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Copyiifct 1911 Toe House of Knppeniesae Chicago Tou Young Fellows will find LÄUER'S Guaranteed Suits just right ior you "We have for you a spec ial display of Young Men's Spring and sum mer styles. You don't want the conservative .styles and cuts that please the older men. These are distinctive models that have what the young fellows call snap" and "ginger" to them, yet not extreme HYe show them in the cele ; b rated Kuppenheimer and :r Jttrschbaum "Young Felo' v models, at $15, Sl6, $18, S20. Ttoy are guaranteed to be all wool and give satisfactory .service. We want you to -see them to appreciate them. Vc have also fine suits at .popular prices, $10 and $12. 50. Right upto the minute . In style and get up. We are making special sale this week on the great est shirt on earth, at 50c. All styles. See our north window. We are making special pri- cs on all Steraw Hats, Sum mer Underwear, hosiery for Ihe hot weather. Let us show you the swellcst line of Oxford Shoes in town, in - Crawfords, Kneelands King Quality, at $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4.00, You II always find the , best at LMJ EWS- Good Clothes Store 'of course' -The- Brightest "spot in town" BOY SCOUTS If L CATC ilOfJft LAKE HUNDREDS ESQUIRES OP KNIGHTS AND TO ENJOY TENT LIFE THIS SUMMER AT GREAT RESORT. MANY STUNTS TAUGHT Dr. Perry Powell InChargs Plym outh Lads Are Earning Money To Go On Fine Outing. Thousands of boys the country over are planning to enter one of the famous Boys'. Camps thi3 sum mer. The Boys Camp are rather a new thing and are decidedly pop ular. There is the hunting and fishing camp composed of a few boys in the wilds and much more largely attended AthTetic Camp on the shores of lakes Etre and there . One of the great Boys Camps of the country will meet this year at Winona Lake for ten days, begin ning the latter part of August. It is called the Sixth International. Scores of boys from the surrounding country are planning to attend it. The Pages, boys under 12 years of age are not eligible. The camp is open to the esquires knights, but admision is granted only upon a grade of 75 percent merit, depend ing upon attendance at each chapter meetings, church and Sunday School In Plymouth there are 23 esquires and 30 knights and many of these are expecting to go. The camp will be in charge of Dr. Perry E. Powell, a member of the Natioal Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Among the great doings at the Winona Camp w'll ba a state con vention, consists in base ball, tennis basket ball, field meet and tract meet. Degree teams will present the ritual. The Boy Scout work will be demonstrated and the boys taught how to make a fire without matches, lay a fire, build a bed willow springs, gracs mat, booth seraaphere signalling, the Scout yell, salute and knot tying. "Dr. Powell will do an esp?cial work wh!ch is p.cul'ar to him, the training of the bodyvith hissys'em of bodv building exercises and a contest in the most perfect Physical Man . Boys who do not know how to swim will be taught. Seldom takes more than a week to make a good swimmer of a Scout. They are al so taught how to handle a boat, Other diversions are tramping parti3 with instruction in natural history as an incidental, and playing on musical instruments. The boys are awakened early in the morning with the reveille. After a few setting up exercises they take their morning plunge. One feature of camp life which is done with a heaity good will U the eat:ng. The food is simp?e but the quantities comsumed are immense. A "doctor will look after the ills of the boys but about all he is ever required to treat is sun-burn. The cost of the camp this year to each bov is $6.65. It is exp cted that the boys will earn this money I themselves. Many Plymouth boys are piCKing cuernes, iuumu; iiu and doing all kinds of jobs and salting down their coin with their prospect ,in view. h Rev. Mr. Ivins left last nisht for Trenton, N. Y. to attend the funeral of his grandfather. He exrects to be absent for ten days. H-? was ac companied by Bishop Whit, who goes to Newport, R. I. to con duct the opening service for the fripnnial meeting of orJerof Cincin nati, he being the chaplain of that order. Ladles Can Wear Shoes one ilze smaller by usin Allen's Foot-Ease, the an'iseptic powder for pwol1r. tender, acnin eet. It makes walking: a dellebt. relieve corns and bunlcns of all pain, and Kit9 rest aDd eomfort. Sold everywhere. Z':. D t't cept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address. Allen T H IS A HIIOH' llTS Til K ',Y TO M ram Catarrh. Asthma. Day Fever scientific Broocfiiai au irca&l ' Relieves Send the con pom today J . while yoa sleep, eat or work. for creatateDt M oar f csf expense. V Insures healthful breath-" tag:: aids restful sleep. Nasal Cartrldie A&J v-- t x xo: s V -V ASK STEPHENSON PROBE Wisconsin Assembly Joins with Sen ate In .Request. Madison, Wis., June 21. The as sembly adopted the resolution Intro duced by State Senator Husting, call ins upon the United States senate to Investigate the election of Senator Isaac Stephenson In 190S. The resolution will now be returned to the senate with the concurrence of the. assembly and engrossed. When printed It will be ready to be returned to the secretary of state, who will certify It to Vice President Sherman, presidinr officer of the United States senate. WAR CLOUDS BREAK AWAY Peace Nears in Northern Mexico Mcgonistas Leave Casas Grandes. El Paso. Tex., June 21. The clouds are clearing in northern Mexico. Jose Orozco's troops left Juarez for Chihua hua to join those of Pasqual Orozco and Pancho Villa and be mustered out Reports carat from Casas Grandes that the Magnlstas who took the place Sunday fled when the forces ar rived from Juarez. It is staled that there Is no chance of a clash at Chi huahua, as the federals have agTeed to admit the insurgents. Chinese Warship Coming. Washington. June 21. The Chines cruiser Hal Chi, now participating In the naval review at Splthead, Eng lcnd, will visit New York in July. This will be the first Chinese war vessel to visit Anerican waters and prepara tions are being made for the enter tainment of the officers and men. THE PROGRAM CLUB IS OUT WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION PLAN FOR TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR OF STUDY IN LITERATURE ART AND MUSIC. COMMITTEES NAMED To Have Debate In April On Ques tion Whether Or Not Modern Conditions Improved Women. The programs for the next year 's work in the Saturday Club have been printed and are now in the hands of the members. The pro grams are in pink and green paper, the club colors. The club was or ganized in 1SSS, and will enter upon its twenty-fourth year with 1911 1912. It is federated with the Na tional and State Federations of Women's Clubs so that the ladies have the benets to be derived from association with thousands of women who are doing the same lines of work and are permitte! to send delegates to all State and National conventions . The Saturday Club has a member ship of sixty-two women. Their motto is "Self-improvement and helpfulness to others.' ' TIkj officers for the year 1911-1912 are: ' President Mrs. S. N. Stevens; Vice-president Miss Al'ct KIngcr Secretary Mrs. Floyd Bunnell; TreasurerMrs. ' Robert ' Snell; The following are the various committees which will direct the work for the next year: Committee cn Art: Mrs. Phoebe Willey, Mrs. William 0'Keefe,Miss Emma Protsman, Mrs. Leopold Lauer. Committee on Music: Mrs. George Thayer, Mrs. Dr. Charles Holten dorf!, Mrs. Frank Brooke, Miss Julia Yockey. Committee Program: Mrs. A. R. Underwood, Mrs. Julia Blaine, Mrs. Dr. Charles Brown. Committee on Entertainment : Mrs . J. B. Powell, Mrs. C. W. Metsker, Mrs. Herbert Hess, Mrs. Eley Mil ner. The study for the next year will he purely literary, with asp: inkling of art and music study. One in novation found on the program for April 27, is a debate on the ques tion, Resolved: That modern condi tions have Improved Woman. The meetings of the Saturday Club' will be held caeä Saturday after noon from September ninth until May the eighteenth, - at the homes of is members. There will be thirty three meetings during the club year. h IiOTRE DAUE LADY'S APPEAL To all knowing eufferer ot rhenmatlsm, wheth er muscular or of the Joints, sciatica, lumbago, backache, pains in the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to. write to her foe a home treatment which has repeatedly cared all of these torture. She feels It ber duty to eecd it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself at home as thousands will testify no change of climate bejng neces sary. This simple discovery banishes nrlc acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened Joints, pur ifies the blood, and brightens the eyes, jtlvln elasticity and tone to the whole system. Ifthe above Interests you, for proof address Mrs. M. Summers. Box B, Notre Dame, lad. 0 SATURDAY YOUNG LADIES PLAN TO TAKE EUROPEAN TRIP MISS NEPF, IN COMPANY WITH SCHOOL .FRIENDS, WltL SPEND SUMMER IN EUROPE. SAIL JULY FIRST Will Visit Italy, .Switzerland, Ger many, Holland, Belgium France, England and Scotland. Miss Hazel Neff in company with Miss Porter the art instnicter at Greensboro female college where Miss Neff has been teaching the past year and two other young la'lies will take an extended trip througb Eirope this summer. They ill sail from Boston July first on the White Star line, ou the Steam ship''Canopir" . The followirg is a brief resume of the many treats which are in. store for them: They will touch land at the Azores Islands, midway in the Atlantic, calling at Ponta Delgada. Next they will pass through the historic straits of Gibralter, looking upon one hand to the rocks unchanged since the Pharoahs beheld them, and from there away to the dread home of the pirat es of Morocco. They will visit quaint Naples, Mt. Vesuius and Pompeii, the ancient city which it burred, Amalfi, Sorre nto and the picturesque Island of Capri. From here they will go to Rome, and they have not yet an nounced whether or not they will call on his Highness, the Pope. However they will surely see the Colliseum and the ancient Forum where Julis Caesar and Mark Anthony spoke of old. They will take a look at the lean ing tower at Pisa, will revel in the City of Florence with its long line of artists and musicians. They will ride in a gondola in Venice, visit stately Milan, and Bavens on Lake Maggiore. Through the Simplora Pas, which has baffled many an army of yore, they will drive in comfort, drinking in to the full ,the marvel and glory of the beautiful Alps. They will call at the Castle of Chillon, shud dering for the famous prisioner, who has so long since gone hence. They will take a steamer across that much lauded Lake Geneva, the Co t-1 heart of Switzerland. They will admire the bears at Berne, ride by steamer across Lake Thun from Scherligen to Interlaken, whence thev will go by mountain railway to Lucerne, Passing the Falls in the Rhine and wondering at its , ancient castles, they will come to the mys terious Black Forrest, black in its history of crimes, but now a mere American grove, and on to "A't Heidelberg, du fine,' 1 with its fam ous universitv and it? beer tuns. By Rhine steamer they will go from Mayence to Boun, or Cblogie. Here Miss Neff will leave her party for a visit at Berlin. Thence to Amster dam, with its thrifty marts, to Marken, to the Hasue, Antwerp and Brussels I It could not be expected of four lasses that they would miss "gay Paris" and they are no . exception to the rule. From there they will visit London, where Miss Neff wilt halt and take some lessons of Shakespeare, the great vocalist, the teacher also of Prof. Owens. Th?y will visit the Uriversity at Oxford, drive from Leaminptoi'to Kennil worth, with its famous castle, see the sights at Warrick, and do hom age to Shake-peare 's home at S trat ford-on-Avon. From Stratford-on-Avon they will go north to Chester, through Carl isle, to Edinburg, the home of Sir Walter Scott, to Glasgow, that city so noted for its clean street, and successful municipal enterprises. From Glasgow they will board their steamer for home, arriving at Montreal on. September fourth. That is, their plan is to take ship for home. If some daring Cossack or Scottish Erie offers suffie'ent in. ducement, the party may not return at all, for 'the best laid plans of mice and men (and maids) Gang aft aglee.K ; Mk-s Neff hopes to visit Plym outh on her return, before taking (rap her work at Greesboro for an other year. She has generously promised to wr'ts for the Re publican an account of her experi ences while abroad, so our readers may expect a most intere-ting letter. . Every Item Listed Below is Far Kirk's Toilet Soap, regular 5c, special, 2 cakes for 5c Merrick's Machine Thread, regular 5c, special for Saturday, 4c Pearl Buttons, regular 5c per dozen, special for Saturday, 2 doz. for 5c Ladies' Vests, regular 10c value; special for Saturday 5c Ladies' Vests, long sleeve, regular 50c value, special for Saturday 39c Fancy silk ribbons, widths 40-60, reg. 25c value, special Saturday 10c Children's Hats and Caps, regular 50c value, special for Saturday 35c Men's Work shirts, regular 50c value, special for Saturday 39c Men's Silk Ties, beautiful patterns, regular 50c value, special 35c 200 Pairs of Low Shoes at only $1.65 This price is only one-half of their worth This sale started 10 days ago; we've fitted hundreds of feet and could have fitted a hundred more if we had the size in the shoe wanted. The assortment, however, is very good yet; we'll surprise you if you'll look them over. The number ot pairs are equally divided in Men's and Women's. They come in black, tan, patent, vici kid and gun metal. E ALL Mr. and Mrs. D. H. "Work and daughters Marion and Maud Dell of Chicago has come to spend a week with the former's mother, Mrs. Julin "Work and sister, Mrs. "W. C. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Outcalt of Salt Lake City, are here for a visit of two weeks with relatives and friends. . They, report Ed S. Brooke and fahily, Bonham and family and other Plymouth residents in Sal Lake City well and ooing well. This Will Interest Mothers. Mother Gray's Powders for Coildren relieve Feverishness, Headache, Bad Stomace. Teething Disordees. move and regulate the: Bowels and destroy worms. They break up Colds In 24 hours Csed by mothers for 22 year. All Druggist. 25C. Sample Frke. Address. A.S.Olmrted. LeRoy. New York. Rev. Mr. Hastings of Elkhart brought a member of his congrega tion to Plymouth yesterday after noon to be confirmed by BishoP White. Mrs. Elmer Schreeve and little son Clifford left Saturday morning on train No. 18 for Ft." Wayne and from there will go to Muncie fcr a two weeks visit. la a Plnth, use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, The antiseptic powder to shake Ih to your shoes. Reiferes hot. tired, aching, swollen, sweating feet of all pain and mokes walking a delight Makes the sting out of corns and bunious. Sold everywhere. 25c. Sample FREE. A.S Olmsted LeRoy N. T. Notice To Non-Resident State of Indiana, Marshall County, ss: In the Marshall Circuit Court, September Term, 1911. Milton E. Soice vs. Arno? K. Hauifin and Grace Hanifin. Com plaint to Foreclose Mechanics Lien. The plaintiff in the above en titled cause, by J. A. Molter his attorney, has filed in my office a complaint again?t the defendants; and, it appearing by the affidavit A a competent person that the de fendants; Amos K. Hanifin and Grace Hanifin are non-residents of the State of Indiana; they are therefore hereby notified of the fil ing and pendency of said complaint against them, and unless they ap pear and answer thereto on or be fore the calling of said cause on Monday the 18th day of Sept., 1N11 beicg the 1st judicial ,day of the September term of said- Court, to be begun and held at the Court House in1 Plymouth, Marshall County, Indiana, on the 3rd Mon day of September, A. D., 1911, said complaint and tbej 'matters and things therein alleged will be heard and determined in their ab sence. Witness, the Clerk and peal of said Court, at Plymouth, In diana, this 7th day of Junp, 1911. J. C. Whitesell, Clerk Marshall Circuit Court. J. A. Molter, Plaintifi'sAttorney. w6: 15-22-2) Try and Be Here aturday Here's a Chance for the Biggest Shoe Bargain Ever Offered. Grand Millinery Clearance Sale! FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS -aft". - l-rJ tit" MRS. L. 104. Michigan St. Tribbey & Mullenhour, Elevator Old Thayer Highest Market Prices Paid in Cash for All Kinds of Grain. FLOUR AND FEED FOR SALE CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, SEWER TILE, SÄLT TRIBBEY and WflöLUNERY Semi-annual. Clean up Sale of all trimmed Hats FloWers and the Season's Latest Novel ties, at GREAT REDUCTION. All must go to make room for EARLY FALL STOCK. 'We talk through our hats" If they're right we have them And if we have them tbey're'right. Dessa T. (VHyeirs MILLINERY 104 INorth Michigan St. Subscribe. .for Under Price; CO Wc will sell all uur fine pattern Hats and shapes. Also an exquisite line of FJowcrs at greatly reduced prices. Now is Your Opportunity to grasp these rare bar gains. Come Early and secure a choice of these goods while they last. E. DIAL South of the Trust & Savings Bank Grain Elevator MULLENHOUR Plymouth, Ind the RepmbDocao 0