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Cetihty kicorder 1 jan 11 ' rwic D C AN VOLUME 56 PLYMOUTH. INDIANA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2. 1911 NUMBER 2 IME I CHRONICLE BPH P D WEEKLY REFUEL T T T T I Papers Will Be Called "The Weekly Republican" and "The Plymouth Daily Republican." TRANSACTION RECEIVED WITH DELIGHT BY. BUSINESS MEN AND PARTY Combined Business Will Give Largest Equipped Job Plant in the City. Present Location Jan. 7 A deal wa3 closed today whereby S. E. Boys, publisher of the Chronicle, becomes owner of the Tribune daily and weekly newspapers and printing plant in Plymouth. The two plants will be combined and the papers published under the name of "The Weekly Republican" and "The Plymouth Daily Republi- can. The present location of the Chroni cle will be maintained and enlarged to take eare of the machinery and increased business. The combination of thes,e two papers has long been wished for by both business interests and the members of the republican party. Thi3 announcement will, therefore, be very welcome new3 not oniy to the business men of Plymouth but to the party thoroughout the county. This change leaves only one re publican paper in Marshall county, which is very desirable from a political point of view; and only! two papers in the city of Plymouth, -which is a very desirable situation from many viewpoints. The combination gives the Republican by far the largest circulation both on Daily and on Weekly in the county and will make its plant the best equipped newspaper and job plant in the city. It will take perhaps a month or more before changes of the ma chinery and complete installation of the combined plant are done." In the meantime the be3t offorts will be made to care for the job work as promptly as possible under the con ditions. On Monday the Republican will be issued from one office to the subsciibers of botb the Tribune and the Chronicle and the eame thing will be done on the weekly list on Thursday. The taking up of the old news paper name "Republican" for the party organ name in this county we believe will be the most satis factory to everybody. Though the contents of the paper will be the game whatever the name, yet there is something in a name. Mr. Hendricks will finish some job printing here and expects then to buy a newspaper in seme larger city. He has always had an excellent .job business and his ekillin that line will be missed in thi3 city. .11 started the Tribune in 1901 as the successor of the Republican and has published it since that date. Es pecial praise ehould be given to his son, Wm. C. Hendricks, for his ability as a news writer. For the past two or three years he has had almost entire charge of the news paper pari of the business and has kept the Tribune at a high standard. Hi3 work has been much appreciat ed by the public. . Postal Examination. -Jan. 7 The postal department held a civil Bervice examination for rural mail carriers this morning in -.the commissioner's room at the tcourt house. Fifteen prospective applicants ?ere on hand at 10:30 o'clock to ; answer the questions of Uncle Sam. Ten of them came . from Bourbon , to seek the place. The Bourbon .candidates were Roy Eby, G. G. Stein, Richard Reed, R, J. Hoffer, i Louis Vemette, Glen Dillingham, , E. H. Agnew. J. P. Kester, I. G. Kcff and Jesse Stein. The other ? five were John Pfender, Edward Hess, Lloyd Zumbaush, John R. ;i.rnhv and John H.Webster of , Plymouth. Circulation in the County and Best Paper Will be Published From of Chronicle. Circuit Court. Jan. 7 Many cases were disposed of today a9 this was the last day of this term of court. A judgment of $389.44 was awarded Hilda K. Reinhold against Bernard T. McShane and real es tate ordered sold. Lillian Fieser wa9 granted a divorce from Frank M. Fieser and given custody of the child. The Lemler ditch was established and W. R. ßchoonover appointed drainage commissioner. Judgment in the Menser vs. Crowley case was rendered, the plaintiff to take nothing and ordered to pay the costs. Homer D. Redick was allowed $16S.37 against the estate of David Redick. WISE WAS DEFEATED In the Speakership- Fight at State Capital. ALBERT J. VENEMAN SELECTED Local Candidate Goes Down With Anti-Taggart Faction. Double Crossed. Albert J. Veneman of Evansville was selected by the democratic caucas for the next speaker of the house of the Indiana Legislature. He wa9 selected on the second ballot over Adam E. Wise of Plym outh, Adolph Seidensticker of In dianapolis, M. C. Thornton of New Albany and Jo. M. Cravens of Madison. It was a case of Taggart or Anti Taggart and the National com mitteeman showed he had the winning hand. Taggart decided that Veneman should be the next speaker and the antis placed the most of their strength back of Wise. The first ballot gave Veneman 24, Wise 14, Seidensticker 10, Cra vens G and Thornton 4, and the second which- brought the nomi nation was: Veneman 31, Wise 18, Seiden9ticker 5, Cravens 2 and Thornton 2. Editor C. VT. Metsker, &. N. Stevens and other leading Marshall county democrats were on the ground doing what they could to Peter J. Kruyer was also in Indian apolis but according to the papers of that city he was with the Vene man crowd. Local politicians claim that the victory was one for Governor Mar shall but here is what one of the Indianapolis papers says about the candidacy of Adam Wise: "The lineup bebind Wise came principally from anti-Taggart men, or men who have previously been identified with the Taggart element but were "dumped" in this race. The anti-Taggart men realized for the first time Tuesday that they bad made a mistake in not uniting upon one candidate and the nego tiations began at once. It was esen that a combination could not be formed that would be of much benefit to Seidensticker, eo the enly thins to do X7t3 to line cp THE PLYMOUTH REPUBLICAN Saturday witnessed the last publication of the Plymouth Tribune and . the Plymouth Chronicle as separate newspapers. Beginning Monday January 9th, a -new newspaper will make its appearance in Plymouth The two Republican newspapers have been combined by Samuel E. Boys publisher of the Chronicle and will be called THE PLYMOUTH RE- PUBLICAN. v This is the last issue 'of this newspaper under the management of Hendricks and Company. . . "' The final union of the two Republican newspapers has been accom- plished, after efforts toward consolidation exetnding for several months past. The combination of the circulation of both papers, has been the ideal of both managements for a long time, and h; been finally accomplished, with prefect satisfaction toward the publishers of both. The union of the two publications, will be a date of importance in the editorial history of Plymouth and Marshall county. Many difficult situations such as advertising patronage by business. men, political con- dition, etc. will at once" be corrected by the consolidation, which was deferred only by the inability to reach satisfactory terms. The Plymouth Tribune, was instituted by Hendricks and Co. in the year 1900, as a successor to the Plymouth Republican, and Plymouth Evening News. ' During the time, that these publications were issued by the retiring manasmcnt, every effprt has been. made, to give the residents of Ply- mouth and Marshall county, the best newspaper which has' ever been published here. The Tribune has made many enemies by its attitude on -various public questions, but it has always stood and fought for what it deemed was the right. As a consequence, we believe that the Tribune has a host of friends, more staunch and true ' than its most bitter "disbelievers." To this army of friends our subscribers and i patrons we heartily introduce, and recommend our successor, and late contemporary, Mr. Samuel E. Boys who will continue to serve you with the best Plymouth newspaper, the Plymouth Republican. The present management will in all probabilities, leave Plymouth With the idea in mind, of seeking, a larger field, with an increased chance of opportunity four our children, our. intentions are to secure a newspaper in a larger city. . f The year 1910, has been the most prosperous year in the history of the Tribune. As publishers of the Tribune, we believe that we have advanced the paper to its utmost and with confident hopes of high prospects, we consign the newspaper to the new management, The Plymouth Republican. To our friends and .past .patrons, we extend our heart-felt thanks, for support and patronage, so generously be- stowed, and wish all a happy and prosperous new year. And so with malice toward none, and good will toward all, we say Gccd-bye.. HENDRICKS "ANDtcÖMPAinr m O O t NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. ! t The REPUBLICAN will carry out and J I complete all subscriptions to the Daily or Weekly Tribune, and all sums now owing for subscriptions to Weekly Tribune are the REPUBLICAN OFFICE, 206 North Mich- ! igan Streßt. DEATHS INFANT REED. Argos, Jan. 9 The seven months old eon of Mr. and'Mre. John Reed died at his home in Argos Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock of pneumonia and will be buried in Bremen Tues day noon. MRS. JUTE VINALL. J Jan. 6 Mrs. Mary Jane Gilson Vinall, wife of Jute Vinall and a well known resident of this city, died at her home at 714 north Walnut street last night at 10:30 o'clock. She had been sick for the past year and a half and for six months has been confined to her home. Mrs. Vinall was bom in Ohio Jan. 21, 1858, and was the daugh ter of John and Amanda Gilson. When but a small child she moved with her parents to this county, where she spent the remainder of her life. She was a quiet, modest home-loving woman, and while her life was not one to mingle among the many, but of those who were privileged as neighbors and friends to bear her acquaintance, ehe wfll always be remembered. Her life'was devoted to her home and children. She was a member of the St. Thomas Episcopal church of this city. She was married to Jute Vinall about thirty, years ago. Besides the husband there are left five chil dren, four girls and one boy; Mrs. Ora Miller of South Bend, Mrs. Marjorie Conant of Kendallville, Vera, Gilbert and Esther who re side at home. Her father, two eisters and two brothers also sur vive her. Tc3 brothers, are James cl Couth csd and Gccra of Gcrhea, and ths cistern' ara Lire. X either the Daily or $ due and payable to SAMUEL E. BOYS. HENDRICKS & CO. Barnett Gandy of South Bend and Mrs. Wm. Kline of Plymouth. ' Services will be held at the bouse Sunday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. B F. Ivins officiating. The body will be laid to rest in Oak Hill ceme tery. SENATOR S. B. ELKINS. Waehiogton, Jan. 5 Senator Stephen B. Elkina of West Virginia died at midnight after an illness ex tending over a period of several months. His career was one dis tinguished by achievements. De feats weie unknown in any phase of activity and successes followed his every ambition. Former Citizen Dead. Jan. 7j Dr. O. A. Rea, a former resident of Culver but who hae late ly resided at Rochester, died at his home Friday night at eleven o'clock. Stopping - of the bowels caused his death. He underwent an oper ation Thursday night but it did not help him any; He was only sick a few days. , The deceased was well known in this county as he was a member of the pension board for years and a prominent member of the G. A. R. He leaves a wife and three chil dren: one daughter Lucretia and two sons William and Dr. Robert Rea. Funeral will occur Monday at one o'clock at Rochester. Urs. O. E. ZIcDowell . Mrs. O. E. McDowell died at her home in Kokomo last Tuesday evening- at 5 o'clock. The deceased was well known in Plymouth having lived here .for about two years till last November when she moved to her former home on account of - sickness. Her .busbind is. . tht Principal of the high school of this city and has been rooming at Rev. Yager's whil? his wife has been sick Mrs. McDowell was about 30 years of age and leaves besides her husband two daughters two and five years old respect ively. While a resident of Plymouth she made many friends and will long be remembered for her kind and genial ways. She was a member of the Methodist church and an active worker Tefore her Iiealth was impair ed. Funeral services will be held at the -Methodist church in Kokomo Thurs dav afternoon at 2 o'clock. Death of Mrs. Solomon Zehner Mrs. Nancy Jane Zehner, a long and well known resident of Plymouth died at her home on north Michigan street, Sunday morning ' at 5 :20 o'clock, after an illness lasfing for several weeks. She was 67 years, 9 months, and 9 days of age, at the time of her death. Deceased had been in poor health for several months and had been confined to her bed for the past six weeks. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Plake, her maiden name was Nancv Jane Plake. Her parents moved to Argos, when she was nine years of age, and conducted the first hotel in that town. The family had previous ly resided in Rush county Indiana. When thirty-four years of age, she was married to Robert McDonald and resided south of Plvmouth. Four children bom of this union are liv ing. They are Mrs. Charles Zum baugh who resides south of Plymouth Samuel McDonald, and John Mc Donald of Plymouth and Eliza, who lives in South Dakota. After the death of Mr. McDonald she was married to Anthony Kichnor. One child which was born, died several years ago. Her last husband, the late Solomon Zehner, died December 6th. 1907. Deceased,. was a life long member of the Seventh Day Advent church. She has resided in Plymouth and Marshall county practically all of her life, and was widely known. . The funeral was held "at the' residence Tuesday fternoon, at 1:30 o'clock, conducted by David Van Vactor. Interment at Oak Hill. Card of Thanks. We desire, in this manner, to express our "sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude to everyone who in any way assisted us in our great bereavement, and assure you it will be our constant prayer that you may prosper in this world, and that eternal happiness may be yours in the world to come. "But should it be that trouble and misfortune be lall you, remember that you have our deepest sympathy. J. J. VlN'ALL, AND FAMILY, Mr. and Mrs. .Anthony Miller, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Conant. FORTNIGHTLY ENTERTAIN At the Home of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thayer Wednesday Evening. Jan. 5 The Fortnightly Club wa3 entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Thayer last even ing by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Thay er, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Stevens and Mrrand Mrs. James W. Thayer. A three course supper was served at 6:30 o'clock at which fifty guests were seated. After the refreshments were served the party indulged in whist in which Mrs. Moses Lauer made the high score for the ladies and Harry Armstrong scored for the other sex. The low score was captured by. Mrs. Harry Buck for the ladies and Dr. C. F. Holtzen dorff for the men. The entire party agreed that they had been royally entertained and that their hosts and hostesses had proved themselves equal to the occasion. filoves to Bourbon. Mrs. James Redick and children of Inwood, have decided to make Bourbon their future home, so this week they move to the property re cently vacated by Elmer Burwell. We are glad to have them among us and trust they will be as glad to be here. Bourbon News Mirror. New Cases. - Grace L. Himes against Bert Himes for divorce and custody of the child. Ball & Co. asainst Geo. W. Ram c:y for collection of note. llcCrcry against Lidechcr case fcrprtitica vraa di:mi;3sd. COMPULSORY CHOICE German Township Compelled Selection of Fries. , CRASI SHOWN TO BE MOST POPULAR Choice of Commissioners for Infirmary "Superintendent Gives Much Dis satisfaction Among Democrats. The choice of William Fries of Bremen as successor to Peter J. Kruyer as superintendent of the county farm seems not to have given the best satisfaction, accord ing to comments among democrats since the election. It is said the party wanted a young man without a family, and Mr. Flies is over fifty and has five children. It is said further that they wanted a farmer and that Mr. Fries is a clerk in a hardware store and not a man of proper -caliber to handle the job as it should be. Moreover, the thing which de cided his selection was neither his favor with the commissioners nor his fitnecs for the place, but instead it was a cold, raw threat from the democrats of German township which amounted to compulsion in the matter. There was nothing else for the commissioners to do but elect Fries. TKey voted for twenty-four bal lots to make ehoving and then did what they intended to do at the beginning. Tne German township politicians put it up something like this, eo it is said by those on the inside. "German township gave the ticket oyer 200 majority, and if you don't give us this place we will go republican in the next election." That was what turned the trick. The feeling of the commissioners is shown, however, by the following yotes which the different candidates received: 1st ballot, Suit, Cram, Fries 2nd M 44 dull, Voreis 3rd " Brugh, Cramer, Cram 4th ' Fries, Voreis, Sarber 5th Brugh, Suit, Cram 6th ' Cram, Fries, Sarber 7th 44 44 11 Voreis 8th 44 44 44 Sarber 9th " " " Voreis 10th 4 44 Cramer, 11th 44 Crull, Fries, 44 12th- 44 Cram, 44 Sarber 13th 44 44 Suit, Voreis 14th 44 . Cram, Brugh, Sarber 15th 4 4 44 Suit, Sarber 16th 17th 44 18th 4 4 4 4 Fries, Sarber 19th 44 44 44 Voreis 20th 44 44 Suit 2lst 4 4 44 4 4 Voreis 22nd 23rd 24th 44 44 44 (2) Total Votes received by each of the candidates were: Brugh 3, Suit 7. Cramer 2, Cram 21, Crull 2, Fries 16, Sarber' 8 and Voreis 11. Commissioners Lee and Thayer cast the votes that elected Fries on the 24th ballot. It is said by Sarber's friends that he had the strongest and best recommendations of any of the candidates. The vote 9hows how ever that Cram was the strongest candidate as he received the most yotes and was in reality the com missioners choicfl. George Pooler Indicted. Jan. 7 An indictment with four courts was returned against George Pooler for selling liquor to minon and without a license. He was ar rested and gave bonds for $50 for each count amounting to $200 which were signed by H. A. Logan. Jan. 6 The case of Homer Redick against the estate of David Redick for claim ia being heard by Judge Bernetha today. Quito number of Tritnscsss from Bcurbon ar3 attendms tha trial. - EAGLES v ENTERTAIN At Hill's Cafe Wsinssrtay Evening. EXCELLENT BANQUET AND DANCE Many Attend Social Function and Are Treated to an Array of Oratory. Jan. 5 The fraternal order of Eagles celebrated their first birth day of the local lodge by a banquet to their wives and lady friends last night. The object of the gala event was to promote fraternal fellowship and to increase the interest in the order. One hundred and two members and friends . assembled in Aerie room at 8 o'clock and proceeded to Hill's cafe where an informal re ception was given to the ladie3 while the supper was being are pared. At nine o'clock they were seated to the banquet tables and were treated to the best in the land. Ed Koontz, the worthy president, gave "way to Judge W. H. Van gilder who acted as toastmaster. A four course supper was served, the menu being aj follows: New York Counts Wafer Crackers Cream Salad Cold Slaw Shrimp Salad -Noodle Soup Pearl Crackers oast Pig Cranberry Sauce Brown Bread White Rolls Sage Dressing Peach Pie Vanilla Ice Cream Coffee Nuts Cigars Joseph Rober prepared the young pig for the occasion. After the eupper the toastmaster gave an address which was respond-- ed to "by P. J. Troyer, J. F. Thomas, Eugene Pesch. Levi Vangilder and William Martin of Plymouth and John Frost and Earl Carbientr of Bremen. After the banquet a dance was held which lasted untir two o'clock. Seybold's orchestra furnished the music. A good time war had and all agreed that the Eagles have established a record of hospitality that cannot be excelled. P. H. S. Notes. Next week will be test week. The first semester closes January 20. r Herlus Poor visited High school last Friday. Schuyler Nolan ha8 entered the Junior clusa from Bourbon. High school began Wednesday after a vacation of two weeks. The Latin VI and VII class are reading the 2nd oration of Cicero. Arthur Massena has been absent from school. He has the mumps. Work on the Senior Annual has commenced. It is the desire to get out a beautiful book this year. Will Hendricks has given up directing the High school orchestra. They have not decided who they will get. The Freshmen have been in our midst nearly one term. They act like they had only been here a day. It is about time they were waking up. V. The Short Hdnd class is progress ing very nicely. They are nearly through the. book and will then be ready to review and take nothing nut dictation work. Mrs. Work Has New Auto. Mrs. Julia E. Work has a new Buick auto, similar io her old one which she exchanged on this one. The new car is a beauty and a fine running machine. The business of Mrs. Work's training school has be come such that the cannot gzt tlonz without a good autcmobib Tfhich eo crcatly accists in -her BMVidt i r