Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY ?.Irs. S-l Miller spent the day in South l'ciul. P. .T. Haa has' painteil lit st ore 0. lh-itur will visit at flarv for a couple of days. Clint lUn-lurunt has enclosed his poreli '.ith creeni. Mrs. M.'O.ltiee of Hiblarl. was a Plymouth visitor today. J. A. McFarlm transacted business at South Bend today. Helen Shafer has gone to visit her father who is working near Argos. Fred Koch of Columbia City, was in the city on business today., Mrs.' H. A. Miller of Bremen shopped here Wednesday. Miss Anna Shively visited .over the Fouth at Klkhart and South Bend. Miss Alma Mcore of Tyner is home from school at Valparaiso for a few davs. Willis Thornburg -is building a new cement walk along the south side of his lot. ' C. Cunningham returned to iW let Thursday morning where he has Mis. Lois Thompson of South Bend is here for a two weeks visit with friends. Mrs.' Florence Zook of Ft. Wayne spent Wednesday here the guest, of her son, Carl B. Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Colling of Wi nona spent Wednesday with PU mouth friends. Mrs. Ida Burger returned home to Grovertown today after a , visit with friends at Bourbon. Flint Helms who has spent the past few days at Warsaw and Winona re tured home last night. Mrs. Wm. Oast and son Ralph will visit her mother, Mrs. Wilch of near Harris for a few days. Mrs. W. C. Curtis and daughter Catherine and Lois have returned from a weeks visit in Chicago. Charles Ful'erson of Ft. Wayne spent yesterday with his brother Bion and wife of north Michigan street. Miss Martha Rhinehart has gone to Delphi to visit friends there. Mis Rhinehart formerly resided at that place. Mrs. Jane II. Stephenson of No blesville returned home today after a visit with Frank Holby of near In wood. Mi Blanche McCoy has returned "home from a short visit with het ncU and aunt at Burnett and mtb friends at V arsaw. . . i I Mrs. L. D. Whiteman returned .t - Tl. I home to Bremen tnis noon auer spending a few days with her daugn- ter, Mrs. P. J. Trover. Mrs. O. Groshans and little Jaugh- tor Violet returned home to Donald- after a visit with sun - J v " friends at South Bend. Gene League is now using profes- sional music for the songs at his theatre. He has all the latest ana best hits of the season. The Misses Bertha Shager, Dora Zumbaugh and Olga Bilyea have gene to Elkhart for a visit of a couple of with relatives there. Mrs. D. S. Bowman and little daughter, Mary Caroline of 1 itts- TmrT will visit friends and relatives at Bourbon for some. time. Mr IL V. Schlosser aud little children Helen and George returned i i o.,h PViinaor tmlav after I nome iu ouu i a visit with Mrs. M. F. Woodbury. Mrs. A. M. Harris of Sout Bend left for ler home today after a few days' visit with her brother, J. A. Holland and her father, Adam Hol land. Robert Underwood of South Bend i here to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.' A. R. Underwood. He will remain in the city for about ten days. J Miss Margaret frreymaa returned . . . TT .1 - I to her employment ai day after spending the iourth at home, kbe was accompany 3 "Mbeen visiting her sister Mrs. Israel sister, Mary. . . . Otto Bobbins has returned to his affpr a week's vacation. He took a most enjoyable trip toTJedar Point Put-in-Bay and other Saterest- . 9 joints . " fj0rt TL Thaver is enjoying the hct weather as much as possible by spending the nights at Maxinkuckee lake and returning to work Here in the morning. We are all ready for the Band Concert on the street corner tonight, This is the first m two years ana all are well pleased to see the Old band back again. - Don't wait until the sun and wind have done their worst. Protect your . ... - r " rP I . An .1 skin, witn juanacuo uu Preparations. Mannello Shop, Mrs. Will Hendricks, formerly of this city but now a reporter on the South "Bend Times, has gone to Lebanon, Kentucky to play for a big Festival there which will last for two weeks, Rev. W. S, Howard returned to South Bend today after spending sev eral days at Pretty Lake. He was. accompanied by Russell btrang. irom there they will go to Port Huron and other points. , a CAS'TORIA Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pealv and daughter Ida who have leen at South. Bend for some, time the guests of Dan Pealy, yiited Plymouth friends this mornig enroute to their home at Salem. Kd Rodders left mornin? for Sioux Falls. South Dakota and other interesting points on a month's va cation trip. His wife and little daughter have been there ever since the close of school. Mrs. J. M. Olds received word' to day at noon that her father Capt. John -Anderson of Chicago, had a stroke of parirlvsis and could not live, Mr. and Mrs.' Olds left for Chicago this evening. Mrs. S. C. Reeve has had' as her guests the past' two weeks her sister, Mrs. E. D. Bill of Sheffield, 111., and niece, Mrs. Bert Nortis and her son Welcome of Tiskilwa, 111. This morn ing they left for Utica, N. Y., for a further visit. Mrs. C. E. Sprague of Toledo and her sister Miss Maud McKelvey of Findley, Ohio are here, the guests of Mrs. Catherine Peterson. They have just visited Mrs. Peterson's daughter, Mrs. Harry Suders of Mishawaka. Prof. I. S. Hahn of Culver has ac cepted the position of superintendent of the public schools at Galveston, at an advance of $150 a year over his Culver salary. Galveston is a town of about the same size of Culver and is located on the Panhandle between Logansport and Kokomo. Prof. Hahn is quite well known in Plymouth. Arthur Wiltfong, wife and son Lloyd and Mrs. Mamie Peto, Mrs. Wiltfong's sister, all of Indiana Har bor, came down to spend the Fourth with J. W. Wiltfong and wife. Dr. C. 0. Wiltfong and wife of Chester ton also came over on the Fourth. Dr. and wife went home Wednesday evening, Arthur went home on the evening of the 4th. Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Peto were so infatuated with our shady streets and pure cold water that they concluded to stay with the Wiltfongs a while, so John of course is wearing a smile that won't come off on account of dot heddle poy. FRIDAY Mrs. Chas. Sanders spent the day in South Bend. A. F. Holland has gone to St. Joe for a week's visit. L. E. Steinebao-i transacted busi ness at Tyner today. H. L. Singrev went to Walkerton on business today. jj Hurst b ; le cU to . , . ,. II IUI Li IUI W L4 1 U UiUH -a r r T x 1 - - 1. si miss wary Dans uas gone w Greensburg for a week-end vis.t. g transacted business at , , Fridavv Mrs. J. Miller spent the day at Argos the guest of Mrs. Watson. Mrs. Anderson Beagles spent Fri- day at Tyner with Robert Beagles. Mrs. J. Wyland went to "Culver today for a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cressner re turned home tuis noon from a visit at Indianapolis and Seymour, lad. e j Manning of Chicago was in jne c;tv on business todav. Mr. Manning is well known in this coun- ty. Mf flnd Mrg Peter K of u . . . .. porte spent me aay nere. ltiev are takin? an automobile trip thru Indi. Una. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hager return' d home to Mishawaka this morning af ter a week's visit with relatives and friends here. The circle No. 1 of the Presby- terian church will have a market tomorrow afternoon at Marks & liar hardware store Mrs. Harold Wikon and two child, ren g lvia and Darwin who hsLV;z Nifong for some time, returned home to Arcadia, Mich today. Mrs. Edward Wade and little daughter Mary Catherine of Chicago returned home this morning after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. t.a. t. jrr ana Mrs. G. J. Heningway re- turned home to Mishawaka Friday morning. They have visaed friends here and at Maxinkuckee Lake for a conpie oi.weeh.s. Mr and MrS w B. Stephens left K their home at Davenport Friday morning. They have been the guests of Dr. R. C. Stephens ani Mrs. Dr. Bowers for the past two weeks. I Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Neeman of A , Cal who Lave been the -guests ot Jir. ana jurs. vnas. Moreornbe the past few days, left I today for Rochester where they will spend the day. From there they I will go to Indianapolis and then to their summer kome at Lake YVawa see CASTOR D A- Ter IsiiEtj tad CillircÄ' ' rt3 .Kfcj Yc-j !!:t3 Abcj: C:: t th.3 5f SATURDAY.- Alvin Marsh will spend Sunday at Valparaiso. Mis Ella Leiter spent Satuiday at Bourbon. Henry Jarrel of Tyner was a Ply mouth victor today. " Alfred and Chailie Sclieetz wil spend Sunday at Kewanna. Chas. .Powell of Tyner, transacted business in this citv todav. Andrew Ojemre of Grovertown was in the city on business totlay. Miss Desie Easterday will visit South Bed friends over Sundav. , These cooler nights are being en. joyed by everyone. Mr.. and Mrs. Hahn have gone to Pierceton for a week. -Mrs. W. H. Gove was a South Bend shopper Saturday. J. F. Appleraan transacted bivi ness at Hamlet Saturday. Dale Evans is spending a couple of weeks at Indianapolis. Mrs. W. L. Peterson will vLit Chi cago friends for a few days. George Jordan is home from school at Valparaiso for over Sunday. Leroy Keller of near Bourbon was in the citpon business Saturday. Ms. P. R. Taylor of Walkerton was in the city today on business. Mrs. -D. L. Dickinson and son Frank spent the day in South Bend. Mrs. S. J. Kreighbaum of Tyner was a Plymouth shopper this morn ing. George Firestone is home from school at Valparaiso for over Sun day. . Sam and Perry Haag of Tyner were a Plymouth business transacto? today. Jess Garrison, the Donaldson mer chant, was in the city on business today. Miss Ida Asp will be ihe guest of Miss Amanda Huffman of Tyner over Sunday. Mis$ Mary Berger left this noon for South Bend where she will visit for a week. Mrs. Samuel Schlosser is spending two weeks at the Battle' Creek Sanitarium. The family of Geo. Vi nail are spending most of their time- at th& lake these hot days. Fred Collier of Michigan City and Earl Boyson of Laporte were in tb city on business today. Hiram Shafer has bought a new Maxwell auto. It -is a five passen ger car and a fine machine. Miss Carrie McBride will speni a week with her sister, Mrs. Erwm Sheaks of Indiana Harbor. James W. Dean of Etna Green left for Coldwater, Michigan today. He expects to reside there. Mrs. Mary York and two children returned home to Donaldson today after a visit at South Bend. The Balfour Amusement Co. ex pect to have their new theatre ready f;r business in about ten days. Miss Mamie Southworth will leave thia evening for Owosso, Mich., for a visit with Mrs. J. H. Hartle. Mrs. L. Bare and three children left for their home at Wabash today after a two week's visit here. Dr. and Mrs.' C. F. Holtzendcrff and Herbert Hess and family have returned from a stay at Pretty lake. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar idiles and son Ralph have gone to South Bend to attend the Rinard wedding anni versary. Fditor Metsker is amusing himself these dull times telling his dreams about the Plymouth post office cand idates. -Mrs. Grover Spahr of Walkerton is in the city for an over-Sunday visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlin. Mr. and Mrs. Ienry Hale and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. LaRue have gone to Hamlet to visit 'Mrs. Hale's brother, Wm.Hite. Geo. L. Protsman and son George J., returned home from Convoy, 0., this afternoon, they having spent a week there. Miss Adelia Long ha3 returned home to Chicago. She has visited her grandmother, Mrs. Wm Zehner for a week Mrs." Joe Vanvactor went to South Bend and Mishawaka today. She will attend a tin wedding at Mish awaka Sunday, : i Jones Stringer who is nursing some bad bruises he received in a runaway a short time ago was here on business today. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Miles left Sat urday for South Bend where they. ex pect to take up residence, Mr. Miles bein employed there. Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Lindquist have gone to St. Joe for a couple of week?. They will take the treat ments and baths there. , Mrs. Ashcraft and Wm. Thompson left for their homes at Chicago this morning after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ruth, at Culver. The Misses Eulalia BechtelHazd Sands and Opal Zeiters, who are at tending the normal at Winona are home forover Sunday. Mrs. R. Holm and daughters Ruth and Elsie returned home to Chicago today after a visit with Mr. and Mrs ) Nathan Crothers on his farm." .Mr. and Mrs;,Chas. Roliincon and Frederick of Chicago returned home today after a visit with friends here and at Maxinkuckee lake. Miss Ethel Laiming returned home to Chicago this afternoon after spending some time at Pretty Lake the guest of the Brumbaughs. ' C. F. Eds'erton of Lafayette was the guest of (Jorge Marks Friday and Saturday morning. Mr. Edeiton Mr. aud. Mrs. I). A. Gunner and two children of Toledo, Ohio, return ed home Saturday after a' week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. C.,0. Gan der. Mr. and Mrs. J M. Howard of Chicago have returned home after spending a couple of weeks at Lake Maxinkuckee and with Plymouth friends. Mrs. C H. Thompson ad daughter Pauline of Chicago, returned home this morning after spending a couple of days at the home of Orval. Apple near Inwood. Mrs. J. R. Miller has returned to her home at South Bend after a visit with her daughter Mrs. John String er of Donaldson and Mrs. John Wolfe of Wanatah. The family of U. S. Lemert are now about settled in their new home on North Michigan street which was vacated by the Z. M. Tanner house hold last week. Mrs. C. E. Sprague of Toledo, O., who has been the guest of Mesdames Wm. Montgomery and Catherine Pet erson for a couple of days left foi Elkhart this morning. - From there she will return home. Word has been received here from the best and most reliable sources that Ned Kilmer is making a great hit with the girls at Ypsilanti, M:ch. were he is attending school. Those white trousers are guilty again. Mesdames ILirry Thompson of Boston, Mass., and Guy Thompson of Indianapolis, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence for a short time, went to Rochester this morning for a further visit. From there they will return to their re spective homes MONDAY. Walter Bowell is on the sick list. Mrs. Joseph Glass spent the day at South Bend. C. Ringer went to South Bend on business todaj Mrs. Wm. Rentsehler went to Niles today on business. New Parcels Delivery. C. C. Hol em, Telephone 858. dlO-13 ' J. T. Hindel was a South Bend business transactor today. Jacob Souder of Bremen spent Sunday at St. Joe, Michigan. Miss Pearl Smith has gone to Don aldson where she expects to work. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Montgomery spent Sunday at St. Joe, Michigan. Geo. Parkhurstvof South Bend, spent Sunday wiih; Plymouth friends. Ford Cressner and Joe Holzbauer visited Maxinkuckee lake Sunday morning. - Mr. and -Mrs. IL L. Hampton and two children visited at South Bend over Sunday. John Fitzgibbons of South Bend was the guest of Miss Julia Yockey over Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Sherland returned home to Lapaz today after a short visit with Mrs. John Baker. Chas. Thomas.. John Nelson, and Walter Lindquist enioy ;d the day at Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday. David Lineberry, Cyril Foreman and J. dm Edwards visited Maxin kuckee Lake yesterday. Robert Primley returned to Eau Claire, Michigan this morning after spending Sunday with his father. Mrs. O. G. Soice has returned home from a five month's visit in the South principally at Norfolk, Vir ginia. Ralph ; McCorrcick spent Sunday here and at Valparaiso returning last night to his employment in Misha waka. Glen Cressner, who is employed at theh Tile Mill near Bremen, spent Sunday at home, returning to work this morning. Lee Vangilder transacted business at Bremen today. , Wm. English went to Bourbon on business ' Monday. ' ' . Noble . Kizer spent .Sunday with her uncle, Dr. Kizer of Inwood. Theo.. Hacker returned to Hamlet this morning after spending Sunday at Culver. . Ö. E Glass returned to his em ployment, on the P. F. W. and . C. Monday. Mrs,;C. E. Scott has returned to her home at Donaldson after a. short visit here. Jacob Rinard returned to his work ah Warsaw today; he having spent Sunday atNb-ome. ... -C. Cunningham returned to, his work at Hamlet today after spending Sunday at home. Mrs. ' J. M. Wickizer and daugh ters Ruth and Ruby have gone to Walkcrton for a week's visit. Mesdames R. E. LäFollette and J. W. Goffe of Ruj-sellville have gone to Winona for a visit with friends. . Mrs. E. Highshew and son Cornel ias of Mishawaka returned home to day after a visit with Mrs. Jacob Voreis. -The Misses Eleanore and Carrie Dugan -have gone to Inwood to vis t their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Boson. I Wm. Nielirls, the reporter for' l!u ' Democrat. is enjoying a we?k's vaa- j tiori. Koland Metsker i taking his! place. . i t fleorge. Jordan arid George Fire- stone returned to Valparaiso this! movnin- atter spending Satuvdav anil Sunday at home. Mrs. O. A. Brooke has relumed home to Valparaiso after pending a week with friends and relatives at Crawfordsville. ' The Misses Esther Carlson and Eda Charlmann and Rev. Bergquist of Donaldson were in the city Monday morning on business. Mr .and Mrs. C. L. Ritter and lit tle son returned home to Kalarazoo this morning after a visit with his sister, Mrs. B." Richter. Mrs. Claude Switzer left Saturday noon for Detroit, Mich., where her husband is employed. They expect to go to housekeeping there. Mr. D. A. Ivin's of North Crystal Lake and Miss Vera MacMahon of Chicago were guests at the home of Rev. Father Inns over Sunday. Miss Lemon of Oakland, California left for her home Monday after a trip thru theh East and a short visit .with Capt. C. R. Cooper of this c'ty. Elder Wiliiam Hooper returned home to Ladoga, Mich., Monday. He has been holding meetings at the primitive Baptist church at Inwood. Will Hendricks Jr., formerly of this city, passed thru here today en route to South Bend from Lebanon, Kentucky, where he has spent the past two weeks. Mrs. Ray Berlin of Itrt Wayne Ift f'i.v her home this morning. Sha has visited her parents, Mr. and Air?. Samuel Troyer and other relatives for a couple of weeks. ' Mesdames H. H. Groves and P. W. Click returned home to Lincoln, Ne braska this morning, they having J been tne guests ot Airs. Uraham tor a couple of months. A fine exhibition of photographic work is to be seen in Houghtcn's music si ore 'window. The work is that of John Edwards who recently purchased the J. M. Steele studio. Mrs. J. A. Holzbauer and son Joe left today for Cedarburg. Wis., to which place they were called to at tend the funeral of Mr. Holzbauer ?s father, which is to be held Wednes day. -Mrs. G. F. Reynolds of Chicago re turned home today after a visit with her parents and other relatives anl friends. She was accompanied by her brother Russell Suseland, who will visit her for a while. Dr. Hanford Brown returned to Chicago Sunday night after spend ing the past few days with his fam ily here. The family is considering the plan of removing to Chicago as Dr. Brown 's office is located there. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Scott of Don aldson were the guests of Plymouth friends over Sunday. This morning Mrs. Scott returned home while her bnsbaud left for Minnesota where he is to be employed. Mrs. W. E. Casper of Chicago, who has been the guest of the Jscox fam ily and "other Plymouth relatives has gone to Three Rivers, Mich., for a further visit before returning home. Her daughter Marie who accompan ied her here,, has decided to remain for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ferguson and two c hildren of New Waverly drove into .the city j-esterday in their new automobile and spent the day with the familv of Charles Morcombe. When; they returned home Mrs. Mor combe and two children accompanied them expecting to spend a few days at New Waverly. Honest Medicines Versus Fakes. President Taft's recent message ingesting au amendment to the Pure Food and Drugs law in its relation to Prepared Medicines, does not re fer to such .standard medicines as Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and . Foley Kidney Pills, . both " of which are trne medicines carefully compounded of ingredients whose me dicinal qualities are recognized by the meuicai profession itself as the best known remedial agents for the diseases they are intended to counter act. For over three decades Foley's Honey and Tar . Compound, has been a standard remedy for coughs, colds and' affections of the throat, chest and lungs for children and for grown persons, and it retains today its pre eminence above all other preparations of its kind. -Foley's Kidney Pills are eqtially effective and meritorious. For Sale by All Druggists. Ship3 Car Load Chickens Some person from Chicago came here this morning and seemingly bought up all the chickens in the city and surrounding country as well. He shipped a full car load, paying 5' cents for old hens and 10 cents for spring chickens per " lb. , This is noticeably less than the local .market Foley's Honey and 'Tar- Compound Ts effective for coughs and colds in either children or grown perrons. No T 11." opiates, no narmiiu arugs. . .in me vellow package. Refuse substitutes. For Sale by All Druggists. Fads for Weak Women Nine-tenths of ail ths sickness of women is due to some derangement or dis ease of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured is cured. every day by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It 3Iakes Weak Women Strong, Side Women Well. It acts directly on the organs affected end is ct the same time a general restora tive tonic for the whole system. It cures female complaint riht in the privacy of home. It tr.ikes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to every modest woman. We 6hall not particularize here as to the symptoms of. those peculiar aSections incident to women, but those wanting full information as to their symptoms ' and means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, flewly revised and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only; or, in cloth binding lor 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. I'lll'S CLUB WILL IE AT WINONA LAKE WILL BE TES SECOND CONVEN TION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF 13TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT." ON THURSDAY JULY 13 Noted Women of State Will Speak on Topics of Vital Interest to All the People. The second convention of the asso ciation of clubs of the Thirteenth coneTPssionnl tlistript: will ha IipM nf Westminster Hotel, Winora Lake, July 13, during the three days con gress 01 the inona woman s sum mer club. The three davs nroorram of the summer club will consist of a House hold Economies day; a State Federa tion day; and the Annual Convention day of the thirteenth district of the Indiana federation of clubs. The principal speakers of the con gress will be Mrs. Grace Julian Clarke, president of the state federa tion; Miss Yida Newsoni, state cor responding secretary; Mrs. Olaf TT. Onildin, choirman of the household economics department of the general federation of women's clubs; protes tor C. H. Bernard, state chemist; Mrs. Lew G. Ellincrham; Mrs. Albion Fellows Bacon; and Mrs. Charles Carrol Brown. On Julv 13, district convention day, the proirram will begin at 1:30 n. m. with Mrs. Richard Elbel, dis trict chairman, presiding. The after noon rtrosrram will consist of a vocal solo bv Mrs. James Frazer of War saw; an address of welcome by Mrs. William Conrad, followed by a re sponse by Mrs. Elbel of South Bend; a business session ;a paper on par- nts-teaeliers CIUDS anu nieir uvsi , bilities by Mrs. Charles Carrol Brown and an address by Mrs. Grace Julian Clarke on woman's responsibility to the community. The last mentioned subjects will be open to general dis cussion. Mrs. Clarke will preside at the ev ening meeting. The program w:ll sist of a vocal solo by Miss Ger trude Sternberger; an address .n woman- in civics by Mrs. W. E. Mill er of South Bend; and a report on the Child Welfare Exhibit. Mrs. O. P. Kinsey, vice-president of the state will lead in thi3 report, and will be followed by Mrs. Edwin A. Knapp, secretary of the state iea eration, who will discuss the health ikh- lso bv Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kettring ad Mrs. W. J. Rickey, both of South Bend, who will report , on infant welfare and eugenics. . The women who have prepared tue program have "wisely made it varied in 'interests 4nd broad in scope, so that every wide-awake woman m the state may find in it something at tractive and valuable. Meetings of this kind afford much needed oppor tunities for .closer acquaintanceship amon women who have a common iterest in self-improyement and the betterment of humanity. Kidney Diseases Are Curable . Under certain conditions. The right medicine must, be taken before tne disease has progressed too far.,. Mr. Perry A. Pitman,' Uaie, lexas, sajs: "I was down in bed for four months with kidney and bladder trouble and ralK stones. One bottle of .Foley's Kidney Remedy cured -me well and sound. Ask for it. t For Sale by All Druggists. ' CHUc3fön GpV CASTÖRIA' BUSINESS CARDS J. A. MOLTER Money lo loan on Farms a specialty Plymouth, Indiana Q. F. HITCHCOCK, DENTIST UdOj of Dem! work asco aa Crowed 2 Bridge work, Platea and FÜUnra of any Had, Office over Marsnall Oo. Trust ft S a. Tints Co B'k V : N, B. ASPINALL Physician and Surgeon 308 N. Michigan Stre PLYMOUTH, - - INDIANA Surgeon to the Pennsylvania, Vandalia and Lake Shore Railroads. Phone 408 A. C. Richard Coal and Wood Office corner Plumb and Harrison Streets Plymouth, Indiana- Dr F M. Bcbkitt La. C. W. Bcrkitt DENTISTS OSice hours 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 5 p ns. Rooms in Burkett Building PLYMOUTH - INDI NA. HC All Suits from now cn will be made at a great reduced price. BERGMAN, the Tailor. HOURS 1 to 5:30 P.M. 7 O 8:30 P.M. TELEPHONE Oilce 402 Residence SO DR. H. P. PRESTON P&YS1CIAÜ AND SIMM Special Attention riten tm Diseases of the Ere, Ear. Nose aid Throat. Glaset fird. OFFICE: OVER BALL &CO. PLYMOUTH K 'CVJ WITH GLASS That is our bnsiscss THEN REMEMBER that a pair of glasses furnished by us means much to you in con fort, convenience and econemy. We fit the most difficult cases. We can dupiicate any glass. We please in qualty and prices, and guarantee a correct fit. . Examination Free. OR. Ev-R, WOOD Realdcat Eycslabt Speclallst. Office over Orermyer & An&ersoa'f Shoe Store, Plymouth, Ind. Phone 522. Eyes Examined Free 'o4 H4c1s Prevented - ' . a . a a a i 6t) Glasses fitted at moderate prlcet Satisfactfoc vuaranteed. DIf. J. DÜ3KE ß CO., C;tc-clrisU 230 South Mich!. Street, South Bend, Indiana ' Established 1900.' FOR WOMEN Dr. X A. lMcGHTa Farso?;3 FcsarJa Suppositories Are a famous remedy for all female diseases . SuCsrirg Women try , Sample Fcr ! By dl DrcLs -': ' PRICE 01.00 Call on your home drcgjist for book and free sruncle o 0