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Pratt-Elkhart "40" is the quietest, simplest and most powerful car in the '40" class. They are in use today in over half the States in the Union. BACKED BY THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS' SUCCESSFUL MANUFACTURING EXPERIENCE Made in four classy designs; 117-inch wheel base, Unit power plant, three-point suspension, crankshaft. Bosch Magneto 34x4-inch List Price $1800.00. Top and wind shield W Waat a Saapk Car i Ever? LaeaEty Writ for liberal propestioa ELIHAKT CARRIAGE HARNESS KFC CO, Ettart. Udiaaa. BACK 10 THE IS THE OF FARM BOYS ARE STAYING WHERE THEY ARE AND CITY BOYS AND MEN TOO ARE GO ING TO THE COUNTRY WHOLESOME MOVEMENT Good Work Now Being Done by Reclamation Service, Railways and Newspapers for General Welfare of Country. There are many evidences that tho city man, wearied with the never end ing struggle for existence in th crowded centers of population, ha begun to think about the green tield of the country and a little farm o his own, where he can spend his lat er years in independence. Evidence multiply too that a decided change i coming in the mental attitude of th farm youth on the subject of life o the farm. Daily there is growing an appreciation of the dignity of farm, ing as a profession. In preparation for a life in th country thousands of parents ar sending their sons to the various agricultural colleges, and an increas ing number of these students ar from the cities. The farmers them selves in many localities are takin up the 6hort term scientific course provided by numerous colleges. Th United States Government through'! 11 liCTiamauun oervice is proviaing the land, and the Department of Agriculture, the states in their ex periment stations, the railroads with' their lecture cars and exhibits, are ?U enecur?iging the back to the farm movevnt. Throughout the land there ore thousands of people now residing in the cities and towns who are studying farming with a view ultimately of removing to the country. Today they are simply book farmers farmers, yet it U surprising how quickly these same people make r;ood when they go into the game in real earnest. On many of the irrigation project of the Government the managers re port that a surprisingly large number of city bred folks have taken tip farms. A crop census of the farms furnishes reassuring evidence that the city fellow is more than 1 olding his own, and in some instances has been more successful than many' of the experienced farmers. These suc cesses are not exceptional. The re ports show a very small percentage of failures on the part of set tiers of all classes. This fact when taken in connection with the Btatis tics of the commercial agencies which' show from 50 to 75 per cent of fail ures in all other professions, should tend to accelerate and encourage greatly the much desired efflux from the city to the country. The farms of the Government are contributing a new crop of citizen ship. In its efforts to promote the building of homes in a region long regarded as worthless, the Reclama tion Service at Washington D. C, i receiving the hearty cooperation of the press of the entire country. Buys Fine New Truck. Tom Himes has just received a new $150.00 truck, which he expects to use in moving buildings. It is the newest and finest thing out, as it greatly economises labor and lessens -the danger of injury to buildings. I is a ball bearing truck and is easily guided by the fongue. No Need To Stop Work. When your doctor orders you to stop work, it staggers yon. "I can't you say. You know you are weak, run-down and failing in heath, day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What yon need is Eltctric Bitters to give " tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent breakdown and build yoa up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing whea Electric Bitters will benefit you froa the first dose. Thousands bless then for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is .guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at Fred Wenrler. Fl r -x 40j) onset tires. extra. CaUlof mi very NOISY CORNER CLUB SURPRISED MEET AT JACOB STRYCKER'S AND SPEND A NOISY EVENING TO SHOW GOOD WILL ROOFi WAS RAISED. The ''Noisy Corner Club" burst forth again and made things rumble, -i. t--i. p.' .1..-. - o.x..j out at Jacob Strycker's on Saturday! .ing from 8:30 to 1 o'clock. The evenin house was full from cellar to garret and the roof was imagined to have( risen several times as passersby were on their way home from Pymouth Lake this morning, where Miss Mc because the Society gave a song Ber- Coy will take part in a musical con- vice before the supper was served sometime along about the hour et midnight, and I am sure the Mozart club singers can't hold a candle t the Noisy Corner Club operatic 's. The society does not allow nn dancing, but you many keep timi) with your feet when they are in ful blast testing their lung capacities. Mr. C. E. Croup cleared his throat ! , . i , . .'cases of coughs, colds, lamppe and and went through some obstreperous . . , . ' r 1 . . hing trouble. Refuse substitutes. movements unonthe piano as a pre- . ,. uponthe plan luue to ins original liumorous son? entitled, "As You Are." It enumerJ ates several very sad casualties whicli have occurred to some of its charts members. It was onlv sung by persist I ent request of Clark Thomp? ompson and Charlie Kebert. Misses Vida Kebert and Dor Zumbaugh displayed their talent bjt some instrumental compositions upo the piano to the utmost satisfaction of the Noisy Corner Club. Mr. Strycker has purchased a small farm northwest of this city nn will move thereto some time this wee and the "Club" was desirous o showing Mr. Strycker, to the best o their ability, the good will which the club bore toward him and his family during their short stay in the com munity and also to wish them well in their new neighborhood. At one o 'clock A. M. we bade them good nigni. Blow Horn. Forced to Leave Home. Every year a large number of poor sufferers, whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs, art urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. There's a bet- iter y. Let Dr, King's New Dis- covery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," write W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight. Its surely the king ol all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to it. It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Asthma, Croup all Throat and Lung troubles, 50c & $1.00. Trial bottle free at Fred Wenz ler. St. Elmos Will Meet. The St. Elomo class will be enter tained at the home of Miss Glady Monroe on N. Center street thi evening, by Miss Monroe and the Misses Blanche and Anna Mullenhoui An election of officers will be th feature of the evening Not a Word of Scandal married the call of a neighbor on Mrs. W. P. Spangh, of Manville, Wyo., who said: "she told me Dr. King's New Life Pills had cured her of obstinate kidney trouble and made her feel like a new woman." Easy, but sure remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Only 25c at Fred Wenzler. Brotherhood Meeting. The Brotherhood of the Presbj--terian church will have its monthly meeting tonight. Rev. J. C. Smith, (of the Reformed church, has accept fed an invitation to make an address. The usual lunch and social hour will follow. All men are invited. "I have been somewhat costive, but Doan's Regulets gave just the re suits desired.- They act mildly and regulate the bowels perfectly" George B. Krause,306 Walnut Ave Altoona, Pa. 31. Bed Men Three Great Chiefs of the Red; Men Lodge from South Bend, Logansport and Middletown with tha team from this city, gave three de grees to seven new members Thursday evening. At two o'clock a banquet was served in the Star restaurant. The 'Republican the best county newspaper. Paw Paw Dance. About forty couple attended the dance given by the Paw Paw Pleas ure Club, under the management of J. M. Oles and Wm. Reed at the K. of. P. Hail last evening. The danc broke up at a late Lour, all havin enjoyed an especially delightful even ing. Music was furnished by Wil- bur Maish and Ralph Powell. a nnM T.afiHrme tnen Pnenmnnia Is too often that fatal sequences, Foley's Foney and Tar expels the cold, checks the lagrippe and pre vents pneumonia. It is a prompt and reliable cough medicine that contains no narcoties. It is as safe for youi . , J irncjribis. The Misses Blanche McCoy an Erma Humrichouser went to Winon test which will be held at Westmin ister Hall Musical School tonight under the supervision of Prof. Owen 1 1 Foley's Honey and Tar is the best cough remedy I ever used as it quickly stopped a severe cough that had long troubled me" says J. W. Kuhn, Princeton Nebr. Just so quickly and surely it acts in all Bought I. Traver Farm. Ober Berkypile, who recently sold his farm near Argos, has purchased! the beautiful farm of I. Traver, two miles northwest of Plymouth and! took possession Thursday. I Dyspensia is our national ailment Burdock Blood Bitters is the nationa care for it. It strengthens stomach 1 1 Jl A 1 . I membranes, promote flow of digestive .0 , , , , .. 1 juices, purifies the blood, builds you up. 29 SOME DOUBTS ON LIQUOR PLANS COMMISSIONERS WILL HAVE T DECIDE THIS TERM AT WHA RATIO TO POPULATION SA LOONS SHALL EXIST IN, MAR SHALL COUNTY. The county commissioners wil have to decide this term at what rati to population saloons shall exist in Marshall county, if after the election are held there are to be saloons. Un less the ratio is fixed at this term tha ratio is to be one to 500. Many boards elsewhere are fixing the ratio at one saloon to 1000 of populatio and the Marshall county board may also take such action. Today they established the Jank road in Tippecanoe township. Thi is a vaction the relocation and i about a half mile long. Mr. Moredock, representing, th South Bend and Logansport Tractio Co., was present and the commission ers extended the franchise of th company to December 1, 1911, for com pletion of their road through th county. SELECT NEW PRINCIPAL school isoara unoose nomer w Dntter of State University as w Second School Man. The Plymouth school board ha chosen Mr. Homer W. Dutter of h State University asthe new principa for next year- Mr. Dutter was ii Plymouth Friday and the action wa taken Friday night. Mr. Dutter will be graduated fror the State University in June. He i president of the 1911 class, is on th University debating team this yea is an all . 'round athlete and has ex perience in the teaching profession He is president of the Y. M. C. A at the University, and is a directo in the "Indiana Union." Mr. Dutter is. a young man abou twenty-five years old, a fine appear, ance and one of the brightest ine every graduated at Bloomington. His home is near Angola. The board feels that they have secure the best man in the large class of 191 from our great State University. A specfic for pain Dr. Thomas's Eelectric Oil, strongest, cleanest lini ment ever devised. A household remedy in America for 25 years. 32 F E CHURCH P QUARTERLY MEETING ENDORS ES WORK DONE BY METHO DIST , BOARD PREPARING FOR REMODELING. COMMITTEES NAMED Canvass of Church Membership Will Be Made to See What Support Can be Secured for The Project. At the Quarterly conference of the Methodist church Thursday night plans of the official board for re modeling the old church into a hew and modern structure were confirm ed, and committees appointed to con tinue the work. Architect Allen of LaPorte wa present with plans for remodeling the building and the members examined them thoroughly, and taken ns n whole were well pleased with them They provide for a large and impos ing tower" at the corner, a porch be tween that and the corner west where a small tower gives grace and beauty to the front. An entrance is provided into the tower and nlso through the porch. There will 1)2 only one step up from the sidewalk mt0 . ,e P0" into the porch and steps from the orcn imo 1,1 e tower fover. 0 the east side a projection of three teet will be made and this con tains a large, window, all of which will relieve that side of its present bald appearance. Additions will be made to the rear and west side for HIV lUUMil, w L i 1 Ullll lUiO villus I UUlll?, 1 , . , . , . ,, . ' kitchen, pastor's study, etc. This j addition is to be but one story high The new rooms will be raised a fctep from the present floor and will look to the platform located on the east side of the room, when not being used for class purposes An entrance and exit is provided at the rear and from Center street On the west side, the addition will run up to the second story to maka place for the organ and choir. The plan locates the pulpit in the center of the west side, makes curved peat were raised floor and eliminates th gallery. The stairway will go up ii the tower and entrance be made a the rear of the room. A pastor' room and choir room are provided n the northwest corner. The appearance of the building according to the architect's plans, i good from all sides, and is entirel changed from its present unsightly ness. The committee which Was appoint ed to invite Mr. Allen'here and hav him prepare plans, was confirmed an centmued for further work. Thi committee is composed of Messrs Frank Sonthworth, John J. ßtalev C. T. Mpttinsrlv, Samuel Schlosser, L F. Overmyer. It was decided to appoint anothe committee of five to make a canvas of the membership to see how much support could be secured for the new project before it is finally decided upon. This committee will see th membership during the coming week and a special meeting of the confer ence will be called by the pastor, to hear the report of the committee. I was decided, to, that the payment for the improvement ßhould exten over a period of tow years, and b payable quarterly. The total cost of the remodeling i estimated nt Wwen $14.000 an A 15 nnn. The rnt f nmiu-r c"urcn W0U1Q De 10 jo,uuu I T"i-maria saia jur. iviitn. State of Ohio City of Toledo, Lucas County s s. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sura of One Hundred Dollars foi each and every case of catarrh' that cannot be cured by the use of Hall'b Catarrh Care. Frank J. pheney. Sworn to before me and sulscribed in my presence, this 6ta dayof De cember, A. D. 1886. , j (Seal) A. W. Gleason, Notary Pub lic. - Hall's Catarrh Cure is täln in ternally, and acts directly n the blood and mucous' surfaces dC tht syf.tem. Send for testimonials free. (Constitution Was Written by over nor) Will Adopt Child. Mr. and Mrs. Welcome Milled will take to rear and probably adori the sixteen months old child of John Gray of -South Bend, the mother pav- ing died a short time ago. Mrs. Myrtle White-Murphy of South lend has taken the infant. ERE 1 J G RETURN FROM SOUTHERN TRIP Wm. Vangilder and Chas McLaughlin tHave Delightful Time at Mardi Gras and Elsewhere. Wm. Yangilder, Chas. McLaughlin and son, Earl, have returned from a1 delightful trip through the South.1 During their stay, they visited th Mardi Gras, La., the cities of Mobile Montgomery. Grand Bay and Birm- ingham in Alabama and Nashville,' Tenn. Earl and Glen McLaughlin had gone to Alabama some time before Mr. McLaughlin and Vangilder went, but they met the boys in Grand Bay. Glen and Charles Irish, a Michigan boy have taken up adjourning claims' near Grand Bay, and the day tile1 three left for Indiana, the boys de partedtor their claims with their mule and one-horse wagon. Any skin itching is a temper-testeri The more you scratch the worse it itches. Dean's Ointment cures piles, eczema any skin itching. At all drug stores. 3G. Looks Over Warsaw Fire Department A. R. Clizbe went to Warsaw thi morning to look over the fire depart ment there. Mr.. Clizbe is an exper in fire departments and is studying the fire department system in Plym outh. He also met with the Warsat street and alley committee today. Foley Kidney Pills. Neutralize and remove the poisons that cause backache rheumatism nervousness and all kidney and bladder irregularities. They biiild up and restore the natural action of these vital organs. For Sale by All Drusrgists. OF C 1 CIVIC CLUB RESOLVE THAT COUNCIL SHOULD PROVIDE A PLACE WHERE ALL RE FUSE CAN BE DEPOSITED PLACE SUGGESTED Review of Robinson's Improvement of Towns and Cities Makes In teresting Meeting at Mrs. B Iain's. "Resolved, that it is the ßense of this club that the city council pro vide a suitable-" public dumping ground for the disposal of the city garbage." The above resolution was unanim ously adopted by the Civic club at its meeting last night, following upon a review and discussion of Chas. Mulford's Robinson's "Improvement of Towns and Cities." It ' was said that when the drayman came to haul away ashes, tin cans and other gar bage, he had no place to take the load and dump it. The Uiual thing was to haul it to some part of "Johns town," but now "Johnstown" ob jects to being made a dumping ground for the city. What shall garbage men dot The city should provide a place where all garbage should be taken This could easily be done and to the advantage of many pieces of low ground now useless. With careful dumping and covering with dirt oc casionally, good land can be made. The Muckshaw was suggested as one of the places which needed filling. Mr. Robinson's book was ably re viewed by Mr. Marsh, and discussed by Miss Carrie Boss and Mr. Schell. Other members also took part in the application of the principles of the book to Plymouth. . The meeting was -held at the home of Mrs. Julia Blain, and there was a fine attendance of the members. Miss Helen Tomlinson sang two solos, much to the delight of the club. Dr. and Mrs. Eley were elected membrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McCoy, Dr. and Mrs. Deeds assisted in the entertain ment and at the closeof the program re freshments of two kinds of sand wiches, pickles, cakes and coffee were served. - ' - The place of the next meeting is yet to be de;ided, -but the subject i3 a very live one the cleaning of the city. A Mother's Safeguard Foley's Honey and Tar for the children. Is best and safest for ' al coughs, colds, croups, whooping cough and .bronchitis. No opiates. Sold By All Druggists. Subscribe for the dailv Rpublkan INI DIP FOR Ti GARBAGE - I H Wmnm, rrrrTtf III J f si rma :f ow rix i it 7 it Pi -.'v.l.: IR 1 W t JS0 7 IV Uffl I rlfi.V . i II a lit. I'll 11 v 11 vjtjv 11 u 11 in m m ik m La . .v - - , . . H '.Ii i) ... A Htf I fr ,T II TT The Largest Stock in Marshall County Don't fail to see this wonderful line of Wall Paper and get our Low Prices before you buy. The Oak Drug Store Fred Wenzler, Proprietor. "" 1 '' TTtT If You Can't See C. Z. ROWE, Optician, 105 North Michigan Street, Plymouth, Ind. NOTICE Julius Kietzman & Son have tak en possession again of their Blu Barn, and will run the business agaii as always. Same old prices. Hitch an Livery. We invite all old and ne customers to come and see us. d2 w9 Owing tq the great number of peo pie moving it makes many changes o numbers. If you have trouble gettin your calls give central the name o the party you want. d2-3 w9 Winona Telephone Co. Foley Kidney Pills Just the right medicine for backacht rheumatism, Bright 's disease and all urinary irregularities. D. Westbury, 13G No. Main St., South Bend, Ind., says: "Some time back I suffered severey with kidney trouble together with an irregularity in the action of my kidneys. A friend called Foley Kidney Pills to my attention and I took them according to directions and in a short time the results wee astonishing. The pain left and the kidney action became normal and re gular and Foley Kidney Pills cured me. I shall be glad to recommend them to all who suffer with Kidney trouble." For Sale by All Druggists. Gone to Texas. Chas. Garver left for Texas thi morning witi C. S. Cleveland an wife and A. M. Cleveland. Mr Garver will be gone about two month helping to set up the machinery in th new factory being built by the Edger ton Manufacturing Co. A Special .Medicine for Kidney Ail ments. Many elderly people have found in Foley's K'dney Remedy a quick re lief and permanent benefit from kid ncy and bladder ailments and from annoying urinary irregularities due to advancing years.. Isaac N. Regan, Farmer, Mo., says': "Foley's Kidney Remedy effected a complete cure in my case and I want others to know of it." Sold by all Druggists. CHIIdron " Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Carbon Dater at the Republican ? . .... so. 2) Railway Time Cards. PENNSYLVANIA. Eittt-bouiid No 6 Daily 2:54 ft m If o. 18 " 5:12 tc hn 86 " except Sunday 9:51 ft m Nr 16 " 10:27 ft m NC S " 6:00 p m No 3 8:49 P m No. 94 10:15 p. in West-bound No. 25 Daily 5:04 ft n No. 119 MilkTrftin 6:30 ft m No. 37 except Sunday 9:07 a m No. S9 Dally except Sunday 1:46 p m No. 21 Daily l;S4 p. m. No. 19 " .. 5:52 p ro No. 9 " 6:20 p m No. 11 no basrstare 10:27 r m VAN DA LI A South Bound No. 41 Daily except Sunday 5 42 a in No. 43 11 04 ft m No. 45 " M " 5 S5 P m No. 47 Sunday Only 907 ft m No. 49 V ' 3 45 p m North Bound No. 46 Daily Except Sunday... 6 32 a m No. 40 Daily 11 57 ft m No. 42 Daily except Sunday 6 25 p m No. 58 Sunday Only 6 36 i m LAKE ERIE South-bound No. 21 Dally except Sunday 5:50 ft m No. 23 " " 10:45 m o.25 Daily f p m North bound No. 20 Daily 11:15. to No. 22 Dally except Sunday 4:lp tr No 24 10:15 p XX T M THI If yoa haren't a regular, healthy raorement of th bowel every you're 111 or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be well. Force, In the ahape of Tiolent phytic or pill poiaon, la dangerou. The smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping the bowels clear and clean is to taka CANDY EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Pleasant.' Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. Da Good, Never Sicken Weaken or Grtpj; 10, 25 and SO centa per box. W v tnt, and book let on health. Addreaa ' 33 Sterllna Reaetfv Company, Chlcac or New Yrrf . EEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEM