iXountv ifec order iJanlO
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Epoch Making Decision Marks the High
way of Industrial Progress InAmer
ica Prevents Combinations for the
Restraint of Trade.
(From Chicago Tribune)
petition11 to such an extent as tobe
a combination of conspiracy in re
straint of trade in violation of the
first section of , the Sherman act and
also to be an attempt at a monopo
lization which became a perennial
violation of the second section.
"We see no cause to doubt the
correctness of these con elusions,"
said the chief justice, "considering
English Roses Sent Prom the Grave
of Ann Hathaway by Mrs.
Young Alice Freeman
Washington, D. C, May. 15 The
Standard Oil company of New Jersey
and its nineteen subsidiary corpora
tions were declared today by the
Supreme Court of the United States
to be a conspiracy and combination
in restraint of trade.
It also was held to be monopoliz
ing interstate commerce in violation the bfat from every aspect'
nf tbfl Sherman anti-trust law. The
dissiolution of the combination was Ruthless Crushing of Rivals,
ordered to take place within six Ranging over a career of thirty
month?. - (two years, the Standard Oil corn
Thus eilded the tremendous 6trug- paay is found by the court to have
gle on the part of the government had one continuous purpose the
to put down by authority of law a crushing out of rival. In subject
combination which it claimed was a ing to scrutiny the acts and doings
menace to the industrial and econ- of Standard Oil in the long distant
omi3 advancement of the entire past for the purpose of getting
ountrv. .assistance in discovering intent and
- ipurpose, Justice White said:
limits to "unaue nestraini. ttWe tMnk no disinterested mind
At the same time the court inter- can survey the period in Question
.pretod the Sherman atti-trust law without being irresistibly driven to
so as to limit its application to the conclusion that the very genius
acts of "undue' ' restraint of trade for commercial development and
. It was on this point that the only organization which it would seem
discordant nete was heard in theVas manifested from the berinn:ncr
ouri. soon b'ejrot an intent and purpose to
Justice Harlan dissented, claim- exclude others, which was frequently
in? that cases already decided by manifested bv .acts and dealinsrs
the court had determined onee for wholly inconsistent with the theory ters from those members who have
all that the word undue or that they were made with the removed from Plymouth,
"unreasonable," or similar words, sn?:e conception of advancing the! Mrs. Ada Corbin responded from
were not m me siaiut?. ne ue- development of business power bv
clared that the reasoning of the nsuai methods, but which, on the
court in arriving at its finding was contrary, necessarily involved the
in effect legislation which belonged intent to drive others from the field
in every instance to congress and an(j to exclnde them from their
not to the courts. j right to trade and thus? accomplish
, The opinion of the courtwas an-themasiery-whichwa5 the-- end- in
H rouneecr rhy Chief" ' Justic e White. yjew
Tn printed form it contained more
than 20,000 words. For nearly an Monopoly Intent Continuous,
hour the chief justice discussed the "And, considering the period fiom
t ease from the bench. goin: over most the date of the trust agreements of
-of the points in the printed opinion 1879 and 1882 up to the time of the
but not once referring to it in order expansion of the New Jersey cor
poration, the pradual extension of
the power over the commerce in oil
! which ensued, the decision of the
Impressive Service is . Held at the
Presbyterian Church Sunday
Saturday was Friendship Day foi
the Saturday Club which held its
meeting with Mrs. Kilmer. There was
a large attendance and each one re
sponded to roll call with a thought
on friendship. It is the custom of the
Club once each year to receive let-
to refresh his memory.
Distinguished Men Listen.
Before him sat a distinsuished Supreme c,,urt of OMo the tardiness
andience of the most famous men
of the country, Senators and repre-
or reluctance in conforming to the
demands of that decision, the
sentaties left their respective cham-j . , fi . n(1tp(, nnatw which
. .1 i-l i- i A XI. 1
hers m tne capuoi io isien u, vue finaly culminated in tYe plan of the
epoch-mating decision of the court. yewjersev corporation, all addition.
Most eager to hear were Attorney aUv gerre to mate manlfest the
uenerai w.eMnui u continued existence of the intent
KeLogg, special counsel ot tne goy.wnirfl we hm previon?ly inaioated
ernmeni, who nan ctuuucicu me 3 i. i, .n, xt,:-.
". . , . , , rxM iand which, among other things,
great fight against the Standard Oil.'. , eXT)3n?Ion of t,ie yew
None of the brilliant array or Jev ration.
counsel ior me curpvianuu vi in
dividual defendants was present in
the court during the reading of the
Portland, Oregon,' with a letter full
of beautiful description of the seen
ery in that far off state.
Mrs. J. H. Willey wrote from San
Diego, Cal., a breezy letter giving a
comprehensive description of that
end of the Pacific coast. She spoke
of the Army and Navy stationed
there guarding our boundary. Also of
the trees and flowers, stating that
a Plymouth florist, Miss Rose Tasch-
er, had won a medal for the beauti
ful ptnsies she produced.
Mrs Ada Kelley, wrote from Pueb
lo, Colorado, "where woman is as
good as man." She says that she has
voted twice, and that the mothers
and other women who should be in
terested do not vote as a rule, but
that the women of the underworld
vte early Mid often.
Mr?. Dicfcey wrote from Idaho, of
the glories of Boise City, and sent a
set of views to prove. her statements.
All these tadies are in raptures over
the far .West, but express a longing
for picturesque little Plymouth and
I the Saturday Club.
The custom, now followed widely,
of observing a Sunday devoted to
the nature and charms of mother
hood, was recognized at the Presby
terian church Sunday morning. The
parts about the pulpit were orna
mented with white and pink lilacs
and white carnations. The program
for the morning was arranged with
reference to the main theme. Three
special musical numbers were sung
with marked effect upon the aud
ience. Messrs. Leonard and Mortland
sang a duet, "Meet Mother in the
Skies." Immediately preceding the
sermon and preparing the way for it,
Miss Julia' Yockey sang that sweet
solo, "My Mother 's Prayer."
The paistor had for his theme,
"The Blessing of Motherhood." This
was followed immediately with the
we'll known song, "Tell Mother I'll be
There," Mr. Ralph Leonard singing
very imprssively . the solo part, and
the quartette singing the chorus.
Many hearts were touced and will
doubtlejss be better . for the good
thoughts stirred within them by the
service. .
In the course of his sermon the
pastor referred to the exalted nature
of motherhood, and quoted testimony
from literature and life as to the
great influence which mothers have
had both for pood and evil. Reasons
for this great influence were assigned
including the influence for Christ
ianity in exalting motherhood, and
the duty to be discharged was point
ed out. The service will be long re
membered by all those who were present.
A Public Court Trial in Which
Prominent People Will
Wm. etwiler Will Get Water Prom
The Unused Wells of the City
And Thus Cut
over according to statements made,vridw f this city and wil have Insurance Companies havo organized
to answer to tne ßreaen oi rromise a committee or inty expert inspec
tors, everyone of them being engi
neers, and as capable men as they
could possibly secure to inspect every
Today, as on previous days for
months past, rival broker agents
with messengers in line to the var
ious telephone : and telegraph in
struments throughout the Capitil wre
on hand, bnt to their dismay the an
nouncement of the decision was not
hecrun until an hour after the closing
of the stock markets.
Defends "Rule of Reason.
Bv far the gT3ater portion of the
opinion of the chief justice was de
voted to the justification of th6
court in requiring that the "rule
of reason ".be applied to restmins
of trade bef ore they were held to be
violations of the Sherman antitrust
law. .
" The court found this justification
-in the common law of the fore
fathers and in the general law of
ihe country at the time the Sher
man antitrust law was passed.
In short, the court held that the
technical words of tt .statute were
to be riven the meaning which those
-words had in the common law and in
, ihe ,vw of the country at the time
nf the enactment.
This meaning of the words accord
ins totheeourt . called for the ex-
-erises of. reason in determining
what restraints on trade were pro-
XZzzi Ccnpicta cf Trxits.
In the course of tee opinion,
' Chief .Jnstiee White recalled that
-tha ltrwcr court the United States
Circuit Court of Eastern Ifirccrl
had foend that the effect of the
tcquHtbn by the Standard OilCom-
Ti-nv of New Jersey ox tne snares oi
other corporations in exchange for
Irs eertiScates, irate to the corpora-
iicn an enlarged and mere perfect,
sway and control over tha trade and
commcrca in petrol run and its pro
Mrs. Angelica Thayer Young wrote
No Question Remains. a delightful etter from England, tell-
"TIia PTPreiso cf ihn nnxepr whfoli in? of a recent motor triD in which
resulted from that organization she visited Windsor Castle. Oxford,
fortifies the forgoing conclusions. Cambridge, Bunyan's home, Shakes-
since the development which came, peare s home at Stratford-on-the-the
acquitition here and there which Avon. She sent some English prim
ensued of every efficient means by roses from the grave of Ann Hath-
which competition could have been I away. Each one present felt as if she
asserted, the slow but resistless had enjoyed a pleasant visit with
methods which followed by which these ladies.
means of transportation were ab- The letters were in charge of Mks
sorbed and brought under control, j Klinger who had written to the ab-
the system of marketing which was sent ones asking them to tell soxna-
adopted, by which the country was thing of their homes, impressions of
divided into districts and the trade teir localities, and which subject of
in each istriet in oil was turned the year's work, most interested
over to a aesignatea corporation i them.
within the combination
others were excluded, all lead
The dust era in Plymouth is about
Among the most successful and
popular entertainments of the times
are the Mock Court Trials given un
der the directin of an expert-CoL A.
V. Newton, the well-known lawyer
lecturer of Worchester, Mass.
Many cities in various parts of the
country, have been greatly excited
over them, as" attested by the leng
thy and favorable reports in the
leading newspapers, and best of all
by the great audiences that have
packed the largest halls and opera
houses to the doors; in many cases
the interest being so great that every
seat has been sold in advance and
hundreds turned away unable even
to obtain standing room.
One of these popular entertain
ments will be given under the aus
pices of the Saturday Ciub, in the
Orpheum, on Friday evening, May
19 th. for the benefit of Public Lib
rary. It will be assured that one of our
most respected and prominent citi
zens has been trifling with the af
fections of a young and beautiful
Commercial Club Committee Asks AH
Business Houses to See That
Their Premises Are Pree f ;
From Trash. ,".
The National Underwriters Fir
by Wm. Detwiler. owner of the
sprinkling wagon. He sprinkled La
port and Michigan streets Saturday,
mostly on his own hook, and partly
hecause Chas. Reynolds had arranged
for him to sprinkle Laporte street.
Mr. Detwiler stated that sprinkling
would in all probability begin again
for the season on Monday. The
work has thus far been postponed be
cause of the charge meter rental for
water by the city, and also partly
because of the trouble Mr. Detwiler
has had in collecting from some of
those who have been taking the wat
er sprinkling.
It has now. been arranged that lie
will get his supply of water from the
unused wells of the city, the "red"
water as it is called. The cost oi
this will be only to pump it, and this
will greatly reduce the cost of the
water from that of last year.
Mr. Detwiler states that the charge
will be the same as heretofore: 25c
for the ordinary business place and
50c for the dry goods houses each
The unprecedented time of dust we
have had the past three weeks or J STATE
more nas maae every ooay aesirous oi
something being done in the matter
and it seems that a solution has been
arrived at. which will be quite satis
factory, until something better than
water can be secured for sprinkling.
suit brought against him, and there
will be fun without limit.
Indeed, it is safe to predict that it
will be many moons beforethe walls j city in the United States and fix
of the Orpheum will again re-echo rates. They have been at this for two
years. They will classify and inspect
wiin so mucii lauguier as wui u
heard onn that occassion. Addition
al interest will be created in the tri
al from the fact that a large number
of our prominent people will be par
ticipants. All the rules of areolar
court of justice will be observed..
ni i nimnmr
them in the regular order. At the
present time they are inspecting cit
ies in the class of South Bend. The
next class for inspection will be the
one in which Plymouth is situated.
The rate they are fixing is formed by
taking a certain per .cent .of -800diL...
ferent items, I most cf which - are -found
in each buildir g and all of
them in each town. These rates are
given to Sellars and Company, of Ind
ianapolis; who in turn appoint dis
trict agents, whose business it is to
inspect each building and to appraise
as many of the 800 items as they can
and in that way form the rate eacK
building shall pay for its insurance.
The man who has charge of this dis
trict is Mr. Kelly, of South Bend.
Some of the items that will be taken
into consideration will be the amount
of rubbish and inflamable materials
back of the buildings and in the alley,
old buildings that have ceased to be
occupied and conditions of waste ma-
erials in the basements of buildings.
The Commercial Club feels that if
each property owner in Plymouth
will have all rubbish and inflamable
material removed from his buildings,
they can greatly assist in reducing
he rate f insurance on the citv, as
well as on the business buildings.
The Commercial Club respectfully sol
icits the assistance of the community.
"Lys" Lemert or H. M. Tebay May
Be Placed at the Head
Organization For
The Leagues Are Making Many New
Changes for the Protection
of the Public.
domain of reasonable contention.
so certain as practically the cause I üce Freeman Palmer, the first We
the subject not to be within .the man president of Wellesley CoDega.
This wonderful woman was a marvel
of learning, executive ability and the
pwer to attract and hold all who
came in contact with her. Her life
Subscriptions are being taken to
l l VU a. -B ir 1.-11
-a i . , - -isupuurt a ua&e-uau team ol iuarsuau
and all Mesdame Harr? and Rehftll rrtft-cfI rr . ... . .
ti- i x xi V V J I county boys tms summer. A large
tne a pleasing instrumental duet. i , .
mind fP to a conviction of a pur- Miss Mary Sonthwortt followed Taw tfc. IM
been out for two days soliciting the
subscriptions. It is said by those in
charge of the petition that it is prob
able "Lys!' Lemert may be induced
to täte cnarge oi tne team, c - ne
choice may fall on.H. M. Tebay,
whose ability in this direction is al
so exceptional.
It is felt that there are enough
good ball players in this county to
get up a "crackerjack" of a team
and the base-ball enthusiasts, other
wise called "fans" are tickled over
the prospects of a team that will
make some good sport for the season.
The total amount of the subscrip
tions on Baturday Ec!I
Ness started the team two years ego
that ended in the "Clippers" who
made such a good record for Ply
mouth. 1
Philithea Class Meeting.
Tmdav "evening the rirls of the consecrated to the good of the
Philithea class of the Methodist Sls bo students.
Sunday school, held a class meeting The next meeting which will be the
at the home of Miss Esther Me- animal picnic will be held ' with Mrs.
Croryon Sophia street. An election eine Ressner.
was held in which the following
class oficers were elected: Big Eastern Star Meeting.
ur; Tl-nn ctU mere was a large auenaance at
tary, Edna Mow; treasurer, Rose the Eastern Star Tuesday night and
Matthew; librarian, Helen Fraley. fTT- a" Vr Y t" r tw
u i-?JUww.w-m enjoyed -hy all. Mrs. Jacob McDuf-
1 2Z UA ifWnS fie n Miss Blanche McCoy were
games were played and refreshments I r . rr .m i ,
act CU. n 1 T? 1 J lf T TT
ana, wp-i .cngisn san anu iiu-. i.
Bishop rendered a piano sole, which
3 T 1 L .
served, after which some talks were
Quite a numoer of ladies and made by a number of members
gentlemen of the, women Relief
Corp and G. A. H. went to Rich
mond today to attend the encamp
ment cf the Ö. A. It. Amcrg then
Going To New Ilszico.
Mr. and Mrs. John "Wolford left
were Mrs. Elen Burroughs, Mrs.' It. Tuesday for Levy, N. JI., to visit
S. Houston, Mn. Nettie Hemingt7, their son Fred. They will be gone
The efTect of thb, Justies TThU Mrs. M. J. Field, Mr. and Mrs. E, for several weeks. They may loci
3 O, Price, Dr. F. II, Burkett end L. I over a little at the Insurrectcs to cee
r-id tha lc? tzzz hell vrtz
cztTCj pcttirllr cf csa- Tanner.
what real war is like.
Attention UnzZTi Club!
3Vbrd has been received that the
train arriving here at '6:00 p. EL,
will stop at Bcurcon for the con
venience of thces going to the con
cert. Should there be any mmbers
of the club who can net go, will they
please notify Mrs. A. R. Underwood
before noon on Thursday? Be at
station soon zilzr oioO.
Orpheum Theatre Will Be Crowded
By Anxious Citizens Awaiting
9 Outcome of Notorious
TIia drvsfal has o.lnapd its dnoiNt Trial.
w - .
for a short time while the manage
ment are makiruj. much needed re
pairs. The inclined floor has all
been torn out and rearranged so that On Friday evening, May 19th., be-
the audience win lace Michigan fore Judge S. N. Stevens, at the Or-
. i ii . .1.
street, win ine curiam in iron i pheum, Senator Grube a well known
between two doors, one on each side and highly respected citizen of this
with a lobby between the curtain city will stand as defendant in a
and entrances I Breach of Promise suit brought bv
lhe seating capacity has been in- ne of Plymouth's fair daughters.
creased about seventy-five chairs Judge Stevens says the case is one
and with numerous electric fans will 0f the most interesting that has ever
make the Crystal one of the finest been tried before him while Harley
moving picture house in Northern I Logan Esq. and Col. Newton the law-
w 1 ii. . e xi . I ' . .. ..
lnaiana consiaenng xne size ot flyers for the respective parties agree
city. I that it is one of the most complicat-
The operating room will be in the! ed in which they have been retained-
rear in a fire proof asbestoes lined The defendant in this startling
room, absolutely safe from the large I case offers for his defense "conspir-
audience that attend nightly. lacy." He says that well known
The new arrangement is heartily parties have conspired with Mr. B.
approved by the Board of Under-e. Boys and others, for the purpose
writers and will be much appreciat-jof damaging his - the defendant's -
ed by the patrons of the house. I reputation.
The management will continue to we cannot vouch for the truth of
give first class films and at thelgacij statements, but it is said by
same old price or five cents. I those in position to know, that from
the opening of the court until the
Albert Eoiner Hurt. close of the ease, the audience wil
A1U4 TWr f Nrrtrtt tnM-Jo kept keyed up to the point of con-
e.T -frTTIvuIsions by the unique proceedings.
and ahrew him from a planter. His iOCÄ1 m" I?5 ? T
upon wiiauui vuo fcuaue uj. uxieasa
to refined tastes, the Mock Court
Trial will be an event of unusual interest.
Twenty Ladies Surprise Mrs. John
Moore Fine Menu Spread ' .
For Company. K f
eft ear was almost torn cff.
Attend Deital Cnventien.
Drs. E. R. Danforth, Clifford W.
Curkett of thh city and Dr. Dunf ee
of Bourbon left Tuesdav for Ind-
Ilarriage Licenes.
ianapolis, where they will attend' the I Jas. Schul theiss, 47, to Elsie Gas
Cttar Detrtil Convention. , . Ikill, 19, both cf this city.
A party composed of twenty ladies
went in with well filled baskets and
planned a great surprise on Mrs.
John Moore "better known as Ann."
rhey spent the afternoon in social
chat and , had a jolly good time
only as any one can have at fcex
home. This surprise was given be
cause of them going tö leave our.
city as Mr. Moore has already gone
to Benton Harbor where he has a
position. 1 They will move in about
ten days. We are very, sorry to
have them leave our city but hope
our loss is their gain. The ladies
also remembered Mrs. Moore with ft
beautiful hand bag. ' ;
Boiled ham Mashed Potatoes
Chicken Nooclles Gravy
Potato Salad fj
Bread, butter Pickhs -
Jelly Fruit Salad f'
Peach pie al-i-rsoda .
Ice cream and Cake
After the girls had all eat hearZ7
of the good tlings, Mrs. BcrtCiO"
bury yet had a complete eurpiLcn
the whole bunch by orderirj lea
cream sent over at this hens. At
five o'clcek they all left fcr their
homes by wLhing Mrs. Mccry tud
her family success in their new.
boms. Hoping she will have as
many smiles fcr Benton Harbor a a
the has always had fcr us.
One who wes ttcri. it J