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n While - Make our store your . Headquarters. We always have a good fire, plenty of room and always glad to see your Our stock is always complete, and pri- . , - - ces the lowest. The Ko We Baline of canned goods can't be beat and the Wilton line is second to none. Bring in your trade and see us. Yours for 1911 , ' ?V V M- Uf t TV V v C. R. LEONrtRD. . 3Jf I Funeral Director ani Undertaker, PLYMOUTH. Office Phone 80. INDIANA. Residence Phone IS. 3Jf Repair Work and Blacksmlthlng f If your buggy, wagon, plow, or other farm ma chinery is in need of re pairs, or if you want horse shoeing done satis factorily -see me. Our prices arc reasonable. :: C. E. Rankin Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S lASTO R I A 1 FOB -TBE mum If ym haren't a regular, healthy morement of tha bow-a erery day, you'ra 111 or will ba. Kp your bowl j open, and t well. Force, In tha shape of Tlolent phytic or pill poiaon, la aangerova. Tha amKthett, eaaleat, moat perfect way of keeping the bowels clear and clean ia to take CANDY CATHARTIO fab. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY ?leaaant. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. De CKxxi, Kerer Sicken We ken or Orlpt 10, ZS and W eenta per box. W r? xi tree aample, and book let on health. Addreaa - i33 Starling Remedy Company. Chicago or New Yet . REEP YOUR DLQOD CLEAN Highest Prices v Paid For All Kinds of HIDES THEATRE CHANGES HANDS Balfours Take Control of Orphcum After Short Trial. Many Changes To Be Made. Offi ce in Rear of Kuhns Garage M. Franklin Proprietor Plymouth Indi lana Phone 910 Jan. 7 The Balfours have taken charge of the Orpheum and have moved to Plymouth. They have met with success here during their ew performances in our city and will make a number of changes in our local theatre. Tnejfmanager claims that the eastfnumber of tickets sold any night during their show was 285 paid admissions and that one day they sold nearly 1200 tickets. The troup has given excellent eatisfactionland recieve praise from, all who attend. The manager expects to have uniformed ushers before long and Alfred Scheets will probably be head usher. A change of program will be given and many new and interesting specialties are being ar ranged for. . C. M. Walker gave up the management on account of too much other business to attendee. 3C Real Estate Firm of E lis du Troyer 83 acres of well improved land 4 miles of Plymouth, for $6000, on easy payments. 92 acre farm 2 miles of Plymouth, good buildings, well improved, well drained, for $8900. 70 acre farm 4 miles of Plymouth, well improved, for $3500, on easy payments, or trade for city property. 100 acre farm 2 miles from Argos, good buildings, faim well drained, for $5700. 110 acres 3 miles from Bremen, bank barn. 30 acres timber, good sugar camp, fine orchard, for $8200, on easy payments. 90 acre farm 6 miles from Plymouth, bank barn 40x 60 ft., 16 room house, land well drained, for $5400. 120 acre farm 3 miles from Plymouth, well improved, best of land, good buildings, for $10,200. 80 acre farm 4 miles from Culver. 60 acres in cultivation, for $1200. 8 room house, 5 block from P. O. in Plymouth, lot """" 'S, 63x176 ft. Good barn, all for $1400. 9 room house in west Plymouth for sale or trade for 60 or 80 acre farm. 9 room house in Culver, modern improvements, best of location for $1800. City property for sale or trade. Fire Insurance, Official and Contract Bonds. Money on real estate loans at 5 and 5 1-2 per cent Mm Bbck9 Rooms 1 aodl 2 - : Pflymouttfo '.Indiana. HAVE PRACTICAL SCHOOL Unique Institution Operated in La porte by Dr. Edward Rumely, Preparatory School. Out in the little town of LaPorte, Indiana, is the Interlaken School, an institution which is so uniquely nractical in its scope and aims as to be' unusual. Edward Buckrum writes of this unusual school and its unusual head, Dr. Edward A. Rumely, in Human Life for January. Dr. Rumely is no mere theorist in edu cation. He is a keen alert, up-to- the-minute man affairs. Besides being a graduate physician, a graduate of German universities the founder and president of a sue cessful and unique boarding-school he i:3 an officer in active control o big affairs in a million dollar corpo ration. The purpose of this school is to train boys in worthy tndself-relian character; to make them sound and vigorous of body and soul, practica and skillful in work, able to think clearly and express themselves cogently; to develop in them truth helpfulness, courage of will, in short, to train the sons of the di recting classes of our civilization to become fit leaders of men in this industrial republic. Keener ana Keener nas grown the demand," says Dr. Rumley Iii tor scnoois mat win prepare our boys for the practical things life. The men who are great in the nation today were not reared in the city flat. They were trained most of them, by hard work on a farm in the open, teaming fields driving the patient-toiling horses caring for cows, ducks and chickens doing the manual training of chores and nlaying hard when they had a chance." Juet how this clear-sighted, far seeing educator is carrying out his theories, and what kind of boys are the product of his training is made apparent by the writer of this very readable article. Would there were more DM Rumelys at the " head o American institutions. -s . To See the New Stock of At the P copies Drug tore Plymouth, Indiana 3X THE APOLLO GIVES STAG Ovar.Twenty of the Members Partake of a Swell Banquet at Hill's Cafe. Legislation for Hospitals. Superintendents of the hospitals for the insane in the etate have joined with the state board o health' in an effort to obtain legis lation looking to a change in the formal list of questions tobe ans wered on admission of any patient to the hospital. The list is pre scribed by law, and rction by the general assembly is necessary ' be fore any change may be made. The list, as now used, is held to be in complete, in view of modern methods of collecting and compiling vital statistics. To Institute Rector. Tomorrow morning at the regular 10:30 o'clock service at St. Thomas church, the Bishop oi the Diocese of Michigan City, the Rt. Rev. John H. White will institute the Rev. Benj. F. P. Ivins as Rector of the Parisn. The Bishop will preach the eermon and the Christmas music will be repeated. It will be an unusually interesting service and the public iscordially invited tobe present. Jan. 6 The Apollo Club gave a 6tag party at Hill's cafe, last even ing. About twenty members gathered to enjoy the occasion. A fine supper had been prepared and Clifford Burkett held the seat of honor and acted as toastmaster for the evening. Every one responded with sh'arp, spicy talks as their names were called. William Hen dricks gave an excellent talk on "Good Fellowship," which the others claimed was the best of them all. They adjourned at 10 o'clock, all declaring they had spent a most delightful evening. Ths following is the menu which was set before the boys with the emphasis on the half chicken: New York Counts Waffer Crax Cold Slaw doodle -Soup Pearl Crax Celery . ShximD Salad Lettuce Leaf Baked Chicken Cr-eam Gravey Säge Dressing Mashed Potatoes Oyster Patties Cranberry Sauce Buttered Rolls Escoloped Corn Peach Pie " Ice Cream Coffee Postcard Shower. MrB. D. E. Moore of Plymouth, who lived in Pierceton for many years and was a very active worker in the Presbyterian church, was re membered by a large number of her friends on her seventieth birthday last week, and was given a post card shower. In reply Mrs. Moore writes as follows: "Many thanks to my Pierceton friends for their kind remembrance of me the past week. Although seventeen years have past since I moved from the:e. they made me feel that absent, I "was not forgot ten. Again thanking you all. Mrs. D. E. Moore. Pierceton Record. PUMP, GRIND, SAW $ .6 5 For a Perkins Engine This engine is high grade in every respect and will do the work of other engines costing twice the price. We fully war rant it. We can also furnish a fu line of Fittings, Pipe, Pumps, Hose, Tanks, Feed Grinders Wood Saws, Corn Shellers, Meat Choppers, Cream Separator Attachments, Etc, Etc Call on ASTLEY CO, HO HAM, Arfnts for.Plrmouth PERKINS WIND MILL AND ENGINEr.CO. A' yaffil MISHAWAKA, INDIANA. Notice. The local health officer has no right to retain a pupil from school solely upon the authority with which he is vested, only upon the basis of the contagious diseases listed by the State Board of Heath, viz small pox, diptheria, measles, membranous croup, scarlet fever and whooping cough. Mumps, al though considered, contagious are not eo listed, hence on that disease he has no jurisdiction. But teachers in all schools, private, parochial or public, shall without delay, ssnd home any pupil who is sick, and said teacher shall inform the local health officer as speedily as possible and said health officer shall exam ine into the rase and . act as is re quired by the law and the rules. J. S. Martin, .. -Local Health Officer. iiniMiMi? v Installation Service. The installation of the Methodist 8unday school teachers and ofläcer for the ensuing year will occur to morrow morning at the 10:30 Pr. vice. Every officer and teacher is urged to be present. AJso every parent and pupil, thus showing: your interest and thereby giving en couragement to these worthy work ers. Sunday school at twelve o'clock. Start the New Year right by bring ing another with you. Your efforts, may lead others to better work; Medicines that - aid nature are- always most effectual, Chamber lain's Cough'Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thcusanda . have testified to its superior ex cellence. Sold by All Dealers.