J. H. Jones was an Arcs visitor
Mrs. Frank Lamson spent the day
in South Bead.
Miss Miklrel Nolan spent the day
in Argos on business. :
A.T.Richter and son, Keith, spent
Monday at Rochester.
AVm. Harmon of Arzos transacted
business here Tuesday.
Hary Unirerr transacted bu-inss
at Kewauna "Wednesday.
Mrs. Laura Warnacntt of In wood
"was a local visitor today.
Mrs.J.O.Pomeroy, of Tippecanoe,
is very ill with peritonitis.
HenryMiller of Bremen trans
acting: business in the city.
Alva Porter of Culver was a bus;
r.ess transactor here today.
Olive Washburn of Culver was
shopping in our city today.
Mrs. Ray NeVm was the guest of
friends in South Bend todav.
Mrs. C. A. Allen transacted busi
ness in South Bend Thursday.
Fred Miller of Chicago w spring
a few days here with friends.
Miss Coddington an 1- Miss Starke
spent Tuesday at Indianapolis .
Miss. Chase returned to Hillsdale,
-Jich.,' after pending the winter here
Chas. Scott has gone to Detroit,
Mich., on business for a lew days.
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Wise of Etna
Green spent Tuesday forenoon here.
John McXeely Trent to South Bend
today, where he has accepted a posi
tion. '
Guy Onstott and Grant Haces
were passengers to Rochester th:s
Mr3. W. A. Hite rtrned tollo
bart today after a short visit wiih
Mrs.L.M.Tinkhan of Travers City
Mich, is visiting her sr:ter, Mrs.D.
C. Cole.
Fred Blubauusrh retnmpd tr War.
saw this morning where he has em
ployment. Miss nöpe Myers of Bourbon
transacted business in the city thh
Mrs. Evangeline Bogardus of O li
ver transacted business here this
Peter Bergman of Pern. but form-
erlv of Plrmonth is in iha fnr
a few days.
Mrs.Hunrichouser and daughter,
Enna, spent Decoration Day in
Pierceton .
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Bo:ardus
of Culver were in the citv on busi
ness today.
C.M.W'alfcer and Richard Mat eli
cit of Bourbon spent Tuesday at
South Bend.
Mr.and Mrs. Milton Hunt of Mish-
awaka visited friends and relatives
here Tuesday.
Mrs. W. N. Freese and daughter
Ruth are visiting; relatives in Suth
Bend this week.
Mrs. Chas. Winkler, of South Bend
spent Tuesday night with her friend,
Mrs. Dr. Confer. . .
Miss Bonnie Boggs is borne from
Sout'i Bend spending a few days
with her parents.
Dr. Metsker returned to Warsaw
this morning where he has been in.
voicing drug stock.
Mrs. FJdridge Thompson and
Mrs. Kershaw transacted business
in South Bend today.
Mrs.Add'e Seiders and daughter,
Ruby, spent Tuesday afternoon at
South Bend on business.
Mrs.M.McGary and children, of
Ft. "Wayne, are visiting her brother,
M.Ryan, for a few" days.
Mrs. L. F. Overmyer and Miss
Claudia Dieffenbach spent the day
in South Bend on business.
Miss Hanna Hank of Piqua. 0. is
spending a couple of weeks visiting
relatives and friends here.
Mrs. Chas Hager returned to
her home in Mishawaka this morn
ing after visiting1 .with relatives.
Dr. and Mrs, Shaffer returned to
Rochester after, a few - days visit
with her .brother, J. , W Wiltfong.
Miss' Ruth lfoö"rehäs gone' to their
rew;home .in' Benton Harbor, Miqh.,
after completing the school year here
V- 'Iii' : t ' '
. Jonn jarpenier, wno nas Deen ;in
the hospital at bouth Bend for a lew
Weeks,' was brought home Tuesday .
j L . . I I . s
Miss Edna 'Anderson, who has b?en
"visiting her brother, C.E. Anderson
and family returned home Tuesday.
Guy Baker, Bruce Artz and Frank
Lamson have gone to Madison, where
aV.. iram ollail a nfnpep rn a
trial. V 1 '0,im
Gerald Cummings returned to
LUCY HCl! -V " ..ww. wm mm
Grand Rapids Monday night, after
spending a few days here with rela
tives. .
Mrs. Simon York has gone to
South Bend t ospend a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. Jacob
Cripe. '"' '
Urs. J. H. Nelson and daughter
Helen went to Ft. Wayne for a
.weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Earl Helsel.
The woman of today who has
good health good temper good sense
bright. eye3 and a lovely complexion
the result of correct living and
good digestion wins the admiration
of the world. If your digestion, U
faulty Chamberlain 's Stomach and
- Liver Tabfcts will correct it. 'For
cs t7 ell Dcilcra. ... - ; J
todav wearing the Sweet-Orr Over-;
alls, advertising fcr M. Lauer & Sen I
of our eiiy.
Mrs. J. "VY. Hoover of Goshen,
who. has been visitiicr her mother,
Mrs. B. F. Morre, '.went to Warsaw
this moraine:. '
Mrs.Georire Marks and dauht?r,
Frances. att?n!ed He High School
Commencement exireiscs at Argos
Tuesday rrght.
Mrs.H.B. Allen was called. .Wed
r.rsdav, to the bedside of her Mother,
Mrs.M. J.Fhmifieldt, of near Arg s,
who is very ill.
Geo. Cox left Tuesday morning for
Kansas City. Mo., where he will
spend some time with his daughter,
Mrs. Minnie Hale.
The Misses Iva and Chloe Scott
of Culver, accompanied by Hetti?
Scott returned home after attending
school here the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Sanderson
have gone to Elkhart to attend the and Thorton wedding. Mr.
Eby is a cousin of Mrs. Sanderson.
Mrs. Ed Giboon went to South
commencemen, th;re. Ker ni?ces.
the Misses Floy and Fay AV man will
Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter and
Mr.and Mrs. Ed. Baxter and son,
Paul, of MishawaVa spent Tuesdaj
with their parents. Mr. and Mrs.J:hn
It is worse than useless to take
ony medicines internally for musclar
or chronic rheumatism. All that is
needed is a free application of
Chamberlain's Liniment. For sile
by all Dealers.
A fine maple tree in frcnt of the
C.A. Reeve residence wns b'own over
Wednesday morning by a gust of
wind which preceded th? rain-storm
Fortuntely, no one was hurt.
Bion Fullcerson entertained to lay
Ids mother, Mrs. M. E. Fulkerson,
rnd two daughters. Roe and Ruth,
of Tyner, his sister-in-law. Mrs.
Charles Fulkerson and little son.
Paul of At wood.
There is one medicine that every
family should be provided with and
especially during the summer months ;
iz Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost
certain to be needed. It costs but
a quarter. Can you afford to be
without it ? For. sale by all Deal
Nettie Corse is here visiting her
Miss Velma Apple of Bourbon was
a local visitor today.
Elijah Martindale is repainting
his house on Center street.
Mrs. S.J.Garrett of South Bend
is here transacting business.
Rev.Howard, of South Bend, called
on Plymouth friend Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Whaey are
visiting relatives neat Bourbon.
Mrs. Mary Hindel went to South
Bend to renain for several days.
Mrs. Frank Morgan of Argos was
was a Plj-mouth visitor Thursday.
Miss Chloe Houghton of Culver
spent Thursday in the city shoppiug
Rea Anderson spent Thursday in
Elkhart and was accompanied home
bv his father.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gurthett
are spending a few days with fr.ends
in South Bend.
' Miss Stella Myers, of Bourbon
spent Thursday with her sister.
Mrs. Floyd Bunnell.
Dr. F. M. Burkett returned from
a" little hunt Thursday with two fine
Hungarian Pheasants.
The Misses Eleanor and Jeanette
Kuhn of Arges were guests of Ply
mouth friends Thursday.
The Womans Auxiliary of the
Episcopal church met at the home
of Mrs. Fi. W. Shrock Thursday
Mrs. Samuel Osborn returned to
her home in Culver, Thursday even
ing, after visiting Mrs. Thos. McDon
ald of this city.
Mrs. S. A. Frevert returned to
her home in Nappanee this f morn
ing after a weeks visit with her
father, Fi M. Welsh. ( v
Mrs .E . A . VanCuren, who was com
pelled to go ; west last year for her
bealht 's ' sake,' is - nowo apparently well
and' able to do a great' deal of workv
!Mrs I' Lena 'Fisher,1 who has been
the guest of ' Mrs . P . J . .v Haag,
went to Bourbon this morning be
fore leaving for her home in Ohio.
Mrs. F. F. Cromley and 1 Miss
Dessie Easterday have gone to South
Bend where, they will be the guests
of Mrs. Elizabeth Cromley and
daughters. x
Alumni to Return.
Prospects are fair for the return
ing of an unusually large number
of High School Alumni for Com
mencement this -year. More than
two hundred have already applied
for tickets to Commencement, where
as not more than 150 such tickets
are requested.
Union Township Conxienceasnt.
The commencement exercises of
Union township will be hed in the
M. E. church at Culver on Friday
evening, June 2, at 8 o'clock. The
program consists of music and an
address by Rev. "W. B. Morgan.
4 ; ,
Plymouth Citizen Is a Visitor At
College Commencement Where
Miss Nef Teaches.
Greensboro,. N. C, May 1C,1P11.
Brother Boys:
It was my good fortune to drift
into this beautiful city in time for
the closing excercises of the Greens
bere Temale College. To vou
that this college, through merit alone
ranks first in the Southland, will
make one feel the more proud of
their home town which has the honor
of placing one of its young ladies at
the head of its musical department.
Miss Neff has won merited success,
and her womanly, qualities have made
her the ideal of the college girls.
The College is of Methodist per
suasion and we find 1 'ere all states
lepresented. Indiana is strong, and
I find voung ladies f rom Culver,
Butler. Bedford. Crawfcrdsville, and
dear knows where.
What an inspiration to look into
the faces of one hundred and fifty
buds of womanhood who have gath
ered here. So I repeat: Oir city
should be doubly proud of the res
triction it enjoys in having a daugh
ter delegated t herald that prrio ;
.-ifl of .Ku-v which mikes walk
of life e 1 ease an' hpn'.-tss.
x II . B. J.
People Must Cover Up All
Which Will Breed Flies.
Armstrong Oa Library
A special session of the city coun
cil was held Thursday nigh at which a
ery stringent and a very good garb
age and public health ordinance was
pastel. It will go into effect as
soon as published this week and
The provisions of the ordinance
art salculated to kill the fly and so
protect the public from danger of
disease from this pest. People must
not permit on their premises any of
the following unsanitary fly-producing.
diesese-causing conditions:
(1) Animal manure in any
quantity which is not securely pro
lected from- flies.
(2) Privies, vaults, cesspools,
pits, or like places, which are not
securely protected from flies.
(3) Garbage in any, quantity
which is not securely protected fro m
(4) Trash, litter, rags or
thing whatsoever in which
breed 'or multiply.
Mrs. H. A: Armstrong was elect
ed . a member of the Library Board
to fill- the vacancy caused by the
resignation of vMrs. Smith. Her
appointment . will be - heartily ar
proved by the city. F. M. ' Mc
Crory received two votes ' for ' the
place. . (
New arc lights were ordered for
the following places: '
.. Corner east Wshington and In
diana; corner Alexander and Bay
less: corner Center and Pearl; corn
er Center and South, north of via
duct; corner west Laporte and 7th;
corner west Jefferson and 5th ; corn
er west Harrison and Plumb.
Pive Hundred Club.
Mrs. C. A. "Wills entertained the
sixteen ladies of the Five Hundred
club at her home "Wednrsilsv after
noon. This was the first party of
the nev club year. The former of
ficers, Mrs. Ellis, president, and
Mrs. "Wills, secretary are to serve
another year. Six games were
played, after which the hostess serv
ed a dainty luncheon.-
To Have New Auto.
Harry Humrichouser has ' odered
a new Model 3 Buick Motor Car.
It is a 1911 Model and will hold
five or seven passengers . It is to be
40 or 50 horsa power. ,Tbenew car
b expected here in about tea days.
Sessions Will Be From June 8 to
June 11 at Ft. Wayne... Tha
Prrgram as Arranged
for Occasion.
All persons interested in church &
S.S. work should accept this oppor
tunity to attend the greatest of all
our state Conventions on S.S. work.
The following is a general outline of
the program.
Thursday June 8 at 2.00p.ra.thr.e
simultaneous conferences on Elemen
tary, advanced and Temperance De-
I'aiiiiiem, luuunea ai o..iU DV a
general preparatory service. At
7.30 will be addresses of welcome,
responded to by State Prcs.W.C.
HaiV afft?r which Dr. Cornelius
Woellkin ot Kochester, X.Y.. will
speak cn "Rel'gious Verifications".
Friday, June 0th.
From 8.30 to 10.00 conferences on
Home, and Teacher Training Dept's.
ond State Council. The general ces
sion- will be addressed bv Dr.L'ttle-
field of New York Citv and Miss KU
Patrick of Corinth, Miss., The af
ternoon session will be addressed by
Dr.Woelfkin. At 4.00 oVlock w'll
be held the Denominational' Rallies.
In the evening there wi'l be twin
meetings, both starting at 7.30, one
for women addressed by Rev. TV. A.
Brown of Chicago and Miss Kilpat-
rick, the other a mass meeting ad
dressed by Dr.Littlefield and Dr.
Woelfkin .
Saturday, June 10th.
From 8.30 to 10.00 there w ll be
three .Simultaneous conferences on
Elementary, Advanced and Adult
Dept's. The general session follow
ing to be addressed bv Dr."vVoelfkin
and Dr.Littlefield. From 1.30 to
2.55 p.m. three simultaneous confer
ences for Pastors, Sunday School
Supt's. and Teachers and State Coun
cil.. The general session following
will be addressed bv ' Rev.'W. A.
Brown and. Mis.y Kilpatri?k. At
4.35 an Elementary Division Tea
will be given at Elementary Head-
quariers. At 7.00p.m.the MJen's
Parade will take place when 3500
men will march through the center
of the city to the First Presbyterian
church where they will be addressed
by Miss Kilpatrick and Dr.Woelfkin
At the same" time a general Mass
Meeting will be held in the Conven
tion Church, to be addressed bv Mc-
Eifresh of Chicago and Rev.'W. A.
Sunday, June 11th.
The morning session w'll be omitt
ed, but delegates will visit other
schools and churches. At 2.39 p.m.
will be held three simutaneous evan
gelistic meetings, one to be addressed
by Rev. Brown, another bv Marion
Lawrence of Chicago, and the other
by Dr.McElfresh and Dr."Woelfkin.
At 4.00 there wili be a Mother ?s
Meeting and at 7.30 there will be
three more meetings addressed by
tRev. Brown, Dr. McElfresh, and Mar-
f-on Lawrence.
The rnnsic will be in the hands of
Profs. Ex'cell ' and Roper.
A: beautiful silk Conquest Fla? will
be piven to) the county whose county
and township officers total the great
est' mileage' In coming 'to "the conven
tion 'and registering.
.All persons "nterested in A. B.C.,
work as more' information along this"
line will be given than ever before.
Every question will 'be answered, and
a countless number of new, but tried
and tnie ideas will be given This
Convention will be especially valuible
to all A.BvC.'s. "Why can 'i your
class send one or more and help ben
efit Marshall County T
For any further information ask,
O.E.Ellis, Bremen, In!.,
or R.J.Leonard, Plvmouth.
For Your JText Sale.
Remember that I am in the Sale
business, with headquarters at Astley
& Hoham's store, where all sale date
will be made. Give me a call for
your next Sale and I will do all in
my power to make your sale a good
one. rnone 87U. Jb'. w . w imams.
w 1-8-15
Whooping cough ia not dangerous
when the' cough is kept . locco , cad
expectoration- easy hy giving Cham
berlain's Cough , Rened j.- It . has
been , used in many epidemics of this
disease with perfect ' success. For
sala by all Dealers.
Prospects For Band Concerts.
The Plymouth band is now thor
oughly organi d nud in shape to
furnish, musi.' for the c'ty when need
ed. On Decoration Day t!:ere were
fourteen men i the band. It is
probable that the number -will never
much exceed this as nearly all the
available musicians are now enroll
ed. Whether or not Plymouth will
have band concerts this summer will
depend on the funds raised for this
purpose. A .bad concert m ans three
nisrhts, two of practise and one for
the concert ?n 1 the boys are not dis
posed to give this much t:m3 grat s.
They feel that they should be paid
at lr;t $2.00 pei man for such ser
Formerly the n?ce?sarv funds
have been contributed bv Plvmouth
merchants. As yet no move has
been made toward providing this en
tertainment for Plvmouth and its
Brotherhood Meeting.
The regular meeting of the Broth
erhood of the Pr?sbyterian church
will be hold tomorrow evening. This
will be the first meeting with the
"ew raster an l a full attendance is
lesired. Bring a friend.
Taking Bicycle Trip.
John S.Oast and son left thi
morning for Wisconsin on their b: cy
cles. Thev will be gone about two
months and will rusticate and visit
among relatives and friends.
Owners Donat'e $500 To Library
Matter of Site Considered
Long and Well By
After a year of preliminary ar
rangements the Fiymouth Library
Board has contracted for the Gilson
Cleaveland property as a site -for
the new Public Library. The Board
has done nothing hastily but jhas
edeavored to feel the ' public pulse
rnd to choose that site which, in
their judgment would be, best for
all time arid was most desired by
the citizens of Plymouth as a whole.
The price of the property was
$4500. Of this sum $300 was re
mitted as p gift from owners Hol
brook G. Cleavelad, of St. Louis,
Mo., and Victoria C. Sheppard of
Cermantown, Pa. Fifteen hundred
dollars was turned over today by
the board.
There is some talk of selling off
the west thirty feet to the city
i fathers, on which to build a City
Hall, the idea being to make the
architecture the same in style, and
to enable one heating plant and
one janitor to care for both public
buildings.. Nothing has been de-,
cided in this regard howev er. .
The Library Board has hopes of
building a $15,000 building. How
soon the erection of the building will
be begun will depend on how soon
the lot can be paid for as the pres
ent hdnse on it is not to ' be remov
ed until that time. .
Picnic Parties.
. Miss Nettie Slough with her boys
and ' girls of ' th' fifth gradepicniced
at the Zehner Park "Wednesday af tes
noon. ' - r"
,. Misses Carrie . and Laura Boss and
Miss DeEtta Price went with .their
scVölars of the first and second grad s
to the Fair Grounds . "Wednesday.
There were about one hundred pres
ent and they took great delight in
playing in the grove. They tested
their speed in races and the south
siders feel that they are a '-little in
the lead in that line.' The" chidren
brought lunch and were surprised
by their teachers with a treat of ice
Miss "Wilcox and Miss Coddington
accompanied their students of the
sixth and seventh grades to Pretty
Lake where they at dinner nndj
spent a delightful day Thursday.
The boys paid the transportation
an ne rs furnished there-
The uniform success that has at
tended the US3 of. Chamberlain's
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Reiaedy
has made it favorite, everywhere.
It can always , depended , upon.
For sale by all Dealers.
Woman. s Power
Woman's most glorious endowment is the power
to awaken and hold the pure and hbnest love of a
worthy man. When she loses it und stilt Ioes on,
no one in the wide world can know the heart agony
she endures. The woman who supers from weak
ness and derangement of her special womanly or
ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of
a man. Her general health sutlers and she loses
her good looks, her attractiveness, h;r iT.hh:lty
end her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R. V. ?ierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., with
the assistance of his staff of able physicians, has prescriied for and cured many
thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman's til
ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive
specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to won' en. It purifie, regu
lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will
s. J vise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. - "
Dr. Plerve'M Plessaat Pellets regulate and strengthen Stomach, Lhvr and Bowtls.
Visited by Auto Parties.
Nine automobiles, each containing
five passengers, made their way to
the home of James Putman of Weit
township, Saturday, May 27. They
all came with well filled baskets, the
contents of which were served on
Tables spread irader that renown ?d
maple tree in Putman 's front yard.
Those present were Mr.and Mrs.J.
B.Keiser, two sons and one daughter
Mr.and Mrs.L.B. Rough; Mr.and
Mrs. Lewis Smith; Mr.and Mrs.J.
and daughter; Mr.and Mrs. Miller
and two sons: Mr.and Mrs.W.P.
Rough, two sons and one daughter;
Mr.and Mrs. Jacob Rough; Mr.and,
Mrs. Elmer Rough; Mr.and Mrs. II.
A.Swartlz; Mr. and ,Mrs.. Albert
Rhodes; Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Warner; i
Mr.and Mrs. David Warner of Penn.
Mr.and Mrs. John Swartz and son;
Mr. and Mrs.Percival Roush; Mr.
and Mrs. L.C.Kepler, three sons and
two daughters; Mrs. Wm. Koch and
two daughters.
Farewell to Mrs. Hahn.
Mrs. L. E. Dial entertained the
Young Ladies Social Union of the
Presbyterian church at a farewell
party Wednesday evening in honor
of Mrs. Idella Hahn who left todaj
for the west. The evening was
spent with games and refreshments
served by the hostesess.
The ladies presented Mrs. Hahn
with a bkeautiful locket. A numler
of friends saw Mrs. Hahn off on the
Vandalia train Thursday morning.
Alumni Banquet.
The Alumni Association are plan
ning for a pleasant reunion next
"Wednesday evening. The banquet
will be bed in the "Washington High
School. A fine program of toasts
and music is being arranged under
the , leadership , of Mrs. "Winnie
Humrichouser, the president, anlF.
Thompson Myers, the secretary.
We are headquarters for a
lot of nice things that you will
no doubt want when school
days are over. We want you
to come to our store and pick
out what you want and we will
keep it for you until the proper
time arrives. Have you seen
those gold watches at $9.95?
105 IS. Mich. St.
Plymouth, - Ind.
- Steam fitting, hot water and
Steam heating, pump supplies
and well work1 all done with
best of materials and workman
; ship.
. v
I carry in stock a full line of
bath tubs, lavatories, closets, v
kitchen sinks, range boilers, '
motor pumps, bath room spec
pumps, cellar drains back
ialtis, cistern pumps, well
water valves, slop sinks, hy
drants and lawn hose, mill and
threshers supplies, ' pneumatic
O. B. laiNGERriAK
II?. North Center, Plymouth, Ind.
Phones: Shop" 837, residence. C03
The Only New unabridged dic
tionary in many years.
Contains the pith and essence
of an authoritative library.
' Covers every field of knowl
edge. An Encyclopedia in a
single book.
The Only Dictionary xrith the
Ner Divided Page.
400,000 Words. 2700 Pages.
6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly
half a million dollars.
Let us tell you about this most
remarkable single volume.
.full par
lars, etc.
ime this
iper and
nre will
etnd free 1
a sei oi
If yos barea'C regular, h'ithy movement ot tb
bvels every d you're iU vr will be. Keep your
bowei open. u4 be well. Force, in the h?e of
Tij'.ent phytic or pill poison, is Jangsrout. T'a
mootbdtc. enlefct. most perfect way of keepmy
the bowels cldar ad clean la to take
Pleasant. Palatable ' Potent, Taste Uood. D
Oood. Never Sicker V? ti or Or r :C. SS aal
to eeata p-r box. . t ?titmp. and boo'-
let oa beaith. Ad'lre-. i3
Sterling Remetfy Companf, Chlcaoo or New Yrt ,
No aaer anltafy. Gat rW of
' tha tfrink kabit bl 3 far.
After bein ? hcaT7 dria le
er i tr yean, a wm aavea
sine providenUallr
lcto poesession of the tra
Bemedy for orercominj
avlcoboUsm. The drin kar
who wsnu to quit for
ever, rettfnr nd of tha
ever before. Marrelona success. Safe, reliable,
If a person is suldlcted so strongly be (or she)
has lost desire to be rebcraed, he can be treated,
secretly t will become disgusted with odor and
taste of liquor. Leeions of testimonials verify
ing genuineness of r.j Method. Joyous news
for drinkers and fot mothers, wires, etc., coa
tiined ia my Book. Mailed, pl&ia wrapper,
free. Keep this ladr. or pass it oa. Address
EDW.J.WOOOS, 634 SUth A 266 A NswYork.H.t.
i anMwa iiiAnna
Anyoos seawnf s sisud and ssertpuon may
qalcklr asosrtatn ottr optnlon free -whether sa
t laraaUoa Is probably patentable. CommnnlM.
tionsatrctlycanndQtiai. lA,-,in on Pateata
tent irve. umwi i
Oldsst agency for aecortn paienu.
taken -tbrasl liatm sV CU rso:i
(cs. without char a. in the '
t ; raissva iura imwi nsna m. cut rsowlrs
a. handsorastf tllnstrat4 weeMr." fimit 1.
rotation tit any toianUBc ioornaJ, Terms, i m
Jysrf tnw soon tha, (L-CotdtjaJ nsersdssJsrs.
, rua OBoa, O r 8U WaiblBftoa. IX C
pv tn
f HTf T" m run
OAtiTi::KTA::D luTrou-LEi
CT-iSSM sod bMBtiftes th halz.
Promott a laxttiaot rrowth
Never Fail a to Beatore Oray
Hair to ita Toothtil Color.
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