Newspaper Page Text
1 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1922 THE SOUTH 2END NEWS-TIMES O o o V'f lid ii 3 4 MANY AIDED BY SALVATION ARMY EE53 rr-i v - p. TT STATE TAXABLES SHOW SHRINKAGE Prison Plymouth's Countrv Club Situated on Prettv Lake Beauty Spot of Counts' Lower Appraisal of Farm. Personal Good? and Im provements I Cause. Sentence Walsh to for Theft of Small Amount wa' isaw, in.;., ixc. no. Je nr. 4 0. of South Per.J. v..:o w a -nr.r-;ej 'i-: o .:; '"hri; it. ö u I. entere. the Pi. ?.:;r Telephone Operator A pain I rts Sleeping SicJcness M: :MKY. w si I'AUMUN INTTaxai ;:.!. ' Ily A P Ar. M1 t i ' n office and ' f J 1 .f.?. w;;.r river , or.e to ( i?':it ye irs Jit j m at M:h:i-a:i O.ty. ' t.a,v his rfsiclenc as 1" l a s ? r t ; r. i tho s:.ate Chicago Yearly Heport Hmvo Stieror (irn lo .Needy I hroiijrh onl the Slatr. U A r;.l i.r.j; .u,; i . n - TL- r" .-. .. r - tributed. tii" army r e r. t s p a A!'i f . i ; ! i 1 i ! I : . 1 ! r, i v. o r nt :."n Arm-.' rl t: r : n ii..-,. I t r": p..i ..f the today or-In- ;.r.i t ir. 1. shown in tho f-tate I .is vt coil v:ro 1 s 1 h.-r thinit R:n i ' 1 . r. 4 1 rn i'.1, l."r pr- 'Ohh c:vn trar.vprt it.on, ,3 rrco l).'ith, s ;;-vcn aiI. Kivf-n lr,,i;r,,'. 272 situation found fr rr.rn. K; jn! foun-l for women. 2,2.4') ir.orv,fW(-'I .inrl advis.I. 19 J Kirla ent-r (l in n.-itemitv home, ' 2 . ST 41 i-a'rs of she- ilimributed, 22,9 6 3 jr'irrn fr. .., 73 4 Riven Thanks giving dinner, ! 4,327 Ki'f-n Christ mn? dinners, l.'j?, Riven toys, 4,11 garment di-trü.uted and 1,019 chlldrrn Riven jireenta exclusive of clrvthir.? and toys. The report shown that during the year 8.63) indoor m'-tinR.s and ß. ST 8 outdoor rneet!nif were held' with a total of 1,42",331. Tho Jinancial report fhow a d fielt of $ Cj Z 4.5 4 in tho general fund of tho oran7ation. Tl;o income amounted to $20.514. 51 and the ex reuditure to $21,2:9.05. w-;,.u! -x ,..t.. rr H 1 1 1 ... -4 1 , t V jp; pgr -u Dreamn f th e.ti2en of IMym- outh. Ind., for a community center, a hou.o of rcreation, for rot and pleasure, have at last be-n realized, vith th completion of the ijuildinj f'f x country club house. OrRanized IS month. aRo. the ofllcer of the club ImmJiatoly mado 'plan for housinR their orRanization, and pur chased 8 0 acre of land on the lake R'iRod to draw tho plans of thethe ground buildinR which wa constructed dur- Rolf front of Pretty west of Plymouth. Alves O'Kee-fe, architect, four milea wart erv- inR October and. Novem'her by O'Keufo and Thompson, corstractors at a cot of $23.000. The houe is cximpieto In every 'detail, and affords a 6eautüful view of the lake which it face. The estate hos a 4,000 foot frontaRo on the lake and ex cellent swimming' accommodations will be had in the summer months. .IV-31- Gates, president of the Wetstfcrn Golf association, on a visit to thrt new club recently, said that weie of the 'bet for that' ho ia-s ever seen. Tennis! court and other outdoor pports will I be provided for in the eariy sprinR. j At tho opening reception Riven to I the member and their families Sat urday niRht. a'bout three hundred persons were present. The club has a memi)ersh!i) of 123. Officers of the organisation are: A. M. Cleve land, president; Floyd Bunnell, vice president; O. G. Soice, treasur er; ond Lmther Jl. Ccc.s?ner, fcre tary. ' l.VDIA.VAl'OLIS, In!.. I" ro.- l:- A. P. ) Taxit'It- jTopcriy in In- p. diana this year as appraised by tax-j-ajn inu ortiv-iais amour.ts to $5.2O,,.O00.-j todny. "''J. a shrinkage of W.0!'.'i0 'e- ; iow tlie AS21 valuation, according j to V". C. Nusbaum, a repre.--en:a: A e j of the state board of tax commis According to Mr. Nus j l"-anrn figures $ 2 0 . 0 0 0 more taxes were pa!d thi year than last j The shrinkage in taxable propertj-, t antountin? to about eight percent, i wa attributed by Mr. Nusbaum toi the lower appraising of farm lands.! improvements and personal pro-1 rerty. Tho total valuation of pro perty in incorporated towns and cit: was about the same as last year, he said. The valuation of farmer taxable Property 1 approximately 50 per cent of the $5.20.1,00.000 total of taxable property. Mr. Nusbaum says, but he points out that of the $117,noo,006 levied for collection this year the farmer paid less than ! 2 percent, or approximately $44,-j IO0.C00. Of the latter amount ai part may be payments on Industrial property outside incorporated citie and towns, and which should not be classed as farm property. Mr. Xus ba u m says. The figure .show. Mr. Nusbaum declares, that "farmers pay cons'.d erab'y less taxe and bear consid erably less 0f the total tax burden than anybody had ever supposed." p!r ,i !ed not r Ity. When bruht warded" to pit. id ru:I:v. tanen xo me ite pr I.:r:: I as o l r- I a da ie Mr- r. 1 t:; : '.- ? a ASSOCIATION'S TO IXI:.NI'Oi. P here. ! tf Goshen Religious Census Shows 3,145 Church Folk GOlIi:., Ind.. Pe. The religious census taker; shows tl;:s city, with a population' lo than 10.-300, with about 2.:.v i home, has 2,145 church members. Among theso there are 1,7 3 S wo men and 1.2 4.3 men. Thete are 2 2 churches here. i IM The Adiutir.i n, ..itio:i if t". Ff-.. 1 nr. ! 2 in National GtMrl anr.eur.i el trd.iy ry B. niith ?::.. a I guard. At ie is:, ar.d c-.:a:t mi:i:t ;: ' ra '. - r.- a. w A ( win 4n: Ai'.eir . a n a th at e c :: t .t w;; er., Na'i.-r.. ar arn.j v.:!; at t A'o . r- 1 1 : - . : a : : ' rr. p ( itiisicixs nto.M p,oai:i. INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 30. Nelson K. ToclJ. for the pat two years a special representative of the state board of tax commissioners, resign ed too ay. He will practice- law at Fort Wayne. IlllIlXK AITO TIIiriT iu;. INIIANAPOMS. I). v r.o.,py I. N. S. ) Throe youths undr arr."st Iiere to bay. c'vr.rged with siii.r.-r. are responsiV".e, police declare, for the theft of 25 autoru.Mifs ir. a?-.-! about this city. Ted T. M-Qu;ek. 2,',; Hur!i Phe'.an. 1 b.ave cor.fes ed. nrvordirg to d t er: iv.s wcrkir.g on the case. Geortre pebard. third merr.ber of the tr.o. dn.ed having any part in th" nlicq-ed theft ring. Shank Urges Ordinances To End Liquor Escapades INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Dec. CO. (Ily A. P.) Ordinance to break up tho sale of stolen Roods to pawn t-hop and to dete t bootleggers and 1-andit through garage were pro posed today by Mayor Iyw Shank. lie -atd he would have one bill modelled after a Quebec, Can., or dinance, which requires pawnbrok er to make person to whom they loan money furnish three small photographs of themselves. One would be given to the police, the broker would kep on and the third would bo attached to the pawn tUJiet. Anyone renting a private garage or space in a public garaRO vvould be required to report to the police the name of every number of hi tar and license num ber and any garage man repairing a car after an accident would be re quired to report the nature of the repair and name of the owner to police by the other measure. Three Escape Death as Car Plunges Into River WAItSLVW, Ind Dec. 3 0 Three persons narrowly ct.a.ped scriou injuries and probable death on FrJ dny afternoon when tho automobile in which they 'were riding plunged down over a ten-foot Ibridge abut ment Into tu- Tippecanoe River just north of Warsaw. The 'bridge is lo cated on a curve on the javed road e-twee-n and "Warsaw. Charltn M. Steven, of Indianapolis, was driving the car and applied JiU brake suddenly a he neared the l.rdige. Ice on the fpavement caus ed hi car to comipleteily turn around, plunge over the abutment, turn completely over and landed right side up on the river .bottom in three tfeet of water. Neither Stev en or his two companion were seriously injured. The car will be repaired. The party waa returning home from L:gioneir. renter withthe Report Many Children PAYS GAMP.LIXG I'lXIl. WAPSAW. Ind., Dec. 2?. Willis Mock, owner of a restaurant at North Wf b.-ter. paid a tine of $36.10 here today for operating three g-ambling slot machines. Mock paldj his fine fron nickel and dime tak en tfro.n the machines and wa evi dently a winner in the transaction. The machines were , destroyed, as was ordered by court. Ttian PöQt Uovq Truth L-MOfttaftflcurt KX'BR-YIVODY'tf ONE OF 'E.M No longer little Micky Hare, Whose ways are mild and meek, Will kee.p my clothing in repair For fifty cent a week, lie nonv demands a larger pum, Which 1 esteem feo tlear. For lateiy Michael has bevome A I'ressing Iln?;neer. The day when Tonio I'orin Would c'.:p r.nd trim my lawn And make my kitchen garden grow. For ten a month are gne. lie now Is making wad.s of pif, TaJiert contracts by the year. And, on h'.s billhead styies himself, A Mowing Engineer. The la.ts from Grevf who clea.ned my shc-M, Once I- a cheaper time, Nmp with a hflURhty f-'o-,vi refuir Fail to Attend School INDIANAPOLIS, Pec. CO. Many children are not attending school as required by law, according to E. U. Graff, superintendent of schools. The last legislature raised tho ag-o at which working permits may be granted children from 14 to 13 years. Thi law ha. been disobeyed in many Instances, Superintendent Graff told the instruction commit tee of the board of school commis sioners. He asked lor additional help in the attendance department in order to remedy this condition. Surrenders to Police As a Parole Violator XJL.ES, Mich., Dec. CO. Frank Howard, claiming to have violated his parole after serving one year of a five-year sentence at the state s prison at Ionia, Mich., surrendered to the Niles this lufternoon and is nqw in the city jail. He eald that the continual avoiding of unlformde dmen whom he thought might 'be officer, had wearied him and he would be glad to go back to jail, serve his time and step forth a free man. State Klan Organizer to Be Tried on Non-Support Count IXDIAXAPOLIS, Dec. CO. (By I. X. S.) X. C. Frettnan, charged by his wife with (being Indiana state organizer for the Ku Klux Klan, will be given a hearing in Juvenile court here Tuesday, on a charge ot failure to support his wife and two children, Merrill, 12, and Kenneth. S. Freeman, uccordlng to testimony of Mrs. Freeman, although now working for an organizations preach ing 100 percent Americanism, en deavored to evade the draft when the war broke out, although at that time he was not living with her nor supporting her or her children. At torneys for Freeman denied that he had claimed exemption from the se lective service on false grounds. Country Church Losing Out to City and Auto PLYMOUTH, Ind., Dec. CO. The country church i losing out to the city e'difice and the automobile, ac cording to Miss Marjorie Patten, representing tho committee on so cial and religious survey of New York, addressing a community con ference here. "The farmer and his family prefer to get into hi flivver and drive s to 23 mile to the modern, well heated churches of the'clty to spend ing a few hours each Sunday In a poorly-furnished, badly head rural edMce," she told her audience. Budget Commission Hears Appropriations Demands IX'DrAXAPOLIS, Dec. 30 (By A. I'.) Tho .state 'budget commission resumed it.s fe.-sions today and heard the head of esveral suite de tpartmemts defend their requests for appropriations for the next two year. The 'budget commL-tsion Is rushing Its work a.s tho law requires that ins recommendations bo deliv ered to tht governor not later than January 1. Those appearing . before the com mission today were: Benjamin J. Burris, ytato superintendent of Pub lic Instruction; Arno Butler, secre tary of the Board of tate Charities; Adjt. Gen. Harry I. Smith and John W. McArdle, chairman of tho Pub lic Bercvice Commission. State Tax Officials to Hold Annual Meeting INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. CO. (By A. 1.) The annual conference ot Indiana tax official will "bo held in the Supreme court room at the state capitol Jan. 16, 17 and 18, it was announced today by John J. Brown, chairman of the state tax board. Tho conference will include a dis cussion of taxing laws, appraising problems and theories of taxation. While the meeting is primarily for the state tax board and Tounty as sessor, it will bo open to other pub lic officials interested in taxation prohlems and to the public. My proffered now. n e . One s?m them !by appointment They're risen. It appear.. Ar.d have ibevorre. so they avow Shod Surface Engineers. Old 'Rastu Johnson comes no more To take the cans away, Or kr.cckt? upon the kitchen door To seek hid weekly pay. He's found a mean of getting his Grand Juror Spies Liquor Violation; Two Arrested PEIUT, Ind.. Dec. CO. Pecking into an ante-room at a local traction station. George Poggett, member of the Miami county grand jury. -vv two men taking drinks from a bot tle, which subsequently turned cut to be moonshine wnisky. He .sought an officer and caused the arrest cf the men. Jesse Dilly of Peru and Edward Watson of Rich Valley. Tha the defendant were sent to Jail for 10 days and fined $10 each. The dusky His card info A Carfare W I: :o d r C"' Kms f. a re t TU i: A r. 1 f r. v x tr .in Erz' profiteer rms me that he is F. n g. n e e r. Si: TH 1 1 1 FT :f a good many of careful! v saved wa en s: ion ;x. r,, COMPOUNDED QUAKTTiULY. For the past 40 years tho Build ing and Loan Association cf South Bend lias never paid los than 6 percent money. War Savings stamps and Bonds placed with us on or be fore January 10 draw earnings from January 1. Authorized capital $5.-, C00, 00. Assets $1,750,000. Sur- i Plus $.r 0.000. I 216. W- Washington ave., F. M. ! Boone, treasurer. Advt. Cöö.-tf. I Harpy New Yeai er: -B. B. Clean Advt. 3 0 5. ih as ' had raps they wore r u.-' a reg a. a w v :e 1 to the Ku KI our th" hool thoy Alt;'!! OF 1XVEXTION f.r. F- has rs are T ' 1 IIS w t::tix V.-.i d r . " a : - t e --e. rr. p. OMPOFNpl r t ! . - 4 ' :r.d E' A : -t -. . . i : i m! ; l J..r.::ary 10 lr T-;;.ry I. .V;:h r oe, i A.--'. ? -t J j 0 . :;. W. i.", trf a-.ire :-. I id re or a . Ait, AlMilllhi the it;,;,! a f ,!,.:! than : .-tan.-'' - ;i or Mf'.gs !!":; ap.lal J", C....i. v,.v. F. M". - i - t ! coMroiM)i:i f he p For i n g a r Prr.d Mi in y f'...v,1s p! . January 10: I i r;;;.i ry ! ' 0 "".00 0.0 I !.. an W; r Sa AHTllP.LY. t -P years T:;e Bu:!d- '. A sso -i.t : :r : , f Se.uth j r pp id h : . , !r Stantp and h or. o ; 1 r f . re- aw earnings from .u. ::o; ! :4p.: j Assets $ 1,. of. IK 0.00. Shirplus $10.000. ..o. 2 1 C W. Wash ington Ave. F. .NT. Boone. Treas. Wishing My Friends and Patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year V. L. DOUGLAS SHOES Now $6, $7. $8 Jay L, d: 1 TAYLOE 1915 S. Miami St. Lincoln 6065 Starting Our Business Craft Upon It's Voyage Of 1923 With all Sails set, and firm ly resolved: To serve you faithfully and better still, the Coming Year. To main tain our leadership in accur ately interpreting Fashions Forecasts, but always with fine discrimination. Not to voyage into Unknown Seas, but to steer our ship by Quality, Fair Prices and Square - Dealings, those points of the compass "that have always held it safely upon its course of Public Confidence. 210 South Michigan Street Dry Agencies to Ask More Prohibition Legislation INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. CO. (By A. P.) Irohibition legislation to reinforce the present dry laws will be asked of the legislature 'by the Indiana Anti-Saloon league and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Three hills .have been pre pared for the legislature's considera tion. One would amend the present law by increasing the penalties to be imposed on first and second con vicrfonrt for violation of the act. The other two bills would enact new laws, one providing for at least one year' Imprisonment for unlawful possession of a. still, and the other making the transportation of intox icating liquor In any wagon, buggy, automobile, water or aircraft a fel ony, punishable by imprisonment of from one to five years and a rine ot not exceeding $1,000. The present law makes the illocra! transportation of liquor only a misdemeanor. Special I'XCOYEKS SKELETON'. WAPSAW, Ind.! Dec. CO. While digging a grave for his pet -dog, which was killed Iby an automobile, K. P. Hank'ins unearthed a human skeleton on Friday afternoon. Han kins learned later that the location was that of a cemetery years and years "before. Mi Year's SuDDar B Eve DEC. 31 Fresh Fruit Supreme a-la-Palace Heart of Celery. Jumbo Olives Essence of Chicken Palatian Sea Food. Pattic a-la- Newberg Roast of Guinea Ham. Virginia Pineapple Combo. Candied Yams Cauliflower au Gratin Special Palitian Ice Cream ansien Cookies. $1.75 CofT ee furs FOR THE. NEW YEAR'S DINNER BRICK ICE CREAM FINE HOMEMADE 0c A BRICK CANDIES TO INTRODUCE OUR CANDIES SPECIAL WALNUT ROLL 59c POUND BOX COR. PALACE BLDG. 5-tWsviOtVVs S V- - o r " Renowned SALE Starts I ucsday, January 2, 9 O'clock Ransacking ODDS AND ENDS BROKEN LOTS SOILED GOODS at Greatly REDUCED PRICES Sec Our Big Ad on Page 5 DR. F. F. FARVER DENTIST 407 Citizens Nat'l Bank Bidg. Telephone L-6237 jj VICTR0LA3 ELB EL BROS, wos o rrry r n ' j s Prestige r'L- C U J J The Reward of 4Good Will" Building for 37 Years r ! M U ! Choose from Hundreds : of Pianos and Victrolas Ü ! ; lh 1 I !;:! Ji Think What this Means! ' ! i . : t "When you think of Music jou think of ! llllx 1 liros."- j i i : ( .. ; ! . 1 I ' I ' i- ' "The Best" In accordance with our I alley lo sell only "The Iks:" we naturally rep resent these products which are absolutely the leaders in the field, because of their supre macy of TONE and DURABILITY. The Genuine "VICTKOLA" and famous VICTOR KIiroUDS Pianos Pianolas ( Oil M.ik- wi:bi:i: sTAHIt AliOl.I niciiMovn ItIlMI.(.TOV iilbi.l mux. III! AM BACH (iPLBKANMlN KItAMCII .- BACH (rnuiiie Aeolian IH'O-AUP IU pntducing Piams STFI.N WAY W I1BI1H STUCK ST I tO CD A IX) LI AX WIM" Ik'e.aus after ? ears of vuccosful retailing of inusiral instruments. c Iiaxo grown into lln largest retail nMisi Ikium- in the state of Indiana! It js- not an i-y task to dominate in jour particular field to completely outstiij coin petition to a point where people demand tin of merchandise u sdl instead of liaing to coiiince them regarding the merits of your products. To do this rjum "square dealing." Cour tcsy jmiiI Scricv' attciiiptiiii; nccr to dc strov the ciinhd'-nce of a :iii;Ic customer. Many temptation- lae he-ct the path of a gooI meia liaut in lccent eai temptation to Milist jtiite infeii'tr imitations on which more profit oiild lie P ared: temptation to profiteer: teiupfat ion- of all kind- tin.' to a of or; i ia I com! it ion-. . HIT for I'.T eais n- ttMtlil budding bettzin our -eixic:- 1emo.P l.n4 our equip'in nt each .'.car adding cery c. n enieiu ;:rid. aboxe s.Uin the r.e-t I let Illlli'iits 111. nie hi that We i.ow can lionestiy -a "If jou l;ou''li! it at'I Pro-. it i oi one." a 1922 Our Bigges! Year 50 9c Increase 'Our Bewarf! 'for Service and Bdinlniity Is Puhlir Confidence ' Pianos. Tlctrolas ):iS itj. ! 11 Iii a b m mm P.n i- in 1 a ' ' K . 7 'hi ii Happy Nw Year B B. Clean Advt. C U j.