Newspaper Page Text
H" BEND NEWS IT" edncsday's Circulation Morning Edition CI 20,5 16 mf.m nr.R . it. . VOL. XXXIX. NO. 334 SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1922 PRICE THREE CENTS .4 i t 1 SOUT iL JLlVJLJSJjkJ ill I NATION WATCHES NEBRASKA -IRISH GRIDIRON CLASH Noire Dame Football Machine Krache Lincoln in Ex- ! nur- i. im "in 111 cellent Condition. -,..., twwt"-f . L a v d c n in Paul (,astnrr s f Berth Cau.-cs Monev Ret- to Go to Even. rrohtl Llnfupt and Weight) fif- Ium Ntir.i'n .i;if. Carhorrj-. ls.1 .... Sohne-. 1, ) Left Kü 1 Ctton. l Wenke, l. tl T.ieklA I'.rortn. K-T Krqui.t, joo l.ffl 4u:ird Ileitn. v Peterson. K.7 'enter iM'r.-v. lte Ibi . t, 10) Ku-ht Oturd Otr-t. 'J2 "Writer. 210 KUht Tarkle Mnvl. !." S.herer. ITS lighi Kiel stu'dlreher. in Kium-II. 1". (r-.w!-y. I.V. Notl-. JsT I. f : Il.i:fhj.'k 1 1 ." Llewelyn, Mi) ltlgbt Half l ick Laycl-u. "Po Cud. Hartley. 17- ruin.irk r-mt; r;"n : I. lues Notre I.iiii' .V7: Neb risk.-.. 1V.. KuckflfKN N.-.?r iMiihs I.V. ?, 4 : N"eliraik:i. 1T.5 11. N'"tr 17:j 11; Nv!.r;ika. l I'.-U. M.Nv;rlA. N"b-. Nv. 2'J. (Spe-I c ; 1 1 . Thir preparations completed, j br-th Nebraska and Notre Ibune, two! of the srvato?-t gridiron machines in the middle west, awaited the start of ih- holiday battb tonight on even tertnf. The throng of football fnn i jn th ity pronoun d tumor-j low's clash a tossup. The L' opinion was that a break of the name, a dropped pun., perhaps, or rnayh an intercepted! forward pas--, would dcale- the an nual strub'i' iH'ti the !lahy FUht iin,' Iri.h take on the sturdy Corn huskcre :efore a capacity crowd. Menu Apionllnir. The Turkey Day foothill menu ;.s the iniwt tempting: that ha ever b"n offered on the local field and brine.- two eleven t't:ether which ai " poweriui in cnwrei umereui j I'tamtH of the game. Nebraska ; s has a heavy. cruhincr team while , th. Irish h't- a tricky .-quad at th!Mirt.s ,,f demilitarization be carri-a ' ,,:t,f !s hearty as that given Rep. vp-n game. lout in the.-e islands in the imc -rtsl I .Mndell. who in a tioing address. Where fans congregated tonight:, ,f general peace in the Near F. ist. 'pleaded with his party to stand be there waa littb batting. Thej Ismct Pasha, the chief Turkish hind the President and give the bill utaunchest Nebraka followers, who delecate. was not mit- satisfied with a sweeping majority. Mondell had off ted odd.- a month ago that Nc-jthr. bia-ka won:. I win by 20 points, were l:o where to i "found. In their - pl.iee wrrrt thoo who demanded even money or better. And this wo th fact de-p:te the knowledge that ;h Kfkn- f!.m i? without it two br.giifes. lunbnarif Patil Castner at d Tom l.i i. Irish at Mncidn. i 1...- ! het e today in !;nie for a drill this a ft erno.-n and pur. in more than n i i c ; rui.n'ng through f-ignals. L-iy- tie:-, k . c k . an.1 Ie(Ire did the and three howed wall j wet 9 j ICUei on Two. ) CHRISTIANS FLEE EASTERN WAR ZONE Koad Gonvcrginj: on Mark Sra and Meditrrrnnoan Arc Crowded With Fu-zitiio?. SAMSL'N. As i M.nor. No. . I IP. . P., --Although the Turk sh n;i!.i'ni!;-t gt unitnfht ba d. -dared ; that t Christians are not "ving o pei.rj fro'ii Asia M.uor. b,:t ir. b.avar.g of thf.r own o',:t .oti. t h e'xod'is of r.on -Mo"u ms io:.t;tuifi u :-! a ! t d . ' Uer ir 1 c nvcrging ujon t.e !V;ic at 1 Me: ne.t anean i-ct'.s l-'ynd -.ii'i'-ity with e-n; ;iar.'s w :i i a re tsffrin.g fr':u! t " - ..rfiu- .oil. Many are fr-"..-; ie.g to d'-rh "'n tii" d c .-: iw . A J . "c'".s tv ss.-. f;om ;:v : v rior. ' j..rk i : r. '. -.- ! -. r- i s : "S-tii t :;.-:. .1 ::a(.- a r :c.o;-.g r; fo.-t a '. the .-now - v ;'! i ads f;"'":r. M r-; in ard Tt-.'.at. They tv .: i p:;'i :f r"l:f . ::( f.'fth' '.'Tvir.g. Th ATc.erican iiosp; . ; in the irt-r:or hae four t.'o- r uual rinuS r of j.a - r.;.-. Ti't r" ar tr..r y a-s of f r ' r f ":." The t-m.sibp Tiiar.o left Mer- with -'"" Peirtlt - r p n a ti Koma ' r --s;:r. it- i tra it th-r are : destitute ref,ii-.s from t!:e :nt .or a n 1 1 : t g th. ar.- u- Hi.v k : ne in poi t" Tni tr a i..sjortatie;i a s.a a: I Med tr ATi!'i. an Toon-- ' n-.en Ii .: r.. in " it t e a ppp.iImI to the relief l:end;aarters in '.-rs: jTitirrop'.e for further a -. t -e. '.'ciaring the present rel.ef r: '. re who'.Jv :r.ide"ji:ate to ia t tae trernf n.'ous problem, wh.cli is ro-.v:r.g w.tii surpriing rop.l;ty. Tni: w i: tiii:k. Ir.l.nn: Vn ' 1 h u -la : I r -lay i-rniili;; r!ocl a irebaldr rain; ri'-'ira-e trap r.t ii-e. Uwfr Mlthifiin: .'j.y 'I h n rl i y ; Trilij- pr-tltdr rait, or now: rid "cu.-fj hve ir t em ra r ii re iiy!oti s punt oftentimes go fo;- ..: ar.d no arrt.?. and thos 1 on lMi'i .M"5f. ,Die!H0USE PASSES 'Ready" ÄSUBSID Y BILL ,.. tvn JAFTER BATTLE Lawyer? Fail to Ohtain Their Fee?. MICHIGAN City. Ind.. "If thfv -in stanrl t in this world, I '.'in hi the nf.xt" Itpn Itrooks. cnri- icted Ja'-k.son count v slayer, d.- ' lar'-.l tod. iy when told that there 'lio would t- fl'-.-'tn - ;:t r .1 Fri.hy ; , uiorninif. It was the r.mif attitude' Mov indifference that Krooks amfested when tho jury brought in verdict of first de,--re mur ler in 111; a the'A- county circuit court nearly wie year aero and a sent nee of death was pronounced. Prooks wan charged with the killing of Amazona I'.. Montgomery, prominent farmer and business man of Jackson county. Brook's. caH: was appealed to the Supremo court of Indiana and a, stay of execution granted from May 1 to pre. 1. Peforo tho case was heard attorneys for Prook.s. r.ot hav incr ,ff n paid for their service;, with-drew from the case which re Milieu m uif-iulf-yai ot tn appeal. Sljjns onrrioii After his arrest. Hrooks was put in the Jackson county pail at Ilrownstown but wi-" later removtd to the Indiana reformatory for safetly. "Whilo there a written run- (Continued on rapre Two.) TURKISH DELEGATES SCORE YICTORY A T LAUSANNE PARLEY!; 'Demilitarization Measures to Rc Carried Out A long String of Greek Isles. M'SAXXi:, Nov. 29.- (My A. P.) Turkey's ambition to have a de militarized zone marked aloti her frontiers was parti. illy realized to day, as far .as it conci-nw the Htrin 'i oui.-ft i.iaiiu .sirt'it ning aiuim tne coast of Asia Minor In the Af sean sea. The territorial commission of thfr NVar Kaj.t conft ronco adopted the report of its sub-committt e. wh'ch recommended rhit imnortanf mea- report. Me claimed that all th military works on '.he inland.-- sh'.ubl be removed and entered reservations ! In the minute of the meeting. Th- second outstandiig deriston , or the (lav was that the .status c.t dtrtair. other Greek inlands should i be studied as part of the bonrral ; i.rohlem of the straits and that th i Russian deleg..t.s should be invite! j t., t, .rti.-ioif. in tin. discnvSi.,n 1 The answer T the tonieren t!ie Russian petition for r presenta tion on all the commissions and oa rn-.i all discussions has no, yet 1 en f w a ru u. ar.u iwaus woiu iiooi i i . - i .... i ... ...... i - nuor .Aiu.ssoiin: o; na.y ino de cision does not rest w ith the full r on. !fernce. bat - with Grcs-t Pritain. ' Kran e and Italv as the inviting i powers. Negotiations touching on the .tr ; Li r.el'.es problem may be .started on j Fridav. Mr. Tchitcherin. t!e s v:e I fore ign minister, cannot if .ich Lau sanne bv that time an.d Mr. Rako : '-ky will represent Russi as , at the Pkraino a'nd Georgia. well ; ' ! Evnnseliue Booth Hails Prohihilion As America's Greatest Blessing Salvation Army C.onunandor Savr. Monev That Fnrmcrlv m rut to Saloonkeepers A ill He ted to Hny Food. j Kdit(rs Note America has i a - j f.'ii to i than'eful for prohibition than any tb. r on tiling. Mi- Kvang-l:n.- Pooth. cotnipand r of the S.-!a:ion Army in th- I 1 1 : 1 s-tates a.--erial today in response t a rcju"-t from ir.terr.ational N'ous Srvi'c that .-If p. n :i Thanke-fiving I 'ay i.i.-.u-.- lPr me.--agc i- as folio a-: Kvar.gclmt 1 toot . 'MP AGC). Nov. 2: V. re I a!bd lipon to name on tiling for which this year w as a nation haw great-st tau should iinhc for tha'iksuu it.g I itatinc'v nam- pr-hi- bition. Thoc.sands of turkey.- to'is of cvanbi rry aui '. i:d o a-ars of other i other pr ad 1 si-aor.ahie iri-odits i!l be s before Tli- hippy w:s .ituI chil dren of Am rica pun ha-ed by mci'i whii h in former years want nt V- I to fatten th- saloiai ke jer ic , 1 r r w i- a r I th' li-tilter No tnore j - - will irunkerrn"- ai.d carousal in;,. atdly appab:d to the United ( publican and one Democratic nun--the mas? mar tb. holy influenc' f s.-;,.tes .to maintain it fore1 there, j brr of rich hou. the ration's tines holiday. i b'-lh ing it- rrs nce lu aUj as a,l vn. Arthur It. Paxter. of India- tf all ion-. Amerii w as fo, the ur.l- i Mr to s : aside a d i . . : iif- purpose of expressing gratitude . to Gr-1. i Thfre a fine HntimTt in th- ideal of Thank scivir.r day ir that it typi.'.M an 'ir.vt !.T;.-h gratttude. Tht re is no Individuals in all the vast domain of beautifal America -o poor Jn plrit that he r she rn iot flr.d .something for -fl.hi-h to b ratef ul. j Representatives' Action on Ship Measure Marks Vic tory for Hardin:. LIQUOK CLAUSE OUSTED Champions of Document Say . ,T!.,. T,, , ,,. 4 It W 111 I lace Yank r lag Oil High Plane at Sea. WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 (Dy A. I.) The. adminstration shipping bill, around which was waped the most bitter partisan fisht of tho pr'snt consros was passed today by the houst with 24 votes to fcpare. 'lhf tinal count was -'OS to S4. Sixty nine Ilepublicans broke nvsay from their party organiza tion and opposed the bill, while four Dcrnocrnts fUpportcd it There never was much doubt about the result, but the margin by which it went through was much lower than estimates publicly Kiven i y most of the leader?. It wa, how ever, just about what they figured privately. In tho face of threats to delay, if not prevent its passage by the seuate. the measure will go Monday to the senate commlttfje which plans to accept it as passed' by the house and take the fight to the floor next week. The u?ual motion to recommit. I for the purpose of striking out the provision relating to tax exemptions and direct compensation wa3 made y Hep. Hardy, Texas, ranking De mocrat on the merchant marine committee, which framed It, and defeated 213 to 17 2. Chairman Greene, of th mer chant marine committee, and Hep. laimonu, rennsyivania. raiiMiisj Republican, who shouldered the tight through the house, declared; tonight that despite atnondmtntf. the measure would pave tho way; for putting the American flag at a high place on the seas. Tho gen eral view on both sides was that had an attempt been made to paM it as framed, it would have het n swept to overwhelming defeat. There was a t-hout of approval on the Republican side wh'n the final vote was announced, but it was not the iawt Word and eery one of the'ntish battiesnip. '- K nut.licans wno voteu ior n. "t l'l' r.rui cneerru. Äntl cheered. Amendment Dcfcaletl. The house in the lar stage of the o,nU.- iini.uvu an .mo. i.uhk m - j , UP- Itnhani. Democrat. Texas. I I ii:ied to piw the measure what b- declared was its proper name. I-n,h am wanted to chance t,i title ot the merchant marine an to me tolship stibsidy act of 1,J..'. asserted that he bad put forward the pro posal in the "hn tl hoie that a spade ni.'iy b called by its proper name." As passed by the hoiie. m ;in was left in the hill relating to the subj' ( t of litjnor selling on Ameri can ships. WhMi the cjuetion was r-achd yesterday in committee, the H.inkliead uut-and-put prohibition amendment was put aside and a substitute offered I v Kdniondn was ae '-ti I. It stipulat d s!ii;. on any particular that a ( vo a cp. Ter- i mi tied the transportation of liquor ubsidv for!,V,lj0 a,ul"; I Grt-ece will n ii o t ha' uld no siiure :n a s '. "V.'U' . . AMERICAN SOLDIERS KEEP RHINE VIGIL Germany A.ks That Yankijur Troop He Retained in Fatherland. iu . i.. j;K mo::n. 1. V. "M n i'om-oiKb-nt. WA-SillNGT' X. Nov. .:. T!l A ri'iit-iii army of occupation or. tiu 1 tl . i ?T.- wttl ti"t b r -turned to tir 1 :ut-d s? it s for ;he present ' l -c." ;ln jtr.,ertant iea.-on in co."i- n- - t ion w it'.; foj l:i:t d Press was h;-:h tufnor:tv of aifairs" t r ntormed todav 'by ov. rnmont. Th:s - rt cial .-tiled the reason Pa- k 1 1 : i governiT; -ait's . division t de-i '.a the orders for th rcttirn of th ":?' forcs cmld tod be m ide publir jaw t;) ilo-Aevrr. it was indirmte I the -or.tinued m iinten.mce of the Aiofriian forte on the Rhine iaree to champion the appropriation j d:u to tli thrat ned cri-is over tl.e 'i:ll to be preparej by the Htate bur p. vibi:.'v that I-lance will seiz-- the 1 . . 1 .IT . . . i.uar anc. "t li- Gt rman irovemme nt has r;Tlif, eomm'ttee cor.sirtH of one Ke- r straml on Fr Iii h policies. MINNEAPOLIS' GIRL DECLARED SUICIDE PA lilS. Nov. 1? Py t. P. A :a!ict of .s'liridc w .45 returned tod:-.. b a secrt-t grand Jury probins tin ÜT s t ' rious death of Miss os s lit. n.cssf v, pretty Minneapolis trl. I at h resulted from bullet wounds 'f inri' teil, the verdict tuid THANKSGIVING MEMORIES BY LEILA BRECHENSER-ROSTISER MID the pair-lit, early morn of this Thanksgiving Day. Z- Awoke with mc old memories which came end went and "strayed One by one iti golden light, across my chamber-nail. Old and Precious memories that bade me. hear their call. lit fore my frost-pnned ivindotvs phantom, noLvltss fret Strode through the gateway of sweet Memories of old Thanksgivings, like good friends gone away, And bid my heart be thankful for those blessed yesterdays. The sundit room grows strangely dim, when shades of other years . Which quickened once my trembling heart, now sting my eyes with tears. imongjhem is one Thanksgiving whose heartache overcasts Both the faint and vivid memories of the others that have passed. O Lord, for every favor, 1 give most bounteous praise And thank Thee, too, for all the joy of jxist Thanksgiving Davs; . But immeasurably more Vm grateful for in living presence kept The memory of a baby's face which sought me as I slept. BRITISH DIPLOMATS ' STRIVE TO PROTECT ENGLISH IN GREECE Execution of Ex- Ministers Rouses Fear in United King dom -Embassy Open. LONDON, Nov. 29 (Dy I. N. Great Rritain today started to take measures for the protection of ' British citizens, and interests in Greece, as a result of the break in diplomatic relations. J There is a possibility that Prince i Andrew. Rrohter of Constantine. ; may be given an asylum on board a it is pronaote tnat. tne urrriv em . bassv hero will be allowed to re- j riwIll opM,. but wU1 not be recogniz flffirini Y It was reported thi.s afternoon that the Greek minister would leave in vew of the gath ring hostility against the Athens executions. "If vp begin shooting ministers." where are we going to stop?" de clared Ramsay MacDonabl. leader of the labor opposition In the house 1 of commons, in commenting upon ! the events at Athens. ! 'The executions of the former ! Greek ministers must shock the whole world. If it is proved that these Greek ministers acted upon Rrilish advices during hostilities with Turkey, then otr nation is em larr assied." "I am crifved profoundly," aid ! T. uvoumu. xv.e.aa imiiui... I "but 1 must cypress ine j.ruiuu.i-. it that the au-c oi not be abandoned by I Rritian or other big powe-.. JURY WEIGHS FATE OF ARTHUR BURCH TaleT-nicn Fail to Hit on er tliet for Alleged Slayer of Kentjedv. I 'OS ANGKI.1'. Nov. .'..-- 1.1 uhieh has been deliberating sim- ye-trriay artc-rnoon tne luc , of Arthur U. H irrh. on trial for the; third titn' on The cnarge of tne murder of -T. Helton Kennedy, was I . j i i i i . 1 1 - u i i 1 1 1 -i .m . n . v-1 - j JuJare Siienk and asked how they stood. j -'Siv to live with one non-con -' mittal." the foreman replird- He I In form A the court, in' answering i the '.; tion that he thought it i "v,'rtii J "ions. w-'ril- to continue Plibera Thc jury asked fo; sverai exhibft!. LEGISLATIVE GROUPS NAMED RY GOVERNOR INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. -.".'.Appointment of an advisory eominlt- i, - e; ,-inuiiisiim in the ligislature wa.-. i . . t, announced lo.iav ny oo. nnpoli. is the P.epubliean member of tb.e committee from the uppf-r house, and .-Vm Walter S Ohamberi. of Newcastle, is the Democratic ' member. The house members arc: ! Pen. Oliver P. Iifuzee. of IJberty. Republican, and Hp. John V. Kitch. of Plymouth. Democrat. Sen. Uhatiib r v ill rpr?ent Henry, nan-, cock and Mdison ccuntirs. He -,ai Democratic Vite chairman during1' th r'"fr!t campaign. my heart, graciously stirring j INSURGENT LEADERS BLOCK LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM IN SENATE Underwood Hurls Charges of Strong Arm Methods Against G. 0. P. Heads. WASHINGTON, Nov. "9. Demo crat!? and Insurgent Republican? carrying on the fllibUFter . Jn ;th senate agalnrt the aum;nlstration program will carry the Issue to th People, Fen. Underwood, Alabama. Democratic leader, announced today whert the filibuster wa1? resumed. The tlitbueterers are proud of their open fight. Underwood de clared and are willing to seek ' ab solution from the people." L'nderwood charged Republican leaders with "strong arm methods" anl declared they were attempting to ran a parliamentary body b force. Kfforts of some Republican lntei mediates Sen. Watson, I.afollette and Curti to solve the situation by i encouraging the Republican leadei to withdraw the Dyer anti-lynching bill against which the insurgents are filibustering, proved to no avail. "If you keep ut your tight for the; bill, this filibuster will continue up to March A and your appi opriation bills will be slaughtered." Under w oou warned the Republican-. "V o ti won't get them passed this winter. If you want to adopt a strong ar:.. policy, you will inject, feeling her that will prevent any lation." geneal Icgia- neüubÜcan senate leader Lodge I , rnfprr(lj wi;h President I larding . , aftpr,v;i oral afterwards announced that the j filibuster Would be f.-ught by pi I ministration leadens. jCOPS QUIZ WOMEN IN LAHUS MURDER !. Police Question Relation- of j Women With Murdered Chieaco Auto Dealer. HlCA(70. Nov. -2U. i IV,- ! v s . j TWO Women and u-e-el . r.lwlionpa cicely ' ry police toby ahou: thr.;r relations with - Hanl - f0 .Tor" J.nnus. automobile dealer who wa murdered iat Uribl! ; t v,nj ns j i rie n ; ; ji e wxnien examined was the s')ir'.i"rii I j jc Mnbel . ..... ....... j , j . I beauty from Hromy. Kv CAN YOU BEAT IT? Last Sunda you found among the theatrical pages of The News-Time a Tzf of eniver theater- 'a.l.V. They announced a number of hiph fla--s road at tract! jr.. that have been bookel for South Fiend. S- great i the power of Ti.e New.-TirrtM aj an advertising medium that .Manager Wood is forced to work at the theater from early morn 'till late at night to take c-re of the ad vance sale of ticket?. His lunch I served in his Kvery minute counts. Which it jjst another example of th value of News-Times vpace. Mct advert is : realize it. Which explains why The News-Times leads the field in ad vertiinsr. More than 10'. 00") p-ersor.s daily read the clty leading daily and Jundiy r. THE NEWS-TIMES Always in th lead. TIERNANS AGAIN5 ?'wHG0VERN0R0PENS HAPPY; PREPARE 'TURKEY' DINNER Affection Prominent in Dia mond Av. Home :i5 Recon ciliation Is Complete. RELATIVES AS G I ESTS John and Gussie Forget Pa?t and Blanche,"' and With Bahy Billy Are "Glad' (Tiernan Photo, Pnsre -.) Five days ago, she was a woman who inj- sobbing on the floor, her hair di.-hovelled, her face tw isted with tjrief. Today fondles little Hilly a, only a mother can and dimples at her husband, as lie sits at the head of her table and praise.-. J her cooking. It is truly a Thanks giving iay for the Tiernans, dis mantled though their little home at IOC:: Diamond avenue is. "I thought that there wasn't go ing to be anything to be thankful about." Mrs. Tiernan said simply. "Rut there i.s and now I am very happy." ' And you wouldn't think she could be." put in Prof. John P. Tier nan aa he looked around the bare house, from which most of the fur niture has been sold, preparatory to their final parting. Gussie wan al days su h a housekeeper." IWIy" now lias "Da!" The house looked bare indeed, but Mrs. Tierna'n told of the nice tur key she" had bought, "and I know how to cook it too, don't I. John?" she asked. Da by Rilly will be included in the (general Thanksgiving, although he 1 does not understand that he has been a fatherless child since Iiis mother, Mrs. Augusta Tiernan filed her suit against Harry Poulin, charging him with being the father ofher third born child. Prof. Tiernan has acknowledged that hv has taken the child to his heart and that hereafter he'""wiltf consider the baby as his own. "I have always loved the little fellow. 1 he said. Children in Chicago. Mrs. Frances Pulaski. Mrs. Tier nan's sister, who came down from Chicago to take charge of the af fair after the storm of publicity which broke over the Tiernan home last Saturday at the news of th professor's new euture in marriage, has returned to her home. . taking with hor the two little girl. Irene and Mary. When the rest of the furniture, and the little bungalow which has been the Tiernan home for the ias.t eight years has been sold, the reconciled couple and the baby will join them in Chicago, to start lir'e anew. Others who will be present at tli" Tiernar reunion to are Mrs. Tier nan's mother and sfter and brother- f rnm 1i i-r nc: ri ti f:r-li ... "... " ' . j, 1 ai t turougu wiiii vou ior goou ,nn,t f., ,,nU,!. forth..- . ... ... r ,.ti 11 1111 Hin or iuur Miiu. 1 uuu ., . . .. .. mu -ipe r 1 1 u".'i oa .0111. And with that niessag- Mrs. j Planch' M. Primmer, Iowa widow i and he,r to an e.--;ate of 520'i.O'oH. j paved tho way for a permanent re- I oiK-ilijtioM !'etvren John 1'., and J Augusta If. Tiernan. The m' r;m,f --t-rday and was sent by Plain lie after had t.rut 'tf waiting the arrival hep hip band of nine hour.-, who :i -. lCoi!.nu.-d on Pa: Two.) Illness of President's ife Mars Thanksgiving Services At Capitol COMMISSION o. k:s ELECTRIC MERGER j Mavoi of Kokomc, Kvnerled to , . - ' ... Contest Action ot I llhhe Service Croup. I M: IAN A Pi UJS. (PV I. X. S. 1!) Nov - liana Pu! ;c I i-- fa r.iini-s;i: t . iv i::,;-, , . i s ,) ( m, on si .;id it i n of -"t.iiti's of .V"i"t'i' ri! Indiini iu; Natt.K-,-nr.y. The "Mil marks tin i " s i . j i - r Haut" v.hi Kf.!cste.-. Nf'bbsx i:-. eb i trie cor n a i"W o ri - :i e o: in an i u t h- f vio- s i Mi vt-r i:ant i "' r l erT n I ' r -i I o ' h will vo: I 'u' it.-:-ort Wabash nd rf nt. Tihar. P." inne It is urcjrr .-too-! the the commission will b i ;k ;i o: eo:ite-ted r:v of KoKomo, ;,. Mor P. Moon, ot: the theory th; t '.he I Tcised Viii'.: of ti.e r- w c.por i i f t v i :rob on a oass ,,f pi --i: l aviTaC' pr;.--. -;--1 1 ii " I . I s to' .pa! i years v. ii'-n j.e.ik on w re i . Ti i viih in r. in'- :. am on tn- to-r '-'" ) w a . n a ' I n- i'i a . "a 'MüVcr Mo tv o w e.-lNs n ' 'ji.- 1 ion. -i a;.3-. ti. on pi a !,' d Ills to the r? l to the o:.i .McCK.W TO ATri.M) INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 25 - r; r, - ernor McUray todiiy Indiana Club of New n form, 1 the York i:y he would attend i-s dinner Dec. 12. The invitation w extended by H. L club. Wynojar. ' -preeidert the 1 o u eat n w mie Eating Peanutsm)ti rM5WJ First Aid Efforts Fail to Save Life of Little Andreu Lenvo. Trapedv rnterd th horn of j Joeph I a 1 1 . 1; j a v., soon after :r W. Wa shine ton o'clock Wednesday afternon. Little Andrew Lenyo. rive vea,- old M P sou or Mr. Gall. i dead, tho result of Mrar.sulation from eating peanuts-. The lad choked soon after he had i'fr'n given some peanuts to eat. 1 n" police .ambulance was called and removed him to the Clinic where upon exryr.ination by Drs. M. K. Milier ar.d M. W. Lydon lie wa pronouneed dead. It was said that the child was unable to survive the ride in the ambulance. The police were summoned to the W. Washington av. address after Gall and his neighbors had made futile attempts to obtain the serv ice of a physician. Several calls were put in for doctors, it was said, but none had been answered. Surviving th boy are three brothers, Michael, John and Charles and one sister, Mary, besides his mother and step-father. Funeral ar rangements have not jet been com pleted. According to the boy's parents. (Continued on Page Two.) COUZENS SUCCEEDS ' TRUMAN NEWBERRY AS U.S. SENATOR M ayor of Detroit Accepts Honor Conferred on Him by Gov. Groesbeck. NEW RORK. Nov. 29. Mayor Uouzens. of Detroit, appointed by Gov. Groesbeck to succeed Truman II. Newberry in the United States senate, said today that his past ac- li itiey in office could be taken a a guide for what he would do In the future. Mayor ouzcns came to New York with Mrs. Couzens ami his brother. Frank. to spend Thanks-giving with the mayor's daughter. Notification of the ap pointment reached him this after n oon. "In accepting." he aid. "I do mi with a keen sense of tlie recponsi bility of the orlire. Rspecially do 1 feci 50 at this time in the world's history -w'tien grat responsibilities rest upon the government of the United States. In leaving the mayor's office of Detroit. I do so with deep affection for tlv city that I Ikis done so much for nie and which ! li;u honored and trusted me. There are no more patriotic people on earth than Det roit ers, and if I may continue to serve them legally and with th consent of th- new mayor ' and street i.iil'Aay commissioners I Stl11 Wliiinff t" do So. l tiere Win always ie nroi..en , , , (confronting tr.e fourth city of tn United Stat-? and I will always at their ervioe in helping to sole t ii' ni. Th city government i- bet ganiT.ed man ar any tune during m.- patst four years. It is more ffi - ' ciently conduct-d and 'oetfer mannelj ;hoat this r,f I befor . partii-ular tim" than f v r Tlie only r,ece.--a:-y thing to continue same ar ir.tere.-t on :;v and on ;h jvirr o( s-'jent .o a the . iT;2''!,S. ; Harding to Spend Majority of Dav in Sick Room Vi i t h W ife - W hite Hou-e He- i seized W ith Holiday (nft-. iiv k i:M;n i u. i.kk Stall 'irr-sxnlriit WASH 1NGT N. Nov. L'v n--r !u-. i of Mrs. Uar iiaz.s illr.e.s. j,".;ir,s fo a i-;lar Tiat kst'n i.r,;' r,b.--rvirv - a" th- IuTm Hoi.--' toji.orro--.- :.. r. b 'i'at'-.- ai arrloiioi. t : I:s- n i. tb. J'i -. , i r m an ! wiTh p --ild i viil p;.s-, th' -w m flay ma! The nio-t ' T;.,ati 1 J i e ! V f.-st.y- Pl' si- , 1 . . . f t o a lid -imp! '. V of il!l with n o ' r . ) 1 1 ; ' '. i to s p ( i ; fa i ro., ii r t intends I' IM ( Mrs. ! i oa It: Tlo- u w : t T i j j J I While Mr? ! s.a.ij by h-T-: Charbs K. S . 11 n la:-' s or 'iition : physiciu n. I'r.g. G -. iw-r to be , -on in u a I i y i imjiroving. be I.- Tiot -..'.id f ds f rr.tertir. Vf t .1 tl.e , j or t o s t a ' r j ire frier. wi'.l be r . ! : j -rf f,f i ; ii- sT ra in I 'or t h t r a -or: t h r frill tomorrow. Th'- W hit House has ; s iged uath h"'.d iy ir:fts from ft b all o -r t he r. i giving d::.: -r. I : i V I " i e ! For th Than"- th four I'r'Md T j r 'k ( T W j g. - M rs ' -s;Tli. Whi. tr n: !v a n o r. e -ix'y-pour. 1 p a 1 1 a " h s ;i r o n i ( x n i r g lb ::se o p t . n ; - Ibir lin;'- improv rr.nt. S nc : rding to friends, to sit tchT b rer pfrb.-'s a"h dav. is ab'.-. Up ff'f theuch be has not ;.et recovered tu." from her Ir.'ig. se.r.o;:.- illn-s to iMv the sick room. In order t 1 p aim"---: rnreantly with h.s -Rif. the Presider.t his de. :ri, . him-elf i iO-; tl -"KaC":i:"P. . Kxce-.t wh- btied with wr-rk r the executive ofT.Cf . th I'resider.t r- 'mains with Mrs. Hardirg noon or nniPfi&T FOR "RED" CHIEF William Rro?s Lloyd and 16 Aforiatc? (ranted Liberty hv Executive. J - ----.-t.v-v - .-i ! COl HI A.I) MOK I I J - Carter &1V- Anti-Sll- licalist Law I Only W ar IVvchtdopv. SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Nov. 29. (By A. P.) Sentences of William Dross Lloyd and 16 as sociates, serving sentences in Jo Iict penitentiary and the Cook county jail for violation of the state anti-5)dicalism law, today were commuted to expire at once by Gov. Len Small. The commutations were pre sented as Thanksgiving gifts to the prisoners. They were to be released tonight. The prisoners began serving their sentences last week. In taking this action, -Gov. Small announced he was in full accord with the dissenting opin ion of Justice Carter of the su preme court, who, contrary to the majority opinion, questioned the constitutionality of the syn dicalism law, when the court de cided the men must serve their sentences. "No human agency," declaretl the governor, "can accurately determine how long any human being shall be incarcerated. I m n r.- r . t their indietment ;.vd . n , March. lf:i. they .rie ".: i verely. I dfciir.'d to .;. ency in the.p c;,ffs prior to cur-'era tion. N- gr.i: z come from longer ;t.i. a r them." War sjrln i,g That th' unti-s -.die i.i-t "war p-c choIoy " .i:,i t!iit might he v. !! ;n lü.o s ot for emeiit of -u a .'au 1 w 1. : ' w a ' . a . . r very hfrt-s-;gh?td in tine - .f was .tii. c o?it-:,tiori i.f Jas-j. ler in his diss-:t;nK n i Tlie si ;i-s... ,t. - .f !'.-.- i ( who are semrg n i T i; i - i a are Jack lnify, Attkar Rdgar 'w-i.s, l;d w;g i Kngla.ud ar.d N: 1- K j i : were given I n i '.' t t u : i, i t .- of fron or,.- to :'r at Ten tli-r. S.itou'! ;. .111111' A. M :.-1 '.g. Krl i i: 1 1. bc-rg. "h.irb s K": :; ; man. Mm' ; A. i X. J . "nri rftt s' ii. . - i c.t r to on. Ha je Itn. y i r in t i i ( !'! 1 a r; ! A. i nut a ft"-t" 1 b C.iterfe! J -s ,-;ov. It'i -sii.i t b g; . ; : g -PROGRESSIVES CALL SECRET CONFERENCE JJ-zht R'-piiMiran-, l our Ili-m-orrats and (Ine I urnit r Laboritr'lo I c. WAS. 1 1 NGT' P. t lit i ' ,..., gran, for ; .ore 1 v t l"j,i. t!, t, ir-..- : r-;.ri- i t ! . ' - to i ir 1 . w it a I; Ala: all .-T..T.-1 ; , I , ' , f I r ( doo! - ' TP, i : w . : . - - !l 1 . -c I 1 -M. '. r a r - r.i i 'r.z.e. I . P..;!. N' r r .i - - 1 K . P-i r : on ,:.! ; ' v. t , i ! T i s . i ! n.l !:; , W ! W Ml' s jrha it b'- A. W. s no . , s '. ' : ro-r.t to for:;i a ' I- r e :- - N.r' U er, lb ; iti.- an ! :uo -ra ; r -,,r - :, . r ! : ar.r o; lie;, uhl.r r - P - k. itr,rA : I'r-.'ir, Iit: : ' r'. N i.'- i S- .M n i 1 r a n 1 'r: L't . Purk-, per t.; I r.n. a ; g ;.n . IC lb r. .M : r: r.e. no js; Kr.a-h'. (h ;,); I York; P.. :d. Il'.in..... sota; ?ir;U:r, North ': V . .1.1 '! a. K ,u"i.c-.: I.: :uc .-. l WoodruT. M.'.iran I ernor-.,, r ... c. Ii.r.-. Mi--'-, Hu !lle5ton. Al ibiT.i; MrS ta.r b.riri. .-s-vith arol.nt Texa: Mf.v!. Cl'U'iftmi N w York, and Thor:.-