OCR Interpretation

The weekly Republican. (Plymouth, Ind.) 1911-1922, February 02, 1911, Image 5

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

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Our Guarantee Guarantees
To guarantee an article is to make tie purchaser secure
against loss in case the aiticle, for any leatqn, piovts unsatisfac
tory ; That's, jast what our guarantee doe3 protc's you agaiutt
loss. IC you buy an article here and it isn't exrctly hat it should
be if you're not satisfied wewillthtnk you to biiog it back.
We-will exchange it for any other article of q ial Value or iefuLd
the fall purchase price just as you wish.
You run.no risk in buying here. ' We want this store to please
you to be the safest and mopt ßatisfactory place to buy you have
ever known. Let us be your druggists.
(AdYertisement ander this bead inserted
for 10 cents a lire.. V Count about 6 words to
tbe line. Ths ChbokicLk carries -your ad
all over Marshall county and beyond )
Dr. Eikenberry's day is Friday of
each week.
Call and see the Adrian fence at
Buck's w2-23.
A good farm for sale, 42 miles
S. W. of Plymouth, good improve
menis. R. F. D. 5 Box 24. w2.
Persons knowing themselves in
debted to the Linkenhelt Coal Co.,
are requested to please settle by
February 20tli. All unpaid accounts
and notes will be placed with an at
torney for collection after this date
without further notice. d30-4wl
- Public Sale.
I have sold my farm and will
sell at auction on Thursday Feb. 23,
20 head of good young horses; 15
head of cattle; 50 head Poland China
hog's, 25 of them brood sows; 30
head sheep; farm tools, etc. Farm
located on Pretty Lake road, 2 miles
southwest of Plymouth. w2-9-lG.
G. W. Lel.r.
For Sale Farm of 120 Acres
A good anil well improved farm of
120 acres, four and a half miles from
Plymouth may be brought at . rea
sonable price. There is a good house
and barn, 20 acres of good young
timber (geeting so valuable these
days), good water, windmill and sup
ply tank, stock fences. For further
particulars enquire at Chronicle of
fice, dwtn.
- ,,
Advertised Letters
E. B. Thoma.-.
Eujrene Benz. ""
Dr. Florian.
Mrs. Elizabeth Warner.
Alice Strauss. :
Rebecca Morris.
Mrs. John Colier.
Plymouth Market Report.
Prices on Feb. 1. These prices
charge nearly every day, and the
figures quoted are good only for
the day named
Corrected Uüy br George Vic ail.
Eggs 18c
Butter 20c
Lard llc
Beans $2.25 to $2.75
Corrected Daily by F.ymoutli Grain Co.
Oats 30c
Wheat $ .88
Rye 70c
Com 57c per 100 lb.
Clovex Seed, perbu $8.00
Corrected dailT 6Y C. S. Lemert.
Old timothy per ton $10 00
Old clover $1100
Roosters 5c
Old Hens ...10o
Ducks.... 1.10c
Turkeys .... 12 to 14c
Geese 7c
Sprirg chicken? 10c
Corrected daily by M. Frantlia
Old Scrap Iron, per 100 lb 35c
- Tuesday
Bos Union Suits, Ryans." "
- Dan BottorfE went to- Chicago 40
day to work.
G. Denman transacted business at
Walnut today. '
. Mrs. Rollo Bennett spent the day
at South Bend. -
Miss Besie Robertson is visiting
friends at Chicago.
J. D. ;Stienman went to Argos
today on busess.
Buck's for Kokomo fence and
save monev. w2-23. '
Geo. Koontz is spending the day
at Bourbon on business.
"Welcome Miller transacted busi
ness at Inwood today.
G. II. Johnson spent the day at
Walkerton on business
William Eolman transacted busi
ness at South Bend today.
Mrs. D. O. Holem spent the day
at South Bend shopping.
Henry Rarick went to Delong to
.1a v to visit several davs.
D. T. Swank of Walkerton spent
the morning here on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jacoby art-j-pending
the. day at South Bend.
W. E. Bailey ha? returned from
a Abrief business trip to Walkerton.
Cha. Cnmer.r w?:it to Arkansas
city Kan.-as to make Iiis home there.
Mesdaines J. P. Bishop and R.
O. .Schlosser speut the day at Ar-
Mr.. F. W. Bosworth has returned
from a slicrt visit at Buchanan,
Conrov Kiev and Otto Kruver at-
tend d tlie uto Show at Chicago)
Mrs. Jnlia E. Work and Miss
Barr spent the Jay at Luporte on
Mrs. A. C. Capron and mothei
Mrs. Dill are spending a few days
at Chicago.
Miss Stella Myers is visiting with
her sister Mrs. Flovd Bunnell foi
a few days. f
Mrs. Aivan Armantrout of Bour
lon is visiting with her sister Mrs.
Crantz of this city.
Mrs. Ada Pierce and brother R.
B. McNight went to Peru today to
visit a short time.
S. II. Joseph of Elkhart accom
panied his mothers to Donaldson to
visit for a few days.
Miss Gertrude Jeflirs of Bourbon
went to South Bend to attend the
wedding of her cousin.
Philip Zimmerman of Bourbon
township went to South Bend today
to visit for a short time.
Don't contract for fence until you
see Buck's complete stock of
Kokomo and Adrian fence. w2-23-.
Mrs. M. L. Zook of Rochester
went to South Bend today to visit
with herNy sister for a few days.
Chris Hatfield went to South
Bend to visit with his daughte
Mrs. Grace Faler for a short time.
Mrs. Chas. Hager returned to her
home at Mishawaka today aftei
Lloyd McFarlin spent the day at
Frank Hager transacted business
at Culver today. '
Dr. Kuott made a professional
trip to Argos today.
Mel Smith is spendin a ft-w
dayg at Donaldson. -
Atty. Hj A Logan spent the day
at Argos on business.
E. E. Wilt of Bourbon spent the
morning in this city.
Wm. tollman transacted busi
ness atMason today.
U. S. Lemert made a business
trip to Liporte today.
Chas. Johnson transacted busi
ness at Warsaw today. ..
Mrs. J. A. Tuttle is spending a
few days at Donaldson.
Mies Fern Nellans is spending a
few days with friends at Rochester.
Mrs. J. Jones is spending a few
days at Tyner with friends.
Miss Lois Humrichouser is spend
ing a few days at Inwood.
W. Afc Weiser of Indiana Harbor
spent the day in Bourbon on busi
ness. J. J. Smith has returned to his
home in Liporte after visiting in
this citv.
Mr.N and Mm. H. J. Meridan of
Culver spent tbe morning in this
city on business.
Miss Delia Warnacut returned to
her home at Inwood, after spending
the morning here.
The Fortnightly Club mt with
Mrs. Harry Armstrong oa Sophia
street this afternoon.
Remember the lecture at the Re
jVrnwd church this evening hy Miss
Gertrude M. Cogan.
Mi. s Peäil Miller has returnel to
her home at Hairis after spending
a few days in this city.
Mrs. G. A. Maxey returned, to
her home at Burr Oak after spend
ing" the morning in this ci y.
Henry Haag is just recovering
from the mumps. His father Mr.
Vicholas Haa'-r has them now.
SHOW . SALES OF $56,403.254
Mrs. E. J. Hammakef went to
Marion, O , to visit her brother,
Chas. Marcb, for a short time.
The Needle Craft Club will meet
Friday afternoon with Mrs. S. B.
Fanning on porth Walnut street.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Taylor of La
fayette returned to their home to
day after vishing friends at Inwood.
Mesdames Lewis Jones, William
Shafer, Paul Gerard and Miss
Bessie Richardson -are visitors at
South Bend.
The Knights of Pythias who at
tended the K. of P. district con
vention at Goshen Tuesday report
an enthusiastie meeting'.
Mesdames E. Kamp and Frank
Duddleson returned to their home
at Argos after visiting in this city
with friends and Relatives.
S. M. Welch, formerly .of this
place and who has been running a
shoe store in Wareaw, -has sold out
his business there and returned to
On account of the large number
$1C0 Rew?.rd $100 '
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at
least one dreaded disease that
science has been able to cure in all
its stages, and that is catarrh.
Hall's Catanh Cure is the only
Positive cure now known to the
'medical fraternity. Catanh being a
constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surface3 of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and dying tbe
patient etrength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The propr,' itora have
go much faith in its curative powers
that they offer One- Hundred Dol
lars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonals.
Address F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take HSll's Family Pills- fo
constipation. ". - - ,
visiting in this city since SaturdayrH candidates to be t:kcn into the
Oa fara and city property, "by Cress
ner & Co, Plymot h Ind.; at lowest
rates; (icick actior, no delay; tine to
suit borrower.
Mrs. Emma CavnzT returned to
her home at In-wood after -visiting
relatives at Twin Lakes for several
Mrs. Floy Austin went to South
Bend tcday to visit with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beiler for a
Miss Cadance Jones, who Las beengt
visiting in this city for "a few da3'S
returned -to her home at Donaldson
F. D. . Hossler and Mrs. Chas.
Becknell went to Walkerton today,
1o visit with Mrs. Fred Crowe fo
several days. v
Harry Steinebach of Bourbon
changed cars here today enroute to
laporte where he spent the day on
Mrs. Julia Thomson and grand
children went to Urbana, 111., today
to visit with her daughter for
several weeks.
Mrs. John Oler who has been
visiting friends and relatives here
and at Bourbon returned to hei
home at South Bend today.
Eight or ten Knights of Pythias,
among whom were Will and Lee
Vangilder and Louis Witmaack, went
to Goshen today attending a district
meeting of that order.
Prof. Louis Williams, The Wizard
of Science, will give a marvellous
demonstration in wireless telegraphy
X-ray and kindred subjects at the
Methodist church Friday evening,
Feb. 3. Come and hear him. He
will be amusing, instructive, enter
taining. d'28-3wl. j r
Dr. Danforth, Dentist, phone 4933
Iv. of P. order, special meetings
will be held each Friday evening
commencing at 7:30, to confer de
gree work.
Anna and Lawrence Schall, who
have been visiting their cousins,
the f cheetz and Xaver households,
returned to their home in Tain, O.,
this morning.
Miss Delia Oglesbee of LaPorte is
in the city visiting with Mrs. Frank
Buck. Miss Oglesbee is resident
director of the Woman's Associa-
tion House of LaPorte county. This
is an organization which does work
similar 'to that of the Y. W. C. A.
and its membership is composed of
women from all parts of the county.
Esther O'Keefe, who has beei at
tending school at St, Mary's, Notre
Dame, came home sick with the
grippe last week. She is better
now. So many of the college girls
are . haying the grippe that the
teachers thought it would be best
for those who could to go to their
The following real estate transfers
have been made, according to Cress
ner and Co., abstracters, from Jan.
23, to Jan. 28 inclusive and show
transactions amount to $56,403.25
in five days:
W W Brown and wife w d to
William Erwin lot 55 Thayers 2nd.,
Add.,. Bourbon $1350.00,. .
. William Sherman Overmyer and
wife w d to Thomas Houghton
south half of s w qr? 33-33-1 Union
T.p, $0800.00. .;
Thomas Houghton w d to Dennis
R Houghton west half of s w qr.,
9-32-1 Union Tp., $1.00.
Thomas Houghton w d to Dennis
R. Houghton east half of s w qr.,
9-32-1 Union Tp., $8000.00.
Thomas Honghton w d to Bertha
E. Jones south half of s w qr., 33-33-1
Union Tp., $1.00.
Truman Xeidig et al w d to James
II. Matehett west half of west half
of s w qr., 1-33-3 Bourbon Tp.,
Henry A. Born and wife w d to
Ltwh Pose lot 18 Rhodes add., Ar
gos $2000.00.
Jesse L. See and wife w d to
Pariie.v and Minnie Leffert 2OV2 a
in s w qr., 23-32-2 Green Tp., $1332.50
Cyrus Schultz and wife w d to
Wesley Bryant tract in section 20
m r 1 Argos $500.00.
Jeremiah Zeiters. and wife v d
to Clinton C. Holm part of lot 81
Cabell? Add, Plymouth $800.00
William A. Foss and wife q c d
t -Vonion II. Foss lot 25 Original
plat Culver $1800.00.
PI e':e A. Rockhill w d to Catherine
R. Lc!art cast . half of 11 w qr).
:J3- :4-4 Tippecanoe Tp., $5000.00. .
Jo!,n W. Kitch et al w d to
Cat ohne Mosher lot in Bremen $1150.
Louis F. (Jcober and wife w d to
iLincoIn Ranstead lot . 3 block 11
Rin-Ies 2nd., add., Bremen $2000.00.
S'epheii A. Knoblock and wife w
d to Lincoln Ranstead part of lot
12 Heim Add., Bremen $1G40.00.
Adam Kuntz and wife w d to
Benjamin Weaver tract in s e qr.?
of s w qr., 19-35-4 German Tp.,
Benjamin Weaver and wife w-d
to Adam Kuntz 20 a in s e qr., of
s w qr,, 19-35-4 German Tp., $2000.
Sarah A. Sikes and bus., q c d to
Gideon Logan lots 75 .76 'and 77
Original plat Lapaz $125.00.
Edward L. Hanson and wife w d
to Jacob A. Corner and wife south
of R. R. in west half of s w or..
' OA or 1 T-.11. rr 100 rn n
iV-O.J-1 MTV lis. ipM jpOUU.UU.
Charles L. Soice and wife w d to
Milton E. Soice lots 15-18-22-31-32-33
Soices Sa., Div., - Plymouth $500.
Willis K. Miller and wife w d to
William O'Conner n w qr., of n e
qr., 18-32-1 Union Tp., $2000.00.
Guy Collier and wife w d to Anna
Toner lots 6 and 7 block 9 Tyner
William O'Conner and wife to
George R. and Bruce Ogden n w qr.,
of n e qr., 18-32-1 Union Tp., $2000.
Rachel Johnson, et al w d to
Jacob M. Divine lots 10 and 11 Tec
garden $400.00.
James J. Wood fill and wife w d
to Edward W Price and wife -15 a
in s w qr., 25-33-1 West Tp., $300
Charles Edward Rankin and wife
w d to Benjamin and Ella Fetters
part of lets 158 and 159 Orig Plym
outh $9o0.00.
Peter F. Leer and wife
' 1 t - ' '
m".3cn j.-rgm s e qr., ot n'e qr..
31-35-2 Xorth Tp., $1400.00.
Gideon Logan and wife w d to
Peter F. Leer 4 a in n w qr., II R
L Xorth Tp., $400.00.
Mary Morris and bus., w d to
Richard Chart and wife part of lots
142 .and 143 Original pi it Plymouth
$1500.00 ,
Richard Chart and wife w d to
Mary Morris 10 a u n w qr., 2-34-1
Polk Tp., $1300.00 "r ' . .
John Tabler How and wife w d
to Harley A. Logan and wife Und..
qr., cf part of s w qr., aid part ot
s e qr., G-33-2 also part of n e qr.,
7- 33-2 also part of n w qr., 8-33-2
Center Tp., $4000.00.
John Balsley and wife w d tc
Margaret Aker n e qr., of n w cp.
8- 34-3 German Tp., $1800.00. '
L J) J).
w cs sv r
F. W.. Bosworth Co.
We Announce the Showing of
New Spring Silks This Week.
Silks will be more generously used this coming
season and one of the most favored materials for
We should be pleased to show you The New
Satin Finished Foulards, cut in Dress Lengths and
no two patterns alike. This will appeal to the cus
tomer who desires her Spring Dress different. 1
We show the new Foulards in 69, 89 and 98c
qualities. ,
Satin; Messalines in the favorite spring shades
dress lengths are shown in a good range of patterns
in our dependable qualities only at 98c per yard.
To. direct your attention to our Silk Department. We offer for a short time only
a new $1.25 Black Taffeta, 35 inches wide for 89c per yard, and our very highest quality
of $1. 50 Black Taffeta for $1.25. N
Are on our counters now. In great variety of styles and patterns. New matched sets are
shown ia Cambria and Nainsooks and fine Swisses. A splendid line of Wide Flounc
ings are on display.
& I v f 4 wj, fy 5
Legislator From Plymoutn Wishes
to. Get Loose from District
With Kosciusko
a to
A King Who Left Home
set the world to talking, bat Paul
Mathulka, of Baffalo, N. Y. says
the always KEEPS AT HOME the
King of all Laxatives Dr. King's
New Life Pillsand that they're a
blessing to all his family. Cure
constipation, headache, indigestion,
dyspepsia. Only 25c at Fred
Dont think 'that piles can't' be
cured. Thousands of obstinate cased
have been cured by Doans Ointment
50 cent 8 at any dru store.
Has Piithday Party.
IMa-Irr Cecil Hendricks entertain
ed fiveof his schoolboy .friends at
a six oclock dinner last evening,
in celebration f his ninth ' birth
day. The lads enjoyed the evening
in playing games. The guests were
the Masters Leo and- Joseph
Murphey, Alonzo and Lawrence
Richard, and John XaveT.
Keep You
r v profits
Save those sneezing", vtheezing. mopinfir.
Ewollen-hcadcd f owla with
Conkey s Roup Cure
It kills the disease senna, tones the bird.
and restores your profits. It is Riven in the
drinking water without trouble, and is
used in every civilized country of the world
AS THE STANDARD. Your money back if it
don't please rou. Prices 60c and $1 60c
size makes 25 gallons of medicine.
tells every practical point of the business.
FREE il you call or send 4c etanaps.
roR salc v
"Generally debilitated for year?.
Had sick headaches, lacked ambi
tion.was worn-out and all run-down1
Burdock Blood Bitter3 made me a
well woman.'1 Mr?. Chas. Freitoy,
I Moosup, Conn.
Indianapolis, Jan. 30. A fail
rcdistrictinj? of the state for leg
islative purposes will be arranged
by the present legislature, if the
sentiment of Senator Harry L. Grube
of Plymouthj-liairman of the senate
reapportnrent committee, is aaopt
cd bv li'e jrenerüi asFernblv. S::
a O
iter uiube will call his committee
trgether probably today to take up
the work of arranging the senatorial
and representative districts in com
fonnity with the voting ratio neces
sary to keep the number of senators
.at 50 and the members of the house
at 100.
By the state constitution thev
must not be more than 50 senators
and 100 representatives, Lut there
may be less. There will be no less,
however, according iz Senator Grabe
but the shifting of population in
the slate sincj the last apportion
ment will require many changes.
"Polit'.is,M says Senator Grube,
"will not enter into the redisricting
of the state. "We hav2 a republican
supreme court th?t would invalid :.tt
an unfair rpportionment a "-.J the
is no disposition to -Zu so at any
ratp. Yes, it is true tLat the last
apportionrusüt was very strongly
favciable to tha republicans, but the
shifting i.1 the population. has beed
suh as to render the gerrymander in!
effective, as the present democratic
legislature bears 'witness.
"The' apportionment should be
made every six years and the one we
are called to act on. was the duty
of the legislature of 1909. For that
reason we are making a reapportion
ment for the next four years instead
of the next six and the .old one will
have stcod for eight years."
Basis of Apportionment
The basis of the apportinment is
one senator of every 14,905 votes in
the state and one representative for
every 7;453 voters. The state of In.
diana increased in population practi
cally seven per cent, while manj
cities grew much in excess of that
rate. The gas belt is pointed out
by Senator Grube as a district that
has lost in population while Indian
apolis and other larger cities have
grown till the representation is fai
tco low. Lake county is another
district which is on the increase.
In the Louse the legislative reap
portionment will be cared tor by
Representative Charles Lieb, of
Spencer county, and he will call to
get her his committee early in the
week for the purpose of ' preparing
the first plans of the bill.
A caucus, possibly of the majority
of l otli Louses will be held on the
apportionment bill. It is th 'loihe
of some of the -lucaibers of the
committees to have the caucus for
the purpose of getting a general
idea of the wishes of the party,
but it is thought that action- will
not be taken till at least a tentative
arrangement hns been r.greed upon
in the committee.
It is well known here that oenatoi
Grabe is very anxious to get loose
from Kosciusko cor.ucy and to tie
Marshall up w'tn Fulton. In this
ray he cp'i hope to remain sena
tor for ah indefinite time. It is
tl":..ght too that the Thirteenth dis
trict will be changed, the most p-u-babl?
suggestion being that Ivc-.ciusko
cornty -will be put into t-e Twelfth
ünd Laporte added tc the Thirteenth.
You are probably aware that
pneumonia always results from a
cold, but you never heaid of a cold
resulting in pneumonia when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was
used. Why take the risk when this
remedy may be bad for a trifle?
Fcr s?.le by Ail Dealers.
Township Convention
The West township Sunday School
Convention will be held in the Union
Church on Saturday Feb. Ii, the
sessions beginning at 1:30 and 7:30
p. m. The afternoon will be filled
with a program of varied topics of
Sunday School interest and the Elec
tnn of Geleiers. The Ssrvice in
ihe evening will be the Graduathn'
exercise of the West Townshin Teach
er Training Class, composed of ten
young inen and wor.-.an. Mrs. Laura
Appleman has ted the class success
fully throng to this time when they
are ent'cd to certificates of Gradua
tion. The diplomas will be presenl
cu and an interesting address w"U
also be heard in the evening ir.lce.
The house of Emanuel Horn, south
of town, was burned Saturday even
ing. Eventhing in the house was
consume. The children had driven
to town to attend church and Mr.
Horn and wife and small child had
gone to visit -a neighbor, half a mile
away The cause of the fire is a
mystery. When first seen the build
ing was past saving.
Mr. Horn carried a small insurance
which-' "will repair a part of his loss.
Friends and neighbors rallied to their
help. They had nothing left except
the clothing which each wore.
To ; save money
Buck. w2-23.
on fence see
A piece of fKiiel dampened with
Chamberin's Linimentl and bound
cn to the affected parts is superior
to any plaster. When troubled
with lame back or pains in the side
or chest, give it a trial and yon are
certain to be more than pleased
with the prompt relief which it af
fords. Sold by All Dealers.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Edward
L. Snyder, on the Easterday farm,
avson, Jan. 27. This ia the best
product of the farm for many years.
Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner?
Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Com
plexion? Liver needs waking up.
Doans Regnlets cure bilious attacks
25 cents at any drug 6tore.
If you don't get your paper let us
know. v
How to cure a cold is a question
in which many are interested just
now. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
has won its great reputation and
immense sale by its remarkable
curenof colds. It can always be de
pended upon. Foreale by all dealers.

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