OCR Interpretation

The weekly Republican. (Plymouth, Ind.) 1911-1922, June 15, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

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" C. A. Et ere is repainting bis
Monroe Steiner is repainting bis
The Clippers play at Warsaw
next Similar.
the commencement dance and ban
quet. Dr. Eikenberry's day is Friday of
each week.
The Queen Esther Sunday school
class of the Christian church will
hold an ice cream social Friday
riio-fif of iht 1irm-. nf l-rs . TTmTV
Harold TJoenhertr smut the day -cC ma w n
Everybody invited.
E. It., Monroe was at Tyner on
business today.
Mrs. Fannie J.'lson is.
Culver a few. days.
visiting at
The Mises Edith and Wildren
Evans, Bolle Donovan and Mylo
Alexander, of East Chicago, are the
guests of Rose and Marguerite
Mrs. Pearl Dunfe of Tyner
in Plymouth today.
Miss Fay Wckizer went to Argos ; Holzbauer. They came to attend
this morning to visit. j the commencement dance and ban-
Mrs. Mariam Cramer is visiting quet.
her father at Inwood.
R. Shaffer made a business trip
to South Bend today.
irs. O. B. Klingermnn spent!
Thursday in South Bend.
Miss Lottie Schroeder spent
Thursday at "Winono Lake.
Miss Carrie liussel of South Bend
is vsiting Mrs. Harry Kilmer.
Several from this vicinity attended
the commencement at the academy. Donald Drammond . was
r;M t: c 0(1,1),.! (lav from
Thursday to visit friends a we?k.
J. Willis Cotton .of Walkerton
O. F. Hoover went to Niles today
to have his eye treated.
Mrs. Nellie Anderson of , De
hin? in Plymouth today.
Mis Mnr!e Rhodes and Clara
Kilmer are spending the , day in
South Bend
here to
in a ne"
Hudson auto.
Mrs. W. L.
Sherland returned
transacted business in the. city to-; to I-ipaz this morning after a short
dav. " . stay in the city.
Rev. W. C. Logan is attending
the Sunday school convention at Ft.
Mrs. Frank Jacox and daughter
are visiting relatives in Chicago
for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Logan and son
spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.
James Dotv.
Mr. and Mrs. Burkett of King
man, are visit'ng with the family of
F. M. Burkett.
Helen and Mary Fraley left to
day to spend two weeks with
friends in Terre Haute.
Mrs. Ebert Deacon and Mrs.
Bertha Karp of Inwood are visit
ing relatives in North Liberty.
Pearson Clark of Frankfort has
returned to bis home after a visit
at the home of Harry Kilmer.
Miss Ida Haines went fromValpo
to Ft. Wayne today to attend the
.'State Sunday school convention.
Harold" E. Rosenbury, principal
of the San Pierre High School, at
tended the Alumni banquet last
Miss Edna Grauel of Logansport
returned home today after a visit
with the Harry Kilmer family and
attending commencement.
The Misses Erma Ulrich and
Hazel Trr.es. have gone to Valparaiso
where they will attend the summer
session at the University.
Mr. and Mrs. John Grimm of
South Bend came down. from South
, . . it
Bend in their auto to attend tne
Alumni Pannnot Tnsf. vnin"'
Mrs. Laura Ryder Wolfe and
Mrs. Jennie Ryder Chester of Elk
hart attended Alumni last evening
and visited Mrs. Humricbouser.
Miss Anna Shoemaker, Miss Jean
ette Birkhold and A. C. Hume are
attending the State Sunday school
convention at Ft. Wayne this week.
The dentists of Plymouth are going
to close their offices on Wednesday
of each week during June, July and
Aurrtist. 0, to be a dentst this
summer !
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Schell left
today for Lans'nz, Mich. They have
stored their goods in order to vacate
their resdence which Ralph Leonard
will occupy.
Norman Beatty Gets That Much
Wool And Thinks Hi3 Flock
Is -Hard To Beit."
1 ' Bah! bah-v black sheep, nave
you any wool?' How many pounds
can you produce for your master?
Norman Beattv of Twin Lakes
has lately sheared his flock of Shrop
shires and says the 23 head gave
him a total of 315 pounds, an aver
age of 11 1-4 pounds each. This
Mr. Beatty thinks is a good average
and doubts if there is another flock
in the county that can equal it.
If there is one, let us. hear from
nr nn rn m
tit IHUtU Ulli
-Second Nine For Plymouth Are
Showing Some Good Sport For
Themselves and Others.
Mrs.Georcre Riddles is visiting at
Miss Maude Martindale is visit
ing at Rochester.
Miss Etta Parker of Kankakee,
111'., is visiting friends here this
Miss Inez and Unice Williams, who
live south of Bremen are visiting at
- Hibbard.
Miss Alice and May Bolenbaugb of
Tyner are attending a Family reun
ion at At wood.
Mr. and MrsVW.E.Burch of South
Bend are visiting with the family o
Henry Kehrcr.. . . .
Mrs. Wesley ,Hibbs living in Fair
view Place is reported to be very
low with consumption.
Mrs. L. W. Tinkham, of Tra
verse City, Qich., . is visiting her
sister, Mrs. D. C. Cole.
Dortby Bondurant has a new
tricycle of . whch she is as proud as
ever her 'dad was of his auto.
Mrs.P.'A. Smith of near Atwood
returned home after having visited
her daughter, Mrs.B.L.Bolenhaugh.
Joe Burnside and Ed Robinson of
Tyner are plastering Mrs. Petty
cord's house on east Sophia street.
Clarence Lee has purchased one
and three-fourths acres in Boll-nan's
addition and wll build a cement
cottage in the near future. , "
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Place of
South Bend brought the remains of
thsir 15 year old son Neal to Tyner
Wednesday for burial in the Tyner
- Urs. J. It. Donnelly of Valpo,
ho has been visiting" here, returned
hcrzs Thursday afternoon teoompan
ied by Susie and Jem3 Jenkins who
.trill visit with her a few days.
IT r3. w"i!bcr;rc;t end Herrn
err? t3 " V? ' di7 -3
Mr. anl Mr. Ron ThoTpsonand
Vahy of St. Charlys, Mo.-, are here
visiting relatives.
Mrs. E. Kershaw of Amos re
turned home today affer a short
visit in th'S city.
Xathan Thompson- of Maxinkuckee
went to Aurora. 111., Friday to
visit Irs daughter.
Charles and Chester Buck hive
fine job painting the irou fence
about the Buck residence.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Linneita
of Newark, New Jersey are visiting
their daughter, Mrs. E. W. Schröck.
M: Gladys Weaver of FnchauÄ'i.
M!t: . returned home. Thursday
after a short visit with Miss Merle
Miss Merle Boswortn went to
Buchanan, Mich., Friday to visit
the Misses Winifred Andrews and
Oladjs "Weaver.
Mrs. Joe Eich, Mrs. Fred Kuhn
and Mrs. Lewis Wittmack attend
ed the funeral of Mrs. Felden at
South Bend Friday.
Principal 0. E. McDowell children
and sister left today for Bunker
Hill, Ind., where he will visit his
people for some time.
Mr. and Airs. Jerry Steele re
turned home Friday after visiting
with his brother. Dr. Steele and
nephew, J: M. Steele.
Charles B. Reeve is home from
HowT Military School for the sum
mer. He says he is very glad to
got his military suit off.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McBright of
Lakeville stepped off here today
while enroute to attend a family
reunion in Crawford county, Ohio.
Mrs. James Deloney went to
Mishawaka this morn'ng where she
will visit with her daughter, Del-
tlora. Miss Deloney will nnisti np
her school work there today.
Prof, and Mrs. C. E. Harris
and son left for Franklin, 0., to
day, where Mrs. Harris and the
boy will spend the summer with her
husband's people while he com
pletes his course in Ohio State Uni
versity at Columbus.
Auditor Monrce was in South
Bend today on business.
Mr, Y. B. HawMn
Antioch Services Closed.
The Sunday servises closed the an
nual June Conferece meetings of
the Church of God, at Antioch. Sun
day is always the big day of the
convention and tradition hell true
yesterday when about a thousand
people assembled cn the grounds.
Had the weather . been f.tir this
number would have been doubled.,
R. . G. Hugiins of C!ev?land.
0.. Joseph Williams of Frankfort
and J. F. Waggoner of Rochester
were the principal speakers of - the
sessions. Services weie held all
lay Sunday, the ast one being held
at 7:30 last evening.
Mrs. Mary Ann Sl irey, a piorreer
member of the church, bequeathed
n her will .$250 for the repair and
seeping of the church.
It is stated by members of the
church that if the Interurban is
completed south of Plymouth thi
church will become the center of
he sect. As the situation is now,
it is too difficult a matter to trans
port the visiting members to and
from the church and entertain them
conveniently. The next conference
will be held at Hillisbnror, Ind., in
September at which time officer?
will be elected.
June Terra of Commissioners Court
Was One of Few Important
Transactions Arch Con
tracts Let.
Lightning Kills Few.
In 1906 lightning killed only 169
people in this whole country. One's
chances of death by lightning are
less than two in a million. Th
chance of death from liver, kidney
or stomach trouble is vastly greater
but not if Electric Bitters be used,
as Robert Madsen. of West Burling
ton, la., proved. Four doctors gave
him up after eight months of suffer
ing from virulent liver trouble and
yellow jaundice. He was then com
pletely cured by Electric Bitters.
They're the best stomach, liver,
nerve and kidney rehnedy and blood
purifier on earth. Only 50c atEred
wl o liv?s
"'si T Cuver was a Plymouth v , p : t -or
Mrs. O'Keefe sp?nt the day at
Tvner. Alva and Edward as-
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our heart
felt thanks to the neighbors and
friends for their kindly ass:stance
during the funeral of our beloved
husband and father, also to the
Mrs. Jackson Glass and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Florian.
Saved His Wife's Life.
"My Wife would have been in
her grave today" writes O. H.
Brown of Muscadine Ala. "if it
had not been for Dr. King's New
Discovery. She was down in her
bed, not- able to get up without
help. She had a severe bronchial
trouble and a dreadful cou?:h. I
got her a bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovery, and she soon began to
mend, and was well in a short time. "
Infallible for coughs and colds, its
,r. , , , Uhft most reliable remedy on earth
1 lie mi. uuve öunaav scnoc. - . . . . . ,
v'll observe Children's D?v rn.'xt
Sunday e'ning.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Burch of
Tvner are visiting her brother, Oliver
Tye in South Bend.
Mrs. D. E. Fish of Argos re
turned home today after havng
visited friends several weeha. .
Mr? E. W.' Shrock and jr et
Mrs. S. - S. Linnelle of Newark,
N. J., spent Friday in South Bend.
Edith Spooner, 'Mary Vinal - and
Clyde Spenser of Sherwood, Mich.,
are spending a few days at Pretty
Mrs. B. A. Byers of Garret re
turned home today after having
visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. J.
Nichols. "
Mrs. O. F. S. Miller. "who has
been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Ben
Linkenhelt, went to - Walkerton this
Philip Amon Smith, who has been
barbering under the Bee Hive,
leaves for Chicago this evening
where he will stay indefinitely. -
Helen Armstrong is entertaining
several of her friends at Pretty
Lake at the Armstrong cottage for
two weeks. Mis3 Julia Yockey is
acting as chaperoie.
ML53 Katie Wick of Bine Spring,
Neb., has returned home after hav
ing visited with Mrs. Henry Kel-ver.
Heavy, impure blood makes a mud
dy, pinply " complexion, headaches
nausea, indigestion. Thin blood
cukes j-cvrerik, pale, sicMy. Bur
dock Blood Bitters tükes the blood
pur itctcrca perfect
for desperate lung trouble, hemor
rhages, larrippe, asthma; hay fever,
croup and whooping cough. 50c,
$1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaran-
teed by Fred Wenzler.
The County Commissioners wen
in session Monday, Tuesday' and
Wednesday for the June term, b'ui
not much buiness of importance was
A wholesale liquor license was
granted to Ebert Brcs. for Plym
outh. The license fee for this is
$3)0, and allows them to sell- any
where in the state.
Applicants for headstones were
made for Mary Heekart. Geo. W.
Rish, Howard Temnleton. Mrs.
Daniel Cole and Sidney Flage:.
Wm. Fries made his first report
as superintendent of the countv
fa rm. The report showed a care
ful inventory of the receipts, dis
bursements and personal property
on hand, June 1. Mr. Fries was
authorized to buy a new rane, an 1
to sell three calves.
No bonds Will be issued on' the
Jacob Kevser ditch, commonly
known as the lellow river ditch,
for reasons presented by superin
tendent of construction, Percy J.
Trover. These reasons are:
(1) That the amount still to- b
collected is so small that the ex
pense of a bond issue is not war
ranted. (2) The financial condition is
such that taken in connection with
unsettled litigation in respect to
the issue of irravel road, ditch and
improvement bonds that the bonds
canld not sell for the proper value
thev should.
The commissioners made their re
port on the school funds held by the
countv, which showed $21.059.fi3 in
the Concessional fund and $SGC51.03
in the Common school fund.
Repairs To Be Made.
The county surveyor was directed
to prepare plans for a new porch
on the east side of the. Infirmary
similar to the one on the west side
He is also to prepare plans for re
pair of the front and back porches'
of the jail, the outside stairway and
for painting the sash and iron grat
ings, ne is also to prepare plans
and specifications for the Brownlee
bndcre. All these plans are to h&
filed for the July term, of court.
The auditor is to advertise for
50 cords of 4-foot wood for the
asylnm ar.d jail.
The arf h over the August Feldn an
ditch in - German township is to be
Niilt bv E. J. Coar of Etna Green
for $205. Kitch & Vanskvhiwk
were given the contract for the arch
over the Hershberger ditch in the
same township.
Plymouth has two good ball teams
this year, the Clippers and he Ball
& Cos. team. The latter received
its name because BaU. & Co. furnish
ed the suits for the boys. The
Ball boys and - the baseball boys
got together and concluded to have
a ball team, so they called it the
Hall team.
. Otto Breese is manager, and Ger
ald Shrives is captain. Lewis Drake
is catcher, Walter Poor pitcher,"
Gerald Shreves first . base, Dallas,
fllaiib second, Chas. Jones third,
Earl Schroeder short stop. Russell
Ault left field, Fred Siddell center
field, William Hardy right fi Id.
Melvin Price and Rudolph Schroed
er have the honor of being "subs."
The average age of these boys is
IS years and they are certainly a
"husky" team. Their first out of
town game was at Lakeville last
Sunday, where t ':ey were defeated.
They have arranged a game with
Belong for next Sunday at the
Fair Grounds and will show the
Plymouth fans some good ball playing.
Despair and Despondency
No one but a woman can tell the ctory of the suffering, the
despair, aodjthe despondency endured by women who carry
a daily burden of ill-health and pain because of disorders and
derangements of the delicate and important organs that are
distinctly feminine. The tortures so bravely endured com
pletely upset the nerves if long continued.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a positive cure for
weakness and disease of the feminine organism.
It allays inflammation, beats ulceration and soothes pain.
It tones and builds up the nerves. It t ts for wifehooi
and motherhood. Honest medicine dealers sell it, and
have no thin tf to urge uoon vou as ' just as good."
It is non-secret, non-alcoholic and has a record of forty years of cures.
Ask Youa Neighbors. They probably know of some of its many cures.
If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to euro
them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing
only, and he will send you a fret copy of his great thousand-page illustrated.
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to date edition, in paper covers.
In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. Address Dr. U.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
Alumni Defeat P. H;S.
A bal aggregation composed of
P. II. alumni defeated the hi:h
school team at the Fair Grounds
Wednesday afternoon by a score of
10 to 4. The game looked to be
a close one for the first few muincrs
but the old timers scon got their!
stride and secured a eood lead on!
the would he aspirants. To-tei
Helms in the box with little Johnny
Drake stopping the curves was an
excellent combination for the ex.
P. H. S. players. "Wise pitching
for the high school boys was easily
found for a number of hits. HiV
support was not as good a it
might have been, owin? to thr-
fact that the team has plaved vert
little ball this spring. The play
ers for P. II. S. were: 17. Srl-rne'l-
er, AYiso. Ely. Price. E. S. Schroed
er. Uvermver. orxl. iknver nnd
Wallace; while the followinc were
rn the fireins: line for the alumni:
Drake, Helms. Knott. Thaver. Miller. !
Fine Program of Toasts Sparkling
With Wit-Music 0a Harp
By Miss Eva Wickizr
of South Bend.
Randa'l. Leonard and
Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Shakes cele
brated their crystal wedding armi er.
sary at their home on X. Walnut
street last eveninsr.
About sixty friends and relative?
were present and snent a verv
pleasant time together.
Little M?ss Esther Bosworth
pleased all with her music. -
Many ctly" and beantiful pres
ents were received. A deliciou.
two course lunch was served. At a
late hour the friends wi':ed Mr.
and Mrs. Shakes many more anni
versaries and left for their respec
tive homes.
ri- .
ir-J AS ffiSBH!B
Tho Only New unabridged dic
tionary in many years.
Contains the pith and essence
of an authoritative library.
Covers every field ol knowl
edge. An Encyclopedia in a
single book.
The Only Dictionary with the
New Divided Page.
400,000 Words. 2700 Pages.
6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly
half a million dollars.
Let us tell you about this most
remarkable single volume.
Writ for ample
is, full par
;ulars, etc.
tfamo this
paper and
wo will
Bead free '
. set of :
Pocket !
Haps i
Has Tine New Sign.
The Bee Hive has a fine new sign
op the south side of their build-
ins. The work was done by J. E.
Ellis and "Tody" Lauer, and is in
green and white. New bronze signs
also adorn the front of this store.
A Terrible Blunder.
to neglect liver trouble. Never do
it. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills
on the - first eign of -onstipation,
biliousness or inactive bowels and
prevent virulent indigest;on, jaundiee
or gall stones. They regulate liver,
stomach and bowels and build np
your health. Only 25c. at Fred
Wenzler 's.
Paw Paw's Meet.
The Paw Pay Peasure club met
Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
mund Meyers on north Walnut
The cHb decided not to have
any regclar meeting until next Octo
ber, at which time the club will re
organize. Light refreshments were served
by tie host and hostess which were
enjoyed by all present.'
Shadel's Runaway.
June & Charles Shadel's horse
ran away last evening from in front
of his drug store andi smashed the
two front wheels and shaves of the
buggy and tore the harness. Mr
and Mrs. Shadel bad driven out to
the dredge and -while there the horse
cut her foot on some barbed wire.
Later at the store Mr. R?nard was
was examining the cut and at the
same time Dr. Knott's auto came
along and the mare- became frighten
ed and ran several blocks west on
South street.
Foley's Kidney Reined 7.
Is particularly recommended for
chronic cases of kidney and bladder
trouble. It tends to regulate and
control the kidney and blaider ac
tion and is healing, strengthening
and bracing. For Sale by All Drug
About 200 people attended the
Alumni reception and banquet at the
Wnshington building last nisht. A
flue two-course dinner was served bv
W. W. ITill & Son. Mrs. Wianit
Iluuirichouser as president and
toastmistress performed her part
with grace and wit. The following
program was carried out:
Music by Ilarpist.Miss Eva W.'cki
zer. Invocation Rev. I. F. Ivins
Toast Howard Wilson
Musie Hazel Dell Neff
"Nymphs and Fauns"
Toast .... Will C. Martin.
Music . . . .Ned Kilmer,
"'Evening. Love Song"
Toast .Lloyd W. Hill.
Musie Pansy II. ness.
Cornet Solo '-The Signal"
Musie Ralph Leonard,
-Thora" Stephen Adams
Toast Laura R. Wolf,
Music Julia W. Yockev.
"Farewell," v from Jeanne d'Arc
Toast Ralph McCormick, '11
Toast Supt. Randall
Music b- the Harpist.
Class Song. By the Alumni
The Alumni Association voted to
raise a Memorial Fund for the
Plymouth Public Library, to which
each member of each class should
be asked to contribute one dollar.
Tf all respond the sum will be $446.
Half of the surplus fund now in the
treasury, a sum of about $23, was
also appropriated to this fund. Mr.
O. E. ' McDowell was made an
honorary member of the Alumni
Hubert Tanner was elected Presi
dent for the comin? year and M:s?
Eva Bollman, secretary. .
Orchesstra Made (rood.
The Sevbold Orchestra which
furnished the musie at Tue-dav
evening's High School Corarnenoe
ment excrcisps-'did credit to it reptt
tation in its admirable rendition
of several numbers. Tuesday eveninor
the orehestra doubtless eclipsed its
former efforts of presenting muie
of a eharaeter seldom heard on like
occasions, as the enthusiasm of tho?e
present would indicate.
If yon itTen't a regular, belthy movement of th
bowels every day, you're III or will be. Keep your
bowel open, ami be well. Force in the shape of
Tlolent physic or pill poioti, is iaijgeroua. The
smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeptar
the boweia clear and cWn 1 to taks
Hiddla AzzX Eldrrly Pco?h
Usa Folay Kidney PilU for quick
and pemment , rccalt3 kin all . circ3
of kidney and bladder troubles, and
fer pdiaful tri thucjiii inrculiri
l'.rr:Cd3 by Mi Eris;
W. P. M. S. Meeting.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society of the Methodist church
met Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Dr. Martin. Mrs.
E. W. League reviewed the life
of Clara Swain, the first medical
missionary to ero to administer to
women and children. -Her field was
in India. f
v Miss Stacy talked about Charlotte
Tucker, an educational missionary,
also in India.'
Yonr .Neighbor's Experience.
How you may profit by it. Take
Foley Kidney Pills. H. L. Ster
ling, 816 Leland Ave., Elkhart,
Ind., vrües: "I had a bad case of
kidney and bladder trouble and was
in a nervous run down condition. I
suffered severe backaches and had
intense pains in my side. My kid
ney action is irregular and painful
and when Foley Kidnev Pills we-e
brought to my attention. I began
using them according to the direc
tions. I continued their use until
I felt entirely well, and have not
been troubled in the least since. My
backaches and side pains are gone
and the action of the kidneys is
regular and -normal. Foley Kidney
Pills did wonders for me.' 'For sale
by All Druggists.
A Leading California Druggist
Pasadenar Cal., March 9, 1911.
Foley and Co., Gentlemen: We
have sold and recommended Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for years.
We believe it to be one of ' the most
efficient expectorants on the market.
Containing no opiates or , narcotics
it can be given freely to children.
Enough of the remedy can betaken
to relieve a cold, as it has no nauseat
ing results, and does not interfere
with digestion. Your very truly,
C. H. Ward Drug Co., C. L. Parr
1 sons, Sec 'y and Treas." Get the
original Foley's Honey and Tar
Cmpound in the yellow ' package.
For Sale by All Druggists.
Fl'anant. Palatable l-r-ter.t. Taste Good, T-
Oood, Never SickeT V' . tr or .trpj; 17, i5 anl
57 cents jrK. . ct'tiEiaatle. and book
let on hoH'th. Ad-lref." 423
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New Yr .
No mors misery. Get rid of
the drink habit In 3 days.
After bein? a heavy drink
er for years, 1 was aaved
and . proyidentially cams
into possession of the trad
Remedy for OTerrominjj
alcoholism. The drinker
who wants to quit for
ever, getting nd of thd
awful cravir. can easily
i do so, losing no time and
ienjoyine life better thaa
ever before. Marvelon auoee. Safe, reliable.
If a person is addicted bo strongly he (or she
has lost desire to be rescued, he can be treated
kecretly; will become disgrnsted with odor and
taste ofliquor. Legions of testimonials verify
ing genuineness of my Method. Joyous news
for drinkers and for mothers wives, etc. con
tained lu my Book. Mailed, plain wrapper,
free. Kep this adv. or pass it on. Address
EDW. J.WOODS, 63 4 Sixth Ar., 264 A NewYork.N.Y.
For Your Next Sale.
Remember that I am in the Sale
business, with headquarters at Astley
& Hoham's store, where all sale datea
will be made. Give ine a call for
your next Sale and I will do all in
my power to make your sale a good
one. Phone 870. F.W.Williams.
F. S. Rexford, 615 New York
Life Bldg.f Kansas City, Mo., says
"I had a severe attack of a cold
which settled in my back and kid
neys and I was in great pain from
my trouble. A friend recommended
Foley Kidney Pills and I used two
bottles of them and they have done
me a world of good." For Sale by
All Druggists. .
-Our Valpo Colony.
Plymouthhas quite a colony of
our young bloods at Va'poraiso for
the .summer school. Among them
are Ruama Suit, Hazel Truez, Erma
Ulrich, George Firestone, Lochran
Wise, Earl Stoneburner, George Jor
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