OCR Interpretation

South Bend news-times. (South Bend, Ind.) 1913-1938, May 18, 1918, AFTERNOON EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87055779/1918-05-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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Kvrcnn.w aitj'unoon, may is, iois.
First N. M!n eL Rt. Unry I
Lrls. ( ttor. Osss mettln at 8:00 s. j
xa. Sunday at t - Klicr
Abernefjy. ssperinter. Jrct PuMl- !
Worship at 10:10 . ra. und 7: P- m
Ir. JJurls will ot-npr th i.lrdt at
totL rrUv. At the morning h"t:r the
l.or.i rti arils srlll attend In a bdy nl i
Jr. La rib will sprsk n th 'jfJt. .
"The NoMlers IMim-t" Lj.tu.rtul
league at j.."50 p. iu.. ubjp. t. 'TVe
Institute a Tmliiin? 'm; fr ;
rrl."-" A No lr;tal!stl -n of i.w of- j
rs for th rmnlnj vc tr Thl ?'- ;
l.l stt1-e will h i-MllI- td l.y tli"
r-aator. At tlf ermine Lour th iulirj
ffTlf r.ltb n hört tr.i"i Mri;u;i by
toe raator. Praver ni tln Wdr.-vliyj
Tenlnj nt :.y b . il by lr.
M. rauf XrmeiUI-Clfix -ind Im
porte in. Rr. Jniuc L Cardin r, I
L. pastor. Sunday t'-hd at .:: i is
Mornlnr srvl e at 1:" o !. k hu
tb minister will j.resch a
tl.. :)bj-t.
i'owfr t Wltn--s " Lj,w
a.Tlr nt ':.) t. i.i . bd by
ort h ! 1 -')
Mis, It!.-r
JvlrkDatrb-k. l.rrniu.r im-.- i at : ' !
! k. Dr. lis. rllrT will .;! .1 n
th subject, "nr t!.- Top.' iift-r
whUh t ffb UI cow l 'iiiudit in vtion
1-1 turf -will l-e rrr-r.t-d. Th trst
-n ''Th Kylns f R!dn.s." rd tb
onl on "Life otj t Ii- W .tm RMtlc
Trout. " Karl W. Knorr n III Inj: :it
th morning arrifo. "t'.dnf Holy ;!... t
In Love." ul t tli- evening
"iinl of Our i'.rfLrra "
rv j.-f,
Crart CorDr
Iter. Richard II
p:etlDff at 12
chool at 0 -0 a
MIt7?-jn anl Tutt Fts.
t'rondfr. pattor. Cln't
o'cIrW. nj'n Si:ri'h;y
m.; I rof. J. A Hjt-rs.
Mrulnz orlifn at
1 i":i.".. Si;l.-ft oft
!a.-o'jr- "I'ravtT : i 1 N:itlon:il
Tation rrfs't Vinlrow ViN.u invit-
nitrlotl Amr1''an to pr.irr n 1-t iiulf
öf nur army n n 1 can. Junior on-:--ffatlon
at 2 p. m Ilportb l.iu'u
of :?) p rn.: l'.W Mrl.n.l.n f. r. prl-l'-iit.
Th Vfiilns nPTx ho dfdii it 1 t
n pl.Ilv prpurfil pi-'r.nn wlii!j
will tiven in l-half f th- l'rni li
jin-1 r.l'lHii orphans Tl. !illlren -f
th SanlHT a--hHl will parll ijati-. Tl-
i rnrarn ia nn fnlki h : Orxriii prt-ln 1-.
i:ilzal.tü Aiir. "I'pHfsitonal."' Kip
1 ; n ; th hNtorr f "Th Stiir .i- intrl.-l
!mnr" .-nul !insiii of Min': Invo
cation: Mi rillaN hTinn; .illr.
Itrr. U. H Crownr; -luinir. " 'Wn mli:i
th (If'n of th tan:" n-:i!in. Ki' 1
:irJ H. i'riuvdpr. Jr.: "Th- U'oiikiu"
Förrien Missionary Sm i t y in l'rnn 1."
Atr J. W. IMf lenfffr : a f11al"2tio una
11 I
Is I
n.nil'. -Tli Mk'ht of th U'orl.l
.Uaut:- rradin?. A Litt! Frrm !i
'lAUt., Mrs V. C ?nr; pnintf.niiinc.
'"Tbe Tryfr of t!t lVt.uit n-l Kint:;"
"Th ;athfre.1 Trfiiiirt"r." Mrs I Kln
ry ofTerlnc : rn-llns. ('atlifin l'.I-ik'-mia;
finzinj:. Arnricn." "l.n r.i t -rn
of pnntoniini : Tli" I rnh nilow ;hh1
MMren. th 1'rfn. h wr orphans. 1.
'uts. lioino i-iiinl, Ti1 'ro iiMrf,
I'nrN Sm. Th ao,'al aorri-- la.
Tuesday at C:'.a p. in. Miihk prayt r
wrTi? Wln'laT nt 7:;Vt p. ni.
Ltwell Heifhta Miner nnd Francis
ta Rer. (Jay li. IHc k, rstor. Sund iv
acboel at 9:13 a. m.; II. C. Dflons.
Trinity Rhin nl Vanr ats. R't.
Melrin C Hunt. pator. Hil.N a.-horl t
6 .20 c. m. ; Rudolph Klir. acting auper
lntendent. 7hr a hool la r.ranled hr dcp.nt
ment" Mrnin? worship at P):4". Ser
mon l.v th" paror u. "'I h? l'riium y of
iTtyer in World Savins." Vorn I duct
It 'the Misses Carder. Th" llpwoith
If'nsue devotional hour nt :ir . in.
Tills 'will tf lwutl ;roiin.i ntßht. witli
MNs lime MitcSull in chir'". Fvenlu-'
errle at 7 :."! "Th" Slp.1esstu-ss of
.Ifn" will t. th" i44Htor t!n-iut. Spe
cial jiiush- I'.v th" t horu- lKdr. Junior
lenxue Wednesday at o:.'a p. m ; Mrs.
AV. I.. (rtfn. ii"rint"iide nt. Tli"
ü'jn-h praver hour Wednc-d iy evening
at 7:1". Walter I.arkin ivlll lead the
l.iss. The atildy 111 " the greatest
hapter In the maior propho.v. Th
Trlnltv M. K. Rd Trots aiixiliirv IH
n.-et with Mrs. I.. V. Hazen. 1' Vass.ir
a v., Thursday afternon at
Epwtrlh Memorial Corner Unjoin
way W. and Ollte st. Rev. O. L. Ru'.l
laon. paster. Snndiy aetmol nt O.'M a
m.: Glen Finney, superintendent.
.Iinlni service: Saerament of the
I.ortl'a supper. Shrt address lv the
pastor. N termor. I'raye-r meeting
Wednesday evening at 7:4" o hn-k.
lull Memorial Mi hljrnn nnd Victoria
ta. Rev. A. V. Rabs. pastor. Sunday
rbr.nl at 10.00 a ni ; A. Katterhenry.
rrea.-hinjr at 11 a. m. Thenie:
"Tlie Sanctity of the Sabbath" A live
lre Fpnurth league at ', ;;u p. ni Th"
report of th" nominating eommit"" will
I read. I'reachinc at 7:.' p. in. Thein:
ThrfH' Ffefill Tebeopes." Read thrt
epistle or .lames Tor
evening nrarer nervi, e
cordial wei-
eome t you.
River rrk S. Serenth t. Tter. J. A.
Lord, pastor; residence 2T'.1S MNhawakn
at. Sunday rhl nt Ü:30 a. m ; F. C.
Wolfe, euperintemtent.
German I.afavette bird, and Wavne
it. Rer. II. S. Miller, pastor. Sunday
ebon I at 9 a ni. : John Kooh. super
intendent. Prencnlne r.t t0:3l a. m. md
7:30 p. m. F.pn-rrth league at 7 00 p.
m. Frayer nirtln Wednesday at 7:13
p. rn.
WesIeyaa-722 K. RrMday. Rev. Y.
O. Spitler. pastor. Sunday school t
:3f a m. ; K. M. I'orter. superintendent.
Serrr.on at 10:C0 a. ra. Evening sermon
at 7:30
Tree Methodlal rennsTlranta av. and
Itusn at. Iter. XV. E. Webster. pat-T.
Sunday school at 0:3) a m.: Faul
Neldtxel. auperlntendent FreacLlng at
10:.t0 a. m and 7 :30 p m
RUer rrk Free Methodist Four
teenth and Vln sta Rev. Mr. Hltrb
ecck. pnstor. Sunday school at 10:0) a.
m.; L. F. Wolfe, superintendent.
Olltet A. M. K.-310 W. Monro st.
Per. A. T. Re.nl ling, pastor. Class meet
ing at 10.O) a. in S'indiy pchol at
12:30 p in ; Rev. Eil 1. Stewart, super
intendent. Tylra A. M.
and Caupau its.
E. Zlon Corner tj,y
Rev. L. 1'. Powell.
rirst Corner W.sMnjton av. and I.a
fajette blvd. Rev. Ctarles A. Lippiu
cott. IV I . pastor. Miss Charl Ue M.
Partridge, assistant
to tie minister.
lo:4." a rn. Address
Public worship
by the miulster on "11." Light
frauctuary." Rihle ? ! d at :"u
J. S. Mi-v'ow.in. superintendent.
if ti..
a. in.;
Fellowship club at ::u m Joint
meeting .f the Junior Ln-h-aw.r and
Young People's . Ictles at .": p. m.
lied Cross auxiliary m.etliii: ia tie
rburc'.i parlors Friday at 1 : '.o
p. m.
7::: p.
p v.
Midweek meeting Weines. lav
m. Family night Friday at
Trinity John S. hums, pastor oa
leave. A- P. Saundr- i g t o r . u dutv.
SucdiT a- h "ol at 'vL!Z3 i m. ; S 15.
Freui h, superintendent.
jVetmlnter Scott and I.indsev ts
P.ev. Alfred M. Fells. I. 1. ; st cf ; res
idence. I3N N. Scott St. SMlMd.i.V s ho. 1
at a. ni. : L C. Whit .-o-.nb. su; eriu-
teudent. Public worship at l'J:4ä a. m.
and 7 :."-0 p m. The se.'..n meets be
fore the mc.rnlug servb e .li.nl r Fu
deavor mating at 2:U p.
se nb
Fndeivor .nlety meets at ', , p. m.
llap Leer and P.'.yton sta Rev.
George W. Allison. R. D . m!nltr. R;Ve
chool at 3. CO a. ni.; Frank Kettriug,
First forr.e r Wr.yn and Main r s
Rev. C. R. Lapp, t'h D. acting pist .r;
reHene. Y. M. C. A Ri:. s. iM..,i .,,
4k At -Sk .....
m ; . tepne?;a. super'.LU ud -
ent. Clajea for all; fully graded.
Qalatejr Mreet fte. ;-re T. Fnt?r-
line, paitor. Sunday m heol at 3 :?A a.
Bs. : J. W. Kamill!. ipcri-WendeM
i Issses s!ilfd to .': ..rs We tl.dy
t" Intern.iti-'ual ! M 'ruig or-
sJi:j witii .erg
at la
' m.
t!;-nt: "r.f.irln n- An"ti.r I'.ur-
i-ü" t:. r. v. r. r. in.-rs t
p. in. 1 1 -ii i ri r M-rvi-' at 7 wltli sr
iw:i ly ti. pattr u th tliui: ''l"be
1 1 - : 1 1 : i 1 i:rMJt:i a til l-pth of j
Ilanrarlan Corr.fr WaiMnrton f.
( hpn-y st. Iv. Ii. IWtok. pastor.
ML Zian 11.: N. Hlrdspll aL Rer.
R. Keiinel. I I-. paator. Sunday
i hool at 'i J&) 2. ki ; Mr. Adü 'llutcb
Ins.n. lupfrlntndent.
I'1r wHh Corner Laurel anJ
Napier atl. trvlcs at 10:t0 a. xn. auJ
7 p. in.
nrt-S. Main iU south of puMlc ;
il'ur.iry. Kev. John !. A:exaud-r. pastor.
oii(!ay a'-Lool nt 9:?. VifU-rUk Ii.
TtLlatad. auperlnt tid nt Our tfacbrra
rp trailed' and les na graded. We
hare clashes for all afc'-s.
Morninp: rrs!n nt M:10. Sermon ty j
tt(- jiaitor. lopli-: "So.w- "f t!if I'i'-i
lit Se and lTn- t!.- hun h Mu-t j
M- t Tli-iii." IlM-nin t-rvii- at 7 :';'). !
AffT tl.f m rnion tlir.-- r-fis .f in-vln
pi. tu; iviSl ! vlimii t-n t i 1 1 -1. "The
SoiitI,-i wr " Spt-ti.il n;iii- No tli
iiioriiln .-1 1 i 1 r.-nin'' l.y t'.,v quartet
S nl ir Christian Lndravfr at :;U.
Tupi--: '-llduc-atli'ii. ti.e !oora.iy t'
St-r Strunz-! and visitors In th
ify n if cordially iuTited to woriilp
uit!i lis.
Indiana. Arcniif Indiana and Witwer
am. lU'x. V. A. Urund'?. pastor; rs-Jd'-rnc.
H.iiiey nx. iliM? si-hool at
It . in.; It. White, .superlntndf nt.
l'r'd Wilson, horlstfr tt th achool.
pof-lnl musir at thN scrTif iiy t.
or iiet! .i Th" t"a 1.ts and lasses
you. Communion and ju-rriion
.it 1::ui :i m. K. I'.atty lioriter. II"ir
Ho' fl.i from tli" convention by tin
pastor. Kvonlnir M-nium sHjf t: "Tlie
Law of (irtntli " Tli" puidi-- cordially
invited t tliis trvl Juniors will nit et
at ,:;'. p ni.: Mis. .Moff ifott. uperiu
f iident. V I'. S. i:. at :- : Miss
Mi" J'.rundi". pie-ident. I'rayer and
P raise xivhe on Wednesday nllit at
Linden Arenue C'hnrrh of Ctariat
Linden nv. nnd fdrllslo st Her. F.d
art ("aatle. p.iutor. l'reachlng at 10:"W
r.. ni. ond 7:' p. u Sunday st-bool nt
3:C0 a. in. CLrlstlan Eadearor at 6:iJ
p. in.
Itr.wl.. n ."I l Trn..,lll'or TeT- T
m ..1. 1. iiti'iiu 11 tt.' . v -
5 i field Johnson, pastor; residence. 1412
s. Carroll st. Sunday hchool at a.
ni : I., s. Fisher, superintendent.
I'rea'hns at JO by the pastor.
Sermon su!i"t: Infinite Resoune at
Our IMxpos il." Yountf I'eople's allianee
at 1:15 p. in.; Mln.s Uessie Rhineliart.
president Fvenins tob-; "IMm-ation.
the Doorway to Service." II Tim. 2:15,
I. uke i:!)" Miss Aj;nes 7."liner. leader;
I'Jreiiin woisliip at 7:.". Sern ton by the
pator. Subjeet: "An Iiuorruptible
'rown." SpfH-ial innvic. Stranprs al
ways welcome. The regular monthly
business meetluar of the lelta Rible
class will be hold at the home of Karl
Frederi-ks. 11.11 I'.. Imliana uv.. on
Monday evening. May I'D; Arthur I..
Warner, president, l'niyer meeting on
Wednesday evening In the chap.l. Cliolr
rehearsal on Friday evening at s o'ebx k
in the vhapel; I'.oyd Thornton, director.
Grace Churrii Cor. Lincoln way W.
and Walnut sta. Rev. U. O. Lozler. mln
liters. Sumlay school at TJ-'M. G. F.
Witt, superintendent.
I.f-vin: 'Jesus Fxenisins Kindly
Authority." Mark 11:15-1. '7-;i.;. Moiu
Inx w orship at lt::u. Tlieme : "Our
I tifailitii: Comiaiilon." At i":" the
Vouns I'eople's alliance will meet and
tlNcu-s the suhJiH t. "Filiieatloii. the
Itix rw ay to Service." At 7 :." th" even
ing service will be held. Theme:
Christ's Kstiniatlon .f the Ievil." The
midweek prayer anil fellowship meet In;;
will be held ou Wednesday evening at
7 ::a.
lirst T.nfnyette n? Monroe sts. Rev.
W. II. Frcshley. pastor Sunday acbool
at d.-r-O a. m. ; iieorge J. Lon. superla
ten den t.
Lesson: "Jesus Exercising Authority."
Mornlni; wors-hip nt 10 :.'.( and sermon
by thy pastor lu keeping with I'en
fev.st. Special number bv the choir.
V. 1. A. at 7 o'clock; Clara Loi katldt.
president. Subject: "Education. the
Doorway to Service:" Ralph Dun.ke.
leader. Ralph and Mabel Dumke will
sln a duet. Sermon bv the pastor at
7::. I'rayer meeting Wednesday niirht
at s o'clock; 4ieorpe J. Lonir. leader.
The missionary eonunlttee will meet at
lose of prayer meeting. Choir rehearsal
Thursday at s o'clock.
Auten Chapel W. H. Mygrant. paster.
Sunday school at K;0 a. m. ; Jessie
Rar lis. superintendent.
Chrltiin Endeavor every Sun-lay
evening at T :-". Topic for May l'. :
"Education, the Doorway to Service."
led by Clarence Anderson. W. I Nit- hit
will make a talk on Mi" Niuht in a
Rar Room." and Miss Alvina Mtchie
will -ive a vOial solo. There will be a
violin solo bv J:y Walz.
Zion--Corner Wayne and St. Peter sts.
Kev. Waldemar iofteney, pastor.
Morning service at io;::o. In connec
tion with this servi(" holy eomuiunion
will be observed. English service at
7 :"i p. ni.
St. Veter' German IIS TT. Lasalle nv.
Rev. IInpo Welehelt. pastor. Sunday
school at y;0 a. m. ; Carl Reinke, super
intendent. LUTHERAN.
Holy Trinity Fiiigflah Sherman ar.
anil Llndsey st. Rev. Albort II. Keeit.
p istor. Sundxy a hool at 0:15 a. ni. ;
Edward Motts, "superintendent.
Classes for all age. Adult Rihl
class taught bv the pastor. Subject f
lessi n :
Dis. iplex
n.e Holy Spirit for
i hrlst s i
t HUT servb e with -on-.and
holy rommunlon at 1 : : .0
a. m. A class
be su firmed
of six young pop!" will
Fhev n re : I.innea !'. k-
gren. Cecil pdoom. II i Id i r.uhlaud. I..r
othy Ilass. Loretta Ib'stcttler. nnd, L1
ward Kregh. The pastor sublect at this
service will be "Tli" Chrisrian Soldier "
.Inn lor league at 2: p. in. Luther
league devotional "rv ice at ti:4ö p. m.
V espers w ith sermon at 7 :'-0 p. in. Sub
ject: 'The Day of Pentecost." The
brotherhood will i:a et on Tuesday even
lnu at tie home of Leslie Mac'orkle.
v7 Sherman av. The auuual ele tbu
jot ofTlcrTs will be bell. Prayer an 1
j ..US'- jroi'i' o .1 ii i'.u.."'i.o ;ii t . t. j i.
r: Choir rehearsal on Frld iv at :Otl
p. in A thimble will be held 'Thursday
i afternoon at the home of Mrs Frank
j Fisch, -r. N'7 Shern.an av. All the wom
1 en of t.e ci :. gregatl ui are Invited to at
GlorU Del Swedish Chapln and Kerr
ts. Kev. iottfrld Olson, pastor. Sun
day !, oi at a- m. and Rlble clasi
at 9 i: a m.
Minilii; service at 1::. preeeded by
b i tlu; il servb e. The scnin n will be
preav hed on .lohn H:lö--Jl. an! suble t.
"'hrSt's Promise: t Will Nor Leave YU
Coi.ifortle." Fvenlng service at 7 :."..
11 serir.on will be based on A. ts 2:14-
11. i:bie.-t. "The Work of the llolr
iho-r --Wb.-n'r Where and H-.w"
Ti:edav evening tli" Rulbling society
n:.-. -ts in t!." eh".r h at regular hour.
1 1: i rd a v afternoon. Ladies' Aid nu-et-i:.g.
and In the evening eholr rehears.il
at 7:."' Friday evening, th" Dorcas s
i r y w 111 meet at 1 '..t F. Dayton st on
invitation f Mis Selm i Pierson and
Mls Ann i iNon. Saturday evening the
!'A;,rd of dci.c.;:s meets In the rectory
oYloc k.
t. Taul's r.ernia l .TcfTers n and Wll
im sts Rev H. Hrdle. pastor. Ger-
m.iri service at 10".O a 1:1. Sunday school.
th. Con. and and I
l!sh at 9:31
n I and fourth
7 :..o p ni
F "g'l'h ervi -es on s". i
sin I.m s f ti e month at
U"irt ! r Oerm.ia ermon
Ct.: ist:. in Chnr. !i " Whither
R'". class ire. ts Tu l.iv at "cOo
' j y l
j I.i-t::eran ai
j p 1,1
, . . .
1 h
of th
" St.
lay at
i 1.1
Chunh of God of the AHraham Faith.
ri I bLNU MtN IU
vÜJlv&ö) TnrBinnrn rnnnn
Servlres in MHrll hall. 212
fayt-tte l.ivd.; Sunday arhool at
1-' A. Stilton, aupprintendotit.
Ulh;? tudy at 11 J) a. in.; l'!oyl Stil
a n. loader, l'.erean i.n--ti;i? :i 1 r I ' '.y
ereain? at tie honi cf ieorje J. Kalm,
312 li. South kt-
ijoapel miaion. 430 S. MIoiiitraa at.
All Cfcrlatiari accJetles Inrited to a hlj
cpen air mctinc every Wednesday. Fri
day, Saturday and Sunday night, corntr
Wayne nnd Ml li'.pan strebt ild-fipb-ioned
r'jspel njeetinz at Volunteer nila-
ion Lall Sunday niht. Ev.ryhody la
vited. All welcome.
MrnnonHe Hop S21 E. Jefferson
ldrd. Sunday s hool at p. m
l'ra( Li!ip :;t .':." p. ia.
I'rtKhhis and 7:.'Ä P- rn. Serr
Ices every night except Wedueaday.
Marv Nunei"aker in charge.
City 115 K. J'-ffrrtoD Mvd. Riy
Bird, superintendent. Sunday f.hf.ol at
3:00 p. in. Mine class at 4 :W p. in.
Kvt'Uiiij servke at 7
Gospel i:;i E. Easa'le nv. Services
Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday even
ings lit 7:3o. Sunday school at 10:00 a.
:u. each Sandajr.
The rif.giesslve Spiritual society will
hold services at 7 :3u p. in. every Sunday
at :;ö S. Michigan ft.. Reil men's hall.
Speaker, C. A. Thompson. Experience
meeting. Mtbage bearera: Mrs. S. I'..
Weaver. Mr. E A. Thompson. William
Hool. and Dr. i. L. Work. Everybody
Meets every Monday nt 10:00 a. m. at
the Y. M. C. A. Resident and visiting
miulsters always wekoine. I'resident.
J. A. Rurnett; vice president. W. II.
Freshley; secretary treasurer. Ii. E. En
Woman's Club bail, roon 221. J. M. S.
building. Sunday. 3:0i p. rn.
Lei tu re by (Jraut Whitmyer of Elk
hart. At 7:;x) p. m , study ou th" Lao
dicean period .f the chimb. Wednes
day -sit :o p. ni., prayer m-ctlng. Fri
day at p. m. Taberunde Shadows.
Temple Ileth-LI Corner L.asal at.
and Tnylor st. Julius Leibert. rabbi.
Church of God or Saints Chapel on
Harrison av. one block uoitii of Lincoln
way W. DCs Austin, pastor; J. L. For
syth and t. H. Leek, assistant pasters.
Sunday achor.I at 0:45 a. ui. ; A. U
U irk ley. superintendent.
lMeachlng service at 11 :H) a. ni Ser
mon bv II. V. Reed. Rerean meeting on
Friday evening at the lioin
Stilsoi -111 II.iTiev nv
of Floyd J
000 E. Jefferson blvd. Sunday serv
ices: Morning:, county Jail. 1:'; Sun
day school, 2:30; open air service. 7:30;
Indoor service. S :30. Era er mee ting
7 0. Capt. NeLemlai Juoks. ußicer iu
lirst Church of ChrUt, scientist
Main and Madison sts. Sunday servi-vs
at 11 : a. ni. Testimonial nut ting every
Wtdne-day at S:(nt . in. Sunday school
for children and voihist people up to the I
ape of 20, from y:45 to 10:;) p. in. Suu
day tichiMil utraiue on Madisou st.
Keudlng looms maintained by the
church on the seventh rloor of the J. M.
S. building-, ate open daily except Mill
day from 12 to 5. and on Saturday even
ing from 0 to .'S.
Swedish Kvangelical Main and Mon
roe sts. Rev. Emil Winstedt. past r.
Sunday school at U:30 a. u.; August
Anderson, superintendent .
Morning service at 10:3O. In the
Morning service immeiicement exer
cises will be given by the continuation
class. The following are to receive dip
lomas: IMlth Carlson, Mildred John
son. Gertrude Gustafson. Louise Reig
steilt, Anna Nelson, Helen Johnson.
Agues Knutson. Roy Moberg. William
Johnson and Arthur Hafstroni. Young
People's meeting at 4 p. ni. : Miss
Hanna Rergstedt. president. A great
reunion service will be held at 7:45 in
the evening by the former confiniatloii
classes. Special singing will be render
ed. Thursday at 2:.".o p. in., the Ladies'
Aid soeietv will meet at th" home of
Mrs. Cai 1 's anson. 7 ".4 W. Lasalle a v.
Thursday at 7:45 p. in., prayer meeting
Flrsi-Rev. G. W. Kcncb, D.
tor. Sunday a nojl at ii:30 a. m
Firestone. superintendent.
P . pas-
; Barley
school meets ;it the s.tme hour; Miss
Margaret Whltmer. superintendent Wor
sliip with sermon at 10:." a. m. and 7:J0
p. in., the pastor preaching.
Morning subject: "Christianity's New
Law Service." At the evening service j
In ly coiuinunio'l will be oliservcl.
Prayer meeting ou Wednesday at i :.o p.
l irst Church of the Brethren Indiana
av and Miami st. Rev. T. E George,
pastor. Sunday sc hool at 0:00 a. iu. :
on Wednesday evening at 7 :".0 o'clock.
V. G. stihly. superintendent.
Second ( linrrh of the Ilrethren--
ushlng and Van P.nren nts. Kev. It. O.
Roose. pat r. SundAj" irUcol at 0:."0 a.
m.; Wesley Zimmerman, m pel intend
ent. Preaching at 10:! a. iu by Rev. C. C.
Cripe of North 1. 11 erty. In the evening
nt u::t a special program win ie ieii-
dere.l bv the Missionary Volunteer band
of the Rethany Rlble v. liool of Chh-ago.
The jTograni will be featured with spe
cial music, reading", and stirring mes
sages by these volunteers on present
day problems as they relate themselves
to the great werk cf the church in war
times. Prayer meeting Tues lay even
ing at 7:45.
Conference Memorial United 010 S. St
Joseph st Rev. D. L. Young, pastor.
Si:niay school nt 0:iX a. m. ; C. L. V11
fon. superintendent.
St. James'-'Lafayette St.. north of
Washington. Rt. Rev. John Hazen
White, rector: Rev. II. F. White, vicar.
Holy communion at 7 :." a. m. Suml.ry
m hooi at ü:4ö a. m Morning prayer
and sermon at 11:00 a. m. Vespers at
.": p. rn. Young people's meeting i.t
ti:.".0 p. ni.
ered Heart. Notre Dame Rev. John
i. Scbeter. C. S. C. pastor. Low mass
..t ü:Ky a. Ui. Students' mass at s :(.) a-
m Parish mass at 10:13 a. in. Vespers
at 2 CO p. m.
St. Stephen's Hungarian Thomaa and
Mcpherson tts Lev. Lawrence Her
rath, pastor. Mass at S:00 and 10:13 a
m Sunday school at 2 :UU p. m. 15n-edlctb-n
at 3:00 p. m.
St. Patrlrk's "07 S. Tayior st- Rev.
John . De(;roote. C. S. C.. pistor. I.ni
luas-.cs at Ü:'s. 7 :M and 9 XK) a m. Higa
Ullis and wrui-iQ at 10:.. Raptisai at
r r-i. Vespers at 3 .T'.0 n in. Sun-
day school at 3:00 p.
hur h societies at 4 :uO
m. Met-ting
p. m.
St. UeJnise' I'olUh Corner
Scott 1
;m l Napier sts Rev. A::tli
C. S. C. pastor. Low tnas
and 10:0) a. m Sunday a
10 a. m..
uv Zunowlcn. I mass ai o;u p. m
at 7:3i. ui)incsday evening at
hool at 2:"0i
p. ni ReiH-dictio.'i at 2:C0 p. m
St. Stanislaus' Polish 415 N. Lin-o:n
st. Rev. II. man M irciuiak. pastur. Mass
at 7:30. 9 (o ad 10:i-O a. m.
St. Mary's German TH S. Taylor st
Lev. J. M Scherer. C. S. C. pastr. Mass
it 7:30 and 10.i a. in. Sunday ivhol
at 2:30 p. rn. Rer.edi tin at Z.'X p. m.
t. (almlr' PolUh s-; s Webster
It. Rev. St'l.ishr.is Oork.:. past.-r. Low
n:ass st 7 :.".o a. ui. High mas at 10 :v&
a. ni. Veper at g :(V p. m.
St. Adrlbert's Polish olive and Gr.ve
Us. Rev. John Kubackl. pastor. Dally
i nnin Riir-ii rn
HhR .Hhhhtl U
i iiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi
United States Army is Being
Brigaded With Big Allied
Forces to Stop Great
Hun Offensive.
dence of the. üueces of emergency
measures to bring Ainerican man
power to the aid of the French and
british armies in repelling the Ger
man drive came Friday with the
announcement that American troops
had reached Flanders and gone Into
training behind the LJritish lines
there. Otlicial reports were lacking
tonight, but Sec'y Baker and army
orficials accepted press advices that
the first contingent of the forces to
be brigaded for training and oper
ations with the British army had
Soldiers from Gen. Pershing'e
army have been in line with the
French and Hritish in front of
Amiens for some time but the de
cision to send additional forces from
this country direct to the Hritish
army was n.ade after the Rreat Ger
man drive launched March 21 was
well under way. Les3 than
months have been required to
the first of these troops across
sea and into position.
Cannot Indicate XumlKTs.
Nothing is: available at the
department to indicate the identity
or numbers of the men in Flanders.
It is probable, however, that the
national army regiment leviewed
recently in London by Kin? George
is included. The infantry and ma
chine Run units of the division to
which the regiment was attached
probably constitute this first Ameri
can force to appear in the Flanders
The men. it is noted, are described
as beinp; "in tiaining" in the British
zones. That is taken here to mean
that they are being brigaded with
British divisions in reserve and will
get their final seasoning ijuicklv
through this close association with
the veterans of Sir Douglas Haig's
army. Unless a preat emergency
arises when the German assault is
resumed, it is not regarded as prob
able that th American battalions
will be employed on the front line
for some time.
1111 Up liritNli Divisions.
The immediate result of greatest
importance probably Is that the
battalions of British troops dis
placed in these divisions by the
Americans will be available to till
up other British divisions to full
strength or for the organization of
new British divisions, as Gen. Hais
deem.? best. To that extent, the
Americans are now acting as rein
forcements for the British lines. It
is anticipated that a limited amount
of additional training; under exist
ing conditions will round them into
?hnpe for any work that may be as
signed to them later.
If the course of the German of
fensive permits, the same practice
followed in training Gen. Pershing's
original forces probably wi'l be car
ried out in Flanders. In that case,
the divisions with which American
units have been brigaded will be
given front line duty in quiet sec
tors for a time until the Americans
are seasoned to trench warfare.
Thereafter the divisions undoubted
ly will be used wherever the course
of battle takes them. The Ameri
cans are a part of the British army
until it shall seem wise to withdraw
thorn for service directly under
Gen. Pershing.
Graduation portraits are an es
sential part of the graduation pe
riod because of their sentimental and
historical value.
We are specialists in .graduation
portraiture and n.s we can assure
vou of highly artistic and satisfac
tory result?, we solicit an opportun.
ity to serve you. The McDonald
Studio. Adv.
Ic the man who buys one of our
standard makes of watches. This
jewelry' store has established a rep
utation for having the moat reliable
vratches made, and years of Exper
ience where the utmost accuracy in
v.atches is demanded qualifies js
to know what a good watch is and
how to repair and adjust It to your
satisfaction ID tu 257c discount on
vatches this month. Chas. M.
Schuell. 218 South Michigan st.
The large depositor and the small
depositor receive the same courtesy
and respectful service at this bank.
We put forth our best efforts to
make dealing here a pleasure. We
ask you to favor us with your tank
ing business, whether it is little or
much. No account Is too large
none too small to receive our good
attention. Merchants National
Bank. Advt.
Broken glasses duplicated. No
fancy prices. 230 S. Michigan it.
i 32 1-20 Advt.
Holy hour. Wed
S o'clock. Sunday
:'-ss at XW and
10:00 a. m.
SL Joph'a Hill st. and Laal at.
P.itri-k J. Carroll. C. S. C.. pastor. L'vr
: ni;irf at :.' anl 9:0o a. m. High
' mass at 10 x0 a. m. Pt nedlction at 3 qj
p. m.
Sacred Heart Beljclan 1 125 W. Thom
as st. Rev Charles V. Fischer, pastor.
Mass at 7 :VJ aud U:.".d a. u. Sunday
chojl at 2Z0 p. Reuedlctlon at 3 i)j
p. S3.
St. Msry of the Holy Itosarv. Tollsh
National CathnMe Hev. Hisil Sychfa.
P-stor. Sundays: First mnss .it 00 a'
'.; l.lgh mass ar'd sermon at 10:0u a.
a.; Sunday school at 2.00 p. a.
mer Auditor of estate William O'
Brien and Mrs. Harry R. Mc.Mullen
of Aurora, Ind.. have received mes
sages of congratulation of state and
national committees of the third
Liberty loan for their work in plac
ing Dearborn county at the head of
the list of Indiana counties in the
last drive. Mrs. McMullen deliver
ed ten speeches to mass meetings
throughout the county and was one
of the most active workers of the
woman's f-ection of the Liberty loan
Mrs. McMullen is a former resi
dent of .South Bend. he is the
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew J. Jaquith of this city.
ANDERSON. Ind., May 1?. J.
H. Mellett. democratic mayor of
Anderson for five years past, re
signed last night. In a special session
cf the city council Mellett stated
he resigned because his business
interests demand his attention. He
was succeeded by William J. Black,
former sheriff of Madison county,
who was appointed city controller
yesterday, apparently in order that
he should automatically succeed
Charles E. Smith, who resigned
as city controller yesterday when
he learned that Black was to be
appointed, refused appointment as
city controller last night. Mayor
Black said he had no further ap
pointments to make and that there
would be no immediate changes in
the administration. Mellett s
credited with saying he has offers
in a business way at Indianapolis
and elsewhere and that eventually
he may leave Anderson.
YOU'LL nr: strnrrusED
To see the wonderful display we
carry In automobile supplies. There
Is nothing of any particular Import
ance you will not find here, and we
want you to know our prices are
right down where you like to eee
them. We have only the best and
we believe we can fill your wants
satisfactorily. Twentieth Century
Garage. Phone M66. AdvL
Is built complete and rady for
service, being equipped with a stake
or express body, according to your
choice. Al?o with a bow top to
protect driver from the weather.
It's ready for Immediate action and
will show you a profit from the very
day It starts work. South Bend
Republic Truck Co.. 315 E. Jeffer
con blvd. Bell phone 2030. Advu
We h&ve everything in the farm
implement line. Before you buy
come In and look over our stock.
You M not only save time but money.
for oar prices are right down where
you like to see them. No trouble to
show or demonstrate our goods.
Come and talk It over. Llndahl
Bros.. 515-517 S. Michigan at.
j South Bend Markch
(Corrected Dally by J. AV. Hurrell, starr
Mills, Hydraulic Av.)
WIG! AT Paying $2.dO per In.
(ATS lNi vlug sOo; eeillug ?l per bu.
RYE Paving. SI) bu.
P. RAN" Selling. $1.00 per hundred.
MIDDLINGS Selling. 'c2 per hundred.
CHU1TLD FLLl Selling, :iCO per
SCRATCH FLKD Sellin?. $4 per ewt.
(Corrected Dallv hy the Wealey Miller
Flour ami Feel Co., 420 i. Mich
igan St.)
HAY Paving, : selling. $i" to ?30.
STRAW Paying. $10 per ton; selling.
75o per bale.
OATS paving. 'AU-; selling. SI. 10.
SHLLL CORN Paying. $1.70;. selling.
100, selling.
TIMOTHY SLED Paying. $1 per bu.;
belling. $4..V per bu
ALFA LA F SFLD ( Montana grown)
selling, ?ir per bu.
CLnVF.K SKKD-Paying. 20 bu.; sell
ing. $22
SOL ULANS Soiling. $4.75 lj.
CUW PL'AS Selling. 170 bu.
(Corrected Daily by Major Bro., S. Lo
ran St.. MlsbawaUa.)
IH:AVV FAT ST FLICS Fair to good,
7; v; iirime. l5M0c.
HOCS- looiits lbs.. I.V.; 120130 lbs.,
lC4c; loli) lbs.. lGc; Kl2i.0 lbs..
(Corrected Dally by F. XV. MuHIer,
1. .Jeaernn nnua
VEUFTAMLFS New southern pota
toes. 10c lb.: old potatoes, paying.
selling. s.V bushel.
I'ICITT oranges, esse. $7.ftG; elling.
lorr;s) per doz. ; lemons, case, $4$"?,
seUing. iak"(Ti$1.20 doz.
RFTTF.R ÄND VM 4S Creamery but
ter, paying. 43e; selling. 4Sc; ggs. 32c;
selling, ilöo dox.
(Corrected Dalyl by Warner Lros. Seed
Store. 114 K. Wa ns !M-
T I M ( )T 1 1 Y 4 2Gi $4.75.
l:i:i CLOVFR- $l$22.
ALSIKL-fl4 yi'n.X).
swi:irr Lovi:R-$ir,5i$i5.
COW PR AS $4 75TJ7.
r.i.n: cjrass 54.
FIlhLD PL AS 4 30Ö $5 73.
M I LLFTT -"."'.'O $-1.73
; i: r m a n mil li:t-?3 57 .:;75
J A P A N I I : M I L L irr- e 2 :T2 $3.
(Corrected Dally by Jlnuule's Market,
123 L. Jefferson ltlvtl.)
VFAL Paying. 17c; selling. 15Q3.V.
RLKF Roast. 3V: boiling. LM-; por
terhouse. joff'Xv; sirloin. 45'i3Cw.
HAM Paying. 2,.lvr. elllug. 3.3c.
LARD Paying. 2S-. selling. 32o.
1 ISH.
(Corrected Daly by the F.twood Fish
Poultry and Sea I'ood Market. XV.
VVashlnfton Av.)
FRIhSII FISH Dr. No. 1 sin iked sal
mon. 32c Ib.; white fish. 22V.C lb.:
fan- y salt maiherel. 224c ib.: bloaters. 2
to 3 lbs. each. 2 lb.; boneless salt cod
fish. 'Jv lb.: Finnan haddie. l'JVir. ; Lake
Superior givernment suggeitlotig : Brill
l.'i'c; sable fish or hlads cod. l?s4c; L?r
ring. 12 c.
TALLOW-:', rough.
Dcat say you aw It la th
!cvspaper. Say News-Tlmci
Buv War. .
Corset Demonstration
All Next Week
We are pleased to announce to our
patrons a demonstration of the noted
Bon Ton Corsets.
Arrangements with the Royal
Worcester Corset Company have
made it possible to obtain Miss
Blaney, expert corsetiere, who has
had wide experience in corset fitting
both from a fashion and surgical
Visit our Corset Dept. and review
the new and beautiful Bon Ton
These advertisers are experts in their line, and worthy
this directory up for ready reference.
t H A
Cast z Au Much
Makes It Necessary to Economize.
Let Us Save You 80 of Your Footwear Bills.
3 Qualiiy Shoo Repair
i3oN.Michiqan St.
We Fix Watches Right
Jewelery Repaired and Remodeled
coitsirr HOSPITAL.
l irst (lass Altering and Repair
Modi-rate Fharjies.
Maternity Attachments Put in Old
or Ne'v Corsets. $1.00.
xtj noxi: COHSITT SHOP
Reil Phono 3 HU. Horn- Phone
1321 8. Miehlcan St.. Ground 1'Ioor.
All Werk
Ionc by
Exrcrt and Guaranteed
il. A. CinoSlI, 22 Y. Wah..
Interior Decoration
Wall Paper
Picture Frames
The I. W. Lower Dec. Co.
Your Tiro Troubles are our
trouble. Always at your serv
ice. See Uh! IYcc Air! S IM
A. Sfhulx-Tt, Iroj.
Ill W. Colfax Av. II. I. 8293.
Holland Pumare
make wann friend..
Ask your nclshbor.
rm w J. M. GiblKin-:. Ascnt.
301 i:. Ivslie Ao.
II. Phone 8"79.
Union Trust Company
Sf Deposit Boxes with ipecUl
facil!x!a Tor ths privacy of cub
torner. UNIOK SHOE CO.
233 S. Michigan St
Robertson BubTiifeCoiPANY
Business 'WÄLrrPi
Hours: . y&$r$ J
f 1
Ii V
U2 ,efferson Blvd Phones: Bell 610; Home 5610
Picture Framing to Order.
Wall Paper anil Paints
Repairing a Specialty
114 H. Jefferson P.Iv.l
Home Phone
Agentu for C,;:t V. z- Purr.
All kiuds ilfsicl awl i't;. i r"l.
:27 Lin'oln Way W. II. P. 5HI
TIH2 A,:t'' TIn R
t r v a d o l
new. We Löjw
V w
l--pt Prl'--s.
ft'. :; V ' A TIHF MltM"
X Midi. St
P ; c y c e :-
f-old unl
rf-,r Ü: t d.
t t ri i l
A P f
9 rv: i n r an do
k .... i . . .
your work right and rt.i.-or.:ible.
Home SC l. Hell l.lio
M. T
hi:novatok or i im:s and gi:.ts hats.
j:ti i:. lasai.li: AVi-:.
A Jewelry Store for All
the People
illchlsTJua. Near Wasldngton.
Seed cruJ Farm Machincrr
IU Z. Wares St
S:3" to 5:30
Saturday 9 JO.
W7e Have a New
Service for You
Possibly you wish to
make up your own gar
ments, but have some
trouble in cutting the gar
ment needed.
Mrs. Wiley of mir pat
tern dept. will help you.
She will cut and tit any
garment when the mater
ials are bought at our
Charges for this serv
ice Suits, Coats and
Dresses, SI each. Skirts,
5oc and 75c.
of your patronage. Paste
The biet Tire Repair Shop in the city.
Taylor made Iiis "Rep" by repairing Auto Tires.
All work done by expen. All work guaran
teed. Bring in your Tire.
Who is he?
He's the guy that put
"Weld" in We'lding. He
welds everything that
is weldable" Bring in
your cracked or broken
auto parts.
124 S. St. Joe St.
jnii i)'t r-r
f;:.isns'- M.Miv all-'r-r
i:.'iits .'irr n . I ' y-s;?si;'
I'.V V c.'l k i'e i i"
1 rlv ntfed' ulas-
"' 1. t m ,1 T;l -
i if .oir --s
:'.:, J s. yihh. st.
Holl 17 IT.. Hon.e r.nCj.
M.t h!r.. ,::pht .f H.iTf rsf'k.
t).- "W!. r :M!. n 1 v.rv little
r ;airi;.L. but he tt- iii w hat he
't;.e;s n-i!.
Wo ran ilur.llrnt r Tcric or other
2.'.t South Michigan St.
If your Ad was hers,
ethers would see it. Call
News-Times and Ad man
will call cn you.
vor git mvi.i:
PIH)i: 2M0.
The Latest m
139 S. Michigan St.
a Bargain Shoe at

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