Newspaper Page Text
& A A .u W V ctf- 4 A Traveling Agricultural Display A scvcnty-fivc foot railroad car specially designed and decorated to exhibit products of the Great and Fertile Northwest. , Prepared and sent out by the Northern Pacific Railway to SHOW YOU what is be ing raised by prosperous farmers and fruit growers in the rich states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon, ft V ) - j; . ... - -v --. jw m iy nm j, -J,-UUw -- .-- 1 1 , i, . i i r.rJ In this car you will see what you could do if you were located alone the Scenic Highway in The Land of Fortune. You could farm by intensive methods on irrigated land, or you coul J 4 dry farm" on nonimgatedland. You could raise fruit, vegetables, poaUry and dairy products, making money and enjoying life just as thousands of people are doing out in this marvelous country. This Exhibit Car, which you are cordially invitecUo inspect, will be'at PLYMOUTHINDIANA PENNSYLVANIA DEPOT TUESDAY, MAY 9th 4 4 4 4 HmnnT I f CTCAUI.T, c May 2, 1911 Dear Friend:- If you want to zet some Fine Saloon, Cod Fisk or Mackerel for dinner tell your Mama that we had sone today for dinner. low many kind of saloon, Codfish and Mack- erel do you think there axe and what do you think they cost?. Salcon:- 25, 20, 10 & 15 cents per can.. Cod fish:- 15 and 10 cents per pound. Mackerel:- 10 cents each. P. S. Ion can set these articles ITcw Suits Filed. Petition of Wm. H. Murphy and Borah E, llurpby for adoption of Rath Carter. Dean's Itejuleta cure .constipa tion -trithont griping, nausea, nor cay Treakenin effect. Ask ; your. drcizt for then. 25 ecata per lor. 47 0 r- I Sri cd 7ANTED Ilea to learn barber FeT7 T7CS-3 completes. Time c vcd by steady practice, careful in r ricr3 arid demonstratios. Tools -;7C3, diplomas granted. Wages .iurJiy. Splendid demaud for : " - tri. Writs tpday. Holer Bar ; r Clee, Chicago. Ill A cP A ft0-. V V w u Come and see it Admission Free Tell Your Friends If you cannot visit the car, write to us and tell us what state or section you are interested in. We will gladly send free illustrated booklets to your home address. ASK ABOUT LOW, ROUND TRIP HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO THE NORTHWEST Northern Pacific Pailway I I Tbe Scenic Highway U ThrouQh the U Land of Fortune L. J. BRICKER. Gen'l Immigration Agent, St. Paul, Minn. A. M. CLELAND, Gen'l Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Jet for Girls Bugles and jet (Lave always been associated In our minds with elegant ly gowned old ladies, but they are now being used to ornament the flip pant frocks and coiffures of young girls. In their change of environment the bugles and jet are really very ef fective, especially with the late exert ing gowns and the early spring mod els. In the decorative fringe on filmy evening frocks the bugle answers well It graceful pearlike body lends It self admirably as a decorative ad junct to the sown and the mournful charm of Jet, but enhances the fair neaa of youthful faces wten worn as pendant earrings and upon blonde coiffures. Striped Handbags In Black and White Erea la ttandbags we see the toik- for black and white,, for one of th latest la of reJvet. the etrlpes being a Quarter of an Inch in . width. J:ht handle la of twisted cord, one rtrand black and one white, while the frame If of guuaetal. Even the Atting are carried la the came -colors, the ILnlnx being of white kid and the lockinj glass and powder box in black and whita celluloid." , ' A t a 1 m ' ,m Aüuuier pocaetoooK d the caoM Quare shape in black and white stripes was lined with brilliant ceriae, which with the gilt frame relieved the rather dead effect of the black and white. New Earrings Long earrlngB continue la faror. and the newest Is be "harrest moon It is a round, flu ring set with tiny white stones and split like a key ring! Th ear slips into the slit and is. secured there by a petrl headed screw, jo that it is not necessary to pierce the ears In order to wear this pretty decoration. Mos amethysts in antique mount ings will be worn with shirt waists and -morning frocks during the com Ing season, and very attractive de signs In thU novel stone ar already displayed in the stores. Bananas In Currant Jelly Pick, over wash, drain and smash one quart of currants. Sprinkle one cupful of sugar over them and' mash until every, currant is broken. Add more sugar if the fruit Is very acid. Let them stand in the ice chest till rery cold, when they will be ahnest a Jelly. When ready to serve, slice bananas, into a glass fruit . dish and pour the currents over them. Serve in glass 'cupe with bread and butter sandwiches. . . English Frumenty, Get one pint of clean wheat, which can be bought from, the feed stores, crash and put it to cook on the stove at the back, where it can1 cook gently until soft. Put in a little salt and spice, busü and a little butter. It makes a nice, healthy and palatable dish for break fast. A fsT7.currcst3 cm bo put in ii dcajrsd, -" ' . o o o o o l r iff a. , V w if 4 4 4 4 '4 4- 4 4 4 4. 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 PERTINENT POINTS. Few men are as friendly to others as they expect others to be to them. A woman can persuade a man to do anything she wishes by letting him do all the talking. There are men who can butt in In such a way as to make you think they did it by Invitation. The theory that unmarried men do not understand women must be wrong. Aren't they unmarried? It is wise to lay aside something .'or a rainy day. And also to remem ber that nothing is stolen quicker than .an umbrella. , Don't act like the deuce because ;you .feel like .a king. It takes a wise man. to-sit still and xun .a .farm. Even uppish women prefer lower berths in a -sleeper. Hard ..uck is a Four-Flush that waits for you to fill his hand. Don't satisfy him! .Many .a fellow who was down In the mouth and in the .dumps of de spair this day last year . is hitting the top crests of tortune today I Plodding is the thing the Game of Life lasts too long to be won by a Lucky Punch! The aun neither rises nor seta in the Cave of. Gloom'. The fellow who buckles down rare ly has to knuckle down. Unity ol Alm is more than identi ty of appearance. k m saints seJdom sun er xrom a sense of superiority. , You can never pray lor another with your lips alone. A good man is -never .blind to the good in other men. Some men oome near proving the devil when they argue An their god. Faith does more than defend old facts; it makes new ones. He can never know men who will not-stop to know children . ' oomenow, ine doss uoesn i see everything from jOnr point of view. liut we make; allowances for Mm, He'll learn, he'll learn. ' Act upon the presumption that you have no enemies, And lo! if you have any,' the vanish. TfiA loot little wo r ArA" with your rival Is to run' double rings around him on the job. Hypochondria is Dyspepsia of the Dome and Fluid Extract of Fergit-It is the dope therefor! About the only difference betweei the. rich man and the poor man it that tht; rich man hasn't any. Sundaj suit The knowing smile worn 'by tame men when -talking about girls in Jures more reputations than anything actually said. For any' pain, from top to toe. from any causa, apply Dr. Thomas' IT s Electric oil. Pain can 't stay where ; : j J it is nse.1. 4b , CHILD OF TODAY SERIOUS IVilNDED YOiG PERSON i Scorns the Simple Game? Played By Parents THE child to today impre:ses on as being a serious-minded youni person orif not of a seriou trenc of mind, at least not so easily amuse as the child who skipped to schoo cot many years ago. And there was a time when littlf children skipped gaily to school, al though nowadays skipping seems t( be a lost art. Recess owed its chief charm to tfc fact that then one might Interrupt the tedium of books with a brie period of skipping to tide one ovei until tie noon hour when the pas time might be resumed for an entir hour minus tie few moments con sumed in eating lunch. We only lived through the after noon session of lessons hopefully be cause it brought back the tour whei we should be released from the weari some task of getting an education and free again to resume the impor tant business of life skipping. One had 'to skip. It was in tfc air. Not to skip when all the worlc of childhood was' skipping was quitt as Impossible as to be able to con trol one's own breathing. Skippinf was the one Important factor In life; all other things were incidentals. But where are the skippers of yes terday? The spring returns, the season ol the true skipper's ' delight, but th skippers where are they? Echo answers. "Where?" Some of them have grown up ar.d are ashamed to skip any more. Som of them are married and are .watch ing hopefully this spring, as- they die last spring, "for incipient signs of thlf weakness in their offspring. If there Is anything In lnheritanct some of the young children ought t give Indications of possessing a skip ping spirit. But. alas! the child oi this generation takes Its pleasure seriously. James of today has his aeroplane that I? properly equipped with four sylfabed names of real appliances; "Jimrnie" of yesterday wanted notn Ing better than the leisure to skip or the wood from which to fashior a piir of sülts. Jane of today feels her talkinf doll's petticoat to see If the flounc Is real lace where the reckless and rosy little Jenny of yerterday ask ed only the privilege of being undis turbed In her. baking of mud pier and clay ducks. Skippicg may be an affront to one's, Intelligence, but it used to be a prodigious amount of fun. Then tc be the best skipper In sCfcool war a distinction far surpassing any class honor that may - be thrust upon the, student nowt What caused the decadence in skip ping? We left school early, before the class fully digested the dativo case; when the mysteries of decimals in arithmetic was a small cloud on the horizon. But when we left, skipping held its own as a manly art and a womanly accomplishment. There is but one fe&rful conclusion that continues to thrust Itself upon us. . It was something that the cla? learned later that robbed our erst while companions of th joy of skip ping Maybe It was a full knowledge of the work of the dative case tafun- r . . i m aerminea mig simple pleasure; mayoe it was something In decimals that cast a blighting Influence over the spirit of youth. , Whatever It was triumphed. The spirit of skipping, once abroad in the land, is dead. Something learned in books shot It through the heart. Beef Cheese BoU head, kidney and scraps of iork In salt water until well dne. Pick all meat from bones and chop fine, then season with salt, pepptr, allspice. cinnamon and a little sage to tas:t. Put in muelin bags any size you wisn, ana men press aown witi a weight. Let stand In cool place for a few days, then It Is ready to serve, sliced cold. , Whole Figs in Rich Syrup This Is a new dessert to the major- lty, but it Is truly delectable and will become a great favorite. Ask your gro- burdock JJIood Bitters conquers dys cer for ekinless figs, canned In a heavy pepsia every time. It drives out yrup. Tney will be found at first- class stores. Three figs and a spoon ful of the syrup should be served with a spoonful of whipped cream (flavored axd not rery eet) to ach person. THE MAN' BEHIND THE GUN. The late Admiral Erben had th gjood fortune or the merit to Origin ate a world-circling phrase. 'the mas a t a. . . .... uemna me gun,'' He used it in . speech on the factors of, success In naval warfare to emphasize the nec essity of having eflciency, prepared-w-ss, run through the eutire personnel. It was alflo a reminder that the enlist ed mn have a good deal more to do Wui bringing about victory than al- wc appears In history or nfüclal reports.' The expression was employ ed in supplementing the views of Captain Mahan, and attained circula tion at once as epitomizing a whole li brary of instruction. Boston- Tran script. Many Children Are 5Jckly. Mothn Gray's Sweet Powde s for Children Break up Coli in 24 hours, relieve Feverishness Headache, Stomach Troubles, Tiethin Disor si Sample xafled FREE. Ad3reg. . ADen S. Olm- sted' LeKoj. n. y. - ders, and destroy Worms. How'sThis? We offer One . Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. "We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take HaU's Fwnl'- Pills for constipation. A WAGGING TONGUE WRECKS MANY HOMES TT is not a novelty to see in the i. newspapers accounts of divorces sued for and murders committed be cause the constant nagging ol tha wife drove her husband to despera tion". But these accounts which the news papers tell us are only a veiy smill percentage of the households made unhappy by the tongue of a woman who is not wise enough to know that words and the thought they expresi lose all effect by constant repetition. A perfectly . legitimate grievance harpt'd upon long enough changes its color in the opinion of those obliged to listen. I wish women would re member this. J am not enjoining them to hold their tonzuos for the sake of peace in the face of objection?. 1 believe that it I? their privilege to speak out when members of thei. family husband, sons and daughter do that which displeases. But dou'i become a scold of acrid tongue who Is so busy finding fault that she nevei recognizes that there are kindly in- ßtinets at work In the various mem bers of ter famiry. Assuming a martyr-like epirit and a silent to:.gue in the face of Lad hab its and neglect of duty is not advisee either. The gentle caution and the sounc advice that may flow from a woman' tongue and find ready acceptance it the hearts of those who lean upot her for mental and moral sustenance Is not to be considered lightly. It is rather important that a womar should be careful how she delivers hei counsel and reproof, because it is oi such value to the family circle. Two women may be of the same de gree of honesty aud anxiety for the welfare of their respective families. One woman will have the force, dig nity, tact and gentleness to make hei wishes in regard to certain matters understood and complied with at thf first mention of the subject. Another woman equally conscien tious and well meaning will go abou. her work of reform in a way that an tagonizes every one to whom stf Droaches the eubject She may bt Jeeply concerned over some falling if ber husband just for example. She makes it the burden of her talk She whines about it. Instead of talk ing out like an intelligent being. Nol content with repeated arguments with him, she talks It over with her rela tives and friends, until sympathy turns to abhorrence In all who know her, and the culprit sinks deeper intc his infirmity In desperation. T venture that there are women feeding the faults of their dear ones by the ado they' make over them all the time, instead of tending to de crease them, as is their. desire. There aFe women so permeated with the idea that the best way to keep in errant husband from repeating his Offense 'is .to continually harp upon his last fall from grace that they dis cuss no other topic. With that held up to him at reg ular intervals any husband, according to my reasons, has excuse In bales to commit some eort of a retaliatory act. It is discouraging when a woman has to give up hope that certain 'un fortunate conditions can never bt changed. When she relinquishes hei faith in brighter prospects, let he! also give up talking about that which excludes their realization. What can't :be cured must be en. dured. and It win be Infinitely pleas- anter for all if the sore subject Is not thought of or spoken, of any more than necessity demands. Clean Black Silk Black silk when exposed to the dust la iikelV to become rusty or gray in ao-sarance, and many women do not know that to brush the silk with a tiff whisk means that the ailk will cut all the sooner. A .piece of velveteen, wet and jubbed over the -dusty spots, will re move an soil .without Injury to the -material v . - dyspepsia is America's curse. impurities, tones the stomach, re stares perfect . digestion, normal weight, and goo health.- 45 Steam fitting, hot water and Steam heating, pump supplies and well, work all done with best of materials and workman ship. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED I carry, in stock a fell line of hath tubs, lavatories, closets, .kitchen sinks, ' rsn8 boilers, motor pumps, hath, room spec pnnjs, cellar . drabs back ialtis, cistern pnnps, well , water valves, slop sinks, liy- drants and lawn hose, mill and threshers' supplies, pneumatic thank. Ö. B. KLINGEKMAN 113 North Center. Plymouth, Ind. Tories: Shop, 837. residence. 903 C OUR CUSTOMERS WILL APPRECIATE A Clean Grocery! We have spent two weeks cleaning, Rcpapering, repainting and decorating our store, and now have it in fine con dition for the care and keepirfg of all our goods. We can asFure the public that all Groceries bought here will be in FIRST CLASS CONDITION. See . our Fruit and Vegetables displayed in the front window. We are sure we can please you on all purchases. You arc welcome O. F. Hoover & Co. Successor to W. F.' Sult. The most popular Pianos ever of fered to the, American music., loving public Complete the home circle with a sweet-toned J'CROWN" or "HOBART fll. CABLE." These Pianos are strictly high-grade and the prices right. Call and examine them. WELCOME J. MILLER In the Wake of the Measles The little son of Mrs. O. B. Pal mer, Little Rock, Ark., had the measles. The result was, a severe cough which grew worse and he could not sleep. She says: "One hot tie of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound completely cured him and he has never been bothered since. Croup, whooping cough, measles cough all yield to Folev's Ilonev and Tar Compound. The genuine is in yellow .package always. Refuse substitutes. For sale by all Drug gists. , Ladles Can Wear Shoes one ize smaller by usirjr Allen'p Foot-Ease, the an iseptic powder for swollen, tender, aehfrifj feet. It iii a k es walkiup a delight, relieves corns and liuuirns of I all rain, and gm rest and comfort. Sold everywhere. 25c. Pn't accept any sub titute. Sample FREE. Address. Al!en 8. Olmsted. LeKoy.N. Y. Permanent Studio of Music PIANO, Pipe Organ, Voice and Harmony. The Very Best Results Assured JAMES H. BISHOP Studio 109 N. Michigan St t Above Overmyer & Anderson's Shoe Store. If you want your SPRING SUIT early I would advise you to come now and make your selection. This insures prompt delivery. Prices from $20.00 on up. BERGMAN, the Tailor. SPECIAL S'ALE ON 'FORTHJS Week at ROWE'S 105 j, era ST. WHS n BUSINESS CARDS . J. A. MOLTER Money to loan on Farms a specialty Plymouth, Indiana G. F. HITCHCOCK, DENTIST AU lnd of Dental, work ueü as CrownU r Brlite work. Plates and FllUnn of ay kicd. Office OTer Marshall Co. Trust & Saviors Co B'k Phone 405 A. C. Richard Coal and Wood Office corner Plumb and Harrfson Streets Plymouth, Indiana. DR F M. BCRKITT 1B. C.W. iSTRSETT DENTISTS Office hours 8:30 a. m. to '2 m. 1 p. m. to 5 d oi. . Rooms in Burkett Building PLYMOUTH - rN'DLAXA. N. B. ASPLNALL Physician and Surgeon 308 N. Michigan Street, PLYMOUTH, '. . INDIANA Surgeon to the Pennsylvania, Vinialia and Lake Shore Railroad, The Kanarr Home A First-Class Place to Board BOARD BY IS OAY, HEEK Ol KEIL A Specialty of Serving Dinners Both Week Days and Sundays Home Cooking andjHome Service MRS. OLIVE KANARR 413 W. Jefferson st Old VaadaUa nous PHONE ITU Glasses They are Eye-Helps if Right; Eye- Hurter8 and Headache Makers, if Wrorg. We Fit 'em Right. DR. E. R. WOOD Resident Eyeataht Sccftut. Office oyer OTermyer & Anderson's Shoe itore Plvmoutn. Indiana. Phone 522T Eyes Examined Free d llecicfces Prevented. Glasaea fitted at moderate prices. Satüfactfco ruarautced. D,l J. BÜ2KE & CO.,C;tc-elrisls 230 South Michigan 8treet. 6utt Bend. Invftac Established 1900 No agents or solicitors employed HOURS 1 to 6.30 P.JJ. 7 to 8:30 P.M. TELEPHONE 03ce 02 Heaidesce 60 DR. H. P. PRESTON 8 pecia) Attention tfyen to DUeasea o the Eye. Ear. Nose and Thraat. Glasee fitted. OFFICE: OVER BALL A 00. PLYMOUTH ITew ' Suits Tilei. William Everly vs. William L, Wallace, Receiver. Itching", bleeding protruding or blind piles yield. to Don's Oint ment. Chronic cases soon reliev ed, finally cured. Dmsists all sell Eye 3 ' H. -id