OCR Interpretation

South Bend news-times. (South Bend, Ind.) 1913-1938, November 03, 1919, EVENING EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

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Mr. and Mrs. Iteerher Carr, 42j
s. St. Joseph st., f nUrtalncd with aj
family dinner Sunday honorlnj: Mr.
and Mm. IMward Miller, who were
married recently, ("overs were
placed for 12, the out of tovn truest
heinp Mr. am! Mrs. J. J. I'.oroth. Mr.
anl Mrs. J. 1 f. 1 Wroth and Miy
Hazel Ik-roth of Ix-pansport, Ind. A
color fchrm1 of yellow and white
wni rarrird out in the appointments
of the table which was rr ntered
w ith chrys inthrmum.. Mrs. Miller
Wlb form rly Mts Hernie- Carr.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. K. Nash, 70S x. ,
St. Jose ph St., who will le ivf Tu h- '
dav mornlnrr to make th'ir homo in
Nashville, Tonn-, w re honor puest.-?
at n farewell party pivep. T-riday
nicht by the Modern Mothers' rlub.
Tlirt wer L'i quests and the even
inp wa .vpent socially and with mu-
a!c. lief rcshments wrre served :
tui:siay. j
The Woman's Guild of St.
.Fames' (
npUcopal chnxch will hold a meet-'
inp at the hom of Mrs. Thomas
Urandon. 10 H Lincoln way W.. at)
o'clock. A report of the triennial
convention held recently at Detroit!
will he pivrn by Bishop John Ilazenj
The members of the art depart
ment of the South Hond Woman's
club will meet in the club rooms.
The Delta Alpha Sunday school
class of the First Urethren church
will hold a meeting.
The members of the W. C. T. V.
will hold .an Important meetinp at
the home of Mrs. Ada Parnard. GOi
Cottage Grove av.
The Indies' auxiliary of the Order
of Eastern Star will meet in the club
An all-day meetinp of the past
chiefs' association of the Pythian
sisters will be held at the home of
Mrs. Cecilia IJurlow, 71 3 Portale a v.
The repular meeting: of the Anten
W. It. C, So. 14, will be held in the
old court house.
. The Married Folks' Pnncinp cluh
will open the season with a dance In
the Indiana club rooms. i
Mrs. Herbert Mylotts. 20." Ponn-j
5ylvanla av., will entertain the Wo
man's Missionary society of the In-:
(liana Avenue Christian church. j
The mothers' department of the
Progress club will hold a meeting at j
r.:30 o'clock. Dr. P. C. Traver will j
talk on "The Value of Sex IMuca
tion," and Mrs. Owen Windle will j
have charge of the children's story!
hour. j
The I.a Kota Wajons will be en-!
tertained by Miss Fsther Van Der,
Karr, at her home, 72P. Hlaine av. j
-Mrs. K. W. Sykes. 1013 K. Madi-j
son st., will he hostess at a meeting1
of the I,adies Aid society of the Tri
nity Presbyterian church.
Mrs. George Wy man's Pible class
will meet at the Y. W. C. A. at 3
Members of the "Washington club'
will be entertained by Mrs. Knott
at the home of Mrs. Georpo O'P.rien,
122 S. Chapin st.
Kev. nnd Mrs. Fred H. Koehne-
laann. .ill . wayne si., win enier-,
tain members of the Hp worth leapuo!
.f the German Methodist church at!
the repular monthly dinner Tuesday)
niu'ht. A literary and social meeting
will follow the dinner. j
vniM:siAY. j
The Crntennial club will hold a
meetinp: at the home of Mrs. I L.
Zears. T.ll 12. Indiana av. J
The history department of the
Progress club will meet in the club,
Tlx- Shakespeare circle will be en-'
tertained by Mrs. V. II. F.ulet. 4 1 7 1
S. Main si.
.Mrs. Walter Derr. ."12 N. Fafayette
' Ivd.. will be hostess at a meeting
if the Wednesday club. ;
The W. C. Sunshine club will be
ntertalned by Mrs. W. H. Itoettehcr,'
7;.s Sherman a v. !
The members of the Clay and liar-'
ri Home Fconomics club will meet
at the home of Mrs. Van Kue. 1M-!
wardsburp rd. i
The current events department of
the South Fend Woman's club will.
hold a meeting.
The history department
of the
ProuToss cltiU will nipf t in tho club
lnop.iM at o'Al o'clock.
Tirriisi ay.
Mr. hU North, 11 : . No?re Pame
a v.. will J.e hrstos- at a meeting of.
The Thursday club. i
Mrs. Julia lane will entertain t Ii o (
members of the Circle of Mercy. ;
The Woman's Foreirn Missionary'
society of the Stull M. F. church will
bold its regular nutting at the home
..f Mrs. II
Kattt rlirinrtb. 271
Main ?L
The Iidies' Aid society
iir.i.niwav Kvanceacal rnun li will
nie t at the home of Mrs. William
Goehel. .".OS Walnut st.
The Indies' Aid society and the
Woman's M isior ary soci ty of the
First Kv.ineeü'Ml church wil hold a
j.dnt meeting at the home of Mrs.
T. Smith. Fowman st.
The Woman's Fore-cn
M irvsj. ,j ;-j rv
society of the Grac
will hold a meetinsr
M. F. church
in the churidi
Th Woman's Missionary society
f the First Prethren church will
meet at the church.
The C. W. U M 'f the Firs!
liristian church rill m-et with Mrs.
.J Poland Witwa f. 2 ".2 0 Mishawak i
The. Horn' and Foreign Missionary
society of the First M. F. ih.;rch will
met at the church.
Fadbs' Aid .-c:-ty of the llolv
Trir.ity Fnglish Futlo r.m church
uill meet in the church parlors.
Th- Fadis auxiliary of tlie Trni-
t- F. chiucli .;11 io'd a
at the heme
Mr.-. Fi rt
Social Calendar
the Ladie. Aid society of the Grace
Kvanpellcal churrh.
Tho office force of OTJrien Varnish
Co.. will entertain with a dancinp
party at Melville hall.
The Folyanaa circle of the Trinity
M. YZ. churrh will hold a meeting.
Mrs. C. H. Meyers. 719 W. Wash
ington av.. will entertain the mem
bers r f the I,adleV Missionary socie
ty of tho First Prrshyterlan church.
The Worth AVhile circle of th
First M. K. church will meet with
Mrs. C. K. Kaehel. 2 4 Forest av.
The Woman's Missionary society
of th" Westminster Presbyterian
church will meet in the church par
lors. Section two of the literature de
parfrnent of the Progress club will
hold a merlin p in the club rooms.
The School Men's Wives will hold
a meeting.
- I
Miss I.eota Odell, 78 N. Cushinp'
st.. spent Sunday in Chieapo.
II. I. Yt-rriek, 2 Fj S. St. Joseph!
st. returned Friday nUht from a'
two weeks' trip which included Nor
folk. Va.. win re he attended the
convention of the National Humane
oeiejy, Washington. D. C, Klmyia, '
X. Y., and Akron, O. ,
Kitchen Economics
six ways to mam: ni.i.ii lors
i.r.Nni lio.v samvi::iii:s.
If you have rnoie than two lunch
bo s to put up each day it's a wisx
plan to have available large quan
tity recipes for many sandwiches-.
Here are a number which can be
made with little difliculty. and
whih are quite sure to b- well
I'g and Sardine Kniulwielies.
3 tablespoonf uls of melted butter.
10 sardines
.1 hard-cooked eggs.
2 tablespoonf uls of prated chees
1 traspoonful of curry powder.
1-2 teaspoonful of lemon juice.
Salt to taste.
Frown bread.
Hone the sardines, mix well with
eggs, cheese and one tablespoonf ul
of butter. Mix remaining butter with
curry powder, lemon juice, and salt
to taste. Cut some thin brown bread,
spread with curry mixture and layer
of sardine paste.
Celery and K-rg.
2 oupfuls of chopped celery.
1 cupful of mayonnaise.
4 hard -cooked eggs.
Put the celery and egg through
the food chopper, using finest cut
ter. Add mayonnaise, and.salt if
necessary. Spread between thin
slices of buttered bread.
Minced Meat Sandwiches.
2 cupfuls of finely chopped left
over cooked meat-
1-2 teaspoonful of salt.
1-2 cupful of salad dressing.
Dash of cayenne.
Dash of celery salt.
Season the meat, add the dressing
anil beat well. Spread thin slices of
bread with the chicken.
Faked Ilean and Ix-ttucc .Sand
wiches. Press three cupfuls of cold baked
cans through a sieve. Spread bread
with butter, cover with a lettuce
leaf, cover lettuce with beans and
sprinkle beans with chopped mus
tard pickle. Cover with a second
piece of buttered bread. Frown
bread or any dark bread may be
Pimento Choose Sandwiches.
2 tablespoonfuls of butter.
1 cupful of diced cheese.
1 teaspoonful of cornstarch.
H tablespoonfuls of milk.
1 teaspoonful of salt
1 can of pimentoes.
Paprika to taste.
Graham bread.
Put the cheese into a double boil
er. Add butter, cornstarch, milk, salt
ami paprika to taste and stir and
cook until smooth, then add pimen
toes cut into small pieces. Spread
between buttered slices of graham
Hero are some sandwich fillings
which can be made a day or so be
fore, put in Rlass jars and used aa
IJver Sandwich I illiiiir.
1 cupful of rice-
1-2 cupful of chopped, cooked
Parsley, mace, grated lemon rind.
2 tablespoonf uls of shortening.
r.oil the rico In plenty of hot
water to which tho salt, mace and
a dash 'f grated lemon peel have
been added. When tender, drain and
add the chopped liver. Chopped
ham may be used instead, if pre
ferred, pack in a glass jar and
spread when cold on thin slices of
Any cold meat like ham. bits of
chicken, veal or parts of a roast
may be chopped, mixed with euouuh
boiled dressing to make a thick
paste, and then packed in jars. If
kept in a odd place it will remain
fr-sh for some time, and it is de
cidedly convenient to have sandwich
tillincs accessible at any time
ti:chi:ils wii.f n:irr.
The teachers f the kindergarten
dep. rtm nt of the public schools
will meet at the school administra
tion building Tuesday afternoon at
'i lock.
Iloilltnr Hcef . . . lc
Peef Pot Koat 1-r
Sirloin and Shrt Steak 1h
ts l.
T. H. H . court No. 4 1. will give a
cid. partv and dance at Feyler hall
Tued Nov. 4. 7711-4 Advt.
Patronlrfi the advertir he
h there to serve you.
Revelations of a Wife
Their Second Honeymoon
why mapgi: TitANsrj:mu:i
hi;h iu.cmx) .to a yi:h-
The vacuo menace I had sensed
when 1 factd the crowd of Teu
tonic celebrants in tho inn dining
loom .-cerned to hover over me all
through the elaborate luncheon
which I had oidered because of my
wish to have plenty of time to
watch the metamorphosed windmill.
That any one of the group of per
sons at the J.et table could cheer
fully haw wrung my nec: I was
ure' Their !a s were dark and
lowering, the f"w glances I encoun
tered hostile, although they were
car ful to keep their cjes averted
fr on m.
1:1 hadn't boon so uneasy I could
lrr laughed at the painful prcci-.-on
and diction of their I7n?lish.
Th were evidently trying- to eras'-'
the iipp: ssion of gabbling guttural
which I hail bend when I !ut
ltpp.d into the dining room. And
their conversation was as innocuous
as Fiat to be ilea'. . I at a child's Idrth
day palt.
The woman iu h se blo.;s 1 had
seen the edge of the German llag
wre tutiud away from In r to tuck
peej.'in-', had evidently seized the
üisl opportunity when my eyes
the emblem completely out of sight.
At an rate, no ve.sliue of it ,as to
ee .neu when next I looked at her.
but if the glance of an eye could
.-lay I should neer have iinishe,! my
A Disconcerting Thought.
I tried to Pers ia le melf that the
'ague terror I felt cvteping over me
was only a figment of my imagina
tion. The black look f the people at
the next table didn't alarm me. Hut
the fact that the ft rret-faccd youth
who had consulted his notebook and
showed it to his neighbor had left
the dining room a few moments later
did disturi) mo. I was obsessed with
the idea that his patent excitement
when he had looked over the writ
ten pages had concerned me.
The voice of the waiter at my el
bow made me start. In his hand he
held a tray with an uncorked bottle
of wine and a glass.
"Mme. Hofer's compliments, " he
raid, boAing. "She says this is wine
of her own making."
"Put I never drink wine." The
words rose to my lips, then some
thing stayed them.
"Please thank Mme. Ilofer for
A. Recipe for Popularity
cl y winircd Black
What in the world Is the matter
with all the girls?
I have had IS letters from girls
this .week and they are all about
wanting to be popular. Not wanting
to be successful, not wanting to bo
wise, not wanting to be kind, not
wanting to be good, not een want
ing to be happy just wanting to be
" h. if I could only be popular,"
writes one girl. "I'd give 10 years of
my life if I could go into a room
at a party and have everybody glad
to see me. My sister can. She isn't
pretty and she Isn't especially
blight, but everybody's just craz
about her old men and boys and
college youths and fellows just out
of high school. Fven the women like
her. She is awfully nice. I know,
but I don't see what it is about her
tht makes her so many friends."
"Won't you please tell me how to
be popular?" writes another girl. "I
am young and not unattractive. I
wear good clothes and I am a good
dancer, nothing special, of course.
but better than a good many girls I
know, but no men tight get a look
at my dance program first.
"Do the girls all stop powdering
their noses when I come into the
dressing room at a party and say,
'Oh. there you are! I was afraid you
v.eien't coming!'? They dtAmt.
SI in pi v Thought f wines.
"They just look at me to se what
dress 1 am wearing and how 1 have
got my hair dne and they smile
and say 'Good evening.' and then
go on talking to ach other. As far
os they are concerned 1 simply don't
. Mist.
h, yes. I get plenty of partners.
I have a very popular brother and
h i-ees to that, but nobody is just
crazy to dance with me because
I'm just me.
"What can I do to make myself
more popular?"
Dear me, child, if I only had a
recipe for popularity I'd be a mil
lionaire' in a week.
Hut, whisper, there's (me sure wav
of making yourself interesting to j
man. woman or child
No, you don't have to scintillate, j
you don't have to blush, you. don't;
have to rtattr not reallv in so :
many words. All ou have to do is to:
talk to everyone you know, not,
about your .-iff airs or about what I
int rests you, but about their affairs'
and what interests them. j
They are all vulnerable on that j
one point, every man in the world, j
old and young, rich and poor, grave
ami gay and most women.
Look at a man, not as if you wer
trying to be popular, but as if you;
Tiev-r in your life saw anybody
unite so interesting and so fascinat-,
ing before. j
Get him to talking about himself ;
;:r.d hi- club or his school or his,
business, and when he makes u joke
me," I said, "and b-ave the wine. 1
don't care for it with this course. I
will Tve myself '..iter."
With a .sudden impulse, the origin
of which I did not stop to analyze, I
raised my eyes swiftly, unexpectedly,
and looked at the people at the other
"able. Every pair of eyes ther was
gazir.g at me intently, and I fancied
! saw a ten.-ity of expectation in
What it all meant I dldn'.t know.
Tile thought that the wine might b
.rugged crossed my mind, but 1
laughed at myself even as I thought
of it. the idea seemed so wildiy melo
dramatic. Where's Pete?
A whimsical recollection of Tom
Sawyer and the crack in the lloor
.hieh he fed with pain killer dash
ed 'into my mind in the utterly in
comprehensible way in which fanc
ies come. Hut it stayed with me. 1
wondered if in some way 1 couldn't
pretend to drink the wine and then
watch carefully th actions of Mme.
Hof r and her gue;s.
SV.ch a trick was impo.--ible. how
ever, under the furtive watching
eyes of the men and women at the
other table. I thought hard for a
morntnt, then summoned the waiter,
hovering m-ar.
"I think I would like to finish my
dinner at one of the little tables on
the eranda," I said, giving as good
an imitation a.-- 1 could of a hoiv 1
woman with a sudden caprice to
gratify. "Please take the wine out
thtre. and bring my and ber-
ri-s and coffee to me there."
I handed him a piece of silver as
I spoke. His show of gratitude
didn't hide the consternation in his
"1 am afraid madame will not be
comfortable out then.-." he stam
mered. "I will be the judge of that." I re
turned, curtly. "Please bring the
things at once."
Conscious that every eye was fol
lowing me, I preceded the disap
proving waiter to the veranda., re
solving to choose a table which
should not be directly beneath a
window. Thre was another reason
for my decision to transfer the loca
tion of my tabic than my wish to
camouflage my abstinence from
Mme. Hofer's wine. I had a dis
tinct longing for the sight of Pete's
punishing jaw and powerful frame.
Hut when I reached the veranda
Pete was nowhere to be seen.
laugh as if you never heard any
thing so funny in your life.
Don't "put it on" and don't pre
tend. Mean it! You can if you try
hard enough.
Get out of yourself and forget
yourself. Don't mention your own
business or your own likes and dis
likes or even your own friends, if
you can help it.
Try These Ingredients.
"Watch the popular girl and you'll
see that the old ladies like her be
ccuse she listens and .acts interested
when they talk about their rheu
matism and the old gentlemen likej
her because she asks them ques
tions about the early days when they
could have bought the place where
the town hall stands for $2f.
The girls like her because she
likes to hear about what he said,
and how he looked and what she
was wearing when he said it.
The men like her the dancing
men because it Isn't hard for her
to laugh and it isn't hard for any
man to dance with her.
N, you don't have to be a flirt
to be popular. Yoü can just be a
nice. good-natured, licrht-hearted
girl who enjoys living and isn't
ashamed to show it.
Come out of your shell and un
lock the door of your prison. Every
body's lonesome, really, just as
lonesome as you ate. Make it your
business to cheer them up and you'll
be so popular you'll have to put in
an extension on the family tele
phone to give anybody else a chance
at all.
i mos., mu s.
Holling Hcvf 10c
lleef Pt Ilojist
Sirloin and Short Steak
. . i '2c
... lSe
At Wheelock's
Artificial Fruit for
Table Centers
George H. Wheelock & Company
have been straightened out, "but I
did not go to him."
Hold to Story.
'"We have told the police and the
officials of the corporation all we
know about this thing, and we are
still willing to do all we cm to help
settle this matter," said Mr. Good.
"We have told the truth, and we
are going to continue to tell the
"1 am willing to sign nr.y affidavit
the corporation officials want me to
sign." said Konnott. "That is. any
affidavit that contains the truth," he
conditioned. "I have already signed
one affidavit telling about the burn
ing of the 2 2 bonds, and I am will
ing to do everything I can."
Men Not Despondent-
P.oth men were clear-eyed. Neith
er si emed despondent, but both ap
peared to realize the seriousness of
their present situation- Hoth were
chaned shaved and neatly dressed,
although Knnett had discarded his
coat. Mr. Good had the appearance
f a successful business man wholly
out of p!nc- behind the bars. Ken
bet t secrm-d sincere wlun he de
clared that he is willing to aid the
corporation and police ollicials in
completely unraveling the bond
"I am glad we did not nt any
laon.y uu' of it." commented Mr.
Good, "it us hI to worry me a great
deal, and I often thought about the
money I thought I was going to get.
and 1 often wondered if tho money
wuald really do me any ood."
Hoth men seemed grateful to the
police for tho way in which their
arrest w as handled. Tin. y wanted to
s. the oewspapers. They ):l not
see;; ;i piper since their arrest early
Thursday morning.
(Coxtincrd r;:oM pa on one.)
Mishawalca business man, coming
there from Goshen in 1517 to suc
ceed poss Martin as manager of tho
Mishawaka Dairy Co. He was born
in Flue Island, 111.. Oct. 14, 1SS6. and
was 33 years old. On Nov. 1, 1012.
lie was married to Miss Jennie Shaf
fer, who survives him. He also
haves two children, Flizabeth Mary,
4 years old, and Martha Ann, four
months old.
Funeral services will be held Wed
nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
tho residence and will be private.
Few Dr. F. Karle Parker, pastor of
the Methodist Kpiseopal church will
officiate. Friends may view the body
at the F. F. Coats fuiernl home up
until Tuesday evening at S o'clock.
Hurial will be in the Klkhart ceme
Judge Walter A. Funk, after an
absence of over a week, resumed his
duties on the bench in circuit court
Monday and cases were continued.
Judge Funk has been suffering from
an attack of bronchitis.
This week will mark the close of
the September term of the circuit
court and after a week's vacation
the November term will start.
October has been a big month at
the Y. M. C. A. A great number of
mcmbors having taken advantage of
the classes, baths and swimming
pool. The number participating in
the gym classes for the month has
been 2.226, those using the baths
4.004 and those the swimming pool
numbering 1.727.
to mi:i:t wi:im:sday.
The municipal recreation commit
tee will meet at the school adminis
tration building Wednesday even
ing. The civic federation will meet
at the same place Friday evening.
Sec the big window displays of
book bargains at The Hook Shop.
At Wheelock's
The attraction of your table is
immeasurably enhanced by this new
method of dressing the center.
Peaches, Pears, Apples, Bananas
and Oranges in their natural colors,
at $1.00 each.
Large clusters of Grapes in red or
purple, at $2.75 per cluster.
& -
Dressmakers, home-sewers and others will find much to admlro in th'.. spe, ;a:
offering. The staples nr.d fancies of the season are all here, und we have ! id a t-
make the rrlce as attractive as the goods. It is a w onderfully complete . h:biti :i of
new fabrics, and you are Invited to make the most of it.
,"C In. Mossrilines,
extra l;eavy iu:tl
itv. In all the fail
T.G in. henry cpiality
new Ibolium TntlcteM.
.4.eO values. -S"', a'd
r.r.da. l.envr S;it!n in
all the desired tenes,
SZ.'J and '.ä yard.
All hade in 40da
extra heavy Charmeuse,
si aO nnd .ä '..".
Crepe de Cldries
in eolors. Inchblir?
the soft venini:
shades ; w 1 1 t I. s
ranging from .".:' in.
t m hi.: prices
Sl.aO to Sä.."J yard.
A beautiful ipiality
-f 40 In. extra heavy
Crepe-Meteor In imv.v
;uid black. 4 ") yard
40 hi. extra
M:k Cre;e d
4.r0 yard.
Pr evuiinir gowr.
-JO-In. beautifully .1-
i!rned Pussy Willow
Silks. Sö.äO.
I '.sjlavuicr n n e w
line . f hl.i-k silks, ln
i luded in the la rge
showing are Trio-
l.-tfes. S' 00 to ?iV;ä yd.
Tub Silks for men's
Fhlrta and women's
Mej-es, 7a). ?J 00 :in!
SJ r.o y ;ird. ITi-tty pat
"2 In. Tiir Silk in i
heavy vrofidhth qual
ity; a shirt lcn-b- "f
this ".k would rend!
at lä.o) or .1i.
Price of tlds silk is
." eo nnd s:i..V yard.
-l' in. benutifnl print
ed all -dik Voiles. Sj.'.r,
to 1.00.
You can hear the
jingle of the dif
ference between
our price and the
high rent district
price in your own
Walk a couple
of blocks and bank
the difference.
326-28 S.Michigan St.
"OM -.NI KI.LUHT-r."
Don't wall lutil the prlep go
up. Iluy now. If vou l.nvfn't the
money wp'11 furnl-h It and on
terms" that will ra" .vo,t ta ,)0r
row. Loans on I'urnlture, Piano,
Autos, etc. Payments arranged
your v.'av.
Capital ä0.0O0.00
3 Merrhtnt' IUnk liblc.
t31 S. Mlrhican üt.
Liberty Bonds
Wc p&y up to $.3.."0 cash for
bonds, nccrned intercut al
lowetfl! Ve buy War Stamps.
Open 8:30 a. ip. to 8 p. m.
423 J. M. S. Bids., 4& Floor.
1 I Vv
c ' UO) --
------- j iE h-svr, ,i l.iHi
and Dress
lAi'; "F:.y, - IV'
24-in. wonderful Velour Velvets in
Fall color.4?. S2.00 yard. A bargain at
this price.
..'-in. Velour Velvets in all the cd
ors of Autumn, ?4-0 yard.
40-in. Chiffon Velvets in all colors,
in a large variety; prices 55.95 to
f'.t.ii5 yard.
Also a big line of 30-in. Plushes.
?7.".0 to $18.00 yard.
M'-l: h A.J
uvxi -.r.nrzp. n
Ttiz. üniGtirzGr spot r tqwn
Aeolian-Vocalion Iiecords nrr positively wnndcrtul-
For over four years a youns
(Jreek in America had not heard
from his aped mother, who lived in
Constantinople. KaL-erly he watched
the mails for a letter. Month after
month he .ent her money for food
and clothir.fr, but never knew
whether she received it or not.
Four years passed without a word
from his dear old mother and he
was frantic with srief. and de.spair.
Then the war ended and he hasten
ed home on the first boat that sailed
for Constantinople to find out if his
mother was still alive.
The terrible strain of the .var his
affected nearly everyone. American
fathers and mothers have suft'ered it:
silence, waiting day and niftht for
some word from their boys far atay
in the army.
Thousands of foreipn-born Ameri
cans have waited in vain for a let
ter from their father, mother, sister
or brother across the sea in war
torn Kurope. Grief gripped their
hearts when they thought of their
loved ones cold, lnin;iy and despair
inc: amid their ruined homes and
the praves of their dead.
How could they lauph when they
were sick at heart? How could
they help prievimr as Tay after day
went by and no letter came. The
mother, whose sr-n was frri'iously
wounded and at the point of death
somewhere in France, could not po
to her hoy. fhe could but wait and
pray for him.
With th- clutch of fear at their
hearts and nerves strained to the
breakinp point, many fathers and
mothers have brawly smiled, but
the strain and suspense have broupht
the pray hairs, lowered their vital
ity, exhausted their strength and
undermined their health.
mvi: STOCK
Dollar I IonbIc Iuty.
Phone Main 1C1S
Union Tniit Company
- ',
4 ( t hi. fcilk .-1 n '1
W O I P. ;-Uli! th-
im!; r! iikah'e kirel :
:dl elnrs. $:'.iM RT. 1
'' ' y a rd.
.V, la. we-1 :Vi-
to-i s e r g k : grey .
brawn, r.itv. p.urc'in
,! v. Ci iia an '. b'..e k :
M p r yard
A lirr d?s;d-.v !
to in-'h Wo d rinMv
. 1 nnd $1 '.
4" in. nil w eel Pi
V-!n. rv!l wer.', rialds
V. in. c wcol X'lail.'-
r-'-tn nil wool Ve
lour Cheeks In a won
derful .pi.'dlty for faT!
and C-0 '.'".
Ma. all w-ool
e 1 o u i CostlEsr.
d. value, ? 4 V..
.Vein. Sil verton.
S.79ä yard.
.Vein, all wool Fuit-
4J in. all x ol French
Series, r.ary nnd black
or.lv, n1 value for
.V In. French Serge.,
"din. Sfr.rm Srg"s.
jf:t CO an.'. .O .V.
An ahnest nnl'.irdterj
sto k .f bhr k vo.!.-n
.".1 - in. r.re.eb iof h.
best M'ialltv. in all d
Ii -wer Fall olors.
.." . vard.
luar them.
A - . fjm i
Many soldiers hi3e returned
home to find that mothers, fathers,
sisters or brothers have broken
down under the terrible strain of
the war. Many have found vacant
chairs in the family circle when
they ame back from France. The
"tiu" has left thousands of people
weak and exhausted. They f a
if they never will pet their strenpth
l ack apain.
If you feel weal; and lack
strenpth, or are nervous, rundown,
tired out and exhausted Iti:LO. th
wonderful discovery of I r. A. I-.
Ueusinp, will renew your strength
and make rich red blood, vitalized
life-pivinp oxypen and tl- c U-salLs
that nature requires to rebuild th
exhausted nemo cells.
KKOJo has remarkable tonic and
strenptheninp qualities. It tones up
tho heart and nervous system, stim
ulates the appetite, aids dipestion
and sends through th entire body
stream of rich red blood, vitalized
with oxygen, that makes the cheek
plow. the eyes sparkle and the
whole body thrill with vipor and
RKOLO is sold in sealed packaf"
containing 100 tablet.---, sufficient for
two weeks' treatment. It only costs
one dollar a package and is Posi
tively Guaranteed to pive beneficial
results or we will pladly refund your
Thousands of people, who havp
lifn Hufferir.i? from nerv f train and
enervating diseases, have N:j r?
.- tored to health by I nr. Iteus.:r;a
wonderful formula.
RI)L) is sold in South F.eni.
Ind. . by "'entral Hrup Store, ar. 1 in
Mishn-waka by Ited Cross Pharmacy.
We arc manufacturers nr.J
distributors of absolutely
pure Artificial Ice and solicit
your patronage.
Artificial Ice. Co.
Main 2221
Lincoln 6123
223 S, MicKirLn Sl
at C-s i r i

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