Not Sisters
Now'and again you see two women pass
ing down the street who look like sisters.
You are astonished to kam that they are
mother and daughter, and you realize that
a woman at forty or forty-five ought to be
at her finest and fairest. Why isn't it so?
The general health of woman is so in
timately associated with the local health
of the essentially feminine crgsns that
there can be no red cheeks nd round
form where there is female weakness.
Women who . hare suffered from
this trouble bare found prompt
relief and cure In the use of Dr.
' Pierce's Favorite ' Prescription. It tfires vior and vitality to tbo
organs of Tvomanhood. It clears complexion, brightens the
eres and reddens tbe cheeks.
No alcohol, or lubit-forrr.icg &rii is contained h " Favorite Prescription.1 9
Any sick womaa may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. Every letter 13
held as sacredly con'identis!, and enswered in c p!in envelope. Address:
World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N.Y.
Ed Ravmer of Rochester
was in
town today.
Davis Ames transacted business in
Harris today.
A. J. Molter transacted business
South Pend today.
Orval Roberts went to South Bend
on business today.
A. J. Kirkley transacted business
in Lakeville today.
Mrs. Jas. A. Huffman returned to
Anos this morning.
Viola Arnold returned home to
Linkville this morning.
Rev. F. 0. Fralev and family visit
ed Culver "Wednesday.
Harold Oglesbee transacted busi
ness in Arjros today.
Mrs. Emma Reed of Bourbon trans
acted business here today.
Mrs. Clyde Swinderman called - on
friends at Bourbon today.
C. H. Kosanke of Ft. Wavne trans
acted business here today.
Mrs. J. C. Silver of Argos was a
local visitor Wednesday.
Tuny Plic of Chicago transacted
business in the city today.
W. E. Leonard went to Westville
this morning on business.
W, H. Smith of Walkerton spent
the day here on business.
Daniel Easterday of Culver trans
acted business here today.
Mrs. Sol. Stockman is spending a
few days with frisnds at Bourbon.
Mrs. W. E. Brugh and Mrs. S.
Nolan spent the day in Ft. Wayne.
Mrs. Frank Bauer, formerly of
Culver, died in Logahsport Sunday.
Mrs. U. S. Lemert and Mrs. Harn
Harris spent the day at South Bend.
Mrs. Minnie Stewart of South
Bend transacted business here today.
Harold Oglesbee of Indianapolis is
transacting business here for a few
F. E. Bidwell of Springfield,. Mass.
is here on business for a couple of
Earl Taber and S. M. Sarber of
Argos transacted business here yes
t er day.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weber spent
Wednesday evening with Argos
B. S. Walters, manager of tht
Northern Indiana Gas Co., "was in the
eity today.
County Superintendent Steinebach
transacted business in Lapaz this af
ternoon. Marc and Albertus Lauer transact
ed business at Bourbon and Etna
Green today.
J.Irs. Frank Hite will spend the
balance of the week with her moth
er at Walnut. (
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kloepfer of
Logansport spent the afternoon with
Mrs. Julia Work.
Chas. E. Smith of South Bend
spent Wednesday and Thursday with
his father, D. C. Smith
E. Price and sister returned to
Warsaw, after visiting with Jacob
Price and family of this city.
Mrs. Savilla Clifton, who has been
visiting with her son, Thomas, re
turned to Argos this morning.
. Mrs. W. L. Peterson went to Ft.
Wayne this morning where she will
attend the funeral of a friend.
Miss Bessie Hahn of Bourbon,
called on friends here today, while
enroute to Argos to visit relatives.
Mrs. C. E. Campbell, who has been
visitings her daughters at South Bend
and LaPorte, returned home today.
Rev. S. H. Yager returned from
. Walherton, where he preached the
funeial of John Everly of that place
Mrs. W. P. Seybold of Winona
Lake spent a few hours here today
with her sons, Worley and Hube-t.
Mrs. Fred Scholder and Mrs. John
Busenberg, returned to Rochester to
day, after attending the Fretz trial
. Mrs. W. M. Graham has gone t&
Tippecanoe to visit with her hus
band's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Ray Fretz, who. is employed on the
Rochester Sentinel, is here as a wit
ness in the Tietz vs Chicago and
Erie case.
Chas. Miller returned to Benton
Harbor, Mich., after spending tht
past three weeks with hi3 "brother,
Henry Miller.
. Came Nation, of hatchet fame se
cond only to George Washington, is
at the point of death in a Leaven
Trorth, Kansas, hospital.
Urs. D. W. Snyder returned to
Couth Bend this morning after
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Urs. Frederick Hager for ths zt
Wili:am Elder-cf Ft. Wayne re-
tr.rncd home this niommjr. Mr. Eld
er "was called here on account of the
severe illenss of his mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Elder.
Dr. Eley mads a trip into the
country Wednesday evening and re
turned with the great news that Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Sonders, of near
Lapaz are rejoicing over the advent
of a fine new boy.
Miriam North has the mumps.
Mrs. Pearl Tebay spent the day at
Mrs. Lucy Pomeroy is ill at her
H. E. if ike sell of Culver was in the
city today. 1
A. B. Stout transacted business in
Macy today.
Sam Medbourn was in the city to
day from Culver.
Mrs. Chester Baker of Inwood was
in the city today.
Rev. T. E. Whittaker of Culver
was in town today.
Mrs. "John Livinghouse was a
local visitor today.
Jesse Jones of Culver is transact
ing business here.
W. H. Zumbaugh spent the day
with his son at Argos.
John Garry spent xthe day in
Valparaiso on business.
Jas. Severn of Tippecanoe transact
ed business here today.
Lloyd -Morelock spent the day in
Niles, Mich., on business.
John Latham of Tippecanoe trans
acted business here today.
Mrs. John W. Pari's and daughter,
Jennie, spent the day at Bourbon.
Miss Blanche Deacon returned to
ner home in Inwood this morning.
Chas. II. Inks, of North township
was in town on business Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Souder of
Culver are visiting relatives here.
J. L. Young returned to Delong to
day, after transacting business here.
Mrs. Hoy Singrey was out last
night, the first time in four months.
Mrs. F. M. Sapp of Peru is visit
ing relatives and friends for a few
Fred II. Kuhn, Jr. and Harold
Oglesbee spent the afternoon at Cul
ver. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Peterson went
to Chicago to spend a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Bion Fulkerson are
spending a few days with his people
in Tyner.
Perry Brewer of near Argos, will
move to the farm vacated by Ira B.
Rannels. .
Mrs. J. E. Daum is spending a
couple of days with relatives at
Mrs. Jesse Murgatroyd will be the
guest of her sister inChlcago ovei
Chas. Bryant of Argos former
liveryman here, transcated business
here today.
Mrs. Miry Ferguson and Mrs.
Bennet, of North township are on
the sick list.
Henry Miller is in the city today.
A. E. Clark spent the day in Lake
Wile on business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rooce returned
to Bourbon, after attending the
Geo. Lender sale.
Mrs. Lottie Freed, who has been
visiting her niece, returned to Lees
burg this morning.
Chas. Elder of Gay is in the city,
attending his mother, Elizabeth Elder
who is very sick.
Wm. Grover is expecting to build
a large square barn on his farm in
North township.
Mrs. H. Kelver will spend Sunday
with her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Burch
cf South Bend.
John Fleming, who baa been visit
ing Miss Mary Ball, returned to Ft.
Wayne this morning.
Mrs. G. A. Williams and daughter
Lulu are visiting the family of W. T.
Crabs of South Bend.
Mrs. Lewis Zechiel and Mrs. Wat
son Romig of Culver were in the
city this morning. '
S. K. Bankert went to Indianapolis
this morning where he will transact
business for a few days.
Mrs. Hugh Biggins will spend
Sunday with her brother, Nathan
Bluebaugh of South Bend.
Mrs. Ralph Ellis, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Mack Wilson
returned to Argos today.
Mrs. Martin Jacksch of Tiosa, re
turned home after visiting with E. J.
Martindale and family.
F. Kreigbbaum, who resides couth
of here, went to Hinkley, 111., where
he will work on a farm.
Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Flosenzier have
gone to South Bend to spend Sunday
with the latter 's mother.
Mrs. Ernest , Thompson returned
to Argos today, after spending a few
davs with Mrs. M. J. Bovce.
Mrs. Daniel Beagles and children
will spend Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wr. S. Burton of Tyner.
Wm. Hflms has the mumps. Iiis
school, the Hazelton School neat
Twin Lakes are having a little vaca
tion. Among those from Arros transact
ing business here Thursday were Ira
Keysir, John Thomas, and F. II.
Huffman. '
Mrs. Ernest Shrider and daughter
Ruth of Ft. Wj.yne, are here to spend
Sunday with her mother; Mrs. Petei
Mrs. Fred Ehrenstrom, living near
Blissville church is seriously pick
Mr?. Elirenstrom has been sick foi
some time.
Prof. G. H. Tapy. member of the
State board of education, went to
Bourbon this morning to inspect the
High sehool there.
Mrs. Clvde Swindcman and Mrs.
Henry Craig of Pourhon spont Thurs
day in Warsaw the guests of Mrs.
Herbert Keheler.
The Ladies Ai l Society of the
Christian church met and sewed 'at
the home of Mrs. Frank Cullison
Thursday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Rannels will
move next week from southwest of
Plymouth about four miles, where he
has been farming, to Culver.
Mrs. L. Richards went to Sullivan
this morning, where she will remain
with her granddaughter, Mrs. Ches
ter Lozier, for some time.
Mrs. Jennie Rolling went to Bliss
field, Mich., where she was called on
account of the serious illness of her
daughter, Mrs. Ida Neblough.
Mr. Samuel Trover, father or.
Percy Troyer of Plymouth moved
Thursday to the farnr which he re-
cently purchased of John Dunnick.
The Misses Lois Humrichouser,
Tressie Linkenhelt and Julia Yockey
are spending a couple of days with
Miss Lois Thompson of South Bend.
Harrison Anderson of Delta, 0.,
returned home this morning, after
spending the. past three days with
Overmyer and Anderson of this city.
The following ladies spent the da
in Bourbon with friends and relatives
Mrs.N. B. Aspinall, Mrs. Idella Hahn,
Mrs. Dessa Myers, Mrs. C. Gearhart.
Mr.' and Mrs. Lewis Jones, and eon
took dinner Wednesday in the coun
trv with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gerrard
Mrs. Jones is Mr. Gerrard ?s sister.
Mrs. A. L. Gray of Mishawaka,
who has been spending a few days
with Mrs. A. B. Kleckner, went to
Argos to visit friends there for a
short time.
C. M. Parks, who went to Chicago
a fsw days to have an operation per
formed for hernia, returned home last
week and is getting along splendidly.
Bourbon News-Mirror.
Harrison Cook, who has been
spending the past three weeks with
his parents here, returned to South
Bend this morning, where he will
work at Kable 's Restaurant.
Mrs. Wm. Tank is home from the
Hospital in Ft. Wayne, where sht
has undergone an operation. She
stood the journey well. She is at the
home of her father, S. J. Nieoles, on
Minor St.
Among those returning to Lieter's
Ford, after attending the Fretz vs.
Chicago and Erie trial, were J. W.
Anderson, Chas. Bunn, John Myers,
Jas. Campbell, L. Luckenbill, and
Emory Large.
The Pedro Party given in St.
Joseph's Hall Thursday evening by
the St. Vincents de Paul Aid So
ciety was attended by about one
hundred persons, including children.
Mrs. John Richards won the first
prize, a salad dish, Miss Beatrice
Ryan won the consolation, a dumb
watch. The proceeds, about $12 will
be as their funds always are,' used
for the poor.
Miss Grace. Boyce is quite ill with
the mumps.
Jas. DeLoney transacted business
in Ft. Wayne today.
A full attendance is desired work
in the Patriarch degree.
Miss Emma Protsman is the guest
of South Bend friends.
G. E. Kimmel transacted business
in Columbia City today.
E. F. Umbaugh of Walnut trans
acted business here today.
Peter Campbell of Rochester was
in the city Friday afternoon.,
Mrs. L. D. Walker of Argos spent
the morning with Mrs. Dr. Loring.
Miss Alma Moore of Tyner spent
the day with Mi r.s Gladys Monroe.
Miss Marcille Jones is spending
Sunday with friends at Valparaiso.
Mrs. E. Bryan and sen are spend
ing a few days with relatives in Ar-
D. L. McKesson returned today
from a trip to Indianapolis on busi
ness. ' -
Mis3 Hazel Green of Logansport
spent the morning with Miss Ide
Scott. , '..
Miller Hartman is spending Sun
day with his brother George of South
Mrs. Maggie Ruit of Bourbon is
visiting the family of Isaac Ander
Steiner and Williams cried the
Mumie and Sonder sale at Lapaz to
day. Mr. and 'Mrs. L. L. Moore of Ar
gos were here transacting business
Miss Elizabeth Jack who is attend
ing school will spend Sunday in
Mrs. Samuel Snyder of Monroe
ville was the guest of Mrs. Addie
Seider today.
Mrs. Chas; Seltenright and Mrs. H
Carothers were the guests of friendä
in Bourbpn today.
Mrs. Chas. Miller spent Friday
evening at Rochester, the guest cf
Mrs. Carl VanTrump.
Virgil Gandy of South Bend caU
td on friends here this morning,
while enroute to Columbia. City.
David Hennev left today for
Tan-pa Fa., where he will make his
home at the soldiers' colony there.
Mrs. Marion Cramer was ailed to
Inwood this morning by the illness
of 1 er mother, Mrs. Geo. Long.
Cord Mill r of Kansas City, wh
has been visiting old friends hero.
went to South Bend to spend Sun
Mr. John Vcgel went to South
Bend this morn ins where she will'
visit her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Mc
I äug! I'm.
Miss Beatrice Ehemman of Elida,
0. who has been visiting the Chas.
Grossman family for two months, re
turned home today,
Miss Maud McKelvev of Findlev
0., is in the city, being called here
bv the illness of Mrs. Sarah Burch
and Mrs. Wm. Montgomery.
Mrs., Isaac Freesh of North Li
bertv and Mrs. Rebecca Wise of
Spenceryille, returned to their re
spective homes, after visiting Mrs
Henry Korp.
Miss Adelaide McGuire, supervisor
of music in the public schools here,
went to Knox today, where she is to
be one of the judges in the Starke
County musical contest.
S. Kenner, division claim agent for
the Chicago and Erie Railway Com
pany attended the trial at the court
house today. Mr. Kenner is an old
Class mate of Harry Unger of this
city, both of them graduating from
the same law class.
C. O. McCollough spent the day in
Frank Holler of Bourbon was in
town today.
Ed Morris of Culver was here
Saturday. ,
George Moore of Tyner was in the
city today.
F. Walters transacted business in
South Bend today.
S. C. Grossman went to Hamlet
on business today.
Alva Porter of Culver was a local
visitor this morning.
Chas. Medbourn of Culver was in
town today on business.
Reason Hawn of LaPorte was here
on business Saturday.
Miss Kathryn Filley is spending a
few days in South Bend.
IL C. Taylor went to Bremen to
transact business today.
Geo. H. Thayer, Jr., was in South
Bend today on business.
Mrs. Pearl Hale went to South
Bend for a week's visit.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vinall spen
the day in South Bend.
Wm. H. Barber of Bourbon trans
acted business here today.
Mrs. Elmer Young went to Culve
Saturday for a few days.
Miss Anna Smith of Linkville is
visiting her mother here.
Mrs. Geo. Marks transacted bust-,
ness in South Bend today.
J. A. Kyser and wife were the
guests of Argos friends today.
Arthur Enjrleman of Kewanna
transacted business here today.
Mr. and Mr3. J. F. Appleman are
transacting business in Elgin, 111.
C. F. Whitesell of Hamlet was
transacting business here today.
Miss Cora Snj-der is visiting rela
tives in South Bend. this week.
D. L. Grossman of Niles, Mich
transacted business here Saturday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Emerson
went to Rochester for a few days.
Samuel Flowers is spending a 'cou
pie days with his father in Bourbon
Miss Pauline Shaffer of. South
Bend was the guest of friends here
Mrs. Geo. Widner of Bremen was
the guest of Mrs. . Orlow Leonhard
Miss Emma Holem who teache
school at Columbia City, was horn
over Sunday.
Dr. E. Parker and brother F. M
Parker of Culver were here on- busi
ness today. .
Miss Beatrice Welch of Loganspor
spent Sunday with friends and rela
tives her
Mrs. Geo. II. McKinney has gon
to Rochester to visit her . brother
Geo.-. Wolf, i.i
E. B. Milner went to Sweetzers thi
morning to inspect the tile mill a
that place.
Chas. Mullenhour has gone t
Delphas, 0. on a combined busines
and pleasure trip.
Mrs, J. R. Walley and daughte
returned to their home in Culver to
day after spending a few days with
J. A. Bollinger and family.
Mrs. Elizabeth Zeiders will eperi
the next two weeks with her son
George of Argos. ' .
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Underwood
spent Sunday with their children in
South Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chamberlain
of Rochester spent, Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. j Olds.
Miss Gladys Monroe went to
Valparaiso to visit friends there a
couple of days.
J. M. Steele returned last evening
from a week's visit with his sister'
in Arthur, 111.
Mrs. Ethel Curtis visited her sis
ter, Mrs. Homer Powers of South
Bend Saturday.
Mrs. B. L. DeMoss is spending a.
few days in Floiii with her daughter
Mrs. E. E. Landis.
Miss Lottie Langdon went to Chi
cago this morning-, to buy herspring
stock of millinery.
Mrs. Fred Johns went to South
Bchd tcdav to visit with relatives
fcr a couple of weeks.
Dr. II. Browne and Wm. Richmond
of Chicago spent Sunday with rela
tives and fr'ends here.
Thomas Ccrbett returned to Chi
cago this morning," after spending
three weeks in this city.
Wm. Easterday went to Logans-
port tfday to take the telegrapher's
Physical examination
M'iss Carrie Semler returned to
South Bend after spending Sunday
with relatives here.
Mrs. F. Butcher and son Ernest
are visiting M. A, Mosher and fam
ily of South Bend.
F. E. Baker of Swagzee and J. M.
Henshaw cf Culver transacted busi
ness here today.
Mrs. Loval Burch is ill with heart
trouble at the home of her daughter
Mrs. Frank Cullison.
Mrs. Daniel Miles went to South
Bend where she will attend the Ben
Hur banquet Tuesday night.
Mrs. J. C. Bunnell went , to Kala
mazoo, Mich., to visit her daughter,
Mrs. DeMont for a few days.
Wm. Hendricks, Jr., who is em
ployed on the South Bend Times,
spent Sunday .with his parents.
Peter Bergman returned from Chi
cago Sunday whore he has been get
ting the spring styles in men's suits.
Mrs. Chaplin-Wickizer of Pierce-
ton is dangerously ill. H. A. Logan
was called to her bedside this morn
Ed. Richards is here from Sullivan
preparing to move his family to that
place, where he in the - Creamer
Mrs. D. L. Dickinson has gone to
Chicago to spend a few days with
two of her daughters, who reside in
that city.
William Reiter moved today from
Mr. Steele's liouse on Water street
into Jacob Hoover's house on Minor
Miss Ina Hoover who spend Sun
day with her parents here, returned
to her studies in South Bend this
morning. ,
J. W. Hoover and wife of Goshen
returned home today, after spend the
past two weeks with Mrs. B. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony South of
Walkerton who have been visiting
Brox Smith and family returned
home today.
Miss Delldora DeLoney returned
to Mishawaka, after spending a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. DeLoney.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott are spending
a few days in Winamac. Mr. Scott's
father celebrated his seventy-fifth
birthday Sunday.
N G. W. Johnson of Grant, Mich.,
who has been spending the past foui
weeks, with his son, G. II. Johnson,
returned home today.
W. J. Wilcox of Battle Creek,
Mich., returned home today, aftei
visiting for a few days with Mrs. W.
P. Wilcox and daughter.
A. J. Kempton of Red Oak, la.,
spent Sunday with his uncle, J. E.
Ellis of this city, whom he had not
seen for eighteen years.
Miss Melita Shoemaker, who was
compelled to come home from hei
studies on account of sickness, re
turned to Indianapolis today.
Miss Ruth Knoblock returned to
South Bond today. Miss Knoblock
was the gUest o the Misses Rose and
Marguerite Holzbaüef over Sunday.
Mrs. Ernest Shrider returned to
Ft. Wa)Tie this morning. Her brotü
er, Henry Ulrich accompanied her.
" Dutch' ' has accepted work with
Derheimer Bros, of that city.
Frank Wann, of Warsaw stopped
over night with Leron Wood Sunday
night. He is on his way to Craw
fcrdsville where he is attending th
Wabash College.
Mr. J. A. Shaw left Friday morn
ing for Atlanta Georgia, where he
has accepted a position as yard mas
ter on the Atlanta, Birmingham and
Atlantic Ry.
Mrs. Olive Kanarr is moving fror
her house on North Michigan etree
into the house which she recentl
purchased from Mrs. Clara Allen o
west Jefferson street. Mrs. Allen i
moving into ,the Kanarr house
north Michigan street which she ha
taken in exchange.
Hot a "Word of Scandal
married the call of a neiftbpr on Mrs.
W. P. Spangh, of Manyilie, Wyo
who said: "she told me Dr. King's
New Life Pills had cured her of
obstinate kidney trouble and . madfc
her feel like a new woman.," Easy,
but sure remedy for stomach, liver
and kidney troubles. Only 25c at
Fred Wenzler.
For a
This ecine is
high grade in
every respect
and will do the
work of other
engines costing
twice the price.
We fully war
rant it.
We can also
furnish a full
line of
Fittings, Pipe, Pumps, Hose, Tanks, Feed Grinders
Wood Saws, Corn Shellers, Meat Choppers,
Cream Separator Attachments, Etc., Etc
Call on ASTLEY CSb HOHAM, Agents for Plymouth
While in Plymouth
Make our store your
We always have a good fire,
plenty of room and always
glad to see you. Our stock
is always complete, and pri
ces the lowest. The Ko We
Baline of canned goods can't
be beat and the Wilton line
is second to none. Bring in
your trade and see us. Yours
for 1911
Funeral Director and Undertaker.
Usi C R. Leonard
We Talk through our HATS.
If they are R10HT, e have them.
And If ve have tbem-THEY ARE
Gone East for Spring Goods. Will open my
With the very Latest Models and Novelties of the
Approaching. Season. '
Most grateful for past favors I wish to serve YOU in the
What You Gain
The Marshall Co Trust & Savings Co.
Plymouth, Indiana
Yotif fünols are kept in absolute security
Payment by check provides indisputable receipt In the1
förm of returned, canceled checks.
f Pä$tnent by check saves many a long trip; saves the trou
ble of making change and taking receipts.
Being a depositor with ua acquaints us with each other
and lays the foundation for accommodation when you want
to piece out your resources with a loan.
Every courtesy and facility is rendered the small as well
as the large depositor. Don't wait until you can begin with
a large deposit.
Eyes Examined Free
d Hechtes
Glassei fitted at moderate prices. Satisfaction
CI J. CU3HE 8C0.,C;!:ilri$ts
200 South Hichlsran Street. South Bend, Indiana
Established 1900.
Chllöron cry
i . it mwm? m mm,
J nur t m um ni ii
Office 645 Residence 8922.
Phone. m
By being a regular
depositor with
They are Eye-Helps if Right; Eje
Hurters and Headache
Makers, if Wrong.
We Fitem Right.
Resident Eycslt CyecU'.Ut.
Offlce oyer Ovenayer & Andersen's Ehe glare
Plymouth, Indiana, Phon S22.
f ÖJ LJ D? I -ME J Jf. 1 1 71 KP3 f f T7