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FT o) cr3 Q) ; C- H1E 9 I I - I t ' J .1 SÄ V 1 Everyone knows the why of this sale everyone knows of our adding a new room to the rear gf our present robm,jnakinc; our store Twice Its Original Size. Now this Tearing Out Sale will be greater than any previous sale, for prices have been sent down lower we simply must have place for new goods. ! Doini't Miss The Great Sacrifice Rwqj and Garpet Sale ANNUAL REMNANT SALE You Cannot Afford to Miss This.Big Clean-up Saleof Odds and Ends The values are greater than ever offered you. Every Department is brimful of Startling Bargains in Dress Goods, Waists, Muslin Underwear, Lawns, Ginghams, Silkolines, Wash Suits, Sunbonnets, Hosiery, Knit Underwear- Parasols, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Lace Curtains, Carpets, fyigs, Linoleums, Skirts, Curtain Madras, Tailored Suits, "Belts, Collars, Wrappers and Colored Wash Petticoats. There are broken lots in Every Department. Plymouth THE BEE HIVE (- Ind. County 'Correspondence West Union. Mrs. Drake of Tyner spent a few davs last week with Mrs. Ruff. Mrs. II. Myers and little daughter of Plymouth were the ffuests cf Mrs. D. Ilarhaugh last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thomas enter tained the following people at din ner Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas. Mrs. J. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. W. Heekert, Mr. and Mr?. Clar ence Huffman and children, Floyd Bottorh Clemon Ilderead and Chester Thomas, Mr. and Mrs,. Ilold eread called in the afternoon. Mrs. Munn and daughters Eva and Nellv .took dinner Sunday with Mrs. Dills. Mrs. Anderson hal a runaway while on her way to Donaldson last Tuesday. She and her littlt son were both thrown out. of the buggy but fortunately no one was injured. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rnff are the par ents of a-12 pound boy which made his appearance here on Sunday. July 23. , Miss Glen Amones is visiting her sister and other friends at Inwodd a few days. Grandma Glass of Plymouth and Mrs. J. Glass were the guests of Mrs. Kuff la'st Friday. k Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dills and daughter Thelma were the guests of A. Ferguson and family last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Calvina Beatty of South Bend spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mi's. "VYm. Beatty. Miss Lucy Soiirs spent Sunday with Bessie Beatty. Miss Arvpda l'arktr of Inwood was the guest of Laura Lawrence Sunday. Charles Freese of South Bendl spent Sunday at home. x ' Mr. and -Mrs. E. Holm and child ren, of Plymouth spent Sundav with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Seiders. SUMMIT CHAPEL. Sunday school next Sunday , at 0:30. S. A. Laird superintendent. Preaching both morning and even ing by the pastor. Rev. J .S. Cain. The Sunday school picnic will be held in Will Coar's grove next Sat urday Aug. 5. 1911. Everyone has a cordial invitation to come and spend the day with them. There will be plenty of music by the band all day. There will also be a basket dinner at the noon hour. A program cf music and rt citations in the afternoon. Frank Dinius received word that his aunt, Mrs. Jane Bryant of Ful ton "county died Monday morning. Her sister, Mrs. Sarah Diniushas been with her for several davs. She has many friends here who are gri v ed to her of her death. BAND CONCERT PROGRAM THURSDAY EVENING. AUG. 3, 1911 March, "The National Emblem" E. E. Bagley Filipino Serenade, "Sweet Idleness" J. J. Masten March, "The Fighting Ninth" --Frederick Strachan Waltz Suite, "Crimson Petal" Jewell "Some of These Days Shclton Brools Waltzes, "Fairy Kisses' Chas. L. Johnson "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" Leo Friedman March. "On Guard" .... D. W. Reeves STRINGER. Chris Whitenian of Inwood vis- ?ssie Gross of The Misses plassie Snyde-. and ite(1 cousin, Mrs. De Naomi Burnsides -and Willie Key--this vicinity. nolds were the jruests of Tillie and John Holderead Sunday. BARBER PLYMOUTH UARXETfl August 2. Product nartv of Stringer voumr folks!'??3 " .1" went to Ober to the ice cream social j Butter .20 Saturday niirht and y sot there too IT ird OQ Mr. and Mrs. D. Barhite of Clin ton, Iowa called on -.friends in this crjjh vicinity last week. Mrs.-Geo.' Rodders of Knox, vis ited her parents, John StulFs last week. , Mr. and Mrsr. E. Pray of Ilel raer, Ind.. spent Sunday with Chas. Iiiipel" and faiiily. J. TV. Kupei öf AValkerton and Chas. Goodrich of South Bend called on friends in this vicinity last Thurs day. Seymour Stull has commenced work on his new barn. late to sret any ice cream but there was plenty of cake left. John Mueller has built a new corn Misses Alma Bickel and Edith Pike and the latter's brother Albert spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ilflirles Sr. and in the afternoon El zie and Ethel Trader Alpha Larson and Harvey Gross spent the after noon with them. Potatoes $1.40 Beans $2.25 to $2.75 Grains Oats .33 Wheat 80 Rye .5 Corn per bu 57 Clover seed per bu. 8.00 Hay Go to Family Reunion. A number of local people went to Brcnson, Michigan Wednesday to at tend the Rarasav familv reunion to be held 'today. Among those going were Mr. and Mrs. George Kamsay, Mrs. George Tuttle. Mrs. Sarah Birch, Mrs. Wra. Montgomery and son John, Mrs. Carrie Scott of Don aldson. Mrs. James Boiler and little daughter, Mrs. A. L. Harris and two children of Logansport, Mr. A. C. Harris, and "V. S. Ramsay of Bour bon. In all about forty guests are expected. Finest Turnout of Any Circus The Sängers Combined. Shows, which comts to Plymouth Wednes day, August 9V will bring special im portations in the way of all kinds of new circus acts which have been securtd, in conjunction with a long string of American performers. Every department has -been in creased etensively, and it is claimed the exhibition of blooded horses is the best ever offered, among which are the wonderful Dublin Grays, the Big Six, who have captured all of thfe pries at the horse shows. They art ' valued at $25,000. The parade, said to be " the fin est turnout of any circus has ever made in any country," will traverse the principal streets morning of show day. G. A. R. AND I. 0. O. F. PICNIC. Eighth Annual Outing Will Be Held at Geo. Peeples' Groye in Union Tp. on Sept. 2. The eighth annual picnic of tlie G. A. IL ad I. O. O. F. will be held on Saturday Sept. 2. in the George Peeples' grove in Union township. Everylwdy is invited to come. A fuller announcement, will be made later. By Order Committee, J. E. Myers, Culver, Ind. Union Service Notice. The Union service at the Court House yard next Sundav evening will be held at G:30 instead of 7:00 o' clock. This is on account of dark coming earlier, and by beginning at this hour it will be light until the meeting closes. The Rev. F. O. Fra lev, pastor of the Methodist church will preach next Sunday evening. The attendance last Sunday evening was excellent, and the service great ly appreciated by all. Everybody is invited. Adverised Lectors. Geo. Green S. L. Molden Walter Darling Mrs. Hazel Honnwood C ( Our Dlirnose here is to treat evervhnrlv wirr rniirrpcv whrrifr vnti come to buy or look; or just to make this store a resting place TPHE BEST CLOTHES MADE ARE here; the lowest prices for best clothes are also here; we suggest that youd better be here too. We're clearing suits and trousers, Hart Schaffner. & Marx best goods, at tremendous cut prices. Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller spent 0ld Timothy 12.00 Surjdav with Mr. and Mrs. Ilenrv Hann?r. i - i in tt Annur . neass ana nargraxe b in,!. ;3 .A1.i-:f ' v" nt Sunday with AlvaJJarber and 'jInna spent &intlav with his parent3 i"9 .! vi ceic I" Spring Chickens 16 spe family. Miss Emma Sish cf Plymouth spent. Sunday with Sanford Sheaks and family. Mrs. Letitia visited her daughter Mrs. AY. S. Peters of v Knox last week. Old Clover 10.00 Poultry Roosters Q? Old Hens t .10 Ducks OS TIPPECANOE. Ralph Barrett and Fanny of In- Kr , ,r .. T .. "66 .Mr ana iurs. james jMinancK. I Miss Alma B:ekel, wbo was work- in? for L. J. Bollman, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Bessit Gross and sister-in-law were Pl.nnonth visitors. The AnnuaVHarvest Äreetin? at MARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago Llv Stock. Hog--Receipts 14,000. Quotations ir i: i i il. nlem ennren rnp-nAlr miiA nnr4h : . . mm.m . . fiiananoiis iMieu ai iue uuuic ujl - rnneea at ii.zi i iu cnac nvv the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. ;an'l two and one-half miles west of . $7.337.50 choice light, $6.8006.95 nurr uaic win ve neid next Sunday Heavy packing, and J5.O07.20 good to u2tstv6. There will be a harvest choice pigs: "John "Barrett, last veek. Clarence . Sellers and wife spent j Saturday iand Sunday at Nobles- sermon in the forenoon and child- Cattle Receipts 4,500. Quotations ville with the latter's sister who i Len 3 Y er?is!s afternoon. .4.45,0 eood to choice fed cor quite sick Mrs. Ida Hancock and son were called to Rochester to see her sifter, who is not expected to live. Bud Biddle is quite sick. Ererybpdy invited to come. LAPAZ. fr. and Mrs. Wra. Mrs. Daniel Shenifield is still sick visited Sundar in Seville, with not much hope of recover-. Rv- anl Mrs- Enoch Fetters of 1 11 . 11 . number went to Wm. 'uicao are visiting tne latter's 5.2üf,.l0 good to choice fed heifers. S5.005.3iS selected feeders, 13.60 4.10 fair to choice stockers. 7.00 .V3 good to. choice veal calves. Hildebrand 1 Sheep Receipts 20,000. Quotations , ranged at $0.1006.60 good to choice heavy lambs, S4.405.10 good to choice Quite a Metheny's from Center Sunday and took dinner with him. mother", Mrs. Mary Hostetler. Mr. and Mrs. Delherfl Hallo wav of .. I. 1 Ed Schrom was on ;our streets - South Bend are visiting friends and Sunday. V- relatives near Yellow Bank. The threshing iiSa tlin of the Mrs. Byron Shirk, of Chicago, past in this vicinity-. ft ft fed wethers, M.OO4.30 choice to prime fed wethers. $.200 3.50 good to choice .handy ewei. butter. CreAinery, 23(250 per lt; prints, 276 extra firsts. 24c; firsts, 21c; dairies, extra. 22:; firsts. 20c; packing stock. 17c. t jrpent Sunday with II. Y. Shirk and 1 - - Live -Poultry.... . family. " ?urkeys... per lh 12c; chlckeas. Twin T.Ve. T Atica OUr Plnrfnn nn,l lf 1WWla' ?ZV" walB. 0c; DrOlierS. A HAU t Wft J" I vaavxs viwj UUU illiS t. ..1 . i r'i" made a trip to South Bnd Tues Miss Buth Nicholes returned fromly , - -; ' -South BendJ Sunday where she has j' Mis ?e, Afable Jester and Marker- been visitimr for a week or ten day9;ite Stun 0f gouth pen anJ Mrs mission Merchants, East Buffa'o, N. Y Orvel Kreishbaum of South Bend .pon Moon of Mishawaka visited Mr quote as .follows: Cattle-Receipts spent Susflay with tnends here. and-Mrs Adrian Gouter. Sunday nam- Seiders of Sonih Bend Mr. and Mrs. Judd Moore and "son spent Sunday at home. Robert spent Sundav in Bremen. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Currensan Harley TJjran of Plymouth trans pons of Burr Oak were the cuests or .r.cted business In Lapaz today. ?Tr. and Mrs. J. R. Doty Sunday. ; Mr. .Ida Bnrrer made a business "The Misses Irene and Edna Law- trip to Lakeville Tuesday. lence were'the euests of th4 Misses' Everal Cook has gone to North itez and Grace Wenino Sunday. i Dakota' to harvest. 15c; ducks. -12c; geese. 7c. - East buffalo Live Stock. East Buffalo. N. Y.Au. 1. Dunning & Stevens, Live Stock Coca 3 cars; market slow. Hoc3 Receipts 10 carsmarl ft strong; heavy, $7.70 7w0; Vorkers. $7.80(57.90; p!ss, $7.65. Sheep FW!' fs ? c?r; r:rr!:f t slow; top lambs, fti.Znf ti-SO; yearlings, $'5.00 5.23; wethers. R!Ctn2; ev.g, $3.64.00. Cales. $4.5078.60. Republican best for cennty nswa. Elect Delegate Tonight. The election of a delegate to t' f T ay Electoral Conference will be held at the M thodist chnreh thu evening. Tljp time of besinn in? this even in? is 7 oVoek. All members of, the churclh21 vears old and over are en titled to vote. Let all members be present. The Trayer Meeting will be held at the rejrular hour,' 7:45. Suit FUed. Artie Grosvenor vs. William Gros venor; divorce. , ÄlcXeil and Hisriins Compmy (In. corporated) vs. "W. P. Parks. on ac count. L. M. Lauer, attorney. The Palm Brothers Company (In corporated) vs. McCallum Steel "Wag on Company On account." 5-4 Seemed to Give Him a Hew Stomach "I "suffered intensely after eat:ng: and no medicine or treatment I tried semed to do any pood' writes IL M. Younjrpeters, Editor of The Sun, Lake View, Ohio. "The first few dose of Chamberlain's Stoma cji and Liver Tablets gave me surprising re lief and the second bottle d to jrive me a new stomach .r.nd perfect ly pood health,' Forsale by All Dealers. !. t ,cS- ' LL REDUCTIONS ARE MADE from original selling tickets at time of sale. We claim to give you the bene fit of the lowest prices over any sale in L, the city; and if you'll make a comparison of qualities, you'll agree with us. Men's finest Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits, $25 values, now $20.00 t it tt tt tt Men's finest Clothcraft Suits t S22 $20 $18 $15 $12 $10 t t t tt tt i $17.50 15.50 14.00 11.90 9.00 7.90 On Boys' Knee Pant Suits, in both the wool and wash suits we are making tempting low prices in order that we will be able to r.educe our stock. ALL OUR LOW SHOES MUST GO t r New Signs Tdr Elevator. , . , , ' The lilner and Grube elevator is boasting new räsrns ön each; sde of the main buildinjr. The name ot MeFadden has been wijed out and that of "Milner and Grnbe" placed in its stead. The new signs can be seen from a rreat distance and show np very creditably. The roof of the strnctnre is also beinj piven a coat of red paint. An ordinary case of diarrhoea can? as a rule,'' be cured bv a single dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedv h?s no superior for bowel complaints. For sale bv All Dealers. " Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Room with us is valuable; we are forced to close out our entire line of Low Shoes, which means over .500 pairs, all this season's make, by September 1st. We offer you the best grades of leathers at these prices y $4.00 j values, to close at" $3.50 values, to close at $3.00 1 values, to close at $2.50 vaIues,o close at -$2.00 values, to close at - $3.25 $2.90 $2.45 $2.00 $1.70 BflilllS u ora lllll i 0 lUI ALE M COMPANY ( it ' it i ( u