The Fountain Head of Life -f
Is 1
A mail Trho has a weak and impaired stomach and who does not
properly digest his food will soon find that his blood has become
weak and impoverished, and that his whole body is improperly and
insufficiently nourished.
makes the slomach strar:i promotes t:e How of
digestive Julies, restores the lost appetite, makes'
assimilation perfect, Invigorates the liver and
purifies and enriches the blood. It is the üreat b!oodmaker,
flesh-builder and restorative nerve tonic. It makes men
strong in body, active in mind and cool In Judgement.
This "Discovery" is a pure, glyceric extract of American medical roots,
absolutely free from alcohol and all injurious, habit-forming drugs. Al! its
ingredients are printed on its wrappers. It has no relationship with secret
nostrums. Its every ingredient is endorsed by the leaders in all the schools of
medicine. Don't accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this time-proven
remedy op known composition. Ask your neighbors. They must know of
many cures made by it during past 40 years, right in your own neighborhood.
World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. Marion Cramer "was a Harris
risitor today.
C. M. McCrory transacted business
at Harris today.
Ralph Öwoverland transaced busi
ness in Chicago oday.
B. F. AlcCulloug-i went to i Jour
bun tin I is:n"ss tooVv.
Miss Pearl Chap si of Bourbon was
in 4own this rwrning.
Mrs. J. A. Miller was the guest J
of Argos friends today.
Miss Pf.-arl Miller spent Wednes
day evening in this city.
Merl Rir.ggenbenr went to Niles
Mich., on business today.
John Pfender is quite ill at his
&ome with erysiplus.
Daniel Netter of Warsaw was a
local visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Win. Gast spent the day
with friends in Argos. .
G rover Walters of Bremen was in
the city today on business.
F. If. Kuan irusacted Li'smss
at-D'ii;iidfon this Kvrnoon.
J. S. Xess spent the day at
Cromwell transacting business.
- Wm. Sinsjrey of South Bend spent
Wednesday evening in this city.
David Lineberry went to Cresline,
O., on a business trip today.
Daniel Miles spent yesterday with
bis daughter in South Bend.
Clinton Grabe was a South Bend
business transactor yesterday.
Miss Cecile Morelock was the guest
of South Bend friends today.
Luther Holiam is confined to his
home with a severe case of quinsy.
G. II Ogden of Milford is in the
eity visiting his son, Arbic and wife.
Mrs. Clara Tipton of.Mentone is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Eley.
C. M. Slayter has resigned his
position as clerk at M Thomas store.
Mrs. Eunice Yohn of Inwood was
in the city, this morning on "business.
Mrs. liver Andres is visiting rela
tives in South Bend for a few days.
Mrs. S. L. Rifchey has returned
from a visit with Mishawaka rela-
Miles Price, a student of Chicago
University is home for a few days
Mrs. S. C. Rhinehart is visiting
her sister, Mrs. James A. Huffman
of Argos.
Miss Dora Zumbaugh is at Elkhart
where she went to attend the funera
of a cousin.
Mrs. C. Frank of Birmingham, Ala.
is here visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Miles.
II. B. Elloit of 'Louisville Ky
returnee! .home after spending some
time in this city.
Mrs. Ida Beyler, who has been
visiting relatives at South Bend re
turned home today.
Frank Hdly returned to Warsaw
this morning where he is working for
the Balfour Amusement Co.
Miss Minnie Swindell is home for
her spring vacation from Oxford
where she is attending college.
Jacob Zumbaugh has gone to Elk
hart where he will attend the funeral
of his niece, Mrs Walter Witwer.
0. A. Burroughs of the Heinz
Pickle Cof ot LaPorte was in the
eity today in the interests of the
Wm. IL Foulke, John W. Loty and
Jos F. Orr of Bourbon were here
yesterday on business concerning the
local option election.
Miss Irene Kuhn, who is attending
Oberiin College is hone to spend her
spring vacation with her parents,
2Ir and Krs. F. H. Kuhn.
C A. Reeve has moved his office
from the Marshall County Trust and
Savings Co., building, into the room
above M. Soice's Hardware store.
0. F. Hoover & Co., have com
pleted repapering and painting the
interior of their store room, formerly
the Suit grocery.. The improvement
makes the room much cleaner and
will enable the turners to keep a still
better store.
Jöhn Bahr of Warsaw . was in
town today.
Geo. Baxter spent the day in
Harri9 oft business.
Wm. Turnbull of Warsaw spent
the day in the city.
Hubert SeyboM of Winona Lake
iras in the city today.
he otomacbV
O. G. Baker transacted buhiess
in Nile, Mich, today.
Wm. Richmond is her from
Chicago for a few days.
Mrs. Walter Williams o! Hibbard
spent the morning here.
Jesse Domer of Walkertoü trans
acted business here to Jay.
Rev. J. F. Appleman was an Ar.
g-8 business transactor today.
Mrs. Jasper Helsel and children
are visiting relatives; at Argos.
Mrs. Geo. Washburn went to Ar
gos to spend the day with friends.
Frank Watkin9 spent the day at
Knox transacting business. .
Miss Ethel Stilson was the Ruest
of friends in South Bend today.
Chas. Miller of Columbia City
transacted business here Thursday.
Mrs. J. E. Wnitesell of Donald
son was io the city shopping today.
Mrs. I. Hahn went to Bourbon
to transact business this morning.
Mrs. Cora Hahn visited relatives
and friends in South Bend today.
Chas. Harn has gone to Inwood
to spend a short time with rela
tives. Judgj Harry Bernetha of Roches
ter spent Thursday afternoon in the
Mrs. Belle Snoake of South Bend
transacted business here this after
noon. Wm. Hardy went to. South Bend
to buy repairs for the Milner &
Grube elevator.
' Bruce Fulweider has gone to
Warsaw to visit his parents for a
few days.
jNJrs. Liddia Forgey has gone to
Pern to visit with relatives, for the
next three or four weeks.
Mrs. Allan returned home last
night after a visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Tim, at Dansville.
Frank Huffman of Argos is here
today superintending the new vot
ing machine at the court bouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hall spent
the day with their daughter, Mrs.
Fred Fromm, of South Bend.
H. L. Davis of South Bend,
pastor of the First Methodist church
returned home this morning.
Mrs. Geo. Swihart has gone to
Bourbon to spend several days with
her mother, Mrs. Nancy Coar.
Adam Holem has gone to Elk
hart, where he will attend ,the
funeral of a relative, Mr. Swihart.
W. A. Rhinehart, who is work
ing in Chicago, spent Thursday
evening with his family in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reifenberg
of Niles, Mich., returned home after
spending a few days with their eon
Flay, here. .
Miss Iona Wickey, who has been
staying with her sister, Mrs. Jennie
Clay of. Ft. Wayne, is reported to
be seriously ill.
lira. W. H. Bates and daughter
of Bourbon went to Peru to attend
the funeral of their aunt, Mrs.
Christian Walter.
Frank Hendricks and wife of
Logansport returned home today
after spending a short time with
relatives and friends here.
Miss Elma Bickel of Burr Oak,
who has been visiting her grand
mother, Mrs. Simon York of this
city, returned home today.
Mrs. L. C. Wiseman and daugh
ter, Mrs. H. E. Behmer of Culver
called on friends here today enroute
to Arfcos to visit Mrs. Marietta Le
land. Miss Delldora DeLoney will come
home from Mishawaka tonight to
spend a week's vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. De
Loney. W. L. Leak of Anderson, State
manager of the Meridian Life In
surance Company, is spending a
fewdaysinthe city, the guest of
H. E. Hess. j
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Shell were
in South Bend today.-
Mrs. Frank G irn spent the day
in South Bend on business.
August Walhce spent the day at
Iuwo(d transacting business.
Henderson Smith went to Ham
let on business this morning.
Mrs. Chas. liecknell and Mrs. J.
M. RohbiLS went to Walkerton,
where they were called by the death
of the formerVdau?hter. Mrs. Fred
Crow, foimerJy Miss Iva White of
this city.
W. A. Jones was a South Bend
visitor today.
. Frank Burns transacted business
in Chicago today.
W. S. Easterday of Culver was
in the city today.
Plymouth is -still "wet" and
gettin' no better fast.
Mrs. N. C. Petticord went to
Sunday with relatives.
Mrs. C. Z. Rowe spent Saturday
in Argos with friends.
Russell Tanner was a Chicago
business transactor today.
Maryjn Gilliam is visiting rela.
tives at Bremen a short time.
Miss Emma Protsman was the
guest if South Bend friends today
Mrs. Addie Zents spent the day
with her laughter, Chloe, at Harris.
Miss Merle Bosworth went to
Millersburg to attend a house party
iriven by Miss Kuth Hostetler.
Mrs. Netta Heminger is the guest
of South Bend friends for a few days
Peter Uncapher wsnt to Grover
town to snend Sunday with friends
David Joseph cf Culver spent
the forenoon litre transacting busi
ness. " Mr. and Mrs. M. Reid are spend
ing a few das with friends in
South Bend.
Miss Hazel Soice will be the
gueet of friends in Chicago oyer
Miss Ivatherine Bollman went to
Donaldson to spend the week . with
Miss Alice Coddington has gone to
her home in Colon, Mich., to spend
the spring vacation with her parents.
Miss Laura Boss has gone to Bre
men where she will remain for a few
days with her sister, Mrs. W. E.
Mr. and Mrs. R..A. Randall and
daughter Eleanor' left today for
Tekonsha, Mich., where they will be
until next Thursday While in Michi
gan they will look at their new mill
property at Union City.
Cha3. VanCamp was a Lapaz
visitor today,
Mies Alice Langdon was a South
Bend visitor today.
. Mrs. Etta Lechliter returned to
her home in Ober Saturday.
C. A. Reeve transacted business
at Warsaw Saturday afternoon.
Mrs.-Q. 0. Yarrick is in Argos
visiting, her ' eister, Mrs. Jesse
Mrs. F. Ii. Kuhn arid daughter,
Irene, spent the day in South
Bend: ' . '
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hess went to
Laporie to spend Sunday with re
latives. Miss Ada Haag went to Muncie
Saturday to t pend a week with
friends. -
Miss Claudia Dieffenbach spent
Sunday with friends at Leiters
Mrs. Phillip Sester is visiting
relatives in South Bend a couple
of days.
Miss Alma Moore of Tyner was
the guezt of Miss Gladys Monroe
Mrs. Julius Gase of Mishawaka,
formerly of this city, was here
V Urs. E. 0. Holem and children
are spending a few days visiting in
8outh Bend. ' C
Mrs. C. H. Mattox and daughter
-e the guests of Argos friends for
a few days.
Mies Gertrude Holms of Culver
spent Saturday morning with Miss
Frances Marks.
"Mrs. F. C. Armantrout and chil
dren spent the day with relatives
in South bend.
Ren Vangilder was called to
Saginaw, Mich, today, by the ill
ness of a relative.
Mrs. Frank Shepherd and daugh
Chucron C5rf
ter, Flos3ie, were 'in South Bend
shopping today.
Mrs. Wm. O'jCeefe and daughter,
Esther, spent the day transacting
busines3 in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Arehart of
Mifelnwaka are visiting friends
here for a few dajs.
Mr. and Mrs. Pter Sester and
daughter, Mry, transacted business
in South Bend today.
Chas. Scott has gone to Ft.
Wayne where he will probably be
employed in a hotel.
Mrs. Jas Beatty went to Warsaw,
where her husband is working in
the D. J. Dalton foundry.
Wm. Richmond returned to Chi
CJgo this morning, after spending
8 veral days with friends here.
Harold OtJesbee has returned to
Indianapolis after being in this
part of the state for the past week.
Miss Lois North, who is teaching
school at Kendalville, came home
Saturday to eptnd a week's vaca
tion. Mrs. W. M. Sherland of Lapaz
ft ho spant Sundav with John Baker
ami 1 i.i.jY i. urned home this
morning. .
. Mrs, Clauda Barnettof Kewanna,
who has been working at Bright
side for thrte months, returned
home Saturday.
Mrs. Ed R. Monroe and daugh
ter, Gladys, went to Michigan City
Saturday to visit Mrs. Harry
Bennett, until Monday.
Mrs. D. Bailey and daughter,
Antrim, who have been vi-iting
Mrs. C. H. Mattox, went to Argos
to remain a short lime.
Sianley Vandfrsall of Madison,
N. Y., who 1ns been visiting with
friends here fur a couple of dayp,
went to South Beud on bueine?s
At Tyner about noon Saturday Guy,
the twelve year old son of Charles
"Welsh of that place, accidently got
under the rear car of the Lake Eri9
passenger train and had his right
foot cut off.
It is not known justj how the boy
got under the coach, as he does not
himself remember and no one saw
him until immediately after. He say3
that the first thing he knew some
thing struck him and his foot got
under the wheels.
. Dr. , Thompson was called to dress
the wound. He stated that the foot
would have to be amputated, as there
was no hope for saving it. Guy will
be a cripple for life because of the
Report from Washington State Gives
Provable Clue for Which Office
Have Been Looking.
Bedford, Indl, March ' 24. The
The body was found in an old shed
on an alley. Although large rewards
to her room from a boarding house,
ed one evening as she was on her way
in the school here and was murder-
Sarah Schäfer murder mystery of
January, 1904, was revived here to-
day the receipt of a letter from Capt
J.. E. Padgett, of Spokane, Wash.,
stating that a convict on the Wash
ington state prison had told him of
a confession of two other prisoners
in which they said they had klled
Miss Schäfer. The letter has been
turned over to the presenting at
torney and will be investigated.
, Miss Schafer was a latin teacher
were offered several arrest made and
on man tried for the crime the mys
tery has never been solved. Rela
tives .of the slain woman live in
South Bend and Elkhart.
Had Hard Fall
Mr3E. X. Bagley had a hard fall
last evening on North Michigan St.
She was carried into a hou?e where
she waited with a badly eprained
ankle until her husband arrived
with the Machine and Doctor.
Safe Medicine for Children
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
is a safe and effective medicine for
children as it does not contan opiates
or harmful drosrs. TI13 cennine
f r?
Foley's Honey and-Tar Compound is
in a yellow package,
Interest Is Strong In Plymouth But
Net Much Eicitment
Aroused at the
March 31 The interest in the lecal
opion elections today in several units
the county was quite strong, the most
perhap? being that in Plymouth. Be
sides the city, Polk, Union, Tippe
canoe and Bourbon townships held
The voting in Plymouth was
heavy, e-pecially in the second and
third wards, but was less so in the
John Wolford predicted the out
come would be a majority of 142
for the wet?.' Trc dry forces felt
that they were getting ahead vtrong
y in the tnird, more than holding
their own in the second and thai
the wet majority in the fir.t would
not be more than fifty. They fig
urs the city will go dry by about
fifty majority.
I A number of people came home
to vote. A' them was Mr.
Wm. Saar, who is nor 82 years
Tha two saloons wer? closed ac
cord in to law.
There were a few challenge?, and
Fome blufling at thn second ward
polh to intimidate dry voters, bu
not enough anywhere to create
much excitement.
Ths difference in the ward boun
daries and in the precinct boundar
ies was confusing to some, who had
to ask where to vote.
Purchases Arthur Bland Farm
The Executors of the Bland will
Thursday sold the old home farm to
David E. Snyder, President of the
Plymouth State Bank. Among the
bidders at the sale were such well
known men as Jim Matchett and Cal
Shakes, and the community in which
this old land mark is located .would
have been satisfied to have seen
either one oC these three men get it
for they knew, that with their push
would be improved; and once more
become one of the best farms in the
community. ' .
This farm is situated in that rich
liural district about five mil?s
southwest of Bourbon and about five
miles-northeast of Argos, where land
readily" sells for from $100 to $125
per acre.
Culver Oratorical Contest
The Preliminary- Oratorical Con
test of the Culver High School will
'ie hcH this evening. The contest
ants and their subjects are:
Oration "Dignity of Labor'
Clarence Menser.
Oration " Future of American"
Dean Walker. - .
Oration --The City Problm Ray
Oration "The Navy? Ray Rogers
Quartette Misses . Hildred Moss,
Margaret Hayes, Hilda Wiseman,
Marie Bus well.
A Reliable Uedicine Not a Harcotic
Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich., cays:
"Our little boy contracted a cevew
bronchial trouble and as the doctor'a
medicine did not cure him, I gave
him Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound in which I have ereat faith-
It cured the cough as well as the
choking and gagging spells and h
got well in a short time. Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound has many
times saved us much trouble and we
are never without it in the house.
Sold by all Druggists.
AMss Kyser Carnival Queen.
A larpe number of people attend
ed the indoor circus at the Armory
Saturday eveningand after a Jorg
struggle. Miss Rath Kyger of this
city, was awarded theTdiamond
ring and crowned Qieen of the
Carnival. . .
Portland Claims the Individual in the
Persn of Oiney Whipple, a
Resident of That City
The Portland Sun has the follow
ing story:
Oiney Whipple, who is wUl up in
the eighties, is the original 'dry man
of Portland. He doesn't indulge in
intoxicants of any kind and even wa
ter has been tabooed by him. He is
leading a very dry life and is hale
and hearty, as spry as a sixteen-year-ild
boy. He thinks he has fiund the
fountain of pcrp'etual youth and it
has run dry. Oiney is a philosopher
of the old school and one day eany
'at November he made up his mind
that people drink too much even of
water so he quit, water and all. In
fact he used to take an occasional
glass of beer, but when the saloons
vauishd from this city over ,two
years ago it didn't bother him much
so he just quit. It was on last
November 17 that he swore off on
water, too, and he says he feels all
the better for it. The only liquid
that has since passed through his
pharynx has been two cups of coffee
a day one in the morning and one
in the evening, and once in a while
a little milk. He thinks loo much
liquid nourishment, even water, pro
duces an abnormal amount of flesh
often stifens and weakens the tissue?
and that one of the secrets of real
health will have been solved when
manlrind has learnd to take less
liquids. "
Has Leg Amputated
On Saturday aftrno-n Guy We?sh
of Tyner had le amputated,
this being n- ce?sary on account of
it3 being crushed iunder the Lake
Erie car about non of that dar.
Dr. Fr stou wa? called fiom Plym
outh and with the astance of Dr.
Thompson of Tyner performed the
operation. The right leg was tak
en of! about one tnird cf the way
from tie ankle to the knee B th
the ankl aui Jo wer Is were cru-d;-
In addition to the ic.jary to his 1
foot Guy had h:.s Jefc arm br il:cn
in two places. After ths operation
lie was se.u to Ep worth ho
at. S uth Ben i, wh-r tie win be
properly care 1 f ir until h"n
heals and he can cafrly be brought
Foley Kidney Pills'.
Are tcuic in action, quick in results
A special medicine for all kidney and
bladder disorders. Mrs. Eli Cullers,
Huntington, Ind., says: "I have
been troubled severely with kidney
trouble for some time and recently it
became much worse. My kidney ac
tion Vas much too frequent and I
suffered from a severe pain over the
back. However, a few doses of Foley
Kidney Pills were all that was neces
sary to completely correct these ail
ments and thanks to Foley Kidney
Pills which I gladly recommend.' '
Knott Baby Christened
A number of young people from
Valparaiso attended the christening
of Mary Jane, the infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knott, at the
Catholic Church Sunday afternoon,
Win. F. Ormond of this city being
Godfather and an aunt of Mrs.
Knott's Godmother. Those from Val
paraiso were Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
Appelgate, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Specht, the Misses Louise Banister
and Mary O'Keefe and Mr. Benj.
One Conductor Help Back to Work
Mr. Wilford Adams is his name,
and he "writes:
"I was confined to my bed with
chronic rheumatism and used two
bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy
with good efiect. The third bottle put
me on my feet and I resumed work
as conductor on the Lexington, Ky.,
Street Railway. It will do' all, you
claim in cases of rheumatism.' ' It
clears the blood of uric acid.
For Sale by All Druggists.
Culver Man Gets License
Oran J. Hudson of Culver was to.
day granted a license by the county
commissioners whereby he will be al
lowed to conduct a saloon in the town
of Culver. . Mr. Hudson will open up
his place of business in the new
Edwards building near the Vandalia
station. .
Large Crowd Attends Sale.
At the horße sale in Argos Satur
day, 85 valuable horses were sold,
the sale amounting to about $18,
000. There was a larger crowd in
attendance than ever before on an
occasion of this kind.
Folev Kidnev Pills contain, in con
centrated form ingredients of estab
lished therapeutic value for the relief
and cure of all kidney and bladder
ailments. Folev Kidnev Pills nre
antiseptic, tonic and rcstoratve. Re
fuse substitutes. Sold by all Drug
Is Your Skin on Fire?
Does it seem to you that you can't
stand another minute cf that awful
burning itchf
That is MUST be cooled ?
, That you MUST 'have relief?
Get a mixture of Oil of Winter
preen, Thymol, and other soothing in
credients as compounded only in 'D.
D. D. Prescription.
The very first drops STOP that 'aw
ful burning instantly!
The first drops soothe and heal!
D. D. D. gives you comfort
cleanses the- skin of all impurities
and washes away pimples and blotch
es over night.
Take our word on it as yonr local
(let a $1.00 or a 25 cent bottle to
day. Charles Revnolds.
Beaue " NEW CREA-
field of the world's thought,
action and culture. The only
new unabridged dictionary in
many years.
Became defines over 400,000
U'nrdc mnratfiiin vor
. before appeared between two
- covers, a 700 Pages. Cooo Il
lustrations. D
Because be onJy dictionary
page. A "Stroke of Genius.
Because is an encyclopedia iu
mm a single volume.
Because ia accePted by the
- Courts, Schools and
Press as the one supreme au
thority. t Cause ke 'bo knows Wins
" Success. Let us tell
you about this new work.
WETTE far rpecimen of m dirlU4 ptf.
C & C. MERRIAM CO.. PaUUbers, SprinffcU. Man.
Mention thil paper, recatTeFBXX set of pockst map.
u;-jö ü: Venire
j bcreig every dry. you're iii -r v ii! be. Kcpyour
violent ih sic or ter'i, U liauaef-i.-n. Tli
tie b j: -s clecr .v..l ci'T ti riij
Pleasant. PnlsMibl. Kotnt, Tust Good, Do
Oood, Kfv.r Sik V : r c i,T Ox fa '0. 5 and
Wcentp.rKit. V t. r. (n5 c-je und book
ieton hotiih. AC'iftt . iZ3
Stcrlitifl Fetredy CtTpanj, Chicago or New Yet t
No more misery. Get rid of
the drink habit h 3 days.
After btinea heary driu t
er for yeari I wru snvod
and providentially came
into possession of the true
Remedy for overcoming
alcoholism. The drinker
vrho wants to quit for
ever, getting: rid of the
airfal cravic-s. en eafily
i do so, losin? no time and
jienioyinff life better than.
ever before. Marvelous success. Safe, reliable,
. If a person is addicted so strongly ho (or she)
ha3 lost desire to be rescued, be can be treated
tecretly ; will become dijrused with odor and
taste of liqnor. Legions of testimonials verify
ing genuineness of my Method. Joyou news
for drinkers and for mothers, wive, etc., con
tained in my ltock. MaiLed, plain wrapper,
free. Kep this adv. or pass it on Address
EDM. J.W00DS, 53 4 Sixth At., 266 A NewYork.N.Y.
tf-'y SO
-4 Trace Marks
.C Designs
V"- Copyrights Ac
Anyom tending a sketeb and description tnav
qalckly ascertain onr opinion froe whether ax
invention ' probably patentable. Communion
tknatrctlyconildeutiaL HANDBOCX on Patent
lent free. Oldest apency fgr eecutinf patenta.
Patent take a tbrootrh Mann & Co. recelrt
rptcial notie wit hoot cbanre. in the
Scitntiflc Jloericcii.
k haadtoraolr tllottrated weeklr. Tanrest cir
culation of any seien tine Journal. Terms, $3 a
ear : lour tnontos, ai. DOia oy ail neweaeaiera.
Rrmnea ocoe. 63 w EU Traaaincton. D. C
Repair Work and
T If your buggy, wagon,
plow, or other farm ma
chinery is in need of re
pairs, or if .you want
horse shoeing done satis
factorily see me. Our
prices are reasonable. ::
C. E. Rankin
CWnse and beautifies ths hslz.
IVrwnote, a luxuriant frrowth.
K-ver Fails to Bewtore Oray
Hair to its Youthful Color.
Cures sca!p d'-t & hair iailiuc.
ÄK5,andtlia Drurrins
Good results always follow the
use of Foley Kidney Pills. They give
prompt relief in all cases of kidney
and bladder disorders. Try them.
Sold. y all Druggists.
tri in
0 hWC rJ&fl