Newspaper Page Text
1 ruuK uuri A listet Lands, City. and Town Lots returned delinquent for the nou-pay-fiient of taxes for the year 1909 and jjevious years, together rith the taxes fo 1910, in MarshallCounty, Indiana. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS. In tn following list jl is used for north; s fo south; e for east; w for west; ne for northeast; nw for northwest; se for southeast; sw for south vest; emr for east Mi cliigan road; wmr. lor west Michigan road; mrl for Michigan road land; wrl for west reserye line; erl ior east reserve line; "nrrlor orthif railroad.; srr for south 01 railroad; err for east of railroad; rrr for west of railroad; rd for rod ;rd-lor-rds; It for feet or foot; "same" for the same as the next immediately atove it; No. for number; add for ad dition; cor for corner; frn"or frl for fraction or fractional; ex for except; und lor undivided; pt for part or point; hi lor half; or lor quarter; rt of w lor right of way; Iks lor links; chs for chains; Mich r for Michigan road; dlv for divided; comrs for commissioners; beg for beginning; sec for sec tion; tp for township; r for range; blk for block; sq for square; adj for ad joining; P & S for Polk & Serine's; N & S for Niles & Bering's; Cab for Gabhell's; B- lor Brownlee's; cen for center; trus for trustee; est for es tate; th for thence; sch for schoolhouse; bk for book or bank; pa: for par tition - " UNION TOWNSHIP,. NO. 1. u "S 3 Q NAMES OP OWNERS u a s Bope, Charles P .. Frysinger, RobertW Forgy. Alice O 24..iante 654'S 20 rods ojjiioti on I line th Goldsmith, Maud C Peeples, George A. 1772,Com 23 I I tft 9 rds 4 ft 2 in th e 6 rd 4 ft 2 I f in th s 9 rds 4 ft 2 in: th w to beg Wallace, "William..! 2297 Vanschoiack's sub s hf I .same Carman, Ed& Jennie! 316&,IVar8on's add, Inwood 7777 Same 3170; Pearson's add, Inwood Pifer. Elizabeth ... 4610;Nw 1-4 nw 1-4 Shearer. Huldah ,. 4 9 50! Pearson's add, Inwood Cudd. Conrad& Mi-I I ranaa 5S63E 40 a Piatt. Henry Est..i6615'Com on Darr, Adam F.... 9711ilurkett,s Same 9712Aiurkett's Ferguson, Chas Ni 983?;licn Lewallen, Mary J.1031S20 -t sq i 1-4 Mulenhour. Mary E141!'E. 1 C Aiiiiura, xjerxna .. iuösj ii wxanwiown 35 Same 10469;Com C24 it e Ä269 1-3 ft n of sw I t corvnw 1-4: th e 120 It; th n SO j I I ft; th w 120 ft; s to beg 19J32 Mullenhour, E E ..110508;One a n of and adj 2 a in sw corf I I nw 1-4 nw 1-4 120132 weldner, Dulciena. 11279jI..on Wilson. Henry ... 2013E 16 rds s 10 rds nw 1-4 se 1-4 ... 734 I NORTH TOWNSHIP, NO. 7. Buck, Charles W. Cornwall, Elizabh Leer. Peter S. Al- mira Day McGregor, Sarah 2457Nw 1-4 26S11N 16 ft I 3307Se 1-4 3496 S 1-2 ne Beagles, Rosella . 4467Tyner üowers, Joseph ..I4475N 15 a xjurasiae, jonn esi 43U5 a sq isurnsiae, ueoDie . 4o43;se 1-4 Beagles. Ella y ,. 4573!Sw 1-4 I I Tyner rame I 4o5Tyner, same ,,,,1 4576Tyner Long. Arthur S..1 t608W 1-2 Morris, Martha ..I 5667LN 10 a Meade, Chas E ..I 574jCpm. zoo rt w or ne cor Liemerts I I add; th n 160 ft; w 90 ft; s 160 ft; I l e to beg j23 Nichols, John T & I I Emeline I 59811N 40 rds 69 rds w 20 rds ne 1-4 swl I I 1-4 Rehm, Arthur p ,, 6111155 a sq I I nw i Spade, Delbert J..J 6407ö a n Thompson, John;. 6556)Tynef Imnipson, Thomas I 6o59jTyner Hanifin, Amos K.. Hartman. Minnie K 765jLot 1 767Md P. i. 4 M x-t ne Koch, Lincoln L & Willis A 7823iE 11 a I 10.23 Lauer. Zella IiUer. John W.... same Row ell. Rebecca ..I Stewart. James M.I same ..I same I Speiss, Adam, et all same j Splgelmyer, Julia A Tribbey Oscar C. j I l Thomas, Edward Rl 8541W 1-2 8542IS 1-2 8706;Com 4.50 I sec 11 th s 17 ch; th ch; th by 105 a n of sw 1-4 8723J1 I Unknown White. Minerva ::t 8750IS 2 a n 8844IS 1-2 se Bunnell, Stephen .. 9218lFredericksburg Rail, Sarah. Est... I 923:S 3.90 a w 4 a n 1-2 s 1-2 se 1-4.... Logan, Harley A.. jl0024)Fredericksburg Rupe, Tressle 103G:Walnut same 110361 Walnut Stockbarger, Geo A105511E prt se 1-4 se 1-4 ex ch lot & j J gravel pit Swihart, Nathan .(105621W 20 a n 1-2 ne 1-4 Corbin, Harcourt C 75,orbin's I 14, 15) v same ..;"! same same same Hoi torff, Anna R est j f same I same I Hoople. Geo R same I Hay, John D I Lower, Zella Myers, Emeline ...j 4111er, Norman N & Bessie I same McKlcstry, Wm Dj same j McIlvaineAlbert H Rice. Maxtin II -. - I 727 728 73Ö mm 4 same same same til 2754iWheeler's nneinrlif T1at in-rrYriT niat ivviivub nn r'rMn 5!nii 3208iSlmon's 31. 32. 37051Nlles Rose .Clinton ä i i Katherlne Spracklen, John C 4605Houghton,s add w 6 ft e 18 ft Unknown 6465lBoley's Redman, Adam .. Barnes. Philip A..J Eaton. Alice .....I 9541 9871 Williams' addn Railsback's add Foker, Wm L & Mary J I M Moore. Jesse R. est! 10289 same J10290 Tirmfi. Wm A sr.. 110306 Marqjelle Place Rhodes add ... Rhodes' add ... Rhodes' Wm A iior.o8!E of I I Haner I lots -ime I10509IW of nnra, !in17!KX 1-2 I e of I R L same .(10818 lTJnd 2-3 I n & I I R L Wlckzr-Bondnt ColH002lMarquElle Place same H003 same ... samo 11004 same ... tarne ...11005 same UuckbeIster,Henr & Mary ........ Reamer, Jacob H.. same ......... 11348iFerrIer,s 12l01lFerrier's I12102I K US a J2 1 -5 B . . i 5h c 2 e 3 C ) 1401S.Ö7 12 75 6.19 1 145 5.52 465 17.47 1 405 14.73 220 8.16 Dereliction of Lands and Loti and Karnes of Towns or City. , e 16 rd nw 1-4 41 13132 w une road 330 n or s sec n with road 50 ft th w to 15132 , lake th swly SO ft; th e to beg. 758 Lotrf north of Lmg Pont 16 rd 14 ft e of sw cor se qr nw qr 2332 s 1-2 n 1-2 CENTER TOWNSHIP, NO. 2. ,...1511 1521 I 7(33 1411 I 240 GREEN TOWNSHIP, NO. 3.- i i T w 1-2 nw 1-4 s of river.... 1311331 2 40 reserve line 2ä rd l ft n of I I water's edge on n bank of Wolf I I Creek; th n 64 ft; e 70 ft; th s 64 I I ft; th w to beg 3233 2 115 10 TIPPECANOE TOWNSHIP, NO. 5. add ilion 118 add Ilion 19 34 out of sw cor of se 1-4 nel 80 25 35 S5 50 a s 20 a w 1-2 nw 1-4 J19!32 4 8150 1.85 45 40 65 165 j 3j 4 GERMAN TOWNSHIP, No. 6. I 1 I 95 ne 1-4 .... e 1-2 se 1-4 re 1-4 1-4 se 1-4 13135 240 760126.59 21)34 1 40 5 77 III I 3135f 240 780130.55 3035 2120 485116.89 PCLK TOWNSHIP, NO. 8. I 71 I 6 I 185 nw 1-4 se 1-4 .7 2635 480 65 S60 800 25 10 out ne cor se 1-4 sw 1-4 .... 834 II 5 sw 1-4 ex. 5 a sq ne cor.... 8134 nw 1-4 ex. 3 a sw cor & ex.ll 1 1J35 I ...1034 136 w l-Z lots 5 & 8 6 sw 1-4 2234 6 6 1180 1840183.96 e 30 a n 40 a e 1-2 ne 1-4. . (29135 10 35 90 , 30j35 90 out nw cpr 100 a nw 1-2 - i "6 a 6 1-2 w 1-2 se-1-4.... ,, , ,, t 6134 1155 II 6 2735 7 7 I I WEST TOWNSHIP, NO. 9. ,' 6133 K. & P. Rt of wav thro nl I .' I65482060j69.12 I II I 1 HO 2.82 r . . A-i & mro w 12 ch nw 1 4 6133 w 16 a n 34 a lots 5 & 6 exit fa. .tit.. 1J 1150! 100 804119 1-2 rds n & s by 35 rds e & w III I ne cor w 1-2 ne 1-4 , ,, 8173!Dona!v.?on . 8174;Donaldson 8 3 1 Donal c son , I 34 190 45 75 175 8504 :ixnaic! son i-j 8505iDonalcson 23 S506iDonaliIson 24 35081Old P.K.& P.Rt of way thro sw 1-4135 20 10 15 65 225 1260 54 nw 1-4 sw 1-4 nw 1-4 17 1120 20 1180 ch w of 1-4 sec cor bet and 12 deg w with meander me b e 2.09 ch; th n 17 deg.e 5 w to beg ex. 42 ft e & w ft n & s in nw cor road on west line nw 1-4 11 90 515 140)16.64 25 1.13 1250137.91 128 a sw 1-4 1-4 ex. 1 a ne cor. WALNUT TOWNSHIP, NO. 10. 68 132 29 1 511 52) I 34132 I 3!90 30 165 120 20 115 335 475 3113150 10132, 3120 PLYMOUTH CITY, NO. 11. sub Merrill's addn (OL. 13 10 10 10 10 10 15 1709lBeerenbrock's sub div Merrill's (s I l-Z 12) 1710 same 1712 same 17751FaIr View Place 1776 same 17781Gllmore's sab Wheeler's addn (68) 9C?iT?-illman'a Aid ..................... 10 10 10 10 25 ccn add e 1-2 ..115 1-2 625 e 1-2 pi s 60 ft .'.143 50 - .... iq I mnTndenendence ex w ZJltws 25 same ex w 23 ft I8 60 sub Merrill's add lots 30.t 230 34 ana a add ex 38 ft.... I 3767iBrownlee's sub lot 118 Wheeler's 125 I con aaa VVt 3915lKlinger's ccn add u 42 ft lots 30 31, I and 32 30 5 12 nmiRBON TOWN. NO. 12. 1st add w 1-2 .U7 I 1 1 ARGOS TOWN, NO. 14. 34 2S0 160 9 72 42 43 15 20 75 270 280 1 add M. R.. w of East st. n of lot & n of Rhodes' add, ex off the n part zo M K Li.... RR e of Rhodes add lots 49 & 100 50 100 ft & W DV 165 ft n & S Harsh lot In Rhodes' est 20 M 80 of 4 rds e & w by 10 rds s In se cor Rhodes' est zu m 50 25 25 25 25 CULVER TOWN, NO. 15. add add 110 15 15 same the above aid foregoing Is a true and correct list of Iiands, City and Town Lots returned delinquent for the non-payment of taxes thereon for the year 1909, and Icrmer years, together with the taxes for 1910, as returned by the Treasurer of said County, and that the same are chargeable with the amount xf taxes they each stand charged with in said list. Given under my hand and the Seal o the Board of County Commissioners of said County, , at the City of Plymouth, this 10th day of January, 1911. L. S.) CHAS. M. WALKER, Auditor Marshall County. State of Indiana, Marshall County, ss: Auditor's Office, City of Plymouth, January 10, 1911. Notice is hereby given that the Lands, City and Town Lots described In the foregoing list and advertisement, or so much thereof as will1 satisfy the taxes due thereon respectively, will te sold at the Court House door, in the City of Plymouth, In Marshall County, Indiana, at public outcry, on the sec ord Monday of February, 1911, beingthe 13th day of said month, within the hours and manner described by law. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Board of County Commissioners of said County, at the City of Plymouth, this 10th day of January, 1911. (L. &) CHAS. M. WALKER, Auditor Marshall County. Township Trustee's Financial Report to the Advisory Board Tippecanoe township, Marshall county, Indiana, Melvin M. Beck township trustee. Dated Dec. 31, 1910. " RECEIPTS . TOWNSHIP FUND M M Beck from special echto cor rect error inbalance $ 17 59 E N Fites 5 rds 12 in tile 8 25 Fred Myers co treaa June distribution . 777 20 PJTroyef fewer tile 3 SO FredH Myers Dec dht. 637 50 DISBURSEMENTS Hiram L Eversole dtch rd 7 50 Calvin V Beltz cement and eiding 10 89 M L Helpman dtch road 12 50 CWMetskerptg an'nl rpt 17 55 8 E Boys 14 44 44 1 7 55 Wm L Baker & Co books und blanks 18 70 Frank Fioey 3 c wd for of. 3 50 Pemy J Trover assessment Yantiss ditch 66 15 SN Stevens Metheny ditch cash 16 00 D M Graham rpr Kealer dch 1 60 W'K Steveneon assmt C M Tucker dch V 55 00 I N Jones 4 sup service 8 00 &5 3.50 25 1.19 1340144.40 25 1.19 360 16.49 1.28 5.50 1.17 1.47 3.02 6.20 1.78 1.6- 8.12 5.52 3.28 Levi Swinehart dch on rd Frank Wood tile, wood and Hall ditch 8.68 29.32 3.91 33.68 Jesse M Hartman 10 days sup service 36.36 1.48 .81 John Richard trus transfers W J Blue A T Slayter treas Geo F McCoy eecy J W Taylor trust ii 1401 5.58 5.94 4.29 John W Luty jt sch trans Wm A Foest sec transfers Chas M Walker, St. exam Wm F Fribley tile dch on rd Clyde Ward 25 da sup ser Wm Moore 27 ' Chas M Walker rd tax' book 320112.24 105126.56 5 .55 2512.23 flendricks &Co pub notice tax levy 3.33 6.46 4.68 2.63 6.62 .97 .67 .83 2.31 6.76 41.20 " Jhn Reichert service adv bd Calvin J Wood 44 4 4 44 Jahue Johnson ' David Ramsey clng ditch Hiram L Eversole ditch G & S Crull Wood and Horn ditches C W Metsker pub notice tax levy P J Troyer, Hutzleman dch 15.76 Anthony Lechlitner dch rd Jas MShaffer ditching road Jesse Hartman 13d a sup ser 1.34 23.40 6.21 1.01 4.08 11.78 11.21 IN Jones 17 44 44 44 VB Fisher dch Clyde Ward 32 day sup no4 I N Jones 20 44 " 44 3 JM Hartman 37 2 Percy J Troyer Robins dch Edward E Murphy clerk ch C M Tucker ditch C Leroy Leonard rect books and blanks M M Beck 262 da ser tru3 " RECEIPTS . TUITION FUND " Bourbon Bnkg Co Jan int First State Bank 44 44 Fred H Myers Co treas com school dis Bourbon Bnkg Co Feb int Fir&t State Bank 44 '4 Fred H Myers Co treas Co , doy Bourbon Bnkg Co Mch int First State Bank 44 44 Bourbon Bnkg Co Apr First State Bank 44 44 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.38 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 2.04 350130.82 175112.01 41.95 3.70 2.04 3.70 15.99 200120.35 8.69 2.37 .71 450133.23 14.82 8.89 1.6S 4.24 14.30 14.82 Bourbon Bnkg Co May First State Bank 44 it B our ton Bnkg, First State Bank Fred H Myers Co treas dipt F M Coplen trust trans King Fred H Myers Co treaa com school dis C T Middleton trust sEare joint school Bourbon Bnkg Co July int 5.55 5.55 5.50 3.60 1.40 1.66 1.63 1.68 First State Bank " Bourbon Bnkg Co Aug First State Bank Bourbon Bnkg Co Sept ii i 7.49 1.34 1.34 ii ii ii Fred H Myers Dec diet. 1163 First State Bank Bourbon Bnkg Co int ii 5 5 40 50 35 15 30 120 50 100 75 50 40 65 30 10 10 45 15 55 60 20 75 58 107 108 152 125 133 401 121 69 119 158 103 219 4 28 48 48 39 40 42 51 61 -63 42 80 54 ii DISBURSEMENTS Mary F Drake tch No 10 Roy Parsens O P Waggoner John P Dilley Milton F Beck Maud Wood Edith Schroeder Erwin N Fites- it 5 7 11 4 6 3 10 2 1 10 4 6 11 5 7 11 7 4 5 11 4 5 11 10 10 3 9 1 1 1 it ii it Pearl Parks Iva Johnson M F Drake MF Beck Maud Wood John P Dilley Roy Parsons O P Waggoner John P Dilley O P Waggoner M F Beck Roy Parsons John P.Dilley M F Beck Roy Parsons John P Dilley E N Fites Mar yF Drake Edith Schroeder John F Laird Iva Johnson O P Waggoner Pearl Parka S A Laird Maud Wood S A .Laird Maud Wood J F Laird O P Waggoner Edith Schroeder Eva Harrington Roy Parsons Vesta Ward ii it i i. it ii ii I it it i ii it 9 15 32 85 it I it ti I i-r 44 2 H.S. No. 6 H.S. No. 6 20 00 19 90 28 00 8100 84 75 14 00 139 05 80 00 51 92 9 93 50 00 55 00 10 50 ii it ii ii ti ii ii 1 3 4 5 7 9 10 10 ii ii it ii LouZena Stephenson E N Fites tch ii S A Laird Maud Wood JFLaud . 0 P Waggoner it H.S. No.11 200 500 - 5 00 5 00 300 21 00 26 26 200 64 00 10 00 23 00 26 00 34 00 28 75 64 00 '40 00 74 00 100 00 3 70 3 15 524 00 ii ii 1 3 4 5 7 9 10 10 10 11 7 10 10 -3 10 5 11 it Edith E Schroeder ii i 56 43 45 44 57 68 70 47 67 102 89 78 99 67 68 Eva L Harrington it ii Roy Parsons Vesta Ward LouZena Stephenson Erwin N Fites tch it it S A Laird Maud Wood it it Roy Parsons Erwin N Fites it ii i Lou Zena Stephenson it 0 P Waggoner tch it 8 A Laird it Eva L Harrington Maud Wood RECEIPTS SPECIAL SCHOOL FUND Fred H Myers Co treas June distribution Bourbon Bnkg Co Oct First State Bank 44 Bourbon' Bnkg Co Nov First State Bank 4' 750 25 661 71 60 00 .7 25 40-61 9 16 12 30 28 00 24 50 125 17 59 15 47 16 44 23 87 15 89 17 50 15 00 20 09 10 65 Fred H Myers Dec distr DISBURSEMENTS B F Meredith 30cd wd no 10 David Phillips V4 44 ' 6 s Wm Coar wood etc S A Laird H S sup,, exp Wm L Baker & Co ink wells and dictionary Frank Flbey 16 c wd No. 2 Will Coar 14 c 44 44 5 M M Beck transfer to rd F. . . . twp f 6 96 7 22 672 53 6 43 6 42 36 92 - 6 44 6 42 4 59 6 08 Roy Parsons John P Dilley E N Fites Mary F Drake Edith Schroeder M F Beck Job'j F Laird Iva Johnson O P Waggoner att 7 inst " 6 44 it 7 7 7 5 7 5 it 3 06 it ti I ti . it ii 619 2 43 5 55 1313 08 14 00 724 48 226 30 5 17 . 7 60 7 67 8 02 7'42 7 44 it ii - M E Trump 8 brooms 2c wd Pearl Parka att 7 ina S A Laird att 1 exam 7 Maud Wood- att 6 it ii Melvin Kyle ridge roof and stove pipe B N Young 18X c wd no 4 Granville Horn dir eer no 1 Calvin J Wood 16 c wd no 6 Clyde Ward cleaning and repairing No. 1 VWuunfirouerrepuTbiaF" No.' 10 W S Vargundy cil fl jors clean No 10 w C O Mollenhour draying John E Scott hauling schls J H Cole clean, frep no 9 Chas Vanner 11 E W A Rowles Feb sup Win L Baktr& Co 44 D H Goble Ptg Co Manu- Fcripts and gJobea C V Beltz lumber, etc Frank Wood 12 c wd no 11 Allen Ford mow yd no 11 Thomas Elkins dir eer 44 10 G C Crull rep pump no 11 Clyde Ward bldg fence 44 1 Jno Scott hauling scholars C T Middleton storing hack 09-10 G S StJohn fence and sup Sam Lewallen dir srr no 5 John Scott driving hack B F Middleton 88 cds wd C F Cooper glass, clean no 4 RECEIPTS ROAD FUND M M Beck special sch fund to correct error in bal Fred H Myers Co treaa June.distribution Fred H. Myers Dec dist DISBURSEMENTS Jno W Downing 555. yds gravel 1-2 Frank Wood 225 yd grvl 2-3 Clyde Miller haul grvl no 2 8 C Phillips 53 yd 44 44 2 James Worsham 1666 ft 400 16 00 1 10 15 00 600 2 00 58 19 24 40 20 35 16 96 18 00 1 00 8 15 1 25 2 50 43 75 5 00 24 34 5 00 25 00 176 00 1 50 7 12 7 48 6 02 6 46 63 52 91 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 60 40 80 50 80 20 00 00 22 00 82 40 70 60 11 24 32 18 84 38 00 30 36 00 1 96Ö 98 55 22 3 5 50 1 27 14 1 4 30 1 20 30 17 22 31 10 11 22 22 18 15 30 43 44 2 10 9 1 10 21 6 16 28 18 41 12 34 15 30 15 15 building plank L C Mori an 10 yd grvl no 2 W H Lehman mkg 4 drags Jno W Downing 147 yds gravel no 2 B F Meredith refund excess settlement L P Swoverland plow beam Gilbert Coar baün cover Elmer Vangundy hauling gravel no 2 Granvill Horn lbr on road Ray H Norris haul grvl no 2 Clyde Miller Earl Sanner 44 4 44 Elmer Vangundy Frank Vangundy Harold Rhodes it ii ti it Thos F Keim 111 yds gravel Elmer Vangundy haul grvl Empurtis Sanner Earl Sanner Frank Vangundy Clyde Miller ii 41 it It ii I Jno W Downing 436 yds gravel no 2 Wm Vernett 448 yds grvl W S Roes repair grader Clyde Miller haul grvl no?' Earl Sanner 44 " 44 2 James W Baer brdg string Elmer Vangundy shoveling gravel 2 Geo Vangundy haul grvl Frank Gunnett 44 60 60 18 - 40 60 20 00 00 50 30 28 30 75 58 15 A Hutchinson Frank Vangundy Walter L Wood tl II II II Harry Shaw haul grvl no 2 E Moullenhour Ii RoyMellott Clyde Miller II ti " 2 ti , it 2 Clifford Vangundy Chan Baxter haul ti 44 2 44 2 44 2 John Lewallen Thomas F Keim 279 yds gravel Clarence Sdlers haul grvl Clyde Morlan 27 22 25 9 19 4 28 22 15 17 Frank Vangundy 44 Evert Sellers W W Williamson4' ti i i Minor S Vinings Harry Phillips Ernest Young Harry Vernette it ii ii it ii Clyde Ward 32 da sup no V 242 Harry Brysiu3 647 yds grvl no 1 ' 64 Andrew Shaw 85 yds grvl 8 Harrv Brosius 32 44 44 '3 J H Cole 327 yds grvl no 3 Jas Dudgen 18 4 " 44 3 Thomas F Keim 85 yds grvl no 3-4 John W Downing 416 yds grvl no 2 Frank Ritenour labor on rd G S St John shovel nails WmL Vernett 290 yds grvl no 4 Herbert Lozer haul grvl no2 Wm Bristol twp share eills arch Chas M Walker 40 yds grvl John Latham 17 yds clay FiAnk Wood 155 44 grvl no2 Comley T MiddleUn trus 46 yds grvl no 3 Bert Snyder 66 yds grvl no3 B F Meredith 68 yds crvl 44 Gilbert Coar 14 44 4 4 4,1 RECEIPTS DOQ FUND Dog owners, dog tax col 32 70 22o 8 50 41 60 -75 1 12 29 00 6 25 75 00 4 00 1 36 15 50 5 75 8 25 -6 80 6 80 16 20 800 15 40 26 75 14 46 2 55 32 84 5 00 24 00 500 42 Fred H Myers, Co treas sur plus dog money Jameä M Shaffer sheep killed by dogs 139 50 5 00 SUMMARY TOWNSHIP FUND Bal. on hand last settl't $1927 11 Receipts 1494 34 Total of bal. and receipts 3421 45 Disbursement!? 1984 85 Balance 1436 60 TUITION FUND' 4 Bal. on hand last settl't $2647 92 Receipts 4300 59 Total vi bal and receipt 6948 51 Disbursements v 4477 61 Balance 2470 90 SPECIAL SCHOOL FUND Bal. on hand last settl't $1405 03 Receipts " 1411 96 Total of bal. and receipts 2816 99 Disbursements .r 975 80 Balance . 1841 19 ROAD FUND Bal. on hand last settl't $196104 Receipts 1000 10 Total cf bal. and receipts 3021 14 Disbursements 1G05 10 25 02 83 Balance 1416 01 LIBRARY FUND Bal. on hand lat settl't $ 76 25 Total of bal. acd receipts 76 25 Balance x . 76 25 DOG FUND 50 5U 75 30 00 00 55 75 12 50 00 00 25 62 94 50 50 87 31 10 50 50 75 00 00 60 80 50 CO 50 00 00 96 75 42 74 33 25 50 17 00 72 00 00 Bal. on hand laet settl't $ 239 50 Recipts 137 00 . Total of bal. and receipts Disbursements Balance 376 50 144 50 232 00 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Bal. on hand la?t settl't $8256 85 Receipts 8403 99 Total of bal. and receipts 16660 84 Disbursements 91S7 86 Balance 7472 98 Report of Trustee of Tippecanoe township, A. D. 1910, Examined and approved this 3rd day of Jan 1911. Thos. W. Plummer William J. Fawly Members of the Advisory Board. X VOICE OF THE PEOPLE ! x x From a Business Standpoint The site for the Plymouth Public Library has been discussed in your paper from many different view points, I am a business man who has been in business in Plymouth for a good years and have grown accustomed to view questions from a business-standpoint. It is looking at if7rom this angle that I would like to sii:resra few consulerations which it seems to me should be thought of in choosing a site for so important an edifice as a new Public Library. In the first place I would state that the lot commonly known as the Clcaveland lot is the most cen trally located lot which has been advocated.- It is in the center of town being- reached equally easily by resi dents in the north, south, east and west sides of our city. Secondly, it is the center as re jrards the depots, Pennsylvania, Vandalia, and Lake Erie travellers, strangers ard guests "in the city all can pass conveniently by this spot-, and if they have some time to wait in this city, can spent it pleasantly there. It is central as regards the stores north and the farthest south, between Marks and Harley 's and Forbes; and Vangilder and Pesch. It-Js also convenient to the stores around on Laporte street, most of whose proprietors desire the Library on the Cleaveland lot. As most of the store keepers are con tributing to the purchase of the site, the largest possible number ought to be conidered in selecting the site, as it would be extremely un fair to place' it out of the way to any side, north, south, east or west. The fa-ct of its having a rest room in connection recommends it to me especially. Such a t, room goes naturally with a Library. At pre sent there is no such place to ac commodate the out-of-town trade. It is an outrage that we have no toliet accommodations or nothing to make it convenient for shoppers from out of the city. Women come to town with their children and there is no place to take them to make them, comfortable. It would be no wonder if they never came back to Plymouth to trade, the shameful way they are treated. Another thing to think of is that ths Library is not just for today. It is for all time to come. If we put it on a cheap, out-of-the-way lot the people twill be kicking themselves, for a long time. We need such a place, and we need it bad. It ap peals to all business men, and from the stanpoint of business it should be centrally located. A Business Man Citizen 90 08 83 59 59 00 92 16 00 50 45 70 50 20 Chlldrora "Cry .. FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A 00 T OF 918 MORTGAGES RECORDED WHILE 850 HAVE BEEN SATISFIED IN MAR SHALL COUNTY 1345 DEEDS FILED 411 Mortgages on Farm to 200 on 'City and Town Lots Re ported. Land Recorder Ed Monroe has made. .the following interesting report of the papers filed in his office the pat year. - Mortgages Filed YEARLY REPOR BUS ESS Xumber Amount Farm land 411 $CS3903 City and Towns 200 135032 School Funds . . 67 53770 Chattels 197 07812 Liens 43 119"):" . - Totals 918 9S3075 Satisfaction Xumber Amount 3S0 $453707 2G5 147Cm 75 47532 119 41119 15 . 1277 850 C91241 Xumber Consideration Deeds Filed ..133V $2510500 Sheriff Deeds G 8732 Auditors Deeds 8 ... 974 Totals 1345 5043705 Miscellaneous Papers Filed 517 GRADED UNION MEETING Fine Program Election of Officers Part to be Repeated at Tp Convention. The meeting of the Graded Union on Wednesday afternoon was voted one of the most helpful since its or ganization. Mrs. F. W. Bosworth very ably illustrated "story-telling for Primary Pupils, aud Miss Tressie Linkenhelt gave a most interesting talk on "Guide-posts and Who Shall Place Them," a brief glance at child nature. Miss v Lenkenhelt ha been a student at a Kindergarden Training School in Chicago, and was thus able to give valuable illustra tions from her own experience. Vice-Presidents were elected to take charge of the conference in each department : Mrs. Ira Garn, Begin ners; Mrs. Jessie Brooke, Primary, Miss Anna Shoemaker, Junior; Mr.-. Ellav Davis, Intermediate. Two or three features that have been helped in the last five month will be repeated at the Center town ship S.' S. Convention, on Wednes day afternoon, Feb. 1, at the Methodist Church. There will also be specimens of pupils' hand work on display to better show the value of graded work. Floor Leader Deserts Democrats Representative Cravens, the floor leader of the Democrats in the Leg islature, refused to support the saloon option bill with its emergency clause and its provision making all dry territory subjects fo saloon without an appeal to the people. Cravens felt that every man who voted for the bill ought to have a collararound his neck stating that he was owned bv the saloons, and when the yote was taken he walked out of the house, and did not vote. It would have been more manly to vote against the bill, but Mr. Crav ens would no doubt, have voted for a bill in accordance vrith the Democratic platfonn, if such bill had -not discriminated in favor of the saloons in such a way aa to leave the presumption that every man who voted for it was owned "body anl soul by the liquor interests. Peerless Party Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Martiniale entertained the ladies and gentle men of the Peerless Club Friday evening at their home on Centei street. Sixteen guests enjoyed whist Mrs. Ivruyer captured the first prize, a silver, butter knife. . Mrs. Fred Price, the second, a box of candy. One course refreshments were served. . ! I ' f A i i V First State Bank