subscribed in ; written, nut the admiralty announced mat a itiruur rtrpori uuu
the i: fede,ai reserve districts. maje wien (be returning ship arrive at their bases.
The treasury officials are now; Tj rMn vereis were protected bv Coverill- ships,
busy trying to learn whether the' ... ,. , . ! . .. , - , r.,
Minneapolis or the st. Louis district, (By covering1 ships the admiralty eviJenth meant lirt line
'-.as the first to reach its quota. Loth i meil-o'-War. )
l ave gone over the top. but from j British forav against the Belgian coast was the lirt at-
fgures available today it was,t.mn, f n r .w nnbi;ru i-tinun tn botile tin the submarine bases!
iwnij i w' - r I
at Zeebrucrce and Ostend. J
The orders for the destruction ot" the cwicrete-lilled ships were: dx.
The completion of the st. Louis I carried out with dash and brilliancy
quota caused a big patriotic demon- i .
M ration in the city. Powerful lmmbs f(); ACifiUF.SSlVK
v ere explctled. faetory w histles were poupy Hi ll LII'I
blown and bells were rung and boats j w . '
in the harbor participated in the- WASHINGTON. April
yrat demonstration. The entire dis- j much more aggressive naval policv
trict. exclusive of St. Louis, has now j on the part of the allies is heralded
set out for hu individual subscrip- ; b th lA,nlon announet-ment that .t
::on total or l ms quoia u
prement of '5ri:ish p sitions
the north rn end (f the i'icnrdv
i ii
bat -
tie front and m I'landers w.is an
nourH'ed l-y the w.ir olbce tod.i.
In the secttr of Albert the r.ritisii
were mic sst'ul in s!rengtliening
their lines, capturing pnon:rs.
Local tigliting. which ended to the
intage of the J'.ritish. toi.,; p.a.
also in the seizors f Lobc.j and
Vyts haett- (Letgiumi. Prison i a
fw'i"e captured at i''??i plae.-s.
i This was the 1 1 ?i d i of th"
i German o!'tiif and the f 1 1 1 day
of the 1'l.inders battle.
tnands. for more effectie prosei u- ,
. - t- . ,.-,1 ,1 I. litt t- I
I IIMI 1I ('ir.! 11 1111 M l'l" t ii uri
ultimatum to The Hague, according i cr, today promised congress in-:
to- ! creased efficiency in the department
day. written by the lobby (pallia- of justice as a result of bills pend
ing or just passed. These bills in- i
elude the sabotage hill, the woman;
Intel Illtien.il .v.s Service:
! based on T 1-2 percent of the pop
! ulation. Tarti.il reports received
.'how the individual bond purchasers
m f f r t r. f
now total more man ...;.umu, or
more than Z percent of the quota.
The population quota of southern
Indiana was 4Lfi9 and that section
,ow reports almost 00,000 individual
Many "t Reported.
Arkansas reports that L counties
out of TS have not filed their dis
tribution reports, yet a 1 1 these coun
ties have ever-subscribed their allot
i ti.ents. In Phillips county. Arkansas,
where the population quota was 2.
.."iri. there are .".SOl Tiond purchas-
! (TS.
I Missouri's population quota was
i L-.l.O''.1 and the subscribers to date
I successful raid against the German!
i submarine bases on the Helgian j
i coast has been carried out. This was j
' the opinion of the naval authorities ,
I here today. The navy department
.... Al4ii.(il 'nliifi fin tbA
j V. its WllllUUl unniai aui o vn n. i
i enterprise and no one could say J
I v.hether or not American units par- j
iticipated. while waitirm ..Hic-iai j rGv. C. C. Morrison Succeeds
bONPi )N. Airi!
raiding and artilbrv
the s'oinm- and An re tii
various points north and
I n i i a s i n
ti ity along
ar.d at
ith ;.f
word from Vice Admiral J-'ims. com
manding the American warships in
Kuropean waters, however, otticer.- !
here were cqtain this raid is only
the beginning of a real blow at der - j
rnany's sea strength, aimed particu- ,
larlv at the P-boats. i
Rev. H. L. Willett in Charge
of Ministers' Council.
! i t.-rn.' t i"ti 1 1 Vns Serried;
NIIW Y'KK. April "Great
F'.rit.iin has no leserve army to send
to Prance. Wo bep.l Ymt never
'' il. but for God's sake get there
b. fi.'-e we die," was the me.sKige of
m. lining which Li'iit. Col. P. I'razer
iluntrr. P.ritish jirovost marshal, in
mentary) eorresponiient. It is based
i upon reports in diplomatic circles.
The P.ritish foreign odice is fol
i lowing the situation very closely
land it is evident now that relations
'between Germany and Holland are
1 more greatly strained than ever ne-
t Pads of Threats.
! Germany is basing her threats
upon t w o grounds:
(II mat Holland snowed par
tialitv towards the allies in return- ! f,om rdeased with the measure. Sen
the Pnited States. sounded for lip- u f;-vor:ble answer to T'n idn nil s ' 'b onunii today expected to have the
Americans today. "The seven and a I protest against allowing sand and ! conference report finally accepted.
V.. ill" million men
Lritain since tlie
vv.ii- have fought
enrolled by Great
outbreak of the
and died on "7
fronts. We simply haven't the men
we wouldn't s.iy our backs arc
ri-.iinst the wall."
! t .'T : t i. in.i 1 New Srv i. :
IMIAN.P US. Ind.. April 1':'.
P : rrha-e of tlie Indiana university
-ehool of medicine building, ju.-t
v et of the state house, and conver
sion of the building into overflow
:!!' cs for state officials, loomed to-
i y. At a confrenc of i.ov. Good-i
r. h with the state finance commit-j
esterday, th.e executive broach-j
d the plan, saying it would give t Pi j
:.ite much needed room for otüees ,
and at Mie same time would add j
.' 00.000 to the university's fund for
a new structure to b erected ad-I
fining the Robert Ing hdspita'.
The plan met with favor at the
state hou-c today. !
gravel from Germany to be shipped1
into Pelgiifm through Dutch canal i
routes. I
(2 ) That Holland violated the;
principle of neutrality in allowing J
the allies to take over her mercan- I
tile fleet. j
The famous "sand and gravel!
dispute" occurred last year when
Lngland protested on the ground
that Germany was using the ma
terials in the rontracti-n of de
fensive works in Pe'gium and
I Prance. Germany u.-ej the tanal
j route in order to relieve railway
j traffic for troops and ammunition
i mov ements.
i To Got Holland KmbroMcd.
j Germany is striving hard to fine!
'a pretext to get Holland embroiled
on one side or tae other, despite the atid
'fact th.it the German militarv last
centratioti of Me.vic.in federal forces4'
a'ong tlie border, but especially in ,
the ojinaga-Jaurcz section. i le-i
liecd by mcials here t be the le
sult (f agitation by German agents'
in Mexico. However, war depart
ment advices do not indicate that,
immediate trouble may he feared.
The entire situation, war depart-!
merit chiefs say. is in the hands of
the commanding oflicer of that
district and there have been no re-'
ports received here which indicated
any danger of an outbreak. There
has been none or less sniping for,
.several months all along the border.!
and there have been several out- j
breaks in the Tampico oil district, i
but they have not been of an or- j
. ?py bill, and the new espionage bill
The sabotage bill and the women's
' spy bill have both been sent to the
, presidenr. while the mvv espionage
1 ill remains to be finally acted up
cn this week.
! Differences between the senate '
and the house have been smootheJ1
j out on the .espionage bill and al- i
though most senators are still far i
number almost lOO.OOfl. All sections
of the St. Louis district are In excess
of too percent, with the exception of
Tennessee, which lias C percent of
the population allotment filled.
The Minneapolis district commit
tee estimates that 4.04." rontm unities
in that district have earned honor
flags and that the top.1 wilt run to
K.nfiO before the end of the campaign.
turning into a new era
is coming t i e the ny.
expression," si id Lev.
and aggressive
j tut -bed economic situa'ion confront
; ing Mexico and tlie failure of Pres't
i Carranw to reach an agreement with
authorities have removed from the . victim of moo violence.
Dutch frontier manv of the troops seized the Negro and han
that had been masked there. . in the courtyard.
Illternitien.il Nfvvtj Sendee-:
! CLi:Vi:LAND. April 2.1. Statts
! ties hist made public here show that
I Ohio leads all other states in the per ! n,p - States which would allow
I capita sale of Thrift stamps, with -m , the ,iftin- of th 1'-- that pre
j average purchase of SI cents for vpnts eon,,s ,,rinu' fnt frnm thls
every person in the state. The latest : country into Mexieo.
i report on sales in Ohio Is announced u is known that the Mexican
4.44.0r,n. Indiana was reported iorcey souin ine noruer nave
ren,been greatly strengthened h:rini; the
last few weeks. At many points
: they are entrenched, but there i
doubt here in Washington as to why
these men have dug themselves in.
The official .Mexican reason is that
they expected an attack by Villa and
his bandits, but tlie information
available here is that Paneho is now
in far southern Chihuahua and a
negligible piantity in Mexican politics.
Iiitertiation.il Nous Sendee:
CHICAGO. April j:!. "'n May 1
will be sung the swan sor.gs of all
Chicago cabarets.
There will be only eight more
days and nights of public dancing
and entertainment in the city's
Mayor Thompson had been urged
to veto tiie measure but did not. j
Neither did he sign. He allowed the I International
ordinance to become a law without
his signature.
The sink.n? of ronerete-Iille J
ship in the harbors of Ostend and
Zeebrugge, German submarine
hasrs. prtsents a striking parallel
to the feat of Commander Rich
mond Pearson llobson. who sank
the Merrimao in the smith of Saiiita
go. t'uba, harbor during the Spanish-American
war. Hobson attempt
ed to bottb' up the main Spanish
lleet: the British effort is aimed a,
bottling Tip ct at least making diffi
cult the operation of the only active
branch of the kaiser's navy in the
channel district.
Sir Lri: Geddes. first lord of the
admiralty, who recently reorganized
that branch, is credited with system
atizing and developing the campaign i ab-rt for llm
against the submarine. Tf this latest , from the !.
"This war is plowing
hearts of men, and throwin
the results of years of thoughtful
labor in such fashion that they are
when poetiy
it medium of
i '. 1 '. M or-
spoke i '? fore
the Lys river indicated todav that t
twin battle was 1 rcwlng and that it
woubi break out in all it- fury, per
haps himultaneously. on bth the Pi-
l cardy and l'l.mders fronts.
I The Germans carri'-d o.d raids n -i
Mondav in ;be stor if lia-.o.
(south of the Soinmc. and iimi'
' o'iafely south of L:i Pi -e t at. al.
but gained no advanta re.
Northwest of i t ! 1 ! t i Ger
man raid was cnrri' I o..t üi -:,.n
wnjfoic" -is to jiiiount to ,tr;.il!y a
local attack. The i rman - succeed
ed in penetrating a. I'.riti-h .ol an- c.j
j'CisT. but the oj-eratlmi w i- witho .t
signiticaiiee ;.s tip w4n:-' ot has
hanged hands n number ,,f t:mrs in
the nr. nt lighting.
. t I'M. -if... o ut w i . it .-. ' i - i i r -
the Ministeri.il conn il at the birst
Methodist chuieh Tuesday morning.
Lev. Morrison will take charge of
the conference in the place of Lev.
I. L. Willett, who w as taken ill
Monday night and forced t return
to his home in 'hicago.
"The war is going to be a great
hurt to religion," said Lev. Morri-j
ton. "Cut we must keep on th; I
ood that will ome
ial re port on M
t of f he
n d a v night, t o ! d
row ing i"(rr,ce ,.f tfe a r-
tiilerv- firing in the Monfd'di r see
tor, but said ther. had be--n no in
f a ntry a ctions.
I(th Sidex Improve Line.
P.oth -i .b s ha x e b :i ni.e-iTi.t
troops and impro
g the-ir lir.e-- bv
jo-od'.H ts. l'oetry is ;
of fighting Is successful, it coming t' o the -re-at organ ot nt-
:o far in answering" the , eratui e. Ame rica
local operation, whib th
bav e bren a rrv ins o
The- big o'le.tr.n ;-: '
' ii nii'ii!. de;i r
'stroke'.' It may fall in
:g gun."
jd'oducmg m'-re
Clitics who have demanded offensiv t poets to. lav thin sh
action by the navy. ! duced b-fore. And
.poets, men who d
to have a per capita sale of 5;
and Michigan "1 cent.
mob HANG m:;ko.
Internationa 1 News Senri.e:
LLWINGTON. Tenn.. April
Lerrv Nov es. the Negro who
kiile(i Sheriff W. P. Mc Pride
Saturdav- dead here todav.
A mob
el him
LONDoN. April IV. A number of
Iri-h workmen m Dublin joined in
a 'Jl-hour strike today as a protest
against the extension of conscrip
tion to Ireland. In order to avoid
tro"bie the saloons in Dublin were
closed. The Dublin corporation con
sented to allow the municipal em
p.oyc to remain idle during the
New s Servi- e :
LONDON. April 2?.. Althougn
little has been heard of it by the
outside worlL the Belgians have
won a signal success over the Ger
mans on tlie We.-t Planders front
north of Yptes. The Germans tried
to capture Lixschoote and ther
drive southward in the direction of
Elverdinghe mil T?rielen. so cutting
at the base of the Ypres salient, but
were beaten off by the pei-ian
p.rmy. The attack began m the
morning of April 1 ! and wa-- ar
ried rmt with vigor between the
Houlhoulst forest and the f.e.o.led
area near Steenkerk.
has ever pro
they ;, re real
not eXi'Tess
themselves in dogma and creeds
but me ti who, because of t heir sor
row in the war are opening up thefr
lie-arts and giving vent to t!i-:r feel
ings." Lev. .borri-on Mated that in a
cenv er.-a t ion with .r,e of the !.-ad-irig
publishers of this ..'iiury. tlie
latter xiade a statement fh-il War
por-trv i se-eorid or. !.'" to ti.e- war
book, such as "over 'lie Top" ar.d
"I'll'!' r I'ir-" i"it;.n and thi
drama ,a- i-eibg pusiie.J to thj
ba ck 5 ro a nd.
Aieals to Clergv.
K"V. Morrison, who edit' r of
the "Chri-tian Century" : a writer
of note ani i we ll known tbr" .gli
out tlie Pmtel State.- fr.;- hi !.-
"ontinpi:d on pagi: i-pi:
' f the K''!:ll:i' I lid-'-.
I pe.vitiO'l Of the ;-
importance': or it ma .
', ? tor of La l!.i-.- f a
Gern.atis tried -e-.,r(l
b .
br.;-t t : !
to break fhr'Ugh m
th.e Lriti-li raii
Lethune. Tr.e-re 1
erea se of a t .v :r y
so'i rr-e rr r. opr.o-
lact German
t;.'.'k vo de -1 . th.it
ot" tf-i h i r. g the- P. : 1 1 i
' hat ej..-tri- ? f r.i' i ! '
c d.
A v.'
card.v fro
t.i II' O is
- ' ra te g ir
u- in tli
v be re the
es I ,r f o i
d i : ' ion e.f
position t
e :i an in-
t'a - .
i- r-'
-h ft
i 1
1 1
Corporal I
i n
Mow a
miäfes S
tood Up Against
ft 4 t 1
Ir.terri-.itionsl Ncva Servi.-r:
FOr.T HA LLISON. Ind.. April
Arrival of 0 engineering otf.cers
rray be expecte.l at Port Harrior.
any time now. it was said today fol
lowing receipt of Washington ad
vices that three s. ore men. many of
thfrn just graduated from engineer
rficers' schools, had fern orlered
to proceed h re at once. Portv
..th.er.- will arrive later to at
training engineers assigned
l his pCst.
itoi: m:rs in bad.
p.. rt.atierril .NVx .-ri.:
Alb-ged refuse! f Kt '
vioc-re. paster of the !'.-;
loie. to p.i.-i li.iM LP " rtv
c. the rrintm.g of rnr'i
.l nature- of
r.d inning th'
..Ming .iid t"
Se en member-Mjf.i-'eri
1 a
iimiir cNiJ-ds.
be al
w mn.n -
of the
a', loii
Charb -i
d . hurch
boiofs led
over the
; - i r. es - me .1,
f..- v ith
fhe vv ;
a !.- issi.' ,1
I nt e rn a t i.u a 1 News Servb e:
with Tin: a.mi:pican almy
: I N I It ANCL. April p. m.
I Although the Gerrn n m the
'battle of Sei' hepiey. northwest of
; To;.' on Saturdav. used eery dia
bolical devic" known to Teutonic
war genius, the Americans stood up
!:ke seasoned veterans and gave
'. iow for bdow.
Or. e of th weipons eaiploved bv
th.e Germans was an automatic pis
: o! tli.it (.in fire 2 s shots without
l ( f t a dir.g.
St o lie of 'nd ivid Ja 1 btavery are
.st;:; be;i:- t. That of Infantry
Cp' G'-e-rge HviI;on, .,;" Ware.
Ma-.. inu;catf s that our men pas.-ej
tfi'oi.gji ;r, lieferte of A n.eric.i n tra-
d.ti'"- and tlie demovracv of the
w or' i
( pi. Iloiili-on'- 4or.
H .. ' : - 'i w hu !v;p. in t hr ; . -
1 g
u u r d vii'ithei
rot: . f vs i
i .vi i
""ur skipper Ohe captain t told
us to support a machine gun com
pany as he suspected trouble.
'The skipper comes from Con
necfiv'it and a gamer man you never
saw. He fought alongside of his
men throwing grenades.
"When tiie thing began I was in
a dugout with Sergt. Hanson. I
heard th.e reports and knew that
the barrage was on. We huped
out and found thick fog. The bar
rage curtain was coming thick an!
we rouhl he,.r the gas bombs burst
ing all abound.
"Those shell;, hi -s like big snakes
a- they go through the ,,jr and I
thought to mvself that some of the
fe'dows .n the machine g m p'atO'T.s
h..d to right with their ga .nasks
IVcl- Ha Corning.
"I 1'gan lo :" -e' mv nosti,.- t.ckie
and knev" thai tlie ;gas v. a s cuiiiir.i
and tlnit
"Was I
it was time to tuKe
By Bert Ford.
"f the .!
i o ,i
V - :!".''-
1 a ;t i - :i I.'l ! "r !.'
: wo .Id b.- f - v. ;
fron ..f
. T i e - VV '
' 1 I ' ' .
'again-t .!
f o r ' o . j h 1
i g- .1 i ! I T Tlie :.',
ita rv cnti' - .i re
of till
t :.! tiie
1 . e d t
l h.eij.f
-ont m
t.-it fer
tile I 'J.
l n
.1 - - I ! 1
I i j - '
f t i S
r. -
I was t o hi.-" t'
To tell the truth
thir.k about fear.
There were two timid youngsters
near me and I had to set the pace
to put them at ease. After they -aw
me pumping n machine -un they
forgot thea.selv es tind foi ght !ike
old timers.
"The men working or.e g;n were
lai.I out ar.d I took the gun. They
were lying in the mud with only
thier heiids and stoma- h showing.
I heard one of the fallows called
Led sing c.ut: 'The wool i? full of
' oches.' I cou'.d see them coming
Iron everv direction through th.e fog
and a dm i-t the tree.-.
"There was one big y e', :. -. w -hea d e.i
stiff followed by seven other.-. .Iu-t
then a shell "out st and my gun was
f'-u.ed. It sl'-nr.-: d me I .olid
I pulled out my I rude. After using all of those he
I saw the- bis one j took up a rifle and began tiring.
r and the blood spurt from I Soon we began to feel weak from
head so I knw I had got : loss of blood and a corporal told us
Then jnothtr shell burst : we "hael better ieport to the ,ire-.--wounding
four of us. ; ing station.
A Doughty CorMraI. "Led. Shorty and a fellow ealle!
"The German- u-e,l wire and r.a ils , lne ,i. 'f,Jf'' ni'1 ail """" nippen
f')!- shlapne, 1 klloW beoaU;
to woik in an ammunition
"We f.,,r winged guvs
r.e irbv
( or pura 1
rue tory.
craw led
r.nd nine
thought I wu- prettv
hi me trimmed
see h"W cool he
ind r.a ils ,
se I used 1 with shrapnel. Ye crawled thrmgh
.-tr.r-,. a irer.cn over in oou.e- (i e:e..i
i Germans. Shorty had a ho ;n his
'back. Led hid hi shoiber broken
and w e other fellows had game
Iteae h Ireing station.
1 "The,shells and machine gun b .l
. lets were whistling all amur.d us as
; we crawled through the barrage. Tt
! reminded me of an inferrm. There
jwas too much racket to think. We
It thi ill-d me t0 , reaened tne dressing station lr
was He fold me hours after we had been o dee.l
thro ;g.h tiie 1:
found another
"Tlie (Jermans tumble.! :n on us.
The other corpora.1 killed five in
luii k sue ces.-ion with his pistol. I
neer s,,w ueh shooting and I
ir at it.
-see the b-g Ge-rn..n
tlir 1 Li ns behind h.m
od , th
'(gan to tike 1 l".iiiijwt-ii one fry.u
v wound and fired until report thre, to weak t.
r -
o ;t. and then trigger o a -o.. I'imc.
wounded (wwiii- ' "I WOUld twul.cl be bjvft
p- g i
w ita
the gang than 1;. ;r.g in 'f
I will be on th'- .'in a g . ,
"Th.e ; r -it i : n - v (.
old tricks aain. A - th
us thro r-'h the wo "Is
VC P.e. A ! .e -; .( n We
wide !..!r et and knew
Huns and !.-:.n p .mpi:.g
fellows o-!v on the- jo:,
t-iinlv p -d in The f ob:
th'; ugh the- G-ru .?. - hoi
s irro in-led."
i in' privat-, who d
ma-irne gun at
"I tried to r
and make it s.i
but I bnaliy g
am -P--t !:
Wh.i'k .-' the "l:
i o W .f ' ' . : , .
:rg t p: i
'.Vi;: Vi.' i.ttie
its 1. :.. ii
in in a f-v.
b .r
t .-
W iT"
i :
- .- ori :
1'; - re h
an 1
that G-n. I h V.
t". r '
-. o : -
' .; l i '
.- r i
m a :
id r.M w it mis
ki: ( MILII I I I
PALIS. A;::' . -
- 1 T" . -. . -
)'. r
' -a t g v-
S . , t J. . it
T h e - rj
g a i n -t
. v at, J
A n g!o-
- U . ',: e.
1 p.
r e ':
t Ii
; - n e-.
. r. e :
I m ui y i n's
( '
a ;
ad '1
1 here
r s.
VV ; ,
f..r kbi
d ar.d 1
. -d on -w
ii.le Il'j w
o - ' d
O W .'
v r- i a r .'--J 'o '. !. nigh
r 'tw !. t,i",-!: . ar.d Vo- lo j
:!:- - ' . T 1 ; n fan".' f 'i:-- 1 I'-rrr .ii
ai.-:.t ' s-' ' f A -'. '.- i ' the V
w .-r- w.tr.o, r - :' i . . h w . r
of!:.--- .'ir.ri'i . :.- d '!: ' 1- r G--r-
tm.r. i iid--. a'.I - ' J :- f '.
w ere ?r...-J .rthw -' f Li. :..
;md in th- V-:'- : t i.- .- TI -
c,-rn.'ir:- !-f ; r: -r.- r - n t h-
hands f.f th- Pre-, b
" I e e I ; L 1 . i 1 ..-,
m.rti.w "f Lh-.r.. - :: th-
. 5ge s the G. :!..'.- n ' raids a'.!
f whb h w : e f.- d - ." ':.' .
i : ; , . r . : ; ' : - . ! "T: e ;,.,, , ,-so--,'
; - : -o :. : - !.'- . r-- i
P.-.-.i . : -
(J . i i i ij V h . a ?