Newspaper Page Text
Tho Kind Yon Ilavo Always Bought, ?.ad Tvhi?li has been in ne for over GO roars, lias, borne tlio signature ' cf and lias f v'VyyT2" ' sonal supervision since its Infancy, A CCCAZ ATlrvar im r.nn tn1f roivr von in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-jrood" are bnv Experinients that trifle -with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR! A Castoria is a haruiess substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and fcoothinj Syrups. It -is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind - Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho The Kind You Hate Always Bought InPUce For Over 30 Years, Tim Mmti MM, rr bwmav itmct. new von nr. r - t E A BIG THAT BANQUET AT SPLENDID HOTEL AND MANY HOSPITALITIES OF THAT LIVE CITY MUCH APPRECIATED POST OF DAHLE CREEK Luncheon At Oliver-Trolley Trip To St. Joe Officers Elected Next Year W Go To Oiry. One of the most del-arhtful outinzs ever enjoyed by any association was had by the Northern Indiana Editor ial Association on Thursday and Fri day at Mishawaka. Headquarters were made at the Mishawaka, one of the het. most restful and altogether deli-.htful hotels in the state. From here the party were taken cn trips to Notre Dame, up the St.Joe river to Hen Island dam. on a trolly to St. Joe Mich, and on factorv siiht soe!n: trips about Mishawaka. The Business Men's Club of Mihawaka ir a 4 ' bunch of lne ones" if there ever was one. and there wa not'-ini left undone for the covmVt enjoy ment of the editors and e.l it crosses. The banquet on Tlrirsdav U'sr'it was an elaborate affair and was fol lowed by toa?t3 from prominent pec, pie. .Anions them was a paner read by C. W. Post of BattI? Creek, noted as V Postum CVal andTJrapenuts man.ifactnrer.' Be:nr an enenretic otrx.ient of tabor Unions. Mr. Post took occasion to make som forciMe remarks on the Pirhts of Prone rty. The strongest .part of h?s talk was his recommendation tht t!,e Govern ment issue frenriAri reports on the average price of labor, in each state go that both laborer and employer could know what the prevailing price was. just as now reports on crrp .conditions and other matters are ..... ... prren.. TtaTpTi Gavlor. formerly, secretary to Congressman Brick, made a fine Cestmater. On Fridav rrornin? the following officers were elected for next yfr: S. E. Bovs "of the Plvwith Pepnb lican. president: F. B. Lirlitv, of the St. Joe Indiana News first vice president: 0. A. Maurer, of teMish awaka branch South' Bend Tribune, second vW president: J. A. Benane of the Goshen Democrat secretarv: Gordon N.: Hurray, of the Nappanee News, treasurer. , ". t ' , The executive committee for the year 1911-1912 were appointed as föt "lows: IL G. Schneider, Gary; Homer E. Carr, Gary; A. J. Bowser, Ches terton: S. E. Boys and J,, A. B sane by virtue of their otffices are also members of the committee. 0 I 1 3 'A been made und er his pcr- Signature of A. D. Moffett the retiring presL ien is vice president of the National Press association and it is thought will soon be elevated to the presi dency. I Pass Resolutions of Thanks Resolutions of appreciation to the iti?ens of Mishawaka for their cor dial welcome and entertainment were adopted. Resolutions of thanks to Mayor J. A. IIerzor. the Business Men's association, the Winona and Northern Indiana lines, the South Bend newspapers, the South Bend chamber of Commerce and in fact even ne who contributed to the sue cps of the meeting were unaninouslv adopted. The association endorsed the srood roads movement the candidacy of A, P. Moffett for the presidency of th National association the passage of the amendment of the Hepburn act which will allow the exchange of ad- 'rtVncr for tT,anrortat?on. ard closer relations between the news papers and plate service companies. Gary was chosen as the place for the next convention of the Northern Tnd!ana association and Chiciio was preferred as the place for the next meetin? of the National convention. GRAVES HAS BAD ACCIDENT Leg Caught in Boggy and Bruised While He Was Trying to l Jump Ont On Monday, August 7, Mr J. D. Graves met with a bad accident just north of New Carlisle, while driving with a liveryman and horse and bug iy. In passing an auto tlie hotte jumpeJ and turned to run back. Mr j Graves started to jump out. Tlie dashboard crave way uinler his hand ami he fell with his right leg be tween tlie wheel and busrgy. The frightened horse gave an.TIier jump and the sprinir of tlie buT-ry and the axle caught Mr Grave's le-r as it a pair of shear; tearing the tbsh half wav up to ti e knee. The driver and the men in the au to stopped the horse avd turned the bujnry so as to release Mr Graves. He wa3 taken in.theauto to Xew (?arls!e, where medical attention wrs received. He came horr.e on the eve rinr tra:n and was attended bv Dr iVspinall at his room at the Ross Houe. where he is still confined t his bed. It may be two weeks be- fere he will be able to pet 1 ont aram. Stits Fred John Lindoo vs. Solomon Dunlap. .Taoh Stair. Wm A. Rune. Charles Yate. Chrstopher Solmoudi, Roht. A. T'nhn. Francis "R. Gain. Lewis J. Hess : Iniuntion : Ato-ne' s H. H. ' Toan and Robert C. O'Blenis. 3felvina J. Krinr vs. Norman E. Tvrnr:; divorce; Attorrevs IL A. : Ixran and "R. 0 ' 0'BInis. Mary Ann Lindoo rs. Rolotron D'inlap. Catberine Dunlap. TVm. A. Rure. Robert A. Kuhn: possession of real es'tat oh' account and for jvv.oirpP. attorneys Igan and O'Blenis;- : : ' " Culver Gets Postal Bank Instictions bave -been .received here tbat the Culver postoffiee will open a .cvin2rs department Septem ber 5. Culver Citizen. Our Gain in Population Ausruft' 6. to Mr anders Harold i Behmer, a girl. Culver Citizen. LORADO TAF DESIGNS SHAFT TO BLICK HAWK NOTED SCULPTOR WRITES TO HON. DANIEL Il'DONALD ABOUT MENOT.IINEE MONUMENT REMEMBER INDIANS Wrongs Done Connot be Remedied But Memory Can be Perpetu ated by Statues, Says Taft Recently Lorado Taft, of Chicago, probably the most distinguished sculptor, artist and designer in this country, designed and executed a statue to the memory of the celebrat el Indian Chief Black Hawk, and tho same was unveiled and dedicated with impressive ceremonies at Eagle's Nest Camp, the summer colonv of Chicago artists and writ ers, near Oregon, Illino;s. The stat ne is forty seven feet high, and the figure of Black Hawk is represented rirt in a blanket, reluctantly leaving the valley which served his tribe as council srounds vnz before the white man came to the continent. Daniel McDonald, author of the law providing for the erection of a monument, bv authority of the State rf Indiana, and "H, h was complet d and dedicated to the meorv of Menonvneo and his band of "0 Pottawattomie Ind'ans at Twin Lakes station on the Vandalia rail Tad near Plvmouth, September 2 OO. wrote a tetter to Mr. Taft con- ratulating him on the splendid worl he had accomplished, enciosin? a n'otocrraph and brief descrintion of the monument, to which Mr. Taft later relied as follows: Chicaso. 111., July 13. 1911. Mr Daniel McDonald, Plymouth. Tnd. Dear Sir: I bare your Inv estitur letter and photo-jranb for which I thank you. I apprerate be motve which prompted your work and congratulate you on its successful outcome. It is too late o do justice to the Indians whom we have - wronsred, but we can at last do justice to their memorv. I am Cordially vours. Lora do Taft. D. A. R. AT CULVER Hold Regular Monthly Meeting with - Mrs. George H. Thayer of Lake Maxinknckee Anumler of Plymouth ladies, mem 1-ers of t!'e D. A. R.. rent to Culver on tht noon train Friday to hold feir regular monthly, meeting with Mrs Oeorje II. Thayer, Jr. Amonjr hoe in nttend?n?e were: Mesilamos "rwin. Pulver. Frank I.uck, II. A. To'.nin. L. U. Cresner. A. R. I'nTer wood. Harry Humriehonser. C. A. Peeve. Filley. and the Misses Lyrel Morris. Ida Klinker, Dora - Capron, Jeanette arul Frances Ereryon. Mrs L. Cr. Carron also went, she bein? a sniest of the societv. ;- - A welt Vn own D?s Moines .woman after sufferin? miserably för two davs from bowel coranhint. wa? nred bv one dose of Cl'amberlain's lie, Cholera and D5arrho?a Rem edy. For sale by All n.1-- . v i Taken to LcngcHffe John Carpenter and Penn'e Dllbn wer ta-en to Tnn?clifTe Saturdav by Sheriff Jim Falcnbnrv. Te letter. had been in iail he'-e frr jMt a year and itf in' a pitiful con dition. ' ' ; Advertised. Letters Gentlemen John. Abbehl., J. P. Half, 0. C. Doves, J. A. Cober, F, J. Biggs. . ! Ladies Miss? Luella !Moore, Miss Minnie Duffey, Mrs Clara J. Pick well. August 9, 1911. C. Txncr, formerly of tbis coun try but U';w of Saskatcbawan, Can asta, writes that in borinsr for water near his place the dieters found eras. The well shoots up about 12 feet and roars so that it may be heard a .mili or more. This will make a preat sfrr j around Estevan. . . . LIGHTNING KILLS CHILDREN Boys Meet Instant Death knd Crl E; pires Hours LaLer. Winande. Ind., A?. 13 D ring t: j most sevete clec' ileal s.rm tLa: ha? visited. this vicinity in ttn yeas lightning struck a Lain belonsi'ig to John Smith, two weit of he.e iLo antly killing his sons. Auyus e eighteen years old. and V.'lliam, four teen years old, and stunning h!s daughter, Martha, ten years oil, so r.adly that she died alter hours of suffering. The chill en wert to the barn to sleep on account of the Intense heat The parents d.d net .ro.v ot the ac cident until they went to call the child: en for breakfast and heard the daughter grcaning hivett'ga ir.g th y found brth boys h.ul h'rn drai s n:e hou43. while the da,.phtpr. urcon- Eciuu?, lay near then They removed her to the hous but she i:ev?r te- gaired coii?f iou?r s The trn did not hum and oily a small hole n the root inilca"cd where the belt struck The pa: er s are pros. rated. RURAL MAIL CARRIERS MEET Favor Better Roads and Wage Scale Based on Service. Svansvllle, Ind.. Aug. 15 Seventy flve rural mall carriers of the First Congressional district met here, re elected the old officers with George Heuring of Petersburg as presldnt and decided to &3k the state conven tion to meet In Evansvllle next yar The convention this year -Tl be held at Greensbu-g cn Labor day Resolutions favoring b?tte- roai laws In Indiana and asking the gove-nment to put rural carrie s on a sca!e of wages graduaed by lerg'h of service, with the privilege of transfer to co ordinate branches of the postal ser vice, were adopted Do not allow your Hdney and bladder trouble tc develop beyond the reach of medicine. Take Foley Kidney Pills. They give quick re sults and stop irregularities with surprising promptness. For sale All Druggists. BOAT CAPSIZES; TWO DROWr. Farmer and Dav rhe of Nes-tr Victims of White River Columbus. Iri Aug IS r'h' boat rid'ne on W: ite rier. e rr.i south of hre.r Levi Hffs'u'e-. farmer. 35 vpts o1 an ,f,s: ?sr' Taylor, twen'y ya-s oi. diuth e:. c Hiram Taylor, were iro'rerl . Thni boat sfrucV d snic; ail wa .'ausir Mrs Hoffs vd e a: a! o in t' e Hor but she succeeded in settina sa"l -shore MTrlstnwn. Ini . An? 15 Cva-! Bryant, twe-ty tvree vpts o'd bricklayer, was cVwned in B'ue r'vn near here whUe bathing He was un maTled and ad been working tr Rushville for some time MEW PLANT FOR GARY Company Wondcfrtg Where It Can Obtain SCO Working Girts Gary. Ind.. kwz 15 wes from mow the Gary Bolt and Screw com pany expen to plae '& p'nt In op eratlon . One thousand hand? are to be employed, of whom 500 will be wo men and girls Just new he com pany la figuring where It will get Its female help " About one-fifth ot the population of Gary is of. the j?entlei ex ind it Is feared that If the 50 g r's aid wot men are brought f'om othr. , cities that they will aoon leae the Com pany's service to enter matrimony. SMALLPOX CAUSES PANIC Prisoner In Bloomington Jail; Tells Sheriff His Wife Is Quarantined Bloomington. Ind...Aug 15 There was consternation among the twen'y. two prisoners in the county Jail here when Ferd Staggs. a Monon trainman who had been incarcerated fo' fitt ing Informed the sheriff tha hi? wife was quaranMned at her home with smallpox, and that he had teen nurs in? her She-JT Tame B -o'nlne tmmeüa'e ly ra'lpd !n a 'o"ro "f W(ys T.d n the fwentv mn varr I'-ptr as a"l haf States In the n'- cz-- o' t,-e 'a!I Fo!ev Kiilnev P lis wi'l check the progress of your kidney and bladder trouble and heal by removing, the cause. Try them. For sale by all Insists . DELAYS STATEHOOD VETO. Taft Decides to A:t , cp, Arizona Measure After .Return. Washington, Aug. 15. Pre-lJent Taft's veto message on the statehood bill has not been sent to congress. A decision to this effect wa.3 reached during a special-, cabinet" meet'ng, which' lasted more than two hours. ; The message probably will rerma'n at the-Wh'te, lous until .the.pres5, dent's return. from Ocean Grove, N. J., on Wednesday. ' . . ' ,' How's Tib? . . "We offer One Humdred Dollars Re- Trard for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. - - F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. TVe, he undersigned, have knewn F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and Jelleve " him perfectly honorabU In, all tuslnesa. tranaacuons and financially aDie to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK "OF COMMERCE, ' 1 rTdledo, -O. Hall's CAtarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu- ' cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials ent free. Prica 73 cents per bottle. Sold by-all Drusyists- . r Xll't Vaiy niU fcr cousUpaUon, RiOiirjii.HiiiriAiiiniioioflf.1 (ESS CARDS J. A. MOLTER Moiey to Iran on f aims a Fpecialtj PImoiilh,"1nrJiana G. F. HITCHCOCK, DENTIST ill cn.j oj I)tui wcrii such at Orowrt: Brluge von. Fitr ud Mii:nir of ny tint J i.ce ovoi Mrr Co. YruKt & b-aviat. Co H , N. B. ASPINALL Physician and Surgeon . oUi! . Michigan fcitre- PLYMOUTH, - - INDIANA burgeon to th Pinnylvanii, VandaJia and Lake Shore Railroads. Dr F M. Bcbkitt DENTISTS Office hour S:30 a. m. to xa t p. w. to 5 1 m. Rooms in Burkett Building PLYMOUTH - INDIANA. Eyes Examined Free nd Headaches Prevented Olauei fittcl at moderate prlcei Satlsfactioc guaranteed, DR. J. BURKE & CO., OptcmetrisU 2 South Mich's an Street. South Bend. Indiaaa Established 1900 HOCKS lto 5:30 P.M. 7 o 4:30 P.M. TELEPHONE Offce 40-2 Residence 60 DR. H. P. PRESTO PUlSiflVl a SIKGM r SpeciAi A tejtiu mu to Diiea('t of be Eve. Li. Neue . c Ibnat l..htt fisted. ' OKFK'E: OVEX BALL CO. PLYMOUTH ALL SUIT From now on will be made a a great Reduced Price. .... BERGMAN The Tailor FITTING EYES vim cuss Ikal is car hsicess THEN REMEMBER tht a pair of glasses furniiiua by an ai-anj? much to you in corrfoit. coiv-niet c- aud econeiy. We fit theui'tt diflicult ca?es. U e Hupiicate any gl88. We p'-afe in qualty and piice?, and ' arntee a correct fit. Examination Free. DR. H. R. WOOD Resident Eycslgnt Soectllt. OiUce over Ovennyer & Anderson V Shoe Store, Plymouth, IncL Phoue 522. MARIiNELLO PARLORS 124 E. Washington St. TREATMENTS OF SCALP, : PIMPLES, WOLES. . WARTS, ACNE, FACIALS. SHAMPOOING. HAIR DRESSING MANICURING, ELECTROLYSIS CHIROPODY MRS M. T. LAWRENCE TELEPHONE 4222 FOR WOMEN Dr. J. A. McGül's :; T Famous Female ' 1 ' Suppositories Are a famous reciedj for all female diseases . SufTerin? Women try '-. .a Sample . For wie ty til Drri PRICE 81.00 Call on your home druggist for book and free sample o DETTER THAN SPANKING Spanklnj does not " care children of . bed Vetting. " T&ere W a constitatlonal " cause for tili trouble.' ' Mr. M. ' Summen, ' Box' W, Notre Dame, Ind., will send free to any mother her( successful home treatment, with . full Instructions. Send no money, but write her. today If yocr children trouble ( yoa in . this way. Don't blaxae the chllJ. the chances" ar It, can't help it. This treatment also cuss adulu and iwJ people troubled wita crtri diScultles by day or night. OUSIf rfßz" m The Plymouth w w m v lift jrv, i IE" V "fW1 I 5-"---" t .1 5 Horse rowpr $100 00. ror.plfte with bat'eiie, spark coil, spark plug, water ti' k and mufti-r $110.00 pquirpe i itb "VicoM Ignit r. Something new, no batteries, no c iU: i o swreh. Guirameed for fie years. Eyery E gine mounted on skids, any size pulley you my wish. Engine material a-td workmanship guaranteed for one year. F rgd ste-lrrank. hr ue cnnncting rods, "Monarch" carburetor 4Republic" oiler. Everything the best that money cm buy. Pump Jack?, Shafting. Hargers. B ixs, Pulleys, Sw Arbors, Etc. First class Machine Shop, Job Work aad Foundry. Clizbe Bros. Mfg. Company Plymouth. Inniana A 9 Ar jf4 Fraits and I We have everything in the line of fresh Fruits frtm a Strawberry to a Pineapple, and in Vegetables from a Radish to a Cabbage. Complete line of Canned Goods such as Peas, Beans, Corn, Tomatoes, Pears, Peaches, Etc, Etc. Come and try our goods, -:- WOODBURY'S GROCERY Oscar P. Woodbury Successor to Geo. VInall. Millinery Announcement! -1 V. . . . i Gone For Fall Goods Will Open Sept, '.1st a With all the 'Season's Latest and Most Up-to-Date MILLINERY AND HUMAN HAIR GOODS Thanking you for past patronage, I wish to serve you in the future Oessa T. Myers 401 North Michigan Street. Plymouth. Indiana Check Your Savings Marshall County- Trust & Ssvings Co. ' ; PLYMOUTH, INDIANA 3C OREY TO ' LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS l iVE STOCK, ETC. . SECURITY LOAN 10. . ' ROOM 1. PACKARD BLDG. With W. H. ROBERTS AGENCY,- Prjmouth, Indiana Agent in Office Saturday From 11 A. M. to 5 P. M. J' Gas Engine. eh "iL A 1 ' ; A .5 S A Vegetables 7 as they go IN to the bank and you will know how you disburse them. If you acquire the banking habit when your.;, and determine to" let your savings and earnings grow," you will soon find yourserf independent. Let us take care of your money for you and relieve you of all worry as to its safety. It will be always ready for you went you want It- IL - - : -7 Cii:i. ? ...