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The weekly Republican. (Plymouth, Ind.) 1911-1922, June 22, 1911, Image 6

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Two Women Lrt Live in Fire In
Boston HtrLcf.
Boston, June li. Two women lost
their liv3 and five men were Injured
"wOn the wooden passenger steamer.
Governor Andrew, of the Nahant line,
"was burned to the water's edge at a
"wharf In East Boston.
The bodies, which were thos of
Harriet Kelley and Elizabeth McNeil,
both stewardesses on the craft, were
recovered by the police. The Injuries
to the men were not serious.
George B. Cox Case Ended.
Cincinnati, O., June 19. Presiding
Judge C H. Kyle of the second com
mon pleas district ruled that the two
affidavits of bias and prejudice filed
by Prosecutor Hunt against Judges
Hunt and Dickson In the George B.
Cox case have no validity and that he
is without power to act The decision
"wipes the Cox case off the court rec
Secretary Throws No Light Upon
Day Portrait Voucher Case.
"Washington, June 15. Scretary of
State Knox appeared before the house
committee on expenditures In the state
department Secretary Knox testified
concerning tlie so-called Day portrait
case He thereupon laid before the
committee the long-lost voucher for
$2,450 and other documents in the
case that have mysteriously reap
peared after having been missing for
five years.
The documents submitted by Secre
tary Knox throw no definite light
upon the final disposition of the $1,-
00 that was paid out by the treasury
on Ae voucher over and beyond the
$850 charged by Albert Rosenthal, the
Philadelphia artist, for painting the
portrait of William R. Day, then secre
tary of state and now associate justice
of the supreme court.
Ohio Woman Is Accused of Adminis
tering Poison to Girl.
Delaware, O.. June 15. Miss Merle
Henkle, who, It Is alleged, was given
arsenic by her stepmother, Mrs. John
Henkle, and who is in the Case hos
pital here, rallied sufficiently to make
another statement concerning the
case, in which she further accused
Mrs. Henkle.
The patient, physicians say, has only
a slight chance to recover." Mrs. Hen
kle was -held under a $2,000 bond to
await the action of the grand jury.
Seamen's Strike Spreads.
London, June 15. The seamen's
strike has spread from London, Glas
gow and South Shields to Middlesbor-
niivV T1f a o TOrlctrtt PifH ? ft Cnan.
sea, Manchester and Newcastle. Sev
eral hundred have handed in their no
' tices, but hitherto- there bar, been aa
; absence of unity and enthusiasm.
Purchasing Agent for Stude
bakcr Corporation;
Here we installed i our
Water Supply System which ,
is especially adapted for
country homes and summer
Think of the convenience
of having water in any room
in your home by turning the
... ....
Cheapest Fire Insurance
Reduce your insurance rate with, our water system and
protect your home against fire.
Water when and where you want öt
at yery low cost.
You can sprinkle your lawn the same as with city pressure.
No Trouble, No Noise Always Ready for Use.
Tank and engine may be placed anywhere you desire. Let
us furnish plans.
President's Presence Desired
in Two Places at Same Time.
Indianapolis Civic Organizations and
Railway Men Storm Washing
ton with Telegrams.
Indianapolis. June 19. The civic or
ganizations that have arranged for a
"safe and sane" Fourth and haveeen
expecting the coming of President
Taft to contribute to the celebration
of the day have come in conflict with
the Associated Brotherhood of Rail
road Men, in train service, who have
prepared a demonstration at the fair
grounds. Both want the presence of
the president at their respective places
of amusement, but both events come
off at the same time and a conflict
The civic organizations have a track
meet at the ball park and want the
president to present the medals. The
railroad men will have a head-on col
lision of locomotives at the fair
grounds and want the president to at
tend. Charges of admission will be
made at both places, but the civic or
ganizations say their money is to be
used only to defray expenses, while
the f&ir grounds show is being put up
for private gain and that the railroad
men want to make money. Both sides
are storming Washington with tele
grams and letters, but It is not known
which fete the president will decide to
Incomplete Reports Show $400,000 on
Deposit in These Institutions.
Washington, June 15. Chicago
Heights, III. is to have a postal sav
ings bank July 13. It is among the
fifty postoffices designated to have a
depository on that date. Among the
other offices selected are Granite City
and Madison, 111.; LaPorte and Whitp
ing. Ind.; LeMars and Waverly, la.,
and Hancock and Ishpeming, Mich.
Incomplete reports received at the
postoffice department indicate that on
June 1 the deposits in postal savings
banks In the. ninety-three offices then
In operation were approximately $400,
00C. This Is regarded as a remarkable
showing, in view of the fact that all
the offices were in small towns.
Indiana Grand Jurors Charge Him
with Kidnaping McNamara.
Indianapolis, Ind., June 19. Deteo
tlve W. J. Burns and James Hosslck,
a city detective of Los Angeles, CaL,
were Indicted on charges of kidnaping
John J. McXamara, secretary of the
International Association of Bridge
and Structural Iron Workers.
McNamara was indicted on charges
of conspiracy to dynamjte in connec
tion with the Los Angeles Times build
ing explosion.
g n p.
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ire or fi
Havana, June 20. The water in the
cofferdam surrounding the wreck of
the battleship Maine in Havana har
bor has been lowered by further pump
ing until it is now fifteen feet below
the surface of the water in the harbor.
The work revealed the fact that the
xplosion did damage tbe midships
section of the vessel. The port deck
was humped up and the side of the
ship beneath blown out. This may
mean that the boilers were exploded
Jay the heat of the flames which fol
lowed the main upheaval. Another
theory Is that gases which had been
generated in the interior of the vessel
sought the line of the least resistenc
and forced out the ship's side,-
On th main deck were found the
bones of two human arms and the rem
nants of a man's foot to which part of
the shoe as still clinging. These
ghastly relics lay to starboard of the
after turret.
In the captain's cabin was a rubber
coat, a rubber stamp and sundry other
small articles 'of the same material
They had deteriorated but little during
their long immersion.
The water In the cofferdam will be
held at its present level until the deck?
aje cleared. There is 'slight leakage
from the outside and the pumps are
kept working, but the cofferdam Is
holding well.
Muskegon Financier Held for Court
Under $12,000 Bond.
Grand Rapide. Mich., June 13.
Frank G. Jones, head of the American
Electric Fuse company of Muskegon,
and former president of the Muskegon
Chamber of Commerce, was arraigned
in police court on the charge of forgery
brought against him by the Old Na
tional bank of this city.
Acting as his own attorney he
waived examination and was held for
court under a bond of $12,00d.
Plans to Honor President and First
Lady on 25th Anniversary.
Washington, June 15. Among the,
gifts to President and Mrs. Taft on
the celebration next Monday of the
twenty-fifth anniversary of their wed
ding will be a magnificect silver
service from the members of the sen
ate. All the senators placed their names
on the contributing list and Senator
Bacon gave rush orders to the Jew
elers for the costly present.
Church Body Will Meet Next Year in
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Asbury Park, N. J., June 15.--The
general sjnod of the Reformed Church
adjourned after passing resolutions
Irotesting against presenting the bat
tleship Utah with a silver set on which
are engraved pictures of Brigham
Young and the Mormon temple and an
other resolution commenting Presi
dent Taft for his peace treaties.
The synod will nrt next year at
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Alleged Heretic Loses Place.
Sicmx City, la., June 15. Dr. Luther
Freeman, presilent of Morningslde col
lege, handed in his resignation to the
beard of trustees and it was immedi
ately accepted. Dr. Freeman gained
considerable notoriety froman alleged
heretic speech which was made at
Kansas City about a month ago.
Seventeen-Year Variety Play Havoc
with Young Fruit Trees.
Middletown, N. Y., June 19. Despite
the fact that the state entomologist at
Albany some time ago announced that
the farmers and fruit growers had lit
tle to fear from the visit of the seventeen-year
locusts, fruit growers in the
fruit belt .along the Hudson claim thai
their young trees are being seriously
damaged if not tolled by the locusts.
They show marks as if they might
hav been inflicted by a finely pointed
cog wheel with pressure applied. In
each of the cuts are three cr four
eggs. This condition is said ,to be
general among young trees. Millions
of locusts infest every part of Orange
county and there is a contiguous roar
nhrougL these districts.
Maurice Enright's Case Postponed for
Weyk In Chicago.
Chicago, June 17. Maurice Enright,
alleged labor slugger, was arraigned,
before Municipal Judge Stewart at the
Detplalnes street court on charges of
killing Vincent Altman and William
(Dutch) Gentleman.
By agreement between Inspector
Nicholas . Hunt and Attorney Charles
E. Erbstcin the hearing was continued
until next Friday. This was done to
await the outcome of the coroner's in
quest .
LiShfcilnS Kills Tew.
In 1906 lightning killed only 169
people: in whole country. One's
chances of death by lightning are
less than two in a million. The
chance of death from liver, kidney
or stomach trouble is vastly greater
but not if Electrie Bitters be tised,
as Robert iladsen, of West Burling
ton, la., proved. Four doctors gave
him up after eight months of suffer
ing from virulent liver titrable tnd
yellow jaundice. He was. then com
pletely cured by Electric Bitters.
They're the best stomach, ' liver,
nerve and kidney remedy and blood
purifier on earth. - Only 50c at Fred
Trial On At Cincinatti Reveals Rank
Methods Of Big Corporation
Now Being "investi
gated. Cincinnati, O., June 15. In the trial
of Etflgar S. Cooke, Mrs. Jeannette
Ford was called to the stand following
Charles L. Warriner.
Before she had testified more than
a few minutes she startled the court
room by declaring that Cooke had giv
en her J22.000. She also revealed her
relations with the defendant, so far
as the judge and ihe attorneys would
permit The money, Mrs. Ford testi
fied; was in packages.
"Cooke would visit me at ray flat
two or three times a week," she said.
"Each time he came he brought pack
ages, which I concealed in a trunit.
Later I went to New York, engaged a
safety deposit box at the Bankers
Safe Deposit company in Wall street
and put the packages in it.
"Cooke and I went to New York In
September, 1901. We went to the
ßafety deposit vaults and opened the
packages and counted the money. It
came to $22,000, all in $10, $20, $50
and $100 bills."
"Whl'ie you were In New York dttd
you have any. talk as to where this
money came from?" she was asked.
"Yes; Cooke said it came from the
Big Four," was the reply. "Cooke ex
plained how and why he got it. He
said other men were getting money,
As Water Is Lowered Examination of
Afterdeck Is Continued.
Havana, June 19. C&neral-BIxby
ordered the pumping at the wreck of
the Maine resumed and the water was
lowered to 11 feet below the level
of the water, outside the cofferdam.
The work of cleaning off the afterdeck
was continued.
On the starboard side of the after
deck there was found an ammunition
box which was cleaned and opened
with difficulty. Its contents included
rifle cartridges in dips and knife bay
onets. The bayonets showed most
Btartlingly the action of salt water on
steel blades and brass hilts. The
electricity generated had reduced the
steel to a shapeless mass.
United Norwegian Lutheran Church of
America Collects $142,733.
St. Paul, Minn.. June 19-According
to the report of the treasurer of mis
sions, submitted to the annual conven
tion of the United Norwegian Lutheran
Church of America, $142,733.1? has
been contributed by this body during
the last year for work in the home and
foreign fields
The foreign missionary statistics
showed the church body has ten chief
stations, five of which are on the isl
and of Madagascar and five i:i China
In addition to this there are seventy
three substations, making a total of
eighty-three foreign mission stations
controlled by this church. ,
Current Turned On Wire Connected
with Faucet by Enemy.
Newark, N. J., June 19. James M
Finnegan, employe of an electric com
pany at Harrison, Is under arrest
charged with a long-distance assault
by electricity upon Alfred Van Riper,
a teNw worker.
Van Riper was knocked down by an
electric shock when he touched a brass
water faucet and has been in a hospi
tal ever since. He says that the fau
cet was connected with a wire and
that Flnnegan with whom he had a
quarrel previously, turned on the cur
rent when he started to wash bit
hands at the faucet.
- -
Held as Wife Slayer.
White Plains, N..Y., June 15. Wil
liam Simon, engineer on the New York
Central, is under arrest here pending
an investigation of the alleged mur
der of his wife, who was found dead
in bed, a towel and pillowcase bound
around her neck. -
Prince to be Midshipman.
Ixmdon, June 15. It is stated that
the Prince of Wales will follow in his
father's footsteps and will serve as a
midshipman in the navy after the
coronation ceremonies next week.
Iliddla Aged and Elisrly People
Use Foley Kidney Pills for quick
and permanent results in all eases
of Mtey and bladder troubles, tnd
for -painful and annoying irregulari
ties. For Sale by All Druggists.
El Paso, June 20. There Is likely to
be more fighting at Casas Grandes.
The socialists and Magonistas in Chi
huahua are not so tractable as they
are In Lower California, where they
have agreed to lay down their arms.
Sunday a band of Magonistas en
tered the town, which was then un
guarded, and took possession. They
removed the jef9 politico, Domicilio
Ponce, and set up a government of
their own. Information to this effect
was sent to General Blanco and he be
gan mobilizing a force to send to
Casas Grandes. A special train of six
cars was obtained from the Mexico
Northwestern railroad and every car
filled. About 300 well equipped men
made the trip under the command of
Kosc Cerecedes and arrived safely in
Neuva Casas Grandes, but no reports
of any fighting have reached Juarez
yet and It is barely probable that the
Magonistas will withdraw.
The number of men in the Magonis
tf. command has not been reported
but there is tc be no campaign against
the Magonistas in Lower California for
the present and the troops which were
to have ?eft Juarez under the command
of General B. J. Viljoen will stay here.
General Viljoen received the following
telegram from Francisco I. Madero:
"According to official advices the Ma
gonistas have agreed to lay down their
arms. For this reason I request that
you do not mobilize your troops for
Lower California without further or
ders." General Viljoen has received 100 vol
unteers In Juarez and Colonel Cabral
was awaiting his arrival at Nogales.
The latter telegraphed Viljoen Sunday
night that he had 300 men ready to
march to Lower California and he was
merely awaiting the arrival of Viljoen.
News was received in Douglas, Ariz.,
by Judge D. A. Richardson from one
of the leading business men of Can
anea to the effect that a wholesale
butchery was perpetrated by the fed
eral troops at that place. When the
revolution first started sixty rebel sym
pathizers were thrown into prison at
Cananea. When Colonel Juan Cabral
and his rebels entered the city and
took possession, his first act was to
proceed to the jail with a view to lib
erating the political prisoners. He
found that they were not there. A
Japanese grave digger said he had
been ordered by the federals to dig
some extra deep graves. The insur
recto forces exhumed the bodies and
found from three to fifteen In each
First Boat to be Dedicated In Neu
York Wednesday.
New. York, June 20. A new de
parture of the Salvation 'Army In the
ITnited States will be witnessed at
noon Wednesday when Commander
Eva Booth, - leader of the army in
America, will dedicate the first boat
of the Salvation navy at the battery.
The yacht, which is the gift of the
architect. Bradford Gilbert, will, after
the service of dedication, start on a
cruise along the Atlantic coast It
will stop at cities and towns for open
air services and wharf meetings and
to distribute Salvation Army leaflets.
Major Erickson, a former sailor, will
command a small crew, chiefly of Sal
vationists. -
Launch Fire Causes Quick Action by
Wealthy Young Man.
Red Top, Ccnn., June 17. Harold
S. Vanderbilt, son of William K. Van
derbilt, narrowly escaped death when
his launch Vagrant caught fire. Van
derbilt was on the boat when the
flames burst forth and was forced to
leap into the Thames river and swim
Before he could get into the water,
however, his hair and eye brows were
burned and his clothes werea mass of
flames. The water saved his life. The
boat floated away and sank.
Saved His Wife's Lift.
"My Wife would have "been in
her . grave today" writes O. H.
Brown of Muscadine Ala. "if it
had not been for Dr. Kind's New
Discovery. She was down in her
bed, not able to get up without
help. She had a severe bronchial
trouble and a dreadful cough. I
got her a bottle öf Dr. King's Nev7
Discovery, and she soon began to
mend, and was well in a short time."
Infallible for coughs and colds, its
the most reliable remedy on earth
for desperate lung trouble, hemor
rhages, lagrippe, asthma, hay fever,
croup and whooping cough . 50c,
$1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaran
teed by Fred Wenzler.
'Plans Vast Panama Explosions.
Washington, June 17. The canal
diggers on the isthmus expect to ex
plode 10,000,000 pounds of dynamite
during the next year in excavation
work. The canal commission has just
placed the contract for this vast quan
tity. Prices ranged from $ 12.25 to
$13.82 a hundred pounds.
Fire on Liner.
New York, June 17. The big Hamburg-American
liner President Lin
coln caught fire at her pier. Burning
Jute caused $200 damage.
A Terrible Blunder,
to neglect liver, trouble. Never do
it. Take Dr. King's New life Pills
on the first sign of -onstipation,
biliousness or inactive bowels and
prevent virulent indigestion, jatmdiea
or gall stones. They regulate liver,
stomach and bowels and build up
your health. Only 25e. at Fred
"Aunt Delia" is Coming to "Will's"
Anniversary and Some Others
of tte Very .Nicest People
They Know to be There.
Washing:-, June 17. President
Taft's Aur.t Delia, more- formally
known as r..:.s Delia C. Torrey, is on
her way to " "oshington.
She is coining to the silver wedding
anniversary of her nephew "Will" and
her arrival vill complete the reunion
ol the Tafi. j; mily for the celebratoin.
"Aunt Deii.t" for a long time feared
tnat the joimey from her home in
Vil'bury, A i? -'s. to Washington would
be too much f an undertaking for ber.
The prefci(.ti t, however, was insistent,
as she is his favorite aunt, her apple
pies alone having won for her a sub
stantial place in his heart. To make
I Aunt Delia' resence ceitain the pres
ident sent I V son, Robert, to Millbury
and he is u cmpanying her to Wash
ington ioon the -ntire Taft family, young
people and . rown-ups, will be at the
White Tiovs, . Horace Taft, the presi
dent's youuer brother, who lives in
New Ei.filar-J, will also arrive here to
day and Hei ry W. Taft either tonight
or early Suy?1ay.
One of the interesting features of
the silver wedding Is the invitations
isfcued to the members of the families
of former presidents. With the single
exception of the McKinleys some mem
bers of the families of every adminis
tration back to the days of Lincoln
have been invited. None of the mem
bers of the cabinet of President Mc
Kinley who were in the White House
during his administration is now liv
ing. It is hoped, however, that some
close relative of President McKinley
may be able to attend the anniversary
Mexican cHcrt Duty Removed. '
San Antonio, Tex., June 17. The
specific expo t duty of $5 Mexican per
head impose! on cattle by the Mexi
can Insurrecttf government, has been
removed. This is a relief to cattle
shippers who contracted for delivery
depending uj on their ranches in Mex
ico. Prisen for Swindlers.
Montreal, lune 17. Charles D. Shel
don, convicted of misai propriating the
funds of clients, was sentenced to five
years in priscn.
A Peek Into His Po:ket.
would show the box of Bucklen
Arnica Salve that E. S. Loper, a
carpenter, of Marilla, N. Y. always
carries.' 1 I have never had a cut.
wound, bmise, or sore it would not
soon heal," he writes. Greatest
healer of burns, boils, scalds, chapped
hands and lips, fever-sores, skin
eruptions, eczema, corns and piles.
25c. at Fred Wenzler 's.
Time Table Effiective Jan. 1st., 1911
Leave Arrive
Logansport Indianapolis
5:00 a. m. 7:55 a. m.
5 :40 a. m. 9.15 a. m
6:55 a. m. 9:55 a. m.
9:00 a. m. 11:55 a. m.
9:40 a. m. 1:15 p. m.
10:55 a. m. 1:55 p. m.
1:00 p. m. 3:55 p. m.
1:40 p. m. 5:15 p. m.
3:40 p. m. 7:15 p. m.
5:00 p. m. 7:55 p. m.
5:40 9:15 p. m.
7:15 p. m. 10:15 p. m.
9:00 p. m. 11:55 p. m.
Leave Arrive
Indianapolis Logansport
5:00 a, m. 7:50 a, m.
5:40 a. m. 9:10, a. m.
7:00 a, rn.' 10:00 a. ra.
9:00 a. m. 11:50 a. in.
9:40 a.m. 1:10 p. m -
11:40 a. m. ' 3:10 nt
1:00 p. m. 3:50 p. m.
1:40 p. m. 5:10 p. m.
3:00 p.m. 6:00.p. m.
3:40 p. m. . 7:10 p. m.
' 5:00 p. m. 7:50 p. m.
5:40 p. m. 9:10 p. m.
7:00 p. m. ' 10:00 p. m.
9:00 p. m. 11:50 p. m.
Indicates limited trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked
through to alPpoints in Indiana and
Ohio reached by Electric Railway
Lines. For further information ad
dress Traffic Dept. I. TJ. T. Co.
Anderson, Indiana.
A Leading California Druggist
Pasadena, Cal., March 9, 1911.
Foley and Co., Gentlemen : We
have sold an4 recommended Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for years .
We believe it to be one of the most
efficient expectorants on the market.
Containing no opiates or narcotics
it can be given freely to children.
Enough of the remedy can betaken
to relieve a cold, asithasnonause.1
ing results, and does not interf
with digestion. Your very tr.i
C. H. Ward Drug Co., C." L. p
sons, Sec'y and Treas." Get 1
criginal Foley's Honey and 0
Cmpound in the yellow package.
For Sale by All Druggists.
Money lo loan on Parma a specialty
Plymouth, Indiana
All klodt cl Dental work tucb ts Crow&lxa
BrltSce work. Plfttei and FiUInri of adt Wcä.
Office over MirsbmU Co. Trost A Satfnrt Co B'fc
Physician and Surgeon
308 N. Michigan Street,
' Surgeon to the Pennsylvania,. Vandilia
and Lake Shore Railroad.
Phone 408
A. C. Richard
Coal and Wood
Office corner Plumb and Harrison Street
Plymouth, Indiana.
Da F M. Burk ITT Dr. C. W. Bcbkitt
Office hours 8:30 A. in. to
12 m; l p. m. to 5 p m.
Rooms in Burkett Building
1 to 5:30 P.M.
7 to 8:30 P.M.
Residence 60
nmma and imm
Special Attention elren to Diseases of
tbe Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat. Glasses
If you want your
early I would advise
you to come now and
make your selectidn.
This insures prompt
delivery. Prices from
. J20.00 on up.
BERGMAN, the Tailor.
Eyes Examined Free
' and Headaches Preventeu
O 0-
t ys-J I "j A Tin kl ä
Glasses fitted at moderate pricei Satisfaction
DR. J. BURKE & CO., Optometrists
230 South Michigan Street. Soutü Bend. Indiana
Established 1900.
Is Tbc BEST LCCAL KW'SPAPW ia Marshall Ccucly
Tis! is c:r bsixss
that a pair of glasses furnished by us meanfr
much to you ia comfort; cocvedience tnd
Ve tit the most difficult cases.
can duplicate aay gfass.
Ve please in quality aod prices, and
guarantee a correct fit. EXAMINATION
Resident Eyeatatat Speclallst.
Office oer OTermyer Sc Anderson's ßhoe icre
Plymouth. Indiana. Phone $22.
Foley's Kidney Eesicdy.
Is particularly reoommended for
chronic CaS6S of klär pv rt(i Wj1r?i
trouble. It tends to regulate and
control the kidney tad blsidsr ts
tion and is healing, strengthening
and bracing. For Sale by All Drug
v - V V

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