Newspaper Page Text
it i - i-miiAV i:i;in;. may h, um THE SOUTH BEND NEWSTIMES HAPPENINGS IN AND ABOUT TOWN - 1 - - ' -"'m T f a,m LOCAL AND FOREIGN MARKETS v. Ok1 'TV MAYOR CARSON WANTS WAR CHEST DONATION FOR A CITY HOSPITAL (CONTIM'KIj FR( I ii '? It f .i -' ,j; She w.i t ik'Ti in n Ci a iVc;-' i f ;! f , :.v tUt.iir.ii! ;it the f. jrit fTf!?ri if S ' v ! rr.avnr ami l..-aü) jv th it - : h i i - - s I.t-1. !, it th y h i v to !-!-. ?- f n Indefinite a- (o PAGE ONI ! r,nl e r t : i i:iv.iti. carl (.aimmtp. Edward Carl ; i ri r 1 1. the infant on of Mr. an' Mrs. Js,q h Garrett. ' m Lincoln v;iy i;.. dad Thursday ' i 'p- i ? er.iri; after a lmi t i!lr. of mem- ently J-rarioii-i cr"ur. He !..rn in is j-in ;f0'ilh IW.d. Sept. J. The funeral will la- ptiva'e, on ac- riture of be held at Palmer's Prairi- ( -nu t-ry WIFE HAS NO MORE APPETITE FOR HAM :th. 1 se- r ta rv" 1'iuld be i-o- . i e tfiro.iicn i The t f n;ini iTRADENG BRISK i 'IS MART OPENS of the eontagious disease. Srvics will wheti ! th .If.. I th 1? d ition t.'.l. an- to ' I.d tie Ii. oi:-'. Wit r t "h-r. t fo-ir:'!.itio;, fi r ' - mav or '!:! n.t Voiiv-i ! thf-rr as on- pr 1. Oap.t a 1, h v ' aw.y ftoni the titutb-n. i' ir.e.l Flan-. o I'.roJ-rt.--. th': m r. : i ho-p:- ; Into on i from th: !.-! in laving t hi -:h institutions, the f i . 1 !" v r . it n ; now in-''Tir.'' 1 ;- ' :. Th- l.lution ; '. I 1 1 i r .e cro't'l I oiin M'inlcipal in '" " ln j 1-unal will tak- r-l.o I I'riday afternoon. o'clock In tlif plrnii. th nii'.h ar ;m.: 1 -iil fi.i t h r a :i .. -tin-: 1 1 n . If th plan, it i-i rha a ' rodin-' a r; u - of th" lion!t.-l and It. Irf"r ahoi! for a oiit- a n ' ' four.'!. to ;ui--t.-ad of h will h':i'dir.K in s i u c t ' i r c . rKi:i. iMXTiiL. Ffil.t !loct-l. 1 viirs old. died. M yt. .fftt.hV h,,snital Ww! n fsd a v ' t0x lca - - i . - . .. i - afternoon after a shirt illness f I'rHonTiOi.ia. is surviwd hy hfT iar'-nt.'". Mr. and Mrs. 'hrist Hocte.. Io:r sisters and four hroth'-rs, all of whom live in T'nion township. S'h" uas horn April lyuo. and has livcl In .'t. Ji.-iih countv al! her life. I Funeral ervk--. were held at the jn xMenee at 2 o f lock I'rilay after I at the r'.-:d-nc anl at the I Lakeville chtirch at ', ('( lock. Kev. hean of Lakeillo oflieiating. Liurlal was in Iikx ill ot-mtery. In th" in'.i ntirtu- th" mayor -s t v,rkin- o :t p'an l-y which the two i . r o j e t s n;tv f'.n.inre.. The a!- jifai for a r.irti"ii f tli- War 'he-t fiir.d h- -:iv- to :, the nian mo;-t ap IrjveJ of hy th"- mayor. FUNERALS aoiix ii. i i.i.i:i:v. I'nneral sf r i' es for John . Ul Ury will he held at the residence, 1 0 " Krnsperer -t.. Saturday morn- niiio! ouri.u win ue TO GO TO ST. LOUIS in Highland cemetery. MAYOR AND BOARD Maor '..r"Ti. Jarnos Luther. fuftersnt-m!'r:t th- itv uat: i t'epartm nt ; I i ' t r t A FJliott. John V. I)oII.'n and ff.ii- 1 1 st r. rriMiihet.-- of th- v ;it' r woi'Ä Ihi.iM, will tea Mornia for St. I.oii;-, M'.. 1 1 r 1 1 1 : 1 it is oz. i ; I cz. w h Watr i ' Tin- tanvral of Huhert Unzewicz. .J years old, who die! Monday enint,' at his home, :U) W, Mon roe st.. following a hhort illness due to pneumonia, was held Friday mornim; from St. Hedwige' Polish on. ntion. w h.ic!i , Catholic church, Uev. Anthony in tliat i itv all next j Zuhowicz nfliciatinsr. F.urial was in convention. . Cedar Grove cemetery. 'a la p ; thev will att. ial th-- Natioiril tl,e Vorks Wlii ao i'i v.sinn week. Followim Mnor I'ar-oii will ro tu S"h lhy. when- la- will i-.t his mmj. Cap. 'ai.-o:i. Tl.- i'.irlv plans ti driv thro'i-h in a utorno'-il' o St. LouN .ii Tin: it: ak' I i1mI. i i .m:i:' i; .MKmi:VMvi. Funeral services for Lawrence Andrzejwski, 7 vears old, who j did Momlay afternoon at the hormj if Ii i j i n L'hti r frw Tufir I li ir g . ri 1' I 1 -, 11.2.S V. Durilimn st., after a lon-c ! illness due in infirmities of old at??. id v. Sam ! wn!S ht ld Friilav morning at S:::a h'i:'. .- ;m saia LeiWeit atwl i o'clock from St. Hedwige' church, Co. Miit on a- Munt to 1 eo -r j j f.v Stanislaus Oruza olliciatlnn. JT.Sä. i Fuiial was in Cedar Crove ceme- Iilii-l.ins Taniasr.- s. Alex K itz- j tery. tiit to i ('r j '"si-n of pi'f'in- ' l;-es at L'i '.O Prairie a . and 1 (him-1 Coirfi Wi-s, h-. ins n--t fri aid. j Mar.;r VYi-. Fr d !'i- ih. ! doin A Hani will he nerved tv the sheriff. Hertha didn't lik? !'nm, so she ha din regarded th" food adminis- tration'a plea and after putting him j on the Kriddle will discard Nam.' Wh;" Han:..threatTfl V ' enJl h"r iSome 'Issues Advance While cnuni) i-AiPirnvc rue uiuuüiu Mit' i Letter he rid of her portion of him. On April 17. 1915. Hertha Hani was married to A. Harvey Ham. A j divorce petition filed in the superior court Friday hy Mrs. Ham charts I vi u i i iiti i, mihi w n ct J i kr 1 1 j i i - Therefore, Hani is or dered Ferved by the sheriff and brought into court. New Yot Stocks; Closing Prices Others Are in Supply at Recessions. I at rn ; t to!, al Ncus Service: NFW Yl:K, May 10. Closing pi ices on the stock exchange today I were: J American Ieet Siuar A nie ri. an (an Ameiican Far and Foundry. America ti Cotton oil Ameiican II. ind L REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS F.-om Tleoords of IodlaA Tltll and TxMtn Oo. NKW YORK. May 10. Stocks were irregular in the last hour today. As u rule prices are higher than last nicht, hut bull sentiment apparently had quiet ed down near the last. United States Steel was in good de mand on the reaction, closing a full dollar over yesterday. Gen eral Motors was strong near the close advancing from to 120 rU'ht at the finish. Edward Crone and wife to Alfred bteele and wife, two acre tract .n i intf rn.itlonal News Service: Liberty township, SI. NFW YORK. May 10. Tradlns Nina M. Leltoy et al. to V.'orthlwas extremely brisk at the opening j. ieitoy. umuviaea or part lots undivided one and two Hupel's fourth addition, also tract In Lincoln township, $1. Jay E. White and wife and Clydo X. White and wife, Nin K. Dine hart and husband and Cora J. Myers nd hushand to Julia Ine, part lot 28 replat of Rush's second and third additions, jl. Jan Lipowskl and wife to drze Kcry Itomak and wife, IS acres in Clay township. I1.S0O. TWO FORMER NEWS-TIMES MEN WILLIGET "STRAPS" Two former News-Times employes have qualitied to receive commis sions in the third officers' training camp, which have Just closed. Fred A. Clrimes, and Earl E. Reeder, both of Mishawaka, finished their courses in training, and will be given com missions as oon as officers are needed. Leon C. Johnson, of South Rend. lualiMed at Camp Custer with flrimes and Heeder, according to the lists which have been made pub lic. Faul A. Kumpf, of this city, finished training at Camp Stanley. Leon Springs, Tex., and is also in line for shoulder straps. PROMINENT OHIO MAN DIES OF PNEUMONIA 1 1 I ! ll.l !l th' to M, 1 1 v r J E. suit to i t i of 2P. ( li ain il l" W. Zei: Si-i'h i a id-on. 'ot .s ;,,!) of (i i i 1 1 1 1 m a ' 1 ' nell t.. and Jl."1' lam-it.- Tried. Judgmi-nt in fav or of tiff in the ,-.lS- ..f U'. Y. vs I'red Shock was !fad!cd for the mihi of Mr-n. t .1. juncnoni was ia,-n o i favor of th- plain!:'!' in th a N nt hw -!': n Fal F-;.itf ( 'o sum .1 o-pos- l:ls- i:hm: iu kcham. The funeral of Earle Hurcham. v.ho died Thursday afternoon, was laid at the residence of his mother. Mix. Poland P.rown. 111." E. Ewin av.. l-'riday .ifternoon at I o'clock. Th.- funeral was private, and burial v c- i- Uifh!-i nrl ro rvi ftu r' 1 i n 1 r r .. lit l4,ttlll'4-llivv.,. J . Ol i. . . I . , . M , . , .. ... .. ' u.,.t, day morning as a result of a week's Liberty Hi I- i ' d Hite n( the "scientist church i ... .... ... . . a: i t i chaise of th services. In i'Hi il NVws Srvi-: COLFMI5FS. (.. May 10 death of Co. John G. P.attelle years old of this city, occurred Fri- of the stock market today with various issues advancing while others were in supply at substantial concessions. Interest continued con centrated in Steel Common, which started with sales at 107 to 1064 and then made a sharp advance to lorn;, again lifting its high record for the year. There was a constant changing of of tone in other issues. Fr.lon Pa cific moving up 1 point t llM with a quick reaction to 12:. New Haven advanced over 1 point to H412 and dropped to ?.Zl'2 in the next few minutes. Tobacco Products was in steady demand, advancing to above 60, a gain of over 1 point. There was much in the market movement dur ing the early trading to indicate that a condition approaching panic had been created in the bear ranks and that many of those who still (maintained a short position in the market were being forced to cover because of exhaustion of resources. New York Central made an advance of 1U to 7 '. . Southern Pacific rose "h to S a 1 2 . Trading in stocks during the fore noon was the largest noted so far on this movement, the transactions In the first hour amounting to around 4. "0,000 shares. Steel Com- Oaion, after selling at 1064 rose to JOlMi followed hy a reaction of 1 .point. The other steel industrials I made gains of around U points. To- hacco Products moved up 1 V? to 61 ,nnd there was persistent buying of TbejNVw York Central which rose "-inearlv 2 noints to 7f!1. The initial transactions in the American Linseed . . . American iiromotiv. American Smelting Steel Foundry. , Sugar lie-fining Tel. and Tel..., Woolen Zinc American America n America n American America n Anaconda Atchison Atlantic Oulf and West Indies 103Th 53 73V, ., - 7 . 1234 4 : 1 1 1 15 v H7 ',4 f - 1 3 O '4 Paldwin Locomotive Haltimore. and Ohio Iiethlehem Steel Pethlehem Steel 15 Eutte and Superior California Petroleum Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chesapeake and Ohio f'hicago and Northweseern . Chicago. Mil. and St. Paul. Chile Copper . . . Chino Copper Colorado Fuel 431. Colorado Gas and Electric... 34fc Corn Products 40 l'j Crucible Steel 5914 Cuba Cane Sugar 30' 4 Delaware and Hudson 1 0 34 Distilleries Securities 57 Erie Erie 1 st pfd. "... General Electric . Ceneral Motors Goodrich 73 l'J 17 14S 5SV4 03 42 H 16H 4 3 14 15U 30-ji 1 IS 120 H?4 (It. Northern Pr Ot. Northern r e Inspiration Cop; er Int. Nickel Int. Paper KennecoU Lackawanna Steel Lehigh Valley Marine Marine Pr Mexican Pete Midvale Steel National Enamel & Stamp N. Y. Air Brake New York Central N. V., N. H. & Hartford Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific Ohio Cities Gas Pennsylvania Peoples Gas Pittsburgh Coal Pressed Steel Car Pay Consolidated Railway Steel Sp-ings Heading Republic Iron v Steel Southern Pacific Southern Railway . . Ftudebaker Texas Co Tobacco Products Union Pacific United Cigar Stores ....... U. S. Ind. Alcohcl U. S. Rubber U. S. Steel U. S. .Steel Prfd Utah Copper Westinghotise White Motors Willys Overland Liberty ?, V's fs.9S ; second nr.. 74; third 4 14 's :S.40. : t 29 ?, 41 ::'j t;o 2: ".2 i, ri I :t0 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 ::s4 4 4 44 -1 O o 2 5- :-c So 2::U l.'l :9 j 124-; i::0i ä 7 1 H 108S II OH S2U 42 40 17 4's Sales shares.. $10.r2S.O0n. ,Ji::ft.:00: bonds. Gossip of the Markets N NEW YORK. May 10. In its monthly statement' issued at r.oon today, the United States Steel cor poration reports unfilled orders on its books as of April 30, last, of S.741.8S2 tons, a decrease of 314. 52 4 tons as compared wVa the March quarter of 0,056.406 tons. NEW YORK, May 10. s'tetl un filled tonnage totalled S.74 1.SS2 on April :.0th vs. 9, 000,504 on March .".1st: 9,288.4 .:; on Feb. 2Mb. and 12, 18;;, OS: on April .JOth, 11G7. 1 were made at 9 0.10 'illness with bronchial pneumonia, from which the price dropped to lie was active in republican state 9$. 30 on large transactions. It was th- plain Si Mev Co. I tod (Campaigns during the past several said that the selling came from out years. His business interest.'"; in-1 of town banks. , eluded numerous branches of the Earlv in the afternoon Stel Corn s' Steve for pos. S ul ie t 1 ;on;o!l atti:m .1. IV u . 1 In-F. I Mi! ' UlsTlIICI sm:v i.i:.vrs .may it. The name of Chauncey Shea, 15 lV'v; T ivlnr vt w is irmdvprtentlv - I ..J.K.. I . . . . , J . . . . . 1 . J omitfd from the list of teven others nnusiry mrougnoui xne i.nnea.mon loucnea n new nmn .run. km b .lefault inlpablished Thursdav of men whostales- A forincr "'blent of Piqua, the year of 109 7-S. At this price ' 1 X . . . . , , , 1 . . , ... . 1 . . . 1. - I . ano .New port. asningii)n county, xne siock was e-r unpf puini he came to Columbus from, New above the low of the morning. York city 13 years ago. He was born In Clarksburg. W. Ya. Temporary burif.1 will be made' here and final interment will take, The Maxwell Motor Co. has de clared quarterly dividend $1.73 a share on First Pfd. stock payabb in first pfd. dividend certificates de liverable July 1 to holders of rec ord at the close business July. Ith. Certificates will be dated July 14th and July 1st with interest at rate of six percent per annum. a market like this invites profit tak-! ing. The rise has been phenomenal and there is a tip out to buy almost J every stock on the street. Probably ! when the leaders have gone as far! as they can. other stocks will be j taken up in time. 1 NEW YORK, May 10. Reports of j a possible merger of l'aldwin and .Midvale are without foundation. An official of Midvale says his company ; t has contemplated no merger 01 am- kind. NEW YORK, May 10 The fea ture of bond market was the- heavy trading in Liberty 41i's which open ed at 99.10 and diopped to 9S.30. NEW YORK", May 10. -Usually NEW YORK, May 10. A market that is as wild as this is in the lead ers, usually shifts into stocks that have been overlooked. There are plenty like the Leather Stocks, Nickel and Coppers which have yet had no move. of ha olnnteMred through local draft board No. 2 to to Fort P.en- a; onion j j l!nin at 12 M 1.1 71 IN;. Harrison May 17 in reply to tla- "nation's want column." calling for m than 1.0110 skilled me- rh.inii Sh'-a will he inducted as an engineer. Grain, Cattle, and Proviso is South Bend Markets place at New York. an r stat. avin; com in ittee H H. u -.-itant. b:ipy, I r f r-rn i Will he Hl.'.av a' 1 l.a mi. 1 n of t h-: and his Al ii n - 1 in- a rd Y'.ctor Jones. b !" Friday for New 1 1 . . v in-fo .1 1 1 : -1 1 i c t to ! j ; 1 . . con feren la M at Torre Haute S a il .it I ..i !",, . '. S nii'.iv. GERMANS BRING UP NEW DIVISIONS IN FLAN0ERS i:i: wi.i c.irnl to-;,; F.. h-hl th ir 1 Me Iville ball l- 1 was aivio 1 . " 1 ; t bond Pol ;h. c"airt r.nd . made fi.f .t li.iiii I I .. 1""". W. i!..r m.-t: ,-Tav n;h:. ?!: it a "o 0 a ; 1 i r 1 i 1 . 1 - i .m 1 i .rd ( . 1 ; n v h. u Lih 1 !.. 'A t ; c art', to Ii.t.-rn.iti.'ii il N.-u- Service: LONDON. May 10. The Inter national Nws Service learned Fri day that the Germans have brought a considerable number of new divi sions to both the I "landers and Son. me fronts during the past week. It is expecte-d that the enemy will en'inuo his attacks for tho' Fi in. bis liilu.- and the high ground, . : I ictwe.n the s-oium- anu i.s rie.s 1 nniN(; hodii:s asiiori:. News S'rvi.p: ) DOVER. May 10. Rodies have J bi 1..... t .... ..1 j urcii I'l.uiKiii ci.JUM r llilll some? Ol the ships that took part in the raid 1 I -"K S . C. c.r, lrf Jk.Ha . ydra He .) WHEAT Paying. 2.T7 per bu. ) 'is raylug, VOc; selPiig. 1.10 per on Ostend. The number of casual ties is unknown. One or two of the vessels engaged show scars of battle. tj'S Paving. $2.20 be. THAN Selling. "Sl.t?J r?r hundred. MIDDLINGS Sellli.r, 2 per 'umdred. HOiI"iD H . c. 3.50 ?r I .'CRATCH FEED Selling. J4.10 pe;r to eraM' him to ! gie:: hall. M.iv i ! Jo-. -pi RIlel'.ON Gifts f Vil it y. ope 1 .1 and par l.. e!t a- - a nd t c! J .-i s .'. . : a I e; - ti lmint:: ,s. I )ati.t ! a' o hi.Tir.s. a:v! Fi! v ! ag. L: - 1 : 0.1 do i :os.. ar-.d :tlC .hi uift r. 1 1 r, Mab! M. S 1::. n -t ie ip- d t'o a er . o e 1 ; ; . s . Haw kins t toward A miens. The main enemy reserve force Is massed on the Somme, where th-s i lia 'pal altcc'K is looKen ir Y. nt- of the past coal miokt.;i: serious. Soft e-oal production has failed to keep pace with the growing de mand of industrial and domestic .. 4 1 rtr . . T . . and Ls rive;s UM,-S sas norew 1. Aiurpiij, run- continue his drive j 1,sher of The Rlack Diamond in th; following editotial: "Looking at the facts squarely, the demand for coal is not being I i-atisfied. Anyone of a dozen reasons 1 , .... 1 . : . i... 1. : . 1. ... v - . L- .- - w k ire tiot ' M'iini v iij uiin is so. .Miuiiin, V ardc-l as of gr-at iniportame by command. m . . 4 lorr. t Uy -ur id "? :uh ?d Co.. 42 n Ki.) Adv fONTIMi: CdlKT ( 'ity o :i t Ft id. m : n 1 o minut.-s. .Iid.e IF':..-;- ; Ii case befnr- '.;ie v ere ro r w . i---s r-n ti and the one . 1 n t ; : : . 1 1 V ; i Ing had been -et t v- f;a SOUTH SHORE ASKS TO CANCEL EXCURSION RATES s Spe i:d Servl. 0 : . v S-Ti INDIANAPOLIS, Ini The "hicau-o Lake Shore Mav 1". and South Fii; porn t. Mi Md 'oil! t r.a . .' 1 " n son. Ma l'.orp o Mr ..r Mehner. 2 1 " 1 r s t'.auchter M iv 7 Rom to Mr Koehler. 119 N Mav . nrriTioN ii: Twentv -one petit ship to t1;,- Fi tc '. by Juik.- V -'. of afternoon III-.. 1 M .l.r d M .'. . F a Rend t- t itnoi e r t S sf.t , ,1 . a s o ; - Railway Co. Friday W : - i ri.i niiip. f-o- , S V 1 e c : i - . .' sr. .701 un ( II ATIC The pia-c:ret the d f m or r 1 1 c primaries, for will rra-et :n Pend. In!:..rv.. 11th. lMv t pO. Of r. 1! 0 1 h th org.; L-al cor. i :)1MV mi irn(. I -e;:.;;.it:- e Dh.Mo. ; e ri t e T . , th-. - i" M e ; t-v 1 c b : V can explain away the fact that the ration Is running into as bad a coal Miuaiiou as u iaceu last winter. 'While it is palpably impossible, j at the beginning tf the season, to measure precisely the demand for coal for the entire year, the most intelligent guesses are that the total demand fcr all kinds of coal will not be less than 720 million tens. This' filed with 'alls for an increase of 9( million j public serbe commission a pe- 1 tons oer the output or last year, ir n to anc l present excursion i this is to bo satisfied, coal produc- ase.l on one and one-fourth! i""1 '" suu-meo. musL n iu 1 mile a pas.-enger and to j. ' 1 reased by s 1-2 million tons pet therefore fates based on one ; month. .--half cents a mile. Threat-; "Actual performance is falling far .crease in net operating rev-i ,'elw this schedule. The output for .iia- to the war ate given as ; tm' ,:rst lhr months of this year I properly counted in last years j figures was slightly above thai of 1917. The the gain did not exceed t half of one percent is explainei I by the severe we-ather in the first ; two months. Put. the record for 1 April, which riqures in this coal ear's production, was not appre ( lably better. The tonnage reports lae not been compiled as yet. It is evident, though, from the reports from many mining regions. that , output has not grow n by anything 'like s 1-2 million tors. Dr. Garfield's t stitnate U that the shortage will be :7." million tons or 5 1-2 million tons j per month. This indicates that his guess is mat output will increase by ; two million ton per month over j 19 17." The pul lie is ad i.-ed to store ÜAY- Pajiutf, J2ü; elllnf. $2$ to $:0. STltAW Paylujf. $11 per tvii; etlliug 75- peer bale. OATS I'm' ing. yOe; Kelliug, 110. SHELL L'UltN Pay lug. U-75. nelliiig. $2. ill COHN l'ayiug. 1.Ö0; celling II. if. XIMUXIiV SLED 1'üjiotf, $1 per bu.; iciliiig (i öo per bu. ALf ALI- A btiLP -iMonUna .-owe) elliag. löuo per bo. CLoVtlt SLLD l'ajicg. J20 bu.; 8 U lag. tJ2. &OV 11 LANS Selling, 473 bu. COW tUSH üelilug 44 7S bu. 1VE STOCX. (Crrel Dali by MMr lro., 8. bt., Mluwa-kA.) HEAVY PAT ü'J'LEllä lair to food. t'so; priuio. blOc. li(.G.S K.4iU'0 lbs.. 15c; 12l'itl20 h'., ICV4C ; lüUiilöo iL., 16hc; 10ou2w lbs.. 11c. I'lTTMJt Hüll I.I VK MOCK. l'l riM!! Klill. Pa.. May 10 - ( 'AT TI.K Supply li'lit: maiket -bidy; claiice. Sl(..3o' 17 .00 : prini-. $i'.ri,i. 17.h: g...-1, Sb;.oor,i p;.4o; 1 1 1 y biit'-la-i V, $l.".2.ffK'.iO: fair. M I SSn l."..2' : c.innn.n, Sl'I 2äfr; 14.2." ; cemin-.n t goa.l fat liiill-. SpMni'. b". 00 ; coiiuii.iii h gi.d f it ..vs. sio.oo'f 1.; oo; lt.-itvi . spj.oo'V; 1 fr-sh cmv i.n.l springers. S0iMur,j 1 o.k ; e nb-vs. M." .30 SIN:i:P AND LAMBS-Supply light; market steady: prim.' wetln-rs, SlOi; iroM.l till x - I . SI '..oo'o H Oi) : fair miel. S 1 ( ( (i U 1 1 ; . nils and coinni'.n. Sf,.mi s.oo; spring laiul.H, Si 7. 00. 1 1 1 M ; S Receipt. P. (lo'ible deks: rii:irk t st'.aly ; prime lie.ivy lies, Sl-.r,o ''.ls.i'.o : liie.iiiiiin. SP A7,'u P.i. ." heavy V-irk.-r. M9 lä'i 19.2.3; liglit York us. M'.i.l.Vu P..2." : j.i's. spio.i'ij pi b". : i-..ii-!js. M'.MW lc . ; st.-iL's. M:Mm'.;ir,.:,n, INDIANAPOLIS I.K sTO( K INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. May P. II(.(;s Ib-ecipts. vihhi; market b"-' hiirla-r: b.-t la-avi.s. SPfi".ib in; l..--t l. g:f. M;.lo; pi-'s. .10a"Vj ls.'O; l.ulk of sal.-s, S i s ( ü 1 CATTLL Receipt. l.-loo: inarke-t strong; -lif.l.-e heavy steers. .?!" .""'. 17..": liglit st. ers.. .si l .'ji'a b". 7" : !i if. rs, . 14. i ow s, ti imiM": inj ; bulls, stM)', bt. ; calves. .7.oo'.; 12.."o. shklp and lamps-. r ipt-. .-i: market friig; priaie lie-p. sltoa'.j PIOO; PuuI'S. U O11 57 jo 00 ; spring lauii.s, SJO 110. sIMf ; f.i inie -tee. s. $ !. no'. 17.."U" ; l.ut( lier grades. .7.(!KJ l.".7. i; CALVINS -Receipt. 2.000 ; market 1 active; U ! I ti choice S..0( lä.OO SIILRP AND LAMPS Receipts. .'..40 liad ; market a. tive, äoe up; elu.i -e lain'.s. Sp (hk, is ; c nil t- fair, SL' Mi'a, 17.7.": yejiilings. s 4.o"'. 1 .....( ; sliep. Sä (H0tir, IKI. IP H rS Rim cipt. 4 . M k ; m.nkef steady; Yorkers. Ms 7-V; 19 .10 : pig-. sis".".; lili ed. .P.l(llK.f P.i. I'.". ; Ihmvv, .is.-i.' 1.7.": rM!ghs. PVoo Pi 7ä ; stags spj.ät. ( IIK Aiill A-ll (.KAIN. HIFACO. May lo CMRN--N. J 'Hli t.'. Sl.sO; N,.. w liite. SbTs : N. 2 vcll.ov. S17u: No yeil .w . l . ct i.f-: N i ä yellow, si 4.'i.. ( 'ATS No. 2 whiti 3 a BRUSSELS BARRACKS ARE JAMMED WITH SOLDIERS BO VISION'S. tCorrrct-el u uy uy F. Y, Moelltr, Z1 IL. JefTrrtoo PHJ. YLJLTAULLS New nuutlieni pota toes, luv lb.; old pot.ituea, paying. Uic. belong, lOe bu. FKLTT Oruugei. eise, $7.fcü; ge-Liutf, lOvo per deu. ; ieinous. case. LOU's.ou; OLVi;?L20 doz. L'Ul-L . iU Hj'iS Creamery aut ter. vijiuf. 43c; tiling. ic; ertfifä, elllu, o: eloi. IP e ha vi: :. a'. T.ii in N" s s' rvf. e : May V. All Pi a- a re h- ird'uT'"1 ,',,,',:,-,n troops. of th-' jammed according ty : n f -mat ion reaching here toilay. TI a e is the creates activity toward the southwest. Herman wounded are a? ri--'i".g in P Uiutn by the thousands. Porn t-- V -. Tier. au-hfer. porn t' .'11 IlIItTlIS. Mr. an 1 Mrs. Floyd 19 Pleasant st., May 9. a tSDS. Correct. lily b irnr Uro. Mure, Hi F. Wayne bt. TIMOTHY-Ü .Zdii.lo. KKli CLUVLUlil. Will TL CLuvLli oJ. A LS 1 K L 1 4 Ou U 1 ?.r0. 7LPaLPA $liül. &WLLT CLUVLR-IOUIS LUW PL'.VS i -70Ü-7. SUY ÜLANS C..'C'i(iG0. ULL'L (JRAisS 4. VTLL1 l'LAS öuü-75. ULLL'i ' -$.5JiJiiU.7ü. it KM AN .ilLl.LT jsi ('.! :73. ,'APANLSL MILLLT .-AiliiClIU CLuViJi;-JJüj. St4 Mr. and Mrs. S Chapin st. Antal Cor May S, a al from the fields of their district. o . . ' ' ;.' it;, as IRAN K c.i:. iR;i a r d detir to aoid i lone haul by the already over burdened railways. PJLJrKV AID MEATS. (CrrctS Dully bjr Jliuxuie Market. 121 X Jefferson Blvd., .AL 'jying. lie, f;bcg. lZQZSc EES' Ro-at. Ox-; boiling. 20c; por ter'ouse. vX.'U'J'-'s iriou lüäoc. i. Al I'yuiff. iSVss. -elbn . Zlc, IIIC At.O LIVK TO( K. INlnN STiM'K YARDS. 111. M.iy M. IpKjS Receipts, 2'..iho; market strong. f lo." up; mixed and 1-nt -b-rr. 17-"0'i 1V.2U ; good b'avy. Is.rdi; rm'gh heavy. p; so' 171." : light. S17.i'.''i ls.2-"; pigs, . 4 -J.".'. 17.0O : bulk, M7.soro is 10. CAII'LL- R'ceipf. looo; mir'at t'.-ol ; l.eev, -. Spi.oo'o 17. -V : .-mvi and heifers. Si;, so- 1 4 pi ; stnker atel feeder-, s-s :' 1 12 i K SIIPI.'P" Receipts. '..('oi: market st. -idy ; native :inl western. $12 so' 1C ui; lambs. "l..."iv.f i7o. K.Wr III 1'1'AI.O "T(I('K. LAST P.I PPAL. N .. .May P CATTLL Receipt, "-oo had ; market MORMONS ARE BARRED FROM MISSIONARY WORK Ititernatien.i! NVw Servtee: ANDI;RS')N. Ind.. May t. lit frirts of Mormons to hold missiona-y meetings here wero frustrated by the county council of defense. Denied pernii.-sion to use the court house for their meetings and Par red from the us of the streets, thev abandoned their attempts. h ite. 79' i : N'i. i v TDI.IJK) (AMI f.KAIN. U DH.LIim, (I." Mjiv 10.-CLOSL: jt LoI:R SP.LP-Prime, a-h. SD. 23 lad : ( .-t.. 14.. A LS IK i: - Prime, noli. Sb". 2". TIMOTHY- old prime. -.sli. ..:2'j. n.-w. .::.s." : dd. siäJ1-; o. t.. s.4.2 bid; 1 .. SI .21. H'ST A c-j l ;.tayr. t?:. Ch t:: man w sAvr s. VO' i;kminti:r :r furei eiurinc the to care ; summer. Our facilities for Storage expert treatment cf vour furs f rp the hst. Chirse? very small. Don't saj yu saw it In the newspaper. Say N;ws-Times repairing- and remodeling at special "rate is required, then satins and prices now. H. Oreenhlatt. Purrler. suits with nuantitles of braldlnc Fst. liC0. 232 S. Michigan st. 'nd embroidered vests In colors are Advt piincipally used : FX9IL ! (Cerrevtrd Daily by tb fCa-twoed I'lih. i Faultrv a d en ooil 3Iark I V. WttAblogton At.) are distim ti elv for walking j? lESH PISH Dr. No 1 -aked aaiia aw . .K 1 . IK. . .s. .i when the oxford or plaln.H .. ,W ,T,7.-1 V? tct. 2-' ib.; büDcIe-s ta.t .odCh. 2c lb.; flauaa ha. Idle. i: 4c. ; Lake &.prior. foreragiQt fcUKgeftioui : lirLL 15'-)?; üb! or blada cod. l3Vic; herrl-. F.Ri I N HIDLS 10c. TA-LUW -3 3.-, rough. Iiirposcs. wnen tne oxioru or ailorcd suit is preferred, or for oc- nsivn.s where something more elb- RFSDJNS command. Ir.terr. New S.-rvi-e: L'iNIX'N. May lc Gen. Sir Pryan M.ihon has relinquished c .r.i mand oi the British forces in Ireland. ( UK (,() l'KOII( I. CHICAGO. May TO -- ItfTTLR !!- ipts, 1 1; i ; r i rin iy extra-. 'Jc; tirs-s. .".'.".He: pe king sp'. k. ;;s',7:ri.-. UilrS Ree'ipt. 1'.. f.. ral'H; .-iirreiit i-. iiifs, .".P.; ;;2c : ordiioiry tir-t-. l,fr PHLLSL Tw ins. i.ew. -.-j : .:iiri , t '.: y.aing. Anna lca-. 2;'c : lnghorii-. 2"..-: lui.-k. 2b-. I.I i; POPIPRY 'I urke 22 2 .. ; c!iik'!M. 27.-: sjii-iiigs. 2. "' ; Isic; -. i::. : (p:.d.s, 2P"- POTATORS Rec ipe. 2s .; Mii tie-s.-ta and Dakota, ohi-.-.. SI im.'.j 1 -jtj ; NVis oiisui. si. 4-'!. (IIICAt.O . RAIN AM I'KOHilOV. CHICAGO. .M;,y 10.- Oi.fiiing High Low- ' '(HL- Miv 127'- 127 127'. 127 .Ii:ly H7 17" 14.'. li:o4 ATS- M.iv 7'.'- 7lt 74 'c. 7CV .Iune 7-'i 7.".' 71 :, 7t"-4 i;si,, 0 PORK- Mav ci:. 4.-, .-- t.'.l". tr, -jo .Iillv .". '.."i Fi 7." 4". ' 4"i 7." LARD Miv 2-". 27 2.'. 27 2- 27 2". 27 .Trly 2" 2 25.s7 2."i." 2." ia" Sept. 2" r7 2I.O 2". '.'2 2-''a' nir.s- Ma 2-"..n.-, C-'V's- 2.". ':. .2-". c.-, .Iniv 24 47 24 47 24 2". 2 4 2-". Sept. 24 72 24.7". 24 72 2".. 72 't Lord French, commander-in-chief of the Pritish home forces, recently vent to Ireland. r Advertisers make profits from volume not prices. J THOMSON AND McKINNON 201-202 J. M. S. BIdg. M"nitvr w York tok Eifhm. er Vrk Cotton Kxrhange. er Orleann (otton Exthanie, Chicago Stork larhjofr, Cliiruco Drd f Trail and Indiana Banker' Aao- iiiition. Direct l'rivite Wlre to All Market-. PHO.NF.S IJell 390-391. Home 202S-203S Revised Feb. 15. 1018, by South Pen d -Cham l-r of C t Facts Worth Knowing About South Bend OVTH 11KND is located e!gUt-?: railcs a-t of ch;.a -n Ät th point w here the St. Joseph river. Ame.-:aa's m"t pn n es j ,;o stream, makes it "hovith .bend" and northward pi th grrtt lakes. AREA: (City proper). 15.74 s-.Mare mile::, altitude. 7:: fe. ASi:SSFr VAM'ATION: Real esUte. impivnen-.tnu. x-trhnaJ property, f ; 5 . 1 1 0, S Ö 0. CITY DRP.T; Hooded debt w 4. Sinkin- fund ;i.K.. Net debt $ 4 4 7. CITV PROPF.RTY AND FIMFD ASKTS: K.4es.4cl FLURS; Chanil-er of Commerce with exclusive club hd.v a .1 equipment. Indiana Club, Knife and Fork Cluh. Pres- Ciuh, Sou'h Pend Woman's Club, Proi-res Club. Rotary Cluo. Ki- cp.i . Ad-Sell Lenigue. L'niversity Club irwi Country Club with .i moft complete house and yolf coirse. Also an unusual nvimher of other cluis and oi Kanizationa which piovide for ir.'tli' t ua! reel and social life. DKATH RATE: 9.S9 per 1.000. BIRTH RATE: IS. 6 4 per 1.000. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. Elchttcn tade ,.,;' ';.- s-: valued at $1.230,000. A new $450, 000 Hiu-h s- hol. A v at school. Vwelve parochial chooli. School envtmcration ; to 21 years. lf,357 (1913). School attendance (approximately), 12.000. Free public nisht schools are conducted In four of the ward hjlll Inrts and in the Hish School with an of Hbout on thou, sand. Niht .school work is also provided by the Y. M. c. A. and Y. W. C. A. The University of Notre Dime is PK-.ttrd jjst north of the city. St. Mary's Academy, another larc- C-i'holic in stitution, provides for the academic and colle-ciate trair.lnc; of -.irl. In addition to these are the following, .special and technical fhools; Three business colleges, kindergarten training school, two schorl of music. FACILITIES FOR NEW INDUSTRIES: An import nt induce ment to new industries that may not at once require an inJlidul plant is furnished hy a Manufacturers' Plant and Power Co. spar and power to suit can be had in the building of thi company at low rental. Rental includes water, heat, watchman and elevator service. Many excellent sites and a few buildings procurable. Write South Rend Chamber of Commerce for list and photo.s. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Ten banks and trust companies wiC- total resources of $ 1 ."?,22 6,6 S .1. LABOR: South Bend is what is classed In labor circle s, An "open town." There Is an abundatv e of both skilled and unskilled labor and plenty more to draw upon in the smaller adjacent town?. Wane scales furnished on request. A large proportion of u to kiiio men own their homes. POPULATION: The following comparative figures are mot sig nificant as showine; that South Rend has never had a boom, la-t a iteady. normal, thouih rapid growth. Such a prnnth is positie evielence oi the natural adanta.ges of the city as an industrial and commercial center. Population, U. S. census: 1SS0, 1 . 2 S 0 ; 21. WO; 1?0", 3..S9J; 1910, 5'!,öS4; (Local Census) 1512, r, 9.S. 0. and 1316, b7.0JCh POWER: The St. Joseph river is now developing apprfxi.T.a!l 25,000 hydro-electric horse-power from four dams in t'li vicinity, most of this power being, available for South Pend. The obvious advantages of electric power, and the low price at which it is fur nished here, are practical Inducements no manufacturer can overlook. Cost of power and IiRht: Electric, .pr. to .com rer ' . w. hr. Average cost 13 to 1 h. p., $24.00 per h. p. per year. Gas. 45 cents to cents per M cubic feet n-t. PUBLIC SAFETY': Fire Depart ment Ten statiori: ir men; .sixteen pieces of apparatus; auto equipment in. lj ld. The efficiency of the fire department is shown by the following figures: Value of buildings and contents at risk in the last 12 years $?.4 ;0..'7 Total fire loss last twelve years 4.", :,72 Average loss per year for twelve yirs :;;,SP' POLICE DEPARTMENT: Sixty-four men and one police woman Police ambulance, auto patrol and motorcycle squad. RELIGIOUS AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS: Fifty. four chun-he. including all leading denominations; Y. M. a. o-tmg with equipment about $ lOO.OwO.OO, and a ? 1 00, 000. v" boys' bran- a. A Y. W. C,. A. costing $7 3,000. on. Museum? or.p in th- np,- arci one at Notre Dame. Two hospital-; and a county innrmjry and a n orphans' home. STREETS:- Total lencth of streets, alley and avenues iu th. city limits. 217. : mile-. Total length of trets, nlbys nr.d aenus paved. 80.:P. miles. Complete boulevard system beir.r devdoprl. STREET LI (i UTS: Total publk- light?. 1.2M. in.laiirg n, electric maen-tie arc and other inca ndescents and rr.'n1 .?e. cot( $'.3.000 per vear. Many treet.s are illuminated v ith the improved boulevard cluster lights. ST R 1-n :T RA i l AVA YS : 22. 2S mile. (Electric), in city limits. t'"a: 1-r.gth TELEPHONES: Central Union, manual ex'-har.-e. " average call per day, 44. (00. Long di.-taP.- cili- p. r day. w :;n. Direct eonne.tion with New York. Ch.cugo, San Fra r, c i.-.. . a ' ! intermediate points. Automatic exchange, 4,7n .stations, ror.n-tf-d '-Mth sjy ex changes. Average calls per day, 42.00. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES: South R nd h..s o.ghr rt and three electric road-. Th" steam r- ads ar. Th- Jik S r.or Michigan Southern (New York Central, th- Giand Trunk. th Michigan Central (two divisions), the Vandaba t Pn r.s: iv a ni t syftem). the Chicago. Indiana Southern, and fh- New jers-. Indiana f Illinois An eighth road, the l.ak Fr: Western, supplies truo jgh pas.-er.ger service between South Pend and Indian apolis, ent'rinjr th t ity o-er the tracks of th Nw- Yr r Central. Two belt roads era ire le the ity and sw.tchtr g charc-n ar -sorbed by the railroads. The t;f -etr:. lines are th- chaaco, .south Rend & Northern Indiana, th Chicago. Iake Shore ,outh PT;1 and the Southern Mi' hi?an. Thes-e lines pro ide ver tee btween this city, Chicago and Indianapolis, ani important p'unts nr: the shore of Iake M-chican. FREIGHT RATES (C. L : South Rend to W!nmr point-": C LA fV 1 - 3 Rosto n , M a -3 t '. U - 2 C 2 ' '2 4 4 1 7 l. "1 Chicago, 111 3P"i 22 g 17 1 1 - 9 1. Cleveland. 0 4TiU 42 3. 25 27 14 Detroit. Mich 4 ::3 31 2". 1 l .1 Grand Rapids. Mich...;, 22 H 23 U 13 i r. 10'i TiOuisville. Ky 5'-2 4. V, 4 2 1?. z New Yor :, N. V i 76 57 - 404 ';(P, 29 PASSENGER SERVICE: Steam ar.d electric roads provUe about 140 trains daily TO in and TO out. WATER SUPPLY: The city's -water supply is draw n from ab : 10 artesiAn vel!. Plant valuation. M.O'-.IO .00. Normal pump ing capacity for 24 hours. 2 4 .0 0 0.0 . 0 ga!bT..s. South Hen 4 drinks and puts out fires with pure, iol l, spark:::;.; ". ater thaf i- the er.vv of less fortunate cities. fl