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The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, in USe for OVPP 5iO vpnrs. Tina Tinraa -fTiA efmiftiM and has yftfAJ sonal -W AAV VUV V V J V Uta -All Counterfeits, Imitations and"Just-as-good,,are bmt Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of J Infants and Children experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, lrops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It -contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS iTf 7 Bears the The M You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC eCMTl COMMNV. TT MNUT TaCKT, NC TONN OTT. OPER Lffll CITY Mishawaka System Being Installed By Many Business Men and By Two Blocks of Residences on North Michigan Street. At last a sennine start has been made by Plymouth toward the j tungsten street lishtinj. Ever sine? this so-called Mishawaka svstemlwith Mr. Fred Mvers went about see- -was first anitated bv Chas. Reynold? 31 few years a?o. more or less talk has be-n indulged in about these lights; but nothing was eer done ex oept the putting in of posts and lishts bv Mr. Reynolds and the : Trust Company bank. At every opportunity Mr. Reynolds all the rest of the business places has talked in favor of the rundsten i will soon put in lights and the city street, lijhtin? and his constant will then be in a position to con liammerinjr has no doubt had some:siJer paying for the lights and np- influence. The result is that now a real system of lisrhts have been arranged for on north Miehisran street on both sides from Jackson street on the north to Madison' on th? south. This is being done by the property owners who are : ' Samuel Schlosser, "Harry Humrichouser, O. G. Soic. I A. R. CHzbe, James W. Thayer, and pleasantly surprised at her TV. : Wolfora. S. ;K ' Stevens. Fred Hill. Geo. Neff, Dr. Preston. V.S. T4emert ' and ITarry Buck. The Methodist parsonage will be includ ed. ; The plan here is to put in twelve posts, three on each side of each "block, and so arranged as to serve 11 to the 'best advantage. A 14-inch dobe will be nut oh top of each post. The posts will be st two. feet from the curb nnd trenches to hold the cables will, be dug inside the curb. Tt is the. intention to have the citv pay f o" the current and up-keep of thsi lights after thev are install ed. If the work U properly done, the citv may do this. i In Business Section. SeveralMn the business section have nlo ananged to put up posts -with !irht clusters in front of their business , places. Those who have ordered posts and are now at work ruttnr tbn in are:'. The State Pank. F. W. Posworth. Mrs. Ma-ta Piser. ITenrv TTall (2). for Marks & Harlev and Forbes. Dr. IT. A. Deeds, for his new buiHinr on Oarro. The First National Dank and TranV Vansildef. These corners and individuals will soon have their lights installed, and there is no loubt .that mav oth-witl co the same th'ng. Monoe Steiner hfjs or dered a Pct for his residenee on north MicHian . street. , T womM have been best, if all the business houses had acted together and tvtf nil th l'ebts in at once. and then turned tliem over , to the eitv to care for und pav the current The old aim anucuar-i n "-" miA tlion be lone awav with and ivp havf i a modern svstem of light ing in Plymouth. As it is now being done there will be much useless ex pnro and no uniformity of setting of posts so that the citv could agree to look after tthe system with out readjusting many of the posts. been made under his per- supervision since its Infancy Signature of 3 D Mr. Cheesman of Mishawaka, the manufacturer of the lamps and posts, was in Plymouth recently and invr people for orders for the posts The post costs $18, the bi top lamp $1.00, and the other four lamps 85 cents each. All of those ordered were five lujht posts and the best to be had. There seems to be little doubt that keep of the system. SEWING CLUB SURPRISE MRS. BERT FIRESTONE: Mrs. Bert Firestone was complete- home on south Miehisran street Tues day night by the girls of the Sew in:r Club. Mr. Firestone had been warned ahead of time and had some ice cream and cake to serve the euests. Mrs. Firestone was pre. sented with a fine cut glass sherbert set. About fifteen of the girls were 'present and a very fine evening was I passed bv all. Mr.and Mrs. Fire- stone have a most cosey and pleas ant home. ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Plymouth Has to Bow to the Inevi table Scores of Citizens ' Prove It. After. rending the public . state ment of this representative ctizen of Plymouth given Mow. you must come to this conclusion: A remedy which cured years ago, which ha? kept the kidnevs in cood health s:nce can be relied unon to perform the same work in other cases. Read this: Fred W. Hill. Michigan St.. Plym outh, Ind., says: "For a lonr time I was .troubled by severe pains in the small of my back, particularly at night. Hearing Doan's Kidnev Pills highly recommended, I procure 1 a oox ana tnev soon entirely re a a . lievcl me. I consider them to be an excellent remedy for all kidney dis- orders. I ?ave - a testimonial in praise oi uoan s ruunev, nils in Aueust 1002 and now. I think even more highlv" of them." ' For sile (by all dealers.. .Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co- Buffalo. New York, sole agent for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. V- OF 1 CIVIL SERVICE mm. E114AW UNCLE SAM FINDS IT HARD TO GET AS MANY YOUNG -( PEOPLE AS HE WANTS STENOGRAPHERS FEW Fifty-to Different uccupauons Yhere Those of Sufficient Edu cation May Get Employ meat John C Black, president of the U. S. Civil Service commission says that it is hard to get all the young men and young women stenographers Hiov nnni II announces that the competitive examinations named be low will be held this fall. In order that some young man or voung woman -may he helped by see ing the many vocations which may I. fnllmved. we rive the entire list. It is as follows: Agricultural inspector. Philippine ScrVice. Aid. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Apprentice map engraver. Apprentice plate cleaner, transfer rer, and engraver. Apprentice plate printer. Assistant. Philippine Service. (To he held in August and PeeemWr.) Assistant examiner. Patent Oince. Assistant Observer. Cadet engineer. Cadet ollicer. Civil engineer. Civil engineer. Philippine Service. Civil engineer and draftsman. Clerk, departmental. Computer. Coast and Geodetic Sur vey. Computer. Nautical Almanac Of fice and Naval Observatory. Computer, Supervising Architect's Office. Draftsman: Architectural. Copyist toooTaphie. Fngineer. Supervising Architect's Office. Heating and ven tilating, Junior architectural. Jun:or engineer, Fngineer Denartraent, Me chanicaU Tsthmian Ca"M Service. Topngrabpic. Topographic, Isthmian Canal Service. F.lettrotyperfinisher. Fdectrotyper-molder. Klevator conductor. n'ineer. Indian Service. Farmer. Fish culturist. Industrial teacher Philippine Ser vice. (To be held in August and De cember). ' Kindergarten teacher. local and assistant inspector boilers. ' local and assistant inspector hulls. Matron. Pharmacist. Phvsic;an. Press feeder. Printer.- ' . ' Scientfic assistant. Stenographer, all services. Stenographer and Typewriter, of ol all services. . - . Stereotyper. Surveyor, Philippine Service. Teacher. Tndiah Service. Teacher, Philippine Service. To be held in August and Deembe ; Trained nurse, all serrices. Tpvwriter. all services, '.'-.ennarian, Pl ilippine Service. W. eman. T' 1 F.itwav Mail Clerk exmi!rt tion will not be held during th fall of s 1 . Inquiries in regard to ti i xamination shouM not be mude until JiKoaty -35, .1912. The . ' mnission has ben vr.'V. I . -urrlv the. demand for MALE stenozraphers and tewriters. es pecially at. Washington, D. C. Young men who are willing to accent aj- pointment at an entrance salary of $840 to $000 ner annnm have excell ent opportunities of appointment. Advancement of capable appointees ;s- reasonably rapid. The Govern ment Service offers a desirable field to bright and ambitious young'men. In accordance with ah act of Con gress an äpplic&fat for "examination for a position in 'the anmrtioned de- 1 partmrnTal $ervice at Washinston. D. C, will te required to be examined in the state or terriory in, which, he resides, nnd the sbow in Ms applica tion that he has-been actually domi ciled in such state or territory for at least5, one year previous to the ex amination. - i ' Application forms and full infrrma tiou in regard to these examinations mavhe obtained bv addressing the TT. S. Civil Service Commission, Wash ington, D. C, or the Secretary of the Board of Examiners at the fol- lowinj-named places: Post Office, Boston, Mass.; Philadelphia, Penna.; Atlanta, Ga.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Chi cago, III.; St. Paul, Minn.; Seattle, Wash.; San Francisco, Sal.; Custom house, New York. N. Y.; New Or leans. La.; Old Customhouse, Saint Louis, Mo. For information in retard to posi tions in post offices, customhouses, and other local services, apply to any one of the above named secretaries. Where Girls Should Start. f I receive many letters from girls, who seem to have one paramount problem, how to enrn a living. The multitude of them want city life, although few have a special train ing to fit for it. When a girl asks for counsel there is only one brand 'of advice to oft'er. First. let her make a begin ning in her own community. No matt?r how small her towii is. there is sure to be a little store where she can uet some idea of busin?ss. A year or two spent in waiting on customer, in making change and caring for ;".lls rubs off considering of th-. i ;nv; whieu'is a Handicap in the city. She can qualify a a stemY.'i anl er in t lie olüee f some country lawyer or village factory. She can ?arn telegraphy or tele phone work, millinery, bookkeeping, library work or journalism. The superintendent of schools in a large city tells me that some of his best teachers were girls who ha 1 taught, for several terms in country schools. They were healthier, less frazzled of nerve, and had more endurance than the city-bred girls. A city hospital recruits, when possible, froai nurses who have been trained in a village hospital. A New York physician de clares he perfers a country-bred nurse to a woman who has never been out of a c'ty. As a rule she has a steadier head, steadier hand and steadier nerves. (Isabel Gordon Curtis in "Sucess Magazine') A Fierce Night Alarm. is the hoarse, startling cough of a chill, suddenly attacked by croup. Often it aroused Lewis Chamblin, of Manchester. O.. (IL IL No. 2) for their four children were greatly sub ject to croup. "Sometimes in severe attacks' he wrote 4 'we were afraid they would die. but since, we proved what a certain remedy Pr. King's New Hiscovery is, we have no fear. We rely on it for coughs, colds or any throat or hing trouble." So do thousands of others. So may you. Asthma. Hay fever. IGrippe, Whooping Cough. Hemorrhages fly before it. 50c and l.oV Trial bottle free. Sold bv Fred Wenzler. MERRILL CLASS HAS ITS ANNUAL PICNIC. The Merrill class of the M. E. Sunday school held its 'annual in door picnic last night at the home of Stella Pamhill on Alexander str?et. Thirty members and friends wer? present and had a fine social time both befor and after the elegant supper which was served. Special mention should In made of the pa;ns Mr. and Mrs. Farnhill ook to make all the enests have a pleasant time, and their kindness will be long remembered by those present.' Attacks School Principal. A severe attack on school principal Chas. B. Allen, of Sylvania, Ga., is thus told by him. "For more than three years," he writes, "I suffer ed indescribable torture from rheu matism, liver and ßtomae'.i trouble and deceased kidneys. All reme lies failed till I nsed 'Electric Bitters, but four bottles of this wonderful cured me completely' ..JSnch,,, re sults are common. Thousands bless them for curing stomach trouble, female complaints, Kidney dis orders, biliousness, and for new health and vi"r. Trv them. Only 50c at Fred Wenzler V UMBRELLAS! r . C r T vav.r,' CS fr S D V CS . ' M u cn s G w H " r CO W PJ rp -a S3 pi n S pi o C. Z, HOWE 105 North MchlQn! 3C ( i I r I. 'i v WOULD PROTECT GIRLS. Mrs. McHenery Asks Fathers and Mothers To Keep Them Off the Streets Late at Night. Ms. Joseph McHenery of the Salvation Army of Mishawaka last night gave an address at the first M. K. church, under the auspicious of the Salvation Army, on the White Slave traffic. lire talk was very impressive to the fathers and mothers, begging the parents to keep their daughters off the streets at night. She said it wasn't the bum in rags that wins the affections of our daughters but it was the boy supposed t be of a high, standard the one that wears his hat on his ear. cuffs on the bottom of his pants and a cigarette in his mouth these are the ones the mother must watch. Let us keep our daughter off the streets late at night, she said until they are strong and able to shield themselves irom the devils in sneeps clothing. Mrs. McHenery has spent many vears in this great work of rescu ing fallen girls, and has been the means of leading many a poor fall en girl to a better life. This work among the fallen girls is one of the -treat features of the 'Army work. Restaurant Changes Hands. The Crown restaurant on west 1 apoi te street, formerly owned bv S. Hughes, changed hands Thurs day. A. M. Scheuerman. the pur chaser, took possession that morning and intends to make a great many changes in the near future. We certainly wish Mr. Scheuerman success in his undertaking. Has Millions Of Frineds. How would you like to number your friends by millions as Bucklen 's Arnica Salve does? Its astounding cures in the past forty years made them. Its the best Salve in the world for sores, ulcers, eczema, burns, boils, scalds, cuts, corns, sore eyes, sprains, swellings, bruises, cold sores. Has no equal for piles. 25e at Fred Wenzler 's. The Cotiiintrczal Club is giving awav over & 100 .00 in cash prize for the best exhibit of fruit, pastry, jams, jellies, canned fruit and all kinds of garden vegetables. Kills a Murderer. A merciless murderer is Appendici tis with manv victims, but Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it bv prevention. They gently stimulate stomach. liver and bowels, prevent- ing mat cioggmg mat innres ap pendicitis, curing Constipation. Headache, Biliousness, Chills, 25c at Fred Wcnzla j TROOPS nEACIITORREOrJ Sent by Mexican Government to Preserve Order. Disturbances Expected on National Holiday, Sept. 16. Cause Secre tary Knox to' Act. Wftshirgtoa, Sept. 11. A force of one thousand Mexican troops bas been tent to Torreon, Mex., to preserve or der. This action was taken at th re quest of Secretary of State Knox, who made diplomatic representations to'tn fcorernmentj thr9ugh Jjfenry Iano Wil son.' American ambassador at" Mexico City. ' . ' " Some time ago George C Carothers, American consular agent there,' re ported to the department that many foreigners and even Mexicans were '.caving that city because of expected disorder on the national holiday cele I ration, which will, take place on S pt. 16. . t Secretary Knox directed Charles M. Freeman, Amerkan consul at Duran ro. to proceed to Torreon to Investi gate conditions there. Mr. Freeman's report resulted in diplomatic repre sentations to tbe Mexican government. Consul Freeman advised the depart' ment yesterday that the troops had ar rived there and there will be no trouble as ion; as they remain. WILL DISCUSS PURE FOOD V .h' t.'-i i t ' X 'r Seth Low Calls Meeting of New Civic Federation, Department. New York, Sept 11.- A call has been Issued by Seth Low, president of the National Civic federation, for the first me-stlng of the pure food and drug de partment of the federation on Wednes day, Sept. 27, in the rooms of the New York board cf txade and transporta tion, 203 Broadway. . The meeting,- of which there will probably be . two sessions, was called to organize the department and map out the work It proposes to do.' Among those in attendance will be representa tives of the department of agricul ture. - - ; . Library Payments Due. The sixth installment of them'ony subscribed for the Library Fund is now due. Prompt payment at the banks or to the secretary of the Library Board is earnestly request ed. C. A. Reeve. Pres. Winnie L. Humrichonser, ecy. 3' dw n Pure Cider Vinegar The Best There WOODBURY'S GROCERY Oscar P. Woodbury Successor to Geo. Vinall. TOO MANY BUSINESS CARDS J. A. MOLTER Moubv to loan oa P arma a specialty Plymouth, Indiana 0. F. HITCHCOCK, DENTIST Ail kU6 ot Dtawu wer oca m Grows!: a &he vera. flMM aid FUIinn of any tSxA. Ooe ofu Manfcal) Oo. Tnut A Sartor Co U'h IU Be ASPINALL Phy oiclän Wild Surccoti 3Ü8 N. Michigan Stre.. - , PLYUPVTH . - ; - INDIANA Surgeon to the Penatyrtraiua, VaaiaHa , : raÄi Lake Sliore Raibiuia. Da V II. Buacrrr lx. C. w. amxrn DENTISTS .. , Office boan 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 5 o m. Rooms in Ourkett Building PLYMOUTH INDIANA. All tic Fall aci Winter Goods have arrived, with -All the Latest Styles. An Early Call will be to Your Advantage. BERGMAN, the TAILOR MARIINELLO PARLORS 124 E. Washington St. TREATMENTS OF SCALP, . ' f AG ALS. PIMPLES, . SHAMPOOING - MOLES. HAIR DRESSINC. WARTS, MANICURINC, ACNE. ELECTROLYSIS CHIROPODY . MRS. M. T. LAWRENCE TELEPHONF 4222 J Eyes Examined Free and Headacbcs Prevented Hltsc. Dttvin moderate pric;; aafactio - curntf e1. , . U. J. BURKE S CO.. Optcmelrisls ..... -, i ... . - - no South Slichiraa Street. out Bead. Iudia Established uoo ( YOU A-RZJi A ) y (QriDmo I J UX X - ' . I XlL J MM HEINZ Is 7 DOCTORS. Donnell in St. Louis Globe-Democrat. FITTING ES IT3 GUSS That is car basis ess THEN REMEMBER that a pair of glaaeea furnished by as means much to you in co.i fort, convenience and econemy. We fit the mo9t difficult ca?e3. We can duplicate any glasä. We please in qualty and prices, and guarantee a correct fit. Examination Free DR. E. R. WOOD ReaMcat Eyeslat ScUtkil. Office over Ovtnnrar ft Axie . Shoe Storv Pljooath, Ind. Phoo 622. UOOR9 TELEPHON ' OUce 2 Beldeoea60 1 to 539 P M. 7 O S:30 POC. DR. H. P. PRESTOIN fmm m mm- 8oecial Attntki9 Hvtn to' Dfeeaaefl of he Eve. Ear. Ko at-d Iitat. Glacate fitted.-- 1 ; - ' OmCE: OVER' BALL OO. PLTMOUTB DRAY LINE 7 Prompt work and careful handling of light or heavy ma terials. Leave or ders at STUCK'S Blacksmith Shop, Phone 4991 v . ! - -- " or phone residence No. 4804, IRA STUCK f MM 1 11 I .v i GUA3ANTZEO SJt77SCrVA GR MONEY GS-rUKO-D.